
PMID(sorted descending)
occurrence of megasphaera elsdenii in faecal samples of young pigs.important numbers of megasphaera elsdenii, known as a normal inhabitant of the rumen of cattle and sheep were recently cultured from intestinal contents of man and pigs. studying the occurrence of this organism in faecal contents of pigs, we paid attention to the use of a strict anaerobic isolating and counting technique. it was demonstrated that megasphaera elsdenii is a strict anaerobic organism. exposure to air during 15 minutes caused an important decrease of the colony count. comparison of ...19751098324
anaerobic infections of the female genital tract: prospects and perspectives. 19751094357
puerperal endometritis: a prospective microbiologic study.this study was undertaken to determine the flora in the endometrial cavity of two groups of puerperal patients: 47 afebrile control subjects and 27 with endometritis. a transcervical culturing technique designed to avoid cervical contamination and to preserve aerobes, anaerobes, and mycoplasma was employed, and bacterial colony counts were reported semiquantitatively. no difference was found in the flora of these two groups. furthermore, the most common pathogenic organisms (in decreasing order ...19751090177
bacteriological findings in sinusitis (1963-1975).two different studies were performed in order to determine the role of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in sinusitis. aerobes: a retrospective study of 331 cases of all types of sinusitis (from 1963 till 1975) showed an increasing occurrence of haemophilus influenzae during the last three years. only in the acute sinusitis is streptococcus pneumoniae more frequently found than haemophilus influenzae, which exhibits the highest occurrence in chronic and undeterminable cases. we found cultures with ...19761070150
the predominant cultivable organisms in juvenile periodontitis.quantitative and qualitative examinations of the predominant cultivable microflora of the advanced tissue destruction (pocket) associated with juvenile periodontitis and of control pockets without loss of attachment were carried out by using anaerobic tube culture technique. the microflora from the control sites consisted primarily of streptococci, gram-negative rods, and gram-positive rods. in contrast, the test pockets had a relatively stable and characteristic microflora, dominated by various ...19761061986
antibiotic treatment of oral anaerobic infections. 19751056466
long-chain fatty acids of peptococci and peptostreptococci.the long-chain fatty acids extracted from the whole cells of 12 clinically significant species of peptococci and peptostreptococci were characterized by gas-liquid chromatography. the resulting methylated fatty acid profiles (and some unidentified compounds) of 82 strains allowed the 12 species to be separated into four groups. fifteen strains of peptostreptococcus anaerobius were placed in group i because they had a unique, prominent compound that occurred in the area where a c8 to c10 fatty ac ...19761002830
[empyema caused by anaerobic flora: clinical and microbiological study of 4 cases]. 1976996980
deconjugation of bile acids by human intestinal bacteria.the purpose of this report is to present the deconjugation of bile acids by numbers of strains of bacteria in the small intestine and feces. the small intestinal juice was aseptically aspirated by a double lumen tube with a rubber cover on the tip devised by us ("fukushima type 1"). bile acids were analyzed with thin layer chromatography. the results: 1) among aerobic bacteria, species of which all of the strains split conjugated bile acids was enterococcus, and most of the strains split were st ...1976992250
4-alkyldihydroflavin: coenzyme synthesis and modification of flavodoxin.a stable (i.e. non-oxidisable), reduced flavocoenzyme, 4a-(n-propyl)-4a,5-dihydro-riboflavin 5'-monophosphate, has been synthesized. the method of choice was selective photo-allylation in position 4a. stabilization of this substituent was achieved by hydrogenation after n(5) protection, while hydrogenation of the unprotected compound would have led to removal of the allyl substituent. the mode of this substituent mobility has been checked with deuterated photosubstrate. upon hydrogenation, the a ...1976991861
[brain abscess secondary to pulmonary arteriovenous malformation, case report (author's transl)].a case of brain abscess in the right parietal lobe secondary to pulmonary arteriovenous malformation of the right lung is presented. a 27-year-old man was admitted for headache and left homonymous hemianopsia. cag, vag and brain scan detected brain abscess of the right parietal lobe which was successfully removed surgically. he had been noted to have generalized cyanosis and club finger which corresponded to polycytemia and hypercapnia on examination. subsequently pulmonary arteriovenous malform ...1976988496
kinetics and catalytic properties of coenzyme a transferase from peptostreptococcus elsdenii.coenzyme a (coa) transferase from peptostreptococcus elsdenii was purified to homogeneity, and some of its physical and catalytic properties were determined. the native enzyme has a molecular weight of 181,000 and is composed of two alpha subunits (molecular weight, 65,000) and one beta subunit (molecular weight 50,000). heat treatment of the crude cell extract to 58 degrees c causes proteolysis of the native enzyme and yields a catalytically active enzyme with an approximate molecular weight of ...1976977540
anaerobic infections in hospital practice.the role of anaerobes in the pathogenesis of infections was investigated. anaerobes were isolated from 0,25% of blood cultures and from 15,8% of other specimens tested; in 15,1% of cases where anaerobes were isolated, no aerobes were found. the strains most commonly encountered were bacteroides fragilis, b. melaninogenicus, peptostreptococcus anaerobius and clostridium perfringens. sensitivity tests in vitro showed all organisms to be sensitive to clindamycin, metronidazole and chloramphenicol, ...1976973160
pulmonary botryomycoma.a patient with a mobile mass of anaerobic organisms in the pulmonary parenchyma is presented. radiographically it resembled a fungous ball. this observed botryomycoma may be part of the spectrum of aspiration pneumonia.1976954467
in vitro susceptibilities of anaerobic bacteria to josamycin.a total of 132 strains of anaerobic bacteria were tested for susceptibility to josamycin, using a broth dilution technique. all strains of peptococcus species, peptostreptococcus species, and bacteroides fragilis were inhibited by 2 mug or less per ml. seventy percent of these susceptible strains were also killed by 2 mug or less of josamycin per ml. however, 2 of 12 clostridium species and 6 of 10 fusobacterium species had minimum inhibitory concentrations of 32 mug or more per ml.1976949184
anaerobic bacteria from the large intestine of mice.anaerobic bacteria from the colon of laboratory mice were enumerated and isolated using strict anaerobic techniques. direct microscopic counts revealed 4.4 x 10(10) organisms in each gram (wet weight) of colon contents. actual cultural counts averaged 3.2 x 10(10) organisms, which was 73% of the direct microscopic count. the tentatively identified genera were bacteroides, eubacterium, fusobacterium, lactobacillus, peptostreptococcus, and propionibacterium. strains of fusobacterium, lactobacillus ...1976938042
human fecal flora: variation in bacterial composition within individuals and a possible effect of emotional are presented on the distribution of 101 bacterial species and subspecies among 1,442 isolates from 25 fecal specimens from three men on: (i) their normal diet and normal living conditions, (ii) normal living conditions but eating the controlled metabolic diet designed for use in the skylab simulation and missions, and (iii) the skylab diet in simulated skylab (isolation) conditions. these bacteria represent the most numerous kinds in the fecal flora. analyses of the kinds of bacteria from ...1976938032
susceptibilities of bacteria against chemotherapeutics under different conditions. 1977926525
swine dysentery: inoculation of gnotobiotic pigs with treponema hyodysenteriae and vibrio coli and a peptostreptococcus.pure cultures of treponema hyodysenteriae given orally to conventional pigs resulted in the development of swine dysentery, whereas identical cultures given to gnotobiotic pigs did not produce the disease. oral inoculation of gnotobiotic pigs with vibrio coli and/or a peptostreptococcus in addition to t. hyodysenteriae did not result in dysentery. neutralization of gastric secretions with nahco3 immediately prior to inoculation with t. hyodysenteriae increased the period during which treponemes ...1977907906
bactericidal effect of anaerobic broth exposed to atmospheric oxygen tested on peptostreptococcus anaerobius.peptostreptococcus anaerobius strain vpi 4330-1 was used as the test organism in an evaluation of the bactericidal effect of anaerobic broth exposed to air. the test organism, grown under anaerobic conditions in trypticase soy broth, was diluted in buffered salt solution, and about 2 x 10(4) cells were suspended in 10 ml of an aerated broth. ninety percent of the cells were killed within 15 min in actinomyces broth and within 50 min in trypticase soy broth. all cells survived for 2 h in fluid th ...1977893657
novobiocin and the differentiation of peptococci and peptostreptococci.paper discs containing 5 microng of novobiocin were used as a presumptive test to differentiate peptococci and peptostreptococci. zone diameters were measured and minimum inhibitory concentrations (mic) of the antibiotic for each group were performed to ascertain the activity of the antibiotic against these genera. all strains of peptococci showed no zone of inhibition in the disc test together with an mic of 25 microng/ml or greater. all strains of peptostreptococci showed zones of inhibition o ...1977886014
cellular fatty acids of peptococcus variabilis and peptostreptococcus anaerobius.cellular fatty acids of peptococcus variables and peptostreptococcus anaerobius were identified by gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and associated analytical techniques. iso- and anteiso-branched-chain acids were major components in both species.1977886004
urease assay and urease-producing species of anaerobes in the bovine rumen and human feces.a growth medium and test were developed for rapid detection of urease in fermentative anaerobic bacteria. using nonselective rumen fluid roll-tube agar medium and the new test, it was confirmed that peptostreptococcus productus is often the most numerous urease-forming species in human feces. also, some fecal strains of ruminococcus albus, clostridium innocuum, and clostridium beijerinckii produced urease. single strains of fusobacterium prausnitzii, coprococcus catus, and streptococcus mitis th ...1977879770
endocarditis treated with clindamycin: relapse and liver dysfunction.clindamycin was used to treat six patients with endocarditis because of allergy to penicillin in five, and an unfavorable clinical response to methicillin in one. only one patient had an uneventful cure with clindamycin. two had hepatotoxicity which resolved rapidly after clindamycin was stopped. two patients, one of whom had an aortic prosthesis, had completed four to six weeks of clindamycin therapy when clinical relapse occurred and blood cultures were again positive for a clindamycin-sensiti ...1977877644
hepatic necrobacillosis. report of a case resembling metastatic tumor.a 47-year-old man had multiple pyogenic liver abscesses from which the anaerobic bacteria fusobacterium nucleatum and peptostreptococcus were isolated. the clinical course, diagnostic evaluation, and appearance of the lesions at surgery suggested metastatic tumor. histologically, the lesions consisted of necrotic liver tissue surrounded by zones of acute and chronic inflammation and fibrous connective tissue closely resembling the lesions of hepatic necrobacillosis attributable to f necrophorum. ...1977869652
phylogenetic studies of two rubredoxins from sulfate reducing bacteria.the sequences of two rubredoxins isolated from the sulfate reducing bacteria: desulfovibrio vulgaris and desulfovibrio gigas have been elucidated. they have similar sequences but many more differences occur than would be expected from two bacteria of the same genus. of the 52 sites, only 37 are occupied by identical residues. the primary structures are compared with those of the anaerobic bacteria rubredoxins of clostridium pasteurianum, micrococcus aerogenes, pseudomonas oleovorans and peptostr ...1977864718
anaerobic bacteria in otitis media.anaerobic bacteria, peptostrepotococcus intermedius and propionibacterium acnes, were found in mixed culture specimens from four to ten tested cases of chronic secretory otitis media. these anaerobic bacteria were in a mixed infection flora with aerobic bacteria most often staphylococcus epidermidis and cornybacterium sp. which do not fit any established species. the findings of anaerobic bacteria in otitis media is consistent with the sporadic report of the involvement of anaerobic bacteria in ...1977848830
[susceptibility to thiamphenicol and chloramphenicol of anaerobic bacteria (author's transl)].the in vitro susceptibility to thiamphenicol and chloramphenicol of 272 anaerobes, most of which were recent clinical isolated, was determined by broth dilution tests, with chloramphenicol, 133 anaerobic gram-negative non-sporing rods (48 bacteroides fragilis, 13 b. thetaiotaomicron, 14 b. oralis, 16 sphaerophorus varius etc.) had mic values of 0.03 through 16 microng/ml. very similar results (mic, 0.06-16 microng/ml) were obtained with thiamphenicol. in concentrations of 4 microng/ml or less ch ...1977848218
[clinical experience with parenteral clindamycin (author's transl)]. 1977839646
antimicrobial effect of amniotic fluid against anaerobic bacteria.amniotic fluid samples were obtained at term and tested for their antimicrobial effect on anaerobes, peptostreptococcus (ps.) anaerobius, peptococcus (pc.) prevotii, bacteroides (b.) fragilis, and b. coagulans with facultative escherichia (e.) coli serving as control. amniotic fluid had only temporary bacteriostatic effect on pc. prevotii and b. fragilis for 8 to 16 hours. this effect lasted for only 8 hours on ps. anaerobius. on the contrary, the bacteriostatic effect of amniotic fluid was well ...1977835621
numbers and types of anaerobic bacteria isolated from clinical specimens since 1960.between 1960 and 1974, 826 specimens, excluding stool, urine, sputum, and blood, yielded 689 (83%) positive cultures, of which 403 (58.5%) contained anaerobic bacteria. this represents 48.8% of the total specimens cultured. isolates from 153 specimens obtained and stocked from 1965 to 1974 were reidentified by current criteria. gram-negative bacilli, primarily bacteroides, were the most frequently isolated anaerobes, being found in 70% of 153 anaerobe-positive specimens and accounting for 42% of ...1977833266
aanerobic isolates in hemovac lines.seventeen of 68 patients (25 percent) who required the use of hemovac drainage system after major head and neck procedures had positive anaerobic islates. co-isolation of aerobic (94 percent) and other anaerobic (29 percent) microorganisms are common. there was an increased rate of psoitive anaerobic islates with procedures requiring exposure of mucosa. radiotherapy, except in doses greater than 6,800 rads, did not affect the culture rate. eight of 17 patients (47 percent) with positive anaerobi ...1977831050
bacterial arthritis in the adult.a brief review of bacterial arthritis as seen at the mayo clinic in the years 1958 through 1973 has been presented with a selected literature review. once considered a disease of children and adolescents, this disease now is seen more often in adults, especially in those who are elderly, are chronically ill, or are receiving medications that lower the host resistance in invading bacteria. the diagnosis must be made early, with rapid isolation and identification of the organism. proper antibacter ...1975809738
the bacteriology of acute pelvic inflammatory disease.the bacteriology of acute pelvic inflammatory disease (pid) was studied in 20 patients by simultaneous cul-de-sac, cervical, and blood cultures with aerobic and fastidious anaerobic techniques. cul-de-sac cultures were positive in 18 of 20 patients, while all 8 normal control subjects yielded negative results (p less than 0.0005, chi-square analysis). anaerobic bacteria (predominatly peptococcus and peptostreptococcus) were present in 10 patients (59 per cent), and they were the exclusive isolat ...1975807109
prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility of organisms isolated from acute soft-tissue abscesses secondary to dental caries. 1975806046
polymicrobial etiology of acute pelvic inflammatory disease.we studied 204 women with acute pelvic inflammatory disease to delineate further the causes of that illness. gonococci were recovered from 91. gonococcal pili antibody rose or fell significantly in 12 of 18 patients with positive cultures and only two of 19 who had negative cultures and smears for neisseria gonorrhaoea(p smaller than 0.005). n. gonorrhoeae was found in peritoneal exudate from eight of 21 patients with, and none of 33 without, cervical gonococcal infection. among patients with se ...1975806017
a bacteriological study of the intestinal mucosa and luminal fluid of adults with acute diarrhoea.bacteriological studies of jejunal mucosal biopsy specimens and contents were performed on 22 hospitalized adult patients with acute diarrhoea and 24 control normal subjects. none of the washed homogenates of the mucosal specimens were sterile and only one fluid specimen obtained from a control subject was sterile. a definite enteric pathogen was found in only five of the 22 diarrhoea patients. there was no qualitative difference in the bacterial profile of the jejunal mucosa and contents of the ...1976779681
medium-dependent inhibition of peptostreptococcus anaerobius by sodium polyanetholsulfonate in blood culture media.of 13 species of anaerobic cocci, peptostreptococcus anaerobius was the only species tested that was sensitive to 0.1% sodium polyanetholsulfonate (sps). however, the sensitivity of p. anaerobius to sps varied according to the media in which the cultures were grown. in supplemented peptone (b-d) and brain heart infusion media, most strain of p. anaerobius were not inhibited by sps. gelatin and proteose peptone were the medium components which were protective. the minimal inhibitory concentration ...1976770497
reconstruction of superior vena cava-right atrial continuity and "anatomic" repair of transposition of great arteries with ventricular septal defect.a superior vena cava-to-right pulmonary artery anastomosis (glenn procedure), used to palliate certain types of cyanotic congenital heart defects, has usually been left intact at the time of definitive intracardiac repair. late failure of this shunt has prompted attempts to reestablish superior vena cava-to-right atrium and right ventricle-to-right pulmonary artery continuity. the present patient, a 10-year-old boy with transposition of the great arteries, ventricular septal defect, and mild pul ...1976768645
bacteriology of chronic otitis media.tympanocentesis was performed in 50 patients with chronic otitis media; pus was cultured aerobically and anaerobically. only aerobes were isolated from 21 patients (42%), three patients had only anaerobes (peptococcus sp), and 25 patients (50%) had both aerobes and anaerobes. only one specimen had no growth. there were 68 aerobic isolates. pseudomonas aeruginosa was recovered in 36 patients (72%); other aerobes commonly recovered included proteus sp and staphylococcus aureus. there were 48 anaer ...1979759663
bacteriology and therapy of lung abscess in children.the bacteriology and clinical findings of ten pediatric patients with lung abscess are presented. bacteriologic data were based on percutaneous transtracheal aspiration obtained before initiation of antimicrobial therapy. anaerobic bacteria were present in all ten patients; in nine they were mixed with aerobic bacteria. the most frequent isolates were peptostreptococcus (8), peptococcus (5), bacteroides melaninogenicus (6), and bacteroides fragilis (3). the aerobic isolates most frequently recov ...1979758385
ticarcillin disodium in anaerobic infections.twenty-five patients were treated with ticarcillin disodium, 18 of whom had anaerobic infections that included pleuropulmonary infections (seven), mandibular osteomyelitis (four), perirectal abscess (two), sepsis, primary site unknown (one), liver abscess (one), pelvic abscess (one), decubitus ulcer (one), and synergistic gangrene (one). seven had no anaerobic infections. three had anaerobic septicemia. culture results included anaerobes: peptococci (ten), peptostreptococci (ten), bacteroides fr ...1978718311
comparative susceptibilities of anaerobic bacteria to metronidazole, ornidazole, and sc-28538.the susceptibilities of 284 anaerobic bacteria, including 55 strains of the bacteroides fragilis group, were determined by an agar dilution technique to metronidazole and two newer nitroimidazoles, ornidazole and sc-28538. all three agents showed marked in vitro activity against virtually all anaerobic bacteria tested. at concentrations </=1 mug/ml, sc-28538 was significantly more active than either metronidazole or ornidazole. at concentrations of >1 mug/ml, the activities of all three agents w ...1978718156
recurrent acute suppurative thyroiditis.two patients had two recurrent episodes each of acute suppurative thyroiditis. circulating concentrations of plasma thyrotrophin, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine were within the range of normal. antibodies to thyroid microsome or thyroglobulin were not found. anaerobic bacteria such as bacteroides, peptostreptococcus, and peptococcus were identified as causative agents, indicating that anaerobic organisms may play an important role in the pathologic process. the present cases are the third and f ...1978717311
[anaerobiosis in purulent material]. 1978714804
peptostreptococcal endophthalmitis with a relapsing course.a posttraumatic exogenous endophthalmitis developed that was due to peptostreptococcus. this gram-positive anaerobe was isolated in pure culture from vitreous. the endophthalmitis showed a bacteriologic and clinical relapse despite conventional routes of antimicrobial treatment. a second clinical relapse occurred despite apparent vitreal sterilization with intravitreal antibiotics. the response to vitrectomy was impressive, and postoperatively the patient's visual acuity improved to 20/20.1978697615
factors related to the oxygen tolerance of anaerobic bacteria.the effect of atmospheric oxygen on the viability of 13 strains of anaerobic bacteria, two strains of facultative bacteria, and one aerobic organism was examined. there were great variations in oxygen tolerance among the bacteria. all facultative bacteria survived more than 72 h of exposure to atmospheric oxygen. the survival time for anaerobes ranged from less than 45 min for peptostreptococcus anaerobius to more than 72 h for two clostridium perfringens strains. an effort was made to relate th ...1978697363
[various antigenic components in peptococcus and peptostreptococcus strains]. 1978694106
nutritional characteristics of megasphaera elsdenii.megasphaera elsdenii b159 (formerly peptostreptococcus elsdenii; rogosa 1971) is able to grow in a chemically defined medium containing minerals, nh4+ as the sole nitrogen source, sulfate as the source of sulfur, acetate and glucose as the carbon and energy sources, and the vitamins biotin, pyridoxine, and calcium pantothenate. when lactate serves as the carbon source, with cysteine present as the reducing agent, acetate is not required. valine and threonine appeared to be required although dire ...1978688105
anaerobic microflora of the vagina in children.vaginal cultures from 25 healthy girls from two months to 15 years of age were examined for aerobic, facultatively anaerobic, and obligately anaerobic bacteria. an average of 8.7 species (3.7 aerobic and facultatively anaerobic species; 5.3 obligately anaerobic species) were isolated from these cultures. staphylococcus epidermidis (21), diphtheroids (20), bacteroides (19), peptococci (19), peptostreptococci (14), and bacteroides melaninogenicus (14) were most prevalent organisms.1978686083
anaerobic bacteremia as observed in a children's hospital. clinically this may signify true anaerobic ascertain the significance of anaerobic bacteremia in a children's hospital, the records of all patients whose blood cultures grew anaerobes during a 24-month period were reviewed. anaerobes were isolated from 144 out of 1,126 blood cultures yielding bacteria. anaerobic diphtheroid grew in 122 out of 143 anaerobic cultures, but only 4 out of 122 were isolated from patients with anaerobic sepsis. nine per cent of the total episodes of anaerobic bacteremia occurred in 13 children who met out cr ...1978679583
clindamycin-induced enterocolitis in hamsters.a lethal enterocolitis was induced in hamsters by oral or parenteral administration of clindamycin in amounts comparable to those used in treatment of humans. the intestinal lesions were characterized histologically as an acute inflammatory reaction with pseudomembrane formation and resembled the lesions seen in humans with antibiotic-induced colitis. results of quantitative stool cultures showed the numbers of peptostreptococcus and corynebacterium decreased in animals with colitis after challe ...1978649990
enhancement of experimental anaerobic infections by blood, hemoglobin, and hemostatic agents.certain foreign materials have been demonstrated to enhance the infectivity of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. whole blood and other protein compounds encountered in surgical settings or trauma were tested for their effect on infectivity of nonsporeforming anaerobic bacteria. infectious synergistic mixtures of bacteroides fragilis plus peptostreptococcus anaerobius and bacteroides melaninogenicus plus fusobacterium necrophorum were each diluted to a barely noninfectious or minimally infectious c ...1978631883
in vitro sensitivity of anaerobic bacteria to fosfomycin.the minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined in 98 strains of anaerobic bacteria that came from clinical samples against fosfomycin, penicillin, cephalothin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, clindamycin and lincomycin. the results obtained indicate that fosfomycin is usually inactive against bacteroides sp. and is active up to 32 mug/ml or less against 85% of peptococcus and 95% of peptostreptococcus, being consequently comparatively less active than the rest of the antibiotics that were ...1977583867
susceptibility to erythromycin of anaerobes of the genera bacteroides, fusobacterium, sphaerophorus, veillonella, clostridium, corynebacterium, peptococcus, peptostreptococcus.the minimal inhibitory concentrations (mic) of erythromycin were determined by broth dilution tests for 313 anaerobic strains, most of which were clinical isolates. all the gram-positive anaerobes tested (84 peptococcaceae, including 21 peptostreptococcus anaerobius and 15 peptococcus variabilis; 65 corynebacterium acnes and 29 clostridium strains, including 13 c. perfringens) were sensitive (mic values 0.012 through 3.12 microgram erythromycin/ml); so were 111 cultures of gram-negative anaerobe ...1977580038
bovine superoxide dismutase and copper ions potentiate the bactericidal effect of autoxidizing cysteine.when cysteine is oxidized by oxygen, hydrogen peroxide is formed, and hydrogen peroxide is very toxic to peptostreptococcus anaerobius vpi 4330-1. native and inactivated superoxide dismutase increased the rate of oxidation of cysteine and thereby potentiated the toxic effect of cysteine. a similar increase in the rate of oxidation of cysteine and in the toxicity of cysteine was obtained with cu2+.1979573589
fermentation of mucins and plant polysaccharides by anaerobic bacteria from the human colon.a total of 154 strains from 22 species of bifidobacterium, peptostreptococcus, lactobacillus, ruminococcus, coprococcus, eubacterium, and fusobacterium, which are present in high concentrations in the human colon, were surveyed for their ability to ferment 21 different complex carbohydrates. plant polysaccharides, including amylose, amylopectin, pectin, polygalacturonate, xylan, laminarin, guar gum, locust bean gum, gum ghatti, gum arabic, and gum tragacanth, were fermented by some strains from ...1977563214
neonatal scalp abscess and fetal monitoring: factors associated with infection.forty-two of 929 (4.5 per cent) newborn infants prospectively studied following continuous, direct fetal heart rate monitoring during labor developed a scalp abscess at the site of electrode application during the neonatal period. factors associated with infection with the use of a multivariate analysis were duration of monitoring (p less than 0.01) and high-risk indications for monitoring (p less than 0.01). of the 42 infected neonates, 33 had complete bacteriologic studies. microorganisms were ...1977561542
[infections by anaerobic sporeless bacteria]. 1979551585
comparison of three methods of susceptibility testing of bacteroidaceae, peptococcaceae and other anaerobes to doxycycline.the in vitro activity of doxycycline against 147 strains of gram-positive and gram-negative anaerobes was determined by broth dilution, agar dilution and agar diffusion tests. the strains were isolated from clinical specimens in 1977. saccharolytic bacteroides strains (39 b. fragilis, 6 b. thetaiotaomicron, 4 b. vulgatus) showed broth dilution mics of less than or equal to 0.0625-4.0 microgram/ml after 5 h incubation and mics of less than or equal to 16 microgram/ml after 15 h incubation at 37 d ...1979543353
subdural interhemispheric empyema in a 7-year-old boy.subdural interhemispheric empyema was diagnosed by angiography and computerized tomography (ct) in a 7-year-old boy suffering from acute left hemiparesis. after neurosurgical intervention his condition improved. peptostreptococcus intermedius was cultured from the empyema. one year after hospitalisation the boy is in good condition. the importance of the ct-scanning for diagnosis and management of brain abscess or empyema is stressed.1979541221
anaerobic isolates in chronic suppurative otitis media. 1979538681
differentiation of peptococcus and peptostreptococcus by gas-liquid chromatography of cellular fatty acids and metabolic products.gas-liquid chromatographic (glc) profiles of cellular fatty acids and metabolic products were useful in identifying strains of peptococcus saccharolyticus, peptococcus asaccharolyticus, peptostreptococcus anaerobius, peptostreptococcus micros, and streptococcus intermedius. the glc results supported the recent taxonomic decision to transfer aerotolerant peptostreptococcus species to the genus streptococcus. because inconsistencies in the results prevented our differentiating peptococcus prevotii ...1979528680
medium for selective isolation of fusobacterium nucleatum from human periodontal pockets.a selective medium, cve agar, was developed for the isolation of fusobacterium nucleatum from subgingival plaque of periodontally diseased patients. the medium contained 1.0% trypticase (bbl microbiology systems), 0.5% yeast extract, 0.5% nacl, 0.2% glucose, 0.02% l-tryptophan, 1.5% agar, and 5% defibrinated whole sheep blood. erythromycin and crystal violet were added as the selective inhibitory agents at concentrations of 4 and 5 micrograms/ml, respectively. the medium permitted almost total r ...1979521483
obligate anaerobes in clinical veterinary practice.clinical specimens obtained from domestic animals were examined to determine the relative prevalence of obligate anaerobic bacteria and the species represented. of 3,167 samples cultured anaerobically as well as aerobically, 2,234 were bacteriologically positive. of these positive samples, 583 (26%) contained species of obligate anaerobic bacteria in a total of 641 isolates. most positive samples contained anaerobes admixed with aerobic species, although 6% of such samples yielded pure cultures ...1979511987
osteomyelitis of the mandibular condyle secondary to dental extractions.although osteomyelitis of the mandibular condyle secondary to dental extraction is scarcely mentioned in the medical and dental literature, we have seen three cases within a two-year period. the first two patients were examined for an eroded condyle three months and 18 months following the extractions. the third patient, who was treated one month after extraction for acute osteomyelitis of the condyle, has done well. all three patients required operations and administration of long-term antibiot ...1979503487
recovery of anaerobic bacteria from pediatric patients. a one-year experience.during 1975, 115 speciments from the soft tissues, body fluids, and purulent sites in 105 pediatric ward and nursery patients were submitted to the clinical laboratory for anaerobic study, and 75% of the cultures were positive. in most instance specimens were collected in anaerobic transport tubes containing peptone yeast extract and glucose. in the laboratory, samples were processed by the anaerobic holding jar method. nineteen different anaerobic organisms were isolated; the average number of ...1979495592
anaerobic bacteria in late infections following orthopedic surgery.twelve patients with late anaerobic infection following hip or knee arthroplasty or tibia osteosynthesis are presented. peptococci (peptococcus asaccharolyticus, p. magnus, p. prevotii) and peptostreptococci (peptostreptococcus micros, p. anaerobius, p. parvulus) were present in nine of the cases. anaerobic gram-positive or -negative rods were found in three cases (propionibacterium acnes, actinomyces israelii, and bacteroides fragilis). antibodies against the isolated bacteria were detected in ...1979492071
capacity of anaerobic bacteria from necrotic dental pulps to induce purulent infections.combinations of bacteria isolated from the root canals of teeth with necrotic pulps and periapical bone destruction were tested for their capacity to induce abscess formation and transmissible infections when inoculated subcutaneously into guinea pigs. transmissible infections could be induced with combinations obtained from teeth with purulent apical inflammation, but not with combinations from symptomless teeth with chronic apical inflammation. all combinations which gave transmissible infecti ...1979489126
aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora in semen from fertile and infertile groups of men.semen samples were collected by masturbation under asceptic conditions from men who had sired children within the past 6 mo (group a) and asymptomatic men attending an infertility clinic who had not sired children and whose wives were asymptomatic for infertility (group b). these 109 semen samples were analyzed and cultured for isolation of aerobic and anerobic organisms. overall, 68% of the specimens had positive bacterial cultures: 54% of the samples from group a were positive and 73% from gro ...1979485650
[bacteriological diagnosis of anaerobic infections (author's transl)].a review on anaerobic bacteria with special reference to their role in human disease and an outline for clinical laboratory practice (collection of the specimens, culture media, isolation, identification, antibiotic sensitivity tests) is presented.1979485599
description of strains of peptostreptococcus anaerobius isolated from subcutaneous abscesses in cats.strains of peptostreptococcus, streptococcus and of a gram-positive coccus, which was initially isolated as an anaerobe but grew subsequently as a facultative organism, were isolated from subcutaneous abscesses in cats. the cat strains of peptostreptococcus gave metabolic fermentation products in combinations described for p. anaerobius. the streptococcus strains conformed to the group s. intermedius. the facultative organism described had the metabolic products of p. anaerobius but the distinct ...1979479840
[first steps in the bacterial colonization of the digestive tract of neonates (author's transl)].meconium samples obtained from 14 children aged 18 to 51 h were subjected to a quantitative differential analysis. the meconium of one of the children (47 h old) was sterile; in those of the 11 infants aged less than 47 h the dominant flora was composed of either enterobacteria, mainly escherichia coli sensitive to usual antibiotics, or of streptococci. the genus acinetobacter constituted the dominant flora in one case only. staphylococcus, corynebacterium, clostridium (c. perfringens), bacteroi ...1979475219
isolation and characterisation of bacteria from abscesses in the subcutis of cats.thirty-six closed abcesses in the subcutis of cats were examined. of 168 bacterial strains isolated, 121(72%) were anaerobes and 47 (28%) were facultative anaerobes. twenty-six abscesses contained mixtures of facultative anaerobes and anaerobes, six contained anaerobes only and four contained facultative anaerobes only. bacteriodes was the genus most commonly isolated (28.6% of all isolates) followed by fusobacterium (19.0%) and pasteurella (multocida) (13.1%). peptostreptococcus anaerobius was ...1979458840
bactericidal effect of cysteine exposed to atmospheric oxygen.peptostreptococcus anaerobius vpi 4330-1 was exposed to atmospheric oxygen in a dilution bland (0.2% gelatin, salts, resazurin) solution. the organisms were rapidly killed when the solution contained cysteine. the organisms were effectively protected by catalase and horseradish peroxidase as well as by the metal ion-chelating agents 8-hydroxyquinoline and 2,2'-bipyridine. superoxide dismutase increased the rate of killing of the organisms, whereas singlet oxygen quenchers and scavengers of hydro ...1979453819
[short-term oral chemoprophylaxis before intestine surgery. quantitative determination of bacteria and fungi in stool specimens (author's transl)].the methods of quantitative analysis of aerobe and anaerobe microbes and fungi stool specimens are described. the results of the studies in health people are compared to the results in patients undergoing surgical treatment of intestinal tract. a group of these patients received neomycin and bacitracin orally as short-time chemoprophylaxis to diminish possible woundinfection and/or sepsis. after oral medication germs as bifidobacterium, bacteroides and clostridium (not cl. perfringens) are reduc ...1979452770
fecal bacteria in south african rural blacks and other population groups.quantitative studies were performed on fecal flora of three population groups consuming different diets. twenty rural black south africans and 22 japanese, representing groups at low risk for carcinoma of the colon, were compared with 41 north americans from a high-risk population. specimens taken immediately after defecation were mixed and processed under anaerobic conditions. after the initial incubation, roll tubes were shipped to the united states for final identification. bacterioides and b ...1979447500
aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora of the maternal cervix and newborn gastric fluid and conjunctiva: a prospective study.aerobic and anaerobic cultures were performed on cervical swabs from 35 mothers and their newborn infants' gastric aspirates and conjunctival sacs. four hundred seventy-nine isolates were obtained; 287 were aerobes and 192 were anaerobes. the cervical and gastric cultures overall yielded a similar flora, but this was not always the case when one compared mothers with their own newborn infants. the conjunctival cultures yielded about half of the number of bacteria per specimen that the gastric co ...1979440845
antimicrobial activity of antituberculosis agents against anaerobic bacteria.anaerobic infections may coexist with tuberculosis, and can be mistaken for one another. the effect of therapy with antituberculosis chemotherapeutic agents against anaerobic bacteria (with the exception of rifampin) is unknown. we therefore examined the in vitro efficacy of certain commonly used antituberculosis agents (rifampin, isoniazid, and ethambutol) against 370 strains of anaerobic bacteria, including 86 isolates of bacteroides fragilis. rifampin at a concentration of 2 microgram/ml inhi ...1979436485
metronidazole therapy of anaerobic bacteremia, meningitis, and brain abscess.four patients with bacteroides fragilis bacteremia, one patient with a brain abscess due to bacteroides species, fusobacterium naviforme, and peptostreptococcus species, and an infant with bacteroides species ventriculitis and meningitis were treated with metronidazole. in all cases the anaerobic pathogens were eradicated. five of the six patients recovered. one patient with leukemia in whom b fragilis bacteremia was eradicated by metronidazole treatment subsequently died of pseudomonas aerugino ...1979434970
treatment of obstetric and gynecologic infections with cefamandole.cefamandole nafate is a derivative of 7-aminocephalosporanic acid which has been shown to have good in vitro activity against aerobes traditionally susceptible to cephalosporins as well as many anaerobes, including b. fragilis. one hundred women with obstetric or gynecologic infections completed treatment with cefamandole: 53 had post-cesarean section infections: 24, acute pelvic inflammatory disease: 16, posthysterectomy cuff cellulitis/abscess; and seven, vulvar or abdominal wound abscess. alm ...1979426015
quantitative bacteriology of the vaginal flora in vaginitis.vaginal flora was studied quantitatively in 29 sexually active women, 16 to 33 years of age, to define the role of c. vaginale in vaginitis. seventeen were asymptomatic and 12 complained of symptoms of vaginitis. seven asymptomatic women had scant secretions: four of these seven had c. vaginale at log10 6 to 9 cfu per milliliter, none of whom had "clue" cells; none had trichomonas or candida; six had lactobacilli at log10 7 to 9.7 per milliliter; only one had bacteroidaceae at greater than log10 ...1979420269
amino acid sequence of desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin.the complete amino acid sequence for the 148-amino acid flavodoxin from desulfovibrio vulgaris was determined to be: h3n+-met-pro-lys-ala-leu-ile-val-tyr-gly-ser-thr-thr-gly-asn-thr-glu-tyr-thr-ala-glu-thr-ile-ala-arg-glu-leu-ala-asn-ala-gly-tyr-glu-val-asp-ser-arg-asp-ala-ala-ser-val-glu-ala-gly-gly-leu-phe-glu-gly-phe-asp-leu-val-leu-leu-gly-cys-ser-thr-trp-gly-asp-asp-ser-ile-glu-leu-gln-asp-asp-phe-ile-pro-leu-phe-asp-ser-leu-glu-glu-thr-gly-ala-gln-gly-arg-lys-val-ala-cys-phe-gly-cys-gly-as ...1977402366
[technics for isolation, incubation and preliminary identification tests].in this report the aa. emphasize the fact that anaerobes are mostly isolated from mixed cultures in which several bacteria are present. therefore they suggest to grow all the bacteria under the best conditions and consequently to select the anaerobes from the aerobes. furthermore they describe the selecting techniques used at istituto superiore di sanità and clinica medica iii, to attain this aim and enumerate the best methods used for anaerobic incubation.1979399835
the prevalence of anaerobic bacteria in suprapubic bladder aspirates obtained from pregnant women.the incidence of asymptomatic bacteriuria due to aerobic, facultative anaerobic and strictly anaerobic bacteria during pregnancy was determined in 185 patients admitted for complications of pregnancy, using suprapubic bladder aspiration. anaerobic bacterial counts of 103 per ml urine or higher were detected in 6.4 per cent of the specimens. the incidence of anaerobic bacteriuria seems comparable to that of bacteriuria due to aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro organisms. in our group of pati ...1979388942
[bacteriological aspects of trichomonal vaginitis (author's transl)].an analysis was made of the vaginal flora of 25 gynaecological patients with acute trichomomal vaginitis, with the view to elucidating the bacteriological situation. eighty-four isolates, an average of 3.4 per patient, were taken and included a wide range of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. - obligate anaerobic species, such as bacteriodes and peptostreptococci, with susceptibility to metronidazole were among the predominant pathogens. - the differentiated susceptibility of the most common bacter ...1979386649
bacterial isolates in cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. 1979386479
practical technique for quantitating anaerobic bacteria in tissue specimens.quantitative bacteriology has considerable influence on the care and management of surgical wounds. heretofore, these techniques have been limited to measurements of aerobic bacteria. a technique is reported herein which permits quantitation of obligately anaerobic bacteria in tissue specimens. this technique is easily reproduced in any clinical laboratory and eliminates the need for expensive anaerobic chambers.1979385618
tyrosine degradation in presumptive identification of peptostreptococcus anaerobius.a new tyrosine medium was developed and evaluated for the differentiation of peptostreptococcus anaerobius from other anaerobic, gram-positive cocci. the strains included 159 originating from clinical specimens and 13 reference strains received from other workers in the field. only one strain of each species was included in the study from multiple cultures from the same patient. this medium is simple to prepare and can be used in a small clinical laboratory. one hundred seventy-two strains of an ...1979379031
perirectal abscess in childhood. a review of 29 cases.a total of 29 cases of perirectal abscess at milwaukee children's hospital between 1965 and 1975 were retrospectively reviewed. one fourth of these children had a serious underlying chronic disease. staphylococcus aureaus was the organism that grew most frequently from pus obtained from the abscesses, accounting for 52% of the isolates. therapy included incision and drainage alone and incision and drainage plus parenteral and/or oral antibiotic treatment. one patient, a child with leukemia, died ...1979373420
effects of storage in an anaerobic transport system on bacteria in known polymicrobial mixtures and in clinical anaerobic transport system (ats) which provides for catalytic removal of oxygen was evaluated by using in vitro-prepared polymicrobial mixtures of logphase bacteria and clinical specimens. inoculated swabs were stored at room temperature in (i) aerobic, (ii) anaerobic glove box, and (iii) ats environments, and bacteria were quantitated after 2, 24, 48, and 72 h. bacteria in a three-part mixture of bacteroides fragilis, peptostreptococcus anaerobius, and escherichia coli and in a five-part mix ...1978370142
serological reactions of the genus peptostreptococcus.white male new zealand rabbits were immunized with soluble antigen preparations (sp) of the following gram-positive anaerobic cocci: peptostreptococcus anaerobius atcc 27337 and vpi 5737; p. micros vpi 2618; streptococcus morbillorum atcc 27527; p. parvulus vpi 5229; and p. productus atcc 27340. sp were reacted with homologous and heterologous rabbit antisera in immunodiffusion, immunoelectrophoresis, indirect fluorescent-antibody, and tanned-cell passive hemagglutination tests. even though each ...1978357444
antimicrobial effect of amniotic fluid.the antimicrobial effect of amniotic fluid (af) obtained during the first (af1) and second (af2) trimesters was compared with the third (af3) against anaerobic bacteria, such as bacteroides fragilis ss. fragilis (6 strains), eubacterium lentum (3 strains), and peptostreptococcus anaerobius (4 strains). escherichia coli (5 strains) served as a positive control. af1 supported the growth of all 4 anaerobes (except b fragilis for 4 hours) for the entire 24-hour period tested. af2 supported the growt ...1978355963
the bacteriology of cavitating pulmonary infections and empysema. studies of transtracheal aspirates and pleural fluid.a prospective study of bacteriology in 14 cases of cavitating pulmonary infections and empyema is reported. bacteriologic results were based on transtracheal aspirates or pleural fluid. appropriate anaerobic bacteriologic methods were employed. anaerobic bacteria were recovered in 11 patients (79%); they were the only pathogens isolated in 6 patients. the predominant species were fusobacterium nucleatum, bacteroides melaninogenicus, bacteroides fragilis and peptostreptococcus. aerobic bacteria w ...1978352421
erythromycin and anaerobes: in vitro aspects.anaerobic organisms are being increasingly recognised as important causes of serious infection in man. sampling procedures, transport of specimens and laboratory techniques need to be constantly monitored and improved if the causative organisms are to be consistently recovered from clinical specimens. once the organisms have been isolated, their susceptibility to antibiotics should be determined so that the clinician can base his antibiotic therapy on reliable laboratory results. there are many ...1977341310
eikenella corrodens subacute bacterial endocarditis: mixed infection in amphetamine user. 1977340988
bacteriological findings in cultures of clinical material from bartholin's abscess.purulent exudate from 28 cases of bartholin's abscess were examined for aerobic, anaerobic, and microaerophilic bacteria. three cases gave no bacterial growth, five cases grew facultative bacteria only, and a further three grew a mixture of facultative and anaerobic bacteria. one case gave a pure growth of a microaerophilic streptococcus. anaerobic bacteria were the only isolates in 16 cases and bacteroides species were the most common organisms isolated; they were present as 62.5% of the total ...1977338640
necrotizing fasciitis in postpartum patients. a report of four cases.necrotizing fascitis is a rare but rapidly progressive soft tissue infection not previously reported in an obstetric patient. since cure is dependent on rapid recognition and early surgical intervention, 4 cases are reported herein, the bacteriology discussed, and the literature reviewed.1977337196
bacteriology of necrotizing fasciitis.sixteen patients with necrotizing fasciitis were observed under clinical and laboratory conditions for collection, preservation, and culture that permitted optimal retrieval of anaerobes. the clinical observations of necrosis of fascia, subcutaneous fat and skin with thrombosis of the microvasculature, and absence of myonecrosis were clearly apparent in these patients. two clear-cut groups of culture and gram stain results were found, suggesting that the clinical entity of necrotizing fasciitis ...1977327844
[growth of non-sporing anaerobes in an oxygen-free blood culture system (author's transl)].the efficacy of the commercially available vacutainer blood culture system to support the growth of non-sporing anaerobes was compared with two laboratory-prepared blood culture media (supplemented thioglycollate medium and brain heart infusion). the media were inoculated with 10, 100 and 1000 organisms of the species tested, and the number of colony-forming units was determined at intervals of 8-10 hrs. analogous experiments were performed with batches of the media to which 10% vol/vol of human ...1977325956
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