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phagocyte-derived free radicals stimulated by ingestion of iron-rich staphylococcus aureus: a spin-trapping study.phagocytic cells generate superoxide (o2-) and hydrogen peroxide (h2o2), creating the substrates for hydroxyl radical (ho.) in the presence of redox active metals. previously it was shown that ho. is not a physiologic product of human neutrophils or monocytes but can be generated in the presence of high concentrations of iron. this study was undertaken to determine whether bacterial iron could be used for the generation of ho. the growth of staphylococcus aureus under iron-rich conditions increa ...19911849162
effect of bacterial toxins on human b cell activation. ii. mitogenic activity of the b subunit of cholera toxin.the b subunit of cholera toxin (ct) but not the entire ct was found to induce the proliferation of resting human b lymphocytes. a significant mitogenic effect was observed for b subunit concentrations greater than 1 microgram/ml and reached a maximum of stimulation at 10 micrograms/ml. as already described for b lymphocytes preactivated with staphylococcus aureus cowan strain i (sac). b lymphocytes preactivated with the b subunit of ct, but not with the entire ct, were able to proliferate in res ...19911847876
purified staphylococcal culture medium stimulates neutral metalloprotease secretion from human articular cartilage.human articular cartilage released significantly increased levels of metal-dependent enzymes capable of degrading collagen, casein, and gelatin at a neutral ph following exposure to a sterile, purified fraction of staphylococcus aureus culture medium. neutral metalloprotease activity was determined by radiolabeled substrate assays and substrate gel analysis. the enzymes were activated with 4-aminophenylmercuric acetate and were inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline and ethylenediamine tetraacetic aci ...19911846914
structure--function relationship of the human erythrocyte plasma membrane ca(2+)-atpase revealed by v8 protease treatment.treatment of the solubilized and purified ca(2+)-translocating atpase (ca(2+)-atpase) (136 kda) from human erythrocyte plasma membranes with endoproteinase glu-c from staphylococcus aureus strain v8 (v8 protease) yielded transient fragments of 96 kda and 76 kda and more stable fragments of 60 kda and 37/36 kda (doublet). the presence of calmodulin did not alter the fragmentation pattern. the 60 kda fragment contains the protein kinase c (bovine brain) phosphorylation site(s), which we previously ...19911835379
frequency analysis of human peripheral blood b cells producing autoantibodies: differential activation requirements of precursors for b cells producing igm-rf and anti-dna investigate the mechanism of autoantibody production, the extent and nature of anti-dna precursors within normal human b cells were examined by utilizing two different polyclonal b cell stimulators, staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sa) and immobilized mab to the cd3 molecular complex (64.1). in cultures stimulated with sa and il2, b cells produced igm-rf, but not anti-dna, whereas b cells produced great amounts of anti-dna in cultures stimulated with sa and intact t4 cells. in cultures stimulat ...19911834351
comparative effect of protein binding on the killing activities of teicoplanin and vancomycin.the effect of protein binding on the activity of teicoplanin against staphylococcus aureus was evaluated. bactericidal rates of teicoplanin in cation-supplemented mueller-hinton broth (smhb) and in a 1:1 mixture of pooled human serum and cation-supplemented mueller-hinton broth (phs-smhb) were compared with those of vancomycin. eight concentrations of each drug ranging from 15 to 150 micrograms/ml were studied in two series which correspond to the concentrations in serum achieved with low- (6 mg ...19911834010
the primary structure of coagulation factor ix/factor x-binding protein isolated from the venom of trimeresurus flavoviridis. homology with asialoglycoprotein receptors, proteoglycan core protein, tetranectin, and lymphocyte fc epsilon receptor for immunoglobulin anticoagulant protein, factor ix/factor x-binding protein (ix/x-bp), isolated from the venom of trimeresurus flavoviridis, binds with factor ix and factor x in the presence of ca2+ with a 1 to 1 stoichiometry (atoda, h., and morita, t. (1989) j. biochem. (tokyo) 106, 808-813). analysis of s-pyridylethylated ix/x-bp by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a 16.0-kda band (designated the a chain) and a 15.5-kda band (designated the b chain). these two chains were s ...19911831197
cross-linking of cd23 antigen by its natural ligand (ige) or by anti-cd23 antibody prevents b lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation.the possible role of cd23 in the activation of human b lymphocytes was systematically investigated by examining the effect of: 1) anti-cd23 mab; 2) ige or ige-immune complexes and; 3) native or recombinant soluble cd23 of different m.w., on b cell proliferation. intact anti-cd23 mab or its f(ab')2 fragments inhibit the proliferation of tonsillar b lymphocytes costimulated with either staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac) or anti-igm and il-4. the antibody has no effect when il-2 or lmw-bcgf is use ...19911826018
[new findings on the biotyping of staphylococcus aureus isolated during milk processing].a detailed analysis of biotypes of staphylococcus aureus, as related to their origin and enterotoxigenicity, was performed, using 432 strains isolated from bulk milk, milking machines, quarter milk samples collected from mastitic cows, and cowherds and milkers. all strains coagulated rabbit blood plasma and produced thermonuclease (tab. i). human strains differed from bovine ones mostly in the production of alpha-haemolysin (94%) and fibrinolysin (66%). biotypes c1 (35%) and c2 (38%) dominated c ...19911799032
the effect of anti-tuftsin antibody on the phagocytosis of bacteria by human neutrophils.tuftsin (thr-lys-pro-arg) is a naturally occurring tetrapeptide which stimulates most known functions of the polymorphonuclear and mononuclear phagocytic cell lines. although tuftsin is a well characterized bioactive peptide, the exact physiological role tuftsin plays remains unclear. specific mouse anti-tuftsin antiserum generated in our laboratory, is now available for phagocytosis inhibition studies. monolayers of human neutrophils were prepared on glass coverslips from a few drops of finger ...19911791037
[preparation of staphylococcus aureus antigens for evaluation of their immunological reactivity with the human sera by the western blot method].extracellular antigens as well as cell wall extracts of 4 s. aureus strains isolated from different kinds of infection were analysed by western-blott technique. materials obtained in two systems of bacteria cultivation (with and without aeration) were compared. four systems of page (native conditions, with 8.0 m urea, with sds and sds after previous reduction of the material with 2-mercaptoethanol) were compared in order to get the best differentiation of proteins and antigens. immunological rea ...19911784132
use of patients' sera for immunoperoxidase demonstration of infectious agents in paraffin sections.using patients' sera diluted from 1:10 to 1:1,000 as the primary antibodies in indirect immunoperoxidase staining, the authors visualized a variety of infectious agents in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. the target lesions included 1) pyoderma caused by staphylococcus aureus, 2) cryptococcal infection, 3) dermal sporotrichosis, 4) colon ulcer caused by amebic dysentery, 5) cutaneous leishmaniasis, and 6) chronic liver abscess containing ova of ascaris lumbricoides. the infecti ...19911776466
human mononuclear cell chemiluminescence and interleukin-1 release induced by staphylococcus aureus protein a.staphylococcus aureus protein a (spa) is shown to induce a temporary chemiluminescence (cl)-response of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. maximal activity of spa is observed at 3 micrograms/ml and ec50 is about 1 microgram/ml. the cl response depends on extracellular calcium, and moreover is inhibited by pretreating cells with rabbit-anti-human igg's. from glass-adhered monocytes, spa alone (3 micrograms/ml) did not consistently affect the generation of immunoreactive interleukin-1 (il-1 ...19911761398
[the characteristics of staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan in the spectrum of the reactivity of human lymphocytes to bacterial peptidoglycans].the sensitivity of lymphocytes of healthy persons to s. aureus peptidoglycan as compared with that to the polyclonal stimulator zymosan c3b and peptidoglycans of other bacteria (streptococcus faecalis, escherichia coli, bacterium bifidum) was analyzed with a test system permitting the determination of specific reactivity to peptidoglycans. the analysis showed that at the peak of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (25-30 minutes) individual reactivity to s. aureus peptidoglycan varied within wid ...19911759526
effect of probenecid on phagocytosis and intracellular killing of staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli by human monocytes and granulocytes.the present study concerns the effects of probenecid on the phagocytosis and intracellular killing of staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli by human monocytes and granulocytes. in both monocytes and granulocytes the inhibitory effect on phagocytosis was very small. inhibition of intracellular killing of s. aureus by monocytes and granulocytes by probenecid was concentration dependent, being half-maximal at about 2 mm probenecid, and near-maximal at about 5 mm probenecid. the intracellular k ...19911748482
multiple prostatic abscesses presenting with urethral discharge.prostatic abscess has become less common, is now usually related to urinary tract infection, and is a rare cause of urethral discharge. the case is described of a man with prostatic abscesses caused by staphylococcus aureus possibly related to recent skin abrasions. transrectal ultrasound was used to make the diagnosis and to facilitate repeated drainage with a successful outcome.19911743716
regulation of b cell function by lobenzarit, a novel disease-modifying antirheumatic drug.lobenzarit (disodium 4-chloro-2,2'-iminodibenzoate [cca]) is a novel disease-modifying drug for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (ra). although its clinical efficacy has been demonstrated, its mechanism of action remains unclear. we therefore examined the effects of cca on in vitro igm and igm rheumatoid factor (igm-rf) production by human b cells.19921734906
epidermal cell differentiation inhibitor adp-ribosylates small gtp-binding proteins and induces hyperplasia of epidermis.epidermal cell differentiation inhibitor (edin) is a recently discovered protein which inhibits terminal differentiation of cultured keratinocytes (sugai, m., enomoto, t., hashimoto, k., matsumoto, k., matsuo, y., ohgai, h., hong, y.-m., inoue, s., yoshikawa, k., and suginaka, h. (1990) biochem. biophys. res. commun. 173, 92-98). the amino acid sequenced deduced from the edin gene has revealed that edin shares high amino acid sequence homology with the exoenzyme c3 of clostridium botulinum (inou ...19921733958
engagement of major histocompatibility complex class ii molecules by superantigen induces inflammatory cytokine gene expression in human rheumatoid fibroblast-like synoviocytes.cells in the rheumatoid synovium express high levels of major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class ii molecules in vivo. we have therefore examined the ability of engagement of mhc class ii molecules by the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea) to activate interleukin 6 (il-6) and il-8 gene expression in type b synoviocytes isolated from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. sea had a minimal or undetectable effect on the expression of either gene in resting synoviocytes, as determined ...19921732419
aggregation of human granulocytes by staphylococcus aureus lipase.the effects of purified extracellular lipase from staphylococcus aureus on human granulocytes were studied in vitro with a turbidimetric technique. within the concentration range 0.6-4.4 micrograms/ml, lipase caused monophasic aggregation accompanied by the release of lactoferrin; the corresponding concentrations of the solvent in which it was suspended, triton x100, had no effect. lipase-induced aggregation did not occur in the presence of autologous plasma.19921731059
anti-igm but not anti-igd antibodies inhibit cell division of normal human mature b cells.insolubilized anti-igd antibody markedly increased dna synthesis in and cell division of normal peripheral blood b cells (pbl-b) when used in combination with il-4. anti-igm antibodies also induced dna synthesis of pbl-b, but their ability to induce cell division was less than that of anti-igd antibodies even when used in combination with il-4. moreover, anti-igm antibodies inhibited cell division of pbl-b stimulated with insolubilized anti-igd antibody plus il-4 without affecting dna synthesis. ...19921727873
staphylococcal l-asparaginase: antilymphoma and immunosuppressive action.staphylococcal l-asparaginase inhibits blastic transformation of human lymphocytes and growth of mice leukemia lymphoblasts l5178y-r. the enzyme is removed from blood stream of dba/2 mice very rapidly.19911726614
microbiological evaluation of cefpodoxime proxetil.cefpodoxime, the active de-esterified molecule of the orally absorbable cephalosporin cefpodoxime proxetil, inhibits streptococci, neisseria spp., and most enterobacteriaceae, with mic50 and/or mic90 values of less than or equal to 2 mg/l; with regard to the latter family of bacteria, the mic50 and/or mic90 values of cefpodoxime are consistently greater than or equal to 4 mg/l for only enterobacter cloacae, citrobacter freundii, serratia marcescens, and morganella morganii. the mic50 of cedpodox ...19911726210
effects of recombinant human granulocyte and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factors on neutrophil function following autologous bone marrow transplantation.functional activity of peripheral blood neutrophils was assessed in eight patients at 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks following autologous bone marrow transplantation (abmt). functions studied included superoxide generation (o2-) intracellular killing of staphylococcus aureus, phagocytosis and killing of candida albicans. neutrophils were tested following in vitro preincubation with 300 pm granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (gm-csf), 1.2 nm granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (g-csf) or ...19911722549
a vitronectin-receptor-related molecule in human placental brush border membranes.the heterodimeric vitronectin receptor (vnr) and platelet glycoprotein iib/iiia (gpiib/iiia) are two members of the integrin family of cell adhesion receptors that share the same beta subunit (gpiiia). these proteins are involved in binding to vitronectin, fibrinogen and fibronectin and in cytoskeleton-membrane interactions. the present study shows that the human placental syncytiotrophoblast brush border membrane contains a heterodimer of subunit mr values of 140,000 and 90,000 (non-reduced) or ...19911720617
[the range of antigenic specificity of bifidobacterium peptidoglycan].the antigenic relationships of bifidobacterium bifidum 1 peptidoglycans with different strains of this species (lva-3, 791, go-4), bifidobacteria of other species (b. adolescentis go-13, b. breve 79-38, b. lactentis 79-41, b. longum go-3) and bacteria of remote taxonomic groups (streptococcus faecalis 6-3. staphylococcus aureus com 885, s. epidermidis com 2124. lactobacillus plantarum 1, escherichia coli m-17) were studied on the basis of a highly sensitive test system permitting the registratio ...19911716036
the role of cd45ra on human b-cell function: anti-cd45ra antibody (anti-2h4) inhibits the activation of resting b cells and antibody production of activated b cells independently in humans.anti-cd45ra antibody defined by anti-2h4 monoclonal antibody has been reported to split cd4+t cells into two distinct subpopulations. cd45ra antigen is present on the surface of virtually more than 95% b lymphocytes in the purified tonsillar b-cell preparations. we examined the role of cd45ra antigen on human b-cell function using this antibody. the addition to anti-2h4 to tonsillar b cells inhibited the proliferative response induced by staphylococcus aureus cowan strain i(sac) in a dose-depend ...19911715602
fibrinogen acts as a bridging molecule in the adherence of staphylococcus aureus to cultured human endothelial cells.the propensity of staphylococcus aureus to cause acute endovascular infections during transient bacteremia is poorly understood. to examine the events leading to the attachment of staphylococci to endothelium, adherence assays were developed to study the role of blood factors in the mediation of staphylococcal adherence to cultured human umbilical vein endothelium in vitro. results indicate that the preferential attachment of s. aureus to endothelial cells is mediated by fibrinogen adsorbed from ...19911710235
surface immunoglobulin ligands and cytokines differentially affect proliferation and antibody production by human cd5+ and cd5- b lymphocytes.normal human peripheral blood b lymphocytes were separated into cd19+ cd5+ and cd19+ cd5- subsets by dual-color facs sorting. in most experiments the cells were activated with staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac) and cultured in the absence or presence of recombinant human il-1 alpha, il-2, or il-6, or combinations of these cytokines. unstimulated cd5+ and cd5- b cells showed a comparable, low level of incorporation of [3h]thymidine into dna. sac stimulated proliferation of cd5+ and cd5- b cells, ...19901703783
action of staphylococcal exfoliative toxins on epidermal cell cultures and organotypic the staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, spontaneous intraepithelial cleavages are due to the exfoliative toxins a or b (eta or etb). until now, these toxins have been studied either on epidermis or on organotypic skin cultures. in the present study, we compare the effects of these toxins on human keratinocyte cell cultures to those on human and mouse organotypic skin cultures. with concentrations of eta or etb of 1 mg/ml for 3 hours, spontaneous intraepithelial cleavages were noted in both ...19901703553
influenza a virus potentiates bacteria-induced histamine release. examination of normal individuals and patients allergic to bacteria.influenza a virus was found to enhance basophil histamine release induced by escherichia coli, salmonella enteritidis, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumoniae and streptococcus sanguis, but did not per se release histamine. this potentiating effect of the virus was seen both when the bacteria-induced mediator release was ige-dependent (i.e. patient allergic to bacterium) and when the bacterium caused histamine release by a non-immunological mechanism independent of ige (putative sugar-le ...19901700889
protein l. a bacterial ig-binding protein that activates human basophils and mast cells.peptostreptococcus magnus strain 312 (10(6) to 10(8)/ml), which synthesizes a protein capable of binding to kappa l chains of human ig (protein l), stimulated the release of histamine from human basophils in vitro. p. magnus strain 644, which does not synthesize protein l, did not induce histamine secretion. soluble protein l (3 x 10(-2) to 3 micrograms/ml) induced histamine release from human basophils. the characteristics of the release reaction were similar to those of rabbit igg anti-fc frag ...19901698870
cd38 molecule: structural and biochemical analysis on human t lymphocytes, thymocytes, and plasma cells.the structure of the cd38 molecule has been evaluated by one- and two-dimensional gel analysis and by enzymatic digestions. the source of the ag was mainly membrane preparations obtained from mlc cells, from normal thymocytes, and from the plasmocytoma line lp-1. membranes were solubilized in np-40 and the extracts fractionated by immunoaffinity chromatography [using a specific anti-cd38 antibody (a10 mab) covalently linked to sepharose protein a]. the purified ag migrated as a single chain of m ...19901695648
vitronectin and type-i collagen binding by staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci.binding of 125i-labelled type-i collagen and 125i-labelled vitronectin (human serum spreading factor or s-protein) was studied using staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci of different species. binding of collagen and vitronectin was time dependent for s. aureus isp 546, and s. haemolyticus e 2498/86. co-operative binding of vitronectin and collagen by staphylococcal cells was demonstrated. binding to s. haemolyticus e 2498/86 was more rapid and was enhanced in vitronectin/co ...19901695103
binding competition of toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 and other staphylococcal exoproteins for receptors on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.binding of toxic shock toxin 1 (tsst-1) and staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea) to human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) was investigated by using 125i-labeled ligands. scatchard analyses revealed similar numbers of receptors (approximately 5,000 to 8,000) and similar dissociation constants (kd, approximately 20 to 25 nm) per pbmc. sea but not enterotoxin b, c1, c2, c3, d, or e significantly inhibited binding of 125i-tsst-1 to pbmc. cross-competition of tsst-1 and sea in binding assays ...19901694828
regulated expression and function of cd11c/cd18 integrin on human b lymphocytes. relation between attachment to fibrinogen and triggering of proliferation through cd11c/cd18.cd11c/cd18 (p150,95) is a beta 2 integrin expressed by myeloid, natural killer and certain lymphoid cells such as some cytotoxic t cell clones and b cell malignancies. we have studied the expression and function of cd11c on resting and activated b lymphocytes. flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, and mrna analyses showed that cell activation with phorbol esters or with a variety of stimuli such as staphylococcus aureus or anti-mu antibodies in combination with cytokines induced de novo cd11c/cd1 ...19911683891
expression of the hox-2.3 homeobox gene in human lymphocytes and lymphoid tissues.homeobox proteins are sequence-specific dna-binding proteins initially implicated in the control of gene expression in developing tissues; however, there is increasing evidence that these proteins are important in gene regulation in adult tissues. a cdna for the homeobox gene hox-2.3 was isolated from an adult human b-lymphocyte cdna library. northern blot analysis showed expression of a 1.1 and a 1.6 kb messenger rna (mrna) in a human b-cell line. rnase protection assays demonstrated variable e ...19911676919
the role of cd11a/cd18-cd54 interactions in human t cell-dependent b cell activation.the role of leukocyte function-associated ag-1 (lfa-1, cd11a/cd18) and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (icam-1, cd54) interactions in human t cell and b cell collaboration was examined by studying the effect of mab to these determinants on b cell proliferation and differentiation stimulated by culturing resting b cells with cd4+ t cells activated with immobilized mab to the cd3 molecular complex. in this model system, mab to either the alpha (cd11a) or beta (cd18) chain of lfa-1 or icam-1 (cd5 ...19911670945
effect of protein binding of daptomycin on mic and antibacterial activity.a higher rate of clinical failures in patients treated with daptomycin (2 mg/kg of body weight, given once daily) compared with rates in patients treated with conventional regimens caused early termination of this comparative clinical trial. one explanation for these failures could be that daptomycin is highly protein bound and that the concentration of the unbound active drug is too low for antibacterial activity. to assess this explanation, we studied the binding of daptomycin to proteins by u ...19911667253
effect of ampicillin/sulbactam on human polymorphonuclear leukocyte function.the effect of ampicillin and sulbactam on the interaction in vitro of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmn) with staphylococcus aureus was examined. the exposure of a non-penicillinase-producing s. aureus strain to one fourth the mic of ampicillin but not of sulbactam significantly increased the uptake of bacteria by human pmn. this effect was also observed when bacteria were exposed to the mic0.25 of different combinations of ampicillin and sulbactam (2/1, 1/1, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/32). these effe ...19911666546
phagocytic functions and tumor necrosis factor secretion of human monocytes exposed to natural porcine surfactant (curosurf).in this study we have analyzed various phagocytic functions and tumor necrosis factor (tnf) secretion of human monocytes exposed to either a biochemically well-defined porcine surfactant or a purified phospholipid preparation. adherence, random migration, and chemotactic response to zymosan activated serum and formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine were normal in surfactant-treated monocytes; surfactant was not a chemotactic stimulus. in contrast, phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus by monocyte ...19911653936
enhancement of macrophage superoxide anion production by amphotericin b.amphotericin b (amb) appears to have some important immunomodulatory effects, but its mechanism of action has not been explained. we investigated the effects of amb on activation of human monocyte-derived macrophages. macrophages cultured in the presence of amb had an enhanced capacity to produce superoxide anion after stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate. this enhancement was dose dependent within a therapeutic range of amb levels (0.1 to 3.0 mg/liter). macrophages cultured in the presenc ...19911649568
inhibition of epstein-barr virus infection in vitro and in vivo by soluble cr2 (cd21) containing two short consensus repeats.the extracellular domain of cr2, the epstein-barr virus (ebv)/c3d receptor of b lymphocytes, contains 15 or 16 tandemly arranged short consensus repeat elements (scr). recombinant cr2 proteins containing scr 1 and 2 fused to staphylococcus aureus protein a (pa-cr2) and to murine complement factor h scr 20 (cr2fh) were expressed in escherichia coli and in insect cells, respectively. these recombinant cr2 molecules retained functional activity as indicated by their ability to bind to c3dg in an en ...19911645784
glycosidase inhibitors (castanospermine and swainsonine) and neuraminidase inhibit pokeweed mitogen-induced b cell maturation.castanospermine (csp), an inhibitor of alpha-glucosidase, enhanced immunoglobulin (ig) release in a staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac)-induced lymphocyte culture (scand. j. immunol. 1990. 32: 529). in a pokeweed mitogen (pwm)-human lymphocyte culture, unlike the sac-stimulated system, csp strongly decreased the number of igg-, iga- and igm-secreting cells as well as that of ig-bearing cells. peripheral blood lymphocytes treated with swainsonine, a mannosidase ii inhibitor, or with neuraminidase ...19921639102
comparison of in vitro adherence of methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus to human nasal epithelial cells.reported nasal carriage rates of personnel caring for patients with methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) range from 1% to 6% in contrast to nasal carriage rates of 45%-65% for methicillin-sensitive s. aureus (mssa) in health care personnel under nonepidemic conditions. one proposed explanation for these conflicting observations was examined, namely that mssa and mrsa differ in their ability to adhere to nasal epithelial cells. the adherence of 6 genotypically distinct strains of ms ...19921634812
effect of pine seed shell extract on microbial and viral infection.pretreatment of mice with ammonia extract of seed shell of pinus koraicenis, via the intraperitoneal or intravenous route, effectively protected them from lethal infection of escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae and staphylococcus aureus. the pine seed shell extract also moderately inhibited syncytium formation and cytopathogenic effect induced by human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection in cultured human lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-1) positive mt-4 cells. these data suggest a medicin ...19921627738
staphylococcal enterotoxin-activated spleen cells passively transfer diabetes in bb/wor rats develop spontaneous autoimmune diabetes similar to human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. a t-cell-mediated pathogenesis for bb/wor diabetes is indicated because disease is prevented by neonatal or adult thymectomy and treatment of diabetes-prone rats with monoclonal antibodies directed against cd5 or cd8 t-cell surface markers. disease can be adoptively transferred with injections of concanavalin a-activated spleen cells from either acutely diabetic or rt6.1 t-cell-depleted diab ...19921607077
identification of the bactericidal domain of lactoferrin.we report the existence of a previously unknown antimicrobial domain near the n-terminus of lactoferrin in a region distinct from its iron-binding sites. a single active peptide representing this domain was isolated following gastric pepsin cleavage of human lactoferrin, and bovine lactoferrin, and sequenced by automated edman degradation. the antimicrobial sequence was found to consist mainly of a loop of 18 amino acid residues formed by a disulfide bond between cysteine residues 20 and 37 of h ...19921599934
major histocompatibility complex independent clonal t cell anergy by direct interaction of staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin b with the t cell antigen receptor.the staphylococcal enterotoxin superantigens stimulate vigorous responses in t cells bearing certain t cell antigen receptor (tcr) v beta regions. in addition to activation, these superantigens also impart negative signals to t cells resulting in a profound state of unresponsiveness or anergy. the staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins (se) b and c2 bind to a closely related site on major histocompatibility complex (mhc) human leukocyte antigen (hla)-dr1 molecules. only seb, however, interacts with ...19921588277
inhibition of in vitro immunoglobulin production by fk506, rapamycin, a structural analog of fk506, is a strong immunosuppressant. the immunosuppressive effect of rapa in in vitro igg, igm, and iga production by human lymphocytes was examined in this study. to inhibit spontaneous or pokeweed mitogen-stimulated production of ig by human peripheral blood lymphocytes, about one thousandfold lower concentrations of rapa (ic50 = 0.3 nm-2 nm) were required than of cyclosporine (ic50 = 0.3 microm-2 microm). t cells were the direct targets of rapa, ...19921585470
lobenzarit disodium (cca) inhibits in vitro immunoglobulin production via direct interaction with b lymphocytes.the regulatory effects of lobenzarit disodium (cca), a therapeutic agent for treating rheumatoid arthritis (ra), on polyclonal immunoglobulin production by human lymphocytes were investigated in vitro. cca inhibited the production of immunoglobulin in all the classes examined at a clinically relevant concentration. moreover, it inhibited the immunoglobulin production as well as lymphocyte proliferation even when purified b lymphocytes preactivated by staphylococcus aureus cowan i were cultured w ...19921576670
amino acid sequence of calmodulin from euglena gracilis.the complete amino acid sequence of calmodulin from euglena gracilis was determined by isolation and sequence analyses of peptides derived from calmodulin by digestion with trypsin and staphylococcus aureus v8 protease. euglena calmodulin consists of 148 amino acid residues; it lacks tryptophan and cysteine and contains one tyrosine, three histidine and two ne-trimethyllysine residues/molecule of the protein. its n-terminus was blocked with an acetyl group and c-terminal lysine was trimethylated ...19921572365
penetration of norfloxacin into the aqueous humor of the human eye.forty six patients received a topical application of a 0.3% norfloxacin (zoroxin; msd, austria) solution into the lower fornix at different time intervals and frequencies before undergoing planned extracapsular cataract extraction. aqueous humor was sampled at the beginning of surgery and assayed for the level of the antibiotic with high performance liquid chromatography. the highest aqueous humor level observed 30 min after the administration of the last drop in four patients who received five ...19921559771
purification of uridine diphosphate-galactose:glucosyl ceramide, beta 1-4 galactosyltransferase from human kidney.a galactosyltransferase that transfers galactose from udp-galactose to glucosylceramide was purified 440-fold to apparent homogeneity from normal human kidney "buffy coat" preparation employing detergent extraction, ultrafiltration, and sepharose q column chromatography. on reducing and nonreducing gels, the enzyme resolved into two bands with apparent molecular weights on the order of 60,000 and 58,000, respectively. the activity of the enzyme was also associated with these two bands following ...19921551920
the difference in p53 antioncogene transcription in human monocytes and lymphocytes.the p53 gene is associated with malignant transformation as well as 'antioncogene' activity. in this report expression of p53 in resting and activated human blood monocytes and lymphocytes was studied. it is shown that human monocytes freshly isolated by continuous percoll-gradient centrifugation contain detectable levels of p53 mrna. stimulation of monocytes by the potent activation inducer staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac) for 3-5 h caused the disappearance of p53 mrna. in contrast, inductio ...19921549368
recombinant epidermolytic (exfoliative) toxin a of staphylococcus aureus is not a superantigen.the epidermolytic (exfoliative) toxins produced by staphylococcus aureus cause epidermolysis and skin blistering. in addition, they have been implicated to belong to the group of t lymphocyte stimulating molecules known as "superantigens". here we show that recombinant epidermolytic toxin a produced in s. aureus is not mitogenic for human and murine t lymphocytes. we discuss the possibility that minute contaminations of highly mitogenic exoproteins may cause the mitogenicity in several proteins ...19921549069
the complete primary structure of bovine stefin b.a new stefin b-type low-mr cpi was isolated from bovine thymus and subjected to structural analysis. the inhibitor consisted of 98 amino acids and its mr was calculated to be 11,178. the nh2-terminal amino acid residue was blocked. the sequence was determined by automated sequencing of peptides derived by cleavage with cyanogen bromide and fragments of the inhibitor resulting from enzymatic digestion with beta-trypsin and staphylococcus aureus v-8 proteinase. the nh2-terminal blocking group was ...19921544453
functional properties of human germinal center b cells.germinal centers (gcs) are histologically defined areas where b cells undergo extensive proliferation and maturation, or die of apoptosis. gc b cells isolated from human tonsils can be phenotypically identified by expression of peanut agglutinin (pna)-binding sites and can be further divided into subpopulations based on their expression of cd77. to assess the functional potential of gc b cells, we studied cd77+ pna+ b cells isolated from tonsils by examining their differentiation status and thei ...19921544165
staphylococcal enterotoxin-mediated human t-t cell interactions.staphylococcal enterotoxins (se) are known to stimulate a large proportion of t cells. se bind to mhc-class ii molecules on apc and a particular segment of certain tcr v beta and v gamma gene products. resting human t cells do not express hla class ii ag and therefore cannot present se to t cells. activated human t cells, however, do express hla-dr, -dp, and -dq ag and could consequently serve as apc for se. as such, local immune responses to se might be regulated and/or abrogated by se-mediated ...19921535087
superantigens in human disease. 19921533055
phage susceptibility, enterotoxigenicity and antibiograms of staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from human wounds and diarrhoea.the phage types, enterotoxigenicity and antibiograms of staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from human diarrhoea and skin wounds in nigeria were determined. of 194 strains tested, 140 (72.2%) were typable using a combination of phages in the international phage set (ips) for human strains of s. aureus and the bovine phage set. ips phages lysed 118 (60.8%) strains while 96 (49.5%) were susceptible to bovine phages. s. aureus strains from adult diarrhoea were significantly (p less than or equal ...19921520984
bronchitis mimicking opportunistic lung infection in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection/aids.purulent bronchitis was identified in 19 of 422 patients undergoing fiberoptic bronchoscopy during a 32-month period because of suspicion of an opportunistic lung infection complicating acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or human immunodeficiency virus infection. five patients had pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, but other opportunistic lung infections were excluded in the remaining 14 patients. characteristics of these 14 patients included fever (greater than 38.3 degrees c), cough, and dyspnea ...19921518586
lethal and mutational effects of solar and uv radiation on staphylococcus aureus.strains of staphylococcus aureus, an opportunistic pathogen commonly found on human skin, were exposed to sunlight and uv c radiation, and the lethal and mutational effects measured. sunlight killed cells with an inactivation constant of 3 x 10(-5) per joule per square metre; uv c was much more lethal, giving an inactivation constant of approximately 0.1 per joule per square metre. some strains tested showed a sensitivity to sunlight that was dependent on the growth phase of the cells, exponenti ...19921510557
in-vitro activity of tosufloxacin, a new quinolone antibacterial agent.the in-vitro activity of tosufloxacin (a-61827) was compared with that of temafloxacin, ciprofloxacin and selected members of other groups of antimicrobial agents, against 684 recent distinct clinical isolates and strains with known mechanisms of resistance. against members of the enterobacteriaceae, ciprofloxacin was slightly more active than tosufloxacin, which was more active than temafloxacin. the mic90 of tosufloxacin for all species of enterobacteriaceae, pseudomonas aeruginosa and acineto ...19921506348
[alteration of bacteria induced by subinhibitory concentrations of cefixime: consequences on bactericidal activity of human polynuclear neutrophils].subinhibitory concentrations of most parenteral cephalosporins have been reported to alter bacterial infectivity and, in particular, to increase the susceptibility of altered bacteria to the killing effects of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (pmn). few data on this issue are available for oral cephalosporins. this study investigated the effects of sub-mic concentrations of the new oral cephalosporin cefixime on two bacterial targets, i.e., s. aureus 209p (mic 20 mg/l) and e. coli k12 (mic 0.15 mg/ ...19921495824
identification of the disulfide bonds in human plasma protein sp-40,40 (apolipoprotein-j).sp-40,40, a human plasma protein, is a modulator of the membrane attack complex formation of the complement system as well as a subcomponent of high-density lipoproteins. in the present study, the positions of the disulfide bonds in sp-40,40 were determined. sp-40,40 was purified from human seminal plasma by affinity chromatography using an anti-sp-40,40 monoclonal antibody and reversed-phase, high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc). the protein was digested with trypsin and the fragments ...19921491011
[sulbactam-ampicillin in surgery. our experience].the bacterial infections constitute a serious problem for the surgeon: the choice of antibiotic drugs is really important and, as often as possible, should be guided by antibiotic sensitivity tests. in this study we used sulbactam-ampicillin (unasyn) who is an antibiotic combination between sulbactam, inhibitor of beta lactam and ampicillin. the preliminary results were as follows: unasyn was administered to 21 hospitalized selected patients, 16 women and 5 man, who had clinical signs of intraab ...19921480290
information analysis of immune and endocrine organs. morphological changes in the course of infection.morphological and morphometric studies were conducted into lymphoid and endocrine organs of 259 human adults and infants with pyoinflammatory diseases (pid) and of 300 experimental mice. informative and correlation analyses of the data thus recorded provided evidence to the effect that in the course of an infection process adaptation and compensation responses were characterized by intensified exchange of information within the immune-endocrine system (ies). septic courses of pid were found to b ...19921477084
lung abscess in children in harare, zimbabwe.despite the rarity of lung abscess in children, 24 patients were treated at harare central hospital during the 10 year period (1979 to 1988). the bacteriology and clinical findings of the 24 patients are presented. bacteria were isolated from 18 patients. the most frequent isolates were staphylococcus aureus, group a beta haemolytic streptococci, and pseudomonas aeroginosa. most of the abscesses followed measles, empyema or an episode of aspiration. the patients were managed with bronchoscopy, p ...19921473506
influence of enoxacin sub-mics on the adherence of staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli to human buccal and urinary epithelial cells.bacterial adhesion is the first step in the sequence of events leading to infection. it has been observed that subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics can interfere with the mechanism of bacterial adhesion. the purpose of the present study was to investigate the capacity of sub-mics of enoxacin, a new 4-quinolone with 6-fluoro and 7-piperazino substituents, to interfere with the adhesiveness of staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli to human buccal cells and of e. coli to urinary epithel ...19921473365
phagocytosis and microbicidal capacity of human monocytes in the course of hiv infection.phagocytosis and bactericidal activity of human monocytes were studied in asymptomatic hiv carriers and in patients with clinically apparent hiv infection, diagnosed as persistent generalised lymphadenopathy (pgl) or aids-related complex (arc). monocytes of asymptomatic hiv carriers manifested no significant changes while a decreased phagocytosis was shown by monocytes in the majority of patients with pgl or arc. the latter patients also exhibited a decreased bactericidal activity of the cells. ...19921446919
staphylococcus aureus leukocidin: a new virulence factor in cutaneous infections? an epidemiological and experimental study.panton-valentine leukocidin (pvl) is a staphylococcus aureus (sa) exotoxin, which kills human granulocytes and monocytes in vitro. among 43 sa strains from cutaneous infections, 12 were pvl producers, whereas among 49 blood culture strains, only 1 produced pvl. most pvl-producing strains (11/22) came from 22 primitive cutaneous infections, especially furuncles and abscesses, while only 1 pvl-producing strain came from 21 secondary infections of dermatoses such as bullous or pruritic diseases. in ...19921446082
metabolism of the malignant cell, the role of bacterial spores, and a pictorial presentation to substantiate the latter's presence as an etiological factor in carcinogenesis.the respiration and metabolism of the malignant cell, while in vivo, is anaerobic. this is contrary to a normal animal (human) cell, whose respiration and metabolism is aerobic. there is a factor within the malignant cell which produces a reducing or 'deoxygenating' phenomenon, creating the metabolic anaerobiosis. an animal cell cannot survive without the ultimate oxygen molecule. yet the malignant cell continues to grow and enlarge despite this oxygen absence. even more surprising is the fact t ...19921435401
[effect of gentiana violet against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa)].the bactericidal effect of gentiana violet against mrsa isolated from clinical specimens was studied both in vitro and in vivo. the results obtained are as follows: 1) minimum bactericidal concentration (mbc) of gentiana violet to mrsa was between 0.0025% and 0.08% and the mbc was not influenced even if 25% human whole serum exists in the medium. 2) the number of cells were 2.1 x 10(7) cfu/ml in medium which decreased to 5.4 x 10(4) cfu/ml within 5 min by existing 0.1% gentiana violet in the med ...19921431367
septic arthritis in hiv positive haemophiliacs. four cases and a literature review.septic arthritis is rare in haemophiliacs. four new cases who were also hiv positive are reported. in three, the knee was involved, and in the fourth the elbow. the organism was streptococcus pneumoniae and staphylococcus aureus in one patient each, and salmonella in two. although all the patients were human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) positive at the time of diagnosis, only two patients developed autoimmune deficiency syndrome (aids) after their septic arthritis. these two died later due to ai ...19921428349
identification of functionally active fragments of staphylococcal enterotoxin has been found that staphylococcal enterotoxin b contains a proteolysis-sensitive sequence in the cysteine loop formed by two half-cystines located in the middle of the toxin polypeptide chain. fragments of the enterotoxin formed as a result of its digestion in this region have been isolated, their n-terminal sequences have been determined and sites of proteolysis have been identified. it has been demonstrated that the n-terminal fragment of staphylococcal enterotoxin b is capable of activati ...19921425690
effects of macrolides on ultrastructure of staphylococcus aureus during postantibiotic phase.the postantibiotic effects (paes) of macrolide antibiotics, such as midecamycin acetate (miocamycin, mom), erythromycin (em), josamycin (jm) and clarithromycin (cam), on staphylococcus aureus and the ultrastructure of the pathogen during the postantibiotic phase were investigated. after exposure to 2 x mic for 2 h, mom showed the longest pae of 3.9 h, while em, jm and cam showed pae durations 1.2, 2.5 and 1.9 h, respectively. on examining the serum levels of these agents in man, the longest pae ...19921425207
oligomer formation of staphylococcal alpha-toxin analyzed by electron microscopy and image processing.the 12s oligomeric form of staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin has been studied with electron microscopy after incubation of the toxin with membrane preparations or liposomes. the target material originated from human platelets. different electron microscopic preparation techniques were used including negative staining, freeze-fracture and vitrification in liquid ethane. analysis of micrographs with image processing methods revealed two groups of ring-like structures corresponding to alpha-toxin o ...19921419115
[a report of two cases of cervical necrotizing soft-tissue infection].two recent cases of cervical necrotizing soft-tissue infection are herein presented. case 1. a 52-year-old man with uncontrolled diabetes was hospitalized because of an erythematous swelling of the left side of his neck and high grade fever. fetid yellowish pus exuded from the left parotid area. the swelling extended from the left temporal area to the left supraclavicular fossa, with necrosis of the parotid gland, sternocleidomastoid, masseter and a portion of the strap muscles. wound cultures r ...19921403320
role of the adhesion molecule lymphocyte function associated antigen 1 in toxic shock syndrome toxin 1-induced tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-1 beta secretion by human monocytes.we previously demonstrated that the induction by staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tsst-1) of tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha) and interleukin-1 beta (il-1 beta) secretion by human monocytes requires direct t cell-monocyte contact. in the present study, a role for the adhesion molecule lymphocyte function associated antigen 1 (lfa-1) in tsst-1-induced cytokine secretion by human monocytes among 12 normal healthy donors was investigated. monoclonal antibodies to the alpha chain ...19921399006
human immunoglobulin production in immunodeficient mice: enhancement by immunosuppression of host and in vitro activation of human mononuclear cells.the affect of host and donor related factors on successful engraftment of human cells into mice was examined to minimize the variability that has been observed in successful development of human-mouse chimera for the study of human disease and immune physiology and regulation. human immunoglobulin production in severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) mice engrafted with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) was augmented by immunosuppressing recipient mice and activating donor pbmc. im ...19921395094
production of experimental staphylococcal impetigo in mice.we produced a staphylococcal impetigo model by epicutaneous inoculation in mature mice. a strain isolated from a human impetigo was used. five-week-old female mice (ddy-strain) were used with and without pre-treatment by cyclophosphamide (cy) (2 mg/mouse) for 5 days. the back skin of mice was shaved by a razor blade and slightly abraded by sand paper. bacterial suspension (1.4 x 10(7) cfu/0.05 ml) was applied on the abraded areas which were then occluded under sterile plastic plaster. although i ...19921390457
surface-immobilized polyethylene oxide for bacterial repellence.polyethylene terephthalate films were surface-modified with polyethylene oxide (18,500 g/mol) using a solution technique described previously. these films were investigated for their resistance to bacterial adhesion. three bacterial strains most commonly associated with implant infections, staphylococcus epidermidis, staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa, were cultured in tryptic soya broth, human plasma and human serum on the polymeric substrates. significant reductions (between 70 a ...19921385983
proliferation and differentiation of human cd5+ and cd5- b cell subsets activated through their antigen receptors or cd40 antigens.the pan-t cell antigen cd5 has been shown to delineate two different mouse b cell subsets, originating from distinct progenitors. in man, on average, 30% of the tonsillar b cell pool expresses this antigen. in the present report, a detailed comparison of the cd5+ and cd5- b cell response to cytokines, following activation via surface immunoglobulins (sig) or cd40 antigen, was undertaken. cd5+ b cells were positively selected by panning or by sorting from tonsils. two-color immunofluorescence ana ...19921385152
bacterial toxin superantigens activate human t lymphocytes reactive with myelin autoantigens.some bacteria that are common human pathogens produce protein toxins that are potent activators of human t lymphocytes expressing certain types of t-cell receptors. in this study we examined the ability of staphylococcal toxins to stimulate human t lymphocytes that also recognized the myelin autoantigens myelin basic protein and proteolipid protein. t-cell populations responding to myelin basic protein or proteolipid protein were isolated from 4 subjects including 1 individual with multiple scle ...19921384422
the lfa-3 adhesion pathway is differently utilized by superantigen-activated human cd4+ t-cell subsets.the superantigen sea binds to mhc class ii molecules and activates a large fraction of t cells as a result of interaction with particular tcr-v beta sequences. mhc class ii transfected cho cells induce a marginal cd4+ t-cell proliferation in the presence of sea. cho cells transfected with both mhc class ii and lfa-3 (hla-dr4/lfa-3 double transfectants) supported a vigorous t-cell proliferation and required 1000-fold lower sea concentration than dr4-transfected cells. dr4/lfa-3 double transfectan ...19921380180
evidence for reactive nitrogen intermediates in killing of staphylococci by human neutrophil cytoplasts. a new microbicidal pathway for polymorphonuclear anucleate, granule-poor, motile fragments from human blood neutrophils (cytokineplasts; ckp), the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor n omega-monomethyl-l-arginine (nmma) produced a modest decrease in uptake of staphylococci from supernatants (p less than 0.02, n = 7), and a marked decrease in the killing of cytoplast-associated bacteria (p less than 0.001, n = 7). after 60 min of incubation with bacteria, nmma-treated cytoplasts had a mean of over 3.5 times as many live, ckp-associated staphyloc ...19921379614
spontaneous igm autoantibody production in vitro by b lymphocytes of normal human neonates.human neonate b lymphocytes display unique phenotypic and functional characteristics: in addition to cd1c antigens, cd5+ and cd5- subsets both express activation markers such as cd23 and bac-1. they proliferate strongly in the presence of various lymphokines (ril-2, ril-4, low molecular weight bcgf), but differentiate poorly in the presence of the same lymphokines, pokeweed mitogen and epstein-barr virus. it has also been reported that human neonate b lymphocytes produce polyreactive autoantibod ...19921376488
cleavage of human immunoglobulins by serine proteinase from staphylococcus aureus.the serine proteinase (sp) released into the environment by most strains of s. aureus cleaves human igg, igm and iga of both subclasses--iga 1 and iga 2. sp cleaves h chains of all immunoglobulin classes and the sc of s-iga, the l chains are degraded partially. the sp-induced cleavage results in a large spectrum of fragments under reducing conditions within a broad range of mr (approx. 41,000 to less than 12,400). this indicates that the enzyme does not affect the ig molecule in the hinge region ...19921372285
gangliosides suppress tumor necrosis factor production in human monocytes.both normal and malignant cells contain gangliosides as important cell membrane constituents that, after being shed, may influence cells of the immune system. we have studied the impact of gangliosides on the expression of tnf in blood monocytes and in the monocytic cell line mono mac 6. although under standard culture conditions, bovine brain gangliosides (100 micrograms/ml) suppressed lps-stimulated tnf production 5-fold in pbmc and 10-fold in mono mac 6 cells, suppression was more efficient u ...19921371788
effects of interferon-alpha on human b cell responsiveness: biphasic effects in cultures stimulated with staphylococcus aureus.although interferon-alpha (ifn-alpha) has been found to be involved in the immune regulation in vivo, the effects of ifn-alpha on human b cells have not yet been clarified because of conflicting results in the literature. the present study therefore examined the effects of several subtypes of ifn-alpha (natural, alpha 1, alpha 2a, alpha 2b) on b cell responsiveness in detail by comparing different experimental conditions. highly purified b cells from normal human individuals were cultured with s ...19921346369
functional evaluation of human neutrophils. is the bactericidal activity correlated with nitroblue tetrazolium reduction?the cytochemical nitroblue tetrazolium (nbt) reduction test continues to be used in clinical laboratories to detect defects in the oxidative metabolism of phagocytes. however, the specificity of the test is controversial, and it is not clear whether nbt reduction really reflects the microbicidal activity of these cells. in the present study, we evaluated the killing of staphylococcus aureus by neutrophils from healthy adult individuals and from patients with phagocyte dysfunctions using a fluoro ...19921342894
in vitro pharmacodynamic effects of concentration, ph, and growth phase on serum bactericidal activities of daptomycin and vancomycin.clinical trials with daptomycin were halted in december 1990 because of treatment failures including two resistant staphylococcus aureus strains. high protein binding of daptomycin (> 90%) and the lower-than-expected concentrations in serum with the dosage regimen of 3 mg/kg of body weight every 12 h may have contributed to these failures. to evaluate the effect that higher concentrations would have on bactericidal activity measured by time-kill curves, peak and trough concentrations were estima ...19921336344
activation of nadph oxidase and phospholipase d in permeabilized human neutrophils. correlation between oxidase activation and phosphatidic acid production.a major function of human neutrophils (pmn) during inflammation is formation of oxygen radicals through activation of the respiratory burst enzyme, nadph oxidase. stimulus-induced production of both phosphatidic acid (pa) and diglyceride (dg) has been suggested to mediate oxidase activity; however, transductional mechanisms and cofactor requirements necessary for activation are poorly defined. we have utilized pmn permeabilized with staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin to elucidate the signal pathw ...19921334083
in vitro activity of opc-17116.the in vitro activity of opc-17116, a new c-5 methyl fluoroquinolone, was compared with the activities of other fluoroquinolones. opc-17116 inhibited 50% of the members of the family enterobacteriaceae tested and 90% of haemophilus influenzae, neisseria species, and moraxella catarrhalis isolates at less than or equal to 0.25 microgram/ml. at less than or equal to 2 micrograms/ml, 90% of the enterobacteriaceae were inhibited, which was comparable to or better than the activities of fleroxacin, o ...19921329620
the in-vitro activity of two new quinolones: rufloxacin and mf 961.the in-vitro activity of two new quinolone antimicrobials, rufloxacin and mf 961, together with the desmethylated metabolite of rufloxacin (mf 922) were compared with other orally administered agents against 622 bacterial strains. against enterobacteriaceae and pseudomonas aeruginosa rufloxacin was generally active (mic90 1-8 mg/l) with the exception of klebsiella and serratia spp. (mic90 32 mg/l and enterobacter spp. (mic90) 64 mg/l. the respiratory pathogens haemophilus influenzae and moraxell ...19921324239
glycosphingolipids: the putative receptor for staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin-b in human kidney proximal tubular cells.we have investigated the binding of 125i-staphylococcal enterotoxin-b (seb) in cultured human proximal tubular cells. we found that the binding of 125i-seb to pt cells was time and concentration dependent and competitively inhibited by antibody against seb. preincubation of cells with trypsin and neuraminidase or with fetuin did not significantly impair the binding of 125i-seb to such cells. in contrast, treatment with endoglycoceramidase completely inhibited the binding of 125i-seb to cells. ne ...19921322493
in vitro activity of sparfloxacin (at-4140), a new quinolone agent, against invasive isolates from pediatric patients.sparfloxacin is a new oral fluoroquinolone agent with putative activity against common pediatric pathogens. using the broth microdilution method, we evaluated sparfloxacin activity in comparison with those of other antimicrobial agents against 383 pediatric isolates derived from cultures of blood and other normally sterile body fluids. mics were assessed in mueller-hinton broth, serum, and urine, as well as at inoculum sizes of 10(4) to 10(8) cfu/ml. the emergence and stability of resistance and ...19921318674
the role of capsular antigens in staphylococcus aureus immunity.most clinical blood isolates of staphylococcus aureus have been shown to be encapsulated. techniques are now available for the preparation of type-specific capsular antisera and to provide reliable serologic methods for the identification of clinical isolates of staphylococcus aureus. epidemiologic studies in the u.s.a. and europe indicated the prevalence of capsular types 5 and 8 among clinical isolates from human, bovine, and poultry. encapsulated types 5 and 8 resisted in vitro phagocytosis a ...19921303685
human b cell differentiation induced by microbial superantigens: unselected peripheral blood lymphocytes secrete polyclonal immunoglobulin in response to mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen.microbial superantigens (sa) activate a significant portion of the t cell repertoire based on their dual avidity for mhc class ii antigens and t cell receptor (tcr) epitopes common to products of one or several tcr beta chain variable gene families. while sa that induce massive t cell proliferation and cytokine secretion have been implicated in clinical syndromes characterized by shock and generalized immunosuppression, sa activation of a more restricted t cell response may also have significant ...19921299344
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