
PMID(sorted descending)
effect of ciprofloxacin on phagocytosis.certain aspects of the relationship between host defence mechanisms and the new quinoline derivative ciprofloxacin in comparison to norfloxacin and ofloxacin were studied. ciprofloxacin did not affect chemotaxis of human polymorphonuclear leucocytes in agarose. in leucocytes exposed to ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin and ofloxacin neither the chemiluminescent response to opsonized zymosan and formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine nor the phagocytic or bactericidal activity was affected. however, kill ...19852936604
recombinant protein a of non-staphylococcal origin is not mitogenic for human peripheral lymphocytes. mitogenicity of natural protein a is caused by a contaminant.recombinant protein a(spa) produced in escherichia coli or bacillus subtilis bacteria did not induce activation of human peripheral mononuclear cells, whereas spa preparations obtained from naturally occurring staphylococcus aureus bacteria as well as recombinant spa from staphylococcus xylosus were potent mitogens. further purification of spa from s. aureus showed that the mitogenic material was concentrated in the side fractions containing more basic molecules. some staphylococcal enterotoxins ...19892922571
characterisation of methicillin-resistant isolates of staphylococcus aureus by analysis of whole-cell and exported proteins.thirty-four isolates of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) from patients in glasgow royal infirmary were studied. whole-cell protein profiles obtained by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) were compared with banding patterns produced by immunoblots of exported proteins. human plasma was used as a source of staphylococcal antibodies for the immunoblots. sds-page of whole-cell extracts did not usefully distinguish different isolates of mrsa. repro ...19892913314
effects of retinoids on human thymus-dependent and thymus-independent mitogenesis.the effects of all-trans-retinoic acid (ra), 13-cis-retinoic acid, and n-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide on the mitogenic responses of various populations of human lymphocytes have been evaluated. superoptimal concentrations of mitogens allowed the greatest ra-induced potentiation of lymphocyte proliferation. all three retinoids at concentrations as low as 5 x 10(-14)m significantly potentiated the proliferation of adenoidal and tonsillar lymphocytes stimulated by pokeweed mitogen (pwm). however, th ...19892910587
selective binding of l-thyroxine by myosin light chain kinase.l-thyroxine selectively inhibited ca2+-calmodulin-activated myosin light chain kinases (mlc kinase) purified from rabbit skeletal muscle, chicken gizzard smooth muscle, bovine thyroid gland, and human platelet with similar ki values (ki = 2.5 microm). a detailed analysis of l-thyroxine inhibition of smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase activation was undertaken in order to determine the effect of l-thyroxine on the stoichiometries of ca2+, calmodulin, and the enzyme in the activation process. ...19892909527
sustained anti-adherence activity of taurolidine (taurolin) and noxythiolin (noxyflex s) solutions.taurolidine (2% w/v) and noxythiolin (1% w/v and 2.5% w/v) solutions inhibit the adherence in-vitro of escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus to human epithelial and fibroblast cells. this effect, demonstrable after 30 min exposure of cells to test drugs, persists after removal of the active compound. significantly reduced adherence of bacteria is apparent for 5 h after taurolidine treatment and for 6 h after treatment with 2.5% noxythiolin. anti-adherence activity of taurolidine and noxythi ...19882904994
induction of suppressor cells to t- and b-cell proliferative responses and immunoglobulin production by monoclonal antibodies recognizing the cd3 t-cell differentiation antigen.monoclonal antibodies (mab's) recognizing the cd3 t-cell differentiation antigen induced the generation of suppressor cells. these cells inhibited (1) proliferative responses of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) to pha and allogeneic cells in mixed leukocyte culture; (2) proliferative responses of purified e-rosette-negative cells to staphylococcus aureus cowans i; and (3) de novo immunoglobulin synthesis and secretion in the pokeweed mitogen (pwm)-induced differentiation system. m ...19882901914
effects of adenylate cyclase toxin from bordetella pertussis on human neutrophil interactions with coccidioides immitis and staphylococcus aureus.bordetella pertussis extract that contained adenylate cyclase toxin produced large increases in human neutrophil cyclic amp levels and inhibited their oxidative burst, as reflected by luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence and superoxide release. the adenylate cyclase toxin-containing extract blocked neutrophil-mediated inhibition of n-acetylglucosamine incorporation by arthroconidia of coccidioides immitis in a dose-dependent fashion but had no effect on neutrophil phagocytosis of candida glabrata ...19882894360
localization of a collagen-interactive domain of human von willebrand factor between amino acid residues gly 911 and glu 1,365.a collagen-binding domain of von willebrand factor (vwf) has been identified in the central part of the molecule by comparing the binding properties of vwf and staphylococcus aureus v-8 protease-generated vwf fragments with collagen. the binding of purified human vwf to human type iii collagen was found to be specific. at saturation, 38 to 50.2 micrograms of vwf bound per milligram of collagen. scatchard plots derived from binding isotherms demonstrated the presence of at least two classes of bi ...19872889486
a bacteriological examination of breast an investigation of the source of an outbreak of serratia marcescens infection in a special care baby unit, several breast pumps used in the hospital and community were examined. the epidemic strain was isolated from two pumps and other gram-negative organisms, staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus faecalis were isolated from seven. the findings indicate that breast pumps may be a potential source of contamination of the user, her breast milk, infant and environment. our recommendations reg ...19872883225
possible transmission of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus by expressed human breast milk. 19872880910
transforming growth factor beta is an important immunomodulatory protein for human b lymphocytes.the growth and differentiation of b cells to immunoglobulin (ig)-secreting cells is regulated by a variety of soluble factors. this study presents data that support a role for transforming growth factor (tgf)-beta in this regulatory process. b lymphocytes were shown to have high-affinity receptors for tgf-beta that were increased fivefold to sixfold after in vitro activation. the addition of picogram quantities of tgf-beta to b cell cultures suppressed factor-dependent, interleukin 2 (il 2) b ce ...19862878044
potent antagonism of escherichia coli, bacteroides ovatus, fusobacterium varium, and enterococcus faecalis, alone or in combination, for enteropathogens in anaerobic continuous flow cultures.interactions between representative strains of four predominant resident bacteria of the human colon, escherichia coli, enterococcus faecalis, bacteroides ovatus, and fusobacterium varium, and strains of seven enteropathogens, yersinia enterocolitica, shigella flexneri, salmonella typhimurium, vibrio parahaemolyticus, v. cholerae serogroup non o1, staphylococcus aureus, and clostridium perfringens, were examined in studies with an anaerobic continuous flow culture system and medium resembling th ...19862875188
heterogeneity of b cell growth factor (bcgf)-producing t cells in humans. clonal analysis of bcgf-producing cells within t4+ and t8+ subsets and evidence for the involvement of different growth factors in different bcgf assays.human peripheral blood t cells were cloned under conditions allowing the clonal expansion of virtually all t cells. clones derived from t4+ or t4- (t8+) subsets were screened for their ability to induce b cell proliferation either in the staphylococcus aureus cowan-i (sac)-driven assay or in the costimulation assay based on the use of anti-mu antibodies. bcgf activity in the sac- and in the anti-mu-driven system was displayed by 13% and 15% t8+ clones, respectively, while 74% and 79% t4+ clones ...19862874606
expression and secretion of interferon-alpha 1 by streptomyces lividans: use of staphylokinase signals and amplification of a neo gene.a gene coding for mature human interferon, ifn-alpha 1, fused to the expression and secretion signals of a staphylokinase gene (sak) derived from staphylococcus aureus phage 42d, was inserted into the streptomyces promoter probe vector pij487. streptomyces lividans transformed with the recombinant plasmid (pmg341) secreted biologically active ifn-alpha 1 into the culture medium. expression of the ifn-alpha 1 gene was at least on the translational level directed by the sak signals since numerous ...19882851494
lipid analysis of the glycoinositol phospholipid membrane anchor of human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase. palmitoylation of inositol results in resistance to phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase c.the glycoinositol phospholipid membrane anchor of human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (ec contains a novel inositol phospholipid which in this and the accompanying paper (roberts, w.l., santikarn, s., reinhold, v.n., and rosenberry, t.l. (1988) j. biol. chem 263, 18776-18784) is shown to be a plasmanylinositol that is palmitoylated on the inositol ring. the inositol phospholipid was radiolabeled with the photoactivated reagent 3-(trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-[125i] iodophenyl)diazirine and ...19882848806
oxygen-dependent killing of staphylococcus aureus by human neutrophils.luminol-dependent chemiluminescence was used as a monitor of reactive oxidant generation during phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus by human neutrophils. reactive oxidants play a crucial role in the killing of this organism because: (a) s. aureus was killed most rapidly when the rate of increase of chemiluminescence was greatest; (b) neutrophils which had been activated to generate reactive oxidants by re-aeration of anaerobic suspensions killed this bacterium more efficiently than control sus ...19872846751
sequence of the human erythrocyte phosphoglycerate mutase by microsequencer and mass spectrometry.we have previously reported the isolation in pure form of the human erythrocyte phosphoglycerate mutase isozyme b. we now report the sequence of the whole protein and the identification of its n-terminal blocking group. the protein tryptic peptides of phosphoglycerate mutase isozyme b were isolated by high performance liquid chromatography and their sequence determined by microsequencing. the sequence and the nature of the blocking group of the n-terminal tryptic peptide was shown to be n-acetyl ...19882846554
the bactericidal effects of the respiratory burst and the myeloperoxidase system isolated in neutrophil cytoplasts.neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes kill bacteria by oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent mechanisms. many potentially toxic mechanisms have been described, but the complexity of the phagosomal environment and the synergy between oxidative and non-oxidative systems hamper the investigation of individual bactericidal mechanism in whole cells. neutrophil cytoplasts are greatly depleted of granule proteins and permit the investigation of the bactericidal effects of the respiratory burst in i ...19882844290
cervical and vaginal microflora of women under cancer screening.gynaecological cancer screening was supplemented with examination of the vaginal microflora and ph in women suffering from vaginal discharge and/or colpitis. in alkaline samples escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus and candida albicans and, in cervical epithelial cells, herpes simplex virus antigen were of common occurrence, while in samples with acid reaction trichomonas and, in cervical cells mainly from pregnant women, adenovirus antigen were often detected. since vaginal ph may be informa ...19872834906
influence of ly146032 on human polymorphonuclear leucocytes in 146032 is a new acidic lipopeptide antibiotic with high in-vitro activity against gram-positive bacteria. we have studied the influence of ly 146032 on the functions of polymorphonuclear leucocytes with two strains of staphylococcus aureus, one susceptible to oxacillin and one resistant. ly 146032 (10 mg/l) was found to have no influence on superoxide generation stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate, nor on phagocytosis of opsonized staph. aureus, furthermore there was no effect on chemotax ...19882833489
measurement of intracellular fluorescence of human monocytes relative to oxidative metabolism.human monocytes (mn) produce o2- and h2o2 when stimulated by agonists. dichlorofluorescin diacetate (dcfh-da) has been used as a substrate for measuring intracellular oxidant production in neutrophils. dcfh-da is hydrolyzed by esterases to dichlorofluorescin (dcfh), which is trapped within the cell. this nonfluorescent molecule is then oxidized to fluorescent dichlorofluorescin (dcf) by action of cellular oxidants. dcfh-da can not be appreciably oxidized to a fluorescent state without prior hydr ...19882832496
expression of c-src in cultured human neuroblastoma and small-cell lung carcinoma cell lines correlates with neurocrine differentiation.human cell lines with neuronal and neuroendocrine features were examined for their expression of pp60c-src, the cellular homolog of the transforming gene product pp60v-src of rous sarcoma virus. four neuroblastoma (la-n-5, sh-sy5y, paju, and sk-n-mc) and three small-cell lung carcinoma (u-2020, u-1690, and u-1285) cell lines were selected on the basis of their stage of neurocrine differentiation, as determined by the expression of neuron-specific enolase. in an immune complex protein kinase assa ...19872830484
phenotypic and functional abnormalities in monocytes from patients with haemophilia a treated with factor viii concentrates.the phenotype and functions of monocytes in patients with haemophilia a and age-matched controls were studied. fourteen male haemophiliacs were classified in three categories according to the mean number of units of factor viii received during the last 5 years. eleven patients were positive for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus but none of our patients were homosexuals or drug abusers, nor do they fulfill the criteria of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. patients treated with high amo ...19882829491
expression and the functional role of a p70/75 interleukin 2-binding molecule in human b cell.expression of p70/75 il-2-binding molecules and their functional roles in induction of ig secretion by il-2 were examined in human b cells. il-2, at high concentrations induced higher levels of ig secretion in staphylococcus aureus strain cowan i (sac)-activated b cells than at low concentrations. about 50% of sac-activated b cells, lacking tac antigen, were also responsive to ig secretion by il-2, although the required dose of il-2 was higher than that for tac-positive b cells. h-31 antibody wh ...19882828472
differential mechanism for differentiation into immunoglobulin-secreting cells in human resting b lymphocyte subsets isolated on the basis of cell density.we have investigated differential mechanism for differentiation of human peripheral blood resting b cells to ig-secreting cells. purified resting b cells were further fractionated into subsets by discontinuous density gradients of percoll, and proliferation and differentiation responses to staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac) and/or t cell-derived soluble factors were studied. high density resting b cells were stimulated to proliferate vigorously in response to sac, but were poorly differentiated ...19882826542
a series of six ligands for the human formyl peptide receptor: tetrapeptides with high chemotactic potency and efficacy.we recently isolated, from culture fluids of staphylococcus aureus, a chemotactic peptide that comprised equimolar quantities of methionine, leucine, phenylalanine, and isoleucine. it interacted with the formylmethionyl peptide receptor of human leukocytes and had considerably higher potency and efficacy than the widely studied tripeptide agonist fmet-leu-phe. on the assumption that the attractant was a formylmethionyl tetrapeptide, we synthesized the six possible sequences and tested the produc ...19872825171
virulence studies, in mice, of transposon-induced mutants of staphylococcus aureus differing in capsule size.we used three related strains of staphylococcus aureus to determine whether capsule size influenced bacterial virulence. strain sa1 mucoid elaborated a large capsule demonstrable by transmission electron microscopy (tem). nonmucoid isolates were derived from strain sa1 mucoid by tn551 insertional mutagenesis. by tem, strain jl24 produced a "microcapsule," whereas strain jl25 was unencapsulated. strain sa1 mucoid had a 50% lethal dose for mice greater than 3,000-fold lower than that of strains jl ...19872821124
septic bursitis in human immunodeficiency virus infection.septic bursitis is a well described entity in immunocompromised patients. common factors contributing to an immunocompromised state are alcoholism and corticosteroid therapy. we describe 2 patients with staphylococcus aureus olecranon bursitis with evidence of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection and no other contributing factors to immunodeficiency. the clinical course in these patients was refractory to conservative management. such a persistent course of septic bursitis, especially in ...19892810264
vancomycin during pregnancy: does it cause hearing loss or nephrotoxicity in the infant?vancomycin was administered intravenously to 10 pregnant women for the treatment of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus infections. auditory brainstem response testing and renal function studies were performed on the 10 babies in the experimental group and 10 babies in each of two control groups to determine the safety of vancomycin use during pregnancy. auditory brainstem responses were not normal at birth in six infants from the three different groups studied (n = 30) but were normal a ...19892801848
identification of cysteine 530 as the covalent attachment site of an affinity-labeling estrogen (ketononestrol aziridine) and antiestrogen (tamoxifen aziridine) in the human estrogen receptor.radiosequence analysis of peptide fragments of the estrogen receptor (er) from mcf-7 human breast cancer cells has been used to identify cysteine 530 as the site of covalent attachment of an estrogenic affinity label, ketononestrol aziridine (kna), and an antiestrogenic affinity label, tamoxifen aziridine (taz). er from mcf-7 cells was covalently labeled with [3h]taz or [3h]kna and purified to greater than 95% homogeneity by immunoadsorbent chromatography. limit digest peptide fragments, generat ...19892793867
production of lymphotoxin by isolated human tonsillar b lymphocytes and b lymphocyte cell lines.the expression of lymphotoxin (lt) mrna and cytokine in human tonsillar b cells and b cell lines was examined by northern blots and cytotoxicity assays, respectively. in tonsillar b cells, phorbol myristate acetate (pma) or staphylococcus aureus cowan l (sac) alone induced low levels of lt mrna accumulation. however, sac and anti-mu were strongly synergistic with pma in this induction. peak lt mrna expression in tonsillar b cells stimulated by pma plus sac occurred between 48 and 72 h and was ap ...19892786889
the role of interleukin 2 in the regulation of proliferation and igm synthesis of human newborn mononuclear cells.the effect of interleukin 2 (il-2) on cord blood mononuclear cells (cbmc) was studied, with special reference to b cell function. the study shows that cbmcs proliferate in response to recombinant interleukin 2 (ril-2) without in-vitro preactivation. the response was also detected when whole blood cultures were used. cbmcs not preactivated in vitro proliferated in response to ril-2 even after t cell and monocyte depletion. thus, ril-2 affects both non-t cells and t cells of newborns without preac ...19892784745
human recombinant il-3 stimulates b cell investigate the role of human il-3 in b cell differentiation, we examined its effect on igg secretion from normal b cells and a b cell line, jda. the effect of il-3 was compared to that of il-6. il-3 stimulated igg secretion from tonsil b cells or peripheral blood-derived b cells activated by staphylococcus aureus cowan i strain. this effect required the presence of il-2. neither b cell growth factor (bcgf) nor ifn-gamma replaced il-2 in this function. il-6 stimulated similar igg secretion fr ...19892784144
enhancement of antibacterial resistance of neutropenic, bone marrow-suppressed mice by interleukin-1 alpha.the effect of recombinant human interleukin-1 alpha (il-1) on the resistance of normal and bone marrow-suppressed mice against bacterial infection was evaluated. il-1 induced neutrophilia and enhanced the resistance of normal mice against acute, systemic intraperitoneal infection with klebsiella pneumoniae and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. mice with cyclophosphamide-induced bone marrow suppression were neutropenic and exhibited increased susceptibility to infection. treatment of n ...19892783314
human hyperimmune globulin protects against the cytotoxic action of staphylococcal alpha-toxin in vitro and in vivo.alpha-toxin, the major cytolysin of staphylococcus aureus, preferentially attacks human platelets and cultured monocytes, thereby promoting coagulation and the release of interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor. titers of naturally occurring antibodies in human blood are not high enough to substantially inhibit these pathological reactions. in the present study, f(ab')2 fragment preparations from hyperimmune globulin obtained from immunized volunteers were tested for their capacity to inhibit th ...19892777380
iron depletion alters surface-associated properties of staphylococcus aureus and its association to human neutrophils in chemiluminescence.staphylococcus aureus nctc 6571 was grown in iron-depleted tryptone soya broth (fe-tsb) to approximate to in vivo conditions, and in iron-rich tsb (fe + tsb). low iron effected a crucial decrease in surface hydrophobicity (sh) and a lack of supernatant protein a (pra). iron availability did not affect pra detection in immunoblotting and it was identified as a 35.5 kda antigen in this strain. fe-phenotypes lacked 34, 48 and 52 kda antigens. in chemiluminescence, fe-phenotypes appeared least vulne ...19892759418
comparative effects of roxithromycin and erythromycin on cellular immune functions in vitro. 3. killing of intracellular staphylococcus aureus by human macrophages.the in vitro effect of roxithromycin on the bactericidal activity of human macrophages was compared with that of erythromycin. at a concentration of half the mic roxithromycin showed a much more impressive killing capacity on macrophage-ingested live staphylococcus aureus than did erythromycin, under all the experimental conditions used.19892739587
adenosine regulates the respiratory burst of cytokine-triggered human neutrophils adherent to biologic surfaces.the effect of adenosine on the respiratory burst was investigated using human neutrophils adherent to serum-coated surfaces. adenosine caused complete suppression of the respiratory burst elicited by tnf-alpha, fmlp, or csf for granulocytes; partial suppression of the response to csf for granulocytes/macrophages, staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, listeria monocytogenes, or uncoated polystyrene surfaces; and no suppression of the response to pma. in most experiments, 4.7 x 10(-7) m and 2.5 ...19892738405
the effects of an occlusive zinc medicated dressing on the bacterial flora in excised wounds in the rat.the effects of three different dressings - two occlusive and one non-occlusive - on the bacterial flora of excised wounds in rats were studied. the number of colony forming units per gram of granulation tissue were significantly lower 4, 8 and 12 days postoperatively in wounds treated with a zinc medicated occlusive dressing compared with wounds treated with non-zinc medicated occlusive hydrocolloid dressing or wet-to-dry non-occlusive gauze dressing. the minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) o ...19892714861
major histocompatibility complex protein expression on pancreas and pancreatic islet endocrine cell determine which cells in the human and rat pancreas and islets express class i and ii histocompatibility complex proteins, double indirect immunofluorescence and the staphylococcus aureus rosette method were used. islet preparations used permitted positive endocrine and class i or ii protein identification. class i and ii proteins were expressed in pancreatic vascular endothelium and passenger cells of the mononuclear cell type. antibodies directed to class i or beta 2 microglobulin reacted w ...19892688432
structural domains of human apolipoprotein b-100. differential accessibility to limited proteolysis of b-100 in low density and very low density lipoproteins.the structural domains of human apolipoprotein b-100 in low density lipoproteins (ldl) and the conformational changes of b-100 that accompany the conversion of very low density lipoproteins (vldl) to ldl were investigated by limited proteolysis with 12 endoproteases of various specificities, and their cleavage sites were determined. in b-100 of ldl, we identified two peptide regions that are highly susceptible to proteolytic cleavage. one region encompassed about 40 amino acids (residues 1280-13 ...19892668286
skin graft survival--the bacterial in vitro wound model was created to determine the mechanism by which bacteria cause skin graft failure. a wound surface was simulated by a human fibrin clot. staphylococcus aureus or group a streptococcus was incubated over the clot. either saline, human plasminogen, aprotinin, or epsilon-aminocaproic acid (eaca), or a combination of these, was added to the tubes. after 30 hours, the tubes were examined for the presence of the clot. the supernatant was then examined for the presence of fibrin ...19892665611
fce 22101 and fce 22891: in-vitro antibacterial activity at concentrations simulating human plasma levels following intravenous, intramuscular and oral administration.the plasma concentrations of fce 22101 observed following slow intravenous infusions (1 and 4 h), intramuscular injection and after oral administration of the prodrug fce 22891 were simulated in a glass chamber containing bacterial cultures. the bacteria used were staphylococcus aureus atcc 13709, staph. aureus 2101 (methicillin-resistant), streptococcus faecium atcc 8043, escherichia coli atcc 12407, enterobacter cloacae 1321e and ent. cloacae p99 (cefazolin-resistant). addition of fce 22101 wa ...19892659570
antibacterial properties of eosinophil major basic protein and eosinophil cationic protein.we examined the bactericidal activity of two proteins that are abundant in the cytoplasmic granules of human eosinophils, major basic protein (mbp) and eosinophil cationic protein (ecp). unlike the human neutrophil's peptide defensins, both mbp and ecp killed stationary phase staphylococcus aureus 502a in a simple nutrient-free buffer solution. although mbp also killed escherichia coli ml-35 with considerable efficacy under these experimental conditions, the in vitro activity of ecp against e. c ...19892656865
postinfluenza toxic shock syndrome.postinfluenza toxic shock syndrome is a recently described entity that results from a respiratory tract infection with toxin-producing staphylococcus aureus following an episode of influenza or influenzalike illness. this report describes a 19-year-old man who developed an influenza b respiratory infection complicated by staphylococcal pneumonia and toxic shock syndrome. the patient improved rapidly with specific antibiotic therapy, emphasizing the importance of considering this otherwise highly ...19892651040
antibody response to staphylococcus aureus surface proteins in rabbits with persistent osteomyelitis after treatment with demineralized bone implants.a rabbit model was used to study the effect of allogeneic demineralized bone powder (dbp) implants on the persistence of staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis. thirty-one rabbits with chronic osteomyelitis of the tibia established by day 21, were started on systemic antibiotics followed by either no additional treatment or debridement plus either dbp (with or without supplemental antibiotics) or supplemental antibiotics only. on day 21, cultures showed a mean of 2 x 10(4) cfu/mg of debrided osseou ...19892643566
role of endotoxemia in cardiovascular dysfunction and mortality. escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus challenges in a canine model of human septic shock.using different types of bacteria and a canine model simulating human septic shock, we investigated the role of endotoxin in cardiovascular dysfunction and mortality. either escherichia coli (a microorganism with endotoxin) or staphylococcus aureus (a microorganism without endotoxin) were placed in an intraperitoneal clot in doses of viable or formalin-killed bacteria. cardiovascular function of conscious animals was studied using simultaneous radionuclide heart scans and thermodilution cardiac ...19892642920
high level expression in escherichia coli of the dna-binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor in a functional form utilizing domain-specific cleavage of a fusion protein.a fragment comprising the dna-binding domain of the human glucocorticoid receptor has been expressed in a functional form in escherichia coli as a fusion protein with protein a from staphylococcus aureus. the dna-binding domain was purified to apparent homogeneity by affinity chromatography on igg-sepharose and dna-cellulose, a purification scheme which does not involve denaturation of the protein at any step. the dna-binding domain was separated from the protein a part of the fusion protein by ...19892642905
phagocytosis of particulate antigens by corneal epithelial cells stimulates interleukin-1 secretion and migration of langerhans cells into the central cornea.under normal physiological conditions, the central corneal epithelium is devoid of ia+ langerhans cells. however, a variety of stimuli can induce the migration of peripheral langerhans cells into the central regions of the cornea. in the present study, langerhans cell migration was induced by the instillation of either sterile latex beads or formalin-killed staphylococcus aureus into shallow incisions in the central corneal epithelium. langerhans cells could be detected in the central cornea as ...19892641920
[an in vitro micromethod for studying phagocytic and bacteriocidal activity of granulocytes from peripheral blood].a microcultivation method convenient for clinical objectives was prepared for simultaneous examination of phagocytic and bactericidal capability of human granulocytes, based on vital staining with acridine-orange. slides, on which nonheparinized blood from the examined individuals was poured out drop by drop, were assembled on the microcultivation camera, constructed by us. after one hour incubation the clot was removed and a suspension from staphylococcus aureus was poured out on the cellular f ...19892627903
[the effect of antifungal agents on the chemoluminescence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes].the intensity of the formation of active forms of oxygen by staphylococcus-activated polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmnl) was registered according to the level of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. peritoneal pmnl of rats were shown to be already in an activated state. activation probably occurred in the process of their penetration into the abdominal cavity. for this reason, further studies of three chloral and griseofulvin derivatives with respect to their influence on the metabolic activity ...19892609815
recombinant interleukin (il) 2-induced human b cell differentiation is mediated by autocrine il6.the molecular mechanism of the interleukin (il) 2-induced differentiation of human b cells has been investigated. the experimental results show that staphylococcus aureus cowan strain i (sac) activation alone induces il6 secretion from b cells. when b cells were activated by sac, there was an increased transcription of the il6 mrna. it reached the peak level by 6 h and rapidly decreased to an undetectable level within 24 h. the il6 concentration in the culture supernatants reached the peak at 24 ...19892606140
identification of a human protein that interacts with nuclear localization signals.through a series of label transfer experiments, we have identified a hela cell nuclear protein that interacts with nuclear localization signals (nlss). the protein has a molecular weight of 66,000 and an isoelectric point of approximately 6. it associates with a synthetic peptide that contains the sv-40 t antigen nls peptide but not with an analogous peptide in which an asparagine is substituted for an essential lysine (un-nls peptide). in addition to these peptides, several proteins have been t ...19892592400
specific and cross-reacting antigens of staphylococcus aureus of human and canine origins.biotype -specificity of staphylococcus aureus of human and canine origins has been found to be associated with thermolabile agglutinogens represented in s. aureus strains 17 and 61218, respectively. both strains also have exhibited a common thermostable antigen. on that basis, absorbed antisera have been developed for the differentiation of s. aureus of the two biotypes. in the present study, still another thermostable agglutinogen was established, shared by strain 17 and some s. aureus strains ...19852578480
local application of omega-conotoxin gvia to sympathetic nerve terminals in the guinea-pig isolated vas deferens.staphylococcus aureus 502a was grown in the presence of one-third of the minimal inhibitory concentration of clindamycin. phagocytosis of the antibiotic-treated bacteria by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes was significantly enhanced, compared with that of the untreated control (p less than 0.001). study of opsonization kinetics by a chemiluminescence assay demonstrated that clindamycin-treated staphylococci were opsonized more rapidly than control bacteria and that the serum concentration requ ...19892575417
increased expression of leucocyte adherence-related glycoproteins by polymorphonuclear leucocytes during phagocytosis of staphylococci on an endothelial surface.phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus by human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (pmn) on the surface of endothelial cells is accompanied by adherence of the pmn to the endothelial surface and detachment of the endothelial cells from the culture monolayer. we studied the role of the leucocyte adherence-related glycoproteins (leu-cam: mo1/lfa-1/150,95 or cd11a-c-cd18 complex) in these processes. phagocytosis of s. aureus induced increased expression of the common beta chain (cd18) of leu-cam as demons ...19892569230
contamination of endoscopes used in aids patients.contamination of twenty endoscopes used in patients with aids was assessed. the suction-biopsy, air, and water channels and the insertion tube were sampled after use, after washing in detergent, and after disinfection for 2 min in 2% alkaline glutaraldehyde. the polymerase chain reaction with southern blotting, cell cultures, and antigen immunoassay were used to detect human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). samples were also examined for cytomegalovirus, adenoviruses, enteroviruses, herpes simplex ...19892567880
role of myeloperoxidase in the killing of staphylococcus aureus by human neutrophils: studies with the myeloperoxidase inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid.we have used salicylhydroxamic acid (sham) to inhibit intraphagosomal myeloperoxidase activity in order to evaluate the role of this enzyme in the killing of staphylococcus aureus by human neutrophils. 50 microm-sham reduced the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence response stimulated during phagocytosis of unopsonized latex beads and opsonized s. aureus by over 80% and 60%, respectively. when opsonized s. aureus were incubated with neutrophils, 45% were killed within 15 min incubation and 60% by ...19892559945
characterisation and molecular cloning of the novel macrolide-streptogramin b resistance determinant from staphylococcus epidermidis.a total of 110 staphylococcal isolates from human skin were found to express a novel type of erythromycin resistance. the bacteria were resistant to 14-membered ring macrolides (mic 32-128 mg/l) but were sensitive to 16-membered ring macrolides and lincosamides. resistance to type b streptogramins was inducible by erythromycin. a similar phenotype, designated ms resistance, was previously described in clinical isolates of coagulase-negative staphylococci from the usa. in the uk, ms resistance is ...19892559912
staphylococcus aureus-stimulated mononuclear leucocyte-conditioned medium increases the neutrophil bactericidal activity, and augments oxygen radical production and degranulation in response to the bacteria.conditioned medium produced by human mononuclear leucocytes (mnl) stimulated with formalin-fixed, heat-killed staphylococcus aureus enhanced the killing of opsonized s. aureus by human neutrophils. this enhancement was not seen when conditioned medium from non-stimulated mnl or medium cultured in the absence of both bacteria and mnl was used. there was a five-fold decrease in survival of bacteria when neutrophils were treated with conditioned medium. conditioned medium-treated neutrophils showed ...19892558821
in-vitro effects of cilofungin (ly121019), amphotericin b and amphotericin b-deoxycholate on human polymorphonuclear leucocytes.the in-vitro influence of cilofungin (ly121019) and amphotericin b on human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (pmns) was studied by a multifunctional approach. cilofungin at high concentration (greater than or equal to 20 mg/l) increased adherence to plastic and ingestion of staphylococcus aureus by pmns in suspension and candida albicans by adherent pmns, and slightly decreased mtt reduction and superoxide generation. amphotericin b and amphotericin b-deoxycholate decreased adherence to plastic (ic5 ...19892557318
human neutrophils are not severely injured in conditions mimicking social an attempt to assess the effect of alcohol per se on human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (pmn), irrespective of other physiopathological parameters, we examined neutrophil function in healthy volunteers who had taken a single large dose of whisky. before and at different times after ingestion, several pmn properties were simultaneously tested including random migration, in vitro chemotaxis, adherence, aggregation, cytochrome c reduction, phagocytosis, bacterial killing, intracellular camp and ...19892552861
histamine and inositol phosphate accumulation in endothelium: camp and a g protein.histamine increases microvascular permeability through a calcium-dependent process, and histamine occupancy of the h1-receptor increases calcium in cultured endothelial cells. agents that increase adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (camp) in endothelial cells prevent the in vivo increase in microvascular permeability that follows histamine exposure. in the current experiments, histamine occupancy of the h1-receptor increased the flux of albumin across monolayers of cultured human umbilical vei ...19892552829
bacteria and inflammatory cells reduce chorioamniotic membrane integrity and tensile strength.bacteria and the inflammatory response they engender are implicated in the pathophysiology of premature rupture of fetal membranes and preterm birth. we tested the hypothesis that bacteria and polymorphonuclear neutrophils may have both separate and combined effects in weakening the amniochorionic membrane, and thus predispose to premature rupture of membranes. we examined how three parameters of membrane integrity (bursting tension, work to rupture, and elasticity) were affected by standardized ...19892552366
staphylococcal enterotoxin b and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 bind to distinct sites on hla-dr and hla-dq molecules.staphylococcal enterotoxins (se) activate human t cells in vitro. this requires the presence of ia+ accessory cells but does not require processing of the toxin by the accessory cell. we and others have recently demonstrated direct binding of se to human mhc class ii molecules. in this study, we have compared in detail the ability of class ii molecules to bind two se, toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (tsst-1) and seb. scatchard analysis of equilibrium binding data indicate that seb binds to ia+ huma ...19892551962
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (csf-1) is expressed by spontaneously outgrown ebv-b cell lines and activated normal b lymphocytes.human b lymphocytes activated by mitogens or infected by epstein barr virus (ebv) have previously been shown to release colony-stimulating activity (csa) supporting the growth of normal human bone marrow progenitors. we established five different human ebv-b cell lines spontaneously outgrown from nonmalignant peripheral blood cells and long-term bone marrow cultures. csa derived from all of these lines induces the growth of murine macrophage colonies, whereas virtually no human bone marrow cell ...19892546636
antimicrobial activity of clove oil dispersed in a concentrated sugar solution.essential oil of clove, dispersed (0.4% v/v) in a concentrated sugar solution, had a marked germicidal effect against various bacteria and candida albicans. staphylococcus aureus (five strains), klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, clostridium perfringens, and escherichia coli inoculated at a level of 10(7) cfu/ml, and c. albicans (inoculum 4.0 x 10(5) cfu/ml) were killed (greater than 99.999%) after 2-7 min in a laboratory broth supplemented with 63% (v/w) of sugar, and containing 0.4 ...19892542213
the 40-kda fc gamma receptor (fcrii) on human neutrophils is essential for the igg-induced respiratory burst and igg-induced phagocytosis.neutrophils express two types of receptor for the fc region of igg, fcrii and fcriii. per neutrophil, 10,000 to 20,000 molecules of fcrii (40 kda) and 100,000 to 200,000 molecules of fcriii (50 to 80 kda) are expressed. via these receptors, neutrophils bind igg complexes that contain more than one igg molecule. this binding activates functional processes, such as the respiratory burst and phagocytosis. we studied the contribution of fcrii and fcriii in the activation of these processes, using we ...19892538508
multiple forms of ifn-beta 2/il-6 in serum and body fluids during acute bacterial infection.many of the major alterations in plasma proteins characteristic of the hepatic acute phase response are regulated by ifn-beta 2/il-6. using a specific bioassay for ifn-beta 2/il-6, which relies on the induction of the hepatic acute phase plasma protein alpha 1-antichymotrypsin in the human hepatoma cell line hep3b clone 2 and its inhibition by anti-rifn-beta 2/il-6 antiserum, we have detected high levels of ifn-beta 2/il-6 in the body fluids of patients with acute bacterial infections. cerebrosp ...19892536416
role of il-2 in the generation of cd4+ suppressors of human b cell responsiveness.the capacity of human t4 cells stimulated by immobilized monoclonal antibodies to the cd3 molecular complex (64.1 and okt3) to induce and regulate b cell responsiveness was examined. t4 cells stimulated by low concentrations of immobilized 64.1 (3.0 ng/well) and all concentrations of immobilized okt3 supported b cell proliferation and differentiation. high concentrations of immobilized 64.1 (200 ng/well) failed to stimulate help but rather induced suppression by t4 cells. suppression was prevent ...19892523423
the v beta-specific superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin b: stimulation of mature t cells and clonal deletion in neonatal mice.staphylococcal enterotoxin b is known to be a powerful t cell stimulant in mouse and man. in this paper we show that, for mice, this is because the protein in association with major histocompatibility complex class ii molecules stimulates virtually all t cells bearing v beta 3 and v beta 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3, and few others. neonatal mice given the enterotoxin eliminate all mature, and some immature, t cells bearing these v beta s, demonstrating that tolerance to exogenously administered antigen ca ...19892521300
mapping of a phosphorylation site in the 176r (19 kda) early region 1b protein of human adenovirus type 5.the 176-residue (176r) early region 1b (e1b) protein of human adenovirus type 5 (ad5) was shown to be phosphorylated at serine in lytically infected kb cells at a level estimated to be about one phosphate group per 28 176r molecules. through the analysis of peptides generated by cleavage with cyanogen bromide and staphylococcus aureus v-8 protease the phosphorylation site was mapped to ser-164. using site-directed mutagenesis, a mutant was produced in which the codon for ser-164 was changed to t ...19892521265
modulation of anti-candida activity of human alveolar macrophages by interferon-gamma or interleukin-1-alpha.the fungicidal and bactericidal activities of human alveolar macrophages (am) and peripheral blood monocytes (pbm) from 18 healthy volunteers were evaluated. the results showed that am were able to phagocytize and kill candida albicans, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and staphylococcus aureus. however, killing of the bacteria was already complete in 2 h, whereas killing of candida required 4 to 6 h despite an early phagocytosis of yeast cells. the fungicidal activity of freshly collected am and pbm was ...19892516451
immunoelectron microscopy of bacillus subtilis cells secreting human interferon alpha 1 or labelling techniques with colloidal gold-igg or -protein a complexes were used to determine the subcellular location of ifn alpha 1 and staphylokinase secreted from bacillus subtilis gb500 cells. both proteins were present in the cytoplasma and the cell envelope pointing to a posttranslational mode of translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane. 5- to 10-fold higher concentrations of gold particles per 0.1 micron 2 were found on the cell envelope and clustering was observed sugg ...19892515105
two distinct gi-proteins mediate formyl peptide receptor signal transduction in human leukemia (hl-60) membranes of myeloid differentiated hl-60 cells, the chemotactic peptide n-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine stimulates phospholipase c via a pertussis toxin-sensitive g-protein but does not inhibit adenylyl cyclase. in these membranes, the chemotactic peptide markedly stimulates the cholera toxin-dependent [32p]adp-ribosylation of two proteins with approximate molecular masses of 40 and 41 kda, respectively. the radiolabeled proteins comigrate on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel ...19892513319
mobiluncus species and other anaerobic bacteria in non-puerperal breast abscesses.samples of 109 breast masses were cultured aerobically and anaerobically for mobiluncus spp. using selective and non-selective media. two of the 103 evaluable samples were sterile and 57 (55%) yielded facultative bacteria only. the remaining 44 (43%) contained anaerobic growth alone or mixed infections. seven (16%) of the 44 samples with anaerobes, six from women and one from a man, yielded mobiluncus spp. six were identified as mobiluncus curtisii and one as mobiluncus mulieris. there were two ...19892512148
disinfection with gaseous formaldehyde. fifth part: influence of albumin, mucin and blood on the bactericidal and sporicidal effectiveness.the influence of 0.1% peptone, 0.2% albumin, 1% mucin solutions and whole human blood on the inactivation of staphylococcus aureus atcc 6538 and spores of bacillus subtilis var. niger dsm 675 was determined. the bactericidal and sporicidal effectiveness of 0.75, 1.5 and 3.2 mg hcho l-1 air at temperatures of 35, 40, 45 degrees c and a relative humidity (rh) of 90% decreased in the following order of loading substances: peptone, albumin, mucin and blood. the calculated d-values of the microorgani ...19892510751
eicosanoids produced during interactions between pseudomonas aeruginosa and alveolar macrophages are species-dependent.eicosanoid production during phagocytosis of pyogenic bacteria by rabbit alveolar macrophages was studied as a model of early events in the pathogenesis of pneumonia. adherent alveolar macrophages, prelabelled with [3h]-arachidonic acid (aa), were incubated with live, opsonized staphylococcus aureus or pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria:macrophage ratio of 50:1) at 37 degrees c for 90 min. supernatant eicosanoids were extracted and separated by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography ...19892507445
effect of toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 on human hemostatic parameters.the effect of toxic-shock-syndrome-toxin-1 (tsst-1) on coagulation and platelet aggregation was studied in blood samples from human healthy volunteers. tsst-1 at 5 micrograms/ml does not modify the extrinsic or intrinsic coagulation pathways. however, thrombin clotting time (tct) was significantly increased in the presence of tsst-1. platelet aggregation was not directly affected by tsst-1 but the toxin strongly inhibited platelet aggregation induced either by epinephrine, adenosine diphosphate ...19892503907
studies on the role of glycosylation for human corticosteroid-binding globulin: comparison with that for thyroxine-binding globulin.the role of glycosylation on the secretion and the stability of human corticosteroid binding globulin (cbg) was studied. cells of the human hepatoma line were labeled by [35s]methionine in presence of or absence of tunicamycin (tm). media or cells were harvested at 0, 3, 6, and 20 h after the addition of excess unlabeled methionine. media and cell lysates were incubated with anti-cbg serum and immune complexes were precipitated with staphylococcus aureus protein a (pansorbin). immunoprecipitates ...19892503369
amino terminus is essential to the structural integrity of recombinant human interferon-gamma.species lacking either 8 or 10 residues at the amino terminus of recombinant human interferon-gamma (hu-ifn-gamma) were generated by limited digestion with staphylococcus aureus v8 protease. a crude digest, consisting predominantly of these species, were completely inactive in inducing antiviral activity and the expression of hla-dr antigens on hl-60 cells. the nh2-terminal deletion fragments were separated from residual intact ifn-gamma and from smaller polypeptides by reverse phase high perfor ...19892501300
stimulation of t cells and induction of interferon by toxic shock syndrome toxin 1.toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tsst-1) is a potent immunomodulating substance isolated from staphylococcus aureus strains associated with toxic shock syndrome (tss). flow cytometric analysis was used to compare scatter changes in several cell-surface phenotype markers on human mononuclear cells exposed in vitro to tsst-1 or to phytohemagglutinin, a lectin with similar effects on the immune response. the results showed differences between pha and tsst-1 in the appearance of the tested t cell subse ...19892494690
the in vivo effect of colony stimulating factors (csfs) on phagocytic functions of granulocytes.the effect of commercially available colony stimulating factors and mouse post-endotoxin serum on bactericidal activity and phagocytosis of bacteria by blood neutrophils was tested on mice in vivo after intraperitoneal injection. it was found that tested substances are able to induce phagocytosis and bactericidal activity of blood granulocytes. the similar patterns of these actions during 48 hours were observed for mouse il-3 and human gm-csf and for gct-cm and post-endotoxin serum.19892487368
interferon-gamma, staphylococcus aureus, and lipopolysaccharide/silica enhance interleukin-1 beta production by human corneal cells.cultures derived from human corneo-scleral rims remaining after a central corneal button had been removed for transplantation, revealed two types of cells on light microscopy: one with typical epithelial morphology and the other resembling fibroblasts. both cell types contained keratin filaments in early passage and were therefore considered epithelial in nature. the fibroblast-like cells were designated fibroblast-like epithelial cells (fle) while the typical epithelial cells were referred to a ...19892484299
effects of recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor on staphylococcus aureus mastitis in lactating dairy cows.the in vivo effects of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor on blood and milk leukocytes in dairy cows was examined. a 2-fold increase in peripheral white blood cell counts was observed by d 5 of treatment and peaked on d 12 with values 3-fold those of controls. counts remained elevated above pretreatment values during the treatment period, then returned to normal by d 23 of the trial. differential white blood cell counts demonstrated that neutrophils predominated (73.8%) in t ...19892483406
'fetal-type' b and t lymphocytes in rheumatoid arthritis and primary sjögren's syndrome.b lymphocytes expressing cd5 (cd5+b cells) and t lymphocytes using the gamma and delta chains to form their antigen receptor (gamma delta +t cells) are major populations in developing fetuses, but become relatively minor in normal adults. however, both subsets are expanded in the peripheral blood of more than 50% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and primary sjögren's syndrome. we have examined the surface phenotype of these subsets using flow cytometry and have studied the frequency of igm- ...19892476142
structure-function analysis of plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein by protease digestion and expression of cdna fragments in escherichia an attempt to define an active domain of the protein, fragments of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (cetp) were obtained by limited digestion of the native, plasma-derived protein with trypsin, chymotrypsin, or staphylococcus aureus v8 protease or by expression of cetp cdna restriction fragments in escherichia coli. although digestion of native cetp with these proteases resulted in extensive fragmentation of the protein and loss of the intact 74-kda molecule as shown by sodium dodecyl sulfa ...19892472395
regulatory role of cd19 molecules in b-cell activation and differentiation.cluster of differentiation ([cd]) 19 antigens are b-cell-specific molecules expressed on virtually all human cells of the b-lymphocyte lineage except plasma cells. we produced a new anti-cd19 monoclonal antibody (mcab), clb-cd19, that was used to study the role of cd19 molecules in b-cell activation. anti-cd19 mcab induced mobilization of free intracellular calcium ([ca2+]i) in daudi cells, but not in normal spleen or tonsillar b cells, for which crosslinking with a second anti-mouse ig antibody ...19892463100
in vivo activation of neutrophil function in hamsters by recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.the in vivo effect of escherichia coli-derived recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor on neutrophil function was studied in golden syrian hamsters. significant increases in superoxide generation and specific binding of n-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine were observed in neutrophils isolated 4 h following a single subcutaneous injection of the factor (30 micrograms/kg). however, phagocytotic activity was not significantly stimulated in hamsters treated with the factor. recomb ...19882459064
a solubilized t-cell receptor from a human leukemia cell line binds to a ligand in the absence of mhc products.a human t cell alpha beta antigen receptor from the acute lymphoblastoid leukemia line hpb-all (also called hpb-mlt) binds and is precipitated in detergent-solubilized form by an antigen present on the surface and secreted by several strains of the gram-positive bacterium staphylococcus aureus. this binding is completely independent of major histocompatibility complex (mhc) antigens. receptor/ligand binding is unique to this one cell line (i.e., clonotypic) and furthermore completely blocked by ...19882456266
histamine release from human adenoidal and mesenteric mast cells induced by bacterial antigens.the histamine-releasing capability of staphylococcus aureus antigens was examined in human adenoidal and mesenteric mast cells obtained by enzymic dispersion of tissues from non-allergic patients. both populations of mast cells released histamine after challenge with bacterial protein in concentrations between 5-500 micrograms/ml. the release was dependent on the dose, temperature and metabolic energy. the maximum release was observed at 15 min after challenge. the present results suggest that s ...19882455998
virus enhances histamine release from human basophils.histamine release from human basophil leukocytes was triggered by staph. aureus or by complement activation caused by endotoxins isolated from e. coli or salmonella bacteria. influenza a virus was found to enhance the mediator release and the effect was caused by synergism, since the virus itself did not release histamine. the potentiating effect of the virus was abolished by a potent neuraminidase inhibitor. furthermore, a purified neuraminidase preparation obtained from vibrio cholerae caused ...19882455978
quantitative analysis of 6-keto-prostaglandin f1 alpha using immunoaffinity purification and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.this paper describes an immunoaffinity purification technique for 6-keto-prostaglandin f1 alpha (6kpgf1 alpha) prior to quantitative analysis by high-resolution gas chromatography-negative-ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry (hrgc-nicims). polyclonal antibodies to 6kpgf1 alpha were partially purified using staphylococcus aureus protein a immobilized on sepharose cl-4b. this partially purified fraction was covalently bound to silica gel using n-hydroxysuccinimidyl-functionalized silica. col ...19882452173
incorporation of bacterial lipopolysaccharide by human leu-11a+ natural killer cells. ultrastructural and functional correlations.lipopolysaccharides (lps) of gram-negative bacteria are known to augment the ability of macrophages and natural killer (nk) cells to lyse susceptible target cells. in the present studies, we sought correlations between the ultrastructural changes and function of leu-11a+ cells from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells which occurred as a result of their incorporation of lps. we also studied the effect of lps on the nk activity of purified leu-11a+ cells. lps samples from e. coli and pseudomona ...19882448547
differential effects of interleukin 2 vs b cell growth factor on human b cells.the effects of recombinant interleukin 2 (il-2) and high m.w. (hmw) b cell growth factor (bcgf) were examined on normal human peripheral blood b cells activated with staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac). when sac-activated b cells were separated into tac-antigen (tac-ag)+ and tac-ag- fractions by a cell sorter, recombinant il-2 induced only the tac-ag+ cells to proliferate, whereas both tac-ag+ and tac-ag- cells responded to hmw-bcgf (m.w. 60,000). alternatively, sac-activated b cells were separa ...19882447179
specific binding of the human s protein (vitronectin) to streptococci, staphylococcus aureus, and escherichia coli.specific binding of the 125i-labeled human s protein (vitronectin) which has been shown to be identical with serum-spreading factor, was observed with group a, c, and g streptococci as well as with staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli. the specific binding of s protein to group a, c, and g streptococci was high, whereas the binding to s. aureus and e. coli cultures was moderate. in contrast, group b streptococci and a number of other bacterial species tested did not interact with s protein ...19872440809
structure-activity relationship of gramicidin s analogues on membrane permeability.the previous study of the action of gramicidin s on bacteria (katsu, t., kobayashi, h. and fujita, y. (1986) biochim. biophys. acta 860, 608-619) prompted us to investigate further the structure-activity relationship of the gramicidin s analogues on membrane permeability. two types of the gramicidin s analogues were used in the present study: (1) cyclo(-x-d-leu-d-lys-d-leu-l-pro-)2, where x = gly, d-leu and d-cyclohexylalanine (d-chxala); (2) n,n'-diacetyl derivative of gramicidin s (diacetyl-gr ...19872437956
the effect of uv-light on human skin microorganisms.pityrosporum orbiculare, candida albicans, staphylococcus epidermidis and s. aureus were irradiated with uva and uvb light in vitro. uvb inhibited growth much more effectively than uva. p. orbiculare was the most sensitive and s. aureus the least sensitive organism. with a dose of 900 mj cm-2 of uvb a 50 times reduction in number of colony forming units was seen for s. aureus and for the other organisms a total inhibition of growth was seen. when p. orbiculare was irradiated with monochromatic l ...19872436418
herpes simplex virus-induced changes of the keratin type intermediate filament in rat epithelial cells.herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) infection of human fibroblast cells grown in culture induces reorganization of the cytoskeleton fibrillar structures. normal transport and insertion of hsv glycoproteins into the plasma membrane of the cells depend on the integrity of the microtubules. the natural host cells for hsv are epithelial cells, and an epithelial cell line established from rat palate was used in the present study. the effect of virus on the structure of the intermediate filaments and ...19872434610
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