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streptococcus troglodytidis sp. nov., isolated from a foot abscess of a chimpanzee (pan troglodytes).a facultative anaerobic, non-motile, non-spore-forming, gram-positive-staining, coccus-shaped bacterium was isolated from an abscess on the right foot of a chimpanzee (pan troglodytes). the colonies were β-haemolytic. catalase and oxidase activities were negative. the lancefield group b antigen was expressed. on the basis of morphological and biochemical characteristics, the bacterium was tentatively identified as a streptococcal species. 16s rrna gene sequence analysis indicated that the bacter ...201322467158
understanding the functional properties of tools: chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) and capuchin monkeys (cebus apella) attend to tool features differently.we examined whether eight capuchins and eight chimpanzees were able to retrieve a reward placed inside a tube, of varying length, by selecting the correct stick from different sets of three sticks differing in length (functional feature) and handle (non-functional feature). moreover, to investigate whether seeing the stick inside the tube (visual feedback) improves performance, half of the subjects were tested with a transparent apparatus and the other half with an opaque apparatus. phase 1 incl ...201222466753
molecular characterization, polymorphism and association of porcine ibp4 gene.the complete coding sequence of the porcine ibp4 gene was isolated using rt-pcr. sequence analysis showed that the porcine ibp4 gene encodes a protein of 259 amino acids which shares high homology with the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4 (ibp4) of eight species: cattle (97 %), goat (97 %), chimpanzee (97 %), human (96 %), giant panda (96 %), sheep (95 %), sumatran orangutan (95 %) and rabbit (93 %). this gene is structured in four exons and three introns as revealed by computer- ass ...201222464822
the majority of genetic variation in orangutan personality and subjective well-being is nonadditive.the heritability of human personality is well-established. recent research indicates that nonadditive genetic effects, such as dominance and epistasis, play a large role in personality variation. one possible explanation for the latter finding is that there has been recent selection on human personality. to test this possibility, we estimated additive and nonadditive genetic variance in personality and subjective well-being of zoo-housed orangutans. more than half of the genetic variance in thes ...201222460560
terrestrial nest-building by wild chimpanzees (pan troglodytes): implications for the tree-to-ground sleep transition in early hominins.nest-building is a great ape universal and arboreal nesting in chimpanzees and bonobos suggests that the common ancestor of pan and homo also nested in trees. it has been proposed that arboreal nest-building remained the prevailing pattern until homo erectus, a fully terrestrial biped, emerged. we investigated the unusual occurrence of ground-nesting in chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), which may inform on factors influencing the tree-to-ground sleep transition in the hominin lineage. we used a nov ...201222460549
genetic polymorphism of serum complement components in the chimpanzee.significant polymorphism of serum complement components bf, c2, c3, c6, and c8 in the chimpanzee has been demonstrated. the data are consistent with the hypothesis that c2 and bf are closely linked to chla and argue against close linkage of chla to c3 or to c8, as in man. in addition, a blank allele for c6 and c6 deficiency was detected in several chimps.198022457919
a novel mammalian social structure in indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins (tursiops sp.): complex male alliances in an open social network.terrestrial mammals with differentiated social relationships live in 'semi-closed groups' that occasionally accept new members emigrating from other groups. bottlenose dolphins (tursiops sp.) in shark bay, western australia, exhibit a fission-fusion grouping pattern with strongly differentiated relationships, including nested male alliances. previous studies failed to detect a group membership 'boundary', suggesting that the dolphins live in an open social network. however, two alternative hypot ...201222456886
methylation and expression analyses of the 7q autism susceptibility locus genes mest , copg2, and tsga14 in human and anthropoid primate cortices.the autism susceptibility locus on human chromosome 7q32 contains the maternally imprinted mest and the non-imprinted copg2 and tsga14 genes. autism is a disorder of the 'social brain' that has been proposed to be due to an overbalance of paternally expressed genes. to study regulation of the 7q32 locus during anthropoid primate evolution, we analyzed the methylation and expression patterns of mest, copg2, and tsga14 in human, chimpanzee, old world monkey (baboon and rhesus macaque), and new wor ...201222456293
botulinum neurotoxin d-c uses synaptotagmin i and ii as receptors, and human synaptotagmin ii is not an effective receptor for type b, d-c and g toxins.botulinum neurotoxins (bonts) are classified into seven types (a-g), but multiple subtype and mosaic toxins exist. these subtype and mosaic toxins share a high sequence identity, and presumably the same receptors and substrates with their parental toxins. here, we report that a mosaic toxin, type d-c (bont/d-c), uses different receptors from its parental toxin bont/c. bont/d-c, but not bont/c, binds directly to the luminal domains of synaptic vesicle proteins synaptotagmin (syt) i and ii, and re ...201222454523
transcription factors are targeted by differentially expressed mirnas in primates.micrornas (mirnas) are small rna molecules involved in the regulation of mammalian gene expression. together with other transcription regulators, mirnas modulate the expression of genes and thereby potentially contribute to tissue and species diversity. to identify mirnas that are differentially expressed between tissues and/or species, and the genes regulated by these, we have quantified expression of mirnas and messenger rnas in five tissues from multiple human, chimpanzee, and rhesus macaque ...201222454130
annotation of primate mirnas by high throughput sequencing of small rna addition to genome sequencing, accurate functional annotation of genomes is required in order to carry out comparative and evolutionary analyses between species. among primates, the human genome is the most extensively annotated. human mirna gene annotation is based on multiple lines of evidence including evidence for expression as well as prediction of the characteristic hairpin structure. in contrast, most mirna genes in non-human primates are annotated based on homology without any express ...201222453055
a new look at an old canal.attempts to explain abducens vulnerability have centered around the petroclival segment of its pathway in the skull base, in particular, its relations to the dorello's canal and the petrosphenoidal ligament of grüber. this study aims to contribute to the definition of the dorello's canal and to the understanding of abducens vulnerability from an evolutionary perspective. the petroclival region and the dorello's canal in particular were examined in a sample of 86 primate skulls. the sample contai ...201122451800
dna barcoding of schistosome cercariae reveals a novel sub-lineage within schistosoma rodhaini from ngamba island chimpanzee sanctuary, lake victoria.while schistosoma rodhaini is typically considered a parasite of small mammals and is very scantly distributed in the lake victoria basin, it is known to hybridize with the more widespread schistosoma mansoni, the causative agent of intestinal schistosomiasis. as part of broader parasitological and malacological surveys for s. mansoni across lake victoria, schistosome cercariae were harvested from a field-caught biomphalaria choanomphala taken on ngamba island chimpanzee sanctuary, uganda. upon ...201222448675
streptococcus troglodytae sp. nov., from the chimpanzee oral cavity.six strains, tku 25, tku 28, tku 30, tku 31(t), tku 33 and tku 34, were isolated from the oral cavity of a chimpanzee (pan troglodytes). colonies of strains grown on mitis-salivarius agar were similar in morphology to that of streptococcus mutans. the novel strains were gram-stain-positive, facultatively anaerobic cocci that lacked catalase activity. analysis of the partial 16s rrna gene sequences of these isolates showed that the most closely related strain was the type strain of s. mutans (96. ...201322447699
rodent models of hand and drug abuse: exogenous administration of viral protein(s) and cocaine.humans and chimpanzees are the natural hosts for hiv. non-human primate models of siv/shiv infection in rhesus, cynomologus and pigtail macaques have been used extensively as excellent model systems for pathogenesis and vaccine studies. however, owing to the variability of disease progression in infected macaques, a phenomenon identical to humans, coupled with their prohibitive costs, there exists a critical need for the development of small-animal models in which to study the untoward effects o ...201222447295
chimpanzee carrying behaviour and the origins of human bipedality. 201222440797
iom offers more guidelines for chimpanzee research; nih to review its portfolio. 201222439362
social learning of a communicative signal in captive chimpanzees.the acquisition of linguistic competency from more experienced social partners is a fundamental aspect of human language. however, there is little evidence that non-human primates learn to use their vocalizations from social partners. captive chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) produce idiosyncratic vocal signals that are used intentionally to capture the attention of a human experimenter. interestingly, not all apes produce these sounds, and it is unclear what factors explain this difference. we test ...201222438489
delaying gratification for food and tokens in capuchin monkeys (cebus apella) and chimpanzees (pan troglodytes): when quantity is salient, symbolic stimuli do not improve performance.capuchin monkeys have been tested for the capacity to delay gratification for accumulating rewards in recent studies and have exhibited variable results. meanwhile, chimpanzees have consistently excelled at this task. however, neither species have ever been tested at accumulating symbolic tokens instead of food items, even though previous reports indicate that tokens sometimes facilitate performance in other self-control tasks. thus, in the present study, we tested capuchin monkeys and chimpanze ...201222434403
species association of hepatitis b virus (hbv) in non-human apes; evidence for recombination between gorilla and chimpanzee variants.hepatitis b virus (hbv) infections are widely distributed in humans, infecting approximately one third of the world's population. hbv variants have also been detected and genetically characterised from old world apes; gorilla gorilla (gorilla), pan troglodytes (chimpanzee), pongo pygmaeus (orang-utan), nomascus nastusus and hylobates pileatus (gibbons) and from the new world monkey, lagothrix lagotricha (woolly monkey). to investigate species-specificity and potential for cross species transmiss ...201222432021
the nucleus pararaphales in the human, chimpanzee, and macaque monkey.the human cerebral cortex and cerebellum are greatly expanded compared to those of other mammals, including the great apes. this expansion is reflected in differences in the size and organization of precerebellar brainstem structures, such as the inferior olive. in addition, there are cell groups unique to the human brainstem. one such group may be the nucleus pararaphales (pra); however, there is disagreement among authors about the size and location of this nucleus in the human brainstem. the ...201322426796
female chimpanzees use copulation calls flexibly to prevent social competition.the adaptive function of copulation calls in female primates has been debated for years. one influential idea is that copulation calls are a sexually selected trait, which enables females to advertise their receptive state to males. male-male competition ensues and females benefit by getting better mating partners and higher quality offspring. we analysed the copulation calling behaviour of wild female chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at budongo forest, uganda, but found no support f ...200822423311
a fine-scale chimpanzee genetic map from population study the evolution of recombination rates in apes, we developed methodology to construct a fine-scale genetic map from high-throughput sequence data from 10 western chimpanzees, pan troglodytes verus. compared to the human genetic map, broad-scale recombination rates tend to be conserved, but with exceptions, particularly in regions of chromosomal rearrangements and around the site of ancestral fusion in human chromosome 2. at fine scales, chimpanzee recombination is dominated by hotspots, w ...201222422862
placement of the diaphragmatic vertebra in catarrhines: implications for the evolution of dorsostability in hominoids and bipedalism in hominins.a fundamental adaptation to orthograde posture and locomotion amongst living hominoid primates is a numerically reduced lumbar column, which acts to stiffen the lower back and reduce injuries to the intervertebral discs. a related and functionally complementary strategy of spinal stability is a caudal position of the diaphragmatic vertebra relative to the primitive condition found in nonhominoid primates and most other mammals. the diaphragmatic vertebra marks the transition in vertebral articul ...201222419482
the evolution of african great ape subtelomeric heterochromatin and the fusion of human chromosome 2.chimpanzee and gorilla chromosomes differ from human chromosomes by the presence of large blocks of subterminal heterochromatin thought to be composed primarily of arrays of tandem satellite sequence. we explore their sequence composition and organization and show a complex organization composed of specific sets of segmental duplications that have hyperexpanded in concert with the formation of subterminal satellites. these regions are highly copy number polymorphic between and within species, an ...201222419167
impartial third-party interventions in captive chimpanzees: a reflection of community concern.because conflicts among social group members are inevitable, their management is crucial for group stability. the rarest and most interesting form of conflict management is policing, i.e., impartial interventions by bystanders, which is of considerable interest due to its potentially moral nature. here, we provide descriptive and quantitative data on policing in captive chimpanzees. first, we report on a high rate of policing in one captive group characterized by recently introduced females and ...201222412879
responses toward a trapped animal by wild bonobos at wamba.chimpanzees and bonobos are the closest living relatives of humans and diverged relatively recently in their phylogenetic history. however, a number of reports have suggested behavioral discrepancies between the two pan species, such as more cooperative and tolerant social interaction and poorer tool-using repertoires in bonobos. concerning hunting behavior and meat consumption, recent studies from the field have confirmed both behaviors not only in chimpanzees but also in bonobos. the present s ...201222411619
kuru: the first prion disease.kuru disease is linked with the name of d. carleton gajdusek and he was the first to show that this human neurodegenerative disease can be transmitted to chimpanzees and subsequently classified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (tse), or slow unconventional virus disease. it was first reported to western world in 1957 by gajdusek and vincent zigas,(1,2) and in 1975 a complete bibliography of kuru was published by alpers et al.(3) "kuru" in the fore language in papua new guinea means t ...201222411241
the mammalian bony labyrinth reconsidered, introducing a comprehensive geometric morphometric approach.the bony labyrinth in the temporal bone houses the sensory systems of balance and hearing. while the overall structure of the semicircular canals and cochlea is similar across therian mammals, their detailed morphology varies even among closely related groups. as such, the shape of the labyrinth carries valuable functional and phylogenetic information. here we introduce a new, semilandmark-based three-dimensional geometric morphometric approach to shape analysis of the labyrinth, as a major impr ...201222404255
hairless mutation: a driving force of humanization from a human-ape common ancestor by enforcing upright walking while holding a baby with both hands.three major characteristics distinguish humans from other primates: bipedality, practical nakedness, and the family as a social unit. a hairless mutation introduced into the chimpanzee/human last common ancestor (clca) 6 million years ago (mya) diverged hairless human and hairy chimpanzee lineages. all primates except humans can carry their babies without using their hands. a hairless mother would be forced to stand and walk upright. her activities would be markedly limited. the male partner wou ...201222404045
insights into hominid evolution from the gorilla genome sequence.gorillas are humans' closest living relatives after chimpanzees, and are of comparable importance for the study of human origins and evolution. here we present the assembly and analysis of a genome sequence for the western lowland gorilla, and compare the whole genomes of all extant great ape genera. we propose a synthesis of genetic and fossil evidence consistent with placing the human-chimpanzee and human-chimpanzee-gorilla speciation events at approximately 6 and 10 million years ago. in 30% ...201222398555
genomic tools for evolution and conservation in the chimpanzee: pan troglodytes ellioti is a genetically distinct spite of its evolutionary significance and conservation importance, the population structure of the common chimpanzee, pan troglodytes, is still poorly understood. an issue of particular controversy is whether the proposed fourth subspecies of chimpanzee, pan troglodytes ellioti, from parts of nigeria and cameroon, is genetically distinct. although modern high-throughput snp genotyping has had a major impact on our understanding of human population structure and demographic history, its appli ...201222396655
failure to detect simian immunodeficiency virus infection in a large cameroonian cohort with high non-human primate exposure.hunting and butchering of wildlife in central africa are known risk factors for a variety of human diseases, including hiv/aids. due to the high incidence of human exposure to body fluids of non-human primates, the significant prevalence of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) in non-human primates, and hunting/butchering associated cross-species transmission of other retroviruses in central africa, it is possible that siv is actively transmitted to humans from primate species other than mangabey ...201222395958
the composite face effect in chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) and rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta).the accurate recognition of individuals is a cornerstone of social exchange in primates. current approaches to the study of individual recognition, however, are focused on human performance and only occasionally reference comparative research for support. a number of studies have suggested that humans can easily recognize thousands of individual faces and that this perceptual expertise is supported by holistic processing, a phenomenon best demonstrated by the composite face effect (cfe). recent ...201222390621
intergroup aggression in chimpanzees and war in nomadic hunter-gatherers: evaluating the chimpanzee model.chimpanzee and hunter-gatherer intergroup aggression differ in important ways, including humans having the ability to form peaceful relationships and alliances among groups. this paper nevertheless evaluates the hypothesis that intergroup aggression evolved according to the same functional principles in the two species-selection favoring a tendency to kill members of neighboring groups when killing could be carried out safely. according to this idea chimpanzees and humans are equally risk-averse ...201222388773
sexual size dimorphism, canine dimorphism, and male-male competition in primates: where do humans fit in?sexual size dimorphism is generally associated with sexual selection via agonistic male competition in nonhuman primates. these primate models play an important role in understanding the origins and evolution of human behavior. human size dimorphism is often hypothesized to be associated with high rates of male violence and polygyny. this raises the question of whether human dimorphism and patterns of male violence are inherited from a common ancestor with chimpanzees or are uniquely derived. he ...201222388772
cloning and functional characterization of rat stimulator of interferon genes (sting) regulated by mir-24.stimulator of interferon (ifn) genes (sting), also known as mpys/mita/eris/tmem173, is a recently discovered adaptor protein that functions downstream of rig-i and upstream of tbk1 and plays an important role in type i interferon (ifn) production. mammalian stings have been isolated from human, mouse, pig, cattle and chimpanzee. in this study, the rat sting cdna was cloned by degenerate pcr and rapid amplification of 3'-cdna ends (3'-race) strategies. the full-length cdna of rat sting consists o ...201222387590
identification of the social and cognitive processes underlying human cumulative culture.the remarkable ecological and demographic success of humanity is largely attributed to our capacity for cumulative culture, with knowledge and technology accumulating over time, yet the social and cognitive capabilities that have enabled cumulative culture remain unclear. in a comparative study of sequential problem solving, we provided groups of capuchin monkeys, chimpanzees, and children with an experimental puzzlebox that could be solved in three stages to retrieve rewards of increasing desir ...201222383851
in vitro and in vivo metabolism and pharmacokinetics of bms-562086, a potent and orally bioavailable corticotropin-releasing factor-1 receptor antagonist.the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (adme) and the pharmacokinetic characteristics of bms-562086 [pexacerfont; 8-(6-methoxy-2-methyl-3-pyridinyl)-2,7-dimethyl-n-[(1r)-1-methylpropyl]pyrazolo(1,5-a)-1,3,5-triazin-4-amine (dpc-a69448)] were investigated in vitro and in animals to support its clinical development. bms-562086 was orally bioavailable in rats, dogs, and chimpanzees, with an absolute oral bioavailability of 40.1, 58.8, and 58.5%, respectively. bms-562086 was extensi ...201222381334
asymmetries of the parietal operculum in chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) in relation to handedness for tool use.a left larger than right planum temporale (pt) is a neuroanatomical asymmetry common to both humans and chimpanzees. a similar asymmetry was observed in the human parietal operculum (po), and the convergence of pt and po asymmetries is strongly associated with right-handedness. here, we assessed whether this combination also exists in common chimpanzees. magnetic resonance scans were obtained in 83 captive subjects. pt was quantified following procedures previously employed and po was defined as ...201322368087
functional characterization of the p53 binding site in the human pynod promoter.many members of the nod-like receptor (nlr) family play important roles in pathogen recognition and inflammation. however, human pynod, an nlr-like protein consisting of a pyrin domain and a nucleotidebinding and oligomerization domain (nod), has been reported to inhibit inflammatory signals. using bioinformatics, we found a completely preserved canonical p53 binding site in the pynod core promoter (-228 to -237 bp) both in humans and in chimpanzees. in this study, we investigated the characteri ...201222365966
endocranial volume of australopithecus africanus: new ct-based estimates and the effects of missing data and small sample size.estimation of endocranial volume in australopithecus africanus is important in interpreting early hominin brain evolution. however, the number of individuals available for investigation is limited and most of these fossils are, to some degree, incomplete and/or distorted. uncertainties of the required reconstruction ('missing data uncertainty') and the small sample size ('small sample uncertainty') both potentially bias estimates of the average and within-group variation of endocranial volume in ...201222365336
α1proteinase inhibitor regulates cd4+ lymphocyte levels and is rate limiting in hiv-1 disease.the regulation of adult stem cell migration through human hematopoietic tissue involves the chemokine cxcl12 (sdf-1) and its receptor cxcr4 (cd184). in addition, human leukocyte elastase (hle) plays a key role. when hle is located on the cell surface (hle(cs)), it acts not as a proteinase, but as a receptor for α(1)proteinase inhibitor (α(1)pi, α(1)antitrypsin, serpina1). binding of α(1)pi to hle(cs) forms a motogenic complex. we previously demonstrated that α(1)pi deficiency attends hiv-1 disea ...201222363634
phase ia clinical evaluation of the safety and immunogenicity of the plasmodium falciparum blood-stage antigen ama1 in chad63 and mva vaccine vectors.traditionally, vaccine development against the blood-stage of plasmodium falciparum infection has focused on recombinant protein-adjuvant formulations in order to induce high-titer growth-inhibitory antibody responses. however, to date no such vaccine encoding a blood-stage antigen(s) alone has induced significant protective efficacy against erythrocytic-stage infection in a pre-specified primary endpoint of a phase iia/b clinical trial designed to assess vaccine efficacy. cell-mediated response ...201222363582
foreign drug trials: questionable use of chimpanzees. 201222358822
community-specific evaluation of tool affordances in wild chimpanzees.the notion of animal culture, defined as socially transmitted community-specific behaviour patterns, remains controversial, notably because the definition relies on surface behaviours without addressing underlying cognitive processes. in contrast, human cultures are the product of socially acquired ideas that shape how individuals interact with their environment. we conducted field experiments with two culturally distinct chimpanzee communities in uganda, which revealed significant differences i ...201122355645
topography of the chimpanzee corpus callosum.the corpus callosum (cc) is the largest commissural white matter tract in mammalian brains, connecting homotopic and heterotopic regions of the cerebral cortex. knowledge of the distribution of callosal fibers projecting into specific cortical regions has important implications for understanding the evolution of lateralized structures and functions of the cerebral cortex. no comparisons of cc topography in humans and great apes have yet been conducted. we investigated the topography of the cc in ...201222355406
humans and chimpanzees attend differently to goal-directed actions.humans comprehend the actions of others by making inferences about intentional mental states of another. however, little is known about how this capacity develops and whether this is shared with other animals. here we show the ontogenetic and evolutionary foundations of this ability by comparing the eye movements of 8- and 12-month-old human infants, adults and chimpanzees as they watched videos presenting goal-directed and non-goal-directed actions by an actor. we find that chimpanzees anticipa ...201222353723
neuropil distribution in the cerebral cortex differs between humans and chimpanzees.increased connectivity of high-order association regions in the neocortex has been proposed as a defining feature of human brain evolution. at present, however, there are limited comparative data to examine this claim fully. we tested the hypothesis that the distribution of neuropil across areas of the neocortex of humans differs from that of one of our closest living relatives, the common chimpanzee. the neuropil provides a proxy measure of total connectivity within a local region because it is ...201222350926
recruitment and interaction of human dendritic and t cells in autologous liver slices experimentally infected with hcv produced in cell culture.studying the immunological processes taking place during the initial steps of acute hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection has been a challenge in patients. shin et al. have recently reported that delayed induction, not impaired recruitment of specific cd8(+) t cells, causes the late onset of acute hepatitis c in chimpanzees (gastroenterology, 2011). however, further elucidation of the underlying mechanisms is difficult in vivo. we made observations consistent with their conclusions in human liver sl ...201222349126
dogs (canis familiaris), but not chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), understand imperative pointing.chimpanzees routinely follow the gaze of humans to outside targets. however, in most studies using object choice they fail to use communicative gestures (e.g. pointing) to find hidden food. chimpanzees' failure to do this may be due to several difficulties with this paradigm. they may, for example, misinterpret the gesture as referring to the opaque cup instead of the hidden food. or perhaps they do not understand informative communicative intentions. in contrast, dogs seem to be skilful in usin ...201222347411
rates and fitness consequences of new mutations in humans.the human mutation rate per nucleotide site per generation (μ) can be estimated from data on mutation rates at loci causing mendelian genetic disease, by comparing putatively neutrally evolving nucleotide sequences between humans and chimpanzees and by comparing the genome sequences of relatives. direct estimates from genome sequencing of relatives suggest that μ is about 1.1 × 10(-8), which is about twofold lower than estimates based on the human-chimp divergence. this implies that an average o ...201222345605
the human cytomegalovirus-specific ul1 gene encodes a late-phase glycoprotein incorporated in the virion envelope.we have investigated the previously uncharacterized human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) ul1 open reading frame (orf), a member of the rapidly evolving hcmv rl11 family. ul1 is hcmv specific; the absence of ul1 in chimpanzee cytomegalovirus (ccmv) and sequence analysis studies suggest that ul1 may have originated by the duplication of an ancestor gene from the rl11-trl cluster (trl11, trl12, and trl13). sequence similarity searches against human immunoglobulin (ig)-containing proteins revealed that hcmv ...201222345456
[research proceedings on primate comparative genomics].with the accomplishment of genome sequencing of human, chimpanzee and other primates, there has been a great amount of primate genome information accumulated. primate comparative genomics has become a new research field at current genome era. in this article, we reviewed recent progress in phylogeny, genome structure and gene expression of human and nonhuman primates, and we elaborated the major biological differences among human, chimpanzee and other non-human primate species, which is informat ...201222345018
an unexpected admirer of ladygina-kohts.previously unknown correspondence between nadya nikolaevna ladygina-kohts, author of the chimpanzee child and the human child (1935), and harry harlow shows a reciprocal interest in, and admiration for, each other's work. in 1960 and 1961, they exchanged some 9 letters as well as numerous reprints and publications. the correspondence shows that ladygina-kohts and harlow had been following each other's work for years and that ladygina-kohts's work may have been one of the major inspirations to ha ...201122332293
skeletal development in pan paniscus with comparisons to pan troglodytes.fusion of skeletal elements provides markers for timing of growth and is one component of a chimpanzee's physical development. epiphyseal closure defines bone growth and signals a mature skeleton. most of what we know about timing of development in chimpanzees derives from dental studies on pan troglodytes. much less is known about the sister species, pan paniscus, with few in captivity and a wild range restricted to central africa. here, we report on the timing of skeletal fusion for female cap ...201222331605
morphometric variables related to metabolic profile in captive chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).obesity is a risk factor for several diseases including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. the aim of this study was to compare the relationships of waist circumference and body weight with circulating markers of metabolic, cardiovascular, and hepatic function in chimpanzees (pan troglodytes). after a 12-h fast, blood was collected from 39 adult captive chimpanzees for measurement of serum glucose, bun, creatinine, albumin, cholesterol, alt, ast, alp, total and direct bilirubin, triglyc ...201122330355
perception of emergent configurations in humans (homo sapiens) and chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).we examined the perceptions of emergent configurations in humans and chimpanzees using a target-localization task. the stimulus display consisted of a target placed among multiple identical distractors. the target and distractors were presented either solely, within congruent contexts in which salient configurations emerge, or within incongruent contexts in which salient configurations do not emerge. we found that congruent contexts had similar facilitative effects on target localization by huma ...201222329706
rapid identification of oral isolates of aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans obtained from humans and primates by an ultrafast super convection based polymerase chain reaction.aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is a gram negative oral bacterium associated with localized aggressive periodontitis (lap). detection of a. actinomycetemcomitans in clinical samples is routinely done by pcr. our aim was to develop a rapid and reliable pcr method that can be used as a chair-side tool to detect a. actinomycetemcomitans in clinical samples. sensitivity and specificity assessment was performed on buccal and plaque samples obtained from 40 adolescents enrolled in an ongoing lap ...201222326236
arithmetic in the chimpanzee basso in the frankfurt zoological park together with remarks to animal psychology and an open letter to herr krall from karl marbe. 1917. 201122324285
continuity, divergence, and the evolution of brain language pathways.recently, the assumption of evolutionary continuity between humans and non-human primates has been used to bolster the hypothesis that human language is mediated especially by the ventral extreme capsule pathway that mediates auditory object recognition in macaques. here, we argue for the importance of evolutionary divergence in understanding brain language evolution. we present new comparative data reinforcing our previous conclusion that the dorsal arcuate fasciculus pathway was more significa ...201122319495
a trans-specific polymorphism in zc3hav1 is maintained by long-standing balancing selection and may confer susceptibility to multiple sclerosis.the human zc3hav1 gene encodes an antiviral protein. the longest splicing isoform of zc3hav1 contains a c-terminal parp-like domain, which has evolved under positive selection in primates. we analyzed the evolutionary history of this same domain in humans and in pan troglodytes. we identified two variants that segregate in both humans and chimpanzees; one of them (rs3735007) does not occur at a hypermutable site and accounts for a nonsynonymous substitution (thr851ile). the probability that the ...201222319148
an evaluation of the efficacy of video displays for use with chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).video displays for behavioral research lend themselves particularly well to studies with chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), as their vision is comparable to humans', yet there has been no formal test of the efficacy of video displays as a form of social information for chimpanzees. to address this, we compared the learning success of chimpanzees shown video footage of a conspecific compared to chimpanzees shown a live conspecific performing the same novel task. footage of an unfamiliar chimpanzee op ...201222318867
superior induction of t cell responses to conserved hiv-1 regions by electroporated alphavirus replicon dna compared to that with conventional plasmid dna vaccine.vaccination using "naked" dna is a highly attractive strategy for induction of pathogen-specific immune responses; however, it has been only weakly immunogenic in humans. previously, we constructed dna-launched semliki forest virus replicons (drep), which stimulate pattern recognition receptors and induce augmented immune responses. also, in vivo electroporation was shown to enhance immune responses induced by conventional dna vaccines. here, we combine these two approaches and show that in vivo ...201222318135
chimpanzees' flexible targeted helping based on an understanding of conspecifics' goals.humans extensively help others altruistically, which plays an important role in maintaining cooperative societies. although some nonhuman animals are also capable of helping others altruistically, humans are considered unique in our voluntary helping and our variety of helping behaviors. many still believe that this is because only humans can understand others' goals due to our unique "theory of mind" abilities, especially shared intentionality. however, we know little of the cognitive mechanism ...201222315399
molecular cloning, characterization and predicted structure of a putative copper-zinc sod from the camel, camelus dromedarius.superoxide dismutase (sod) is the first line of defense against oxidative stress induced by endogenous and/or exogenous factors and thus helps in maintaining the cellular integrity. its activity is related to many diseases; so, it is of importance to study the structure and expression of sod gene in an animal naturally exposed most of its life to the direct sunlight as a cause of oxidative stress. arabian camel (one humped camel, camelus dromedarius) is adapted to the widely varying desert clima ...201222312292
molecular cloning and functional characterization of tibetan porcine sting.tibetan pig is well known for its strong disease resistance. however, little is known about the molecular basis of its strong resistance to disease. stimulator of interferon (ifn) genes (sting), also known as mpys/mita/eris/tmem173, is an adaptor that functions downstream of rig-i and mavs and upstream of tbk1 and plays a critical role in type i ifn induction. here we report the first cloning and characterization of sting gene from tibetan pig. the entire open reading frame (orf) of the tibetan ...201222312267
human-specific evolution of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor recognition of major histocompatibility complex class i placental mammals, natural killer (nk) cells are a population of lymphocytes that make unique contributions to immune defence and reproduction, functions essential for survival of individuals, populations and species. modulating these functions are conserved and variable nk-cell receptors that recognize epitopes of major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class i molecules. in humans, for example, recognition of human leucocyte antigen (hla)-e by the cd94:nkg2a receptor is conserved, whereas re ...201222312047
gastrointestinal parasites of captive and free-roaming primates at the afi mountain primate conservation area in calabar, nigeria and their zoonotic implications.a study on the gastrointestinal parasites among free-living and captive primates at the afi mountain, primate conservation area in calabar, nigeria was undertaken for the first time to ascertain their zoonotic implications. faecal samples were subjected to direct smear, floatation, quantitative estimation of helminth eggs (epg) and oocysts (opg), larval isolation and identification by modified baerman's technique and oocyst sporulation for specie identification. out of the 108 primates examined, ...201122308652
extensive x-linked adaptive evolution in central chimpanzees.surveying genome-wide coding variation within and among species gives unprecedented power to study the genetics of adaptation, in particular the proportion of amino acid substitutions fixed by positive selection. additionally, contrasting the autosomes and the x chromosome holds information on the dominance of beneficial (adaptive) and deleterious mutations. here we capture and sequence the complete exomes of 12 chimpanzees and present the largest set of protein-coding polymorphism to date. we r ...201222308321
european miocene hominids and the origin of the african ape and human 1871, darwin famously opined, "in each great region of the world the living mammals are closely related to the extinct species of the same region. it is therefore probable that africa was formerly inhabited by extinct apes closely allied to the gorilla and chimpanzee; and as these two species are now man's nearest allies, it is somewhat more probable that our early progenitors lived on the african continent than elsewhere." although this quote is frequently recalled today, darwin's next line ...201222307721
assessing the necessity of chimpanzee experimentation. 201222307315
high seroprevalence of enterovirus infections in apes and old world estimate population exposure of apes and old world monkeys in africa to enteroviruses (evs), we conducted a seroepidemiologic study of serotype-specific neutralizing antibodies against 3 ev types. detection of species a, b, and d evs infecting wild chimpanzees demonstrates their potential widespread circulation in primates.201222305156
on detecting selective sweeps using single genomes.identifying the genetic basis of human adaptation has remained a central focal point of modern population genetics. one major area of interest has been the use of polymorphism data to detect so-called "footprints" of selective sweeps - patterns produced as a beneficial mutation arises and rapidly fixes in the population. based on numerous simulation studies and power analyses, the necessary sample size for achieving appreciable power has been shown to vary from a few individuals to a few dozen, ...201122303379
extension of cortical synaptic development distinguishes humans from chimpanzees and macaques.over the course of ontogenesis, the human brain and human cognitive abilities develop in parallel, resulting in a phenotype strikingly distinct from that of other primates. here, we used microarrays and rna-sequencing to examine human-specific gene expression changes taking place during postnatal brain development in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum of humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus macaques. we show that the most prominent human-specific expression change affects genes associated with syna ...201222300767
trim5α and species tropism of hiv/siv.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infects humans and chimpanzees but not old world monkeys (owms) such as the rhesus monkey (rh) and cynomolgus monkey (cm). hiv-1 efficiently enters cells of owms but encounters a block before reverse transcription. this narrow host range is attributed to a barrier in the host cell. in 2004, the screening of a rh cdna library identified tripartite motif 5α (trim5α) as a cellular antiviral factor. trim5α is one of splicing variants produced by trim5 gene ...201222291694
the chimpanzee gh locus: composition, organization, and most mammals the growth hormone (gh) locus comprises a single gene expressed primarily in the anterior pituitary gland. however, in higher primates multiple duplications of the gh gene gave rise to a complex locus containing several genes. in man this locus comprises five genes, including gh-n (expressed in pituitary) and four genes expressed in the placenta, but in other species the number and organization of these genes vary. the situation in chimpanzee has been unclear, with suggestions of ...201222290452
hiv types, groups, subtypes and recombinant forms: errors in replication, selection pressure and is a chimpanzee virus which was transmitted to humans by several zoonotic events resulting in infection with hiv-1 groups m-p, and in parallel transmission events from sooty mangabey monkey viruses leading to infections with hiv-2 groups a-h. both viruses have circulated in the human population for about 80 years. in the infected patient, hiv mutates, and by elimination of some of the viruses by the action of the immune system individual quasispecies are formed. along with the selection of ...201222286874
animal cognition: chimpanzee alarm calls depend on what others know.after a wild chimpanzee encounters a model of a dangerous snake, whether or not he gives an alarm call depends on his perception of another individual's knowledge.201222280906
a brief history of cross-species organ transplantation.cross-species transplantation (xenotransplantation) offers the prospect of an unlimited supply of organs and cells for clinical transplantation, thus resolving the critical shortage of human tissues that currently prohibits a majority of patients on the waiting list from receiving transplants. between the 17th and 20th centuries, blood was transfused from various animal species into patients with a variety of pathological conditions. skin grafts were carried out in the 19th century from a variet ...201222275786
clinical assessment of a recombinant simian adenovirus chad63: a potent new vaccine vector.background. vaccine development in human plasmodium falciparum malaria has been hampered by the exceptionally high levels of cd8(+) t cells required for efficacy. use of potently immunogenic human adenoviruses as vaccine vectors could overcome this problem, but these are limited by preexisting immunity to human adenoviruses.methods. from 2007 to 2010, we undertook a phase i dose and route finding study of a new malaria vaccine, a replication-incompetent chimpanzee adenovirus 63 (chad63) encoding ...201222275401
focal nodular hyperplasia in the livers of cynomolgus macaques (macaca fascicularis).two cases of spontaneous focal hepatic hyperplasia were observed in young female cynomolgus macaques (macaca fascicularis). grossly, a single raised nodule was observed in the left hepatic lobe. histopathologically, the nodule compressed surrounding normal tissue; however, the hepatic cords within the nodule continued to those in the nor mal area except in part. extensive fibrosis and absence of a normal hepatic triad were observed in the nodule. thin fibrous septa radiating from the dense centr ...201122272051
human synaptotagmin-ii is not a high affinity receptor for botulinum neurotoxin b and g: increased therapeutic dosage and immunogenicity.botulinum neurotoxins (bonts) inhibit neurotransmitter release by hydrolysing snare proteins essential for exocytosis. the synaptic vesicle protein synaptotagmin-ii of rat and mouse acts as neuronal high affinity receptor for bont/b and bont/g. here, we show that human synaptotagmin-ii is not a high affinity receptor for bont/b and g due to a phenylalanine to leucine mutation in its luminal domain present only in humans and chimpanzees. it eliminates one of three major interactions between synap ...201222265973
inactivation of the mslnl gene encoding mesothelin-like protein during african great ape evolution.loss of gene function is implicated in the emergence of novel phenotypes during organism evolution. here, we report the inactivation of the mslnl gene encoding mesothelin-like protein in african great ape evolution. human mslnl has a nonsense mutation in exon 10 and two polymorphic mutations: a frameshift in exon 3 and a nonsense codon in exon 8. the gorilla gene also shows multiple deleterious mutations, including a premature stop codon, a deletion, and a splice site mutation. molecular evoluti ...201222265842
a high density of human communication-associated genes in chromosome 7q31-q36: differential expression in human and non-human primate cortices.the human brain is distinguished by its remarkable size, high energy consumption, and cognitive abilities compared to all other mammals and non-human primates. however, little is known about what has accelerated brain evolution in the human lineage. one possible explanation is that the appearance of advanced communication skills and language has been a driving force of human brain development. the phenotypic adaptations in brain structure and function which occurred on the way to modern humans m ...201222261840
zoonotic viruses associated with illegally imported wildlife products.the global trade in wildlife has historically contributed to the emergence and spread of infectious diseases. the united states is the world's largest importer of wildlife and wildlife products, yet minimal pathogen surveillance has precluded assessment of the health risks posed by this practice. this report details the findings of a pilot project to establish surveillance methodology for zoonotic agents in confiscated wildlife products. initial findings from samples collected at several interna ...201222253731
preventing spontaneous genetic rearrangements in the transgene cassettes of adenovirus vectors.first-generation, e1/e3-deleted adenoviral vectors with diverse transgenes are produced routinely in laboratories worldwide for development of novel prophylactics and therapies for a variety of applications, including candidate vaccines against important infectious diseases, such as hiv/aids, tuberculosis, and malaria. here, we show, for two different transgenes (both encoding malarial antigens) inserted at the e1 locus, that rare viruses containing a transgene-inactivating mutation exhibit a se ...201222252512
group service in macaques (macaca fuscata), capuchins (cebus apella) and marmosets (callithrix jacchus): a comparative approach to identifying proactive prosocial motivations.proactive, that is, spontaneous, prosociality reflects a psychological interest in the welfare of others and has been reported in callitrichid monkeys, capuchin monkeys (cebus apella), and humans, but not in chimpanzees. one explanation for the co-occurrence of proactive prosociality in these species is that it is linked to shared infant care (cooperative breeding); alternatively, it might merely reflect unusually high social tolerance or be mediated by advanced cognitive abilities. to date, dis ...201322250970
hcv infection induces a unique hepatic innate immune response associated with robust production of type iii interferons.polymorphisms in the il28b gene have been associated with clearance of hepatitis c virus (hcv), indicating a role for type iii interferons (ifns) in hcv infection. little is known about the function of type iii ifns in intrinsic antiviral innate immunity.201222248663
lessons from chimpanzee-based research on human disease: the implications of genetic differences.assertions that the use of chimpanzees to investigate human diseases is valid scientifically are frequently based on a reported 98-99% genetic similarity between the species. critical analyses of the relevance of chimpanzee studies to human biology, however, indicate that this genetic similarity does not result in sufficient physiological similarity for the chimpanzee to constitute a good model for research, and furthermore, that chimpanzee data do not translate well to progress in clinical prac ...201122243397
case study: using a nondestructive dna extraction method to generate mtdna sequences from historical chimpanzee specimens.a major challenge for ancient dna (adna) studies using museum specimens is that sampling procedures usually involve at least the partial destruction of each specimen used, such as the removal of skin, pieces of bone, or a tooth. recently, a nondestructive dna extraction method was developed for the extraction of amplifiable dna fragments from museum specimens without appreciable damage to the specimen. here, we examine the utility of this method by attempting dna extractions from historic (older ...201222237528
de novo assembly and genotyping of variants using colored de bruijn graphs.detecting genetic variants that are highly divergent from a reference sequence remains a major challenge in genome sequencing. we introduce de novo assembly algorithms using colored de bruijn graphs for detecting and genotyping simple and complex genetic variants in an individual or population. we provide an efficient software implementation, cortex, the first de novo assembler capable of assembling multiple eukaryotic genomes simultaneously. four applications of cortex are presented. first, we ...201222231483
neuronal scaling rules for primate brains the primate what concerns cognitive abilities, primates usually outrank other mammals of similar, or even larger, brain size, as illustrated by comparisons between a macaque monkey and a capybara; a chimpanzee and a cow; or a human and a dolphin, whale, or elephant. such a cognitive advantage is inconsistent with the traditional view of brain scaling in mammalian evolution as a homogeneous phenomenon regarding numbers of neurons and neuronal density, with brains of different sizes viewed as similarly sca ...201222230634
geographic differentiation of polymorphism in the plasmodium falciparum malaria vaccine candidate gene sera5.sera5 is regarded as a promising malaria vaccine candidate of the most virulent human malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum. sera5 is a 120kda abundantly expressed blood-stage protein containing a papain-like protease. since substantial polymorphism in blood-stage vaccine candidates may potentially limit their efficacy, it is imperative to fully investigate polymorphism of the sera5 gene (sera5). in this study, we performed evolutionary and population genetic analysis of sera5. the level of int ...201222230587
origins of hiv and the aids pandemic.acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) of humans is caused by two lentiviruses, human immunodeficiency viruses types 1 and 2 (hiv-1 and hiv-2). here, we describe the origins and evolution of these viruses, and the circumstances that led to the aids pandemic. both hivs are the result of multiple cross-species transmissions of simian immunodeficiency viruses (sivs) naturally infecting african primates. most of these transfers resulted in viruses that spread in humans to only a limited extent. h ...201122229120
a uniquely modern human pattern of endocranial development. insights from a new cranial reconstruction of the neandertal newborn from mezmaiskaya.the globular braincase of modern humans is distinct from all fossil human species, including our closest extinct relatives, the neandertals. such adult shape differences must ultimately be rooted in different developmental patterns, but it is unclear at which point during ontogeny these group characteristics emerge. here we compared internal shape changes of the braincase from birth to adulthood in neandertals (n = 10), modern humans (n = 62), and chimpanzees (n = 62). incomplete fossil specimen ...201222221766
testing the oxidative stress hypothesis of aging in primate fibroblasts: is there a correlation between species longevity and cellular ros production?the present study was conducted to test predictions of the oxidative stress theory of aging assessing reactive oxygen species production and oxidative stress resistance in cultured fibroblasts from 13 primate species ranging in body size from 0.25 to 120 kg and in longevity from 20 to 90 years. we assessed both basal and stress-induced reactive oxygen species production in fibroblasts from five great apes (human, chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan), four old world monkeys (baboon, rhesus ...201222219516
signal transducer and activator of transcription 2 (stat2) metabolism coupling postmitotic outgrowth to visual and sound perception network in human left cerebrum by biocomputation.we constructed the high-expression signal transducer and activator of transcription 2 (stat2) metabolism coupling postmitotic outgrowth to visual and sound perception network in human left cerebrum compared with low-expression (fold change ≥2) chimpanzee left cerebrum in geo data set by using integration of gene regulatory network inference method with gene ontology (go) analysis of stat2-activated up- and downstream network. our result showed that upstream recql, pdia2, enosf1, thbs4, rasgrp1, ...201222219046
primate aging in the mammalian scheme: the puzzle of extreme variation in brain later ages, humans have high risk of developing alzheimer disease (ad) which may afflict up to 50% by 90 years. while prosimians and monkeys show more substantial changes, the great apes brains examined show mild neurodegenerative changes. compared with rodents, primates develop and reproduce slowly and are long lived. the new world primates contain some of the shortest as well as some of the longest-lived monkey species, while the prosimians develop the most rapidly and are the shortest live ...201222218781
vaccine vectors derived from a large collection of simian adenoviruses induce potent cellular immunity across multiple species.replication-defective adenovirus vectors based on human serotype 5 (ad5) induce protective immune responses against diverse pathogens and cancer in animal models, as well as elicit robust and sustained cellular immunity in humans. however, most humans have neutralizing antibodies to ad5, which can impair the immunological potency of such vaccines. here, we show that rare serotypes of human adenoviruses, which should not be neutralized in most humans, are far less potent as vaccine vectors than a ...201222218691
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