
PMID(sorted descending)
sarcina ventriculi in human faeces. 19715116255
liability from experiments. 19715115842
bacterial and fungal flora of seagull droppingsd in jersey 166 fresh and 122 dried seagull droppings were obtained and studied locally and in london for the presence of bacteria and fungi of potentially pathogenic nature. there were no salmonella or shigella bacteria isolated from the two groups but there was a high proportion of candida albicans obtained from the fresh material (21.7%) and only 1.6% from the dry faeces. cryptococcus neoformans and histoplasma capsulatum were not found in either the dry or fresh droppings. the normal bacterial ...19715104846
commuter travel and sickness absence of london office workers. 19725079910
immunity to influenza. 19725075911
influenza and infant mortality.early neonatal mortality in england and wales in the second quarter of 1970 after a major influenza epidemic was slightly but significantly higher than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year. an increase was also noted in the first quarter of 1970. analysis of infant mortality and an index of influenza prevalence over the past quarter-century indicates that similar increases occurred in relation to four of the other five major influenza epidemics during the period, the exception being ...19725069637
human infection with isospora belli in england: a case report. 19725032219
maternal influenza and perinatal mortality. 19725031665
the effect of real and simulated time-zone shifts upon the circadian rhythms of body temperature, plasma 11-hydroxycorticosteroids, and renal excretion in human subjects.1. observations were made upon five subjects who flew through 4(1/2)-6 time zones, four of them returning later to their starting point, and upon twenty-three subjects experiencing simulated 6 or 8 hr time zones shifts in either direction in an isolation unit.2. measurements were made of plasma concentration of 11-hydroxycorticosteroids, of body temperature, and of urinary excretion of sodium, potassium and chloride. their rhythm was defined, where possible, by fitting a sine curve of period 24 ...19725016984
relationship of air temperature to outbreaks of influenza. 19725016133
the human lens. ii. some observations on cataracts removed in oxford, england. 19725013585
the human lens. i. a comparison of cataracts extracted in oxford (england) and shikarpur (w. pakistan). 19725013584
the exponential decrease of 137 cs in man from mid-1965 through mid-1968 and its significance. 19704997990
man and animals not identical. 19704987875
the natural history of the human teeth. a bi-centennial note. 19714943030
low dose radiation cancers in man. 19714941152
human embryology. 19714930993
thomas blizard curling--the man and the ulcer. 19714928772
success and failure in human virus disease. iv. immunization. 19714926368
"william harvey, dr. of physique and chirurgery". "a man for all seasons". 19704905652
body burden of pesticides in man. 19694896087
harry harris. the william allan memorial award presented at the annual meeting of the american society of human genetics, austin, texas october 12, 1968. 19694890276
'physitians abounding in phantasie'. 19684883724
museum specimens of the main superficial and deep lymphatics of the leg in man. 19684877059
[in remembrance of an unforgettable man]. 19674876159
invasive illness with salmonella virchow infection.salmonella virchow infection in man is usually sporadic and is little known in britain. we report an outbreak of 21 cases in the manchester area. the source of infection was believed to be chickens bought at different shops. symptoms were typhoidal or septicaemic.19744856881
design and practice in a surgical investigation unit. 19744844660
proceedings: electrocardiographic changes in a2 england-42-72 influenza infection in patients treated at home. 19744842625
proceedings: international collaborative studies of cancer in man: role of the national cancer institute. 19744819413
some features of the distribution of birthweight of human infants. 19744816582
statistitaxia. number four in the series: the sickology of modern man. 19734802879
flavobacterium meningosepticum from cases of meningitis in botswana and england.two strains of flavobacterium meningosepticum isolated from cases of meningitis are described. one was isolated in botswana from a man with an aplastic anaemia, the other in the uk from an infant who was probably infected in bangladesh. the severity of the infection, the characterization of the organism, and the possibility that infection may be found in the uk are discussed.19734800468
ergonomics--the scientific study of man at work. 19734794137
the relation between diet and the gut microflora in man. 19734791056
fatal interstitial pneumonitis and english (london) influenza. three case reports which illustrate the typical bacteria-free course of infection. 19734761181
obstetric and perinatal histories of children who died unexpectedly (cot death). 19734761051
letter: antibody response to a-england-42-72 influenza vaccine. 19734752323
[influenza vaccines with virus a-england-42-72]. 19734745553
a review of agricultural pesticide incidents in man in england and wales, 1952-71. 19734737427
the ills of man. 19734731807
influenza--the problems and the future. 19734717619
new horizons in medical ethics. research investigations and the fetus. 19734712488
an old man: a patient care study. 19724674996
incidence of neoplasms in children born after influenza epidemics.following a recent report that neoplasia of the lymphatic and haematopoietic tissues is commoner than average in children whose mothers have had influenza in pregnancy, the incidence of neoplasms in 1954-68 in children of the manchester hospital region was examined in relation to date of birth. there were no significant differences between cohorts born in different quinquennia. incidence among children born after six influenza epidemics in 1951-68 was no higher than among other children born in ...19724674941
the prevalence of bovine type tuberculous infection in man in the english rural population. 19724673102
subclinical brucella infection in man.much subclinical infection with brucella abortus affects the dairy farming community, slaughterhouse workers, and veterinary surgeons. high titres of antibody to b. abortus by the saline agglutination, antihuman globulin, or complement fixation test may be shown in subjects from the first two groups and generally there are no symptoms or signs of brucella infection whatever. veterinary surgeons are prone to subclinical infection and young practitioners frequently display high titres against the ...19724625113
thomas peel dunhill, the forgotten man of thyroid surgery. 19744618582
alveolar defects in human skulls. 19744615108
alfred russel wallace, the origin of man, and spiritualism. 19744609949
a controlled trial of inactivated monovalent influenza a vaccines in general practice.a trial of influenza a vaccines in general practice is described. five hundred and seven subjects were vaccinated with either inactivated monovalent a/hong kong vaccine, a/england vaccine or influenza b vaccine as control. local reactions were noted in 24% and general reactions in 12% of patients. antibody titres in serum were measured by haemagglutination inhibition (hi) and complement fixation (cf) tests in 465 subjects. the influenza vaccines produced substantial increases in both homologous ...19744608708
man against insect. 2. david bruce v sleeping sickness. 19744602923
man against insect--the fight to control disease. 19744602560
the non-sporing anaerobic bacteria in human faeces. 19744599664
recent trends in human salmonellosis in england and wales: the epidemiology of prevalent serotypes other than salmonella the period 1960-70 meat and poultry products caused over 70% of successfully investigated outbreaks of human salmonellosis. the number of human incidents of salmonellosis declined from 1960 to 1966, but then more than doubled between 1966 and 1971. this increase was mainly due to a threefold increase of incidents of salmonella serotypes other than salmonella typhimurium. the serotypes which increased most and contributed significantly to this trend were s. enteritidis, s. panama, s. stanley, ...19744595088
william hunter's "the anatomy of the human gravid uterus" 1774-1974. 19744594348
antiviral activity of rimantadine, virological, pathomorphological, and clinical studies. 19734588827
[influenza a2 (england) 72 (clinical picture and treatment)]. 19734585377
geneticists and the biology of race crossing.geneticists in england and the united states clearly reversed their published remarks on the effects of race crossing between 1930 and 1950. the reversal occurred in two steps. first came the change in the 1930's from a condemnation of wide race crosses to an agnostic view. the second change, from the agnostic view to the belief that wide race crosses were at worst biologically harmless, took place during and shortly after world war ii. the entire reversal occurred in the light of little new com ...19734583525
the draw-a-man test: a study of scoring methods, validity and norms with english children at five and eleven years. 19734581282
william charles wells and the races of man. 19734580238
major sir frederick thomas george hobday c.m.g., f.r.c.v.s., f.r.s.e. 1870-1939. man, surgeon and principal of the royal veterinary college. 19724580143
epidemiology of influenza in australia and papua new guinea. 19734577780
man and beast--some medical thoughts on veterinary research. 19724577704
david nieto, m.d. (1654-1728). rabbi, physician, philosopher, and man of culture. 19724569330
relationship between the concentration of caesium-137 in milk and man. 19724568406
medicolegal contributions of historical interest. the action of carbonic oxide on man. 19724564671
human liver replacement. an interim evaluation. 19724561976
[john locke as a physician, man and patient]. 19724558216
wakeley--the king's man. 19724557157
bicentenary of a dental classic: john hunter's "natural history of the human teeth". 19724557093
thomas hodgkin--the man and his times. 19724556921
dentistry a hundred years ago. charles james fox--the forgotten man. 19724556165
the etiology of human malformations: insights from epidemiology. 19724555818
salmonella in pigs and animal feeding stuffs in england and wales and in denmark.a comparison has been made between the incidence of salmonellas in pigs and feeding stuffs in england and wales and in denmark. in denmark there is veterinary legislation requiring the sterilization of imported and home produced feed ingredients of animal origin. there is no such legislation in england and wales. in denmark 0.3% of resterilized imported meat and bone meal was contaminated with salmonellas. this compared with 23% of meat and bone meal in england and wales and 20-27% of other ingr ...19724552257
n is for no man. 19734535148
a study of lead distribution in human teeth, using charged particle activation analysis. 19744525552
distribution of symmetric and asymmetric patterns of caries attack in human permanent maxillary incisor teeth: genetic implications. 19734515583
experiments in human work capabilities under pressure, now being conducted at the royal naval physiological laboratory. 19724508868
commercial human mild banks in the united kingdom. 19734492099
our man in the city. insuring against hazards at home. 19734491204
our man in the city is alec snobel. 19734489283
the fight against 'flu--the work of the common cold unit. 19734489037
conclusions reached at the iabs symposium on immunity to infections of the respiratory system in man and animals. london 22-25 april 1974. 19744459399
[editorial: influenza b]. 19744446548
freedom in a modern community. 19744431369
the position of the technical man in local government reorganization. 19744428019
letter: a human right. 19744419808
[epidemics of influenza due to virus a-england-42-72 in the winter of 1972-1973]. 19744418830
lead concentrations in human milk. 19744414068
infants, children, and informed consent.obtaining informed consent for non-therapeutic experimentation on infants and children has ethical and legal implications that cause great controversy. there is some danger that worthy research will be inhibited if current ethical codes are interpreted too strictly, yet infants, children, and other vulnerable groups clearly must be protected from exploitation as research subjects. it is suggested that permission from parents coupled with integrity of the investigator will remain the child's best ...19744413853
non-random distributions of caries attacks among mesial and distal surfaces of human permanent maxillary incisors. 19724403031
brugia infections in man and animals: long-term observations on microfilaraemia and estimates of the efficiency of transmission from mosquito vector to definitive host. 19714401424
genetically determined electrophoretic variations of human phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. 19684385474
standardization in human cytogenetics. 19674382978
clinical testing of human interferon in infectious diseases. 19744377883
precipitating antibodies to herpes simplex virus in human sera: prevalence of antibody to common antigen (band ii). 19744377149
post-transfusion hepatitis in a london hospital: results of a two-year prospective study. a report to the m.r.c. blood transfusion research committee by the medical research council working party on post-transfusion hundred and sixty-eight patients were seen and tested at frequent intervals after transfusion of whole blood. eight patients were judged to have developed icteric or anicteric post-transfusion viral hepatitis, an incidence of 1%. five were icteric and four of these were hepatitis b antigen (hb ag) positive; two of these four died. one of the fatal cases and one non-fatal hb ag positive case had received hb ag positive blood. two other antigen-positive patients had received blood or plasma ...19744370614
the isolation of enteroviruses from cases of acute two epidemics of acute enterovirus conjunctivitis the diagnosis could only be established by the use of human embryonic organ cultures. in one instance cultures of ciliated respiratory epithelium proved sensitive to the virus but similar culture failed to support growth of the virus from the second outbreak which was isolated in organ cultures of conjunctiva. the virus associated with a third outbreak had previously been isolated from the original material by culture in human embryo kidney ce ...19734356574
social class and infectious mononucleosis.the socio-economic status of 80 patients with infectious mononucleosis was compared with the socio-economic distribution of the general population in the same area of south-west london. an excess incidence of infectious mononucleosis was observed among subjects from upper socio-economic groups. a possible relationship between this observation and the epidemiology of the epstein-barr virus is discussed.19734348454
reported influenza in pregnancy and subsequent cancer in the child.a longitudinal study of 1,959 infants born in the first week of march 1958 to mothers who were reported to have had influenza during pregnancy revealed an incidence of cancer of 4.1 per 1,000 compared with only 0.8 per 1,000 among the 14,791 infants of mothers who had not had influenza.this increase was caused by cases of leukaemia and other neoplasms of lymphatic and haematopoietic tissue (i.c.d. 200-209) (p <0.0001).data from the reports of the registrar general for england and wales were used ...19724337948
Displaying items 2801 - 2900 of 3581