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the aspergillus nidulans mete gene is regulated by a second system independent from sulphur metabolite repression.mutations in the aspergillus nidulans mete gene lead to requirement for o-acetylhomoserine. the gene was cloned by complementation of the mete31 mutation. the coding sequence was found to be interrupted by two introns of 66 and 50 bp, respectively. mete codes for a peptide of 489 amino acids which belongs to the family of homoserine o-acetyltransferases and a well-defined superfamily of alpha/beta hydrolases. transcription of the mete gene is strongly up-regulated by a severe limitation of methi ...200111406274
a new sterigmatocystin-producing emericella variant from agricultural desert unusual, sterigmatocystin-producing taxon with characteristics of both emericella nidulans (anamorph aspergillus nidulans) and emericella rugulosa (anamorph aspergillus rugulovalvus, formerly a. rugulosus) was isolated repeatedly during a mycofloral survey of desert cotton field soils where aflatoxin is a chronic problem. members of this taxon had ascospores with smooth convex walls like e. nidulans but grew slowly like e. rugulosa; moreover, they were similar to an industrial echinocandin b- ...200111403392
effect of the raw extracts of arthrinium strains (hyphomycetes, dematiaceae) on the growth of some deleterious fungi in poultry previous work the authors have shown that some species of the arthrinium genus are characterized by being able to produce secondary metabolites with antibiotic activity. the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of raw extracts of the growth of three different arthrinium strains against aspergillus flavus, aspergillus nidulans, fusarium moniliforme and penicillium purpurogenum when they were present in poultry feed. the results showed that the extracts reduced the growth of aspergillus ...200111393747
molecular cloning of cgra, the gene encoding the aspergillus nidulans ortholog of saccharomyces cerevisiae cgr1.saccharomyces cerevisiae cgr1 encodes a 120-amino acid protein with a predominant nucleolar localization. in this study we report the identification and cloning of the ortholog, cgra, from aspergillus nidulans. the cgra gene is comprised of three exons on a. nidulans chromosome 7. the cdna contains a single open reading frame (orf) that would encode a protein of 114 amino acids with 44% sequence identity to yeast cgr1p. a plasmid expressing cgra complemented the impaired growth phenotype of a ye ...200111381331
molecular characterization of a blue-copper laccase, tila, of aspergillus nidulans.laccases are blue-copper enzymes, which oxidize phenolic substrates and thereby reduce molecular oxygen. they are widespread within fungi and are involved in lignin degradation or secondary metabolism such as pigment biosynthesis. many fungi contain several laccases, not all of whose functions are known. in aspergillus nidulans one, ya, is expressed during asexual development and converts a yellow precursor to the green pigment. we identified a second laccase gene, which encodes a 66.3-kda prote ...200111377869
identification of aspergillus fumigatus and related species by nested pcr targeting ribosomal dna internal transcribed spacer regions.aspergillus fumigatus is the most common species that causes invasive aspergillosis. in order to identify a. fumigatus, partial ribosomal dna (rdna) from two to six strains of five different aspergillus species was sequenced. by comparing sequence data from genbank, we designed specific primer pairs targeting rdna internal transcribed spacer (its) regions of a. fumigatus. a nested pcr method for identification of other a. fumigatus-related species was established by using the primers. to evaluat ...200111376067
the aspergillus cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain and nudf localize to microtubule ends and affect microtubule dynamics.cytoplasmic dynein is a multisubunit, minus end-directed microtubule motor that uses dynactin as an accessory complex to perform various in vivo functions including vesicle transport, spindle assembly, and nuclear distribution [1]. we previously showed that in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans, a gfp-tagged cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (nuda) forms comet-like structures that exhibited microtubule-dependent movement toward and back from the hyphal tip [2]. here we demonstrate that ano ...200111369237
cloning and characterization of aspergillus nidulans vpsa gene which is involved in vacuolar saccharomyces cerevisiae, vacuoles play very important roles in ph and osmotic regulation, protein degradation and storage of amino acids, small ions as well as polyphosphates. in filamentous fungi, however, little is known about vacuolar functions at a molecular level. in this paper, we report the isolation of the vpsa gene from the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans as a homologue of the vps1 gene of s. cerevisiae which encodes a dynamin-related protein. the vpsa gene encodes a polypep ...200111368897
sensitivity to camptothecin in aspergillus nidulans identifies a novel gene, scaa+, related to the cellular dna damage response.the anti-cancer drug camptothecin targets eukaryotic dna topoisomerase i by trapping the covalent complex formed between the catalytically active enzyme and dna. we are interested in identifying factors, other than topoisomerase i, that are involved in mediating cellular sensitivity to camptothecin. to this end, we have isolated eighteen mutants that are sensitive to camptothecin (sca) in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans and characterised one of them, sca299. the mutant sca299 is hype ...200111361337
a pcl-like cyclin of aspergillus nidulans is transcriptionally activated by developmental regulators and is involved in sporulation.the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans reproduces asexually through the formation of spores on a multicellular aerial structure, called a conidiophore. a key regulator of asexual development is the tfiiia-type zinc finger containing transcriptional activator bristle (brla). besides brla, the transcription factor abaa, which is located downstream of brla in the developmental regulation cascade, is necessary to direct later gene expression during sporulation. we isolated a new developmental m ...200111359914
enzymatic properties of the highly thermophilic and alkaline pectate lyase pel-4b from alkaliphilic bacillus sp. strain p-4-n and the entire nucleotide and amino acid sequences.we cloned two genes for alkaline pectate lyase, pel-4a and pel-4b, from alkaline pectinase-producing alkaliphilic bacillus sp. strain p-4-n. the pel-4b gene product pel-4b was purified to homogeneity and characterized. the purified enzyme had an isoelectric point of ph 9.6 and a molecular mass of 35 kda, values close to those of the pel-4a gene product pel-4a. the ph and temperature optima for activity were as high as 11.5 and 70 degrees c, respectively, which are the highest among the pectate l ...200111354456
bimd/spo76 is at the interface of cell cycle progression, chromosome morphogenesis, and recombination.bimd of aspergillus nidulans belongs to a highly conserved protein family implicated, in filamentous fungi, in sister-chromatid cohesion and dna repair. we show here that bimd is chromosome associated at all stages, except from late prophase through anaphase, during mitosis and meiosis, and is involved in several aspects of both programs. first, bimd(+) function must be executed during s through m. second, in bimd6 germlings, mitotic nuclear divisions and overall cellular program occur more rapi ...200111353817
genetic connection between fatty acid metabolism and sporulation in aspergillus the ascomycete fungus aspergillus nidulans, the ratio of conidia (asexual spores) to ascospores (sexual spores) is affected by linoleic acid moieties including endogenous sporogenic factors called psi factors. deletion of odea (delta odea), encoding a delta-12 desaturase that converts oleic acid to linoleic acid, resulted in a strain depleted of polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:2 and 18:3) but increased in oleic acid (18:1) and total percent fatty acid content. linoleic acid-derived psi factor ...200111352908
the aspergillus nidulans pyrg89 mutation alters glycosylation of secreted acid phosphatase.the glycosylation level of the paca-encoded acid phosphatase secreted by aspergillus nidulans was reduced in strains pabaa1 pyroa4and pabaa1 pyroa4 pyrg89, compared to strains carrying these mutations singly. the molecular mass of the enzyme secreted by the triple mutant grown at ph 5.0 was 105 and 45 kda as determined by exclusion chromatography and sds-page, respectively. in contrast, the pabaa1 strain secreted acid phosphatases of 119 and 62 kda. the enzyme also had an altered electrophoretic ...200111352532
a comprehensive characterization of a group ib intron and its encoded maturase reveals that protein-assisted splicing requires an almost intact intron rna.the group i intron (ancob) of the mitochondrial apocytochrome b gene from aspergillus nidulans encodes a bi-functional maturase protein that is also a dna endonuclease. although the ancob intron self-splices, the encoded maturase protein greatly facilitates splicing, in part, by stabilizing rna tertiary structure. to determine their role in self-splicing and in protein-assisted splicing, several peripheral rna sub-domains in the 313 nucleotide intron were deleted (p2, p9, p9.1) or truncated (p5a ...200111350164
airborne fungal ecological niche determination as one of the possibilities for indirect mycotoxin risk assessment in indoor air.based on the microbiological analysis of air samples from occupied spaces, some possibilities for indirect risk assessment of mycotoxin-related health problems are proposed. airborne fungi could be classified on the basis of the relationship between the two environmental factors and their combinations, i.e., temperature and water requirements (water activity aw). one type involves three different groups of molds, selected on the basis of the quantitative and qualitative information about the abi ...200111345539
the cdc42 homolog of the dimorphic fungus penicillium marneffei is required for correct cell polarization during growth but not development.the opportunistic human pathogenic fungus penicillium marneffei is dimorphic and is thereby capable of growth either as filamentous multinucleate hyphae or as uninucleate yeast cells which divide by fission. the dimorphic switch is temperature dependent and requires regulated changes in morphology and cell shape. cdc42p is a rho family gtpase which in saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for changes in polarized growth during mating and pseudohyphal development. cdc42p homologs in higher organis ...200111344153
the nuclear migration gene nudc and human hematopoiesis.the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans nudc (nuclear distribution c) gene is required for movement of nuclei following mitosis and for normal colony growth. it is highly conserved, structurally and functionally, throughout most of evolution. the human homolog, called hnudc, has been cloned and has an important role in cell proliferation. in hematopoiesis, hnudc is highly expressed in early hematopoietic precursors and declines during normal differentiation. stimulation of proliferation of t ...200011342328
molecular cloning of palbh, a mammalian homologue of the aspergillus atypical calpain palb.a mammalian homologue of the aspergillus atypical calpain palb, palbh, was identified and its cdna sequences were determined in human and mouse. the palbh mrna was expressed nearly ubiquitously throughout mammalian tissues. when expressed in cos cells, palbh was enriched in the nucleus, suggesting its role is distinct from that of conventional calpains.200111342116
isolation and characterization of a symbiosis-regulated ras from the ectomycorrhizal fungus laccaria bicolor.ectomycorrhizae formed by the symbiotic interaction between ectomycorrhizal fungi and plant roots play a key role in maintaining and improving the health of a wide range of plants. mycorrhizal initiation, development, and functional maintenance involve morphological changes that are mediated by activation and suppression of several fungal and plant genes. we identified a gene, lbras, in the ectomycorrhizal fungus laccaria bicolor that belongs to the ras family of genes, which has been shown in o ...200111332726
dimerization and folding of lc8, a highly conserved light chain of cytoplasmic dynein.cytoplasmic dynein is a multisubunit atpase that transforms chemical energy into motion along microtubules. lc8, a 10 kda light chain subunit of the dynein complex, is highly conserved with 94% sequence identity between drosophila and human. the precise function of this protein is unknown, but its ubiquitous expression and conservation suggest a critical role in the function of the dynein motor complex. we have overexpressed lc8 from drosophila melanogaster and characterized its dimerization and ...200111327818
characterization of an echinocandin b-producing strain blocked for sterigmatocystin biosynthesis reveals a translocation in the stcw gene of the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway.echinocandin b (ecb), a lipopolypeptide used as a starting material for chemical manufacture of the anti-candida agent ly303366, is produced by fermentation using a strain of aspergillus nidulans. in addition to ecb, the wild-type strain also produces a significant level of sterigmatocystin (st), a potent carcinogen structurally related to the aflatoxins. characterization of a mutant designated a42355-oc-1 (oc-1), which is blocked in st biosynthesis, was the result of a chromosomal translocation ...200011320421
isoenzyme multiplicity and characterization of recombinant manganese peroxidases from ceriporiopsis subvermispora and phanerochaete chrysosporium.we expressed cdnas coding for manganese peroxidases (mnps) from the basidiomycetes ceriporiopsis subvermispora (mnp1) and phanerochaete chrysosporium (h4) under control of the alpha-amylase promoter from aspergillus oryzae in aspergillus nidulans. the recombinant proteins (rmnp1 and rh4) were expressed at similar levels and had molecular masses, both before and after deglycosylation, that were the same as those described for the mnps isolated from the corresponding parental strains. isoelectric ...200111319083
a type 2a protein phosphatase gene from aspergillus nidulans is involved in hyphal morphogenesis.a pcr-based approach, using degenerate oligonucleotide primers, was used to isolate fragments of two genes encoding type 2a protein phosphatases from the filamentous fungus, aspergillus nidulans. the complete genomic sequence of one of these genes, ppha, was isolated and characterised. the ppha gene was predicted to encode a 329-residue protein which is about 85% identical to mammalian protein phosphatase 2a. ectopic expression of the wild-type ppha+ gene slightly inhibited growth in some transf ...200111318104
characterization of the amyr gene encoding a transcriptional activator for the amylase genes in aspergillus nidulans.the aspergillus nidulans amyr gene and its cdna were cloned and sequenced. the genomic gene comprised 2,092 bp, interrupted by two short introns, and encoded a cys-6 zinc transcriptional activator (amyr) of 662 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 72,862 da. disruption of the amyr gene caused defects in the utilization of maltose and starch and abolished expression of the taag2 gene encoding a. oryzae taka-amylase a, which is inducibly and abundantly expressed in the wild-type ...200111318101
the aspergillus nidulans gata transcription factor gene areb encodes at least three proteins and features three classes of aspergillus nidulans, the principal transcription factor regulating nitrogen metabolism, area, belongs to the gata family of dna-binding proteins. in seeking additional gata factors, we have cloned areb, which was originally identified via a genetic screen for suppressors of area loss-of-function mutations. based on our analysis, areb is predicted to encode at least three distinct protein products. these arise from the use of two promoters, differential splicing and translation initiating at ...200111309119
cloning of two pectate lyase genes from the marine antarctic bacterium pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis strain ant/505 and characterization of the enzymes.a marine antarctic psychrotolerant bacterium (strain ant/505), isolated from sea ice-covered surface water from the southern ocean, showed pectinolytic activity on citrus pectin agar. the sequencing of the 16s rrna of isolate ant/505 indicates a taxonomic affiliation to pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis. the supernatant of this strain showed three different pectinolytic activities after growth on citrus pectin. by activity screening of a genomic dna library of isolate ant/505 in escherichia coli, t ...200111302501
physical mapping with automatic capture of hybridization data.motivation: contig maps are a type of physical map that show the native order of a set of overlapping genomic clones. overlaps between clones can be detected by finding common sequences using a number of experimental protocols including hybridization of probes. all current mapping algorithms of which we are aware require that hybridizations be scored using a fixed number of discrete values (typically 0/1 or high/medium/low). when hybridization data is captured automatically using digital equipme ...200111294786
histone acetyltransferase complexes stabilize swi/snf binding to promoter investigate the function of swi/snf in site-specific chromatin remodeling at promoters, we have used a purified system to analyze its distribution, function, and retention following recruitment by a sequence-specific transcription activator. activator recruitment of swi/snf bound the complex to promoter proximal nucleosomes and led to localized nucleosome disruption. however, retention of swi/snf on the promoter required either the continued binding of the transcription activator or acetylate ...200111290320
the aspergillus nidulans homoaconitase gene lysf is negatively regulated by the multimeric ccaat-binding complex ancf and positively regulated by gata beta-lactam-antibiotic-producing fungi, such as aspergillus (emericella) nidulans, l-alpha-aminoadipic acid is the branching point of the lysine and penicillin biosynthesis pathways. to obtain a deeper insight into the regulation of lysine biosynthesis genes, the regulation of the a. nidulans lysf gene, which encodes homoaconitase, was studied. band-shift assays indicated that the a. nidulans multimeric ccaat-binding complex ancf binds to two of four ccaat motifs present in the lysf promoter ...200111285740
regulative fine-tuning of the two novel dahp isoenzymes arofp and arogp of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans.two novel genes, arof and arog, from the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans were isolated and the regulative fine-tuning between the encoded, differentially regulated 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate (dahp) synthases was analyzed. a wide range of dahp synthase isoenzymes of various organisms are known, but only a few have been characterized further. dahp synthases (ec catalyze the first committed step of the shikimate pathway, which is a putative target for anti-weed dr ...200111285739
functional characterization of a maize purine transporter by expression in aspergillus nidulans.we have characterized the function of leaf permease1 (lpe1), a protein that is necessary for proper chloroplast development in maize, by functional expression in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. the choice of this ascomycete was dictated by the similarity of its endogenous purine transporters to lpe1 and by particular genetic and physiological features of purine transport and metabolism in a. nidulans. when lpe1 was expressed in a purine transport-deficient a. nidulans strain, the ca ...200111283348
comparison of the e-test with the nccls m38-p method for antifungal susceptibility testing of common and emerging pathogenic filamentous fungi.the national committee for clinical laboratory standards (nccls) m38-p method describes standard parameters for testing the fungistatic antifungal activities (mics) of established agents against filamentous fungi (molds). the present study evaluated the in vitro fungistatic activities of itraconazole and amphotericin b by the e-test and the nccls m38-p microdilution method against 186 common and emerging pathogenic molds (123 isolates of aspergillus spp. [five species], 16 isolates of fusarium s ...200111283057
genetic engineering of the trichoderma reesei endoglucanase i (cel7b) for enhanced partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems containing thermoseparating ethylene oxide--propylene oxide copolymers.endoglucanases (endo-1,4-beta-d-glucan-4-glucanohydrolase, ec are industrially important enzymes. in this study endoglucanase i (egi or cel7b) of the filamentous fungi trichoderma reesei has been genetically engineered to investigate the influence of tryptophan rich peptide extensions (tags) on partitioning in an aqueous two-phase model system. egi is a two-domain enzyme and is composed of a n-terminal catalytic domain and a c-terminal cellulose binding domain, separated by a linker. th ...200111278040
genetic and physical mapping of two centromere-proximal regions of chromosome iv in aspergillus nidulans.chromosome iv is the smallest chromosome of aspergillus nidulans. the centromere-proximal portion of the chromosome was mapped physically using overlapping clones of a cosmid genomic library. two contiguous segments of a physical map, based on restriction mapping of cosmid clones, were generated, together covering more than 0.4 mb dna. a reverse genetic mapping approach was used to establish a correlation between physical and genetic maps; i.e., marker genes were integrated into physically mappe ...200111277625
adhii in aspergillus nidulans is induced by carbon starvation aspergillus nidulans there are three nad(+)-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases (adhs) that are capable of utilizing ethanol as a substrate. adhi is the physiological enzyme of ethanol catabolism and adhiii is induced under conditions of anaerobiosis. the physiological role of adhii (structural gene alcb) is unknown. we have measured beta-galactosidase in a transformant with an alcb::lacz fusion and have shown that alcb is maximally expressed under conditions of carbon starvation. the behavior o ...200111277624
regulation of hishf transcription of aspergillus nidulans by adenine and amino acid limitation.the hishf gene of aspergillus nidulans encodes imidazole-glycerole-phosphate (igp) synthase, consisting of a glutamine amidotransferase and a cyclase domain. the enzyme catalyzes the fifth and sixth steps of histidine biosynthesis, which results in an intermediate of the amino acid and an additional intermediate of purine biosynthesis. an a. nidulans hishf cdna complemented a saccharomyces cerevisiae his7delta strain and escherichia coli hish and hisf mutant strains. the genomic dna encoding the ...200111277623
expression of the avirulence gene avr9 of the fungal tomato pathogen cladosporium fulvum is regulated by the global nitrogen response factor we describe the role of the cladosporium fulvum nitrogen response factor 1 (nrf1) gene in regulation of the expression of avirulence gene avr9 and virulence on tomato. the nrf1 gene, which was isolated by a polymerase chain reaction-based strategy, is predicted to encode a protein of 918 amino acid residues. the protein contains a putative zinc finger dna-binding domain that shares 98% amino acid identity with the zinc finger of the major nitrogen regulatory proteins area and nit2 of asperg ...200111277429
transposon impala, a novel tool for gene tagging in the rice blast fungus magnaporthe grisea.impala, a tc1-mariner transposable element from fusarium oxysporum, was introduced into the rice blast fungus magnaporthe grisea to develop transposon-based insertional mutagenesis. a construct (pnil160) containing an autonomous impala copy inserted in the promoter of niad encoding aspergillus nidulans nitrate reductase was introduced by transformation into a m. grisea nitrate reductase-deficient mutant. impala excision was monitored by restoration of prototrophy for nitrate. southern analysis o ...200111277428
lis1 and dynein motor function in neuronal migration and development. 200111274050
polarity-defective mutants of aspergillus nidulans.we have identified two polarity-defective (pod) mutants in aspergillus nidulans from a collection of heat-sensitive lethal mutants. at restrictive temperature, these mutants are capable of nuclear division but are unable to establish polar hyphal growth. we cloned the two pod genes by complementation of their heat-sensitive lethal phenotypes. the libraries used to clone the pod genes are under the control of the bidirectional niad and niia promoters. complementation of the pod mutants is depende ...200011273680
regulation of the aspergillus nidulans hisb gene by histidine starvation.the hisb gene of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans encodes imidazole glycerol-phosphate dehydratase (e.c., which catalyses the seventh enzymatic step in histidine biosynthesis. the gene was isolated and its deduced peptide sequence of 247 amino acids showed up to 54% identity with the igpd enzymes of organisms comprising all three kingdoms. expression of hisb cdna in a saccharomyces cerevisiae his3delta mutant strain functionally complemented the growth phenotype under histid ...200111270573
differential chemical labeling of the alcr dna-binding domain from aspergillas nidulans versus its complex with a 16-mer dna target: identification of an essential tryptophan involved in the recognition and the interaction with the nucleic acid.dna binding of the ethanol regulon transcription factor alcr from aspergillus nidulans was shown to involve a consensus basic region as in the other zinc cluster proteins. however, additional interactions between some residues and dna were suspected, among which were a hypothetic hydrophobic interaction between trp45 and the t residue of the consensus tgcgg sequence. in the present study, the differential chemical labeling of both the free protein and the protein/dna complex showed significantly ...200111266598
genetically engineered peptide fusions for improved protein partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems. effect of fusion localization on endoglucanase i of trichoderma reesei.genetic engineering has been used for fusion of the peptide tag, trp-pro-trp-pro, on a protein to study the effect on partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems. as target protein for the fusions the cellulase, endoglucanase i (endo-1,4-beta-dglucan-4-glucanohydrolase, ec, egi, cel7b) of trichoderma reesei was used. for the first time a glycosylated two-domain enzyme has been utilized for addition of peptide tags to change partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems. the aim was to find an ...200111261722
rcoa has pleiotropic effects on aspergillus nidulans cellular development.aspergillus nidulans rcoa encodes a member of the wd repeat family of proteins. the rcoa protein shares sequence similarity with other members of this protein family, including the saccharomyces cerevisiae tup1p and neurospora crassa rco1. tup1p is involved in negative regulation of an array of functions including carbon catabolite repression. rco1 functions in regulating pleiotropic developmental processes, but not carbon catabolite repression. in a. nidulans, deletion of rcoa (deltarcoa), a re ...200111260466
expression of pleurotus eryngii aryl-alcohol oxidase in aspergillus nidulans: purification and characterization of the recombinant enzyme.aryl-alcohol oxidase (aao) is an extracellular flavoenzyme involved in lignin biodegradation by some white-rot fungi. the enzyme catalyzes the extracellular oxidation of aromatic alcohols to the corresponding aldehydes. the electron acceptor is molecular oxygen yielding h(2)o(2) as the product. herein we describe, for the first time, the expression of aao from pleurotus eryngii in the ascomycete aspergillus nidulans. the activity of the recombinant enzyme in a. nidulans cultures is much higher t ...200111257513
characterization of the reverse transsulfuration gene mecb of acremonium chrysogenum, which encodes a functional acremonium chrysogenum, biosynthesis of cysteine for the formation of cephalosporin has been proposed to occur through the reverse transsulfuration pathway. a gene, named mecb, has been cloned from an a. chrysogenum c10 genomic library in lambdaembl3-ble. the cloned dna fragment encodes a protein of 423 amino acids with a deduced molecular mass of 45 kda that shows great similarity to cystathionine-gamma-lyases from saccharomyces cerevisiae and other eukaryotic organisms. the protein was show ...200111254121
heterologous transposition in aspergillus nidulans.aspergillus nidulans is one of the model ascomycete fungi. transposition events have never been described in this organism. we have determined that this organism has at least 13 copies of a fot1-related element. these copies are transcribed, non-methylated and polymorphic in various wild isolates. in spite of this, we have failed to isolate transposon insertions when the resident niad gene is used as a transposon trap. this contrasts with the situation described previously in fusarium oxysporum. ...200111251848
identification of claisen cyclase domain in fungal polyketide synthase wa, a naphthopyrone synthase of aspergillus nidulans.based on the homology with fatty acid synthases and bacterial polyketide synthases (pkss), thioesterase domains have been assigned at the c-terminus regions of fungal iterative type i pkss. we previously overexpressed aspergillus nidulans wa pks gene in a heterologous fungal host and identified it to encode a heptaketide naphthopyrone synthase. in addition, expression of c-terminus-modified wa pks gave heptaketide isocoumarins suggesting that the c-terminus region of wa pks is involved in the cy ...200111251292
glucan synthase complex of aspergillus fumigatus.the glucan synthase complex of the human pathogenic mold aspergillus fumigatus has been investigated. the genes encoding the putative catalytic subunit fks1p and four rho proteins of a. fumigatus were cloned and sequenced. sequence analysis showed that affks1p was a transmembrane protein very similar to other fksp proteins in yeasts and in aspergillus nidulans. heterologous expression of the conserved internal hydrophilic domain of affks1p was achieved in escherichia coli. anti-fks1p antibodies ...200111244067
the aspergillus nidulans multimeric ccaat binding complex ancf is negatively autoregulated via its hapb subunit gene.cis-acting ccaat elements are frequently found in eukaryotic promoter regions. many of them are bound by conserved multimeric complexes. in the fungus aspergillus nidulans the respective complex was designated ancf (a. nidulans ccaat binding factor). ancf is composed of at least three subunits designated hapb, hapc and hape. here, we show that the promoter regions of the hapb genes in both a. nidulans and aspergillus oryzae contain two inversely oriented, conserved ccaat boxes (box alpha and box ...200111243777
ambient ph signaling regulates nuclear localization of the aspergillus nidulans pacc transcription factor.the aspergillus nidulans zinc finger transcription factor pacc is activated by proteolytic processing in response to ambient alkaline ph. the ph-regulated step is the transition of full-length pacc from a closed to an open, protease-accessible conformation. here we show that in the absence of ambient ph signaling, the c-terminal negative-acting domain prevents the nuclear localization of full-length closed pacc. in contrast, the processed pacc form is almost exclusively nuclear at any ambient ph ...200111238906
fumble encodes a pantothenate kinase homolog required for proper mitosis and meiosis in drosophila melanogaster.a number of fundamental processes comprise the cell division cycle, including spindle formation, chromosome segregation, and cytokinesis. our current understanding of these processes has benefited from the isolation and analysis of mutants, with the meiotic divisions in the male germline of drosophila being particularly well suited to the identification of the required genes. we show here that the fumble (fbl) gene is required for cell division in drosophila. we find that dividing cells in fbl-d ...200111238410
analysis of the pdx-1 (snz-1/sno-1) region of the neurospora crassa genome: correlation of pyridoxine-requiring phenotypes with mutations in two structural genes.we report the analysis of a 36-kbp region of the neurospora crassa genome, which contains homologs of two closely linked stationary phase genes, snz1 and sno1, from saccharomyces cerevisiae. homologs of snz1 encode extremely highly conserved proteins that have been implicated in pyridoxine (vitamin b6) metabolism in the filamentous fungi cercospora nicotianae and in aspergillus nidulans. in n. crassa, snz and sno homologs map to the region occupied by pdx-1 (pyridoxine requiring), a gene that ha ...200111238395
an ste12 homolog from the asexual, dimorphic fungus penicillium marneffei complements the defect in sexual development of an aspergillus nidulans stea mutant.penicillium marneffei is an opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans and the only dimorphic species identified in its genus. at 25 degrees p. marneffei exhibits true filamentous growth, while at 37 degrees p. marneffei undergoes a dimorphic transition to produce uninucleate yeast cells that divide by fission. members of the ste12 family of regulators are involved in controlling mating and yeast-hyphal transitions in a number of fungi. we have cloned a homolog of the s. cerevisiae ste12 gene from ...200111238390
characterization of the aspergillus nidulans septin (asp) gene family.members of the septin gene family are involved in cytokinesis and the organization of new growth in organisms as diverse as yeast, fruit fly, worm, mouse, and human. five septin genes have been cloned and sequenced from the model filamentous fungus a. nidulans. as expected, the a. nidulans septins contain the highly conserved gtp binding and coiled-coil domains seen in other septins. on the basis of hybridization of clones to a chromosome-specific library and correlation with an a. nidulans phys ...200111238387
accumulation of stress and inducer-dependent plant-cell-wall-degrading enzymes during asexual development in aspergillus nidulans.determination and interpretation of fungal gene expression profiles based on digital reconstruction of expressed sequenced tags (ests) are reported. a total of 51,524 dna sequence files processed with pipeonline resulted in 9775 single and 5660 contig unique ests, 31.2% of a typical fungal transcriptome. half of the unique ests shared homology with genes in public databases, 35.8% of which are functionally defined and 64.2% are unclear or unknown. in aspergillus nidulans 86% of transcripts assoc ...200111238386
alpha-amylase production in high cell density submerged cultivation of aspergillus oryzae and a. nidulans.the effect of biomass concentration on the formation of aspergillus oryzae alpha-amylase during submerged cultivation with a. oryzae and recombinant a. nidulans strains has been investigated. it was found that the specific rate of alpha-amylase formation in chemostats decreased significantly with increasing biomass concentration in the range of approx. 2-12 g dry weight kg(-1). when using a recombinant a. nidulans strain in which the gene responsible for carbon catabolite repression of the a. or ...200111234963
nude-l, a novel lis1-interacting protein, belongs to a family of vertebrate coiled-coil proteins.the lis1-encoded protein (lis1) plays a role in brain development because a hemizygous deletion or mutation of the human gene causes neuronal migration disorders, such as miller-dieker syndrome (mds) or isolated lissencephaly sequence (ils). using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we have isolated a novel protein that interacts with mouse lis1 (mlis1) which is termed mouse nude-like protein (mnude-l) because of its 49% amino acid conservation with nude, a protein involved in nuclear migration in asperg ...200111231056
mycoflora and mycotoxins in brazilian black pepper, white pepper and brazil nuts.a wide range of field and storage fungi were isolated from black pepper, white pepper and brazil nut kernels from amazonia. a total of 42 species were isolated from both peppers. aspergillus flavus and a. niger were isolated more frequently from black than from white pepper. other potential mycotoxigenic species isolated included: a. ochraceus, a. tamarii, a. versicolor, emericella nidulans and chaetomium globosum, penicillium brevicompactum, p. citrinum, p. islandicum and p. glabrum. species is ...200011229375
an aspergillus nidulans uvsc null mutant is deficient in homologous dna integration.the aspergillus nidulans uvsc gene was identified as a homolog of rad51 and reca of saccharomyces cerevisiae and escherichia coli, respectively, whose role in genetic recombination and recombinational repair has been extensively studied. like many other filamentous fungi, a. nidulans shows no bias towards either homologous or ectopic integration of exogenous dna. therefore it is a unique and useful organism for the study of the mechanisms of dna integration. homologous integration of a 1.7-kb ar ...200111212926
the aspergillus nidulans bnca1 mutation causes defects in the cell division cycle, nuclear movement and developmental morphogenesis.wild-type aspergillus nidulans conidia are uninucleate. the mutation bnca1 (binucleated conidia) was first described as a single mutation located on chromosome iv that caused formation of approximately 25% binucleate and 1% trinucleate conidia. in this study, we show that bnca1 conidia exit g1 arrest earlier than the wild type. germlings have hyphal elements with abnormal morphology, elevated numbers of randomly distributed nuclei and an irregular septation pattern. older hyphal elements undergo ...200111212909
maize ribosome-inactivating protein inhibits normal development of aspergillus nidulans and aspergillus flavus.the abundant maize kernel ribosome-inactivating protein 1 (rip1) was tested for antifungal activity against aspergillus nidulans and aspergillus flavus. a microculture assay was developed to monitor fungal growth and development after treatment of conidia with rip1 or control proteins. a striking decrease in hyphal proliferation was observed when conidia of a. nidulans, a genetically well-characterized nonpathogenic species, were treated with rip1 protein. treatment with a rip1 mutant protein th ...200111204779
exploring infection of wheat and carbohydrate metabolism in mycosphaerella graminicola transformants with differentially regulated green fluorescent protein expression.a mycosphaerella graminicola strain transformed with the green fluorescent protein (gfp) downstream of either a carbon source-repressed promoter or a constitutive promoter was used to investigate in situ carbohydrate uptake during penetration of the fungus in wheat leaves. the promoter region of the acu-3 gene from neurospora crassa encoding isocitrate lyase was used as a carbon source-repressed promoter. the promoter region of the aspergillus nidulans gpda gene encoding glyceraldehyde-3-phospha ...200111204778
identification of medically important aspergillus species by single strand conformational polymorphism (sscp) of the pcr-amplified intergenic spacer region.the amplified 5.8s rna coding dna with the neighbouring internal transcribed spacers its i and its ii (its i--5.8s rdna--its ii) of 27 culture collection strains of aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus flavus, aspergillus nidulans, aspergillus niger, and aspergillus terreus were investigated by single strand conformational polymorphism (sscp) analysis. all strains showed a polymerase gel electrophoresis (pcr) product of 0.6 kb. separation of dna single strands of the pcr product in an acrylamide-b ...200011204354
differential expression of house-keeping genes of aspergillus nidulans during sexual development.the rpl3 gene and the rpl37 gene for aspergillus nidulans ribosomal protein l3 (rpl3) and rpl37, which were identified as located on chromosome i and chromosome iii, respectively, were isolated from chromosome-specific cosmid libraries. the nucleotide sequences of both of the rpl3 gene and the rpl37 gene identified the orfs of 392 amino acids and 92 amino acids, respectively. both of the two genes were present in a single copy. the expression of both genes together with two other house-keeping g ...200111179686
cloning and expression in phospholipid containing cultures of the gene encoding the specific phosphatidylglycerol/phosphatidylinositol transfer protein from aspergillus oryzae: evidence that the pg/pi-tp is tandemly arranged with the putative 3-ketoacyl-coa thiolase gene.the phosphatidylglycerol/phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (pg/pi-tp) is a new and original phospholipid transfer protein (pltp) isolated from the deuteromycete, aspergillus oryzae. we have isolated a genomic clone of the a. oryzae pg/pi-tp using a probe derived from the corresponding cdna and sequenced the complete gene. the dna sequence analysis revealed that pg/pi-tp gene is composed of three exons encoding a 18,823 da protein of 175 amino acids as previously described and of two introns ...200111179668
peroxide sensors for the fission yeast stress-activated mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway.the schizosaccharomyces pombe stress-activated sty1p/spc1p mitogen-activated protein (map) kinase regulates gene expression through the atf1p and pap1p transcription factors, homologs of human atf2 and c-jun, respectively. mcs4p, a response regulator protein, acts upstream of sty1p by binding the wak1p/wis4p map kinase kinase kinase. we show that phosphorylation of mcs4p on a conserved aspartic acid residue is required for activation of sty1p only in response to peroxide stress. mcs4p acts in a ...200111179424
identification of many crystal forms of aspergillus nidulans dehydroquinate synthase.extensive crystallization trials of aspergillus nidulans dehydroquinate synthase, a potential novel target for antimicrobial drugs, in complexes with different ligands have resulted in the identification of nine crystal forms. crystals of unliganded dhqs, binary complexes with either the substrate analogue, carbaphosphonate or the cofactor nadh, as well as the ternary dhqs-carbaphosphonate-cofactor complex, were obtained. the ternary complex crystallizes from ammonium sulfate and cocl(2) in spac ...200111173489
the molecular basis of 3-methylcrotonylglycinuria, a disorder of leucine catabolism.3-methylcrotonylglycinuria is an inborn error of leucine catabolism and has a recessive pattern of inheritance that results from the deficiency of 3-methylcrotonyl-coa carboxylase (mcc). the introduction of tandem mass spectrometry in newborn screening has revealed an unexpectedly high incidence of this disorder, which, in certain areas, appears to be the most frequent organic aciduria. mcc, an heteromeric enzyme consisting of alpha (biotin-containing) and beta subunits, is the only one of the f ...200111170888
septum position is marked at the tip of aspergillus nidulans hyphae.aspergillus nidulans hyphae have long tip cells that are separated from short basal cells by septa. basal cells average 40 microm long with three or four nuclei. septation follows parasynchronous mitoses in the tip cell and seems to occur at premarked sites, but how these sites are established is unclear. a. nidulans strains with the hypa1 mutation are wildtype at 28 degrees c but if shifted to 42 degrees c, their tip cells insert septa with a wildtype spacing, apparently triggered by an aberran ...200011170740
the rpl16a gene for ribosomal protein l16a identified from expressed sequence tags is differentially expressed during sexual development of aspergillus nidulans.we obtained 305 expressed sequence tags (ests), which are from the poly(a) site to the most proximal mboi site, from mycelia at the early sexual developmental (esd) stage of aspergillus nidulans. by comparison of these ests with those obtained previously from the vegetative stage and from the late sexual developmental stage followed by northern blot analyses, genes of 17 ests were identified as being expressed more abundantly at the esd stage than at the vegetative stage. five of 17 genes were e ...200011170736
evaluating low level sequence identities. are aspergillus quta and arom homologous?a review published several years ago [hawkins, a.r. & lamb, h.k. (1995) eur. j. biochem. 232, 7-18] proposed that genetic, biochemical and physiological data can override sequence comparison in the determination of homology in instances where structural information is unavailable. their lead example was the hypothesis that the transcriptional activator protein for quinate catabolism in aspergillus nidulans, quta, is derived from the pentafunctional arom protein by a gene duplication followed by ...200111168377
nudel is a novel cdk5 substrate that associates with lis1 and cytoplasmic dynein.disruption of one allele of the lis1 gene causes a severe developmental brain abnormality, type i lissencephaly. in aspergillus nidulans, the lis1 homolog, nudf, and cytoplasmic dynein are genetically linked and regulate nuclear movements during hyphal growth. recently, we demonstrated that mammalian lis1 regulates dynein functions. here we characterize nudel, a novel lis1-interacting protein with sequence homology to gene products also implicated in nuclear distribution in fungi. like lis1, nud ...200011163260
a lis1/nudel/cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain complex in the developing and adult nervous system.mutations in mammalian lis1 (pafah1b1) result in neuronal migration defects. several lines of evidence suggest that lis1 participates in pathways regulating microtubule function, but the molecular mechanisms are unknown. here, we demonstrate that lis1 directly interacts with the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (cdhc) and nudel, a murine homolog of the aspergillus nidulans nuclear migration mutant nude. lis1 and nudel colocalize predominantly at the centrosome in early neuroblasts but redistribute ...200011163259
lis1 regulates cns lamination by interacting with mnude, a central component of the centrosome.lis1, a microtubule-associated protein, is required for neuronal migration, but the precise mechanism of lis1 function is unknown. we identified a lis1 interacting protein encoded by a mouse homolog of nude, a nuclear distribution gene in a. nidulans and a multicopy suppressor of the lis1 homolog, nudf. mnude is located in the centrosome or microtubule organizing center (mtoc), and interacts with six different centrosomal proteins. overexpression of mnude dissociates gamma-tubulin from the centr ...200011163258
nek2 expression and localization in porcine oocyte during maturation.we studied the role of the ser/thr protein kinase nek2 on meiosis progression by using in vitro porcine oocyte maturation system. nek2 is a candidate of a mammalian homologue of nima, which was found in aspergillus nidulans as an essential molecule for mitosis progression. we cloned porcine nek2 cdna, and examined the mrna and protein expression levels during meiosis progression. the expression levels did not change through the oocyte maturation, but fluorescence microscopy observation of nek2 i ...200011162431
morphological characterization of aspergillus nidulans: growth, septation and fragmentation.the influence of the sepa gene on the growth of aspergillus nidulans has been investigated by characterizing and comparing the parental strain a28 (pabaa6 bia1) with the sepa null mutant (sepa4deltabm:). the sepa gene is known to affect the septation process in a. nidulans, therefore the sepa4deltabm: strain does not produce any septa during the first hours of growth. during batch cultivations sepa4deltabm: shows an abrupt decrease in specific growth rate and more pronounced fragmentation (in re ...200111160817
the wide-domain carbon catabolite repressor crea indirectly controls expression of the aspergillus nidulans xlnb gene, encoding the acidic endo-beta-(1,4)-xylanase x(24).the aspergillus nidulans xlnb gene, which encodes the acidic endo-beta-(1,4)-xylanase x(24), is expressed when xylose is present as the sole carbon source and repressed in the presence of glucose. that the mutation crea(d)30 results in considerably elevated levels of xlnb mrna indicates a role for the wide-domain repressor crea in the repression of xlnb promoter (xlnbp) activity. functional analyses of xlnbp::goxc reporter constructs show that none of the four crea consensus target sites identif ...200111160081
multiple catalase genes are differentially regulated in aspergillus nidulans.detoxification of hydrogen peroxide is a fundamental aspect of the cellular antioxidant responses in which catalases play a major role. two differentially regulated catalase genes, cata and catb, have been studied in aspergillus nidulans. here we have characterized a third catalase gene, designated catc, which predicts a 475-amino-acid polypeptide containing a peroxisome-targeting signal. with a molecular mass of 54 kda, catc shows high similarity to other small-subunit monofunctional catalases ...200111157957
genetic involvement of a camp-dependent protein kinase in a g protein signaling pathway regulating morphological and chemical transitions in aspergillus the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans, a heterotrimeric g protein alpha-subunit and an rgs domain protein, encoded by fada and flba, respectively, regulate production of the carcinogenic metabolite sterigmatocystin (st) and asexual spores (i.e., conidia). we investigated the genetic involvement of the camp-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (pkaa), a potential downstream target of fada activity, in st production and conidiation. relative to wild type, sporulation was decreased i ...200111156981
sexual diploids of aspergillus nidulans do not form by random fusion of nuclei in the heterokaryon.the sexual stage of aspergillus (emericella) nidulans consists of cleistothecia containing asci, each with eight ascospores. the fungus completes the sexual cycle in a homokaryotic or a heterokaryotic mycelium, respectively. the common assumption for the last 50 years was that different nuclear types are not distinguishable when sexual development is initiated. when cultured on a medium limited for glucose supplemented with 2% sorbitol, sexual development of a. nidulans is slowed and intact tetr ...200111139498
the formamidase gene of aspergillus nidulans: regulation by nitrogen metabolite repression and transcriptional interference by an overlapping upstream gene.the ability to utilize formamide as a sole nitrogen source has been found in numerous fungi. we have cloned the fmds gene encoding a formamidase from aspergillus nidulans and found that it belongs to a highly conserved family of proteins separate from the major amidase families. the expression of fmds is primarily regulated via area-mediated nitrogen metabolite repression and does not require the addition of exogenous inducer. consistent with this, deletion analysis of the 5' region of fmds has ...200111139496
clinical aspects of chronic granulomatous from a registry of 368 patients with chronic granulomatous disease (cgd) documenta shift in the most common infecting organisms away from staphylococci and enteric bacteria to aspergillus species, although staphylococci remain a threat. a. nidulans appears to have a particular virulence in cgd. burkholderia cepacia sepsis/pneumonia was the second most lethal infection in patients in the registry. seventy-six percent of registry patients had the x-linked recessive (xlr) form of cgd. choriore ...200111138621
pds5 cooperates with cohesin in maintaining sister chromatid cohesion.sister chromatid cohesion depends on a complex called cohesin, which contains at least four subunits: smc1, smc3, scc1 and scc3. cohesion is established during dna replication, is partially dismantled in many, but not all, organisms during prophase, and is finally destroyed at the metaphase-to-anaphase transition. a quite separate protein called spo76 is required for sister chromatid cohesion during meiosis in the ascomycete sordaria. spo76-like proteins are highly conserved amongst eukaryotes a ...200011137006
two kinesin-related proteins associated with the cold-stable cytoskeleton of carrot cells: characterization of a novel kinesin, dckrp120-2.we have previously described the biochemical isolation of 65 kda and 120 kda microtubule-associated proteins from carrot cytoskeletons. the 65 kda maps have subsequently been shown to be structural maps that reconstitute 30 nm cross-bridges of the kind that maintain cortical microtubules in parallel groups. by exploiting its avid binding to microtubules, we have now devised a method for isolating map120 from protoplast extracts, and shown that it has properties of a kinesin-related protein. map1 ...200011135119
nudf, a fungal homolog of the human lis1 protein, functions as a dimer in vivo.the nudf protein is required for nuclear migration through the mycelium of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. it is of particular interest, because it closely resembles a human protein, lis1, that is required for development of the cerebral cortex. both are approximately 50-kda proteins with a short n-terminal predicted coiled coil and seven wd-40 domains in the c-terminal half of the molecule. they also interact with homologous proteins, suggesting that they may have similar biochemic ...200111134054
ph signaling in sclerotinia sclerotiorum: identification of a pacc/rim1 homolog.sclerotinia sclerotiorum acidifies its ambient environment by producing oxalic acid. this production of oxalic acid during plant infection has been implicated as a primary determinant of pathogenicity in this and other phytopathogenic fungi. we found that ambient ph conditions affect multiple processes in s. sclerotiorum. exposure to increasing alkaline ambient ph increased the oxalic acid accumulation independent of carbon source, sclerotial development was favored by acidic ambient ph conditio ...200111133430
lactobacillus coryniformis subsp. coryniformis strain si3 produces a broad-spectrum proteinaceous antifungal compound.the antifungal activity spectrum of lactobacillus coryniformis subsp. coryniformis strain si3 was investigated. the strain had strong inhibitory activity in dual-culture agar plate assays against the molds aspergillus fumigatus, a. nidulans, penicillium roqueforti, mucor hiemalis, talaromyces flavus, fusarium poae, f. graminearum, f. culmorum, and f. sporotrichoides. a weaker activity was observed against the yeasts debaryomyces hansenii, kluyveromyces marxianus, and saccharomyces cerevisiae. th ...200111133421
the human homologue of the aspergillus nuclear migration gene nudc is preferentially expressed in dividing cells and ciliated epithelia.we recently identified a novel human gene, hnudc, homologous to an aspergillus nidulans gene coding for a protein crucial to nuclear migration, cell wall morphogenesis, and cell growth. while mrna for this gene is expressed in most tissues, hnudc protein expression is highly regulated. to provide insight into the function of this protein, we performed immunohistochemical analysis of the distribution of hnudc in 19 different human tissues. intense immunolabeling was observed in proliferating cell ...200011131094
glucose does not activate the plasma-membrane-bound h+-atpase but affects pmaa transcript abundance in aspergillus nidulans.the addition of glucose to starved cells of aspergillus nidulans increased the abundance of the pmaa transcript only transiently (15 min) and to a very low degree (1.3-fold), but strongly decreased its abundance during further incubation. this down-regulation was crea (carbon catabolite repressor protein)-dependent. glucose failed to stimulate the plasma membrane (pm)-atpase activity of a. nidulans, whereas under the same experimental conditions the activity of the enzyme from saccharomyces cere ...200011131024
isolation and analysis of flup, a gene associated with hyphal growth and sporulation in aspergillus parasiticus.aflatoxins (af) are polyketide-derived mycotoxins that frequently contaminate food and feed crops, causing health risks to animals and humans. the flup gene was cloned by screening an aspergillus parasiticus genomic dna library with a cdna probe encoding part of a polyketide synthase (pks), the 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase (msas) from penicillium patulum. flup was hypothesized to function as a pks in af biosynthesis. the predicted amino acid sequence of flup demonstrated a high degree of iden ...200011129056
the prr1 response regulator is essential for transcription of ste11+ and for sexual development in fission yeast.schizosaccharomyces pombe expresses a putative transcription factor, named prr1, which is intriguing in the sense that it contains a bacterial type of phospho-accepting receiver domain, preceded by a mammalian heat shock factor (hsf2)-like dna-binding domain. the receiver domain is most probably involved in an as yet unidentified histidine-to-aspartate (his-to-asp) phosphorelay pathway in s. pombe. in this study, the structure, function, and cellular localization of prr1 were assessed in the con ...200011129048
5' race by tailing a general template-switching oligonucleotide. 200011126119
molecular and physiological characterization of the nad-dependent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the filamentous fungus aspergillus filamentous fungi, glycerol biosynthesis has been proposed to play an important role during conidiospore germination and in response to a hyperosmotic shock, but little is known about the genes involved. here, we report on the characterization of the major aspergillus nidulans glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (g3pdh)-encoding gene, gfda. g3pdh is responsible for the conversion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (dhap) into glycerol 3-phosphate (g3p), which is subsequently converted into glycerol ...200111123696
the abaa homologue of penicillium marneffei participates in two developmental programmes: conidiation and dimorphic growth.penicillium marneffei is the only known species of its genus that is dimorphic. at 25 degrees c, p. marneffei exhibits true filamentous growth and undergoes asexual development producing spores borne on complex structures called conidiophores. at 37 degrees c, p. marneffei undergoes a dimorphic transition to produce uninucleate yeast cells that divide by fission. we have cloned a homologue of the aspergillus nidulans abaa gene encoding an atts/tea dna-binding domain transcriptional regulator and ...200011123677
a genetic interaction between a ubiquitin-like protein and ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis in dictyostelium discoideum(1).a ubiquitination factor, nosa, is essential for cellular differentiation in dictyostelium discoideum. in the absence of nosa, development is blocked, resulting in a developmental arrest at the tight-aggregate stage, when cells differentiate into two precursor cell types, prespore and prestalk cells. development is restored when a second gene, encoding the ubiquitin-like protein sona, is inactivated in nosa-mutant cells. sona has homology over its entire length to dsk2 from saccharomyces cerevisi ...200011118648
characterization of aspergillus niger pectate lyase a.the aspergillus niger plya gene encoding pectate lyase a (ec 4.2.99. 3) was cloned from a chromosomal lambda(embl4) library using the aspergillus nidulans pectate lyase encoding gene [dean, r. a., and timberlake, w. e. (1989) plant cell 1, 275-284] as a probe. the plya gene was overexpressed using a promoter fusion with the a. niger pyruvate kinase promoter. purification of the recombinant pectate lyase a resulted in the identification of two enzyme forms of which one appeared to be n-glycosylat ...200011112543
species-specific profiles of mycotoxins produced in cultures and associated with conidia of airborne fungi derived from biowaste.the potential to produce mycotoxins and non-volatile secondary metabolites was investigated for approximately 250 freshly isolated fungal strains. among the eleven most relevant species, viz. aspergillus flavus, a. fumigatus, a. niger, a. parasiticus, a. versicolor, emericella nidulans, paecilomyces variotii, penicillium brevicompactum, p. clavigerum, p. crustosum, and p. polonicum, a wide range of metabolites partly of toxicological relevance was identified. several unknown metabolites were fou ...200011109562
regulation of the aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (alda) and its role in the control of the coinducer level necessary for induction of the ethanol utilization pathway in aspergillus nidulans.expression of the structural genes for alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase, alca and alda, respectively, enables the fungus aspergillus nidulans to grow on ethanol. the pathway-specific transcriptional activator alcr mediates the induction of ethanol catabolism in the presence of a coinducing compound. ethanol catabolism is further subject to negative control mediated by the general carbon catabolite repressor crea. here we show that, in contrast to alca and alcr, the alda gene is not directly su ...200111102439
Displaying items 2501 - 2600 of 5149