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monoclonal antibody recognizing pre-s(2) epitope of hepatitis b virus: characterization of pre-s(2) epitope and anti-pre-s(2) antibody.a hybrid cell line producing monoclonal antibodies recognizing an epitope encoded by the pre-(s)2 region of hepatitis b virus (hbv) genome was obtained by fusion of mouse myeloma cells with lymphocytes from mice immunized with hbv. the monoclonal antibody mo-f124 secreted from the hybrid line reacted with the pre-s(2) epitope expressed on the surface of both viral and recombinant hbsag particles--pre-s(2) and s gene product--localised on 34 kd glycoprotein of the viral envelope. the pre-s(2) epi ...19862430050
[range of the antigenic specificity of peptidoglycan in staphylococcus aureus compared to other representatives of the staphylococcus genus].in investigations based on the use of a highly sensitive test system permitting the detection of normal human antibodies to s. aureus peptidoglycan, the antigenic relationships between the peptidoglycans of s. aureus and other representatives of the genus staphylococcus have been studied. among other staphylococcal species, s. simulans, s. xylosus, s. hyicus, s. cohnii, s. hyicus s. s. chromogenes have been found to possess peptidoglycans most closely related to s. aureus peptidoglycans, while s ...19862428191
control of human b-lymphocyte replication. i. characterization of novel activation states that precede the entry of g0 b cells into cycle.tonsillar b lymphocytes of a particularly high buoyant density were prepared essentially free of contaminating monocytes and t cells. when exposed to anti-immunoglobulin, such cells initiated the hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids. this provides a postulated 'dual signal' for growth through the liberation of intracellular calcium stores and the activation of protein kinase c. nevertheless, neither anti-immunoglobulin nor direct agonists of this bifurcating pathway (respectively, calcium ionoph ...19862426188
antibodies to lipoteichoic acid from staphylococcus aureus. specificity of murine monoclonal and human antibodies.two monoclonal antibodies against staphylococcal lipoteichoic acid (lta) were made by fusing p3x63ag8 myeloma cells and splenocytes from mice immunized with purified lta. both were isotyped as being igm kappa. their specificities were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays indicating that both antibodies reacted with the glycerol-phosphate backbone, while one of them also had some affinity for the alanyl substituent. antibodies in serum from 7 multiple sclerosis (ms) patients and serum ...19852424261
immunological uniqueness of human monoamine oxidases a and b: new evidence from studies with monoclonal antibodies to human monoamine oxidase a.monoamine oxidase (ec; mao) is the primary enzyme responsible for the intraneuronal degradation of biogenic amines in the central nervous system. an understanding of the physiological significance of the functional and regulatory differences between the two forms of the enzyme, maos a and b, would be facilitated by the availability of antibodies specific for the two forms of the enzyme. we previously isolated and characterized a monoclonal antibody (mao b-1c2, previously designated mao-1 ...19852414414
deposition of c3b and ic3b onto particulate activators of the human complement system. quantitation with monoclonal antibodies to human c3.monoclonal antibodies were used to determine the number and molecular form of c3 bound to particulate activators of the complement (c) system by human serum. sheep erythrocytes (e) coated with igm (eigm) and igg (eigg) were used to study activation of the classical pathway (cp). yeast (y), rabbit erythrocytes (er), and five species of bacteria (escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumoniae type 3, streptococcus pyogenes, and hemophilus influenzae type b) were used to study ac ...19852409200
regulation of human ige response by t cells and their in vitro experimental system for the induction of human ige production has been established with human peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl). for the assessment of ige produced in vitro, a sensitive elisa method has been developed by employing monoclonal anti-ige antibodies. the stimulation of pbl with pokeweed mitogen plus staphylococcus aureus strain cowan i induced polyclonal ige response. t cells from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, after activation with purified protein derivative and ...19852409024
neutrophil bactericidal activity against staphylococcus aureus adherent on biological surfaces. surface-bound extracellular matrix proteins activate intracellular killing by oxygen-dependent and -independent mechanisms.the activation patterns of surface adherent neutrophils are modulated via interaction of extracellular matrix proteins with neutrophil integrins. to evaluate neutrophil bactericidal activity, staphylococcus aureus adherent to biological surfaces were incubated with neutrophils and serum, and the survival of surface bacteria was determined. when compared to albumin-coated surfaces, the bactericidal activity of neutrophils adherent to purified human extracellular matrix was markedly enhanced (mean ...19902394841
a fast and easy method to determine the production of reactive oxygen intermediates by human and murine phagocytes using dihydrorhodamine 123.analysis of the functional activity of phagocytes is of great importance in the differential diagnosis of patients with recurrent bacterial infections. here we describe a method to determine the production of reactive oxygen intermediates (roi) by microcytofluorometry using dihydrorhodamine 123, a derivative of rhodamine 123. using this method the roi production of erythrocyte-depleted whole blood samples can be measured without further time-consuming purification steps. possible harmful manipul ...19902391431
[effects of il-2 and il-6 on the immunoglobulin synthesis of lymphocytes from cvid patients].peripheral blood lymphocytes from five hypogammaglobulinemic patients suffering from common variable immunodeficiency (cvid) were stimulated with staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac) and pokeweed mitogen (pwm). the assays were substituted with interleukin-2 (il-2) and interleukin-6 (il-6) in different combinations. in three patients who were deficient for igm in vivo a combination of sac and il-2 induced a normal igm synthesis in vitro. in these patients a deficient il-2 synthesis is probably the ...19902379934
the alpha 1 domain of the hla-dr molecule is essential for high-affinity binding of the toxic shock syndrome toxin-1.several exoproteins from the bacterium staphylococcus aureus are highly potent polyclonal activators of t cells in the presence of cells bearing class ii antigens of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc). these toxins, including the toxic shock syndrome toxin (tsst-1), act at nanomolar concentrations, bind directly to class ii molecules, and do not require the processing typical of nominal antigen. each toxin is capable of stimulating a subpopulation of peripheral t lymphocytes bearing part ...19902377209
[chemiluminescence of human lymphocytes in reactions with staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan].the capacity of s. aureus peptidoglycan (pg) for inducing the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of human lymphocytes has been studied. lymphocytes taken from adult donors have been found to give dose-dependent reaction to s. aureus pg, while lymphocytes from newborn infants have been inert under the same conditions. essential differences in the kinetics of response to pg (the maximum intensity of chemiluminescence occurs in 25-30 minutes) and to phytohemagglutinin (the maximum intensity is rea ...19902368534
pruritus, staphylococcus aureus, and human immunodeficiency virus infection. 19902334194
antibody responses to protein a in patients with staphylococcus aureus bacteremia and assess the significance of antibody to staphylococcus aureus protein a (spa) in human sera, we developed a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). spa antibody levels in 23 patients with s. aureus endocarditis (ie), 21 patients with non-ie s. aureus bacteremia, and 33 controls were measured. geometric mean levels of antibody to spa were significantly higher in s. aureus ie patients (134 elisa units [eu]) than in uninfected controls (52 eu; p less than 0.01). also, a significantly ...19902324274
[total hip prosthesis infected with salmonella dublin].in 1983, the bovine-specific salmonella dublin was demonstrated in man in denmark. the organism is frequently isolated from blood but rarely causes gastroenteritis. the frequency of infection following hip replacement is less than 2% with staphylococcus aureus as the commonest agent while gram-negative rods are rarer but are considered to be more serious. infection around a hip replacement frequently implies that the prosthesis must be removed. a case in which a hip replacement was infected with ...19902309373
il-2 dependence of the promotion of human b cell differentiation by il-6 (bsf-2).the effect of ril-6 on the growth and differentiation of highly purified human peripheral blood b cells was examined. il-6 alone induced minimal incorporation of [3h]thymidine by unstimulated or staphylococcus aureus (sa)-stimulated b cells and did not augment proliferation induced by sa and il-2. similarly, il-6 alone did not support the generation of ig-secreting cells (isc) or induce the secretion of ig by unstimulated or sa-stimulated b cells. however, il-6 did augment the generation of isc ...19902295801
bacterial iron enhances oxygen radical-mediated killing of staphylococcus aureus by has been shown that increasing bacterial iron concentration enhances killing by hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) but not by polymorphonuclear granulocytes (pmn). it is possible that owing to the multiple bactericidal mechanisms of the pmn, differences in the killing rate of iron-loaded bacteria and control bacteria are obscured. we decided, therefore, to compare the killing of iron-loaded bacteria with that of control bacteria using human monocytes (mn), pmn, and pmn-derived cytoplasts. incubation of ...19902294055
adherence of staphylococcus aureus to cell monolayers.adherence of four strains of staphylococcus aureus to eukaryotic cell monolayers was assayed with [3h]-thymidine labelled bacterial cells and the results were analysed by non-parametric statistical tests. adherence to primary (human mesothelial) and semi-continuous (human embryonic lung) cell monolayers was significantly better than to continuous cell lines (hep2, hela and vero). hep2 cell monolayers provided the most reliable assay substrate of the continuous cell lines tested. variation occurr ...19902286582
skin tissue fluid levels of cefotiam in healthy man following oral cefotiam hexetil.cefotiam hexetil is a pro-drug of cefotiam available for oral administration. to evaluate cefotiam concentrations at the active site in skin and soft-tissue infections, drug levels in skin suction blister fluid (sbf), cantharides blister fluid (cbf) and serum were determined. six healthy subjects received oral cefotiam 400 mg as cefotiam hexetil. on an other day 200 mg was injected intravenously. following the oral dose, the bioavailability of cefotiam was 45.5%, and the maximum concentration in ...19902276386
alteration of membrane oligosaccharides by castanospermine, an alpha glucosidase inhibitor, enhances immunoglobulin production in staphylococcus aureus cowan i-stimulated lymphocyte culture.castanospermine (csp) inhibits alpha-glucosidase, which is involved in the initial step of n-linked oligosaccharide processing of secretory and membrane glycoproteins. in staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac)-stimulated human lymphocyte culture, csp at a dose of 20 micrograms/ml caused a twofold increase in immunoglobulin g (igg) release after 7 days. an initial 48-h exposure to csp sufficed for this enhancing effect. plaque-forming cell assays on the seventh day disclosed that csp caused an incre ...19902270434
establishment of a human b cell line that responds specifically to b cell growth factor.a human b cell line (3d5) that responds specifically to b cell growth factor (bcgf) has been developed by a sequence of staphylococcus aureus cowen i activation, eb virus immortalization, and cloning. proliferative response to pha-stimulated t cell supernatant (pha-t-sup) and nonresponsiveness to ril-2 stimulation were factors used to screen positive cells. phenotype analysis with a flow cytometer indicated that: 1) 3d5 is a b cell line: 100% of the cells were positive for b1 marker and 59% were ...19902243835
proteolytic fragmentation of sialophorin (cd43). localization of the activation-inducing site and examination of the role of sialic acid.sialophorin (cd43) is the major surface mucin on many hematopoietic cells. it has been implicated in regulating the survival of t lymphocytes in the circulation, and its functions in vitro as the receptor of a t lymphocyte and monocyte activation pathway. the structure of cd43 was examined by protease treatment of lymphoblastoid cells bearing surface cd43. trypsin treatment converts cd43 (apparent mr 115,000) to species of apparent mr 100,000 called t-100, which remains cell-associated; however, ...19902230123
polyclonal activation of rat b cells. ii. dextran sulfate as a cofactor in mitogen-induced and antigen-induced differentiation of rat b lymphocytes.salmonella typhimurium mitogen (stm) is a polyclonal activator of rat b lymphocytes, triggering them to proliferate, but not differentiate, to antibody-secreting cells. when lymphokines in the form of a supernatant from con a-stimulated splenocytes (cas) are added to b cell cultures activated by stm, only a small number of cells are driven to differentiate. only with the addition of a third signal provided by the polyanionic polysaccharide dextran sulfate (dxs) is significant rat b cell differen ...19902212646
influenza infection and diabetes mellitus. case for annual vaccination.herein, epidemiological data on influenza pneumonia and mortality, results of clinical studies, and the outcome of influenza vaccination trials are reviewed. all excess mortality studies that specify for underlying disease list diabetes as one of the major risk factors. during influenza epidemics, death rates among patients with diabetes mellitus may increase by 5-15%. diabetes mellitus is also mentioned as a risk factor in most clinical studies, making up 3-14% of the patients studied. even in ...19902209323
pyomyositis and human immunodeficiency virus infection.pyomyositis is a bacterial infection of skeletal muscle usually caused by staphylococcus aureus and characterized by localized muscle pain, swelling, and tenderness. the disease is endemic in the tropics. though only approximately 50 cases have been reported from the continental united states, pyomyositis has been increasingly recognized here in the last decade. we report two patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection and pyomyositis, and review five previously reported cases. gi ...19902205925
myristic acid is incorporated into the two acylatable domains of the functional glycoprotein cd9 in ester, but not in amide bonds.cd9 is a signal-initiating glycoprotein of uncertain membrane insertion which contains more than one locus of acylation and is distinguished by being the major acylatable platelet protein. the n-terminus of cd9 is blocked to edman degradation. we investigated whether [3h]myristic acid could be incorporated into cd9, whether that incorporation occurred via an amide linkage, and whether myristate and palmitate were differentially incorporated into the two domains. pulse-labeling studies, performed ...19902194573
the ability of recombinant murine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor to protect neonatal rats from septic death due to staphylococcus aureus.granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (gm-csf) potentiates in vitro and in vivo production of granulocytes. also, recombinant human gm-csf in vitro enhances functional capabilities of human granulocytes. recombinant murine (rm) gm-csf was administered to neonatal rats in vivo to test its ability to protect from septic death due to staphylococcus aureus. when rmgm-csf was given intraperitoneally 6 h before a 90% lethal dose challenge of s. aureus, peak survival was observed at a dose o ...19902192004
model simulation of a single oral dose of cefuroxime axetil and the related in-vitro kill kinetics against four bacterial in-vitro model was shown to be capable of simulating a cefuroxime serum profile equivalent to that observed in human volunteer studies, following a single dose of 250 mg cefuroxime axetil. the model was used to carry out kill kinetic studies and showed cefuroxime to lyse the four bacterial test strains, time of onset of lysis being related to the sensitivity of the respective organisms. the more sensitive staphylococcus aureus and haemophilus influenzae strains were subject to a higher absolu ...19902180892
phosphatase activity of staphylococci is constitutive in some species and repressed by phosphates in others.the phosphatase activities of colonies of staphylococcal strains belonging to the 10 species most frequently isolated from specimens of human origin were evaluated on media with undetermined inorganic phosphate contents and on media supplemented with known amounts of phosphates. all strains of all species tested were phosphatase positive on plates that were not supplemented with inorganic phosphates when the ph of the medium was high. in media supplemented with 0.3% phosphates at low and high ph ...19902177749
influence of subinhibitory concentrations of loracarbef (ly 163892) and daptomycin (ly 146032) on bacterial phagocytosis, killing and serum sensitivity.the aim of this study was to evaluate whether pre-exposure of bacteria to a subinhibitory concentration (sub-mic) of loracarbef (ly 163892) or daptomycin (ly 146032) could modify bacterial susceptibility to serum bactericidal activity and to phagocytosis and killing by murine peritoneal macrophages and by human polymorphonuclear leucocytes. escherichia coli, haemophilus influenzae type b and staphylococcus aureus grown in the presence of one quarter the mic of loracarbef, and s. aureus exposed t ...19902174852
separation and characterization of modified variants of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor i derived from a fusion protein secreted from escherichia coli.human insulin-like growth factor i, igf-i, was produced in escherichia coli fused to a synthetic igg-binding peptide the fusion protein is secreted into the medium during fermentation and was initially purified on an igg-sepharose column. after hydroxylamine cleavage, igf-i was purified to homogeneity. during purification, impurities in the form of modified variants of igf-i were detected and characterized. the closely related impurities were identified to be a misfolded form of igf-i, having mi ...19902173560
impairment of neutrophil chemotactic and bactericidal function in children infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and partial reversal after in vitro exposure to granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor.because polymorphonuclear neutrophils are the most important component of host defense against bacteria, we assessed their function in 13 children with asymptomatic and 12 with symptomatic infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), and compared their values with healthy adult control values. the functions assessed were (1) chemotaxis, (2) bacterial phagocytosis, (3) superoxide generation, and (4) bactericidal activity. chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear neutrophils toward the chemo ...19902170609
ingestion of legionella micdadei inhibits human neutrophil function.legionella micdadei is a human pathogen which survives within leukocytes. to determine how this organism escapes intracellular destruction, we examined its effect on human neutrophil activity. neutrophils were allowed to ingest l. micdadei prior to evaluation of functional activity. compared with control cells which did not ingest organisms, cells ingesting l. micdadei showed significantly depressed production of superoxide anion (24.5 +/- 9.0 nmol/10(6) cells per 15 min versus 6.9 +/- 3.2 nmol/ ...19902169462
regulation of human monocyte/macrophage function by extracellular matrix. adherence of monocytes to collagen matrices enhances phagocytosis of opsonized bacteria by activation of complement receptors and enhancement of fc receptor inflammation monocytes emigrate from the peripheral circulation into an extravascular area rich in extracellular matrix proteins. in this milieu, phagocytes ingest and kill invading pathogens. in the present studies, we found that monocytes adhered to type i collagen gels phagocytized 2.5-12-fold more opsonized escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes, and streptococcus pneumoniae than plastic-adherent monocytes. the rate of phagocytosis and the number of bacteria inges ...19902168442
effect of human serum on the bactericidal activity of daptomycin and vancomycin against staphylococcal and enterococcal isolates as determined by time-kill kinetic studies.the bactericidal activity of daptomycin and vancomycin alone in cation-supplemented mueller-hinton broth and in human serum against clinical isolates of staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus epidermidis, and enterococcus faecalis was evaluated by exposing replicating microorganisms to concentrations ranging from 2 to 128 micrograms/ml for 24 hr. in addition, the possibility of emergence of resistance, the stability of each agent in the respective medium, and the percent of protein binding by hum ...19902166634
killing of coccidioides immitis by hypochlorous acid or identify possible explanations for the resistance of coccidioides immitis to killing by human neutrophils, its susceptibility to typical oxidants generated during the neutrophil respiratory burst was compared to the sensitivity of other microbes. when microbial suspensions were exposed to hypochlorous acid, arthroconidia or spherules of c. immitis were killed more slowly than yeast cells of candida (torulopsis) glabrata or staphylococcus aureus. in contrast, exposure to the more lipophilic ox ...19902166156
subclass distribution of antigen-specific iga antibodies in normal donors and individuals with homozygous c alpha 1 or c alpha 2 gene analyze the subclass restriction of ag-specific iga, sera and saliva from healthy blood donors and from iga class or subclass deficient individuals were studied. the latter included donors with or without c alpha 1 or c alpha 2 gene deletions. monoclonal human iga1 and a genetically engineered iga2 antibody, normal human serum and colostrum iga were used as standards to estimate serum and saliva levels of ag-specific antibodies. in normal individuals, there was a strong iga1 preference of nat ...19902162886
method to identify genomic targets of dna binding proteins.we have devised a cyclical immunoprecipitation protocol that can be used to identify and clone a specific dna sequence that is recognized by a dna binding protein, even if that sequence is present in only one copy in the genome of a mammal. as an example, we have used this procedure to purify mouse genomic sequences to which the simian virus 40 tumor (t) antigen binds.19902159142
identification of endothelin receptors by chemical cross-linking.specific binding sites for human/porcine endothelin have been found in rat brain membrane preparations using an [125i]endothelin. the apparent kd value was 3 +/- 2 nm with a bmax value of 2,200 +/- 200 fmol/mg protein. chemical cross-linking of [125i]endothelin to rat brain membranes by using the cross-linking reagent disuccinimidyl suberate (dss) revealed two specific proteins of mr = 52,000 and mr = 30,000. the same results were obtained by photoaffinity labeling of [125i]azidoendothelin to ra ...19902156666
endothelial cells inhibit receptor-mediated superoxide anion production by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes via a soluble inhibitor.confluent monolayers of bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (bpae) or human umbilical vein endothelial cells (huve) inhibited by 80 to 90% the production of o2- by added human neutrophils (pmns) stimulated by plasma membrane receptor-mediated activators (formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine [fmlp], opsonized zymosan, heat-killed staphylococci), but not by non-plasma membrane receptor-mediated activators (phorbol myristate acetate and delta-hexachlorocyclohexane). degranulation induced by fml ...19902155631
frequency analysis of human peripheral blood b cells producing igm-rheumatoid factor. differential effects of stimulation with monoclonal antibodies to cd3 and staphylococcus aureus.the extent and nature of igm-rheumatoid factor (rf) precursors within normal human b cells were examined by utilizing two different polyclonal b cell stimulators, staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sa) and immobilized mab to the cd3 molecular complex (64.1). in cultures stimulated with sa, b cells produced igm-rf in the presence of t4 cells, factors generated from mitogen-activated t cells (tf), or il-2. similarly, in cultures stimulated with immobilized anti-cd3, t4 cells that had been treated with ...19902144005
the influence of human monocytes on the antibacterial activity of vancomycin and teicoplanin against staphylococcus aureus.the influence of human monocytes on the antibacterial activity of vancomycin and teicoplanin against staphylococcus aureus was investigated. monocytes, which neither phagocytosed nor killed bacteria because no serum was present in the incubation medium, enhanced the effect of both antibiotics. when phagocytosis and intracellular killing were induced by the use of pre-opsonized s. aureus or the addition of serum during the incubation, the antibacterial effect of vancomycin and teicoplanin was dim ...19902142684
peptide analogs to a fibronectin receptor inhibit attachment of staphylococcus aureus to fibronectin-containing substrates.binding of cells of staphylococcus aureus to fibronectin has been proposed as a mechanism of bacterial adhesion to host tissues. in this study, we have attempted to define the role of a recently identified fibronectin receptor in the adhesion of staphylococcal cells to fibronectin-containing substrates by using different receptor analogs as potential inhibitors of bacterial adherence. the results showed that synthetic peptides d1, d2, and d3, corresponding to variations of a repeated unit in the ...19902142481
a novel pathway of human b cell activation initiated by ck226 surface this study we analyzed the effect of ck226 monoclonal antibody (mab) on human b cell activation and proliferation. this mab was shown to recognize a 75-kda surface molecule expressed on both t and b lymphocytes and to mediate t lymphocyte activation and proliferation. flow cytometry analysis of b cell populations isolated from peripheral blood, tonsil and spleen showed that ck226 surface antigen is highly expressed on 40-80% of surface ig+ cells. when purified b cells were cultured in the pre ...19902141569
binding of staphylococcal cell surface polysaccharide to human fibrinogen.the interaction between the binding site of a polysaccharide (called compact colony forming active substance (ccfas)), obtained from the cell surface of a strain of staphylococcus, and human fibrinogen (hf) was investigated. the ccfas was found to bind specifically to both the b beta and gamma chains of hf at ph 7.0 and 8.0, and the a alpha chain at ph 5.0. the binding of ccfas with fibrinogen fragments obtained by digestion with plasmin were also investigated. fragments with mr of 55,000, 24,00 ...19902140287
possible role of microbial igg fc-binding proteins in rheumatoid arthritis.igg fc binding substances (receptors) are widespread among pathogenic microorganisms. the receptors from staphylococcus aureus, streptococci of group a, c and g as well as herpes-infected cells bind to the interface between the ch2 and ch3 domains i.e. to his 435, tyr 436 and possibly also his 433 and/or 310. most rheumatoid factors (rf) from patients with rheumatoid arthritis show a similar binding pattern. hence, it has been shown that antibodies to microbial igg fc receptors (s. aureus and gr ...19902139302
regulation of human b cell responsiveness by cd8+ t cells: differential effects of stimulation with monoclonal antibodies to cd3 and pokeweed mitogen.previous studies have shown that human cd8-positive t cells activated by immobilized mab to the cd3 complex have the capacity to support the generation of ig secreting cells (isc). the experiments reported here were undertaken to examine the nature of cd8+ t cell helper function in greater detail. cd8+ t cells that had been treated with mitomycin c (cd8+ mito) and stimulated by immobilized mab to cd3 (64.1) provided help for the generation of isc from resting b cells. by contrast, cd8+ mito did ...19902138519
respiratory syncytial virus modulation of adult and neonatal lymphocyte mitogenic responses and the role of interferon-gamma.infection of human adult and neonatal mononuclear leukocytes (mnls) with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) caused significant inhibition of lymphoproliferation in response to various mitogens (heat-killed staphylococcus aureus, phytohaemagglutinin, concanavalin-a and pokeweed mitogen). antibody to human interferon-gamma enhanced the rsv-induced suppression of lymphoproliferation in adult, but not neonatal mnls. these results are consistent with the hypothesis that rsv can suppress the developmen ...19902129048
intracellular expression of hifn alpha genes in escherichia coli and bacillus subtilis directed by staphylokinase signals.portable expression units for intracellular formation of heterologous proteins in escherichia coli and bacillus subtilis were constructed by inserting the transcription and translation initiation signals of the staphylokinase sak42d gene into the polylinker of plasmid puc18. fusions with atg-gene cassettes coding for mature human interferons (hifn) alpha 1 and alpha 2 resulted in intracellular expression of both proteins in e. coli. the 20 fold lower yield of hifn alpha 2 was not due to unfavora ...19902128332
sustained in vitro activity of human albumin microspheres containing chlorhexidine dihydrochloride against bacteria from cultures of organisms that cause urinary tract infections.the potential of chlorhexidine dihydrochloride (ch hcl) incorporated into human albumin microspheres to provide sustained activity in vitro against escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, and pseudomonas aeruginosa from quality controls and from cultures of organisms that cause urinary tract infections was investigated. ch hcl was entrapped into five different formulations of human albumin microspheres. a technique was developed to evaluate the antibacterial activity of these microspheres and o ...19902127344
human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection in patients attending a sexually transmitted diseases clinic in borno state of nigeria.results of a study to determine if patients attending sexually transmitted diseases (std) clinics are at high risk to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection are presented. the 206 patients who attended the std clinic at the maiduguri general hospital consisted of 200 males and 6 females, most of whom were aged between 20 and 29 years and were single. only one of the 206 serum samples (0.49%) was confirmed seropositive for hiv-1 antibodies. however, cultures from 143 of 174 swabs taken from ...19902124396
relative activities of distinct isotypes of murine and human major histocompatibility complex class ii molecules in binding toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 and determination of cd antigens expressed on t cells generated upon stimulation by the toxin.relative abilities of murine and human major histocompatibility complex class ii molecules to bind toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tsst-1) and t-cell subsets activated by the toxin were investigated. tsst-1 binding was observed in l cells transfected with i-ab, i-ak, dr2, and dqw1 genes. scatchard plot analysis showed similar kd values (1 x 10(-8) to 3 x 10(-8) m) for these cells. by comparison, binding was not detected in l cells transfected with i-ek, dpw4, and dp(cp63) genes. all of the transfe ...19902123824
[producer cells of human alpha and gamma interferons].the cells responsible for production of human alpha and gamma interferons with proper inducers were studied using methods for fractionation of human blood mononuclear cells. the results indicated cooperation and mutual regulation by cells of interferon production. monocytes were shown to play the leading role in the synthesis of acid-stable alpha interferon, whereas accessory cells were required for gamma interferon synthesis by t lymphocytes. acid-labile alpha interferon was produced predominan ...19902120852
staphylococcal toxins in human disease. 19902119059
molecular cloning of the baboon interferon-gamma cdna.interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma) is a cytokine produced by t lymphocytes and natural killer cells which has a key function in resistance against infections. baboon (papio anubis) ifn-gamma was produced by stimulation of baboon splenocytes with a lysate of staphylococcus aureus. this interferon was active on human cells and could be seroneutralized with a polyclonal antiserum against human ifn-gamma, but not with antisera against human interferon-alpha and interferon-beta. poly(a)(+)-rna was isolated ...19902118970
differential regulation of il-1 production in human monocytes by ifn-gamma and il-4.we have demonstrated that il-4 markedly inhibits il-1 production by highly purified normal human monocytes. when added to monocyte cultures, il-4 suppressed lps-induced il-1 production in a time- and dose-dependent manner. concentrations of il-4 as low as 100 pg/ml reduced il-1 production by approximately 50%, and doses of 1 ng/ml or higher suppressed il-1 production by more than 90%. maximal inhibition required that il-4 be added before or simultaneous with lps. northern dot blot analyses revea ...19902114443
immunobiological study of interferon-gamma-producing cells after staphylococcal enterotoxin b stimulation.staphylococcal enterotoxin b (seb) induced the production of human interferon-gamma (hifn-gamma) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc). using specific mouse monoclonal antibodies (mab) to hifn-gamma, the patterns of cytoplasmic fluorescence in the pbmc from five individuals were studied. discrete polar bodies in a ring-formation adjacent to the nuclear membrane was the most frequently observed fluorescent pattern throughout the 76-hr observation period. additional and different fluorescen ...19902113035
in vitro antimicrobial activity of defensins against ocular approaches to antimicrobial therapy for ocular pathogens must overcome organisms that are resistant to current therapeutic modalities. this investigation examined the antimicrobial activity of novel antimicrobial neutrophil peptides (defensins np-1 and np-5) against isolates from clinical ocular microbial infections in humans and horses. the test panel of human clinical isolates included candida albicans, an alpha-hemolytic streptococcus, streptococcus pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and ...19902112378
interactions of the oxygen-dependent antimicrobial system of the human neutrophil with difloxacin, ciprofloxacin, pefloxacin and fleroxacin in the intraphagocytic eradication of staphylococcus aureus.the effect of the o2-dependent antimicrobial systems of the human neutrophil on the intraphagocytic activity of difloxacin, ciprofloxacin, pefloxacin and fleroxacin was determined by use of a radioassay with staphylococcus aureus as the test organism. the fluoroquinolones exhibited good intraphagocytic activity with normal neutrophils. however the intracellular bioactivities of the four antimicrobial agents were substantially less in tests with neutrophils from two patients with chronic granulom ...19902111406
stimulation of the respiratory burst and promotion of bacterial killing in human granulocytes by intravenous immunoglobulin preparations.we have examined the effect of two i.v. immunoglobulin preparations on the metabolic and functional activities of neutrophil granulocytes from the peripheral blood. production of superoxide anion (o2-) by granulocytes was measured through superoxide dismutase inhibitable reduction of ferricytochrome c after incubation of cells for various times together with immunoglobulin (concentration ranging from 0.25 to 5.0 mg/ml). the results showed dose-dependent response of o2- production independent of ...19902107048
[1st isolation of strains of staphylococcus aureus producing toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 in food handlers in argentina].thirty nine milk handlers from a factory of dairy products in the province of buenos aires were examined for their nasal carriage of s. aureus strains capable of producing toxic-shock-syndrome toxin-1 (tsst-1). in addition, chance samples of handled foods, crude milk and milky fermented derivates (mfd) were studied. strain isolation was made on mannitol salt agar and on baird-parker agar. typical colonies were identified by their biochemical properties. cultures that were found to be s. aureus w ...19902102013
[conservative treatment of multiple brain abscesses].non-surgical treatment of multiple cerebral abscesses in 67 old man was described. staphylococcus aureus was isolated from cerebral spinal fluid. the patient was treated with antibiotics and metronidazole and was discharged in satisfactory state after 40 days.19902100822
association between chemiluminescence stimulating and il-2 inducing activities of staphylococcus aureus strains in human and mouse mononuclear cells.the plastic adherent fraction of human mononuclear cells (mnc) responded with maximal chemiluminescence (cl) upon stimulation with greater than or equal to 1000 bacteria per cell of heat killed preparations of staphylococcus aureus strains. different strains had different cl stimulating activities and their sequences were similar on mnc from different blood donors. il-2 inducing and cl stimulating activities seem to be parallel features of s. aureus strains, since their sequence set ups establis ...19902099081
effects of beta-lactam antibiotics imipenem/cilastatin and cefodizime on cellular and humoral immune responses in balb/c-mice.the effects of a 7-day chemotherapy with two broad-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotics (imipenem/cilastatin and cefodizime) on the humoral and cellular immune responses in balb/c-mice were investigated. antibiotic dosages were calculated on a body weight basis from therapeutical dosages in human medicine. treatment of experimental mice with imipenem/cilastatin and cefodizime did not influence the production of immunoglobulines (igm and igg) nor the delayed type hypersensitivity to oxazolone. in vit ...19902085374
cryptic alpha-toxin gene in toxic shock syndrome and septicaemia strains of staphylococcus aureus.the majority of clinical isolates of staphylococcus aureus that produce toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (tsst-1) fail to express alpha-toxin, despite having a copy of the hla gene in the chromosome. the hla gene was cloned from an hla- tsst-1+ strain, todd 555, which had been isolated from a case of toxic shock syndrome in the usa. of the 630 bases of the todd 555 gene sequenced, 46 differed from the hla gene sequence of strain wood 46. the defect in alpha-toxin expression was shown to be due to a ...19902082151
[glass bead sterilization of orthodontic pliers].the study on sterilization of orthodontic pliers by using glass bead sterilizer at 450 f was performed. microorganisms used in this experiment were staphylococcus aureus atcc 25933, bacillus subtilis atcc 6633, candida albicans atcc 10231 and mixed microorganisms in human saliva. the result showed that after the pliers were scrubbed with alcohol and sterilized for 3 minutes with glass bead sterilizer, all vegetative cells and bacterial spores were killed in every test. this study indicated that ...19902074330
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome in a woman with chronic renal failure exposed to human immunodeficiency virus.a twenty-eight-year-old woman seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus and undergoing hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease sustained an infection of her arteriovenous graft. multiple erythematous erosions appeared and a diagnosis of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome was made when a frozen section of a fresh skin peel revealed an intraepidermal split through the granular layer and staphylococcus aureus group ii, phage type 71 was cultured from the wound and blood. twenty-six cases ...19912070652
recent advances in pediatric infectious diseases and their impact on dermatology.the past five years have seen numerous advances in the field of pediatric infectious diseases, and many of these have a substantial impact on the practice of dermatology. we review some of these advances and discuss their implications on etiology, diagnosis, therapy and complications of some relatively common conditions. the etiologic agent of exanthum subitum (roseola infantum) has been clearly implicated as a herpesvirus-6. although in the classically described situation high fever in a young ...19912061433
effect of metalloproteinase from staphylococcus aureus on in vitro stimulation of human lymphocytes.metalloproteinase (mp) produced by the majority of staphylococcus aureus strains exerts, in a wide concentration range (0.1-100 micrograms/ml), no cytotoxic action on mononuclear leukocytes of human peripheral blood. the enzyme itself does not appreciably stimulate proliferation and differentiation of lymphocytes in culture, but affects the stimulation of both t and b lymphocytes by polyclonal activators. the action is dose-dependent. high doses of mp (100 micrograms/ml) lower the blastic transf ...19912060975
bacterial superantigens as anti-tumour agents: induction of tumour cytotoxicity in human lymphocytes by staphylococcal enterotoxin a.activation of lymphocytes by interleukin-2 (il-2) induces lymphokine-activated killer (lak) cells that show promising effects on tumour growth in clinical trials. we examined the effect of the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea) on anti-tumour activity of freshly prepared human lymphocytes. picomolar amounts of sea rapidly induced cytotoxic activity against k562 and raji cells as well as some natural-killer(nk)-resistant tumour cell lines. cytotoxic activity was not dependent on targ ...19912059967
functional and structural domains of the sixth component (c6) of human complement.the effects of serine protease inhibitors, diisopropyl fluorophosphate (dfp) and phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (pmsf), on hemolytic activity of c6 were reinvestigated. c6 was inactivated in a range of 1-10 mm by both of the inhibitors as previously reported. limited proteolytic digestion was also studied to elucidate the functional and structural domains of c6. the major fragments produced by trypsin, plasmin, or lysyl endopeptidase could not be separated unless disulfide bonds were disrupted, ...19912054869
mitogenic toxins as mhc class ii-dependent probes for t cell antigen receptors.the enterotoxins produced by staphylococcus aureus (se) are prototypes of a group of microbial exoproteins that share a potent mitogenic activity for t lymphocytes of several species. these exoproteins use a very effective novel mechanism of t lymphocyte stimulation. for stimulation of all types of t cells (cd4+, cd8+ as well as gamma delta tcr+) the presence of allogeneic or xenogeneic mhc class ii molecules on accessory or target cells is required. this requirement is reflected by a selective ...19912049035
septic arthritis and other infections of rheumatologic significance.bacterial arthritis has been reported rarely in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection and generally is associated with other risk factors such as intravenous drug use. septic arthritis may be caused by opportunistic organisms and may be more common in hemophiliacs when associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection. pyomyositis and osteomyelitis have also been reported more commonly.19912041884
rapid and sensitive sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin b in cheese.a rapid and sensitive screening sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin b (seb) in cheese by using a highly avid anti-seb antibody (ab) as the capture ab (cab) and as the biotinylated ab conjugate. the glutaraldehyde fixation method for the immobilization of cab on polystyrene dipsticks was superior to the adsorption fixation and the adsorption-glutaraldehyde fixation methods. the glutaraldehyde fixation method resulted in ...19912039234
primary structure of a new actin-binding protein from human seminal plasma.secretory actin-binding protein (sabp), a glycoprotein from human seminal plasma, was isolated according to akiyama and kimura [akiyama, k. & kimura, h. (1990) biochim. biophys. acta 1040, 206-210]. the complete amino acid sequence of sabp was determined with the aid of fragments generated by trypsin, staphylococcus aureus v8 protease and pepsin. the single polypeptide chain of sabp contains 118 amino acids with a calculated mr of 13,506 and pyroglutamic acid as the n-terminal residue. a single ...19912013294
nerve growth factor specifically induces human igg4 production.the effect of nerve growth factor (ngf) on human igg4 production was studied. ngf specifically enhanced igg4 production in cultures of human tonsillar mononuclear cells without affecting production of other isotypes or other igg subclasses. optimal enhancement of igg4 production by ngf required the presence of t cells. however, ngf induced significant igg4 production by small resting b cells in the absence of t cells, and this production was enhanced by stimulation with staphylococcus aureus cow ...19911991484
the role of fibrinogen in mediating staphylococcal adherence to fibers.the use of tampons and surgical gauze pads and colonization with staphylococcus aureus have been established as risk factors for the development of toxic shock syndrome. to elucidate the role of blood factors in the mediation of staphylococcal adherence to fibers used in tampons and surgical packing, an adherence assay with cotton fibers was developed. results demonstrated that cotton disks precoated with fibrinogen in the presence of human serum albumin bound a significant percentage of the ino ...19911990220
structural basis for differential binding of staphylococcal enterotoxin a and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 to class ii major histocompatibility molecules.the related staphylococcal toxins staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea) and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tsst-1) are microbial superantigens. they require interaction with class ii major histocompatibility complex (mhc) molecules to activate t cells. we have previously identified a binding site on sea, the n-terminal 45 amino acids, as well as its corresponding receptor on the mhc antigen, residues 65-85 of the beta chain. to further characterize the structural basis for sea binding to class ii mh ...19911986357
human lysosomal cathepsin g and granzyme b share a functionally conserved broad spectrum antibacterial peptide.human neutrophil lysosomal cathepsin g (cat g) exerts broad-spectrum antibacterial action in vitro against gram-negative and -positive bacteria independent of its serine protease activity. we recently determined that an internal peptide of cat g (hpqynqr), obtained after digestion of cat g with clostripain, possessed broad-spectrum antibacterial action in vitro, displaying an ed50 of 5 x 10(-5) m. in order to evaluate the structure-antibacterial properties of this peptide, synthetic variants wit ...19911985886
cdna cloning of the b cell membrane protein cd22: a mediator of b-b cell interactions.we have cloned a full-length cdna for the b cell membrane protein cd22, which is referred to as b lymphocyte cell adhesion molecule (bl-cam). using subtractive hybridization techniques, several b lymphocyte-specific cdnas were isolated. northern blot analysis with one of the clones, clone 66, revealed expression in normal activated b cells and a variety of b cell lines, but not in normal activated t cells, t cell lines, hela cells, or several tissues, including brain and placenta. one major tran ...19911985119
infective dermatitis of jamaican children: a marker for htlv-i jamaican children infective dermatitis is a chronic eczema associated with refractory nonvirulent staphylococcus aureus or beta-haemolytic streptococcus infection of the skin and nasal vestibule. 14 children between the ages of 2 and 17 years with typical infective dermatitis, attending the dermatology clinic at the university hospital of the west indies in jamaica, were tested for antibody to human t-lymphotropic virus type 1 (htlv-1). all were seropositive, whereas 11 children of similar ag ...19901978165
human p40/il-9. expression in activated cd4+ t cells, genomic organization, and comparison with the mouse gene.p40 is a cytokine that was originally identified in the mouse as a t cell growth factor, but whose spectrum of potential targets was recently shown to include mast cells as well as megakaryoblastic leukemic cells. given these multiple activities, it was proposed that the protein be renamed il-9. the analysis of p40 genomic clones reported here shows that the human and mouse p40 genes consist of 5 exons spread over approximately 4 kb of dna and organized in a similar fashion in both species. the ...19901971295
a single clone of staphylococcus aureus causes the majority of cases of toxic shock syndrome.genetic relationships among 315 isolates of the bacterium staphylococcus aureus expressing toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (tsst-1) recovered primarily from humans with toxic shock syndrome (tss) in five countries on two continents were determined by analyzing electrophoretically demonstrable allelic variation at 20 chromosomal enzyme loci. forty-nine distinctive electrophoretic types (ets), representing multilocus enzyme genotypes, were identified. cluster analysis of the ets revealed two major ph ...19901967495
granulocyte functions and neisseria meningitidis: influence of properdin-deficient serum.granulocyte-mediated reactions such as opsonization, chemotaxis, and release of granulocyte myeloperoxidase and lactoferrin were studied in properdin-deficient and normal human serum incubated with serogroup a and w-135 meningococci. there were no differences between the sera when serogroup a meningococci were studied. opsonic and chemotactic activity were impaired against serogroup w-135 meningococci in properdin-deficient serum. restitution with properdin restored both activities. we found sim ...19911958352
osteoarticular infection associated with the human immunodeficiency analysis is presented of 20 patients with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection who were treated for skeletal infection in our hospital. seventeen cases of septic arthritis and three of osteomyelitis were found. all patients were intravenous drug abusers, 75% were male and all were younger than 40 years old. eighty-eight percent of the septic arthritis cases were monarticular, the hip joint being the area most commonly affected (29%), and staphylococcus aureus and candida albicans ...19911954700
stimulation of monokine production by lipoteichoic acids.lipoteichoic acids (ltas) isolated from bacterial species, including staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes a, enterococcus faecalis, streptococcus pneumoniae, and listeria monocytogenes, were tested for their ability to stimulate the production of interleukin-1 beta (il-1 beta), il-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha in cultured human monocytes. ltas from s. aureus and s. pneumoniae failed to induce monokine production when applied in the concentration range of 0.05 to 5.0 micrograms/ml. ...19911937822
[infections caused by staphylococci. the human as a source of infection for s. aureus and coagulase negative staphylococci].both staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci are among the most important pathogens of nosocomial infections. while staphylococcus aureus can cause a variety of pyogenic infections and toxin-mediated diseases coagulase-negative staphylococci of the staphylococcus epidermis group play an important role in infections developing in immunocompromised patients and those with temporarily or permanently implanted foreign bodies made of polymer. the major sources of staphylococcal inf ...19911937322
influence of cefpodoxime on selected immunological functions and bacterial pathogenicity factors in vitro.the influence of a new oral cephalosporin cefpodoxime, on several interactions of the host-parasite relationship was investigated. pretreatment of polymorphonuclear granulocytes (png) with cefpodoxime at therapeutical dosage in vitro did not have a significant effect on chemotaxis and luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. on the other hand, human serum did not exert a considerable effect on the bactericidal activity of cefpodoxime on klebsiella pneumoniae and staph. aureus. serum resistance of kl ...19911930575
in vitro phagocytic interaction between trichomonas vaginalis isolates and bacteria.the phagocytic activity of 12 trichomonas vaginalis isolates against both gram-positive bacteria (staphylococcus aureus atcc 25923, lactobacillus spp.) and gram-negative bacteria (enterobacter cloacae atcc 13047, 5 strains of escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa atcc 27853) was studied. results showed that all the isolates were able to ingest staphylococcus aureus to a variable degree, and almost all of them showed phagocytic activity against pseudomonas aeruginosa. furthermore, experiments ...19911915384
selective proteolytic cleavage of recombinant human interleukin 4. evidence for a critical role of the c-terminus.human interleukin 4 is a 129 amino acid lymphokine secreted by activated t cells that exerts pleiotropic biological effects on b and t lymphocytes and other hematopoietic cells. structure-function relations were studied by employing selective proteolytic cleavage of purified recombinant human interleukin 4 (rhuil-4). limited proteolysis with endoprotease glu-c from staphylococcus aureus (v8) produced two digestion products that were observed on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electroph ...19911911743
amino acid sequence of the fv region of a human monoclonal igm (nov) with specificity for the capsular polysaccharide of the group b meningococcus and of escherichia coli k1, which cross-reacts with polynucleotides and with denatured dna.the complete amino acid sequences of the vh and vl regions of a biologically significant ig, igmnov, were determined. igmnov is reactive with the capsular polysaccharide of the group b meningococcus and of escherichia coli k1. as reported earlier, it cross-reacts completely with polynucleotides poly(a) and poly(i) and to a lesser extent with denatured dna and protects newborn rats against infection with e. coli k1, and is equal in potency to the standard horse anti-group b meningococcal serum. t ...19911907308
disodium cromoglycate enhances ongoing immunoglobulin production in vitro in human b cells.the effect of disodium cromoglycate (dscg) upon human immunoglobulin (ig) isotypes and igg subclasses production by purified b cells was studied. dscg enhanced igm, igg1, igg2, igg3, igg4 and iga production in a dose-dependent fashion, while dscg failed to induce ige production at any concentrations tested by purified b cells. when b cells were separated into small resting and large activated b cells, dscg failed to induce ig production from small resting b cells in the presence or absence of st ...19911904400
complement subcomponent c1q stimulates ig production by human b lymphocytes.the regulation of ig production by human b lymphocytes is a complex process involving interactions among b cells, apc, t lymphocytes and soluble factors including activation, growth, and differentiation factors. components of the complement system, including c3a, c3b, c3d, and c5a, have been shown to influence various stages in this process. in this study, we demonstrate that the c1q subcomponent of complement binds to both small resting and large activated b cells and stimulates immunoglobulin ...19911902854
staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin. dual mechanism of binding to target cells.staphylococcal alpha-toxin was radiolabeled to high specific radioactivity (1,500-3,000 ci/mmol) under retention of its hemolytic activity. binding studies with susceptible rabbit erythrocytes and highly resistant human erythrocytes revealed that binding of alpha-toxin to target cells can occur via two different mechanisms. binding of alpha-toxin to rabbit erythrocytes initially involves specific binding sites and occurs at low concentrations, with half-maximal binding at 1-2 nm. in contrast, to ...19911894613
the differential effect of cigarette smoke on the growth of bacteria found in humans.the effect of cigarette smoke on growth of those species of bacteria that are considered common potential human pathogens was examined in vitro. smoke from both mentholated and nonmentholated cigarettes inhibited the growth of gram-positive cocci to a greater degree than that of gram-negative rods. staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumoniae, and a variety of other streptococci were inhibited at a smoke solution dilution of 1:8. enteric bacteria such as klebsiella, enterobacter, and pseudomo ...19911889244
induction of interleukin-1 in human monocytes by the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin a requires the participation of t cells.nanogram quantities of the bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea) induced significant amounts of extracellular il-1 alpha and il-1 beta in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. induction of maximal il-1 alpha and il-1 beta levels by lipopolysaccharide (lps) required microgram quantities. lps induced detectable extracellular il-1 content within 3-6 hr and maximal levels were detected already after 12 hr. induction of il-1 production by sea showed a delayed release with peak ...19911884398
activity of antibiotics against microorganisms ingested by mononuclear phagocytes.the data available on the activity of antibiotics against microorganisms ingested by mononuclear phagocytes are reviewed. the antibacterial activity of penicillins against staphylococcus aureus is enhanced by human monocytes. this enhancement is possibly brought about by a peptidoglycan-degrading enzyme that is produced and secreted by monocytes. aminoglycosides affect bacteria ingested by mononuclear phagocytes, but their intracellular activity is limited as compared with that of non-phagocytos ...19911864273
porcine model for vascular graft studies.models for the study of prosthetic vascular graft infection have been studied frequently in the dog and rabbit. we have developed a reproducible swine model to study this problem and its treatment. the cardiovascular system, healing characteristics, and the bloodstream clearance of bacteria in swine more closely resembles those of humans than do other animal models. the low cost and availability of the swine is an additional attractive aspect. one hundred fifty-six farm-bred pigs have undergone ...19911863586
human and sheep growth-plate cartilage type x collagen synthesis and the influence of tissue comparison of type x collagen synthesized by human, sheep and chick growth-plate cartilage has shown that the human type x collagen is similar to the chick in both its molecular mass, containing component alpha-chains of 59 kda with helical regions of 45 kda, and apparent absence of disulphide-stabilized aggregates, whereas the sheep type x collagen has slightly larger alpha-chains (63 kda) accounted for by a longer helical region (49 kda) that contains cystine residues essential for the ...19911859378
effect of a factor released by k562 malignant cells in culture on human neutrophil bactericidal activity.we have previously demonstrated that k562 malignant cells in culture contain and release a low-molecular-mass (8-kda) factor that inhibits adherence-related functions of neutrophils but does not alter fmet-leu-phe- or phorbol ester-induced oxidative burst (m. amar, n. amit, t. pham huu, s. chollet-martin, m.t. labro, m.a. gougerot-pocidalo, and j. hakim, j. immunol. 144:4749-4756, 1990). in this study, we investigated the effects of this factor, referred to as inhibitory factor 1 (if1), on the b ...19911855986
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