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disruption of phenylalanine hydroxylase reduces adult lifespan and fecundity, and impairs embryonic development in parthenogenetic pea aphids.phenylalanine hydroxylase (pah) is a key tyrosine-biosynthetic enzyme involved in neurological and melanin-associated physiological processes. despite extensive investigations in holometabolous insects, a pah contribution to insect embryonic development has never been demonstrated. here, we have characterized, for the first time, the pah gene in a hemimetabolous insect, the aphid acyrthosiphon pisum. phylogenetic and sequence analyses confirmed that appah is closely related to metazoan pah, exhi ...201627694983
excito-repellency of citrus hystrix dc leaf and peel essential oils against aedes aegypti and anopheles minimus (diptera: culicidae), vectors of human pathogens.the essential oils of kaffir lime (citrus hystrix dc.) at four different concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0% v/v) were studied for their repellency, excitation, and knockdown properties against laboratory strains of aedes aegypti (l.) and anopheles minimus theobald using an excito-repellency test system. both contact and noncontact escape responses to leaf- and peel-derived kaffir lime oils were observed. comparing unadjusted escape responses for an. minimus, leaf oil had strong combined irr ...201627694144
sexual chemoecology of mosquitoes (diptera, culicidae): current knowledge and implications for vector control programs.mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) act as vectors of medical and veterinary importance, due to their ability to transmit many pathogens and parasites. renewed interest has been recently devoted to the potential of sterile insect technique (sit) for mosquito suppression. however, the success of the sit is mostly dependent on the ability of sterile males to compete for mates with the wild ones in the field. nevertheless, little is known on the sexual chemical ecology of mosquitoes, with special refer ...201727692501
wolbachia restricts insect-specific flavivirus infection in aedes aegypti cells.mosquito-borne viruses are known to cause disease in humans and livestock and are often difficult to control due to the lack of specific antivirals and vaccines. the wolbachia endosymbiont has been widely studied for its ability to restrict positive-strand rna virus infection in mosquitoes, although little is known about the precise antiviral mechanism. in recent years, a variety of insect-specific viruses have been discovered in mosquitoes and an interaction with mosquito-borne viruses has been ...201627692043
research contributing to improvements in controlling florida's mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases.research on mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases has contributed to improvements in providing effective, efficient, and environmentally proper mosquito control. florida has benefitted from several research accomplishments that have increased the state's mosquito control capabilities. research with florida's mosquitoes has resulted in the development of ecologically sound management of mosquito impoundments on florida's east coast. this strategy, called rotational impoundment management (rim), ...201627690112
transcript abundance of photorhabdus insect-related (pir) toxin in manduca sexta and galleria mellonella this study, we assessed pirab toxin transcription in photorhabdus luminescens laumondii (strain tt01) (enterobacteriaceae) by comparing mrna abundance under in vivo and in vitro conditions. in vivo assays considered both natural and forced infections with two lepidopteran hosts: galleria mellonella and manduca sexta. three portals of entry were utilized for the forced infection assays: (a) integument; (b) the digestive route (via mouth and anus); and (c) the tracheal route (via spiracles). we ...201627690103
colour cues: effects of ipomoea plant extract on culex quinquefasciatus say gravid females in choosing oviposition site.the interaction between plants and insects is dynamic, and may favour either the plant or the insect. plant chemicals are deeply implicated in this relationship and influence insect behaviour. here, we investigated the oviposition behaviour response of culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes based on the colour cues produced by ipomoea cairica leaves extract. in this study, two sets of oviposition choice experiments were conducted: (1) single solution in a cage; and (2) multiple concentration solution ...027688853
dengue: a clinicohaematological profile.fifty cases of fever, clinically suspected to be dengue were studied.201127688570
zika virus strains potentially display different infectious profiles in human neural cells.the recent zika virus (zikv) epidemic has highlighted the poor knowledge on its physiopathology. recent studies showed that zikv of the asian lineage, responsible for this international outbreak, causes neuropathology in vitro and in vivo. however, two african lineages exist and the virus is currently found circulating in africa. the original african strain was also suggested to be neurovirulent but its laboratory usage has been criticized due to its multiple passages. in this study, we compared ...201627688094
management of infection by the zika virus.a panel of national experts was convened by the brazilian infectious diseases society in order to organize the national recommendations for the management of zika virus infection. the focus of this document is the diagnosis, both clinical and laboratorial, and appropriate treatment of the diverse manifestations of this infection, ranging from acute mild disease to guillain-barré syndrome and also microcephaly and congenital malformations.201627686610
developmental pirna profiles of the invasive vector mosquito aedes eukaryotic organisms, piwi-interacting rnas (pirnas) control the activities of mobile genetic elements and ensure genome maintenance. recent evidence indicates that pirnas are involved in multiple biological pathways, including transcriptional regulation of protein-coding genes, sex determination and even interactions between host and pathogens. aedes albopictus is a major invasive species that transmits a number of viral diseases in humans. ae. albopictus has the largest genome and the highe ...201627686069
uv-b radiation reduces in vitro germination of metarhizium anisopliae s.l. but does not affect virulence in fungus-treated aedes aegypti adults and development on dead mosquitoes.control of diurnal aedes aegypti with mycoinsecticides should consider the exposure of fungus-treated adults to sunlight, and especially to uv-b radiation that might affect activity of conidia applied on the mosquito's surface.201627685030
local mosquito-borne transmission of zika virus - miami-dade and broward counties, florida, june-august 2016.during the first 6 months of 2016, large outbreaks of zika virus disease caused by local mosquito-borne transmission occurred in puerto rico and other u.s. territories, but local mosquito-borne transmission was not identified in the continental united states (1,2). as of july 22, 2016, the florida department of health had identified 321 zika virus disease cases among florida residents and visitors, all occurring in either travelers from other countries or territories with ongoing zika virus tran ...201627684886
discovery of novel viruses in mosquitoes from the zambezi valley of mozambique.mosquitoes carry a wide variety of viruses that can cause vector-borne infectious diseases and affect both human and veterinary public health. although mozambique can be considered a hot spot for emerging infectious diseases due to factors such as a rich vector population and a close vector/human/wildlife interface, the viral flora in mosquitoes have not previously been investigated. in this study, viral metagenomics was employed to analyze the viral communities in culex and mansonia mosquitoes ...201627682810
oviposition ecology and species composition of aedes spp. and aedes aegypti dynamics in variously urbanized settings in arbovirus foci in southeastern côte d'ivoire.aedes mosquito-transmitted outbreaks of dengue and yellow fever have been reported from rural and urban parts of côte d'ivoire. the present study aimed at assessing aedes spp. oviposition ecology in variously urbanized settings within arbovirus foci in southeastern côte d'ivoire.201627682270
the golgi associated eri3 is a flavivirus host factor.dengue virus (denv) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus classified into four serotypes (denv-1-4) that causes dengue fever (df), dengue hemorrhagic fever (dhf) or dengue shock syndrome (dss). an estimated 390 million people are at risk for infection with denv and there are no effective vaccines or therapeutics. we utilized rna chromatography coupled with quantitative mass spectrometry (qms) to identify host rna binding proteins (rbps) that interact with denv-2 rna. we identified eri3 (also prnpip and ...201627682269
kap surveys and dengue control in colombia: disentangling the effect of sociodemographic factors using multiple correspondence analysis.during the last few decades, several studies have analyzed and described knowledge, attitudes, and practices (kap) of populations regarding dengue. however, few studies have applied geometric data analytic techniques to generate indices from kap domains. results of such analyses have not been used to determine the potential effects of sociodemographic variables on the levels of kap. the objective was to determine the sociodemographic factors related to different levels of kap regarding dengue in ...201627682141
climate change influences potential distribution of infected aedes aegypti co-occurrence with dengue epidemics risk areas in tanzania.dengue is the second most important vector-borne disease of humans globally after malaria. incidence of dengue infections has dramatically increased recently, potentially due to changing climate. climate projections models predict increases in average annual temperature, precipitation and extreme events in the future. the objective of this study was to assess the effect of changing climate on distribution of dengue vectors in relation to epidemic risk areas in tanzania.201627681327
isolation of zika virus imported from tonga into australia.the globally emergent zika virus (zikv) is a threat to australia, given the number of imported cases from epidemic regions and the presence of competent mosquito vectors. we report the isolation of zikv from a female traveler who recently returned from tonga to brisbane, queensland, australia in 2016.201627679739
new paradigms for virus detection, surveillance and control of zika virus vectors in the settings of southeast asia.zika virus (zikv) has now become a global public health concern. the vectors for zikv are aedes aegypti and a. albopictus. both these mosquitoes are predominant in southeast asia and are also responsible for the spread of other arboviral diseases like dengue virus and chikungunya virus. the incidence of dengue has been increasing over the years and this is of concern to public health workers. simple laboratory tools for the detection of zikv is also lacking. in the absence of drugs and vaccine f ...201627679623
insights into zika virus history, human health effects, and control measures. 201627679523
proceedings of the ix international symposium on phlebotomine sandflies (isops ix), reims, france, june 28th-july 1st, 2016. 201627677701
global genetic diversity of aedes aegypti.mosquitoes, especially aedes aegypti, are becoming important models for studying invasion biology. we characterized genetic variation at 12 microsatellite loci in 79 populations of ae. aegypti from 30 countries in six continents, and used them to infer historical and modern patterns of invasion. our results support the two subspecies ae. aegypti formosus and ae. aegypti aegypti as genetically distinct units. ae. aegypti aegypti populations outside africa are derived from ancestral african popula ...201627671732
spatial variations in dengue transmission in schools in thailand.dengue is an important neglected tropical disease, with more than half of the world's population living in dengue endemic areas. good understanding of dengue transmission sites is a critical factor to implement effective vector control measures.201627669170
salivary gland proteome during adult development and after blood feeding of female anopheles dissidens mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae).understanding changes in mosquito salivary proteins during the time that sporozoite maturation occurs and after blood feeding may give information regarding the roles of salivary proteins during the malarial transmission. anopheles dissidens (formerly anopheles barbirostris species a1) is a potential vector of plasmodium vivax in thailand. in this study, analyses of the proteomic profiles of female an. dissidens salivary glands during adult development and after blood feeding were carried out us ...201627669021
n6-(2-hydroxyethyl)-adenosine exhibits insecticidal activity against plutella xylostella via adenosine receptors.the diamondback moth, plutella xylostella, is one of the most important pests of cruciferous crops. we have earlier shown that n6-(2-hydroxyethyl)-adenosine (hea) exhibits insecticidal activity against p. xylostella. in the present study we investigated the possible mechanism of insecticidal action of hea on p. xylostella. hea is a derivative of adenosine, therefore, we speculated whether it acts via p. xylostella adenosine receptor (pxador). we used rnai approach to silence pxador gene and used ...201627668428
impact of micropollutants on the life-history traits of the mosquito aedes aegypti: on the relevance of transgenerational studies.hazard assessment of chemical contaminants often relies on short term or partial life-cycle ecotoxicological tests, while the impact of low dose throughout the entire life cycle of species across multiple generations has been neglected. this study aimed at identifying the individual and population-level consequences of chronic water contamination by environmental concentrations of three organic micropollutants, ibuprofen, bisphenol a and benzo[a]pyrene, on aedes aegypti mosquito populations in e ...201727667679
evaluating the performance of infectious disease forecasts: a comparison of climate-driven and seasonal dengue forecasts for mexico.dengue viruses, which infect millions of people per year worldwide, cause large epidemics that strain healthcare systems. despite diverse efforts to develop forecasting tools including autoregressive time series, climate-driven statistical, and mechanistic biological models, little work has been done to understand the contribution of different components to improved prediction. we developed a framework to assess and compare dengue forecasts produced from different types of models and evaluated t ...201627665707
the evolutionary divergence of stat transcription factor in different anopheles species.anopheles mosquito transmits plasmodium, the malaria causing parasite. different species of anopheles mosquito dominate in a particular geographical location and are capable of transmitting specific strains of plasmodium. it is important to understand the biology of different anophelines to control the parasite transmission. stat is an evolutionary conserved transcription factor that regulates the parasite development in african malaria vector anopheles gambiae. unlike drosophila and aedes aegyp ...201727664587
arbovirosis and potential transmission blocking vaccines.infectious diseases caused by arboviruses (viruses transmitted by arthropods) are undergoing unprecedented epidemic activity and geographic expansion. with the recent introduction of west nile virus (1999), chikungunya virus (2013) and zika virus (2015) to the americas, stopping or even preventing the expansion of viruses into susceptible populations is an increasing concern. with a few exceptions, available vaccines protecting against arboviral infections are nonexistent and current disease pre ...201627664127
dengue serotype immune-interactions and their consequences for vaccine impact predictions.dengue is one of the most important and wide-spread viral infections affecting human populations. the last few decades have seen a dramatic increase in the global burden of dengue, with the virus now being endemic or near-endemic in over 100 countries world-wide. a recombinant tetravalent vaccine candidate (cyd-tdv) has recently completed phase iii clinical efficacy trials in south east asia and latin america and has been licensed for use in several countries. the trial results showed moderate-t ...201627663790
potential of camellia sinensis proanthocyanidins-rich fraction for controlling malaria mosquito populations through disruption of larval development.anopheles arabiensis and a. gambiae (sensu stricto) are the most prolific afrotropical malaria vectors. population control efforts of these two vectors have been hampered by extremely diverse larval breeding sites and widespread resistance to currently available insecticides. control of mosquito larval stages using bioactive compounds of plant origin has the potential to suppress vector populations leading to concomitant reduction in disease transmission rates. in this study, we evaluated the ef ...201627660043
predicted structure of a minus-c obp from batocera horsfieldi (hope) suggests an intermediate structure in evolution of obps.odorant binding proteins (obps) transport hydrophobic odorants from the environment to odorant receptors and play an important role in specific recognition of volatiles. here, we expressed and purified a minus-c obp, bhorobpm2, from batocera horsfieldi, a major pest of popolus, to determine its binding characteristics with 58 candidate volatiles using a fluorescence competition-binding assay. we showed that bhorobpm2 exhibited high binding affinity with chain volatiles and that ligands were sele ...201627659921
the whole genome sequence of the mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species.the mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), ceratitis capitata, is a major destructive insect pest due to its broad host range, which includes hundreds of fruits and vegetables. it exhibits a unique ability to invade and adapt to ecological niches throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world, though medfly infestations have been prevented and controlled by the sterile insect technique (sit) as part of integrated pest management programs (ipms). the genetic analysis and manipulation of medf ...201627659211
dengue protease substrate recognition: binding of the prime side.dengue virus (denv), transmitted predominantly in tropical and subtropical regions by the mosquito aedes aegypti, infects millions of people and leads to dengue fever and thousands of deaths each year. there are no direct-acting antivirals to combat denv, and molecular and structural knowledge is required to develop such compounds. the dengue ns2b/ns3 protease is a promising target for direct-acting antivirals, as viral polyprotein cleavage during replication is required for the maturation of th ...201627657335
the tomato spotted wilt virus genome is processed differentially in its plant host arachis hypogaea and its thrips vector frankliniella fusca.thrips-transmitted tospoviruses are economically important viruses affecting a wide range of field and horticultural crops worldwide. tomato spotted wilt virus (tswv) is the type member of the tospovirus genus with a broad host range of more than 900 plant species. interactions between these viruses and their plant hosts and insect vectors via rnai pathways are likely a key determinant of pathogenicity. the current investigation, for the first time, compares biogenesis of small rnas between the ...201627656190
vector competence of french polynesian aedes aegypti and aedes polynesiensis for zika 2013-2014, french polynesia experienced for the first time a zika outbreak. two aedes mosquitoes may have contributed to zika virus (zikv) transmission in french polynesia: the worldwide distributed ae. aegypti and the polynesian islands-endemic ae. polynesiensis mosquito.201627654962
dna microarray platform for detection and surveillance of viruses transmitted by small mammals and arthropods.viruses transmitted by small mammals and arthropods serve as global threats to humans. most emergent and re-emergent viral agents are transmitted by these groups; therefore, the development of high-throughput screening methods for the detection and surveillance of such viruses is of great interest. in this study, we describe a dna microarray platform that can be used for screening all viruses transmitted by small mammals and arthropods (smaviruschip) with nucleotide sequences that have been depo ...201627654806
the mysterious zika virus: adding to the tropical flavivirus mayhem.until now, known as the demure cousin of dengue virus (denv) inhabiting africa, zika virus (zikv) has reinvented itself to cause explosive epidemics captivating the western hemisphere. the outbreak causing potential for zikv was realized when it made its way from africa to yap island micronesia in 2007, and in french polynesia in 2013. from there, it moved on to brazil in 2015. now zikv has infected people in more than 33 countries in central and south america and the caribbean. moreover the epi ...201627652985
rhodopsin 7-the unusual rhodopsin in drosophila.rhodopsins are the major photopigments in the fruit fly drosophila melanogaster. drosophila express six well-characterized rhodopsins (rh1-rh6) with distinct absorption maxima and expression pattern. in 2000, when the drosophila genome was published, a novel rhodopsin gene was discovered: rhodopsin 7 (rh7). rh7 is highly conserved among the drosophila genus and is also found in other arthropods. phylogenetic trees based on protein sequences suggest that the seven drosophila rhodopsins cluster in ...201627651995
evaluation of clove oil, icaridin, and transfluthrin for spatial repellent effects in three tests systems against the aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).one essential oil (clove oil), one skin repellent (icaridin), and one insecticide (transfluthrin) were tested for spatial repellent effects against non-blood-fed female aedes aegypti (l.) mosquitoes. the compounds were tested in acetone dilution series using a y-olfactometer, a double cage system, and a double room system. all compounds exhibited spatial repellent effects at certain concentrations. clove oil required relative high dosages to cause high effects (y-olfactometer 6 mg, double cage 6 ...201627651437
origin of the zika virus revealed: a historical journey across the world.zika virus (zikv) is an arbovirus within the flaviviridae family, the recent spread of which has promoted public concern.201627650823
dengueme: a tool for the modeling and simulation of dengue spatiotemporal dynamics.the prevention and control of dengue are great public health challenges for many countries, particularly since 2015, as other arboviruses have been observed to interact significantly with dengue virus. different approaches and methodologies have been proposed and discussed by the research community. an important tool widely used is modeling and simulation, which help us to understand epidemic dynamics and create scenarios to support planning and decision making processes. with this aim, we propo ...201627649226
zika virus: epidemiology, current phobia and preparedness for upcoming mass gatherings, with examples from world olympics and describe zika virus (zikv) epidemiology, current phobia, and the required preparedness for its prevention during the upcoming mass gathering (mg) events.027648063
guy1 confers complete female lethality and is a strong candidate for a male-determining factor in anopheles stephensi.despite their importance in sexual differentiation and reproduction, y chromosome genes are rarely described because they reside in repeat-rich regions that are difficult to study. here, we show that guy1, a unique y chromosome gene of a major urban malaria mosquito anopheles stephensi, confers 100% female lethality when placed on the autosomes. we show that the small guy1 protein (56 amino acids in length) causes female lethality and that males carrying the transgene are reproductively more com ...201627644420
identification of immunity-related genes in dialeurodes citri against entomopathogenic fungus lecanicillium attenuatum by rna-seq analysis.dialeurodes citri is a major pest in citrus producing areas, and large-scale outbreaks have occurred increasingly often in recent years. lecanicillium attenuatum is an important entomopathogenic fungus that can parasitize and kill d. citri. we separated the fungus from corpses of d. citri larvae. however, the sound immune defense system of pests makes infection by an entomopathogenic fungus difficult. here we used rna sequencing technology (rna-seq) to build a transcriptome database for d. citri ...201627644092
sit 2.0: 21(st) century genetic technology for the screwworm sterile-insect program.release of sterile insects, the sterile insect technique (sit), can be an extremely effective and precise method of pest control. a study in bmc biology from the new world screwworm sit program and others shows that modern genetic methods can provide major improvements even to this well-established and highly successful sit program.see research article:
functional integration of the circulatory, immune, and respiratory systems in mosquito larvae: pathogen killing in the hemocyte-rich tracheal both larvae and adults, mosquitoes encounter a barrage of immune insults, ranging from microbe-rich communities in larval habitats to ingested blood-borne pathogens in adult blood meals. given that mosquito adults have evolved an efficient means of eliminating infections in their hemocoel (body cavity) via the coordinated action of their immune and circulatory systems, the goal of the present study was to determine whether such functional integration is also present in larvae.201627643786
assessment of local mosquito species incriminates aedes aegypti as the potential vector of zika virus in australia.within the last 10 years zika virus (zikv) has caused unprecedented epidemics of human disease in the nations and territories of the western pacific and south america, and continues to escalate in both endemic and non-endemic regions. we evaluated the vector competence of australian mosquitoes for zikv to assess their potential role in virus transmission.201627643685
another pandemic disaster looms: yellow fever spreading from angola. 201627642446
salinity responsive aquaporins in the anal papillae of the larval mosquito, aedes aegypti.the larvae of the mosquito, aedes aegypti normally inhabit freshwater (fw) where they face dilution of body fluids by osmotic influx of water. in response, the physiological actions of the anal papillae result in ion uptake while the malpighian tubules and rectum work in concert to excrete excess water. in an apparent paradox, the anal papillae express aquaporins (aqps) and are sites of water permeability which, if aqps are expressed by the epithelium, apparently exaggerates the influx of water ...201727642095
raw sewage as breeding site to aedes (stegomyia) aegypti (diptera, culicidae).the selection of oviposition sites by females of aedes (stegomyia) aegypti is a key factor for the larval survival and egg dispersion and has a direct influence in vector control programs. in this study, we evaluated the aspects of reproductive physiology of ae. aegypti mosquitoes tested in the presence of raw sewage. ae. aegypti females were used in oviposition bioassays according to two methodologies: (i) choice assay, in which three oviposition substrates were offered in the same cage: treatm ...201627640323
antimosquito property of petroselinum crispum (umbellifereae) against the pyrethroid resistant and susceptible strains of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).the increasing and widespread resistance to conventional synthetic insecticides in vector populations has underscored the urgent need to establish alternatives in the mosquito management system. this study was carried out with the aim to investigate the antimosquito property, larvicidal and adulticidal potential, of plant products against both the pyrethroid-susceptible and resistant strains of aedes aegypti. seventeen plant products, including essential oils and ethanolic extracts, were obtaine ...201627638800
non-mendelian dominant maternal effects caused by crispr/cas9 transgenic components in drosophila melanogaster.the crispr/cas9 system has revolutionized genomic editing. the cas9 endonuclease targets genomic dna via an experimentally determined guide rna (grna). this results in a double-strand break at the target site. we generated transgenic drosophila melanogaster in which the crispr/cas9 system was used to target a gal4 transgene in vivo to our surprise, progeny whose genomes did not contain crispr/cas9 components were still capable of mutating gal4 sequences. we demonstrate this effect was caused by ...201627638686
lbd1 of vitellogenin receptor specifically binds to the female-specific storage protein sp1 via lbr1 and proteins are the major protein synthesized in the fat body, released into hemolymph and re-sequestered into the fat body before pupation in most insect species. storage proteins are important amino acid and nutrition resources during the non-feeding pupal period and play essential roles for the metamorphosis and oogenesis of insects. the sequestration of storage protein is a selective, specific receptor-mediated process. however, to date, the potential receptor mediating the sequestratio ...201627637099
smshb, the sh2-containing adaptor protein b of schistosoma mansoni regulates venus kinase receptor signaling pathways.venus kinase receptors (vkrs) are invertebrate receptor tyrosine kinases (rtks) formed by an extracellular venus fly trap (vft) ligand binding domain associated via a transmembrane domain with an intracellular tyrosine kinase (tk) domain. schistosoma mansoni vkrs, smvkr1 and smvkr2, are both implicated in reproductive activities of the parasite. in this work, we show that the sh2 domain-containing protein smshb is a partner of the phosphorylated form of smvkr1. expression of these proteins in xe ...201627636711
analysis of genotype diversity and evolution of dengue virus serotype 2 using complete genomes.dengue is one of the most common arboviral diseases prevalent worldwide and is caused by dengue viruses (genus flavivirus, family flaviviridae). there are four serotypes of dengue virus (denv-1 to denv-4), each of which is further subdivided into distinct genotypes. denv-2 is frequently associated with severe dengue infections and epidemics. denv-2 consists of six genotypes such as asian/american, asian i, asian ii, cosmopolitan, american and sylvatic. comparative genomic study was carried out t ...201627635316
aedes aegypti d7 saliva protein inhibits dengue virus infection.aedes aegypti is the primary vector of several medically relevant arboviruses including dengue virus (denv) types 1-4. ae. aegypti transmits denv by inoculating virus-infected saliva into host skin during probing and feeding. ae. aegypti saliva contains over one hundred unique proteins and these proteins have diverse functions, including facilitating blood feeding. previously, we showed that ae. aegypti salivary gland extracts (sges) enhanced dissemination of denv to draining lymph nodes. in con ...201627632170
zika virus disease cases - 50 states and the district of columbia, january 1-july 31, 2016.zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus primarily transmitted to humans by aedes aegypti mosquitoes (1). zika virus infections have also been documented through intrauterine transmission resulting in congenital infection; intrapartum transmission from a viremic mother to her newborn; sexual transmission; blood transfusion; and laboratory exposure (1-5). most zika virus infections are asymptomatic (1,6). clinical illness, when it occurs, is generally mild and characterized by acute onset of fev ...201627631604
the genetic basis of host preference and resting behavior in the major african malaria vector, anopheles arabiensis.malaria transmission is dependent on the propensity of anopheles mosquitoes to bite humans (anthropophily) instead of other dead end hosts. recent increases in the usage of long lasting insecticide treated nets (llins) in africa have been associated with reductions in highly anthropophilic and endophilic vectors such as anopheles gambiae s.s., leaving species with a broader host range, such as anopheles arabiensis, as the most prominent remaining source of transmission in many settings. an. arab ...201627631375
artemisia absinthium-borne compounds as novel larvicides: effectiveness against six mosquito vectors and acute toxicity on non-target aquatic organisms.the eco-friendly control of mosquito vectors is a crucial challenge of public health importance. here we evaluated the larvicidal potential of artemisia absinthium essential oil (eo) and its three major chemical constituents against six mosquito vectors: anopheles stephensi, anopheles subpictus, aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus, culex quinquefasciatus, and culex tritaeniorhynchus. the eo was obtained by leaf hydro-distillation. its chemical composition was analyzed using gas chromatography-mass s ...201627630101
morphological abnormalities and cell death in the asian citrus psyllid (diaphorina citri) midgut associated with candidatus liberibacter asiaticus.candidatus liberibacter asiaticus (clas) is a phloem-limited, gram-negative, fastidious bacterium that is associated with the development of citrus greening disease, also known as huanglongbing (hlb). clas is transmitted by the asian citrus psyllid (acp) diaphorina citri, in a circulative manner. two major barriers to transmission within the insect are the midgut and the salivary glands. we performed a thorough microscopic analysis within the insect midgut following exposure to clas-infected cit ...201627630042
maintenance of host dna integrity in field-preserved mosquito (diptera: culicidae) blood meals for identification by dna barcoding.determination of the interactions between hematophagous arthropods and their hosts is a necessary component to understanding the transmission dynamics of arthropod-vectored pathogens. current molecular methods to identify hosts of blood-fed arthropods require the preservation of host dna to serve as an amplification template. during transportation to the laboratory and storage prior to molecular analysis, genetic samples need to be protected from nucleases, and the degradation effects of hydroly ...201627629021
bacterial larvicide, bacillus thuringiensis israelensis strain am 65-52 water dispersible granule formulation impacts both dengue vector, aedes aegypti (l.) population density and disease transmission in cambodia.a multi-phased study was conducted in cambodia from 2005-2011 to measure the impact of larviciding with the bacterial larvicide, bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (bti), a water dispersible granule (wg) formulation on the vector, aedes aegypti (l.) and the epidemiology. in our studies, all in-use containers were treated at 8 g/1000 l, including smaller containers and animal feeders which were found to contribute 23% of ae aegypti pupae. the treated waters were subjected to routine water exchang ...201627627758
detection of invasive mosquito vectors using environmental dna (edna) from water samples.repeated introductions and spread of invasive mosquito species (ims) have been recorded on a large scale these last decades worldwide. in this context, members of the mosquito genus aedes can present serious risks to public health as they have or may develop vector competence for various viral diseases. while the tiger mosquito (aedes albopictus) is a well-known vector for e.g. dengue and chikungunya viruses, the asian bush mosquito (ae. j. japonicus) and ae. koreicus have shown vector competenc ...201627626642
small rna regulators of plant-hemipteran interactions: micromanagers with versatile roles.non-coding small rnas (srnas) in plants have important roles in regulating biological processes, including development, reproduction, and stress responses. recent research indicates significant roles for srna-mediated gene silencing during plant-hemipteran interactions that involve all three of these biological processes. plant responses to hemipteran feeding are determined by changes in the host transcriptome that appear to be fine-tuned by srnas. the role of srna in plant defense responses is ...201627625654
agricultural chemicals: life changer for mosquito vectors in agricultural landscapes?although many mosquito species develop within agricultural landscapes where they are potentially exposed to agricultural chemicals (fertilizers and pesticides), the effects of these chemicals on mosquito biology remain poorly understood. this study investigated the effects of sublethal concentrations of four agricultural chemicals on the life history traits of anopheles arabiensis and culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes.201627624456
presence of aedes (stegomyia) aegypti (linnaeus, 1762) and its natural infection with dengue virus at unrecorded heights in colombia.aedes aegypti is the main vector of urban yellow fever, dengue, chikungunya and zika viruses. the biogeographical distribution of this species has expanded due to global warming, and socioeconomic and cultural factors. the changes in the altitudinal distribution patterns of this vector and its natural infection are priority fields of research to develop entomological, virological and public health surveillance strategies.201627622492
aedes aegypti in rural areas: public health implications. 201627622476
[zika: a defeat in the struggle against aedes aegypti]. 201627622433
developmental expression of ecdysone-related genes associated with metamorphic changes during midgut remodeling of silkworm bombyx mori (lepidoptera:bombycidae).steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone is known as the systemic regulators of insect cells; however, how to impact the fate and function of mature and stem cells is unclear. for the first time, we report ecdysone regulatory cascades in both mature midgut cell and stem cell fractions related to developmental events by using histological, immunohistochemical, biochemical and gene expression analysis methods. ecdysone receptor-b1 (ecr-b1) and ultraspiracle 1 (usp-1) mrnas were detected mainly in mature ...201627620558
predicting arboviral disease emergence using bayesian networks: a case study of dengue virus in western australia.a bayesian belief network (bbn) for assessing the potential risk of dengue virus emergence and distribution in western australia (wa) is presented and used to identify possible hotspots of dengue outbreaks in summer and winter. the model assesses the probabilities of two kinds of events which must take place before an outbreak can occur: (1) introduction of the virus and mosquito vectors to places where human population densities are high; and (2) vector population growth rates as influenced by ...201727620510
an improved mosquito electrocuting trap that safely reproduces epidemiologically relevant metrics of mosquito human-feeding behaviours as determined by human landing catch.reliable quantification of mosquito host-seeking behaviours is required to determine the efficacy of vector control methods. for malaria, the gold standard approach remains the risky human landing catch (hlc). here compare the performance of an improved prototype of the mosquito electrocuting grid trap (met) as a safer alternative with hlc for measuring malaria vector behaviour in dar es salaam, tanzania.201627618941
costs and benefits of vertical and horizontal transmission of dengue virus.parasites can be transmitted vertically and/or horizontally, but the costs or benefits for the host of infection have only been tested after horizontal transmission. here, we report for the first time, to our knowledge, the survival, reproduction and infection of aedes aegypti during vertical and horizontal transmission of dengue virus 2 (denv-2). females infected horizontally produced more eggs, with a sex ratio skewed towards males, compared with uninfected controls. however, there was no sign ...201627618859
epidemiology, virology, and pathogenesis of the zika virus: from neglected tropical disease to a focal point of international attention.over the past year, the zika virus, an arthropod-borne flavivirus, has transitioned from a relatively unknown tropical disease to the cause of a public health emergency. the zika virus is transmitted by the aedes species of mosquito as well as by sexual intercourse. although the symptoms of acute zika virus infection are usually mild and self-limited, it causes fetal microcephaly in pregnant women, and is associated with an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome. the risk of microcephaly from ...201627618294
zika virus: a call to action for physicians in the era of climate february 2016, the world health organization declared the mosquito-borne zika virus to be a "public health emergency of international concern" as the disease linked to thousands of birth defects in brazil spreads rapidly. the distribution of the aedes mosquitos has drastically increased over the past few decades, which have been the hottest decades on earth in more than 1000 years based on climate proxy measures. although a combination of factors explains the current zika virus outbreak, it's ...201627617189
bacillus thuringiensis cyt2aa2 toxin disrupts cell membranes by forming large protein aggregates.bacillus thuringiensis (bt) cyt2aa2 showed toxicity against dipteran insect larvae and in vitro lysis activity on several cells. it has potential applications in the biological control of insect larvae. although pore-forming and/or detergent-like mechanisms were proposed, the mechanism underlying cytolytic activity remains unclear. analysis of the haemolytic activity of cyt2aa2 with osmotic stabilizers revealed partial toxin inhibition, suggesting a distinctive mechanism from the putative pore f ...201627612497
single-step biological fabrication of colloidal silver nanoparticles using hugonia mystax: larvicidal potential against zika virus, dengue, and malaria vector mosquitoes.mosquito control is facing key challenges, including outbreaks of new arbovirus threats. we proposed an eco-friendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles (agnps) employing a low-cost extract of hugonia mystax. agnps were specified by uv, xrd, ftir and edx spectroscopy, sem and tem. agnps were more toxic to anopheles stephensi, aedes aegypti, and culex quinquefasciatus larvae (lc50: 14.45, 15.86, and 17.46 μg/ml) if compared to aquatic biocontrol organisms gambusia affinis, diplonychus indicus, and ...201627611658
zika - global concern. 027610070
detection of chikungunya virus circulation using sugar-baited traps during a major outbreak in french guiana. 201627606960
silencing the olfactory co-receptor rferorco reduces the response to pheromones in the red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus.the red palm weevil (rpw, rhynchophorus ferrugineus), one of the most widespread of all invasive insect pest species, is a major cause of severe damage to economically important palm trees. rpw exhibits behaviors very similar to those of its sympatric species, the asian palm weevil (r. vulneratus), which is restricted geographically to the southern part of southeast asia. although efficient and sustainable control of these pests remains challenging, olfactory-system disruption has been proposed ...201627606688
study on the behavior of dengue viruses during outbreaks with reference to entomological and laboratory surveillance in the cuddalore, nagapattinam, and tirunelveli districts of tamil nadu, india.this study was carried out in order to understand the behavior of dengue viruses through the entomological and laboratory surveillance of outbreaks. the aim of the study was to provide additional research to support current knowledge of epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory diagnosis of dengue virus and ultimately to use this information to forecast dengue as well as to justify intervention measures.201527606255
biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles from mangrove plant (avicennia marina) extract and their potential mosquito larvicidal identify the larvicidal activities of silver nanoparticles synthesised with avicennia marina leaf extract against the larvae of aedes aegypti and anopheleus stephensi, in vitro larvicidal activities such as lc50 and lc90 were assessed. further, characterisation such as uv and ftir analysis were carried out for the synthesised silver nanoparticles. the lc50 value of the synthesised silver nanoparticles was identified as 4.374 and 7.406 mg/l for an. stephensi and ae. aegypti larvae respectively ...201627605825
comparative susceptibility of ochlerotatus japonicus, ochlerotatus triseriatus, aedes albopictus, and aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) to la crosse virus.invasive mosquito species can increase the transmission risk of native mosquito-borne diseases by acting as novel vectors. in this study, we examined the susceptibility of three exotic invasive mosquito species aedes aegypti (l.), ae. albopictus (skuse), and ochlerotatus japonicus (theobald) to la crosse virus (lacv) relative to the native primary vector ochlerotatus triseriatus (say). adult females of the four mosquito species were orally challenged with lacv; incubated for 3, 5, 7, 9, or 11 d; ...201627605372
culex mosquitoes are experimentally unable to transmit zika virus.we report that two laboratory colonies of culex quinquefasciatus and culex pipiens mosquitoes were experimentally unable to transmit zikv either up to 21 days post an infectious blood meal or up to 14 days post intrathoracic inoculation. infectious viral particles were detected in bodies, heads or saliva by a plaque forming unit assay on vero cells. we therefore consider it unlikely that culex mosquitoes are involved in the rapid spread of zikv.027605159
experimental investigation of the susceptibility of italian culex pipiens mosquitoes to zika virus infection.we investigated the susceptibility of an italian population of culex pipiens mosquitoes to zika virus (zikv) infection, tested in parallel with aedes aegypti, as a positive control. we analysed mosquitoes at 0, 3, 7, 10, 14, 20 and 24 days after an infectious blood meal. viral rna was detected in the body of cx. pipiens up to three days post-infection, but not at later time points. our results indicate that cx. pipiens is not susceptible to zikv infection.027605056
evolutionary dynamics of abundant stop codon readthrough.translational stop codon readthrough emerged as a major regulatory mechanism affecting hundreds of genes in animal genomes, based on recent comparative genomics and ribosomal profiling evidence, but its evolutionary properties remain unknown. here, we leverage comparative genomic evidence across 21 anopheles mosquitoes to systematically annotate readthrough genes in the malaria vector anopheles gambiae, and to provide the first study of abundant readthrough evolution, by comparison with 20 droso ...201627604222
acute toxicity and repellent activity of the origanum scabrum boiss. & heldr. (lamiaceae) essential oil against four mosquito vectors of public health importance and its biosafety on non-target aquatic organisms.the recent outbreaks of dengue, chikungunya, and zika virus highlighted the pivotal importance of mosquito vector control in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide. however, mosquito control is facing hot challenges, mainly due to the rapid development of pesticide resistance in culicidae and the limited success of biocontrol programs on aedes mosquitoes. in this framework, screening botanicals for their mosquitocidal potential may offer effective and eco-friendly tools in the fight against mo ...201627604128
raed a 4: a new 67-kda aedes aegypti mosquito salivary allergen for the diagnosis of mosquito allergy.accurate diagnosis of mosquito allergy has been hampered by the laborious task of obtaining mosquito salivary allergens. we have previously studied 3 recombinant (r) aedes aegypti mosquito salivary allergens: raed a 1, raed a 2 and raed a 3. here, we report the expression, purification, identification and evaluation of raed a 4, a 67-kda α-glucosidase.201627603527
the importance of socio-economic versus environmental risk factors for reported dengue cases in java, indonesia.dengue is a major mosquito-borne viral disease and an important public health problem. identifying which factors are important determinants in the risk of dengue infection is critical in supporting and guiding preventive measures. in south-east asia, half of all reported fatal infections are recorded in indonesia, yet little is known about the epidemiology of dengue in this country.201627603137
towards a proteomic catalogue and differential annotation of salivary gland proteins in blood fed malaria vector anopheles culicifacies by mass order to understand the importance of functional proteins in mosquito behavior, following blood meal, a baseline proteomic dataset is essential for providing insights into the physiology of blood feeding. therefore, in this study as first step, in solution and 1-d electrophoresis digestion approach combined with tandem mass spectrometry (nano lc-ms/ms) and computational bioinformatics for data mining was used to prepare a baseline proteomic catalogue of salivary gland proteins of sugar fed an ...201627602567
epidemiologic investigation of a family cluster of imported zikv cases in guangdong, china: probable human-to-human transmission.zika virus (zikv) is an emerging mosquito-borne flavivirus that can potentially threaten south china. a chinese family of four returning from venezuela to china was found to be positive for zikv when the youngest son's fever was first detected at an airport immigration inspection. they were isolated temporarily in a local hospital in enping city, guangdong province, where their clinical data were recorded and urine and saliva were collected to isolate zikv and to obtain viral sequences. all of t ...201627599469
[effectiveness of commercial repellents against aedes aegypti (l.) in yucatan, méxico].we assessed the efficacy of commercial repellents available in yucatan against aedes aegypti, vector of dengue, chikungunya and zika.201627599081
population genetic structure of aedes fluviatilis (diptera: culicidae).although aedes fluviatilis is an anthropophilic mosquito found abundantly in urban environments, its biology, epidemiological potential and genetic characteristics are poorly understood. climate change and urbanization processes that result in environmental modifications benefit certain anthropophilic mosquito species such as ae. fluviatilis, greatly increasing their abundance in urban areas. to gain a better understanding of whether urbanization processes modulate the genetic structure of this ...201627598889
changes in infestation sites of female aedes aegypti in northeast brazil.we report the behavioral changes in use of oviposition sites in aedes aegypti in fortaleza, brazil.201727598639
cost of intensive routine control and incremental cost of insecticide-treated curtain deployment in a setting with low aedes aegypti infestation.information regarding the cost of implementing insecticide-treated curtains (itcs) is scarce. therefore, we evaluated the itc implementation cost, in addition to the costs of intensive conventional routine activities of the aedes control program in the city of guantanamo, cuba.201727598627
discovery of selective inhibitors targeting acetylcholinesterase 1 from disease-transmitting mosquitoes.vector control of disease-transmitting mosquitoes is increasingly important due to the re-emergence and spread of infections such as malaria and dengue. we have conducted a high throughput screen (hts) of 17,500 compounds for inhibition of the essential ache1 enzymes from the mosquitoes anopheles gambiae and aedes aegypti. in a differential hts analysis including the human ache, several structurally diverse, potent, and selective noncovalent ache1 inhibitors were discovered. for example, a pheno ...201627598521
culex quinquefasciatus from rio de janeiro is not competent to transmit the local zika virus.the americas have suffered a dramatic epidemic of zika since may in 2015, when zika virus (zikv) was first detected in brazil. mosquitoes belonging to subgenus stegomyia of aedes, particularly aedes aegypti, are considered the primary vectors of zikv. however, the rapid spread of the virus across the continent raised several concerns about the transmission dynamics, especially about potential mosquito vectors. the purpose of this work was to assess the vector competence of the house mosquito cul ...201627598421
knowledge and use of prevention measures for chikungunya virus among visitors - virgin islands national park, june 2014, the mosquito-borne chikungunya virus (chikv) emerged in the u.s. virgin islands (usvi), a location where tourists comprise the majority of the population during peak season (january-april). limited information is available concerning visitors' chikv awareness and prevention measures.201627597388
proteomic analysis of aedes aegypti midgut during post-embryonic development and of the female mosquitoes fed different this work we analyzed protein expression in the aedes aegypti midgut during the larval (fourth instar, l4), pupal, and adult stages [including newly emerged (ne), sugar-fed (sf) and blood-fed (bf) females]. two-dimensional electrophoresis showed 13 spots in the midgut of larvae, 95 in the midgut of pupae, 90 in the midgut of ne, and 76 in the midgut of sf or bf females. in the larval midguts, high serpin expression was noted, while in the pupae, protein abundance was lower than in the ne, sf, ...201627597118
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