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promoter analysis of the avirulence gene avr9 of the fungal tomato pathogen cladosporium fulvum in the model filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans.the promoter of avirulence gene avr9 of the fungal tomato pathogen cladosporium fulvum contains 12 sequences within a region of 0.6 kb that are reminiscent of the binding sequences of the gata-type regulator involved in nitrogen utilisation of the filamentous fungi aspergillus nidulans and neurospora crassa. mutational analysis of this 0.6-kb promoter region, fused to the beta-glucuronidase reporter gene, revealed that two regions, each containing two tagata boxes in inverted orientation and ove ...200312695849
the ph signalling transcription factor pacc controls virulence in the plant pathogen fusarium oxysporum.gene expression in fungi by ambient ph is regulated via a conserved signalling cascade whose terminal component is the zinc finger transcription factor pacc/rim1p. we have identified a pacc orthologue in the vascular wilt pathogen fusarium oxysporum that binds the consensus 5'-gccaag-3' sequence and is proteolytically processed in a similar way to pacc from aspergillus nidulans. pacc transcript levels were elevated in f. oxysporum grown in alkaline conditions and almost undetectable at extreme a ...200312694620
clnr1, the area/nit2-like global nitrogen regulator of the plant fungal pathogen colletotrichum lindemuthianum is required for the infection cycle.nitrogen starvation is generally assumed to be encountered by biotrophic and hemibiotrophic plant fungal pathogens at the beginning of their infection cycle. we tested whether nitrogen starvation constitutes a cue regulating genes that are required for pathogenicity of colletotrichum lindemuthianum, a fungal pathogen of common bean. the clnr1 (c. lindemuthianumnitrogen regulator 1) gene, the area/nit-2 orthologue of c. lindemuthianum, was isolated. the predicted clnr1 protein exhibits high amino ...200312694611
accumulation of cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin at microtubule plus ends in aspergillus nidulans is kinesin dependent.the mechanism(s) by which microtubule plus-end tracking proteins are targeted is unknown. in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans, both cytoplasmic dynein and nudf, the homolog of the lis1 protein, localize to microtubule plus ends as comet-like structures. herein, we show that nudm, the p150 subunit of dynactin, also forms dynamic comet-like structures at microtubule plus ends. by examining proteins tagged with green fluorescent protein in different loss-of-function mutants, we demonstra ...200312686603
a circadian oscillator in aspergillus spp. regulates daily development and gene expression.we have established the presence of a circadian clock in aspergillus flavus and aspergillus nidulans by morphological and molecular assays, respectively. in a. flavus, the clock regulates an easily assayable rhythm in the development of sclerotia, which are large survival structures produced by many fungi. this developmental rhythm exhibits all of the principal clock properties. the rhythm is maintained in constant environmental conditions with a period of 33 h at 30 degrees c, it can be entrain ...200312684372
nuclear import of zinc binuclear cluster proteins proceeds through multiple, overlapping transport aspergillus nidulans, the high transcriptional level of the ethanol utilization pathway genes (alc) is regulated by the specific activator alcr. here we have analyzed the mechanism of the nuclear import of alcr, as well as that of other proteins belonging to the zn(2)cys(6) binuclear cluster family. the nuclear localization signal of alcr maps within the n-terminal 75 amino acid residues and overlaps with its dna-binding domain. it consists of five clusters rich in basic residues. four of the ...200312684370
circadian and light-induced expression of luciferase in neurospora crassa.we have constructed a plasmid vector for expressing firefly luciferase in neurospora crassa under control of the light- and clock-regulated ccg-2 (eas) promoter. the sequence of the luciferase gene in the vector has been modified to reflect the n. crassa codon bias. both light-induced activity and circadian activity are demonstrated. expression of luciferase in strains carrying mutant frequency alleles shows appropriate period length alterations. these data demonstrate that luciferase is a sensi ...200312684022
ph regulation in aspergillus and parallels with higher eukaryotic regulatory systems.all organisms respond to their environment to some extent, and for many microbes the variation in environment can be enormous. an important asset for coping with environmental variation is physiological versatility--a hallmark of many fungi. the ability of fungi to thrive over a wide range of ph is partly due to a genetic regulatory system that tailors gene expression to the ambient ph. here we focus on the ph regulatory system of aspergillus nidulans, where a novel signal transduction (pal) pat ...200312683976
femoral osteomyelitis due to aspergillus nidulans in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease.13 cases of osteomyelitis caused by aspergillus nidulans have been previously reported in patients with chronic granulomatous disease (cgd). all of them have been associated with simultaneous pulmonary infection and have had an extremely poor outcome. we report an unusual case of femoral osteomyelitis due to a. nidulans in a 16-year-old male with cgd, without pulmonary involvement. treatment with liposomal amphotericin b and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor as well as extensive surgical deb ...200312682820
role for nudc, a dynein-associated nuclear movement protein, in mitosis and cytokinesis.nudc, a nuclear movement protein that associates with dynein, was originally cloned as a mitogen-inducible early growth response gene. nudc forms a biochemical complex with components of the dynein/dynactin complex and is suggested to play a role in translocation of nuclei in proliferating neuronal progenitors as well as in migrating neurons in culture. here, we show that nudc plays multiple roles in mitosis and cytokinesis in cultured mammalian cells. altering nudc levels by either small interf ...200312679384
activation of chsc transcription by abaa during asexual development of aspergillus nidulans.the temporal and spatial regulation of chitin synthesis plays an important role in morphogenesis during fungal growth and development. northern blot analysis showed that the transcription level of chsa, chsc, and chsd was significantly decreased in an aspergillus nidulans abaa mutant. electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that abaa bound tightly to all three ares (abaa response elements) in the chsc promoter region. experiments with the saccharomyces cerevisiae heterologous expression s ...200312670687
the npga/ cfwa gene encodes a putative 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase which is essential for penicillin biosynthesis in aspergillus nidulans.non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, polyketides and fatty acid synthetases have a modular organisation of multi-enzymatic activities. in all of them, the acyl or peptidyl carrier proteins have 4'-phosphopantetheine (p-pant) as an essential prosthetic group. this is added by 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferases (pptases) that derive the p-pant group from coenzyme a. while many pptases of varying specificity have now been isolated from a number of bacteria, a filamentous fungal pptase has yet to be ...200312664133
tupa, the penicillium marneffei tup1p homologue, represses both yeast and spore development.fungal pathogenesis is frequently associated with dimorphism - morphological changes between yeast and filamentous forms. penicillium marneffei, an opportunistic human pathogen, exhibits temperature-dependent dimorphism, with growth at 25 degrees c as filamentous multinucleate hyphae switching at 37 degrees c to uninucleate yeast cells associated with intracellular pathogenesis. the filamentous hyphae also undergo asexual development generating uninucleate spores, the infectious propagules. both ...200312657047
in vitro analysis of the relationship between endonuclease and maturase activities in the bi-functional group i intron-encoded protein, i-anii.the ancob group i intron from aspergillus nidulans encodes a homing dna endonuclease called i-anii which also functions as a maturase, assisting in ancob intron rna splicing. in this investigation we biochemically characterized the endonuclease activity of i-anii in vitro and utilized competition assays to probe the relationship between the rna- and dna-binding sites. despite functioning as an rna maturase, i-anii still retains several characteristic properties of homing endonucleases including ...200312654010
primary structure of the histone 2b gene in the white root rot fungus, rosellinia necatrix.the nucleotide sequence of the histone 2b (h2b) gene in the white root rot fungus, rosellinia necatrix, was determined. the gene has two introns in the coding region at positions conserved in the neurospora crassa and aspergillus nidulans h2b genes, but the third intron present in the h2b gene from n. crassa and a. nidulans is absent in the r. necatrix h2b gene. the amino acid sequence of the coding region of the r. necatrix gene resembled that of n. crassa and a. nidulans. therefore, the third ...200212652911
fungistatic activity of semecarpus anacardium linn. f nut extract.alcoholic extract of dry nuts of s. anacardium showed dose dependent antifungal activity in vitro against aspergillus fumigatus and candida albicans. at 400 mg/ml concentration, growth of both the fungi was inhibited and considerable reduction in size of cells and hyphae was observed. sporulation also decreased.200212635702
roles of nude and nudf proteins of aspergillus nidulans: insights from intracellular localization and overexpression effects.the nudf protein of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans functions in the cytoplasmic dynein pathway. it binds several proteins, including the nude protein. green fluorescent protein-tagged nudf and nuda (dynein heavy chain) localize to linearly moving dashes ("comets") that coincide with microtubule ends. herein, deletion of the nude gene did not eliminate the comets of nudf and nuda, but affected the behavior of nuda. comets were also observed with the green fluorescent protein-tagged n ...200312631710
in vitro susceptibility testing of aspergillus spp.: comparison of etest and reference microdilution methods for determining voriconazole and itraconazole mics.the performance of the etest for voriconazole and for itraconazole susceptibility testing of 376 isolates of aspergillus spp. was assessed in comparison with the national committee for clinical laboratory standards (nccls) proposed standard microdilution broth method. the nccls method employed rpmi 1640 broth medium, and mics were read after incubation for 48 h at 35 degrees c. etest mics were determined with rpmi agar containing 2% glucose and were read after incubation for 48 h at 35 degrees c ...200312624040
the mapkk kinase stec regulates conidiophore morphology and is essential for heterokaryon formation and sexual development in the homothallic fungus aspergillus nidulans.environmental signals can be transduced into intracellular responses by the action of map kinase cascades. sequential phosphorylation results in the transient activation of a map kinase, which in turn activates certain transcription factors and thus a set of pathway-specific genes. many steps in this cascade are conserved, and homologues have been discovered from yeast to human. we have characterized the mapkk kinase, stec, a homologue of saccharomyces cerevisiae ste11, in the filamentous fungus ...200312622813
conidial hydrophobins of aspergillus fumigatus.the surface of aspergillus fumigatus conidia, the first structure recognized by the host immune system, is covered by rodlets. we report that this outer cell wall layer contains two hydrophobins, rodap and rodbp, which are found as highly insoluble complexes. the roda gene was previously characterized, and deltaroda conidia do not display a rodlet layer (n. thau, m. monod, b. crestani, c. rolland, g. tronchin, j. p. latgé, and s. paris, infect. immun. 62:4380-4388, 1994). the rodb gene was clone ...200312620846
expression of the mnpa gene that encodes the mannoprotein of aspergillus nidulans is dependent on fada and flba as well as vea.the single copy mnpa gene that encodes a mannoprotein of aspergillus nidulans and its cdna were isolated from the genomic and cdna libraries, respectively. the determined nucleotide sequences of the genomic dna and its cdna revealed that the gene has an open-reading frame of 261 amino acids without introns. the deduced amino acid sequence showed a 60% identity to that of aspegillus fumigatus galactomannoprotein mp1. the mnpa gene was expressed more abundantly in the wild-type than in the vea-nul ...200312620259
mutation in a calpain-like protease affects the posttranslational mannosylation of phosphatases in aspergillus this communication, we show that the palb7 mutation drastically reduced the mannose and n-acetylgalactosamine content of the paca-encoded acid phosphatase secreted by the fungus aspergillus nidulans at ph 5.0, compared to a control strain. by using mrna differential display reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction, we isolated two cdnas from the control pabaa1 strain that were not detected in the palb7 mutant strain that encode a mannosyl transferase and a nadh-ubiquinone oxidoredu ...200312620258
specific induction and carbon/nitrogen repression of arginine catabolism gene of aspergillus nidulans--functional in vivo analysis of the otaa promoter.the arginine catabolism gene otaa encoding ornithine transaminase (otase) is specifically induced by arginine and is under the control of the broad-domain carbon and nitrogen repression systems. arginine induction is mediated by a product of arca gene coding for zn(2)c(6) activator. we have identified a region responsible for arginine induction in the otaa promoter (anuas(arg)). deletions within this region result in non-inducibility of otase by arginine, whether in an arca(+) strain or in the p ...200312620254
regulation of expression of the rhizopus oryzae uricase and urease enzymes.the regulation of intracellular urease and uricase activities was examined in rhizopus oryzae. urease activity (2.4 u/mg protein) was present in r. oryzae mycelium grown in minimal medium containing nh4ci as sole nitrogen source. this activity increased threefold under nitrogen derepression conditions, but no induction by urea was detected. control of urease activity in r. oryzae differs from that found in neurospora crassa but resembles the situation in aspergillus nidulans. no uricase activity ...200212619824
primary structure of cytochrome c gene from the white root rot fungus rosellinia necatrix.the nucleotide sequence of the cytochrome c (cytc) gene of the white root rot fungus rosellinia necatrix was analyzed. the structure of this gene, which had three introns in the coding region, was similar to that of aspergillus nidulans. the second intron of the r. necatrix cytc gene was not present in neurospora crassa or fusarium oxysporum. however, the amino acid sequence of r. necatrix was most similar to that of neurospora crassa. thus, it seemed that the second intron of the r. necatrix cy ...200312619691
control of morphogenesis and actin localization by the penicillium marneffei rac homolog.rac proteins control polarized growth in many organisms but the specific function of these proteins remains undefined. in this study, we describe the cloning and functional characterization of a rac homolog, cflb, from the dimorphic fungus penicillium marneffei. p. marneffei produces asexual spores on complex structures (conidiophores) and switches between hyphal and yeast growth. cflb colocalizes with actin at the tips of vegetative hyphal cells and at sites of cell division. deletion of cflb r ...200312615967
ligand-induced conformational changes and a mechanism for domain closure in aspergillus nidulans dehydroquinate order to investigate systematically substrate and cofactor-induced conformational changes in the enzyme dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs), eight structures representing a series of differently liganded states have been determined in a total of six crystal forms. dhqs in the absence of the substrate analogue carbaphosphonate, either unliganded or in the presence of nad or adp, is in an open form where a relative rotation of 11-13 degrees between n and c-terminal domains occurs. analysis of torsio ...200312614613
use of green fluorescent protein to quantify the growth of colletotrichum during infection of develop a quantitative assay of fungal growth inside plant tissues, strains of colletotrichum destructivum and colletotrichum orbiculare were transformed with a modified green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene fused with a glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase promoter from aspergillus nidulans. transformants expressed gfp in culture and had the same growth rate and general appearance as the wild type. gfp was observed in all fungal structures during infection of leaves of nicotiana benthamia ...200312609730
identification of the pathogenic aspergillus species by nested pcr using a mixture of specific primers to dna topoisomerase ii gene.for pcr-based identification of aspergillus species, a common primer of the dna topoisomerase ii genes of candida, aspergillus and penicillium, and species-specific primers of the genomic sequences of dna topoisomerase ii of a. fumigatus, a. niger, a. flavus (a. oryzae), a. nidulans and a. terreus were tested for their specificities in pcr amplifications. the method consisted of amplification of the genomic dna topoisomerase ii gene by a common primer set, followed by a second pcr with a primer ...200212597358
broad and complex antifungal activity among environmental isolates of lactic acid bacteria.more than 1200 isolates of lactic acid bacteria isolated from different environments were screened for antifungal activity in a dual-culture agar plate assay. approximately 10% of the isolates showed inhibitory activity and 4% showed strong activity against the indicator mould aspergillus fumigatus. the antifungal spectra for 37 isolates with strong activity and five isolates with low or no activity were determined. several of the strains showed strong inhibitory activity against the moulds a. f ...200312594034
development of a transformation system for crinipellis perniciosa, the causal agent of witches' broom in cocoa plants.protoplasts of the pathogenic plant fungus, crinipellis perniciosa, were transformed to hygromycin b resistance using the pan7-1 plasmid, which contains the escherichia coli hph gene under the control of aspergillus nidulans regulatory sequences. the pan7-1 plasmid was introduced by peg/cacl(2) treatment. transformation frequencies of 1.6-2.5 transformants/microg of dna were achieved. about 54% of the transformants were abortive and 40 analyzed transformants were mitotically stable and showed di ...200312589475
impact of the cross-pathway control on the regulation of lysine and penicillin biosynthesis in aspergillus nidulans.the non-proteinogenic amino acid, alpha-aminoadipate, defines the biosynthetic branch-point of lysine and penicillin biosynthesis in the filamentous fungus, aspergillus nidulans. regulation of both pathways was analysed in response to amino acid limitation. the lysf-encoded homoaconitase acts upstream of the alpha-aminoadipate branch point, whereas the lysa gene product, saccharopine dehydrogenase, catalyses the ultimate step of the lysine-specific branch. the lysa gene from a. nidulans was iden ...200312589472
deletion of aspergillus nidulans aroc using a novel blaster module that combines et cloning and marker rescue.blaster cassettes are of significant value in functional genomics, as they represent tools with which to inactivate duplicated or homologous genes in an individual organism. we have constructed a novel blaster module which allows repeated gene deletion in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. because bacterial resistance marker cassettes are employed as flanking repeats in direct orientation, the blaster cassette is suited for recombinogenic engineering by et cloning in escherichia coli. ...200312589442
ypxl/i is a protein interaction motif recognized by aspergillus pala and its human homologue, aip1/alix.the zinc finger transcription factor pacc undergoes two-step proteolytic activation in response to alkaline ambient ph. pala is a component of the fungal ambient ph signal transduction pathway. its mammalian homologue aip1/alix interacts with the apoptosis-linked protein alg-2. we show that both pala and aip1/alix recognize a protein-protein binding motif that we denote ypxl/i, where tyr, pro, and leu/ile are crucial for its interactive properties. two such motifs flanking the signaling protease ...200312588984
expression of the ech42 (endochitinase) gene of trichoderma atroviride under carbon starvation is antagonized via a brla-like cis-acting element.expression of the endochitinase encoding ech42 gene of the mycoparasite trichoderma atroviride is subject to control by several environmental signals, including derepression by carbon starvation. in order to identify promoter areas involved in control by this condition, we prepared fusions of several mutant forms of the ech42 promoter to the aspergillus niger goxa gene as a reporter. removal of a 130-bp fragment comprising a binding site for the carbon catabolite repressor cre1, an agggg element ...200312586401
activation mechanisms of the hac1-mediated unfolded protein response in filamentous fungi.the unfolded protein response (upr) is a regulatory pathway activating genes involved in multiple functions related to folding, quality control and transport of secreted proteins. characterization of the hac1/haca genes encoding the upr transcription factors from the filamentous fungi trichoderma reesei and aspergillus nidulans is described in this article. the corresponding gene in saccharomyces cerevisiae is activated through a non-spliceosomal intron-splicing reaction. the t. reesei hac1 and ...200312581366
area directly mediates nitrogen regulation of gibberellin biosynthesis in gibberella fujikuroi, but its activity is not affected by nmr.area (nit2) is a general transcription factor involved in derepression of numerous genes responsible for nitrogen utilization in gibberella fujikuroi and many other fungi. we have previously shown that the deletion of area-gf resulted in mutants with significantly reduced gibberellin (ga) production. here we demonstrate that the expression level of six of the seven ga biosynthesis genes is drastically reduced in mutants lacking area. furthermore, we show that, despite the fact that gas are nitro ...200312581353
sex and the single gene: meiotic silencing by unpaired dna. 200212571367
cloning and expression analysis of the pcbab-pcbc beta-lactam genes in the marine fungus kallichroma we report the identification of the beta-lactam biosynthesis genes pcbab and pcbc from a cosmid genomic dna library of the marine fungus kallichroma tethys. a blast homology search showed that they share high sequence identity with the delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine (acv) synthetases and isopenicillin n synthases, respectively, of various fungal and bacterial beta-lactam producers, while phylogenetic analysis indicated a close relationship with homologous genes of the ceph ...200312571064
in plants the alc gene expression system responds more rapidly following induction with acetaldehyde than with has recently been proposed that acetaldehyde is the physiological inducer of the alc gene system and hence indirectly the activator of the alca promoter in aspergillus nidulans. here we show that this chemical induces expression of a gus (beta-d-glucuronidase) reporter under the control of the alc gene system in transgenic potato tubers more rapidly than ethanol allowing tighter control of transgene expression. furthermore by analysis of metabolite levels we demonstrate that the application o ...200312560092
testing the limits of biological tolerance to arsenic in a fungus isolated from the river tinto.the tinto river in spain, with its high acidity and heavy metal concentrations (as, cu, cr, zn), is an example of an environment hostile to life. yet despite these extreme conditions, the site possesses a great diversity of eukaryotic life forms. we report the isolation of a filamentous fungus able to grow at 200 mm arsenic ( approximately 15 000 p.p.m.), i.e. a concentration 20-fold above that withstood by the reference microorganisms escherichia coli, saccharomyces cerevisiae and aspergillus n ...200312558596
sequence comparison of aflr from different aspergillus species provides evidence for variability in regulation of aflatoxin production.aflatoxin contamination of foods and feeds is a world-wide agricultural problem. aflatoxin production requires expression of the biosynthetic pathway regulatory gene, aflr, which encodes a cys6zn2-type dna-binding protein. homologs of aflr from aspergillus nomius, bombycis, parasiticus, flavus, and pseudotamarii were compared to investigate the molecular basis for variation among aflatoxin-producing taxa in the regulation of aflatoxin production. variability was found in putative promoter consen ...200312553937
[research on the regulation of glucoamylase gene(glaa) expression in a. niger. ii. analysis of the function of 5'-regulatory region of a. niger t21 and 3.795 glaa gene].two plasmid vectors pxh2 and pgh1 were constructed through the fusion of e. coli hph gene, the report gene and the 5' upstream regions of a. niger t21 and 3.795 respectively, as well as the terminator of a. nidulans trpc gene. the plasmid vectors were than used to transform a. niger t21 to functionally identify those different basic groups between the two 5' upstream regions responsible for high-level expression of the glaa gene. southern analysis of two transformants xh2c and gh1c revealed that ...199812549385
the antifungal protein from aspergillus giganteus causes membrane permeabilization.we investigated the inhibitory effects of the antifungal protein (afp) from aspergillus giganteus on the growth of several filamentous fungi. for this purpose, the mics of afp were determined and ranged from 0.1 micro g/ml for fusarium oxysporum to 200 micro g/ml for aspergillus nidulans. the antifungal activity of afp was diminished in the presence of cations. we were able to show that incubation of afp-sensitive fungi with the protein resulted in membrane permeabilization using an assay based ...200312543664
a new identity for mlk3 as an nima-related, cell cycle-regulated kinase that is localized near centrosomes and influences microtubule organization.although conserved counterparts for most proteins involved in the g(2)/m transition of the cell cycle have been found in all eukaryotes, a notable exception is the essential but functionally enigmatic fungal kinase nima. while a number of vertebrate kinases have been identified with catalytic domain homology to nima, none of these resemble nima within its extensive noncatalytic region, a region critical for nima function in aspergillus nidulans. we used a bioinformatics approach to search for pr ...200312529434
interaction of the mitotic inhibitor monastrol with human kinesin eg5.the microtubule-dependent kinesin-like protein eg5 from homo sapiens is involved in the assembly of the mitotic spindle. it shows a three-domain structure with an n-terminal motor domain, a central coiled coil, and a c-terminal tail domain. in vivo hseg5 is reversibly inhibited by monastrol, a small cell-permeable molecule that causes cells to be arrested in mitosis. both monomeric and dimeric eg5 constructs have been examined in order to define the minimal monastrol binding domain on hseg5. nmr ...200312525161
a cellulose-binding module of the trichoderma reesei beta-mannanase man5a increases the mannan-hydrolysis of complex substrates.endo-beta-1,4-d-mannanases (beta-mannanase; ec are endohydrolases that participate in the degradation of hemicellulose, which is closely associated with cellulose in plant cell walls. the beta-mannanase from trichoderma reesei (man5a) is composed of an n-terminal catalytic module and a c-terminal carbohydrate-binding module (cbm). in order to study the properties of the cbm, a construct encoding a mutant of man5a lacking the part encoding the cbm (man5adeltacbm), was expressed in t. re ...200312523968
carbon and ph modulate the expression of the fungal glucose repressor encoding genes.the phytopathogenic necrotrophic fungus sclerotinia sclerotiorum secretes large amounts of oxalic acid and cell wall-degrading enzymes (cwde). enzyme synthesis is ph dependent and subject to carbon catabolite repression. because of the possible involvement of the glucose repressor cre1 in the transcriptional control of the cwde encoding genes, we studied crel expression with respect to the nature of the extracellular carbon source and the value of the external ph. comparative analysis of the cre ...200312520371
onset of carbon catabolite repression in aspergillus nidulans. parallel involvement of hexokinase and glucokinase in sugar signaling.the role of hexose phosphorylating enzymes in the signaling of carbon catabolite repression was investigated in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. a d-fructose non-utilizing, hexokinase-deficient (hxka1, formerly designated fra1) strain was utilized to obtain new mutants lacking either glucokinase (glka4) or both hexose kinases (hxka1/glka4). d-glucose and d-fructose phosphorylation is completely abolished in the double mutant, which consequently cannot grow on either sugar. the glucok ...200312519784
the requirement of the lc8 dynein light chain for nuclear migration and septum positioning is temperature dependent in aspergillus the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans, the multisubunit motor complex cytoplasmic dynein plays essential roles in nuclear migration and septum positioning. the 8 kda light chain, lc8, the smallest subunit, is conserved among eukaryotic organisms. besides being a component in the dynein complex, lc8 also interacts with a wide spectrum of mammalian and viral proteins. to date, the function of this small polypeptide is not well understood. to address this issue, we have created a deletion ...200312519184
evaluation of broth microdilution testing parameters and agar diffusion etest procedure for testing susceptibilities of aspergillus spp. to caspofungin acetate (mk-0991).the nccls m38-a document does not describe guidelines for testing caspofungin acetate (mk-0991) and other echinocandins against molds. this study evaluated the susceptibilities of 200 isolates of aspergillus fumigatus, a. flavus, a. nidulans, a. niger, and a. terreus to caspofungin (mics and minimum effective concentrations [mecs]) by using standard rpmi 1640 (rpmi) and antibiotic medium 3 (m3), two inoculum sizes (10(3) and 10(4) cfu/ml), and two mic determination criteria (complete [mics-0] an ...200312517880
the transcription factor rim101p governs ion tolerance and cell differentiation by direct repression of the regulatory genes nrg1 and smp1 in saccharomyces cerevisiae.environmental ph changes have broad consequences for growth and differentiation. the best-understood eukaryotic ph response pathway acts through the zinc-finger transcription factor pacc of aspergillus nidulans, which activates alkaline ph-induced genes directly. we show here that saccharomyces cerevisiae rim101p, the ph response regulator homologous to pacc, functions as a repressor in vivo. chromatin immunoprecipitation assays show that rim101p is associated in vivo with the promoters of seven ...200312509465
recombinagenic effect of cryptolepine in uvsh+//uvsh+ and uvsh//uvsh diploid strains of aspergillus nidulans.recombinagenic potential of the alkaloid cryptolepine was evaluated in two diploid strains of aspergillus nidulans--a wild type strain (uvsh+//uvsh+) and a dna-repair-deficient one (uvsh//uvsh). treatment of both strains with cryptolepine failed to alter colony growth in culture; its recombinagenic potential was determined by the homozygotization index (in which events of mitotic exchange may cause expression of genes previously masked by the dominant allele). mitotic crossing-overs were induced ...200212503397
structural features of the glycogen branching enzyme encoding genes from aspergilli.a maltose binding protein, p78, was purified to homogeneity from aspergillus nidulans by a single column chromatography step on cross-linked amylose. the partial amino acid sequence was highly homologous to the glycogen branching enzymes (gbes) of human and yeast, and p78 did show branching enzyme activity. the genomic gene and its cdna encoding gbe (p78) were isolated from the a. nidulans genomic and cdna libraries. furthermore, a cdna encoding a. oryzae gbe was entirely sequenced. a. nidulans ...200212501999
transformation with green fluorescent protein of trichoderma harzianum 1051, a strain with biocontrol activity against crinipellis perniciosa, the agent of witches'-broom disease of cocoa.a plasmid vector for fungal expression of an enhanced, red-shifted variant of the aequoria victoriae green fluorescent protein was constructed by fusion of the egfp gene to the highly expressed aspergillus nidulans gpd promoter and the a. nidulans trpc terminator. this construction was introduced by cotransformation, using benomyl selection, into trichoderma harzianum strain 1051, a strain being evaluated for the biological control of witches'-broom disease of cocoa caused by crinipellis pernici ...199912501389
multidrug resistance in aspergillus fumigatus. 200212501236
cloning and characterization of a second alpha-amylase gene (lka2) from lipomyces kononenkoae igc4052b and its expression in saccharomyces cerevisiae.lipomyces kononenkoae secretes a battery of highly effective amylases (i.e. alpha-amylase, glucoamylase, isoamylase and cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase activities) and is therefore considered as one of the most efficient raw starch-degrading yeasts known. previously, we have cloned and characterized genomic and cdna copies of the lka1 alpha-amylase gene from l. kononenkoae igc4052b (cbs5608t) and expressed them in saccharomyces cerevisiae and schizosaccharomyces pombe. here we report on the ...200312489127
characterization of the aspergillus nidulans transporters for the siderophores enterobactin and triacetylfusarinine c.the filamentous ascomycete aspergillus nidulans produces three major siderophores: fusigen, triacetylfusarinine c, and ferricrocin. biosynthesis and uptake of iron from these siderophores, as well as from various heterologous siderophores, is repressed by iron and this regulation is mediated in part by the transcriptional repressor srea. recently we have characterized a putative siderophore-transporter-encoding gene ( mira ). here we present the characterization of two further srea- and iron-reg ...200312487628
characterization of anrp-mediated negative regulation of the xylanase gene, cgxa, from chaetomium gracile in aspergillus vivo regulatory features of anrp, a repressor for the cgxa gene, were characterized.200312485344
regulation of the amylolytic and (hemi-)cellulolytic genes in aspergilli.filamentous fungi produce high levels of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes and are frequently used for the production of industrial enzymes. because of the high secretory capacity for enzymes, filamentous fungi are effective hosts for the production of foreign proteins. genetic studies with aspergillus nidulans have shown pathway-specific regulatory systems that control a set of genes that must be expressed to catabolize particular substrates. besides the pathway-specific regulation, wide domain ...200112483563
induction of apoptosis by sphingoid long-chain bases in aspergillus nidulans.sphingolipid metabolism is implicated to play an important role in apoptosis. here we show that dihydrosphingosine (dhs) and phytosphingosine (phs), two major sphingoid bases of fungi, have potent fungicidal activity with remarkably high structural and stereochemical specificity against aspergillus nidulans. in fact, only naturally occurring dhs and phs are active. further analysis revealed that dhs and phs induce rapid dna condensation independent of mitosis, large-scale dna fragmentation, and ...200312482970
altering the expression of two chitin synthase genes differentially affects the growth and morphology of aspergillus aspergillus oryzae, one full-length chitin synthase (chsb) and fragments of two other chitin synthases (csma and chsc) were identified. the deduced amino acid sequence of chsb was similar (87% identity) to chsb from aspergillus nidulans, which encodes a class iii chitin synthase. the sequence obtained for csma indicated that it had high similarity to class v chitin synthases. chsb and csma disruption strains and a strain in which chsb transcription was controlled were constructed using the ni ...200212480906
regulation of formation of the intracellular beta-galactosidase activity of aspergillus nidulans.the regulation of formation of the single intracellular beta-galactosidase activity of aspergillus nidulans was investigated. beta-galactosidase was not formed during growth on glucose or glycerol, but was rapidly induced during growth on lactose or d-galactose. l-arabinose, and -- with lower efficacy -- d-xylose also induced beta-galactosidase activity. addition of glucose to cultures growing on lactose led to a rapid decrease in beta-galactosidase activity. in contrast, in cultures growing on ...200212471499
uvsz1 mutation shows epistatic relations with uvsd153 and uvsj1 mutations without any involvement with checkpoint control in aspergillus nidulans.the participation of the recently described uvsz1 mutation in checkpoint control and the identification of epistatic relations between uvsz1 mutation and uvsd153 and uvsj1 mutations are provided. the effect of mutation uvsz1 in mitotic exchanges into paba-bi (chromosome i) and cho-nic (chromosome vii) genetic intervals has also been evaluated. the mutation uvsz1 was epistatic with regard to uvsd153 and uvsj1 mutations, with no involvement with checkpoint control. in contrast to mutations in uvsb ...200212462996
polarity in filamentous fungi: establishment, maintenance and new axes.germ tube emergence in filamentous fungi appears to be similar to bud emergence in yeast. several key proteins (e.g. cdc42, septins, bni1 formin, rho1 and rho3) play common roles in polarity establishment and early polarity maintenance in both processes. although germ tube extension, which can be thought of as extreme polarity maintenance, uses some of the same genes, they are likely to be regulated differently. mutations in polarity maintenance genes often lead to a split tip in filamentous fun ...200212457701
characterization of inhibitor-resistant histone deacetylase activity in plant-pathogenic fungi.hc-toxin, a cyclic peptide made by the filamentous fungus cochliobolus carbonum, is an inhibitor of histone deacetylase (hdac) from many organisms. it was shown earlier that the hdac activity in crude extracts of c. carbonum is relatively insensitive to hc-toxin as well as to the chemically unrelated hdac inhibitors trichostatin and d85, whereas the hdac activity of aspergillus nidulans is sensitive (g. brosch et al., biochemistry 40:12855-12863, 2001). here we report that hc-toxin-resistant hda ...200212456002
g-protein signaling mediates asexual development at 25 degrees c but has no effect on yeast-like growth at 37 degrees c in the dimorphic fungus penicillium mameffei.the ascomycete penicillium marneffei is an opportunistic human pathogen exhibiting a temperature-dependent dimorphic switch. at 25 degrees c, p. marneffei grows as filamentous multinucleate hyphae and undergoes asexual development, producing uninucleate spores. at 37 degrees c, it forms uninucleate yeast cells which divide by fission. we have cloned a gene encoding a g alpha subunit of a heterotrimeric g protein from p. marneffei named gasa with high similarity to fada in aspergillus nidulans. t ...200212455992
a g-protein beta subunit required for sexual and vegetative development and maintenance of normal g alpha protein levels in neurospora crassa.the genome of the filamentous fungus neurospora crassa contains a single gene encoding a heterotrimeric g-protein beta subunit, gnb-1. the predicted gnb-1 protein sequence is most identical to g beta proteins from the filamentous fungi cryphonectria parasitica and aspergillus nidulans. n. crassa gnb-1 is also 65% identical to the human gnb-1 protein but only 38 and 45% identical to g beta proteins from budding and fission yeasts. previous studies in animal and fungal systems have elucidated phen ...200212455986
calcium binding is required for calmodulin function in aspergillus explore the structural basis for the essential role of calmodulin (cam) in aspergillus nidulans, we have compared the biochemical and in vivo properties of a. nidulans cam (ancam) with those of heterologous cams. neither saccharomyces cerevisiae cam (sccam) nor a ca2+ binding mutant of a. nidulans cam (1234) interacts appreciably with a. nidulans cam binding proteins by an overlay assay or activates two essential camks, cmka and cmkb. in contrast, although vertebrate cam (vcam) binds a spectr ...200212455978
isolation and characterization of two ammonium permease genes, meaa and mepa, from aspergillus nidulans.ammonium and the analogue methylammonium are taken into the cell by active transport systems which constitute a family of transmembrane proteins that have been identified in fungi, bacteria, plants, and animals. two genes from aspergillus nidulans, mepa and meaa, which encode ammonium transporters with different affinities have been characterized. the mepa transporter exhibits the highest affinity for methylammonium (km, 44.3 microm); in comparison, the km for meaa is 3.04 mm. by use of targeted ...200212455974
aspergillus nidulans swof encodes an n-myristoyl transferase.polar growth is a fundamental process in filamentous fungi and is necessary for disease initiation in many pathogenic systems. previously, swof was identified in aspergillus nidulans as a single-locus, temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant aberrant in both polarity establishment and polarity maintenance. the swof gene was cloned by complementation of the ts phenotype and sequenced. the derived protein sequence had high identity with n-myristoyl transferases (nmts) found in fungi, plants, and animals ...200212455958
mcl1+, the schizosaccharomyces pombe homologue of ctf4, is important for chromosome replication, cohesion, and segregation.the fission yeast minichromosome loss mutant mcl1-1 was identified in a screen for mutants defective in chromosome segregation. missegregation of the chromosomes in mcl1-1 mutant cells results from decreased centromeric cohesion between sister chromatids. mcl1+ encodes a beta-transducin-like protein with similarity to a family of eukaryotic proteins that includes ctf4p from saccharomyces cerevisiae, sepb from aspergillus nidulans, and and-1 from humans. the previously identified fungal members o ...200212455694
aspergillus nidulans catalase-peroxidase gene (cpea) is transcriptionally induced during sexual development through the transcription factor stua.catalases, peroxidases, and catalase-peroxidases are important enzymes to cope with reactive oxygen species in pro- and eukaryotic cells. in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans three monofunctional catalases have been described, and a fourth catalase activity was observed in native polyacrylamide gels. the latter activity is probably due to the bifunctional enzyme catalase-peroxidase, which we characterized here. the gene, named cpea, encodes an 81-kda polypeptide with a conserved motif ...200212455692
protein analysis in a pleomorphically deteriorated strain of the insect-pathogenic fungus metarhizium anisopliae.pleomorphic deterioration is a process where a fungal isolate loses the ability to produce conidia during repeated subculturing. we have previously isolated strains of the entomopathogenic fungus metarhizium anisopliae that have irreversibly lost the ability to produce conidia and only produce mycelia when grown on agar. gel electrophoresis was used to examine differences in intracellular protein patterns (urea-soluble proteins and urea-insoluble proteins (i.e., hydrophobins)) in conidiating and ...200212455610
cloning and characterization of the naga gene that encodes beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase from aspergillus nidulans and its expression in aspergillus oryzae.we isolated a beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase encoding gene and its cdna from the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans, and designated it naga. the naga gene contained no intron and encoded a polypeptide of 603 amino acids with a putative 19-amino acid signal sequence. the deduced amino acid sequence was very similar to the sequence of candida albicans hex1 and trichoderma harzianum nag1. yeast cells containing the naga cdna under the control of the gal1 promoter expressed beta-n-acetylglucosami ...200212450128
functional analysis of mlcr, a regulatory gene for ml-236b (compactin) biosynthesis in penicillium citrinum.the mlcr gene encodes a putative 50.2-kda protein with a zn(ii)(2)cys(6) dna-binding domain, which may be involved in the regulation of ml-236b biosynthesis in penicillium citrinum. the induction of ml-236b production appears to correlate with the expression of mlcr, and the ml-236b biosynthetic genes mlca- mlch, and occurs mostly during the stationary phase. the present study was designed to examine the effects of alterations in mlcr expression on ml-236b biosynthesis. we first set out to incre ...200212436257
aspergillus nidulans polarity mutant swoa is complemented by protein o-mannosyltransferase pmta.previously swoa was identified in aspergillus nidulans as a single locus, temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant aberrant in polarity maintenance. swoa was complemented by transformation with a plasmid genomic library. the sequence of the complementing gene was identical to a previously submitted genbank sequence for pmta, a protein o-mannosyltransferase. the pmta/swoa-2 gene hybridized to three cosmids that are located on chromosome v and the swoa mutation was mitotically mapped to chromosome v. pmt ...200212431460
aspergillus nidulans is frequently resistant to amphotericin b.the high failure rate of amphotericin b-based therapy in patients with aspergillus nidulans infections may not be entirely a result of host factors as suggested previously. innate resistance of a. nidulans to polyenes may contribute to the poor response in patients.200212421291
case report. maxillary sinus infection due to emericella nidulans.fungal infections of the maxillary sinus are frequently caused by aspergillus species, particularly a. fumigatus. in otherwise healthy persons there is an association with overfilling of dental root canals, when zinc-containing filling materials were used. below, a maxillary sinus aspergilloma is reported in a young immunocompetent female patient caused by aspergillus (emericella) nidulans.200212421290
invasive aspergillosis in cancer.ten confirmed cases of invasive aspergillosis (ia) in cancer patients were analysed retrospectively. eight were pulmonary, one was sinonasal and one was cutaneous. the majority of patients had haematological malignancies (7), the remaining three were cases of solid tumours. fever was present in all 10 cases. cough and lung signs were present in all eight cases of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. haemoptysis was encountered in three of nine cases of pulmonary and sinonasal aspergillosis. mortali ...200212421281
validation of cdc68p as a novel antifungal target.candida albicans is the main cause of systemic fungal infections for which there is an urgent need for novel antifungal drugs. the cp (cdc68p-pob3p) complex, which is involved in transcription elongation, was evaluated as a putative antifungal target. in order to predict the consequences of inhibition of this complex, the largest cp subunit in saccharomyces cerevisiae, cdc68p, was the first novel target to be tested in gate, a recently described, quantitative target inactivation system. depletio ...200212420162
suppression of tandem-multimer formation during genetic transformation of the mycotoxin-producing fungus penicillium paxilli by disrupting an orthologue of aspergillus nidulans orthologue of aspergillus nidulans uvsc and saccharomyces cerevisiae rad51 was cloned from the filamentous fungus, penicillium paxilli. a mutation in uvsc causes uv sensitivity during germination. the product of rad51 is involved in meiotic recombination and dna damage repair. the deduced amino acid sequence of the product of this gene (pprad51) shared 92% identity with uvsc. site-specific disruption of pprad51 showed a significant effect for extra-cellular dna integration. transformation of ...200212420147
different functions of the class i and class ii chitin synthase genes, chsc and chsa, are revealed by repression of chsb expression in aspergillus nidulans.the filamentous fungus, aspergillus nidulans, genome contains at least five chitin synthase-encoding genes. chsb is essential for normal hyphal growth. chsa and chsc are likely to be cooperatively required for hyphal wall integrity. in this study, we constructed chsa chsb and chsc chsb double mutants, in which chsb expression was under a repressible promoter [ alca(p)]. while chsa or chsc single mutants did not show obvious growth defects, the chsa chsb and chsc chsb double mutants showed differ ...200212420146
isomaltose formed by alpha-glucosidases triggers amylase induction in aspergillus nidulans.among various alpha-glucobioses examined, isomaltose was the most effective inducer for amylase synthesis in aspergillus nidulans. amylase induction by maltose was completely inhibited by addition of castanospermine or cycloheximide, while induction by isomaltose was not affected by the inhibitors, suggesting that amylase induction by maltose requires inducible alpha-glucosidases. disruption of the alpha-glucosidase a gene ( agda), the alpha-glucosidase b gene ( agdb), or both genes did not abol ...200212420145
new insights in the regulation of the afp gene encoding the antifungal protein of aspergillus giganteus.the antifungal protein (afp) secreted by the mould aspergillus giganteus is a small, highly basic polypeptide with antifungal activity. previous work has shown that transcription of the corresponding afp gene is regulated by ambient ph, being suppressed under acidic and strongly induced under alkaline conditions. this observation suggested that the afp gene is regulated by the wide-domain transcriptional factor pacc. here, we show that two putative pacc binding sites within the afp promoter, den ...200212420144
requirement of spermidine for developmental transitions in aspergillus nidulans.deletion of the spermidine synthase gene in the fungus aspergillus nidulans results in a strain, deltaspda, which requires spermidine for growth and accumulates putrescine as the sole polyamine. vegetative growth but not sporulation or sterigmatocystin production is observed when deltaspda is grown on media supplemented with 0.05-0.10 mm exogenous spermidine. supplementation of deltaspda with >/= 0.10 mm spermidine restores sterigmatocystin production and >/= 0.50 mm spermidine produces a phenot ...200212410837
identification of conidial-enriched transcripts in aspergillus nidulans using suppression subtractive hybridization.we have isolated and sequence-identified 12 genes whose transcripts are significantly enriched in aspergillus nidulans conidia. to identify these genes, we used the method of suppressive subtraction hybridization (ssh). one of the 12 genes is similar to plant thaumatin-like proteins that have antifungal properties. four genes encode metabolic enzymes crucial in the synthesis of glucose, carbohydrates, nucleic acid, and amino acid precursors. the rest are of unknown function. we have analyzed the ...200212409104
regulation by carbon and nitrogen sources of a family of cellulases in aspergillus nidulans.the total amount of aspergillus nidulans secreted cellulases is affected by both the carbon and nitrogen source present in the medium, and is regulated directly and/or indirectly by the carbon metabolism regulators, crea, creb, and crec, and the global nitrogen metabolism regulator, area. we have characterized two a. nidulans genes that encode exo-cellulases, and one gene that encodes an endo-cellulase which is additional to the previously described endo-cellulase encoding gene, egla. the putati ...200212409103
regulation of frea, acoa, lysf, and cyca expression by iron availability in aspergillus the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans, iron homeostasis is regulated at the transcriptional level by the negative-acting gata factor srea. in this study the expression of a putative heme-containing metalloreductase-encoding gene, frea, was found to be upregulated by iron limitation independently of srea, demonstrating the existence of an iron-regulatory mechanism which does not involve srea. in contrast to frea, various other genes encoding proteins in need of iron-containing cofactors- ...200212406779
isolation and functional analysis of a gene, tcsb, encoding a transmembrane hybrid-type histidine kinase from aspergillus nidulans.we cloned and characterized a novel aspergillus nidulans histidine kinase gene, tcsb, encoding a membrane-type two-component signaling protein homologous to the yeast osmosensor synthetic lethal n-end rule protein 1 (sln1), which transmits signals through the high-osmolarity glycerol response 1 (hog1) mitogen-activated protein kinase (mapk) cascade in yeast cells in response to environmental osmotic stimuli. from an a. nidulans cdna library, we isolated a positive clone containing a 3,210-bp ope ...200212406718
evidence for carbon source regulated protein kinase a and protein kinase c signaling in the duplication cycle, polarization and septum formation in aspergillus nidulans.the effects of glucose and of a pectic substrate in the duplication cycle, spore polarization and septation of aspergillus nidulans were tested in poor and rich media. growth on poor conditions and on sodium polypectate slowed nuclear duplication and reduced the coupling of polarization to mitosis. coupling of septation to the third mitosis was also reduced by changing growth conditions. when protein kinase a (pka) and protein kinase c (pkc) activators were added to the media the results suggest ...200212398295
the trichoderma atroviride seb1 (stress response element binding) gene encodes an agggg-binding protein which is involved in the response to high osmolarity stress.the chitinase genes of trichoderma spp. (ech42, chit33, nag1) contain one or more copies of a pentanucleotide element (5'-agggg-3') in their 5'-noncoding regions. in saccharomyces cerevisiae, this motif is recognized and bound by the stress response regulator proteins msn2p/msn4p. to test whether this motif in the chitinase promoters is bound by a trichoderma msn2/4p homolog, we have cloned a gene (seb1) from t. atroviride which encodes a c2h2 zinc-finger protein that is 62 (64)% identical to s. ...200212395196
novel basic-region helix-loop-helix transcription factor (anbh1) of aspergillus nidulans counteracts the ccaat-binding complex ancf in the promoter of a penicillin biosynthesis gene.cis-acting ccaat elements are found frequently in eukaryotic promoter regions. many of the genes containing such elements in their promoters are regulated by a conserved multimeric ccaat-binding complex. in the fungus emericella (aspergillus) nidulans, this complex was designated ancf (a.nidulans ccaat-binding factor). ancf regulates several genes, including the penicillin biosynthesis genes ipna and aata. since it is estimated that the ccaat-binding complex regulates more than 200 genes, an imp ...200212381299
csma, a gene encoding a class v chitin synthase with a myosin motor-like domain of aspergillus nidulans, is translated as a single polypeptide and regulated in response to osmotic conditions.the csma gene of aspergillus nidulans encodes a polypeptide that consists of an n-terminal myosin motor-like domain and a c-terminal chitin synthase domain. csma null mutants showed marked abnormalities in polarized growth, hyphal wall integrity, and conidiophore development. furthermore, the growth of the csma null mutants was sensitive to low osmotic conditions. in an effort to investigate the intracellular behavior of the csma product (csma) and the regulation of its production, we constructe ...200212379226
the vea gene is necessary for the inducible expression by fructosyl amines of the aspergillus nidulans faoa gene encoding fructosyl amino acid oxidase (amadoriase, ec 1.5.3).the faoa gene encoding fructosyl amino acid oxidase (faod, ec 1.5.3) was isolated from aspergillus nidulans and characterized. the complete nucleotide sequence of the faoa (fructosyl amino acid oxidase) gene and its cdna revealed that the faoa gene encodes a 441-amino-acid polypeptide interrupted by five introns. expression of the a. nidulans faoa gene was inducible by fructosyl propylamine and fructosyl lysine, as is the case for the gene encoding faod in other organisms. the faoa gene was not ...200212375102
optimal testing conditions for determining mics and minimum fungicidal concentrations of new and established antifungal agents for uncommon molds: nccls collaborative study.this collaborative three-center study evaluated nccls m38-a document testing conditions and other testing conditions for the antifungal susceptibility testing of 35 isolates of aspergillus nidulans, a. terreus, bipolaris hawaiiensis, b. spicifera, cladophialophora bantiana, dactylaria constricta, fusarium solani, paecilomyces lilacinus, scedosporium prolificans, trichoderma longibrachiatum, and wangiella dermatitidis for itraconazole, three new triazoles (voriconazole, posaconazole, and ravucona ...200212354880
conservation of the positions of metazoan introns from sponges to humans.sponges (phylum porifera) are the phylogenetic oldest metazoa still extant. they can be considered as reference animals (urmetazoa) for the understanding of the evolutionary processes resulting in the creation of metazoa in general and also for the metazoan gene organization in particular. in the marine sponge suberites domuncula, genes encoding p38 and jnk kinases contain nine and twelve introns, respectively. eight introns in both genes share the same positions and the identical phases. one p3 ...200212354665
the kex2 gene from the dimorphic and human pathogenic fungus paracoccidioides brasiliensis.kexin-like protein is a component of the subtilase family of proteinases involved in the processing of proproteins to their active forms. kexin-like proteins are also synthesized as a propeptide and this is involved in (auto)inhibition, correct folding and subcellular sorting of proteins. the kexin-like protein was described as the product of the kex2 gene for aspergillus niger, candida albicans, saccharomyces cerevisiae, yarrowia lipolytica and other fungi. disruption of the kex2 gene in c. alb ...200212271458
regulation of the alpha-glucuronidase-encoding gene ( agua) from aspergillus niger.the alpha-glucuronidase gene agua from aspergillus niger was cloned and characterised. analysis of the promoter region of agua revealed the presence of four putative binding sites for the major carbon catabolite repressor protein crea and one putative binding site for the transcriptional activator xlnr. in addition, a sequence motif was detected which differed only in the last nucleotide from the xlnr consensus site. a construct in which part of the agua coding region was deleted still resulted ...200212242504
identification of vib-1, a locus involved in vegetative incompatibility mediated by het-c in neurospora crassa.a non-self-recognition system called vegetative incompatibility is ubiquitous in filamentous fungi and is genetically regulated by het loci. different fungal individuals are unable to form viable heterokaryons if they differ in allelic specificity at a het locus. to identify components of vegetative incompatibility mediated by allelic differences at the het-c locus of neurospora crassa, we isolated mutants that suppressed phenotypic aspects of het-c vegetative incompatibility. three deletion mut ...200212242225
Displaying items 2201 - 2300 of 5149