
PMID(sorted descending)
translocations in stock strains of aspergillus nidulans. 196213958240
heterokaryon compatibility of unrelated strains in the aspergillus nidulans group. 196313950547
synthesis from sulphate and accumulation of s-sulphocysteine by a mutant strain of aspergillus nidulans. 196313937435
radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations and lethals in aspergillus nidulans.the frequency of translocations induced in diploid conidia of aspergillus nidulans by gamma rays was much higher than that of recessive mutants involving a single chromosome. more than half of the surviving nuclei contained viable translocations at radiation doses within the range normally employed for induction of mutants in microorganisms.196213920059
conversion of alpha-aminoadipic acid to l-pipecolic acid by aspergillus nidulans. 196213862932
the "red" cytoplasmic variant of aspergillus nidulans. 196213862319
[on the respiration of greatly modified variants of aspergillus nidulans received as a result of the action of ultraviolet rays]. 196013841739
[on activity of hydrolytic enzymes in the aspergillus nidulans variant produced with the aid of ultraviolet rays]. 196013763180
[activity of certain oxidative enzymes in a variant of aspergillus nidulans obtained with the aid of ultraviolet rays]. 196013763179
[morphology of amino-deficient variants of aspergillus nidulans, related to the composition of the media]. 196013751638
[on the mechanism of mitotic segregation in aspergillus nidulans]. 196013701538
[the genetic relation of the association of aspergillus nidulans, micrococci and substrate]. 196113695539
guido pontecorvo, 29 november 1907 - 25 september 1999.guido pontecorvo was elected a fellow of the royal society in 1955 for his contributions to the genetics of drosophilia and the fungus aspergillus nidulans. pontecorvo was a leading british geneticist, prominent in the decade preceding the discovery of dna, who enriched our understanding of genes and whose pioneering work on the parasexual cycle in fungi found application in human somatic cell genetics. known to friends as ponte, he had a strong personality. somewhat irascible but warm, with a w ...200213678073
[accumulation of biomass in greatly altered variants of aspergillus nidulans in various conditions of cultivation]. 195913674056
a replica plating technique for the isolation of nutritionally exacting mutants of a filamentous fungus (aspergillus nidulans). 195913664901
[resistance of conidia of aspergillus nidulans and aspergillus niger to ultraviolet rays]. 195913643759
nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions in aspergillus nidulans. 195813635551
an analysis of interference in aspergillus nidulans. 195813554433
[some features of development of aspergillus nidulans variants produced by ultraviolet irradiation]. 195813551946
abnormal tetrads in aspergillus nidulans. 195813542643
an instance of cytoplasmic inheritance in aspergillus nidulans. 195813542631
[morphology of aspergillus nidulans variants produced by ultraviolet irradiation]. 195813540947
an 8-chromosome map of aspergillus nidulans. 195813520441
studies in the biochemistry of micro-organisms. 101. the colouring matters of species in the aspergillus nidulans group. 2. further observations on the structure of asperthecin. 195713445677
induction of cytoplasmic mutations in aspergillus nidulans. 195713440952
acriflavine-resistant mutants of aspergillus nidulans. 195713439150
pathways of cysteine synthesis in aspergillus nidulans. 195613357712
changes in the composition of the fat of aspergillus nidulans with age of the culture. 195613293185
the component fatty acids of the fat of aspergillus nidulans. 195513260180
[studies on experimental pathogenic power of aspergillus nidulans]. 195313111653
nidulin and ustin; two chlorine-containing metabolic products of aspergillus nidulans. 195313087222
the genetics of aspergillus nidulans. 195313040135
cdna cloning, expression and characterization of an allergenic l3 ribosomal protein of aspergillus fumigatus.aspergillus fumigatus (afu) is an important fungal pathogen causing allergic and invasive respiratory disorders. a plethora of multi-functional allergens/antigens secreted by afu have been implicated in pathogenesis. the present study was undertaken to identify and characterize novel afu allergen/antigen by cdna library approach. cdna library of afu was immunoscreened with pooled sera of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) patients. the cdna clone, ts1, reacting significantly with spe ...200312974759
the sclerotinia sclerotiorum pac1 gene is required for sclerotial development and virulence.the synergistic activities of oxalic acid and endopolygalacturonases are thought to be essential for full virulence of sclerotinia sclerotiorum and other oxalate-producing plant pathogens. both oxalic acid production and endopolygalacturonase activity are regulated by ambient ph. since many gene products with ph-sensitive activities are regulated by the pacc transcription factor in aspergillus nidulans, we functionally characterized a pacc gene homolog, pac1, from s. sclerotiorum. mutants with l ...200312971602
homologous expression of a mutated beta-tubulin gene does not confer benomyl resistance on trichoderma clone the beta-tubulins and to induce resistance to benzimidazoles in the biocontrol fungus trichoderma virens through site-directed mutagenesis.200312969302
protein prenyltransferases: anchor size, pseudogenes and parasites.lipid modification of eukaryotic proteins by protein prenyltransferases is required for critical signaling pathways, cell cycle progression, cytoskeleton remodeling, induction of apoptosis and vesicular trafficking. this review analyzes the influence of distinct states of sequential posttranslational processing that can be obtained after single or double prenylation, reversible palmitoylation, proteolytic cleavage of the c-terminus and possible reversible carboxymethylation. this series of modif ...200312956414
production and secretion of aspergillus nidulans catalase b in filamentous fungi driven by the promoter and signal peptide of the cladosporium fulvum hydrophobin gene hcf-1.we describe here the use of sequences from the hydrophobin gene hcf-1 of cladosporium fulvum to construct pcatbex, a vector for high-level expression and secretion of catb, a catalase from aspergillus nidulans. transformation of c. fulvum with pcatbex results in a 60-fold increase in the mycelial activity in the fungus and the appearance of up to 5.4 mkat/l of catalase in the growth medium. the levels of catalase in the supernatant increased dramatically following removal of nitrogen from the me ...200312955453
transcriptional regulation of methionine synthase by homocysteine and choline in aspergillus nidulans.roles played by homocysteine and choline in the regulation of ms (methionine synthase) have been examined in fungi. the aspergillus nidulans meth gene encoding ms was cloned and characterized. its transcription was not regulated by methionine, but was enhanced by homocysteine and repressed by choline and betaine. ms activity levels were regulated in a similar way. the repression by betaine was due to its metabolic conversion to choline, which was found to be very efficient in a. nidulans. betain ...200312954077
red fluorescent protein (dsred2) as a novel reporter in fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici.pan-dsred2 vector was constructed for constitutive cytoplasmic expression of the red fluorescent protein (dsred2) under control of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene promoter from aspergillus nidulans. dsred2-transformation of two fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici strains pathogenic against tomato host resulted in bright red cytoplamic fluorescence of the fungus. the transformants were screened based on the hygromycin b resistance, brightness, stability and rate of appearance ...200312951257
genomics reveals sexual secrets of aspergillus. 200312949156
branching is coordinated with mitosis in growing hyphae of aspergillus nidulans.filamentous fungi like aspergillus nidulans can effectively colonize their surroundings by the formation of new branches along the existing hyphae. while growth conditions, chemical perturbations, and mutations affecting branch formation have received great attention during the last decades, the mechanisms that regulates branching is still poorly understood. in this study, a possible relation between cell cycle progression and branching was studied by testing the effect of a nuclei distribution ...200312948510
antifungal agents from the roots of cudrania cochinchinensis against candida, cryptococcus, and aspergillus species.bioassay-guided fractionation resulted in the isolation of four antifungal agents from the roots of cudrania cochinchinensis. two of these were new compounds, cudraxanthone s [1, 1,3,5,6-tetrahydroxy-2-(1,1-dimethyl-2-propenyl)xanthone] and cudraflavanone b (2, 2',4',5,7-tetrahydroxy-6-prenylflavanone). the remaining two compounds were known compounds, toxyloxanthone c (3) and wighteone (4). among these compounds, 1, 3, and 4 exhibited antifungal activities against cryptococcus neoformans, asper ...200312932139
tina interacts with the nima kinase in aspergillus nidulans and negatively regulates astral microtubules during metaphase arrest.the tina gene of aspergillus nidulans encodes a protein that interacts with the nima mitotic protein kinase in a cell cycle-specific manner. highly similar proteins are encoded in neurospora crassa and aspergillus fumigatus. tina and nima preferentially interact in interphase and larger forms of tina are generated during mitosis. localization studies indicate that tina is specifically localized to the spindle pole bodies only during mitosis in a microtubule-dependent manner. deletion of tina alo ...200312925754
mitochondrial rnase p rnas in ascomycete fungi: lineage-specific variations in rna secondary structure.the rna subunit of mitochondrial rnase p (mtp-rna) is encoded by a mitochondrial gene (rnpb) in several ascomycete fungi and in the protists reclinomonas americana and nephroselmis olivacea. by searching for universally conserved structural elements, we have identified previously unknown rnpb genes in the mitochondrial dnas (mtdnas) of two fission yeasts, schizosaccharomyces pombe and schizosaccharomyces octosporus; in the budding yeast pichia canadensis; and in the archiascomycete taphrina defo ...200312923256
glycosphingolipids of the model fungus aspergillus nidulans: characterization of gipcs with oligo-alpha-mannose-type glycans.aspergillus nidulans is a well-established nonpathogenic laboratory model for the opportunistic mycopathogen, a. fumigatus. some recent studies have focused on possible functional roles of glycosphingolipids (gsls) in these fungi. it has been demonstrated that biosynthesis of glycosylinositol phosphorylceramides (gipcs) is required for normal cell cycle progression and polarized growth in a. nidulans (cheng, j., t.-s. park, a. s. fischl, and x. s. ye. 2001. mol. cell biol. 21: 6198-6209); howeve ...200312923229
the effect of crea in glucose and xylose catabolism in aspergillus nidulans.the catabolism of glucose and xylose was studied in a wild type and crea deleted (carbon catabolite de-repressed) strain of aspergillus nidulans. both strains were cultivated in bioreactors with either glucose or xylose as the sole carbon source, or in the presence of both sugars. in the cultivations on single carbon sources, it was demonstrated that xylose acted as a carbon catabolite repressor (xylose cultivations), while the enzymes in the xylose utilisation pathway were also subject to repre ...200412920487
relationships between the ethanol utilization (alc) pathway and unrelated catabolic pathways in aspergillus nidulans.the ethanol utilization pathway in aspergillus nidulans is a model system, which has been thoroughly elucidated at the biochemical, genetic and molecular levels. three main elements are involved: (a) high level expression of the positively autoregulated activator alcr; (b) the strong promoters of the structural genes for alcohol dehydrogenase (alca) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (alda); and (c) powerful activation of alcr by the physiological inducer, acetaldehyde, produced from growth substrates s ...200312919319
mining microorganism est databases in the quest for new proteins.microorganisms with large genomes are commonly the subjects of single-round partial sequencing of cdna, generating expressed sequence tags (ests). usually there is a great distance between gene discovery by est projects and submission of amino acid sequences to public databases. we analyzed the relationship between available ests and protein sequences and used the sequences available in the secondary database, clusters of orthologous groups (cog), to investigate ests from eight microorganisms of ...200312917813
secondary metabolites as co-markers in the taxonomy of aspergilli.the production of extracellular and intracellular secondary metabolites by 13 aspergillus species has been directly detected using the agar plug technique. in addition to several unknown compound a. aculeatus, a. ochraceus and a. terreus were found to be the highest producers of extracellular secondary metabolites, while the lowest producer species were a. tamarii, a. rugulosus in addition to a. oryzae whose secondary metabolites couldn't be detected by this technique. in case of intracellular s ...200312916724
diverged binding specificity of rim101p, the candida albicans ortholog of pacc.the biology of candida albicans, including dimorphism and virulence, is significantly influenced by environmental ph. the response to ambient ph includes the ph-conditional expression of several genes, which is directly or indirectly regulated by rim101p. rim101p is homologous to pacc, a transcription factor that regulates ph-conditional gene expression in aspergillus nidulans. pacc binds 5'-gccarg-3' sequences upstream of ph-responsive genes and either activates or represses transcription. the ...200312912891
mannitol is required for stress tolerance in aspergillus niger conidiospores.d-mannitol is the predominant carbon compound in conidiospores of the filamentous fungus aspergillus niger and makes up 10 to 15% of the dry weight. a number of physiological functions have been ascribed to mannitol, including serving as a reserve carbon source, as an antioxidant, and to store reducing power. in this study, we cloned and characterized the a. niger mpda gene, which encodes mannitol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase (mpd), the first enzyme in the mannitol biosynthesis pathway. the mpda pr ...200312912888
glucose uptake in germinating aspergillus nidulans conidia: involvement of the crea and sora genes.d-glucose uptake in germinating wild-type aspergillus nidulans conidia is an energy-requiring process mediated by at least two transport systems of differing affinities for glucose: a low-affinity system (k(m) approximately 1.4 mm) and a high-affinity system (k(m) approximately 16 micro m). the low-affinity system is inducible by glucose; the high-affinity system is subject to glucose repression effected by the carbon catabolite repressor crea and is absent in sora3 mutant conidia, which exhibit ...200312904552
global nutritional profiling for mutant and chemical mode-of-action analysis in filamentous fungi.we describe a method for gene function discovery and chemical mode-of-action analysis via nutrient utilization using a high throughput nutritional profiling platform suitable for filamentous microorganisms. we have optimized the growth conditions for each fungal species to produce reproducible optical density growth measurements in microtiter plates. we validated the nutritional profiling platform using a nitrogen source utilization assay to analyze 21 aspergillus nidulans strains with mutations ...200312898394
ura- host strains for genetic manipulation and heterologous expression of torulaspora delbrueckii.recently, the industrial and academic interest in the yeast torulaspora delbrueckii has increased notably due to its high resistance to several stresses. this characteristic has made of this organism a very attractive model to study the molecular basis of the stress response in yeast. however, very little is known about the physiology and genetics of this yeast, and the tools for its manipulation have not been developed. here, we have generated ura(-) strains of the baker's yeast t. delbrueckii ...200312892923
molecular cloning of a phospholipase d gene from aspergillus nidulans and characterization of its deletion mutants.we cloned a gene plda encoding a protein containing phospholipase d (pld) motifs from a filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. the deduced protein product of plda consists of 833 amino acids and contains four conserved regions of a pld gene family. deletion mutants of plda grew and formed conidia in a normal manner. although pld and transphosphatidylation activities against phosphatidylcholine of the mutant cell extract did not change, the ca(2+)-dependent pld activity against phosphatidyletha ...200312892887
the ph-induced glycosylation of secreted phosphatases is mediated in aspergillus nidulans by the regulatory gene pacc-dependent this communication, we show that the pacc(c)14 mutation drastically reduced the mannose and n-acetylglycosamine content of the paca-encoded acid phosphatase secreted by the fungus aspergillus nidulans when grown at 22 degrees c, ph 5.0, compared to a control strain. the staining after page was not observed for the paca-encoded acid phosphatase, while the pald-encoded pi-repressible alkaline phosphatase had an altered electrophoretic mobility. in addition, the secreted acid phosphatase also ha ...200312892641
functional analysis of mutations in the human carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase in aspergillus nidulans.deficiency of the carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase (cact), the most severe disorder of fatty acid beta-oxidation, is usually lethal in both humans and animals, precluding the development of animal models of the disease. in contrast, cact deficiency is conditionally lethal in the fungus aspergillus nidulans, since loss-of-function mutations in acuh, the translocase structural gene, do not prevent growth on carbon sources other than ketogenic compounds, such as fatty acids. here, we describe th ...200312892634
metabolic control analysis of xylose catabolism in aspergillus.a kinetic model for xylose catabolism in aspergillus is proposed. from a thermodynamic analysis it was found that the intermediate xylitol will accumulate during xylose catabolism. use of the kinetic model allowed metabolic control analysis (mca) of the xylose catabolic pathway to be carried out, and flux control was shown to be dependent on the metabolite levels. due to thermodynamic constraints, flux control may reside at the first step in the pathway, i.e., at the xylose reductase, even when ...200312892473
the aspergillus nidulans metr gene encodes a bzip protein which activates transcription of sulphur metabolism genes.the identification, isolation and characterization of a new aspergillus nidulans positive-acting gene metr, which encodes a transcriptional activator of sulphur metabolism, is reported. metr mutants are tight auxotrophs requiring methionine or homocysteine for growth. mutations in the metr gene are epistatic to mutations in the negative-acting sulphur regulatory scon genes. the metr coding sequence is interrupted by a single intron of 492 bp which is unusually long for fungi. aspergillus nidulan ...200312890030
does the detoxification of penicillin side-chain precursors depend on microsomal monooxygenase and glutathione s-transferase in penicillium chrysogenum?the glutathione (gsh) s-conjugation of 1,2-epoxy-3-(4'-nitrophenoxy)propane was catalysed predominantly by microsomal glutathione s-transferase (mgst) in penicillium chrysogenum. the specific mgst activity unlike the cytosolic gst (cgst) activity increased substantially when the penicillin side-chain precursor phenoxyacetic acid (poa) was included in the culture medium. therefore, a microsomal monooxygenase (causing possible release of epoxide intermediates) and mgst-dependent detoxification pat ...200312872310
identification of a topoisomerase i mutant, scsa1, as an extragenic suppressor of a mutation in scaa(nbs1), the apparent homolog of human nibrin in aspergillus nidulans.the mre11-rad50-nbs1 protein complex has emerged as a central player in the human cellular dna damage response, and recent observations suggest that these proteins are at least partially responsible for the linking of dna damage detection to dna repair and cell cycle checkpoint functions. mutations in scaa(nbs1), which encodes the apparent homolog of human nibrin in aspergillus nidulans, inhibit growth in the presence of the antitopoisomerase i drug camptothecin. this article describes the selec ...200312871905
antifungal activity of human polymorphonuclear and mononuclear phagocytes against non-fumigatus aspergillus species.human phagocytic defenses against non-fumigatus aspergilli were compared with those against aspergillus fumigatus. monocyte-derived macrophages exhibited lower phagocytic capacities against non-fumigatus aspergilli, particularly a. nidulans and a. niger, compared with a fumigatus (p < 0.05). non-opsonized hyphae suppressed oxidative burst (as measured by superoxide anion production) of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns). further, these cells responded with less vigorous oxidative burst to serum ...200312870194
monacolin n, a compound resulting from derailment of type i iterative polyketide synthase function en route to lovastatin.a novel compound, monacolin n, has been isolated from fermentation cultures of aspergillus nidulans in which the lovastatin polyketide synthase genes lovb and lovc are heterologously expressed.200312868719
faster genetic identification of medically important aspergilli by using gellan gum as gelling agent in mycological media.using gellan gum as a substitute for agar-agar in a mycological medium and sequencing of the its 1 and 2 regions resulted in an accurate identification of aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus nidulans, aspergillus terreus and aspergillus ustus within 24 h of subculture.200312867558
the cop9 signalosome is an essential regulator of development in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans.the cop9 signalosome (csn) is a conserved multiprotein complex involved in regulation of eukaryotic development. the deduced amino acid sequences of two aspergillus nidulans genes, csnd and csne, show high identities to the fourth and fifth csn subunits of higher eukaryotes. the csnd transcript is abundant during vegetative growth as well as development and the corresponding protein accumulates in the nucleus. strains deleted for either csn gene are viable and show identical mutant phenotypes at ...200312864854
histone deacetylases in fungi: novel members, new facts.acetylation is the most prominent modification on core histones that strongly affects nuclear processes such as dna replication, dna repair and transcription. enzymes responsible for the dynamic equilibrium of histone acetylation are histone acetyltransferases (hats) and histone deacetylases (hdacs). in this paper we describe the identification of novel hdacs from the filamentous fungi aspergillus nidulans and the maize pathogen cochliobolus carbonum. two of the enzymes are homologs of saccharom ...200312853613
a blumeria graminis gene family encoding proteins with a c-terminal variable region with homologues in pathogenic a study aimed at characterising, at the molecular level, the obligate biotrophic fungus blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (bgh), we have identified a novel group of genes, the egh16h genes, and shown that two of these are up-regulated during primary infection of barley leaves. the genes have partial homology to a previously characterised bgh gene family, egh16. egh16 and egh16h are subfamilies of a larger multigene family with presently about 15 members identified in bgh. egh16h has about ten m ...200312853153
re: watts et al. proteins 2002;48:161-168. 200312833536
growth inhibition of the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans by cadmium: an antioxidant enzyme approach.the heavy metal cadmium is very toxic to biological systems. although its effect on the growth of microorganisms and plants has been investigated, the response of antioxidant enzymes of aspergillus nidulans to cadmium is not well documented. we have studied the effect of cadmium (supplied as cdcl(2)) on catalase (cat), superoxide dismutase (sod) and glutathione reductase (gr). 0.005 mm cdcl(2) had a very slight stimulatory effect on the growth rate of a. nidulans, but at concentrations above 0.0 ...200312833209
the siderophore system is essential for viability of aspergillus nidulans: functional analysis of two genes encoding l-ornithine n 5-monooxygenase (sida) and a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (sidc).the filamentous ascomycete a. nidulans produces two major siderophores: it excretes triacetylfusarinine c to capture iron and contains ferricrocin intracellularly. in this study we report the characterization of two siderophore biosynthetic genes, sida encoding l-ornithine n(5)-monooxygenase and sidc encoding a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase respectively. disruption of sidc eliminated synthesis of ferricrocin and deletion of sida completely blocked siderophore biosynthesis. siderophore-deficie ...200312828635
[guttural pouch mycosis by emericella nidulans in a horse].a case of guttural pouch mycosis in a horse caused by emericella nidulans is reported for the first time in spain. the high incidence of e. nidulans in this special kind of mycoses is discussed.200212825984
isolation of the carbon catabolite repressor (crea) gene from the plant-pathogenic fungus cochliobolus carbonum.the crea gene has been implicated in glucose repression in several fungi. the product of this gene, crea, binds to the promoter region of several enzymes and down-regulates gene expression. an ortholog of crea was isolated and characterized from the maize pathogenic fungus, cochliobolus carbonum. the deduced amino acid sequence of the c. carbonum crea gene is very similar to the crea proteins of aspergillus niger, gibberella fujikuroi, sclerotinia sclerotiorum and trichoderma reesei, as well as ...200312825351
glycerol dehydrogenase, encoded by gldb is essential for osmotolerance in aspergillus nidulans.we have characterized the aspergillus nidulans gldb gene encoding a nadp+-dependent glycerol dehydrogenase. a basal expression level was observed for gldb, which increased significantly under conditions of hyper-osmotic shock (1 m nacl). growth of strains in which gldb was disrupted was severely reduced on plates containing 1% glucose and 1 m nacl, but these strains were able to grow on plates containing 1 m nacl and 1% glycerol, arabitol, mannitol or erythritol. uptake of these polyols compensa ...200312823816
adaptation to environmental ph in candida albicans and its relation to pathogenesis.for microorganisms that grow over a wide range of extracellular ph, systems must have evolved to sense and respond appropriately. the human opportunistic pathogen candida albicans colonizes and infects anatomical sites of diverse ph, including the oral and gastro-intestinal tracts and the vaginal cavity. the ability to sense and respond to neutral-alkaline environments is governed by signal transduction pathways, one of which culminates in the activation of the transcription factor, rim101p. the ...200312819929
sex slows down the accumulation of deleterious mutations in the homothallic fungus aspergillus nidulans.coexistence of sexual and asexual reproduction within the same individual is an intriguing problem, especially when it concerns homothallic haplonts, like the fungus aspergillus nidulans. in this fungus asexual and sexual offspring have largely identical genotypes. this genetic model organism is an ideal tool to measure possible fitness effects of sex (compared to asex) resulting from causes other than recombination. in this article we show that slightly deleterious mutations accumulate at a low ...200312807769
evaluation of aspergillus niger as host for virus-like particle production, using the hepatitis b surface antigen as a model.the filamentous fungus aspergillus niger was transformed with the hepatitis b virus s gene encoding the major viral envelope protein under control of the constitutive a. nidulans glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase ( gpda) promoter. approximately seven copies of the expression cassette were integrated on the genome, resulting in high-level transcription of the s gene. production of the 24-kda s protein and a 48-kda s protein dimer in the membrane-associated protein fraction of the recombina ...200312802503
spindle formation in aspergillus is coupled to tubulin movement into the many important organisms, including many algae and most fungi, the nuclear envelope does not disassemble during mitosis. this fact raises the possibility that mitotic onset and/or exit might be regulated, in part, by movement of important mitotic proteins into and out of the nucleoplasm. we have used two methods to determine whether tubulin levels in the nucleoplasm are regulated in the fungus aspergillus nidulans. first, we have used benomyl to disassemble microtubules and create a pool of f ...200312802085
expression of the red fluorescent protein dsred-express in filamentous ascomycete fungi.the recently reported red fluorescent protein dsred from the reef coral discosoma sp. represents a new marker that has been codon-optimized for high expression in mammalian cells. to facilitate expression of dsred in ascomycete fungi, we used the clone pdsred-express (clontech) for constructing a plasmid vector, ppgpd-dsred, containing the constitutive aspergillus nidulans glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (gpd) promoter. this vector was used for co-transformation of penicillium paxilli, trichoderma ha ...200312799012
different roles of the mre11 complex in the dna damage response in aspergillus nidulans.the mre11-rad50-nbs1 protein complex has emerged as a central player in the cellular dna damage response. mutations in scaanbs1, which encodes the apparent homologue of human nbs1 in aspergillus nidulans, inhibit growth in the presence of the anti-topoisomerase i drug camptothecin. we have used the scaanbs1 cdna as a bait in a yeast two-hybrid screening and report the identification of the a. nidulans mre11 homologue (mrea). the inactivated mrea strain was more sensitive to several dna damaging ...200312791148
surface hydrophobicity of aspergillus nidulans conidiospores and its role in pellet formation.formation of pellets by aspergillus nidulans is primarily due to agglomeration of the fungal conidiospores. although agglomeration of conidiospores has been known for a long time, its mechanism has not been clearly elucidated. to study the influence of the fungal conidiospore wall hydrophobicity on conidiospore agglomeration, pellet formation of an a. nidulans wild type and strains deleted in the conidiospore-wall-associated hydrophobins dewa and roda was compared at different ph values. from co ...200312790678
expression of a synthetic copy of the bovine chymosin gene in aspergillus awamori from constitutive and ph-regulated promoters and secretion using two different pre-pro sequences.a copy of the bovine chymosin gene (chy) with a codon usage optimized for its expression in aspergillus awamori was constructed starting from synthetic oligonucleotides. to study the ability of this filamentous fungus to secrete bovine prochymosin, two plasmids were constructed in which the transcriptional, translational, and secretory control regions of the a. nidulans gpda gene and pepb genes were coupled to either preprochymosin or prochymosin genes. secretion of a protein enzymatically and i ...200312783481
alternative oxidase expression in neurospora crassa.when electron flow through the cytochrome-mediated electron transport chain is blocked by inhibitors or mutations, the mitochondria of neurospora crassa contain a kcn-insensitive alternative oxidase, encoded by the aod-1 gene, that transfers electrons directly from the ubiquinone pool to oxygen. the mechanism by which the enzyme is induced is unknown. comparison of the sequence upstream of the n. crassa aod-1 gene with the corresponding region of gelasinospora spp. and aspergillus nidulans revea ...200312781676
male and female roles in crosses of aspergillus nidulans as revealed by vegetatively incompatible resolve the role of male and female nuclei and mitochondria in cleistothecium formation in the model organism aspergillus nidulans, we analysed the genetic constituents of cleistothecia from crosses between vegetatively compatible and incompatible parents. we used markers that enabled us to determine the nuclear genotype of the cleistothecial wall and the nuclear and mitochondrial genotype of the ascospores. in compatible parents, nuclear genomes and cytoplasm usually mix in the vegetative hy ...200312781672
biosynthesis of pyridoxine in saccharomyces cerevisiae--origin of the pyridoxine nitrogen atom differs under anaerobic and aerobic conditions.the amide nitrogen atom of glutamine is incorporated into pyridoxine in four eukaryotes (i.e., emericella nidulans, mucor racemosus, neurospora crassa and saccharomyces cerevisiae) and two prokaryotes (i.e., staphylococcus aureus and bacillus subtilis). however, in the prokaryotes pseudomonas putida, enterobacter aerogenes and escherichia coli, it is the nitrogen atom of glutamate that is incorporated into pyridoxine (j nutr sci vitaminol (2000) 46, 55-57). as these results were from experiments ...200212775110
the negative transcriptional regulator nmra discriminates between oxidized and reduced dinucleotides.nmra, a transcription repressor involved in the regulation of nitrogen metabolism in aspergillus nidulans,is a member of the short-chain dehydrogenase reductase superfamily. isothermal titration calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry have been used to show nmra binds nad+ and nadp+ with similar affinity (average kd 65 microm) but has a greatly reduced affinity for nadh and nadph (average kd 6.0 mm). the structure of nmra in a complex with nadp+ reveals how repositioning a his-37 side ...200312764138
molecular characterisation and expression analysis of the first hemicellulase gene (bxl1) encoding beta-xylosidase from the thermophilic fungus talaromyces emersonii.the gene coding for beta-xylosidase, bxl1, has been cloned from the thermophilic filamentous fungus, talaromyces emersonii. this is the first report of a hemicellulase gene from this novel source. at the genomic level, bxl1 consists of an open reading frame of 2388 nucleotides with no introns that encodes a putative protein of 796 amino acids. the bxl1 translation product contains a signal peptide of 21 amino acids that yields a mature protein of 775 amino acids, with a predicted molecular mass ...200312763033
catalases of aspergillus fumigatus.upon infection of a host, the pathogenic fungus aspergillus fumigatus is attacked by the reactive oxygen species produced by phagocytic cells. detoxification of hydrogen peroxide by catalases was proposed as a way to overcome this host response. a. fumigatus produces three active catalases; one is produced by conidia, and two are produced by mycelia. the mycelial catalase cat1p was studied previously. here we characterized the two other catalases, their genes, and the phenotypes of gene-disrupte ...200312761140
molecular genetics of fungal siderophore biosynthesis and uptake: the role of siderophores in iron uptake and acquire iron, all species have to overcome the problems of iron insolubility and toxicity. in response to low iron availability in the environment, most fungi excrete ferric iron-specific chelators--siderophores--to mobilize this metal. siderophore-bound iron is subsequently utilized via the reductive iron assimilatory system or uptake of the siderophore-iron complex. furthermore, most fungi possess intracellular siderophores as iron storage compounds. molecular analysis of siderophore biosyn ...200312759789
structural and functional characterisation of the dna binding domain of the aspergillus nidulans gene regulatory protein area.the 876-aa protein area regulates the expression of numerous genes involved in nitrogen metabolism in aspergillus nidulans, and interacts with gata sequences upstream of the relevant genes. we have carried out limited proteolysis of the c-terminal domain of the area protein in order to identify possible structural domains within the protein. a stable 156-amino-acid fragment was identified that contained the zinc finger region, and this sequence was cloned and expressed in e. coli. fluorescence s ...200312758150
functionally distinct nucleic acid binding sites for a group i intron encoded rna maturase/dna homing endonuclease.a large number of group i introns encode a family of homologous proteins that either promote intron splicing (maturases) or are site-specific dna endonucleases that function in intron mobility (a process called "homing"). genetic studies have shown that some of these proteins have both activities, yet how a single protein carries out both functions remains obscure. the similarity between respective dna-binding sites and the rna structure near the 5' and 3' splice sites has fueled speculation tha ...200312758073
molecular characterization and analysis of the acrb gene of aspergillus nidulans: a gene identified by genetic interaction as a component of the regulatory network that includes the creb deubiquitination enzyme.mutations in the acrb gene, which were originally selected through their resistance to acriflavine, also result in reduced growth on a range of sole carbon sources, including fructose, cellobiose, raffinose, and starch, and reduced utilization of omega-amino acids, including gaba and beta-alanine, as sole carbon and nitrogen sources. the acrb2 mutation suppresses the phenotypic effects of mutations in the creb gene that encodes a regulatory deubiquitinating enzyme, and in the crec gene that enco ...200312750323
cloning and functional expression of an esterase gene in aspergillus parasitcus.within the 80 kb aflatoxin pathway gene cluster characterized earlier, and between adha and nora genes, we have identified an esta gene encoding an esterase from wild type strain aspergillus parasiticus srrc 143. the 1,500 bp genomic dna and 945 bp cdna sequences were determined for esta. outside of the aflatoxin pathway gene cluster, an additional copy of the esta gene (named esta2) was also cloned from the same a. parasiticus strain. comparison of the esta and esta2 sequences showed 9 substitu ...200212749588
never say never. the nima-related protein kinases in mitotic control.mitosis sees a massive reorganization of cellular architecture. the microtubule cytoskeleton is reorganized to form a bipolar spindle between duplicated microtubule organizing centers, the chromosomes are condensed, attached to the spindle at their kinetochores, and, through the action of multiple molecular motors, the chromosomes are segregated into two daughter cells. mitosis also sees a substantial wave of protein phosphorylation, controlling signaling events that coordinate mitotic processes ...200312742165
deletion of mdmb impairs mitochondrial distribution and morphology in aspergillus nidulans.mitochondria form a dynamic network of interconnected tubes in the cells of saccharomyces cerevisiae or filamentous fungi such as aspergillus nidulans, neurospora crassa, or podospora anserina. the dynamics depends on the separation of mitochondrial fragments, their movement throughout the cell, and their subsequent fusion with the other parts of the organelle. interestingly, the microtubule network is required for the distribution in n. crassa and s. pombe, while s. cerevisiae and a. nidulans a ...200312740872
in vitro susceptibility testing of filamentous fungi: comparison of etest and reference m38-a microdilution methods for determining posaconazole mics.the performance of the etest for posaconazole susceptibility testing of 72 isolates of filamentous fungi was assessed in comparison with the national committee for clinical laboratory standards (nccls) approved standard broth microdilution method (m38-a). the nccls method employed rpmi 1640 broth medium, and mics were read after incubation for 48h at 35 degrees c. etest mics were determined with rpmi agar containing 2% glucose and were read after incubation for 48h at 35 degrees c. the isolates ...200312729993
heterologous expression of laccase cdna from ceriporiopsis subvermispora yields copper-activated apoprotein and complex isoform patterns.analysis of genomic clones encoding a putative laccase in homokaryon strains of ceriporiopsis subvermispora led to the identification of an allelic variant of the previously described lcs-1 gene. a cdna clone corresponding to this gene was expressed in aspergillus nidulans and in aspergillus niger. enzyme assays and western blots showed that both hosts secreted active laccase. relative to the isozymic forms of the native c. subvermispora enzyme, the a. niger-produced laccase had a higher molecul ...200312724379
in vitro susceptibility of aspergillus spp. clinical isolates to albendazole.the in vitro antifungal activity of albendazole, a benzimidazole widely used as an antihelmintic drug in humans, was investigated and assessed for its activity against aspergillus spp. forty-eight isolates, representing the most frequent species found in human pathology [aspergillus fumigatus (n = 27), aspergillus flavus (n = 10), aspergillus terreus (n = 7), aspergillus nidulans (n = 3) and aspergillus niger (n = 1)], and one quality control strain (a. niger atcc 9804 83435) were tested accordi ...200312716778
the isopenicillin n acyltransferases of aspergillus nidulans and penicillium chrysogenum differ in their ability to maintain the 40-kda alphabeta heterodimer in an undissociated form.the isopenicillin n acyltransferases (iats) of aspergillus nidulans and penicillium chrysogenum differed in their ability to maintain the 40-kda proacyltransferase alphabeta heterodimer in an undissociated form. the native a. nidulans iat exhibited a molecular mass of 40 kda by gel filtration. the p. chrysogenum iat showed a molecular mass of 29 kda by gel filtration (corresponding to the beta subunit of the enzyme) but the undissociated 40-kda heterodimer was never observed even in crude extrac ...200312709055
mycotoxins of aspergilli: exposure and health effects.mycotoxins derived from aspergilli can be encountered both in domestic and occupational environments, and the exposure may lead to severe health hazards. several aspergillus species are associated with mycotoxin production: a. ochraceus with ochratoxin a, a. fumigatus with fumitremorgins, gliotoxin and verrucologen, a. versicolor with sterigmatocystin, and a. flavus and a. parasiticus with aflatoxins. sterigmatocystin may also be produced by a. flavus, a. nidulans, a. rugulosus, and a. unguis. e ...200312700107
telomeric repeat sequence of aspergillus oryzae consists of dodeca-nucleotides.four telomeres in the chromosomes of aspergillus oryzae nfri1599 were cloned and sequenced. the telomeric repeat sequence of a. oryzae consisted of dodeca-nucleotides: ttagggtcaaca. the length of the telomeric repeat tract was 114-136 bp, which corresponds to 9-11 repeats of the dodeca-nucleotide sequence. compared to a chromosome internal control (18s rdna), the telomeric sequences were found to be sensitive to bal31 exonuclease digestion, thus proving that the identified telomeric repeat seque ...200312698283
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