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fuchsin acid selectively inhibits human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) replication in vitro.fuchsin acid, an anionic dye, is a selective inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and type 2 (hiv-2) in vitro. its 50% effective dose for inhibition of hiv-1-induced cytopathogenicity in mt-4 cells and hiv-1 antigen expression in hut-78 cells is 42 and 16 microm, respectively. these values are comparable to those of suramin, the first compound shown to be a selective inhibitor of hiv-1. however, fuchsin acid is less cytotoxic than suramin. the selectivity index of fuchsin aci ...19883178818
simian immunodeficiency virus from african green monkeys.simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) was isolated from the total peripheral blood mononuclear cell population and the monocyte-macrophage adherent cell population of three seropositive green monkeys originating from kenya. siv from these african green monkeys (sivagm) was isolated and continuously produced with the molt-4 clone 8 (m4c18) cell line but not with a variety of other cells including hut-78, h9, cem, mt-4, u937, and uncloned molt-4 cells. once isolated, these sivagm isolates were found ...19883172340
isolation and characterization of simian immunodeficiency virus from mandrills in africa and its relationship to other human and simian immunodeficiency viruses.two isolates of simian retrovirus related to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) were obtained from apparently healthy mandrills, papio (mandrillus) sphinx, in western equatorial africa. this virus, designated sivmnd (simian immunodeficiency virus from mandrills), appeared morphologically similar to hiv by electron microscopy, showed mg2+-dependent reverse transcriptase activity, and induced cytopathic effect in human cd4-positive cells. western blotting (immunoblotting) analyses revealed tha ...19883172337
the morphology of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) by negative staining.we have examined preparations of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (hiv-1) and hiv-2 by negative staining electron microscopy. hiv-2 cultures contained large numbers of 130-200 nm particles containing a 130-nm-long by 30-70 nm-wide core. this core is probably of conical or pear-shaped morphology. some particles exhibited a short fringe that could be seen to comprise a regular arrangement of repeating subunits when visualised end on. identical particles were found in hiv-1 cultures but in much lower ...19883171554
uveomeningoencephalitis in a human immunodeficiency virus type 2-seropositive patient.a 35-year-old woman developed longstanding uveitis and later a uveomeningoencephalitis of unknown origin and died of toxoplasmal brain abscesses. the presence of immunological impairment, human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) seropositivity, and multinucleated cells in the brain led us to suspect neurotropic properties for hiv-2 similar to those of hiv-1.19883163906
maternally transmitted hiv infection in children.we evaluated 16 children at high risk for aids because of mothers infected with hiv. two children were persistently seropositive and had laboratory and clinical evidence of hiv infection but had no detectable infectious hiv in their peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc). seven children, all of whom had clinical and laboratory evidence of hiv infection, were seropositive and virus culture-positive. one child who died at 10 months of age of candida septicemia was hiv antibody-negative but hiv ...19883149491
isolation and characterization of hiv-2 from an aids patient in ghana.this report describes the isolation and characterization of a retrovirus of the hiv-2 group from a ghanaian aids patient which has different restriction patterns from previously reported hiv-2 viruses. the virus was morphologically very similar to hiv-1 and hiv-2, and had mg2+-dependent reverse transcriptase. like previous hiv isolates, it induced severe cytopathic effects in cd4-positive human lymphoid cell lines. its major proteins were shown to be gp110, p66, p55, p41, gp32, p30 and p26 by we ...19883146268
antibodies to soluble cd4 in hiv-1-infected individuals.a direct enzyme immunoassay (eia) using the recombinant soluble form of cd4 (scd4) produced in rodent cells as antigen was applied to detect antibodies to cd4 in sera from hiv-1- and hiv-2-infected patients. high titers of antibodies to scd4 were found in sera from 12.6% of the hiv-1-infected persons included in this study, but not in 120 normal human sera. the reactivity of these antibodies with scd4 was confirmed by a western blot analysis. a possible anti-idiotypic origin of those antibodies ...19883146262
isolation of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 from a homosexual man in belgium. 19883145873
the simian immunodeficiency virus envelope open reading frame located after the termination codon is expressed in vivo in infected animals.genetic comparison of sivmac to the human retroviruses generally associated with aids revealed a closer relationship to hiv-2 than to hiv-1. a common feature differentiating siv and hiv-2 from hiv-1 is the size of the transmembrane portion of the envelope, which is smaller (gp32) in sivmac and hiv-2 than in hiv-1 (gp41). the presence of this truncated form of the transmembrane glycoprotein in sivmac and hiv-2 virions is apparently related to the presence of a translation termination codon in the ...19883144995
identification of a novel retroviral gene unique to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 and simian immunodeficiency virus sivmac.human and simian immunodeficiency-associated retroviruses are extraordinarily complex, containing at least five genes, tat, art, sor, r, and 3' orf, in addition to the structural genes gag, pol, and env. recently, nucleotide sequence analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus sivmac revealed the existence of still another open reading frame, termed x, which is highly conserved between these two viruses but absent from hiv-1. in this report, we demon ...19883136256
enzyme immunoassays for the demonstration of antibodies to hiv-2sbl-6669 and htlv-iv (sivmac).enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa) were developed for the demonstration of antibodies to hiv-2 using disrupted virions of the sbl-6669 isolate of hiv-2 and the so-called human t-lymphotropic virus type iv (htlv-iv), recently found to be identical with the simian immunodeficiency virus (sivmac), as antigens. three hundred sera from west african subjects, attending an outward clinic in bissau for examination of suspected tuberculosis, were tested by these two assays as well as by a commerc ...19883134913
seroprevalence of hiv-1 and hiv-2 in guinea bissau in determine the past prevalence of hiv-1 and hiv-2 in west africa, we tested 440 serum samples collected in 1980 from people living in rural areas of guinea bissau. the sera were screened for antibodies by enzyme immunoassay (eia) using purified simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) isolated from rhesus macaque monkeys (sivmac) and then confirmed by immunoblot and immunofluorescence assays for antibodies to siv, hiv-2, and hiv-1. five of the serum samples were repeatedly reactive by all assays to ...19883132940
hiv-2, the west african aids virus. 19873126752
human retroviral infections in the gambia: prevalence and clinical features.the prevalence of infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv 1) is lower in west africa than in other parts of africa. human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv 2) has been isolated from west african patients and may be transmitted by heterosexual contact. the prevalence of antibodies to hiv 1 and hiv 2 was studied by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) among various groups of subjects in the gambia, west africa--namely, prostitutes, blood donors, patients with suspected infect ...19883122966
cloning of htlv-4 and its relation to simian and human immunodeficiency viruses.although much is now known of the strain variation among the type-1 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1), which is the cause of aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) in the united states, europe, and central africa, much less is yet known about a second group of viruses that have been found in west africans. one member of this group, named human t-cell lymphotropic virus type 4 (htlv-4), has been isolated from healthy senegalese. another is the virus isolated from west africans with aids-li ...19873104797
molecular genetics and structure of the human immunodeficiency virus.a novel human lymphotropic virus capable of crippling the immune system by infecting and destroying t4 antigen-positive cells is now known to be the etiologic agent of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). the aids or human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) belongs to a family of rna viruses called retroviruses. several strains of hiv have been molecularly cloned, and dna sequence comparisons have established that the proviral dna genome is 9.7 kilobase pairs. the genome possesses character ...19883073195
transfusion transmitted human t-lymphotropic virus infections.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) type 1 has emerged during the 1980s as an important transfusion transmitted agent. the impact of hiv depends on the epidemiology and characteristics of the virus, serological response to infection and efficacy of serological tests to identify infected blood units. these factors will be described in the present article. the risk to acquire hiv today, by transfusion of anti-hiv screened blood, is extremely small in scandinavia and the western world. the risk can ...19883067484
genetic locus, primary structure, and chemical synthesis of human immunodeficiency virus protease.the genetic locus and primary structure of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) protease was determined by comparing the data of protein analyses with the published data of the gene analysis. the complete sequence of hiv-1 and hiv-2 protease was synthesized by solid-phase peptide synthesis. the synthetic protease was capable of accurately cleaving synthetic peptide substrates corresponding to known cleavage sites in gag polyproteins of hiv-1, hiv-2, and murine leukemia virus. the chemical synt ...19883063643
the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) contains a novel gene encoding a 16 kd protein associated with mature virions.the hiv-2 genome contains an open reading frame (designated x-orf) that does not have a counterpart in hiv-1. to establish whether x-orf is a gene, we studied its expression in hiv-2-infected individuals and in infected cells in vitro. an hiv-2 proviral dna fragment containing the x-orf was expressed in e. coli, and the recombinant protein was used in an immunoblot assay. the x-orf protein was recognized specifically by the sera of hiv-2-infected people but not by the sera of siv-infected monkey ...19883061415
[aids diagnosis: virus detection, antibody detection, diagnostic and prognostic significance of the findings].aids serology is of worldwide importance for the diagnosis of hiv-infection and aids, for conducting epidemiological studies, for the control of blood donations and blood products and for the determination of infectivity and prognosis in aids patients. in future serological methods may be of importance for the management of anti-hiv-therapy. screening methods, such as elisa and hemagglutination assays and confirmatory tests (western blot and immunofluorescence) nowadays offer clear cut and relia ...19883059686
[etiology--characteristics of hiv infection].in this study the structures of the aids-virus are presented, furthermore the cross-reactivity of hiv-1 and hiv-2 is described as well as the known genes of both viruses. the mechanism of cell infection, its kinetics and the special role of activated t-cells and macrophages in this process are outlined. this interrelation characterized phenomenologically based on the neopterin data available is now supported by experiments at a molecular level. this should lead to therapeutical and diagnostical ...19883059685
mixed human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection in an individual: demonstration of both hiv type 1 and type 2 proviral sequences by using polymerase chain reaction.sera from persons seroreactive to both human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and type 2 (hiv-2), by whole-virus (veia) enzyme immunoassays (eias) for each virus, were selected from a seroprevalence study of 944 persons in abidjan, cote d'ivoire, west africa, in 1987. these sera were subsequently tested for hiv-1 and hiv-2 antibody specificity by type-specific peptide eias (peia) and western blot (wb) analysis for both viruses. peripheral blood monocytes (pbmcs) from representative individu ...19883058815
epidemiological and sociological aspects of hiv-infection in developing countries.the epidemiologic and social aspects of aids are different in developed and developing countries. in africa, where there are several tens of thousands of cases, the ratio of female to male cases is 1:1. the highest incidence in men is at age 37.4 and in women 30 years. in haiti the female to male ratio is 1:1.8. in rwanda and zambia the incidence is higher among educated people. in most of africa aids is predominantly urban. also, in africa the time between diagnosis and death is shorter. ...19883058251
[human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). 2: hiv infections caused by accidental exposure in medical personnel]. 19883051710
identification of a protein encoded by the vpu gene of hiv-1.human immunodeficiency virus 1 (hiv-1) is the aetiological agent of aids. the virus establishes lytic, latent and non-cytopathic productive infection in cells in culture. the complexity of virus-host cell interaction is reflected in the complex organization of the viral genome. in addition to the genes that encode the virion capsid and envelope proteins and the enzymes required for proviral synthesis and integration common to all retroviruses, hiv-1 is known to encode at least four additional pr ...19883043230
new human and simian hiv-related retroviruses possess functional transactivator (tat) human retroviruses antigenically related to hiv and even more closely to stlv-iii have been recently isolated from individuals from some west african countries. one of these viruses, htlv-ivp, was reportedly isolated from lymphocytes of a healthy female prostitute. another isolate, lav-2fg, was obtained from an aids patient and third, sbl-6669, from an individual with lymphadenopathy. current epidemiological studies indicate that some of these virus isolates cause immune deficiency whereas o ...19873039372
genome organization and transactivation of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2.analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the human retrovirus associated with aids in west africa, hiv-2, shows that it is evolutionarily distant from the previously characterized hiv-1. we suggest that these viruses existed long before the current aids epidemics. their biological properties are conserved in spite of limited sequence homology; this may help the determination of the structure-function relationships of the different viral elements.19873031510
molecular cloning and polymorphism of the human immune deficiency virus type 2.we recently reported the isolation of a novel retrovirus, the human immune deficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2, previously named lav-2), from patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) originating from west africa. this virus is related to hiv-1, the causative agent of the aids epidemic now spreading in central and east africa, as well as the usa and europe (see ref. 3 for review) both by its morphology and by its tropism and in vitro cytopathic effect on cd4 (t4) positive cell lines an ...19863025743
[human immunodeficiency virus type 2 infection discovered by dementia in a french heterosexual male]. 19882974962
hiv-1, hiv-2, and htlv-i infection in high-risk groups in brazil.we conducted a serologic survey for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (hiv-1 and hiv-2) and human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) in 704 brazilians with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) or at risk for it. the study population included 70 homosexual men (11 of whom were prostitutes), 58 bisexual men (19 of whom were prostitutes), 101 female prostitutes from three socioeconomic groups, 13 wives of men with hemophilia who were seropositive for hiv-1 ant ...19892927478
epidemiology of hiv and hepatitis b virus (hbv) in selected african and asian populations.401 sera from patients of a rural hospital in zimbabwe (1987), 211 south african sera (1982/83), as well as 460 sera from four katmandu hospitals (1985) were tested for hiv-1 antibodies. the sera from zimbabwe and nepal were additionally tested for anti-hiv-2 using a panel of different tests, for hepatitis b markers, and partially for antibodies against other viral, bacterial, and protozoal antigens. detailed clinical and sociodemographic data were taken from the zimbabwe and katmandu patients. ...19892921088
hiv-2-associated aids and hiv-2 seroprevalence in bissau, guinea-bissau.during a 6-month period in 1987, we examined patients clinically suspected of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) at the national hospital in bissau, the capital of guinea-bissau, and found 20 cases that fulfilled the criteria for aids. the two most prevalent major symptoms were weight loss and diarrhea, and the most common minor symptoms generalized lymphadenopathy and generalized dermatitis. six of 20 patients died within a couple of months. nineteen of 20 patients were tested for h ...19892918464
characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 envelope glycoproteins: dimerization of the glycoprotein precursor during processing.four glycoproteins with apparent molecular weights of 300,000, 140,000, 125,000, and 36,000 (gp300, gp140, gp125, and gp36) were detectable in human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2)-infected cells. gp125 and gp36 are the external and transmembrane components, respectively, of the envelope glycoproteins of hiv-2 mature virions. gp300 and gp140 are only detectable in virus-infected cells. they have identical isoelectric points, suggesting that gp300 might be a dimeric form of the immature pre ...19892911118
human immunodeficiency virus type 2. 19892910395
[infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 in the ussr].the serological study of 20 sera, showing atypical reaction with hiv-1 in the immunoblotting assay, for the presence of hiv-2 infection revealed some cases of this infection among africans who had arrived to the ussr from western africa (5 cases) and burundi (1 case); besides, in 1 case hiv-2 infection was detected in a soviet female citizen having had many sexual partners among foreigners.19882905860
prevalence of hiv-1 and hiv-2/htlv-iv infections in luanda and cabinda, angola.a seroepidemiological study of human immune deficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and hiv-2/human t-lymphotropic virus type iv (hiv-2/htlv-iv) infections was performed in angola in october 1986. until then five cases of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) had been registered in angola. during this study, another three cases with clinical aids were found and confirmed by hiv-1 serology. a total of 1,215 sera from groups of healthy persons and patients were tested for hiv-1 and hiv-2/htlv-iv anti ...19882905739
adult t-cell leukemia associated with htlv-i and simultaneous infection by human immunodeficiency virus type 2 and human herpesvirus 6 in an african woman: a clinical, virologic, and familial serologic study. 19882904225
envelope cross-reactivity in western blot for hiv-1 and hiv-2 may not indicate dual infection.serological identification of infection with human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (hiv-1 and hiv-2) by western blot alone may not be sufficient to diagnose dual infection. extensive cross-reactions (eg, to envelope glycoprotein antibody) are seen on heterologous western blots. the use of other techniques, in this case competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, indicates that blot patterns previously thought to demonstrate simultaneous dual infections should be interpreted with caution ...19882902381
hiv-2 in perspective.the identification of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-2 has given rise to difficulties that were not anticipated when hiv-1 was thought to be the only virus involved in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). hiv-2, which seems to be prevalent only in africa, differs from hiv-1 in its envelope and core proteins, and is more closely related to the simian aids virus than to hiv-1. commercial assay kits that use hiv-2 antigen to detect anti-hiv-2 are available from only 1-2 manufacturers, a ...19882896872
the origins of hiv-1 and htlv-4/hiv-2.more sophisticated knowledge of the different strains of seemingly closely related retroviruses is essential to understanding acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and developing a successful vaccine. distinct exogenous human retroviruses include human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), the etiologic agent in aids; human t-lymphotropic virus type 1 (htlv-1), which has been linked with adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma; and htlv-ii, a virus closely linked to htlv-i but not definitively impl ...19872894192
absence of antibodies to hiv-2/htlv-4 in six central african nations.we studied 1508 individuals from zaire, burundi, tanzania, zambia, kenya, and cameroon for antibodies to hiv-2/htlv-4. aids, arc, other disease or tumor patients and healthy people were sampled from 1984-1986. by radioimmunoprecipitation and sds/page analysis and/or western blot we failed to find any samples with specific antibodies to hiv-2/htlv-4 indicative of infection. in contrast, 363 of these 1508 individuals demonstrated antibodies to hiv-1/htlv-3b by the same serologic assays. hiv-2/htlv ...19872893632
[clinical and virological study of a case of infection with the hiv-lav 2 virus].a case of aids due to hiv/lav2 is reported. the patient was a 32 year old man from guinea-bissau with no known risk factors. he had brain toxoplasmosis, oral thrush and chronic genital herpes. investigations for igg anti-hiv/lav1' (elisa, western blot, ripa) were negative. antibodies to hiv/lav2 were found and cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes and cerebro-spinal fluid were positive. hiv/lav2 seems to be similar to stlv-iii (mac), stlv-iii (agm), and probably htlv-iv.19872893571
[hiv-2 virus infection with long incubation period]. 19872892191
[retroviruses and the development of lymphoma].retroviruses are small, rna-containing enveloped viruses which are widely distributed in nature. they exist in many animal species as well as in man. exogenous virus strains are horizontally transmitted between individuals of a given species, like all other virus groups. endogenous virus strains have managed some time during evolution to infect germ line cells like oocytes and spermatocytes and are thus transmitted vertically from parents to offspring. several retrovirus strains possess oncogene ...19872890126
lymphadenopathy-associated virus type 2 in aids and aids-related complex. clinical and virological features in four patients.lymphadenopathy-associated virus type 2 (hiv 2) was isolated from 3 patients with aids and 1 with aids-related complex. clinical features were similar to those in patients infected with hiv 1. viral isolates were characterised by hybridisation with hiv 1 and hiv 2 dna probes. hiv 1 and hiv 2 serological studies were performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), western blot, and radioimmunoprecipitation assay. hiv 2 igg antibodies were detected in all sera. the molecular weights of the ...19872879971
clinical experience of aids in relation to hiv-1 and hiv-2 infection in a rural hospital in ivory coast, west africa.a dramatic rise in aids cases in a rural hospital 60 km west of abidjan is described. out of 212 adult cases diagnosed between january and november 1987 as having aids, using the world health organization (who) criteria defined in bangui, 128 (60%) had antibodies to hiv-1 only, 61 (29%) had antibodies to both hiv-1 and hiv-2, 15 (7%) had antibodies to hiv-2 only and eight (4%) had no detectable antibodies to hivs. these results, taken together with those of ouattara et al. showing that both retr ...19882853951
animal models for hiv infection and aids: memorandum from a who meeting.the human immunodeficiency virus is a member of the lentivirus subfamily of the retrovirus family. retroviruses are rna viruses which code for an rna-dependent dna polymerase (reverse transcriptase), which transcribes the rna genome into a dna provirus which, on integration with the host dna, directs the synthesis of new virions. the rna genome consists of a gag gene, which codes for the viral core proteins, a pol gene, which codes for the reverse transcriptase, an env gene, which codes for th ...19882850118
human immunodeficiency virus type 2 long terminal repeat: analysis of regulatory elements.the long terminal repeats (ltrs) of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) and a related simian immunodeficiency virus (sivmac) contain cis-acting positive regulatory elements upstream and the major transactivator gene (tat) response element and a possible negative regulatory element downstream of the transcriptional initiation site. the tat response element of hiv-2 and of sivmac was more complex than that of hiv-1. two structurally similar subelements within the hiv-2 tat response ele ...19882849115
structural arrangements of transcription control domains within the 5'-untranslated leader regions of the hiv-1 and hiv-2 promoters.promoter-proximal downstream regions of the human immunodeficiency viruses (hiv-1 and hiv-2) mediate the action of the viral transcription activator protein, tat. we demonstrate here that the downstream domain of each virus interacts with two rna polymerase ii transcription factors. one of these, ctf/nf i, is a multifunctional protein associated previously with activation of transcription and dna replication. the other cellular protein, designated lbp-1 (leader-binding protein-1), recognizes rep ...19882847959
characterization of infectious molecular clones of simian immunodeficiency virus (sivmac) and human immunodeficiency virus type 2: persistent infection of rhesus monkeys with molecularly cloned sivmac.infection of macaque monkeys with simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) is probably the best animal model currently available for studying acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. in this report, we describe three infectious molecular clones of sivmac and one of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) and their use in the study of cell and species specificity, animal infection, and the relationship of gene sequence to function. replication of the cloned viruses in different cell lines varied dramat ...19882846880
oral hairy leukoplakia in a hiv-negative renal transplant patient: a marker for immunosuppression?we report the case of a 58-year-old renal transplant patient who developed oral hairy leukoplakia. examination for hiv-1 and hiv-2 infection was negative. biopsy of the lateral tongue showed ballooned prickle cells and electron microscopy revealed herpes-type viruses. in situ hybridization and examinations with the southern blot technique yielded epstein-barr virus. serology for epstein-barr virus was reactive. immunological investigation of the patient showed a marked decrease of t-helper and t ...19882844612
serological and structural comparison of immunodeficiency viruses from man, african green monkey, rhesus monkey and sooty mangabey.we have studied the serological relationship among the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1), and three simian immunodeficiency viruses (siv). sivagm was isolated from african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops), and compared with the previously described isolates of sivmac from a rhesus macaque (macaca mulatta) and sivsm from a sooty mangabey (cercocebus atys). with respect to the glycoproteins, the simian viruses represent a subgroup apparently different from hiv. to classify hiv and ...19882844030
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 has an additional coding sequence in the central region of the genome.eight coding regions designated gag, pol, env, sor, r, tat, art/trs, and 3' orf have been identified in the genome of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1). several other open reading frames have the potential to encode additional viral proteins. in this study, we show that hiv-1 has another coding sequence whose product is expressed during natural infection. unlike antibody to other hiv-1 proteins, the prevalence of antibody to the product encoded by this region is elevated in patient ...19882842797
a naturally immunogenic virion-associated protein specific for hiv-2 and siv.the genomic organization of hiv-1 and the family of hiv-2 and siv viruses is similar. however, there is an open reading frame, orf-x, that is present in hiv-2 and siv, but not in hiv-1. the extent of protein sequence conservation in orf-x between hiv-2rod and sivmac suggests that this open reading frame encodes a gene that may be important for infectivity or replication. here, we show that the orf-x products of sivmac and hiv-2sbl-6669 are virion-associated and that the introduction of a prematu ...19882842694
biologically diverse molecular variants within a single hiv-1 isolate.aids is a disorder characterized by a slow progressive impairment of immune function and by infection of human immunodeficiency viruses (hiv-1, hiv-2). our knowledge of how these viruses cause disease in man, or how the related lentiviruses (visna and equine infectious anaemia virus) cause disease in animals, is still fragmentary. in particular, the significance of genetic variation in hiv-1, occurring within populations, within individuals and over periods of time, and the mechanisms of viral p ...19882841608
a discrete element 3' of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (hiv-1) and hiv-2 mrna initiation sites mediates transcriptional activation by an hiv trans important point of regulation in the reproductive growth and latency of the human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (hiv and siv, respectively) is provided by virally encoded trans-activators (tat), proteins capable of dramatically increasing viral gene expression. the mechanism of this autostimulatory pathway has remained unclear, however, with substantial effects having been reported at the level of either mrna accumulation, translational efficiency, or both. our previous findings indicat ...19882841583
epstein-barr virus-positive and -negative b-cell lines can be infected with human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) can infect cd4+ lymphocytes, monocytes-macrophages, and various other cell lines, including b-cell lines. to study the parameters of b-cell infections, we examined the susceptibility of 24 b-lymphoid cell lines to both hiv-1 and hiv-2 infections. these cell lines included a series of epstein-barr virus (ebv) genome-negative burkitt's lymphoma cell lines and their ebv-converted counterparts. to infect these cells we used two hiv-1 isolates and one hiv-2 ...19882841499
human and simian immunodeficiency retroviruses: activation and differential transactivation of gene west african human immunodeficiency viruses (hiv-2s) and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) contain functional transactivator (tat) gene and tat response elements. their long terminal repeats (ltr) and tat genes are more related among themselves than to hiv-1 ltr and tat gene. the viral gene expression of hiv-2 as well as siv can be stimulated by t cell activators, such as mitogens and phorbol esters. hiv-2 and siv display a much broader transactivation response specificity than does hiv-1. ...19882840105
[no infection due to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 detected in 883 drug addicts]. 19882838839
[severe pneumocystosis manifesting infection by human immunodeficiency virus type 2 in a portuguese living in france]. 19882838837
comparison of 10 enzyme immunoassays for detection of antibody to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 in west african sera.the efficacies of nine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (eia) for antibody to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and one eia for antibody to hiv-2 in detecting antibody to hiv-2 were studied. the competitive eias for antibody to hiv-1 were less sensitive than the indirect eias. the overall prevalence of positive results was between 28 and 51% with the competitive eias and between 70 and 93% with the indirect eias. most of the eias were less sensitive in detecting antibody to hiv-2 in ...19882838498
characterization of a noncytopathic hiv-2 strain with unusual effects on cd4 expression.a new isolate of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2, designated hiv-2uc1, was recovered from an ivory coast patient with normal lymphocyte numbers who died with neurologic symptoms. like some hiv-1 isolates, hiv-2uc1 grows rapidly to high titers in human peripheral blood lymphocytes and macrophages and has a differential ability to productively infect established human cell lines of lymphocytic and monocytic origin. moreover, infection with this isolate also appears to involve the cd4 antig ...19882836951
inhibition of infectivity and replication of hiv-2 and siv in helper t-cells by 2',3'-dideoxynucleosides in vitro.we have previously shown that 2',3'-dideoxynucleosides and their derivatives are potent inhibitors of the infectivity and cytopathic effect mediated by human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (hiv-1), the causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). recently a new group of retroviruses has been found in individuals originating from the western part of africa. one member of this group is human immunodeficiency virus type-2 (hiv-2), previously designated lymphadenopathy-associated vir ...19882835072
quarterly report to the domestic policy council on the prevalence and rate of spread of hiv and aids in the united states.this report includes trends in reported cases of aids; trends in prevalence and incidence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection; status of hiv-1 antibody surveys; data on hiv-2; and a comparison of aids mortality and years of potential life lost (ypll) with other major diseases. by march 14, 1988, a total of 56,212 cases of aids had been reported in the us; nearly 10,000 of these cases have been reported since the last report, on november 30, 1987. more than 31,400 cases hav ...19882832718
the specificity of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 transactivator is different from that of human immunodeficiency virus type 1.the recently described human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv2) is significantly divergent in sequence from the more frequently isolated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv1). both hiv1 and hiv2 encode a transactivator that is capable of strongly stimulating expression directed by the viral long terminal repeat (ltr). here, we define the region of the hiv2 genome encoding the transactivator and show that the specificity of the transactivator differs from that of hiv1. by deletion analysis ...19872828036
relation of htlv-4 to simian and human immunodeficiency-associated viruses.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) is the aetiologic agent of aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) in most countries and probably originated in central africa like the aids epidemic itself. evidence for a second major group of human immunodeficiency-associated retroviruses came from a report that west african human populations like wild-caught african green monkeys had serum antibodies that reacted more strongly with a simian immunodeficiency virus (stlv-3mac) (ref.6) than with hi ...19872823148
[anti-hiv2 antibody research in kinshasa, zaire].880 suspect sera were analysed for hiv2 antibodies (elisa, western blot) during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of 1988. results show that kinshasa is not yet an endemic zone for this virus. the authors recommend the use of a mixed test for diagnostics.19892805181
mutational analysis of sodium butyrate inducible elements in the human immunodeficiency virus type i long terminal repeat.sodium butyrate induces gene expression directed by the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) long terminal repeat (ltr) in hela cells. inducible regions of the hiv-1 ltr were elucidated by using 5' and 3' ltr deletion mutants and ltr site-directed mutants within the sp1 binding sites and the trans-activation responsive (tar) region. two ltr regions inducible by sodium butyrate were located: one at -117 to -103 (distal site) and one at -65 to -17 (proximal site). in hela cells trans-fected ...19892800338
hiv infection in south africa, 1982-1988--a review.a review of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) in south africa between 1982 -1988 is presented. one hundred and sixty-six cases of aids have been seen in south africa so far, with a mortality rate of 59.2%. there has been a predicted and alarming increase in the number of cases of aids in the black population. a total of 1857 hiv antibody-positive sera have been tested by various laboratories in the rsa, but this figure excludes sera found ...19892799575
sequence of a novel simian immunodeficiency virus from a wild-caught african mandrill.since the isolation of an hiv-2-related virus from captive macaques (sivmac), the origin of human immunodeficiency viruses, a much debated subject, has been attributed to monkeys. the sequence of sivagm, which is derived from a naturally infected african green monkey, shows equal relatedness to hiv-1 and hiv-2, suggesting that the derivation of these viruses from sivagm is unlikely. recent sequence analysis of siv from a captive sooty mangabey (sivmac), however, shows its close relatedness to hi ...19892797181
[detection of antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus type ii using a third-generation elisa]. 19892796450
syncytium formation and destruction of bystander cd4+ cells cocultured with t cells persistently infected with human immunodeficiency virus as demonstrated by flow cytometry.we have developed a flow cytometric method for demonstrating cell fusion between human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1)- or hiv-2-infected hut-78 cells and uninfected cd4-bearing molt-4 cells. syncytium formation due to an interaction between the gp120 glycoprotein expressed on hiv-infected hut-78 cells and the cd4 receptor present on molt-4 cells, resulted in an immediate decrease in the number of molt-4 cells; after a 24 h incubation period almost all molt-4 cells had disappeared from the ...19892789268
the fc and not cd4 receptor mediates antibody enhancement of hiv infection in human cells.antibodies that enhance human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infectivity have been found in the blood of infected individuals and in infected or immunized animals. these findings raise serious concern for the development of a safe vaccine against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. to address the in vivo relevance and mechanism of this phenomenon, antibody-dependent enhancement of hiv infectivity in peripheral blood macrophages, lymphocytes, and human fibroblastoid cells was studied. neither leu3a ...19892786647
serological survey of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in ethiopia.the presence of anti-human immunodeficiency virus 1 antibodies was tested in 5,565 serum samples from ethiopia of which 5,265 were collected from military recruits in the framework of a hepatitis b (hbv) seroepidemiological study performed on a national scale in 1985-1986; the remaining were 300 sera from a population of outpatients belonging to the arsi region. of the 5,565 sera, 121 (2.1%) were found to be repeatedly reactive by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) test for hiv-1 antibodi ...19892786052
human eosinophils express cd4 protein and bind human immunodeficiency virus 1 gp120.the cd4 glycoprotein, expressed on leukocytes belonging to subsets of t lymphocytes and to cells of monocyte/macrophage lineage, participates in the functioning of t cells and serves as a receptor for hiv-1 and hiv-2. human eosinophils, a class of granulocytic leukocytes, have been found to express cd4. with anti-cd4 mabs cd4 was demonstrable on eosinophils from both normal and eosinophilic donors. eosinophils synthesized a 55-kd cd4 polypeptide immunoprecipitable with two anti-cd4 mabs. eosinop ...19892783333
detection and cloning of new htlv-related endogenous sequences in man.human t-cell leukemia virus (htlv) type i-related endogenous sequences (hres) have been cloned from a human genomic library. hres-1/1 is present in dna of all normal donors examined. by nucleotide sequence analysis, hres-1/1 contains two potential open reading frames capable of encoding a p25 and a p15. a 684 bp flanking region 5' from the first atg codon of p25 contains a tata-box, a poly-adenylation signal, a putative trna primer binding site, and inverted repeats at locations which are typica ...19892780312
the cytoplasmic domain of simian immunodeficiency virus transmembrane protein modulates infectivity.a striking characteristic of the simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) and of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) is the presence of a nonsense mutation in the env gene resulting in the synthesis of a truncated transmembrane protein lacking the cytoplasmic domain. by mutagenesis of an infectious molecular clone of sivmac142, we investigated the function of the cytoplasmic domain and the significance of the env nonsense mutation. when the nonsense codon (tag) was replaced by a glutamine ...19892778881
biologic and molecular characterization of producer and nonproducer clones from hut-78 cells infected with a patient hiv isolate.hut-78 cells were infected with a reverse transcriptase (rt)-positive supernatant of a culture of peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) from an aids patient and then cloned. of these clones, two have been isolated and characterized. clone d10 is persistently and productively infected with an hiv variant. the clone f12, in spite of the presence of an integrated full-length hiv provirus, does not release virus particles in the medium. d10 and f12 clones substantially differ in terms of protein patter ...19892765297
hiv-2-associated aids in the united states. the first case.a 41-year-old woman from the cape verde islands, africa, who had been residing in the united states for 11 months was found to have human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2)-associated acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). antibody to hiv-2 was found by enzyme immunoassay and was verified by radioimmunoprecipitation. the patient was being treated for pulmonary tuberculosis at the time of her admission to our institution. further laboratory and clinical evaluation at our facility revealed ...19892764658
the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus among pregnant women attending a hospital in the moungo district, cameroon.a seroepidemiological survey conducted from january to may 1986 among 650 pregnant women from mixed rural/urban origin in the moungo district, cameroon, revealed a very low prevalence of antibodies to human immunodeficiency viruses (hiv). one subject appeared to be infected with hiv 2. this is remarkable since hiv 2 has been isolated predominantly from west-african subjects. further epidemiological and antropological studies are required to explain the distribution of hiv 1 and hiv 2 throughout ...19892763346
use of infectious molecular clones of simian immunodeficiency virus for pathogenesis studies.three infectious molecular clones of sivmac and one of hiv-2 exhibit remarkable variation in their biological properties despite similarities in genome organization and sequence relatedness. cloned viruses differed in their ability to grow in various cultured cells, in their ability to infect macaques, and in the location of the env stop codon. sequences from the 3' end predict that at least three of the four clones do not have an intact, functional nef gene. all four cloned viruses yield infect ...19892760916
use of old world monkeys for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome research.mangabeys, macaques, and baboons persistently infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-2 nih-dz demonstrated no signs of immunodeficiency disease after 6-11 months following seroconversion. thus old world monkeys provide an animal model to investigate the effects of passive immunization (anti-hiv-2 antibodies) on hiv infection in primates.19892760915
antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity detects type- and strain-specific antigens among human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 and simian immunodeficiency virus sivmac isolates.human cell lines were infected with different strains of human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (hiv-1 and hiv-2) as well as with a simian immunodeficiency virus sivmac isolate and used as targets in an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc) assay. sera from hiv-1- or hiv-2-infected subjects provided the antibody, and lymphocytes from normal donors provided the effector cells. about 60% of hiv-1 antibody-positive sera mediated adcc when tested against any given hiv-1 isolate-infecte ...19892746734
six new isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) and the molecular characterization of one (hiv-2cam2).we report the isolation of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) from each of six west africans with aids-related complex or aids. one isolate (hiv-2cam2) was molecularly cloned and shown by restriction mapping to differ in seven out of 22 sites from the prototype hiv-2rod. nevertheless, by a number of serological criteria these isolates are all clearly hiv-2.19892732697
a second case of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome due to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 in the united states: the clinical implications. 19892729324
5-halogeno-3'-fluoro-2',3'-dideoxyuridines as inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv): potent and selective anti-hiv activity of 3'-fluoro-2',3'-dideoxy-5-chlorouridine.the novel 5-chloro-, 5-bromo-, and 5-iodo-derivatives of 3'-fluoro-2',3'-dideoxyuridine (fddurd), designated fddciurd, fddbrurd, and fddiurd, respectively, have been synthesized and evaluated for their antiretrovirus activity against human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and murine moloney sarcoma virus. all three 5-halogeno-fddurd analogues inhibited hiv-1 replication in mt4 cells with an effective dose (ed50) of about 0.2-0.4 microm. however, fddciurd was markedly more selective in its anti-hiv-1 ...19892725468
[isolation of hiv-2 from aids patient in ghana and analysis of sero-reactive patterns of ghanaian sera].institute for virus research, kyoto university, and noguchi memorial research institute in ghana jointly isolated hiv-2 from a ghanaian aids patient. ghanaian hiv-2[gh-1] was similar in genomic organization to, but different in restriction enzyme maps from the first isolated case, french lav-2 (hiv-2rod). this fact is significant in suggesting multiplicity of hiv-2 virus. hiv-2[gh-1] was different from lav-2 in its antigenicity of envprotein. sero-reactive patterns of 125 ghanaians inc ...19892724559
hiv-2 in rhesus monkeys: serological, virological and clinical results.diseases induced by animal retroviruses are not considered to be good models for the human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) at present. the lack of an animal model for the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection presents a main problem in the complete understanding of the pathogenesis of hiv-mediated diseases. because of the homologies between simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) and hiv-2, we inoculated rhesus monkeys with hiv-2 and hiv-2 adapted in vitro to monkey cells. one of th ...19892708010
screening of african sera stored for more than 17 years for hiv antibodies by site-directed serology.antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and type 2 (hiv-2) were investigated, using site-directed enzyme immunoassay (elisa), in 320 specimens obtained from three remote, african tribes during 1969-1971. using hiv-1 e34/e32 elisa and hiv-2 149 elisa, assay were conducted on 101 serum specimens from the korekore tribe of zimbabwe, 93 specimens from the mano tribe of liberia, and 126 specimens from the turkana tribe of kenya; specimens which tested positive in elisa were further ...19892707394
htlv-1 seroprevalence in aids patients and in hiv-1 seropositive and seronegative subjects at risk for aids in northern italy.sera of 1023 subjects belonging to categories at risk for aids, positive for hiv-1, were tested for antibodies to human t-cell leukemia virus (htlv-1) by elisa, western blotting, and radioimmunoprecipitation (rip) assay. sera of these subjects were positive for antibodies to htlv-1 in a percentage of 18.54%. nine out of 18 sera from patients with aids had antibodies to htlv-1 (50%). sera of 207 intravenous drug abusers and 64 homosexual males, seronegative for hiv-1, were tested for antibodies t ...19892707393
[serology of hiv infection].serological testing aimed at the detection of antibodies against the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) is now performed throughout the world to screen stored blood for transfusion, for the diagnosis of hiv infection and of aids, and to determine the prognosis of aids patients. the present report, based on 258,090 serum samples screened for hiv antibodies, gives an overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of both modern screening methods and confirmation tests for hiv1 and hiv2, the dem ...19892695498
evaluation of an atypical hiv type 1 antibody. serologic pattern leading to detection of hiv type 2 infection in north america.the variability and discordance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) antibody enzyme immunoassay determinations on serial specimens derived, to our knowledge, from the first documented case of hiv-2 infection in north america are described. the initial specimen was weakly reactive, but two subsequent serum specimens were both nonreactive by enzyme immunoassay. all specimens were indeterminate for hiv-1 antibody by hiv-1 western blot analysis. serum hiv-2 antibody was demonstrated by en ...19892684088
characterization of an hiv-2-related virus with a smaller sized extracellular envelope glycoprotein.a new isolate of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) related to the hiv-2 strain was isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes of an ivory coast patient with aids. this isolate referred to as hiv-2 eho could be differentiated by its envelope precursor and external glycoprotein which are 20-kda smaller than those of hiv-2 rod isolate. furthermore, the apparent molecular weight of the major core protein of hiv-2 eho is 27 kda instead of 26 kda as in hiv-2 rod isolate. in addition, the product ...19892683362
functional comparison of the rev trans-activators encoded by different primate immunodeficiency virus species.the known primate lentiviruses can be divided into two subgroups consisting of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) isolates and the related hiv type 2 (hiv-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) isolates. hiv-1 has been shown to encode a post-transcriptional trans-activator of viral structural gene expression, termed rev, that is essential for viral replication in culture. here, we demonstrate that hiv-2 and sivmac also encode functional rev proteins. as in the case of hiv-1, the ...19892682638
immunofluorescence assay for detection of antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 2.a total of 215 serum samples were tested for antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (hiv-2) with an immunofluorescence assay (ifa). some samples originated from denmark and some originated from guinea-bissau. the ifa results were compared with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and western (immuno-) blot (wb) results. twenty-nine serum samples were found to be true positive for hiv-2 antibodies as judged from wb and radioimmunoprecipitation results; all of these were also ...19892681251
infection of brain cells by diverse human immunodeficiency virus isolates: role of cd4 as receptor.cell lines originally derived from malignant tumours of the brain were infected by diverse human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (hiv-1 and hiv-2) isolates. by surface immunofluorescence it was shown that susceptible cells did not bear the cd4 antigen. they were also non-permissive for the formation of plaques by vesicular stomatitis virus pseudotypes and did not form syncytia with hiv-producing cells. virus production was of low titre, and reverse transcriptase and the p24 antigen were con ...19892677235
lymphogranuloma venereum: 27 cases in paris.twenty-seven men with laboratory-confirmed lymphogranuloma venereum (lgv) were identified among 211 patients tested for lgv or chancroid during a 6-y period. the patients with lgv ranged in age from 17 to 73 y; most were from countries other than france. twenty-five sought care because of inguinal adenopathy (with spontaneous draining fistulae in two patients) and two because of proctitis. chlamydia trachomatis was isolated from nine patients; all isolates were the lgv biovar as demonstrated by ...19892677162
no evidence of hiv 2 infection in sicily.a seroepidemiological survey was carried out with the aim of establishing whether or not hiv 2 infection could be detected in western sicily. two groups of sera were tested by eia and wb assay against hiv 1 and hiv 2. 200 sera taken from north african immigrants in the mazara del vallo area, and 297 samples taken from aids-high risk groups individuals living in palermo. none of the north african sera was positive to hiv 1 and/or hiv 2 by either techniques. 118 of the 297 sera from palermo were h ...19892674633
comparison of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and 2 proteases by hybrid gene construction and determine the cleavage specificity of the proteases of the type 1 and 2 human immunodeficiency viruses (hiv-1, hiv-2), we interchanged this domain of the polymerase (pol) genes and analyzed the maturation programs of the chimeric polyproteins in an escherichia coli expression system. in both cases, release of reverse transcriptase and integrase was observed, together with the respective 10-kda protease form resulting from autocatalysis, although the maturation proceeded less efficiently compa ...19892670928
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