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human immunodeficiency virus infection of megakaryocytic cells.the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) is capable of infecting certain cells of hematopoietic lineage, particularly monocyte-macrophages and t lymphocytes. recently, the possibility that cells of megakaryocytic lineage are susceptible to hiv infection has been raised. we have characterized infection of the permanent megakaryocytic cell line cmk by hiv in vitro. cmk cells were easily infected by hiv type 2 (hiv-2), producing significant amounts of virus in culture. infection appeared to be mediat ...19911991165
malignant melanoma in human immunodeficiency virus type 2 infection. 19911990999
structural and functional analysis of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 rev protein.the rev proteins of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) are necessary for expression of viral structural gene products. site-directed mutations were made within the hiv-2 rev gene to identify functional domains. we observed that similar to hiv-1 rev, the hiv-2 rev protein was phosphorylated, albeit to a much lesser extent than was hiv-1 rev. we also found that like hiv-1 rev, hiv-2 rev localized to the nucleus, with a marked accumulation in the nucleolus. mutations within a stretch of basic r ...19911985207
characterization of autoantibodies to the cd4 molecule in human immunodeficiency virus infection.autoantibodies to the cd4 protein, which serves as a receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) on the surface of target cells, were found in patients with different stages of hiv disease. using recombinant soluble cd4 (rcd4) antigen in a enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), we detected serum anti-cd4 antibodies in approximately 20% of hiv-1 infected patients and 13% of hiv-2 infected patients. there was no correlation between the presence of anti-cd4 antibodies and the stage of h ...19911983967
application of a procedure starting with an hiv-i/hiv-2 mixed eia.a procedure to diagnose the infections by the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and type 2 (hiv-2) was proposed. the specimens were first screened by a mixed enzyme immunoassay (eia) for the presence of antibodies to hiv-1 as well as to hiv-2. those screened positive were thereafter confirmed and differentiated their antibody reactivities toward the antigens of hiv-1 and hiv-2 by western blot (wb). this procedure was found to be one hundred percent accurate to diagnose 66 coded specime ...19901983137
[human immunodeficiency virus type 2 infection: is it really present in our area?]. 19901982016
human immunodeficiency virus type-2 gene expression: two enhancers and their activation by t-cell activators.the human immunodeficiency viruses (hivs) may include a spectrum of retroviruses with varying potential to infect their host, undergo long periods of latent infection, and induce pathology. since expression of the viruses is in large part regulated by the sequence elements in their long terminal repeats (ltrs), this study was directed to an analysis of the regulatory elements in the hiv-2 ltr. the hiv-2 ltr was found to contain two enhancers. one of these enhancers is, in part, identical to the ...19901981844
retroviral infections transmitted by blood transfusion.modifications in donor screening and the introduction of laboratory testing of donated blood for anti-hiv-1 and anti-htlv-i have resulted in a significant reduction in the risks of retroviral infections from blood transfusion. presently, the american red cross detects an average of eight carriers of human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (hiv-1) per 100,000 otherwise acceptable blood donors (0.008 percent), compared with an average of 35 per 100,000 (0.035 percent) when testing for hiv-1 antibodie ...19901981409
sivsmm infection of macaque and mangabey monkeys: correlation between in vivo and in vitro properties of different isolates.simian immunodeficiency virus from sooty mangabey monkeys (sivsmm), a lentivirus closely related to siv from macaques and the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2), is pathogenic for various species of macaques but is nonpathogenic for mangabeys. comparison of in vivo and in vitro responses of macaques and mangabeys or their lymphocytes, respectively, to sivsmm infection indicated that lack of disease in mangabeys apparently was not due to effective control of virus expression by the immun ...19901980901
[diffuse interstitial pneumopathies caused by lentivirus (hiv-1) in humans and animals].lentiviruses belong to the retroviruses family (ie rna viruses with reverse transcriptase activity); they induce inflammatory and/or degenerative slowly progressive diseases, affecting various organs. some lentiviruses preferentially infect lymphocytes (hiv-1 and hiv-2, siv and fiv) and are associated with infectious and tumoral disorders. most lentiviruses induce a pulmonary disease, typically diffuse interstitial pneumonia. the visna/maedi-virus of sheep infects monocyte macrophage cells and t ...19901980153
infection of cynomolgus monkeys with hiv-2 protects against pathogenic consequences of a subsequent simian immunodeficiency virus infection.simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) infection in cynomolgus macaques leads to severe immunodeficiency with a fatal outcome. in contrast, hiv-2 infects these primates without apparently causing any immunological abnormalities. in this study three cynomolgus monkeys were experimentally infected with hiv-2 strain sbl-k135 and 168 days later challenged with 10-100 animal infectious doses of the closely related siv strain sm to study protective immunity. at the time of siv challenge the hiv-2-infecte ...19901979745
biological and molecular variability of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 isolates from the new human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) isolates (cbl-20 to cbl-26) from the gambia were characterized. their cytopathogenicity and growth in vitro correlated with the severity of clinical disease. cbl-22 was highly sensitive to neutralization by hiv-2 sera and was cross-neutralized by some hiv-1 sera. these findings, the differing sizes of envelope glycoproteins of individual isolates, and the sequence analysis of amplified regions of the viral dnas show that these hiv-2 isolates ...19901975844
productive infection of both cd4+ and cd4- human cell lines with hiv-1, hiv-2 and sivagm.human monolayer cells of various origins were shown to be susceptible to infection by hiv-1, hiv-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus obtained from african green monkeys (sivagm). immunoperoxidase staining revealed infection of 2-7% of the monolayer cells, although in order to achieve infection approximately 50-fold more virus was necessary than with cd4(+)-permissive lymphoma cells. no cd4-receptor antigen expression by fibroblastoid cells was detectable by immunofluorescence using several monoc ...19901974766
antibodies to htlv-1-2, hiv-1 and hiv-2 in syphilitic patients.antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and type 2 (hiv-2) and to human t-cell leukemia virus (htlv-1) were investigated by elisa, western blot and radioimmunoprecipitation (ripa) assay in 318 sera (191 males and 127 females) obtained from syphilitic patients. the sera from 10% of the males and 3.1% of the females were positive for hiv-1. none of the sera contained antibodies to hiv-2. antibodies to htlv-1-2 were present in the sera of 7.1% of the males and 4.8% of the females ...19901972926
stimulation of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) gene expression by the cytomegalovirus and hiv-2 transactivator gene.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) often causes latent infection. transactivation by some dna viruses has been implicated in inducing hiv-1 replication and pathogenesis. the transactivator (ie-2) gene of the human cytomegalovirus (cmv) can enhance hiv-2 as well as hiv-1 gene expression in vitro. this inducer can act in concert with the hiv-2 tat gene and t-cell activation in enhancing gene expression in human cd4+ lymphocytes. while the hiv-2 and hiv-1 tat genes and t-cell activators apparently ...19901972889
tumour necrosis factors (alpha, beta) induced by hiv-1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells potentiate virus replication.cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor (tnf) can induce hiv-1 production in t-cell tumour lines. however, it is not known if the same occurs in freshly isolated mononuclear cells, nor is it known if the virus can itself regulate cellular cytokine production. in this paper we report that hiv-1 induces peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) and cd4+ t lymphocytes to secrete tnf alpha, tnf beta and interferon-gamma (ifn gamma), three cytokines having multifunctional activities and complex phys ...19901969279
establishment of a phylogenetic survey system for aids-related lentiviruses and demonstration of a new hiv-2 subgroup.we designed a universal primer (unipol) for dna amplification of aids-related viruses. the phylogenetic tree constructed from the presumed sequences amplified with unipol was representative of the tree calculated from whole pol gene sequences so far reported. unipol was able to amplify the sequences of all four major groups of primate lentiviruses and also that of a distinct virus from a ghanaian patient with an aids-related complex, designated gh-2. this strain scarcely hybridizes with known hi ...19901965125
[htlv-i infection in sailors who travel to sub-saharan west africa].in order to assess if htlv-1 retrovirus had penetrated in a group of sailors that often travel to endemic areas for htlv-1 infection (west coast of sub-saharan africa) we have performed the following study. a total of 499 sera samples from sailors traveling to africa during the last five years were studied. the presence of htlv-1 antibodies was determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa, dupont htlv-1). positive elisa test results were further confirmed using a western blot tec ...19911954264
a highly divergent simian immunodeficiency virus (sivstm) recovered from stored stump-tailed macaque tissues.we report here the results of molecular analysis of a simian immunodeficiency virus (designated sivstm) which was isolated from a rhesus monkey inoculated with stored lymph node tissue of an asian stump-tailed macaque. the latter monkey had died in 1977 during an epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency and lymphoma at the california regional primate research center (l. j. lowenstine, n. w. lerche, p. a. marx, m. b. gardner, and n. c. pedersen, p. 174-176, in m. girard and l. valette, ed., retrovir ...19911942258
comparison of five commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and western immunoblotting for human immunodeficiency virus antibody detection in serum samples from central africa.detection by five different enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisas) of antibody to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in sera from three zairian populations consisting of 1,998 individuals with various risks for hiv infection was evaluated. sera that were reactive by at least one assay and 10% of the nonreactive serum samples were analyzed by western blot (immunoblot) by using u.s. public health service interpretation criteria. sera which were positive by elisa for detection of antibody to h ...19911939584
nef proteins of the human immunodeficiency viruses (hiv-1 and hiv-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) are structurally similar to leucine zipper transcriptional activation factors.analysis of the predicted amino acid sequences of the human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (hiv-1 and hiv-2) and of the related simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) nef gene products (nef) reveals the presence of a conserved leucine zipper-like repeat with the characteristic 4,3 arrangement of mainly hydrophobic amino acids in the middle (core) region of the proteins, but lacking the basic (dna binding) domain characteristic of dna-binding leucine zipper (bzip) proteins. also, at the c-term ...19911931237
inhibitor stabilization of human immunodeficiency virus type-2 proteinase dimer formation.we report the first direct observation of the subunit self-association behavior of highly purified recombinant human immunodeficiency virus type-2 (hiv-2) proteinase. multiple samples of enzyme were subjected to sedimentation equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation sequentially at 8.8 degrees c and two ph values in the presence and absence of a c2 symmetric, peptidomimetic inhibitor. at both ph values the enzyme exhibited sedimentation equilibrium behavior which fit a monomer-dimer-tetramer m ...19911918040
the spread of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 into europe: a geographical analysis.geographically-related computer databases on the global incidence of hiv-1 and hiv-2 infection are being maintained in the department of geography at the university of cambridge, england. using the information they contain, the original geographical heartlands of hiv-2 infection are identified as former portuguese and french colonies in west and south central africa. the same databases permit the reconstruction of the diffusion corridors by which the virus is spreading from these heartlands into ...19911917253
confirmation and differentiation of antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus 1 and 2 with a strip-based assay including recombinant antigens and synthetic peptides.we evaluated the use of the inno-lia hiv-1/hiv-2 ab test (lia hiv; innogenetics) for the confirmation of antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and type 2 (hiv-2). the test includes three recombinant hiv-1 proteins: p24 (gag), p17 (gag), and endonuclease (p31; pol), in combination with two synthetic peptides derived from the env gene of hiv-1 and one synthetic peptide selected from the env gene of hiv-2. analysis of 450 sera from blood donors, 220 sera from patients with non-h ...19911914169
evaluation on hiv serology and immune-stimulation on patients in tanzania.antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus, other infectious agents and neopterin levels were determined in 253 patients in a rural area of north-west tanzania. seroprevalence for hiv was 3.2%. in one case serology was positive for hiv-1 and hiv-2 antibodies and questions whether there was a real double infection or a cross reaction not only concerning core region proteins but also transmembrane protein. the specificity in the diagnosis of hiv-infection is markedly increased with newer sero ...19911907499
actin, troponin c, alzheimer amyloid precursor protein and pro-interleukin 1 beta as substrates of the protease from human immunodeficiency virus.we show here for the first time that actin, troponin c, alzheimer amyloid precursor protein (aap), and pro-interleukin 1 beta (pro-il-1 beta), are substrates of the protease encoded by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) type-1. as has been seen in other non-viral protein substrates of the hiv protease, the presence of glu residues in the p2' position appears to play an important role in substrate recognition. three of the four bonds cleaved in actin, two of the three in troponin c, and all o ...19911907279
envelope glycoproteins from biologically diverse isolates of immunodeficiency viruses have widely different affinities for cd4.the envelope glycoprotein gp120 of primate immunodeficiency viruses initiates viral attachment to cd4+ cells by binding to the cd4 antigen on host cell surfaces. however, among different cd4+ cell types, different viruses display distinct host cell ranges and cytopathicities. determinants for both of these biological properties have been mapped to the env gene. we have quantitatively compared the cd4 binding affinities of gp120 proteins from viruses exhibiting different host cell tropisms and cy ...19911899141
identification and characterization of intragenic sequences which repress human immunodeficiency virus structural gene expression.examination of the life cycle of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) has shown that multiple levels of regulation exist, including some which require the virus-encoded rev protein. in the absence of rev, mrnas encoding the structural proteins remain untranslated, a phenomenon which appears, in part, to be caused by nuclear entrapment of these rna species. to examine the basis for repression of structural gene mrna expression, a heterologous assay system was utilized to determine whether regio ...19911895385
fine serotyping of human immunodeficiency virus serotype 1 (hiv-1) and hiv-2 infections by using synthetic oligopeptides representing an immunodominant domain of hiv-1 and hiv-2/simian immunodeficiency this study, enzyme immunoassays for detection of type-specific antibodies to human immunodeficiency viruses (hiv) were developed by using short peptides corresponding to sequences located within the immunodominant domain of the transmembrane glycoproteins of both hiv-1 and hiv-2-simian immunodeficiency virus (siv). the assays were highly sensitive with currently available sera from various geographical areas. furthermore, they appeared to be more specific in hiv serotyping than the western bl ...19911885733
aids risk and prevention among adolescents.although relatively few teenagers have been diagnosed with aids and the extent of asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection among adolescents remains largely unknown, there is cause for concern about teens' risk of contracting hiv disease the incubation period (the time from initial infection to the development of full-blown aids) is estimated to average eight years, and therefore it is probable that most of the individuals in their twenties who have aids (20% of all the people w ...19911882237
[simultaneous detection of antibodies for 3 different retroviruses using retrovirus eia (triple antigen kit)].we evaluated retrovirus eia kit (roche co.), in which virus components of three different viruses, hiv-1, hiv-2, and htlv-i were used antigens. all the specimens from the patients with atl, ham, htlv-i carrier, aids and ac, and from hiv-2 infected individuals were found to be positive. four out of 40 specimens from hemophiliacs not infected with hiv-1 were found out to be positive. these specimens were confirmed to contain antibody against htlv-i. pseudo-negative or -positive reactions were not ...19911880938
cytopathic variants of an attenuated isolate of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 exhibit increased affinity for cd4.naturally occurring isolates of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) have been described which are deficient in their ability to fuse with and kill cd4+ target cells. although the molecular basis for their attenuation has not yet been defined, several lines of evidence point toward the viral envelope gene as a key determinant of viral pathogenicity. in the present article, we report the biological characterization of two highly cytopathic variants derived by repeated cell-free passage of an attenu ...19911870213
a cumulative specificity model for proteases from human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2, inferred from statistical analysis of an extended substrate data base.statistical analysis of an expanded data base of regions in viral polyproteins and in non-viral proteins that are sensitive to hydrolysis by the protease from human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) type 1 has generated a model which characterizes the substrate specificity of this retroviral enzyme. the model leads to an algorithm for predicting protease-susceptible sites from primary structure. amino acids in each of the sites from p4 to p4' are tabulated for 40 protein substrates, and the frequency ...19911860861
inhibition of proliferation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 by novel heteropolyoxotungstates in vitro.fifteen heteropolyoxotungstates were tested for their effects on the proliferation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) using an in vitro system consisting of mt-4 cells and htlv-iiib. eight heteropolyoxotungstates (hpots) with the keggin structure or dimerized deficient keggin structure proved to be potent inhibitors of hiv-1. in contrast, seven non-keggin hpots including hpa 23 did not have significant effects on hiv-1 proliferation at non-toxic doses. [pti2w10o40]7- (pm-19) was the ...19911859202
the inhibitory activity of a peptide derivative against the growth of simian immunodeficiency virus in c8166 cells.the peptide derivative ro 31-8959 is a potent and selective inhibitor of the aspartic proteinases encoded by hiv-1 and hiv-2 and it arrests the growth of both viruses in cell culture. we have demonstrated similar effects against the simian immunodeficiency virus sivmac251 in the human t-cell line, c8166 (ed50 = 6nm) with a therapeutic index of 4,500. the antiviral activity of ro 31-8959 was 250 and 22 times greater than that of ddi and ddc, respectively. the mode of action was confirmed by accum ...19911850256
isolation of a simian immunodeficiency virus related to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 from a west african pet sooty mangabey.two of 25 healthy pet sooty mangabey (sm) monkeys (cercocebus atys) living in west africa were seropositive by immunoblot when surveyed for antibody to simian immunodeficiency virus of macaques (sivmac). sivsmlib1 was isolated from one of the pet sooty mangabeys. nucleotide sequence data showed that this isolate is a member of the sivsm/human immunodeficiecy virus type 2 (hiv-2)/sivmac group of primate lentiviruses. furthermore, sequence comparisons revealed extensive genetic diversity among siv ...19911840620
hiv-1 infection of human t lymphocytes results in enhanced alpha 5 beta 1 integrin expression.altered t cell adherence after human immunodeficiency virus 1 (hiv-1) infection may contribute to viral pathogenesis in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome. to address this hypothesis, we assessed mechanisms of t cell adherence to extracellular matrix proteins in vitro. we found that after hiv-1 infection, both chronically infected h9 cd4+ t cells and acutely infected primary peripheral blood lymphocytes acquired the ability to adhere to the extracellular matrix glycoprotein fibronectin, to ...19911831204
[anonymous and free-of-charge detection of human immunodeficiency virus infection. 20-months' experience at a center].the results of 20 months' activity of the anonymous and free-of-charge detection centre of the pitié-salpêtrière hospital group, paris, concerning human immunodeficiency virus infection (hiv) are presented. during that period, 3,480 persons consulted and 3,332 anonymous questionnaires were filled and returned: 20.5 percent of the subjects were homosexuals, 6.5 percent were drug-addicts and 73 percent were non drug-addict heterosexuals; 31 percent used condoms. a total of 3,398 blood samples were ...19911825872
isolation from african sykes' monkeys (cercopithecus mitis) of a lentivirus related to human and simian immunodeficiency viruses.analysis of serum samples from 100 wild-caught or colony-born sykes' monkeys (cercopithecus mitis) in kenya revealed that 59 animals had antibodies cross-reactive to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) and to simian immunodeficiency viruses (sivs). a lentivirus, designated sivsyk, was isolated from five of six seropositive asymptomatic sykes' monkeys, but in four cases isolation was possible only after depletion of cd8+ lymphocytes and cocultivation of the cd4(+)-enriched cell population ...19911825855
development of new potent and selective agents against hiv (human immunodeficiency virus).the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) is a lentivirus which replicates within critical cells of the immune system, particularly cd4+ t-cells and monocyte/macrophages, leading to a progressive loss of helper t-cells and profound immunosuppression. this condition is known as the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). a rational screening strategy was adopted to evaluate new anti-hiv agents. primary in vitro evaluation of antiviral compounds and studies of the relationship between structure an ...19911816706
human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) gene expression: downmodulation by sequence elements downstream of the transcriptional initiation site.human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) gene expression is downmodulated by sequence elements downstream of the transcriptional initiation site, corresponding to the u5 region of the long terminal repeat (ltr) and further downstream. this repression appeared to be related more to the length of the sequence intervening the transcriptional initiation site and the coding region than to a particular sequence content. the repressive effect of the downstream segment was not affected by hiv-2 and h ...19911812941
limited evidence of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) infection in sera from blood donors showing positive elisa but negative or indeterminate western blot reactivity for hiv-1 infection. 19911812169
[immunologic profile of hiv-2 seropositive african individuals (follow-up)].in the geographic distribution of hiv-2, it is known that this infection is most prevalent in west africa. since 1986 we have studied seropositive and seronegative clusters, in guinea-bissau with follow-ups in 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991. analysis of the results show the high incidence of this infection. 8.51% of the 4,372 people of the general population studied were seropositive, showing the high predominance of hiv-2 infection. only 4 cases were exclusively reactive to hiv-1 and a slow evolutio ...19911805536
[immunodeficiency viruses].in the first part of this article some structural and biological aspects of the hiv viruses are presented, in our opinion among the most interesting ones, connected with the aids viruses. viral infection and its evolution, particularly related with infection by hiv-2, will be presented later, in the light of our experience, obtained over several years work with african people infected by the virus. the aids viruses are complex retroviruses, with their own identity, but also with marked structura ...19911805535
specificity of anti-peptide antibodies elicited against synthetic peptides mimicking conserved regions of hiv1 envelope glycoprotein.comparison of hiv1bru and hiv2rod external envelope glycoprotein sequences enabled us to select ten highly conserved peptide sequences. the corresponding peptides were chemically synthesized, then coupled to bovine serum albumin before injection in rabbits. although all peptides were immunogenic, only antibodies directed against peptides p1 (amino acid residues 33-55), p22 (418-462), p8 (487-508) and p21 (487-534) were able to interact with significant affinity (k0.5 about 10(-6) to 10(-8) m) wi ...19911803410
[retrovirus hiv-1 and hiv-2 infection in populations at risk. estremadura].in order to know the frequency and distribution of the human immunodeficiency viruses types 1 and 2 (hiv-1, hiv-2) in estremadura, a seroepidemiological study is carried out during 1989 in a population sample of 756 persons at risk. in the global sample, no case of hiv-2 infection is detected, with the frequency of hiv-1 infection being 47.49%. the sample includes 633 persons addicted to parenteral drugs with a hiv-1 frequency of 43.28% and 123 people exposed to the remaining forms of hiv infect ...19911801184
comparative evaluation of 36 commercial assays for detecting antibodies to hiv.summarized are the results of an assessment of the major operational characteristics of 36 commercially available assays for detection of antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and/or type 2 (hiv-2). for this purpose, 20 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisas), 11 simple immunoassays with visual reading, four supplemental assays, and one discriminatory assay were assessed using a panel of 537 sera (65% of which were of african, 26% of european, and 9% of south american ori ...19911786625
no evidence of hiv-2 infection in subjects at risk for aids living in north-east italy.sera samples from 1134 individuals (824 hiv-1 seropositive and 310 hiv-1 seronegative), collected from january 1988 to april 1990, were tested for hiv-2 antibodies by whole virus assays and synthetic peptide-based assays to determine the prevalence of hiv-2 infection in populations at risk for aids in north-east italy (veneto region). partial reactivities on hiv-2 western blot were a common finding in hiv-1 seropositive samples. none of the sera fulfilled the criteria for hiv-2 seropositivity, s ...19911783062
recovery of human immunodeficiency virus from asymptomatic prostitutes from tamil nadu.peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) from 13 asymptomatic healthy human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (hiv-1) antibody positive prostitutes from tamil nadu, southern india, were cocultivated with phytohemagglutinin stimulated pbmc from hiv antibody negative donors for hiv isolation. in addition, plasma samples from two antibody positive prostitutes with hiv antigenemia were processed for virus isolation. the presence of virus in the cultures was monitored by (i) assay for virus particle ass ...19911778612
identification of mixed hiv-1/hiv-2 infections in brazil by polymerase chain reaction.analysis of sera from hospitalized brazilian patients by whole-virus lysate-based enzyme immunoassay and western blot indicated that 0.4% were reactive to hiv-2 alone while 4% were reactive to both hiv-1 and hiv-2. when these sera were tested for hiv antibody by type-specific peptide enzyme immunoassays, dual seropositivity was confirmed in only 0.4% of patients. to define genetically the hiv strains within the population, we analyzed peripheral blood mononuclear cells from selected seropositive ...19911768377
low prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (hiv-1), hiv-2, and human t cell lymphotropic virus-1 infection in somalia.a seroepidemiologic survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), hiv-2, human t cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i), and treponema pallidum infection among southern somalis. sera were collected from 1,269 study subjects in the urban area of the capital city, mogadishu, and in the rural towns of merka, qoryoley, and kismayo. the subjects included 57 prostitutes, 79 sexually transmitted disease (std) patients, and 1,133 others, including outp ...19911763791
inhibition of hiv replication in acute and chronic infections in vitro by a tat antagonist.the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (hiv-1) trans-activator tat is an attractive target for the development of antiviral drugs because inhibition of tat would arrest the virus at an early stage. the drug ro 5-3335 [7-chloro-5-(2-pyrryl)-3h-1,4-benzodiazepine-2(h)-one], inhibited gene expression by hiv-1 at the level of transcriptional trans-activation by tat. the compound did not inhibit the basal activity of the promoter. both tat and its target sequence tar were required for the observed inhibi ...19911763331
human chromosome-dependent and -independent pathways for hiv-2 trans-activation.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv types 1 and 2) replication is controlled by the interaction of viral-encoded regulatory proteins and host cellular proteins with the viral long terminal repeat (ltr). the presence of hiv-1 and hiv-2 trans-activator proteins, tat1 and tat2, respectively, greatly increases viral gene expression from their homologous ltrs. it is unclear if the cellular factors that support tat1-directed trans-activation of the hiv-1 ltr are the same for tat2 trans-activation of the ...19911760228
improved detection of hiv-2 dna in clinical samples using a nested primer-based polymerase chain reaction.a two-step polymerase chain reaction (pcr), with four double (nested) primer pairs, used for the detection of hiv-2 in clinical samples is described. with these four nested primer pairs we could detect hiv-2 dna in 17 of 17 virus isolates and in blood mononuclear cell samples from 31 of 37 (83.7%) seropositive individuals after ethidium bromide staining of the amplified dna. the nested primer pcr was also compared with a single primer pair-based pcr followed by hybridization. the sensitivities o ...19921740755
structural features in tar rna of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses: a phylogenetic analysis.a comparative analysis of tar rna structures in human and simian immunodeficiency viruses reveals the conservation of certain structural features despite the divergence in sequence. both the tar elements of hiv-1 and siv-chimpanzee can be folded into relatively simple one-stem hairpin structures. chemical and rnaase probes were used to analyze the more complex structure of hiv-2 tar rna, which folds into a branched hairpin structure. a surprisingly similar rna conformation can be proposed for si ...19921738599
activity of cd4-pseudomonas exotoxin against cells expressing diverse forms of the hiv and siv envelope glycoproteins.cd4(178)-pe40 is a genetically engineered hybrid toxin containing a portion of human cd4 linked to the translocation and adp-ribosylation domains of pseudomonas exotoxin a. in vitro, the molecule has been shown to selectively kill cells expressing the envelope glycoproteins of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) or simian immunodeficiency virus (siv), and to inhibit hiv spread. in this report we examine the activity of the hybrid toxin against cells expressing diverse forms of the hiv and siv env ...19921738090
lack of evidence of vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 in a sample of the general population in bissau.twenty-nine human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) seropositive women identified in a cross-sectional study in bissau in 1987 participated in a follow-up study in 1988, where each was matched for age and marital status with two hiv-2 seronegative women. detailed information about all pregnancies was obtained. the hiv-2 seropositive women and their controls had similar mean numbers of pregnancies, live children, children who died, and abortions. the hiv-2 seropositive women did not have a gr ...19921738085
human immunodeficiency virus type 2 envelope glycoprotein: differential cd4 interactions of soluble gp120 versus the assembled envelope complex.utilizing a recombinant vaccinia expression system, we investigated the biological properties and cd4 receptor interactions of the envelope glycoproteins of a noncytopathic human immunodeficiency virus type 2 strain, termed hiv-2/st, and a highly cytopathic variant derived from it. the efficiency and host cell range of syncytium formation by the recombinant glycoproteins of both viruses were highly restricted compared to those of prototypic strains of hiv (hiv-2/rod or hiv-1/iiib). however, the ...19921736526
siv from stump-tailed macaques: molecular characterization of a highly transmissible primate lentivirus.over the past 6 years, simian immunodeficiency viruses (sivs) have been isolated from four distinct species of macaques (macaca mulatta, m. fascicularis, m. nemestrina, and m. arctoides) in captivity in the united states. however, the epidemiologic and genetic relationships among sivs from the four species are not well understood. siv from stump-tailed macaques (m. arctoides) (sivstm) is unusual in that it has been associated with outbreaks of infection characterized by aggressive spread within ...19921733112
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and type 2 protease monomers are functionally interchangeable in the dimeric enzymes.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and hiv-2 proteases are dimers of identical subunits. we made a construct for the expression of recombinant one-chain hiv-2 protease dimer, which, like the previously described one-chain hiv-1 protease dimer, is fully active. the constructs for the one-chain dimers of hiv-1 and hiv-2 proteases were modified to produce hybrid one-chain dimers consisting of both hiv-1 and hiv-2 protease monomers. although the monomers share only 47.5% sequence identity, ...19921731102
production and characterization of mouse monoclonal antibodies against the transmembrane protein of a human immunodeficiency virus type 2.we established seven hybridoma clones producing monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against the envelope transmembrane protein (tmp) of a ghanian isolate of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2[gh-1]) from mice immunized with the detergent-disrupted purified whole virus. the mabs were found to react with 35 kilodalton (kd) tmp of the hiv-2[gh-1] virus in a western blot assay (wb). two of these mabs recognized 135 kd proteins in addition to tmp in the lysate of hiv-2[gh-1]-infected cells. two othe ...19911725959
differential inhibitory effects of sulfated polysaccharides and polymers on the replication of various myxoviruses and retroviruses, depending on the composition of the target amino acid sequences of the viral envelope glycoproteins.sulfated polysaccharides (i.e., dextran sulfate) and sulfated polymers (i.e., sulfated polyvinylalcohol and sulfated copolymers of acrylic acid with vinylalcohol) were found to be potent and selective inhibitors of the replication of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) and influenza virus type a (influenza a virus) but not of other myxoviruses (parainfluenza 3, measles, and influenza b viruses). the compounds were also inhibitory to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and hiv-2 and simian ...19911725692
[current aspects of hiv infection].the epidemiology of hiv-1 and hiv-2 infection in 1989/90 shows a further spread of both viruses, especially in southern europe, eastern asia and central africa. the sequence analysis of an immunodeficiency virus of a chimpanzee indicates the presence of siv-1, in contrast to all other monkey isolates analyzed hitherto as members of siv-2. the occurrence of eight newly hiv-infected hemophiliacs by one factor ix product gives rise to the question whether a 100% safety of blood products can be achi ...19911725606
a tibo derivative, r82913, is a potent inhibitor of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase with heteropolymer templates.r82913, (+)-s-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-9-chloro-5-methyl-6-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)- imidazo[4,5,1-jk][1,4]-benzodiazepin-2(1h)-thione (a tibo derivative), inhibited the replication of thirteen different strains of hiv-1 in cem cells with a median ic50 of 0.15 microm. the concentration of compound that killed 50% of the cells was much higher (46 microm), indicating that r82913 has a high selectivity index. r82913 was 20-fold more potent than azt-tp in the inhibition of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in an as ...19911725247
general principles of retrovirus immunodetection tests.because infecting retroviruses contain protein and glycoprotein antigenic determinants that can be readily distinguished from host cell determinants, the development of immunologic detection systems, immunodetection tests, or immunoassays capable of identifying antigens of some retroviruses (oncoretroviruses) in blood, body fluids, or cells is possible. conversely, detection of antibodies produced by animals against some infecting retroviruses can also be used to identify current infections of l ...19911724772
antibody to reverse transcriptase of human retroviruses in multiple sclerosis.htlv-1, hiv-1 and hiv-2 western blot analysis of sera from patients with multiple sclerosis (ms), from patients with other neurological diseases and from blood donors, revealed a rather frequent cross-reactivity with retroviral proteins in the ms group, though no patient was positive with the corresponding specific elisa serology. statistical analysis revealed a significant difference between the ms group and the two control groups for hiv-1 and hiv-2 reverse transcriptase fragments and for htlv ...19911724334
chimeric human immunodeficiency virus type 1/type 2 reverse transcriptases display reversed sensitivity to nonnucleoside analog inhibitors.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) reverse transcriptase (rt), an important therapeutic target in the treatment of aids, is effectively inhibited by a class of nonnucleoside analog compounds that includes nevirapine (bi-rg-587) and tetrahydroimidazo[4,5,1-jk]-[1,4]benzodiazepin-2(1h)-one and -thione. we show that both tyrosine residues at positions 181 and 188 flanking the putative catalytic site of hiv-1 rt are required for sensitivity of the enzyme to these compounds. hiv-2 rt, which ...19911719542
broadly neutralizing antibodies targeted to mucin-type carbohydrate epitopes of human immunodeficiency virus.the cancer-related mucin-type carbohydrate neoantigen tn was found on gp160 and gp120 of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). immunoglobulin g (igg) and igm monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against tn neutralized infection with cell-free virus and blocked fusion between hiv-infected and uninfected cells. this inhibition was found in infection of both lymphocytic cells and monocytoid cells. viruses tested included six hiv-1 and five hiv-2 isolates propagated in different cells, as well as infectious p ...19911719230
effect of evans blue and trypan blue on syncytia formation and infectivity of human immunodeficiency virus type i and type ii in vitro.polyanionic compounds were used to inhibit infectivity of human immunodeficiency virus in vitro. suramin, evans blue, and trypan blue were shown to inhibit syncytia formation normally observed when hiv-1-infected cells are cocultured with cd4+ cells. the inhibition was more pronounced with evans blue than with any of the other polyanions studied. the inhibitory effect was significantly weaker in hiv-2 systems. however, the reverse transcriptase activities of both types of viruses were inhibited ...19911718343
human immunodeficiency virus can infect the apical and basolateral surfaces of human colonic epithelial cells.the gastrointestinal tract is considered to be a major route of infection for the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). to understand the interaction of hiv with epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa, we have studied the infection of a human colon cancer cell clone ht-29-d4. the enterocyte-like differentiation of this clone can be modulated in vitro according to the concentration of glucose. we show that: (i) undifferentiated ht-29-d4 cells can be infected by hiv types 1 and 2 (hiv-1 and hiv-2 ...19911718004
nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors that potently and specifically block human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication.certain bis(heteroaryl)piperazines (bhaps) are potent inhibitors of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) reverse transcriptase (rt) at concentrations lower by 2-4 orders of magnitude than that which inhibits normal cellular dna polymerase activity. combination of a bhap with nucleoside analog hiv-1 rt inhibitors suggested that together these compounds inhibited rt synergistically. in three human lymphocytic cell systems using several laboratory and clinical hiv-1 isolates, the bhaps b ...19911717988
compatibility of rev gene activity in the four groups of primate lentiviruses.the compatibility of rev genes derived from various primate immunodeficiency viruses of all distinct subgroups identified was assessed in three experimental systems: complementation experiments between proviral rev and gag mutants, evaluation of the ability of the rev gene products to activate proviral reporters, and examination of the capacity of various viruses to augment marker gene expression in the infected reporter cell lines. in all systems, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) rev ...19911716025
characterization of monoclonal antibodies identifying type and strain-specific epitopes of human immunodeficiency virus type 1.several hybridoma cell lines were raised against the highly cytopathic zaïrian isolate of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), hiv1-ndk. the specificity of the secreted monoclonal antibodies (mab) was demonstrated by immunoblotting, radioimmunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence. two hybridoma cell lines secreted mab reacting with independent epitopes of the ndk p17 capsid protein and its precursors. one, rl16.24.5, is specific for the ndk isolate whereas the other, rl16.45.1, along with anti-p2 ...19911715507
human immunodeficiency virus type 2 vpx protein augments viral infectivity.the genomes of hiv and siv are complex and contain several accessory genes which modulate viral replication and pathogenicity. one of these genes, vpx, is unique to the hiv-2/siv group of viruses and encodes a virion-associated protein of unknown function. to examine the function of vpx, we constructed a vpx-deficient hiv-2 proviral clone and characterized its in vitro biological properties. following transfection into immortalized t-cell lines, vpx-mutant hiv-2 was fully replication competent a ...19911714662
the vpx gene of simian immunodeficiency virus facilitates efficient viral replication in fresh lymphocytes and macrophage.vpx is a unique open reading frame found in simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) and human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) but not in hiv-1. it encodes a 12- to 16-kda virion-associated protein. although vpx is dispensable for viral replication in several established human lymphocyte cell lines, there is no consensus regarding whether this gene is required for efficient viral replication in freshly isolated lymphocytes. we report here that the vpx mutant of sivmac exhibits different degrees ...19911714525
localization of immunogenic domains in the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 envelope.highly immunogenic domains have not yet been defined in the extracellular protein of the human immunodefiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) envelope. in this study, six contiguous segments covering the entire hiv-2st envelope were amplified and cloned into a bacterial expression vector to localize the relative immunogenic reactivity of different regions of the molecule by western blot (immunoblot) analysis. our results demonstrate that the extracellular protein of the hiv-2 envelope contains highly immun ...19911714524
several cd4 domains can play a role in human immunodeficiency virus infection in cells.the human immunodefiency virus (hiv) uses the human cd4 glycoprotein as a receptor for infection of susceptible cells. cells expressing a series of mutated forms of the cd4 gene have shown a variability in their ability to support replication of three hiv type 1 (hiv-1) and three hiv-2 strains. moreover, when different stages of virus production were examined by a variety of assays, a consistent delay was observed in all cell lines containing cd4 mutants compared with those with intact full-leng ...19911714523
characterization of monoclonal antibodies against the human immunodeficiency virus matrix protein, p17gag: identification of epitopes exposed at the surfaces of infected cells.eight monoclonal antibodies reactive with the matrix protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), p17gag, were isolated from rats which had been immunized with solubilized hiv-1 lysate. the epitope specificities of these antibodies were determined with a series of synthetic peptides representing overlapping regions of p17. six of the antibodies were mapped to three distinct regions of p17, while two antibodies (g11g1 and g11h3) reacted only with intact recombinant p17, suggesting that ...19911714518
oxathiin carboxanilide, a potent inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus reproduction.oxathiin carboxanilide (oc), nsc 615985, a compound originally synthesized as a potential fungicide, was demonstrated to be highly active in preventing human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-induced cell killing and in inhibiting hiv reproduction. virus-infected cd4+ lymphocytes were completely protected by 0.5 microm oc, whereas no toxicity was observed at concentrations below 50 microm oc. production of infectious virus, viral p24 antigen, and virion reverse transcriptase were reduced by oc at con ...19911713689
expression of the heterodimeric form of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 reverse transcriptase in escherichia coli and characterization of the enzyme.a system for the expression of recombinant human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) reverse transcriptase (rt) in escherichia coli has been developed, which allows purification of the heterodimeric form of the enzyme as well as the separate purification of the two subunits. it is shown that equilibrium formation between monomeric and homodimeric forms of the recombinant 66- and 51-kda subunits is considerably more rapid than in the case of the corresponding homodimeric forms of hiv-1 rt. in a ...19911713589
characterization of murine monoclonal antibodies directed against the core proteins of human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2.monoclonal antibodies (mabs) raised against the core proteins of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1; laboratory strain htlv-iiib) and hiv-2 (strain rod) were investigated in a variety of tests, e.g., enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), immunostaining of western immunoblots, immunofluorescence, immunoprecipitation, and alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase assay. the mabs were grouped according to their cross-reactions. seven hiv-1-specific mabs reacted exclusively with hi ...19911712863
competition elisa using a human monoclonal antibody for detection of antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus type 1.a novel competition elisa for detection of antibodies against hiv-1 was developed. the assay is based on competition at the single epitope level and utilises a human monoclonal antibody and an e. coli-produced fragment of the transmembrane glycoprotein gp41. the sensitivity of the assay was 100% in tests on 247 serum samples obtained from 219 individuals previously shown to be hiv-1 antibody positive by both conventional indirect elisa and the immunoblotting test. the patients represented variou ...19911712361
monoclonal antibodies define linear and conformational epitopes of hiv-1 pol gene products.purified recombinant reverse transcriptase (rt) from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) was used to raise 21 monoclonal antibodies with anti-rt specificities. the antibodies were characterized using western blotting against native virus and recognized either the p66 or p66, p51 components of rt. further immunoblotting using either cyanogen bromide fragmented rt or truncated mutants of rt along with cross-competition studies enabled the location of various immunogenic regions of rt to be ...19911712217
comparison of linear antigenic sites in the envelope proteins of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) type 2 and type 1.the occurrence of dominant linear antigenic sites in the envelope glycoproteins of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) was evaluated. twenty-five peptides representing different regions of hiv-2, strain sbl-6669, were synthesized. for comparison the corresponding peptides of hiv-1, strain bru, were also prepared. the peptides were tested in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) with human sera from individuals with proven hiv-1 or hiv-2 infection and simian sera from animals infected ...19911712215
9-[(2rs)-3-fluoro-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl] derivatives of purines: a class of highly selective antiretroviral agents in vitro and in vivo.a new class of compounds, 9-[(2rs)-3-fluoro-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl] [(rs)-fpmp] derivatives of purines, is described that has selective activity against a broad spectrum of retroviruses [including human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and type 2 (hiv-2)] but not other rna or dna viruses. this activity spectrum is completely different from that of the parental compounds, 9-[(2s)-3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl] [(s)-hpmp] derivatives of purines, which are active against a broad range ...19911711214
highly potent and selective inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 by a novel series of 6-substituted acyclouridine the search for novel derivatives of 1-[2-(hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6-(phenylthio)thymine (hept), we have found that several 5-ethyl-6-(3,5-dimethylphenylthio)uracil and 5-ethyl-6-(3,5-dimethylbenzyl)uracil analogues are exquisitely potent and selective inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) replication in a variety of cell culture systems. of this series, 5-ethyl-1-ethoxymethyl-6-(3,5-dimethylbenzyl)uracil (e-ebu-dm) emerged as the most active congener. its 50% inhibitory conc ...19911711148
characterization of human antibody-binding sites on the external envelope of human immunodeficiency virus type 2.antibody-reactive peptide scanning (pepscan) using overlapping nonapeptides and human sera as probes allows the identification of amino acids contributing significantly to antigen-antibody interaction. five-hundred and two overlapping nonapeptides derived from the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 strain rod (hiv-2rod) external envelope glycoprotein gp125 were synthesized to serve as probes for reactivity with eight sera of hiv-2-infected individuals. fifteen antibody-binding regions were iden ...19911710645
in vitro efficacy of anti-hiv immunotoxins targeted by various antibodies to the envelope protein.six different anti-hiv envelope antibodies and one irrelevant control antibody were coupled to ricin a chain and tested for their efficacy in inhibiting hiv tissue culture infections. the anti-hiv antibodies consisted of five monoclonals, three of murine and two of human origin, and one polyclonal preparation prepared by affinity purifying pooled serum antibodies from hiv-infected humans on rgp160. the binding specificity of the antibodies was defined by elisa by using recombinant envelope prote ...19911710247
immune response to a major epitope of p24 during infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and implications for diagnosis and prognosis.a sequential inhibition enzyme-linked immunoassay (sieia) using a peroxidase-conjugated monoclonal antibody reacting to the sequence aaewdrvhp of p24hiv-1 (amino acids 209 to 217 of p55) was developed in order to detect and determine the titer of antibody to this epitope in various populations of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1)-positive patients. there was a good correlation between sieia and a commercially available competition assay that uses recombinant p24 protein and polyclonal ...19911709947
selective antiviral activity of synthetic soluble l-tyrosine and l-dopa melanins against human immunodeficiency virus in vitro.melanins are pigments found in hair, skin, irides of the eye, and brain. their functions in mammals include protection from exposure to sunlight, camouflage from predators, sexual recognition within species, and possible electron transfer reactants. most natural melanins exist in an insoluble form, which is one reason there is little information on the biological properties of soluble melanins. here, synthetic soluble melanins were obtained by chemical oxidation of l-tyrosine or spontaneous oxid ...19911709802
bi-rg-587 is active against zidovudine-resistant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and synergistic with zidovudine.a series of dipyridodiazepinones have been shown to be potent inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) reverse transcriptase. the lead compound, bi-rg-587, had a 50% inhibitory concentration of 84 nm against hiv-1 reverse transcriptase activity. this compound reduced plaque formation of hiv-1 in hela cells expressing the cd4 receptor by 50% at 15 nm. bi-rg-587 at comparable concentrations inhibited the production of p24 antigen following the acute infection of cem t-lymphoblasto ...19911708976
dehydroandrographolide succinic acid monoester as an inhibitor against the human immunodeficiency virus.dehydroandrographolide succinic acid monoester (dasm) is the dehydroandrographolyl ester of succinic acid; and andrographolide, from which dasm is made, is the major diterpenoid lactone found in the chinese medicinal herb, andrographis paniculata. dasm has been found to be an inhibitor against the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in vitro. it was nontoxic to the h9 cell at the concentrations of 50-200 (average, 108) micrograms/ml and was inhibitory to the hiv-1 (iiib) at the minimal concentrat ...19911708503
inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) replication by the dipyridodiazepinone bi-rg-587.the dipyridodiazepinone human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1)-specific reverse transcriptase (rt) inhibitor bi-rg-587 was tested for its ability to inhibit hiv-1 replication in both acutely and chronically infected cell lines. the ability of bi-rg-587 to inhibit steps in the virus replicative cycle other than reverse transcription was also assessed. bi-rg-587 was found to be a potent inhibitor of hiv-1 replication in acutely infected cells (50% inhibitory concentration [ic50] = 37.2 nm), a ...19911708400
isolation of hiv-1 from seropositive people living in cotonou, benin.benin is located in west africa and is situated between hiv-2 and hiv-1-endemic zones. the first cases of hiv-1 infection in benin were reported in 1987. since then, aids cases have been diagnosed there and the number of known hiv-seropositive people has rapidly increased. blood samples were collected from 14 seropositive and 11 seronegative patients living in the main city, cotonou, and their peripheral blood mononuclear cells were cultured. in seven of the seropositive cases, a retrovirus was ...19901708264
monoclonal antibodies to conserved regions of the major core protein (gag24) of hiv-1 and hiv-2.five mouse monoclonal antibodies were raised against a recombinant protein comprising the complete sequence of gag24 protein from htlv-iiib. all monoclonal antibodies recognized the native protein in enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (elisa) and western blots. all monoclonal antibodies also cross-reacted with an human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) strain in western blots, whereas only one antibody detected hiv-2 p25 in elisa. by using synthetic peptides, cross-reacting epitopes were mapp ...19911707645
cloning and expression of the complete sivagm pol region in e. coli. purification and partial characterization of the reverse transcriptase.the complete pol region of the simian immunodeficiency virus from african green monkeys was cloned and expressed in e. coli. the reverse transcriptase was purified to high specific activity and could be shown to contain both reverse transcriptase activity as well as an associated rnase h activity. as is observed with other reverse transcriptases the enzyme is composed of two subunits which cannot be separated by conventional techniques. when comparing the recombinant enzyme with the authentic en ...19901707622
a capture enzyme immunoassay for detection of hiv-2/siv antigen capture enzyme immunoassay was developed for the demonstration of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv). the assay (hiv-2 ce) has a sensitivity of approximately 250 pg/ml of hiv-2/siv antigen. the hiv-2 ce was 4-16 times more sensitive than the abbott hiv-1 antigen assay for detection of hiv-2/siv antigen in cell culture supernatant. the sensitivity for detection of hiv-2/siv antigen in serum or plasma was 98.5% in the hiv-2 ce and 95.5% i ...19911706769
siv, stlv-i and type d retrovirus antibodies in captive rhesus macaques and immunoblot reactivity to siv p27 in human and rhesus monkey sera.the prevalence of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv), simian t-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (stlv-i), and type d retrovirus (srv-d) antibodies was determined for 1229 rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) from two research colonies. serum samples were tested by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), immunoblot (ib), and radioimmunoprecipitation assay (ripa). seropositive results for the three retroviruses tested were 0 for siv, 270 (22%) for stlv-i, and 103 (8.4%) for type d retrovirus. o ...19901706606
antiretroviral activity, biochemistry, and pharmacokinetics of 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxy-5-methylcytidine.3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxy-5-methylcytidine (cs-92, azddmec) is an antiviral nucleoside analogue structurally related to 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (azt). cs-92 is a potent and selective inhibitor of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase and hiv-1 replication in human lymphocytes and macrophages. the ec50 for cs-92 in hiv-1-infected human pbm cells was 0.09 microm. in hiv-1-infected human macrophages, the ec50 was 0.006 microm. this compound was also effective against human immunodeficiency virus type 2 in ly ...19901706574
potent and selective inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) by 5-ethyl-6-phenylthiouracil derivatives through their interaction with the hiv-1 reverse the search for 1-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)-methyl]-6-(phenylthio)thymine (hept) derivatives, we have found several 5-ethyl-6-(phenylthio)uracil analogues to be highly potent and selective inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) type 1. 1-benzyloxymethyl-5-ethyl-6-phenylthiouracil, the most potent congener of the series, inhibits hiv-1 replication in a variety of cell systems, including peripheral blood lymphocytes, at a concentration of 1.5-7.0 nm, which is lower by a factor of 10(3) than t ...19911706522
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