
PMID(sorted descending)
effect of ciprofloxacin on intracellular organisms: in-vitro and in-vivo studies.ciprofloxacin is taken up rapidly by both human neutrophils and mouse peritoneal macrophages. it does not appear to be bound firmly within the cell and can be eluted readily if the extracellular concentration is lowered. uptake does not depend on an active transport mechanism. intracellular ciprofloxacin is biologically active reducing the survival of intracellular staphylococcus aureus and mycobacterium fortuitum, in vitro. in vivo, ciprofloxacin was effective in treating a murine systemic infe ...19863542948
rapid method for the detection of group b streptococci from human sources.a modification of the classical camp test has been devised for the rapid detection of streptococci of serological group b from human sources. the method was compared with detection based on the development of orange pigmented colonies on a starch-based medium and with detection by conventional methods. in a survey of vaginal carriage of group b streptococci in parturient women, the modified camp test detected a carriage rate of 13.09%, the starch-based, pigment enhancing medium, 5.76% and the co ...19863536831
microbial filtrates activate granulocytes without complement or prostaglandins.cardiorespiratory dysfunction in sepsis may be mediated by circulating complement, activated leukocytes, prostaglandins, or by a direct effect of endotoxin. the purposes of this study were to determine if pathogenic microbes produce these substances and to evaluate the direct effects of substances released by micro-organisms on granulocyte aggregation (ga). escherichia coli, (e. coli), aeromonas hydrophila (aeromonas h.), staphylococcus aureus (s. aureus), and candida albicans, (candida a.) were ...19863524892
bactericidal action of eosinophils from normal human blood.the ability of normal human eosinophils to ingest and kill staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli was investigated and compared with the reactions shown by neutrophils from the same donors. the rate of phagocytosis of s. aureus by eosinophils was 50% of that shown by neutrophils. unlike neutrophils, eosinophils were not able to kill ingested s. aureus at low bacterium/phagocyte ratios. the degree of s. aureus killing increased with increasing ratios, being equal to that of neutrophils when b ...19863522428
the effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 on in vitro immunoglobulin production in human b cells.1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 (1,25(oh)2d3) dose-dependently suppressed immunoglobulin (ig) production of human b cells, as evaluated by igg-plaque-forming cells (igg-pfc) in the culture of pokeweed mitogen (pwm)-activated b cells. similar suppressive effect of 1,25(oh)2d3 on ig production of b cells was observed in the staphylococcus aureus cowan i(sac)-induced ig-producing system. the mean percentage of inhibitions at a concentration of 10(-9) m were 60.0 +/- 8.2% (mean +/- se, n = 6) and 65.1 +/- ...19863519769
[microbiologic findings in nephrology].infections of the urinary tract belong to the most frequently encountered bacterial diseases of man. up to 20% of urinary tract infections take a chronic course and thus give rise for complications. culture and identification of microorganisms as well as susceptibility testing are an essential part of the diagnostic procedures and give a basis for specific treatment. bacteriological reports have an increasing importance also for the physician in private practice, since therapy failures and compl ...19863515774
induction of c-myc expression in human b lymphocytes by b-cell growth factor and anti-immunoglobulin.purified human b lymphocytes were examined for transcriptional expression of c-myc in response to mitogenic stimulation by the method of in situ hybridization using 35s-labeled dna probes. the level of c-myc expression increased 10- to 20-fold within 2 hr after the addition of anti-mu, formalinized staphylococcus aureus cowan strain i, or b-cell growth factor, as compared to resting b cells. after 72-96 hr of mitogenic stimulation, c-myc expression remained elevated 5-fold, but expression among ...19863513176
abilities of human oligodendroglial cells and mouse schwann cells to phagocytose mycobacterium leprae and other mycobacteria.human oligodendroglial kg-1-c cells derived from human cerebral mixed glioma and mouse schwann cells derived from dorsal root ganglion were studied with respect to their abilities to phagocytose various mycobacteria, especially mycobacterium leprae, and other microorganisms. kg-1-c cells phagocytosed m. leprae at a markedly higher rate than balb/3t3, bhk 21, hela s3, mks-a tu-7, xc, tsv-5, n-18, and schwann cells but at a lower rate than peritoneal macrophages. schwann cells also exhibited subst ...19863510165
1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 inhibits proliferative response of t- and b-lymphocytes in a serum-free culture.the contribution of 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 to the proliferative response of human b- and t-lymphocytes was examined in a serum-free culture, in which b-cells were stimulated with staphylococcus aureus cowan i, and t-cells with phytohemagglutinin, respectively. 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 inhibited mitogen-induced b-cell proliferation at a dose of 10(-7) m (p less than 0.01). t-cell proliferation was inhibited at the lower dose range between 10(-9) m and 10(-7) m. thus, although 1 alp ...19873500924
amino acid sequence of the von willebrand factor-binding domain of platelet membrane glycoprotein ib.we report the amino acid sequence of a 299-residue segment from the alpha chain of the human platelet membrane glycoprotein ib. this includes the complete sequence of the amino-terminal tryptic fragment of 290 residues comprising the von willebrand factor-binding domain. two primary sets of overlapping fragments were obtained by cleavage of the s-carboxymethylated protein at methionyl and lysyl bonds following treatment with cyanogen bromide and achromobacter protease i, respectively. additional ...19873497398
staphylococcus aureus cowan i. potent stimulus of immunoglobulin m rheumatoid factor production.these studies demonstrate that staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac), a protein a-positive staphylococcal strain, is a potent and consistent inducer of igm rheumatoid factor production by normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. the frequency and magnitude of this response greatly exceeded that of parallel cultures stimulated with pokeweed mitogen or the protein a-negative s. aureus wood strain, although all three agents induced a similar amount of total igm. cell fractionation studies ind ...19863489006
activation of human b cells: involvement of surface immunoglobulin as evidenced by two biochemically distinct types of response to staphylococcus aureus.if activation of human b cells by staphylococcus aureus proceeds through interaction of surface immunoglobulin with staphylococcal protein a, then immunoglobulins should be produced that are capable of binding to protein a as a consequence of such stimulation. in the present report it is shown that two biochemically distinct types of response to s. aureus are demonstrable in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. two types of igm are produced: igm capable of binding to protein a, and igm that does ...19863486859
morphological studies on plasma cell differentiation induced by staphylococcus aureus cowan i strain in human peripheral blood b-lymphocytes. 19863486541
implications for the role of cognate interactions in in vitro human b cell activation by staphylococcus aureus cowan i and pokeweed mitogen.human b cell-triggering mechanisms were investigated using the polyclonal activators staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac) and pokeweed mitogen (pwm). when the cultures of b cells, t cells, and monocytes were stimulated for 5 d by sac or pwm, b cells could be activated by both mitogens to proliferate and secrete ig. even when t cells were substituted by t cell-derived soluble factors, sac-stimulated b cells could differentiate into ig-secreting cells. in contrast, interactions of b and t cells for ...19863484752
sequential chromosome abnormalities in b cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a study of 13 cases.the chromosomal constitution of stimulated lymphocytes in 13 patients with b cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (b-cll) were sequentially examined using polyclonal b cell activators (pba), i.e., epstein-barr virus (ebv), lipopolysaccharide w from e. coli (lps), pokeweed mitogen (pwm), and protein a from staphylococcus aureus (pa). of the 11 patients (44 samplings) with abnormal clones, 2 patients had only trisomy 12, 6 patients had trisomy 12 plus other clonal abnormalities, such as +8, +9, +16, ...19863484671
human peripheral blood b lymphocyte subpopulations: functional and phenotypic analysis of surface igd positive and negative subsets.highly purified human peripheral blood b cells stimulated with cowan i staphylococcus aureus (sa) and mitogen-activated t cell supernatants (t supt) generated large numbers of immunoglobulin (ig)-secreting cells (isc), whereas fewer isc developed in cultures containing t supt in the absence of sa. to determine whether surface ig isotype expression defined responsive b cell subsets, igd+ and igd- b cells were prepared with the fluorescence-activated cell sorter. whereas both the igd+ and igd- b c ...19863484392
autophosphorylation of the protein kinase dependent on double-stranded rna.the double-stranded rna (dsrna)-dependent protein kinase (p68 kinase) from interferon-treated human cell is a mr 68,000 protein induced by interferon. by the use of a specific monoclonal antibody, we have been able to study the two distinct protein kinase activities characteristic of purified p68 kinase. the first activity is functional for endogenous phosphorylation of the enzyme (p68 kinase), whereas the second one is responsible for the phosphorylation of exogenous substrates such as eukaryot ...19873479429
[animal experiment studies on the modification of the immune system by ofloxacin].ofloxacin, one of the new group of quinolone antibiotics, was investigated with respect to its possible interactions with different parameters of the immune system. the study was performed in vivo on balb/c-mice treated for seven days with different doses of the antibiotic and in vitro on human phagocytes from peripheral blood. it was found that ofloxacin does not affect cellular or humoral immune responses in mice. moreover, human phagocytic cells exposed in vitro even to high concentrations of ...19863456983
protective activity of two human intravenous immunoglobulin preparations in experimental infection with an encapsulated staphylococcus aureus strain.the protective effect of two different human immunoglobulin preparations for intravenous use and one specific staphylococcal immunoglobulin for intramuscular application were compared in mice infected with the capsular staphylococcus aureus smith strain. immunovenin is produced by partial fragmentation of igg with plasmin; it contains about 60% intact igg and 40% fab and fc fragments. immunovenin-intact is produced by a polyethylene glycol (mol wt 6000) fractionation method followed by ion excha ...19873439436
in vitro and ex vivo influence of rifamycins on human phagocytes.we studied the effects of rifamycin sv, rifampicin and rifapentine on human phagocyte functions. rifamycins inhibited in vitro neutrophil chemotaxis in the range of their therapeutic levels, and they significantly affected the survival of a rifamycin-sensitive strain of staphylococcus aureus inside human monocytes. both effects were related to the intraphagocytic penetration of these antibiotics. for the ex vivo studies, 600 mg of rifampicin were orally administered to five subjects with defecti ...19873435923
the role of plasmids in opsonin-independent staphylococcus aureus-leukocyte interactions.the opsonin-independent phagocytic and bactericidal activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes stimulated by two staphylococcus aureus strains and their variants with differing plasmid patterns was investigated. interactions between staphylococci and phagocytes were evaluated by chemiluminescence and intracellular killing tests. the results obtained indicate that the presence or absence of certain plasmids can modify staphylococcal phagocytosis and their susceptibility to intracellular killi ...19873425035
degradation of elastin by a cysteine proteinase from staphylococcus aureus.staphylococcus aureus is known to produce three very active extracellular proteinases. one of these enzymes, a cysteine proteinase, after purification to homogeneity was found to degrade insoluble bovine lung elastin at a rate comparable to human neutrophil elastase. this enzyme had no detectable activity against a range of synthetic substrates normally utilized by elastase, chymotrypsin, or trypsin-like proteinases. however, it did hydrolyze the synthetic substrate carbobenzoxy-phenylalanyl-leu ...19883422637
characterization and amino acid sequence of a fatty acid-binding protein from human heart.the complete amino acid sequence of a fatty acid-binding protein from human heart was determined by automated edman degradation of cnbr, bnps-skatole [3'-bromo-3-methyl-2-(2-nitrobenzenesulphenyl)indolenine], hydroxylamine, staphylococcus aureus v8 proteinase, tryptic and chymotryptic peptides, and by digestion of the protein with carboxypeptidase a. the sequence of the blocked n-terminal tryptic peptide from citraconylated protein was determined by collisionally induced decomposition mass spect ...19883421901
management of cryptococcal meningitis in patients with aids.a case of cryptococcal meningitis in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) is described, as well as the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and therapeutic management of the disease. in july 1987 a 38-year-old white man was admitted to the hospital because of confusion, disorientation, and headache. his medical history was notable for a positive human immunodeficiency virus test. culture of the cerebrospinal fluid was positive for cryptococcus n ...19883416573
protein a vectorized toxins--ii. preparation and "in vitro" cytotoxic effect of protein a-ricin a chain conjugate on antibody coated human tumour cells.protein a of staphylococcus aureus was covalently bound to reduced ricin a chain toxin by n-succinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio)propionate. the conjugate consisting mainly of one molecule of protein a bound to two molecules of a chains (mr 107,000) was purified by tandem affinity chromatography on cona-sepharose 4b and igg-sepharose 4b. the purified protein a-a chain conjugate was able to bind and kill human lymphoma cells coated either with monoclonal mouse igg2a anti-kappa antibody or with polyclo ...19883412331
staphylococcal alpha toxin promotes blood coagulation via attack on human platelets.staphylococcus aureus plays a major role as a bacterial pathogen in human medicine, causing diseases that range from superficial skin and wound to systemic nosocomial infections . the majority of s. aureus strains produces a toxin, a proteinaceous exotoxin whose hemolytic, dermonecrotic, and lethal properties have long been known (1-6). the toxin is secreted as a single- chained, nonglycosylated polypeptide with a m(r) of 3.4 x 10(4) (7, 8). the protein spontaneously binds to lipid monolayers an ...19883411289
nonpurulent response to toxic shock syndrome toxin 1-producing staphylococcus aureus. relationship to toxin-stimulated production of tumor necrosis factor.infection of surgical wounds with toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tsst-1)-producing staphylococcus aureus does not usually elicit a purulent response from the host. because s. aureus is normally a pyogenic pathogen, this phenomenon suggests that strains of staphylococci that produce the exotoxin are able to inhibit the migration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (pmn) to sites of infection. we have considered that inhibition of leukocyte migration may be an effect of secreted tsst-1 and have studie ...19883339245
proteolysis and deglycosylation of human c1 inhibitor. effect on functional properties.the effects of proteolysis and deglycosylation on c1 inhibitor (c1inh) were tested with respect to both its ability to form complexes with c1s and its capacity to block c1 autoactivation. limited proteolysis of c1inh by staphylococcus aureus v8 proteinase, proline-specific endopeptidase or elastase generated a major high-mr (approximately 86,000) fragment. in contrast with the fragment produced by elastase, which was inactive, the fragments resulting from v8 proteinase and proline-specific endop ...19873311024
neutrophil activation after burn injury: contributions of the classic complement pathway and of endotoxin.we attempt to elucidate the mechanisms of neutrophil (pmn) activation after burn injury. we previously reported prolonged elevations of pmn cell surface complement (c) opsonin receptor levels after burn trauma with a corresponding period of depressed pmn chemotaxis to c5a, which suggests that the c product, c5a, was responsible for pmn activation. however, a lack of direct correlation of c activation with c receptor levels soon after injury raised the possibility of a second pmn-activating subst ...19873307005
human apolipoprotein b-100 heparin-binding distinct heparin-binding sites have been demonstrated on human apolipoprotein (apo) b-100 by using a combination of digestion with cyanogen bromide or staphylococcus aureus v-8 protease and heparin-sepharose affinity chromatography. based on fragment analysis, the approximate boundaries of the seven binding sites are as follows: site a, residues 5-99; site b, residues 205-279; site c, residues 875-932; site d, residues 2016-2151; site e, residues 3134-3209; site f, 3356-3489; and site g, r ...19873301850
generation of biologically active interleukin-1 beta by proteolytic cleavage of the inactive precursor.interleukin-1 beta (il-1 beta) is derived from an inactive precursor by proteolytic cleavage. to study il-1 beta processing, we expressed the precursor in escherichia coli, partially purified it, and used it as a substrate for various potentially relevant protease preparations. the precursor alone was virtually inactive, but incubation with membranes from human monocytes or myeloid cell lines yielded a 500-fold increase in il-1 bioactivity. western blot analysis of the incubated material showed ...19883288634
estimation of human dose of staphylococcal enterotoxin a from a large outbreak of staphylococcal food poisoning involving chocolate outbreak of gastroenteritis in a school district in the united states was determined to be staphylococcal food poisoning due to 2% chocolate milk containing staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea). twelve one-half pint (approx 0.28 l) cartons of the 2% chocolate milk from this outbreak were analyzed for the quantity of sea present in the milk. the amount of sea in the cartons varied from 94 to 184 ng with the average being 144 ng (mean = 139 +/- 45). the attack rate for vomiting among those who co ...19883275329
glucocorticosteroid-dependent synergy between interleukin 1 and interleukin 6 for human b lymphocyte order to analyze the effects of interleukin (il) 6 on human in vitro ig production b lymphocytes were activated by staphylococcus aureus cowan strain i (sac) in the presence of low concentrations of il2 (1 u/ml) and dexamethasone (10(-7) m). previously we showed that this model of b cell response is completely monocyte dependent. we here demonstrate that, under these experimental conditions, il6 is able to replace monocytes and stimulate ig production provided il1 is also present. dose-effect ...19883265388
production of tumor necrosis factor/cachectin by human b cell lines and tonsillar b cells.the production of tnf/cachectin by human b cell lines and tonsillar b cells was examined. of the 15 b cell lines examined, 9 cell lines synthesize tnf mrna constitutively. pma stimulated most cell lines to accumulate increased amounts of tnf. sed, 8866p, 32al, rpmi 1788, and four bone marrow-derived ebv-transformed cell lines accumulated high levels of tnf mrna when stimulated by pma. tnf production by these cell lines was examined. rpmi 1788 and wih8 produced little tnf constitutively, but synt ...19883263462
production of b cell-stimulating factors by b cells in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.the production of b cell-stimulating factors (bsf) by b cells in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) was studied in vitro. b cells from sle patients markedly proliferated and differentiated into ig-producing cells by in vitro culture without any stimulation. the culture supernatant of these b cells contained bsf activity that stimulated staphylococcus aureus cowan i-treated normal b cells to proliferate and differentiate into ig-producing cells. by a percoll gradient density centrif ...19883262675
inhibitory effect of anti-class ii antibodies on human b-cell activation.the role of class ii antigens for b-cell activation was analyzed using purified human b cells and anti-class ii monoclonal antibodies. the stimulation of purified b cells with staphylococcus aureus cowan i induced proliferation and differentiation into immunoglobulin-producing cells in the presence of interleukin-1 and t-cell-derived factors (b-cell growth factor and b-cell differentiation factor). the addition of anti-class ii monoclonal antibodies inhibited b-cell responses. however, anti-clas ...19883258550
inhibition of the proliferative response of human b lymphocytes to b cell growth factor by transforming growth factor-beta.the effects of transforming growth factor-beta (tgf-beta) on the proliferative response of human b cells to the low molecular weight b cell growth factor (bcgf) have been investigated in this study. it was found that tgf-beta, at picomolar concentrations, strongly inhibited the bcgf-induced proliferation of anti-mu chain or staphylococcus aureus cowan i-activated human b cells and also of a bcgf-dependent cell line derived from a human lymphocytic nodular lymphoma. this inhibitory effect was det ...19883257917
the effect of staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin a on proliferation of lymphoid and nerve cells.the effects of staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin a (sea) on proliferative activities of human peripheral blood lymphocytes, b-lymphoma cells of the namalva line, and nerve cells of the pc12 line have been studied. it has been shown that sea affects these cells in identical ways, producing either a mitogenic or an antiproliferative effect. studies on the dynamics of cellular responses to the action of sea have demonstrated that the effects of the toxin are mediated by its interaction with differe ...19883233148
the projection structure of alpha-toxin from staphylococcus aureus in human platelet membranes as analyzed by electron microscopy and image processing.most strains of staphylococcus aureus produce alpha-toxin, a 33-kda membrane active protein which is considered to be an important virulence factor of this bacterium. when alpha-toxin interacts with membranes an oligomeric from of the toxin can be seen by electron microscopy as characteristic ring structures in the membrane. a two-dimensional study of these annular structures, incorporated in membranes of human platelets, was performed, introducing a partly new method for rotational alignment of ...19883225479
the amino-acid sequence of rabbit cu-zn superoxide dismutase.the primary structure of cu-zn superoxide dismutase from rabbit liver was investigated. the reduced and s-carboxymethylated enzyme was treated with cyanogen bromide, trypsin or staphylococcus aureus proteinase v8. the resulting peptides were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography and sequenced by automated edman degradation. with the exception of the n- and c-terminus the complete sequence was established by means of overlapping peptides. the n-terminus is blocked and thus not susce ...19883214553
structure-activity relationship of toxic-shock-syndrome toxin-1: derivation and characterization of immunologically and biologically active fragments.toxic-shock-syndrome toxin-1 (tsst-1), a 22-kilodalton (kda) polypeptide, was proteolyzed by papain, generating three distinct fragments, identified as 16, 12, and 10 kda (based on molecular masses estimated from the predicted amino acid sequence). the nh2-terminal sequence analysis of the fragments indicated that the peptide bonds between tyr-52 and ser-53 and between gly-87 and val-88 were cleaved. functional activity, evaluated through enzyme-linked immunosorbent and inhibition assays, was de ...19883198939
comparative activities of cefuroxime, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, ciprofloxacin, enoxacin, and ofloxacin against aerobic and anaerobic bacteria isolated from bite wounds.we studied the comparative in vitro activities of 10 oral antimicrobial agents against 147 aerobic and 61 anaerobic bacteria making up species in 13 genera (staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, eikenella corrodens, pasteurella multocida, haemophilus-actinobacillus spp., m-5, ef-4, moraxella spp., flavobacterium iib, bacteroides melaninogenicus, bacteroides spp., fusobacterium spp., and peptostreptococcus spp.) that were isolated from bite wounds. cefuroxime was generally greater than fourfold mo ...19883190202
primary structure of a non-secretory ribonuclease from bovine kidney.the primary structure of a non-secretory ribonuclease from bovine kidney (rnase k2) was determined. the sequence determined was vpkgltkarwfeiqhiqprllqcnkamsgv nnytqhckpentflhnvfqdvtavcdmpniickngrhnchqspkpvnltqcnfiagrypdc ryhddaqykffivacdppqktdppyhlvpvhldkyf. the sequence homology with human non-secretory rnase, bovine pancreatic rnase, and human secretory rnase are 46, 34.6, and 32.3%, respectively. the bovine kidney rnase has two inserted sequences, a tripeptide at the n-terminus and a heptapep ...19883182769
mode of action of tetrahydrolipstatin: a derivative of the naturally occurring lipase inhibitor lipstatin.tetrahydrolipstatin is a specific lipase inhibitor derived from lipstatin, a lipid produced by streptomyces toxytricini. in addition to pancreatic lipase, it is shown in the present study that tetrahydrolipstatin also inhibits human gastric lipase, carboxyl ester lipase (cholesterol esterase) of pancreatic origin and the closely related bile-salt-stimulated lipase of human milk. it does not inhibit the exocellular lipase from rhizopus arrhizus or a lipase recently isolated from staphylococcus au ...19883167082
complexes prepared from protein a and human serum, igg, or fc gamma fragments: characterization by immunochemical analysis of ultracentrifugation fractions and studies on their interconversion.protein a of staphylococcus aureus is an fc receptor for igg that has been used as a therapeutic reagent to treat cancer in humans and experimental animals. we used ultracentrifugation combined with analysis of isolated fractions by radioimmunoprecipitation and competitive radioimmunoassay with chicken antibodies that bind free protein a or protein a in complexes but do bind free immunoglobulin reagents to localize and characterize the types of complexes formed with different molar ratios of 125 ...19853157047
bactericidal effects of photoradiation therapy with hematoporphyrin derivative.hematoporphyrin derivative (hpd) localizes selectively in malignant and rapidly metabolizing tissues and undergoes a cytotoxic reaction when exposed to light of a specific wavelength. hpd has been studied extensively with regard to the diagnosis and treatment of tumors but not with regard to bactericidal activity. this investigation assessed the effect of light-activated hpd on various microorganisms, on human polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and on the interactions of polymorphonuclear leukocytes ...19853155547
immunomodulation by indoleamines: serotonin and melatonin action on dna and interferon-gamma synthesis by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.different concentrations of indoleamines, serotonin and melatonin, inhibited phytohemagglutinin stimulated dna synthesis. thus, 10(-3) to 10(-4) m of either indoleamine acted at the optimal phytohemagglutinin concentration, while 10(-3) to 10(-7) m acted at suboptimal phytohemagglutinin levels. the serotonin effect was reversed by the serotonergic s1-s2 receptor antagonist methysergide but not by the s2 antagonist ketanserin. this indicates that only the s1 receptor is involved in the inhibitory ...19883146586
attachment of mycobacteria to fibronectin-coated surfaces.this report investigates the extent of the expression of fibronectin (fn) binding properties among the mycobacteria and provides preliminary characteristics of the bacterial molecule(s) mediating attachment. eight bcg substrains, three mycobacterium tuberculosis strains and four other mycobacterial species all expressed fn-binding capacity. treatment of organisms with detergent prior to the binding assay destroyed the fn-binding capacity of bcg but not that of staphylococcus aureus. trypsin pret ...19883143807
gamma interferon enhances the killing of staphylococcus aureus by human neutrophils.the effect of purified human interferon-gamma on the responsiveness of human neutrophils was investigated. pre-incubation of neutrophils with 100 u interferon ml-1 for 10 min at 37 degrees c resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in n-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine-stimulated reactive oxygen metabolite generation (as assayed by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence). pre-treatment of neutrophils with interferon also potentiated their ability to kill staphylococcus aureus, and thus it is proposed th ...19883141565
a t cell receptor-associated gtp-binding protein triggers t cell receptor-mediated granule exocytosis in cytotoxic t study the subcellular events occurring after t cell activation we used cloned human ctl permeabilized with alpha-toxin of staphylococcus aureus. this method of permeabilization leads to stable transmembrane channels that permit the introduction of small molecules into the cell but preserves the cellular structures and macromolecular contents of the ctl. we used the exocytosis of ctl-specific serine esterases as a marker of t cell activation. the tcr-activated exocytosis is functioning in such ...19883141505
leukotriene c4 generation from human eosinophils stimulated with igg-aspergillus fumigatus antigen immune complexes.sepharose beads coated with igg stimulate eosinophils to produce leukotriene c4 (ltc4). this observation has been extended with specific immobilized igg/antigen immune complexes to elicit mediator generation. an extract of aspergillus fumigatus was covalently coupled to sepharose beads and incubated with the igg fraction of immune serum from patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. these beads elicited generation of 7.72 +/- 1.7 pmol of ltc4 immunoreactive material (n = 5) from 1 x ...19883139729
functional roles of gamma interferon in proliferation and differentiation of human b cell subpopulations.we have studied the function of interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma) on human b cell proliferation and differentiation. when b cell subpopulations were separated by percoll gradient centrifugation and stimulated by staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac), these subpopulations responded differently to lymphokines. small b cells (60/80% percell) were stimulated to proliferate by ifn-gamma alone. large b cells (50/60% percoll) did not respond to ifn-gamma but proliferated in response to b cell growth factor (b ...19883134512
enoxacin-induced modification of the susceptibility of bacteria to phagocytic killing.the effect of enoxacin upon the interaction in vitro of human polymorphonuclear leucocytes with streptococcus pneumoniae and pseudomonas aeruginosa was examined. synergistic killing of these two species of bacteria was observed in the presence of neutrophils and concentrations of enoxacin above the mic. enoxacin was able to kill intracellular str. pneumoniae and staphylococcus aureus. the activity of glucose-glucose oxidase, an oxygen-dependent bactericidal system which mimics part of the bacter ...19883129391
[use of filter-adsorbed enterotoxins for isolating human immune interferon].the use of a and b enterotoxins of st. aureus adsorbed on millipore nitrocellulose filters for induction of donor blood leukocytes resulted in production of immune interferon free of the inducer. the interferon produced by this method is acid-labile and inactivated by antiserum to human immune interferon but not to human leukocyte interferon. the advantage of this type of induction consists in the possibility of multiple use of the filters with adsorbed enterotoxins.19873118573
enhancement of human b cell proliferation and differentiation by tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin 1.the role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnf-alpha) in human b cell responses was examined and compared with that of interleukin (il) 1 by assessing the ability of each cytokine to support proliferation and differentiation. recombinant tnf-alpha (rtnf-alpha) and recombinant il-1 (ril-1) each enhanced the generation of immunoglobulin-secreting cells (isc) in cultures of pokeweed mitogen-stimulated b cells incubated with t cells. to examine the direct effect of rtnf-alpha and ril-1 on the respondi ...19873117883
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3-mediated inhibition of human b cell differentiation.we have examined the mechanisms of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 (d3)-mediated inhibition of human b cell differentiation to immunoglobulin (ig) secreting cells. b lymphocytes were purified from human tonsils and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. mononuclear cells were separated into adherent cells and nonadherent cells. cells were stimulated with staphylococcus aureus cowen i (sac) or pokeweed mitogen (pwm) for 7 days and immunoglobulin production was measured by elisa assay, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin ...19873117462
comparative activation requirements of human peripheral blood, spleen, and lymph node b cells.human peripheral blood, spleen, and lymph node b cells were stimulated with cowan i staphylococcus aureus (sa) or f(ab')2 fragments of anti-mu antibody (anti-mu) and various lymphokines and were analyzed for proliferation and generation of ig-secreting cells (isc). sa alone but not anti-mu stimulated minimal proliferation of each population. recombinant il 2 (r-il 2) effectively promoted proliferation of sa-stimulated blood and spleen b cells, but supported less vigorous responses of lymph node ...19873112218
role of hla class i and class ii antigens in activation and differentiation of b cells.the monoclonal antibodies (moab) cr10-214, cr11-115, and q1/28 to distinct monomorphic determinants of hla class i antigens, the moab cl413 and ptf29.12 recognizing monomorphic determinants of hla-dr antigens, the anti-hla-dqw1 moab ks11, the anti-hla-dpw1 moab b7/21, and the anti-hla-dr,dp moab cr11-462 were tested for their ability to modulate human b-lymphocyte proliferation and maturation to igm-forming cells. purified tonsillar b cells were stimulated with staphylococcus aureus bacteria of ...19873111726
ige-enhancing activity directly and selectively affects activated b cells: evidence for a human ige differentiation factor.t cells from highly atopic individuals spontaneously secrete in vitro a factor that specifically induces ige synthesis from normal human b cells. we investigated the effects of such t cell supernatants derived from atopic individuals (tcsn-a) on functionally distinct b cell subsets to determine at what developmental stage b cells become responsive to this ige-enhancing activity. b cells from normal and allergic donors were separated into subsets of small resting and large activated cells by dens ...19873108377
rheumatoid factor secretion from human leu-1+ b cells.a human b cell subpopulation identifiable by the expression of the cell surface antigen leu-1 (cd5) is responsible for most of the immunoglobulin m rheumatoid factor secreted in vitro after the cells are stimulated with staphylococcus aureus. the ability of b cells bearing the leu-1 marker (leu-1+) to secrete rheumatoid factor is present early in development and extends to adulthood, since leu-1+ b cells from cord blood and from peripheral blood lymphocytes of both normal adults and patients wit ...19873105057
solid-phase radioimmunoassay for igg antibodies to staphylococcus epidermidis. use in serious coagulase-negative staphylococcal infections.a radioimmunoassay (ria) for human igg antibodies to staphylococcus epidermidis was compared with an agar-gel-diffusion assay in patients with a variety of infections. the ria was sensitive and reproducible and discriminated between endocarditis and uncomplicated bacteremias due to coagulase-negative staphylococci. anti-s epidermidis antibodies by ria were elevated in 16 (89%) of 18 patients with coagulase-negative staphylococcal endocarditis but in none of 28 patients with uncomplicated bactere ...19873103563
effects of interferons-alpha, -beta, and -gamma on human interleukin-2 production.interleukin-2 (il-2) production was stimulated with staphylococcus enterotoxin a, heat-killed staphylococcus aureus, or concanavalin a (cona) in cultures of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc). il-2 was characterized by its effect on il-2-dependent cytotoxic t lymphocytes (ctll cells) and mouse thymocytes. pretreatment of pbmc with greater than or equal to 100 iu/ml of human-alpha (huifn-alpha) or interferon-beta (huifn-beta), or with greater than or equal to 10 iu/ml huifn-gamma for ...19863100666
human interferon-gamma acts as a b cell growth factor in the anti-igm antibody co-stimulatory assay but has no direct b cell differentiation this study it is illustrated that recombinant human interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma) acts as a b cell growth factor (bcgf) in the anti-igm antibody co-stimulatory assay. a monoclonal antibody that specifically inhibits the biological activities of ifn-gamma blocks its bcgf activity supporting the specificity of the ifn-gamma effect. various ifn-gamma obtained from different sources displayed the same bcgf activity. nonactivated b lymphocytes do not proliferate in response to ifn-gamma. ifn-gamma ...19863097134
determination of the complete amino acid sequence of recombinant human gamma-interferon produced in escherichia coli.the complete amino acid sequence of recombinant human gamma-interferon (huifn-gamma) produced in escherichia coli was determined using a gas-phase protein sequencer. the sequence was established by automated edman degradation on the intact protein and its peptides obtained after staphylococcus aureus v8 protease or trypsin digestion. the result was identical to the amino acid sequence predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the cloned huifn-gamma cdna except that it was missing the four carbox ...19863095440
the influence of interferon-gamma and various phagocytic stimuli on the expression of mhc-class ii antigens on human monocytes--relation to the generation of reactive oxygen intermediates.human monocytes show a dose-dependent decrease of the mhc-class ii antigen expression (hla-dr and hla-dq) after addition of zymosan or staphylococcus aureus cowan i particles. interferon-gamma did not prevent this process. the expression of mhc-class i antigens was not affected. the dose-response and kinetic curves showed individual differences. an association between the capacity to form reactive oxygen intermediates and the downregulation of mhc-class ii antigen expression was observed. in add ...19863095231
the primary structure of apolipoprotein a-i from rabbit high-density lipoprotein.the amino acid sequence of rabbit apolipoprotein a-i (apo a-i) has been determined by degradation and alignment of two overlapping sets of peptides obtained from tryptic and staphylococcal digestions. all of the peptides of rabbit apo a-i resulting from digestion by staphylococcal protease were isolated and sequenced except residues 33-37. a digestion with trypsin was employed to find overlapping and missing peptides. the n-terminus of rabbit apo a-i was confirmed by sequencing the intact protei ...19863095115
polyclonal antibody formation of human lymphocytes to bacterial components.the capacity of various bacterial components to induce antibody formation in human lymphocyte cultures was studied in the present investigation. antibody levels were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). lipopolysaccharide (lps), bacterial cell walls (cw, isolated from bacillus subtilis and staphylococcus aureus wood 46) and peptidoglycans (pg) appeared to stimulate igm, igg and iga secretion, whereas lysozyme-solubilized pg and teichoic acids (ta) were ineffective. also, u ...19863089918
effects of human serum on bacterial competition with neutrophils for molecular oxygen.a dialyzable factor(s) in human serum is known to stimulate gonococcal oxygen consumption. its effect on other human pathogens was investigated. a 10% serum solution increased peak o2 consumption for escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus to 157% (p less than 0.05) and 199% (p less than 0.02), respectively, of their o2 consumption when suspended in hanks balanced salt solution, compared with a 356% increase for neisseria gonorrhoeae with serum. dialyzed serum lacked stimulatory capacity. bac ...19863086230
expression and function of an early activation marker restricted to human b cells.a b cell-specific monoclonal antibody (anti-ba) was prepared. in two-color facs analysis the anti-ba reacted with a subpopulation of ig+ or b1+ cells obtained from tonsils, but did not react with most b1+ cells derived from pbl. activation of b cells from pbl with tpa or anti-mu induced ba expression and the addition of pha-conditioned supernatant with anti-mu-enhanced ba expression. other b cell activators, such as staphylococcus aureus cowan i (staph-a) or pwm plus t cells, could induce ba exp ...19863084651
characteristics of staphylococci isolated from man, poultry and some other animals.of 281 strains of staphylococci isolated from man and animals 36 (12.8%) were coagulase-positive and 245 (87.2%) were coagulase-negative. staphylococcus aureus and staph. intermedius were the commonest coagulase-positive staphylococci isolated from the hosts examined. of the 20 strains that remained unclassifiable, 14 were isolated from sheep and goats.19863084438
effects of anti-igm on mitogen-induced proliferation of human b-lymphocyte malignancies.therapeutic trials of anti-immunoglobulin antibody have produced a wide range of responses in attempts to control the growth of human b lymphoid neoplasms. this variability might reflect differences in intrinsic functional characteristics of malignant b lymphocytes that determine susceptibility to anti-immunoglobulin-mediated regulation of growth. to characterize b-lymphocyte malignancies, tissue samples from 24 patients were studied during short-term culture in vitro. malignant b lymphocytes we ...19863084144
requirement of macrophages (monocytes) for the induction of interleukin 2 receptors on b lymphocytes.the role of macrophages (monocytes) for the induction of interleukin 2 receptors (il 2r) on human b lymphocytes was studied by a direct immunofluorescence method with the use of a fluoresceinated anti-il 2r monoclonal antibody and a flow cytofluorometer. highly purified b lymphocytes alone did not induce il 2r on their surface by stimulation with staphylococcus aureus cowan i, anti-mu antibody, or pokeweed mitogen. however, the addition of monocytes successfully induced il 2r on b lymphocytes st ...19863082985
recombinant interleukin 2 and gamma-interferon act synergistically on distinct steps of in vitro terminal human b cell maturation.the effects of recombinant interleukin 2 (il-2) on the in vitro differentiation of human tonsillar b cells which were not preincubated with staphylococcus aureus cowan i or with anti-human igm were investigated. il-2 was shown to induce the generation of ig-containing cells in a dose-dependent fashion from 2.5 to 2,500 u il-2/ml. conversely, the quantities of ig secreted in the culture supernatant were found in the majority of experiments to peak at 25 u/ml. the possible presence, in cultures st ...19863082936
effect of tumor necrosis factor alpha on mitogen-activated human b this study we demonstrate that the monocyte/macrophage product, tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha), has significant in vitro effects of b cell function. it costimulated with anti-mu in the induction of b cell dna synthesis, and it prolonged the dna synthesis initiated in b cell cultures stimulated with the human b cell mitogen, staphylococcus aureus cowan strain i (sac). the addition of either il-1 or ifn-gamma to tnf-alpha resulted in a substantial further increase in dna synthesis. the ...19873040886
epstein-barr virus-transformed b-cell line (dv-1) derived from bone marrow of a patient with severe combined immunodeficiency and immunoblastic epstein-barr virus-transformed b-cell line derived from a patient with severe combined immunodeficiency who died of a lymphoreticular malignancy has been characterized. the line derived from bone marrow cultures and designated dv-1 shows surface and cytoplasmic igm and staining with fluorescent monoclonal antibodies against immunoglobulin heavy and light chains mu, delta, and kappa, dr, and several other b-cell surface antigens. dv-1 secretes igm kappa and demonstrates monoclonality on analys ...19873033590
nda3: a differentiation antigen associated with the receptor for b cell growth factor. 19863033100
a single polypeptide acts both as the beta subunit of prolyl 4-hydroxylase and as a protein disulfide-isomerase.a single polypeptide is shown to act both as the beta subunit of the proline hydroxylase (ec and as a protein disulfide-isomerase (ec when isolated from chick embryos or rat liver, the beta subunit of prolyl 4-hydroxylase and the enzyme protein disulfide-isomerase have identical molecular weights and peptide maps as produced by digestion with staphylococcus aureus v8 protease. the apparent molecular weights of both proteins isolated from human placental tissue are slightly h ...19873032969
opsonization of staphylococcus aureus protects endothelial cells from damage by phagocytosing polymorphonuclear leukocytes.when phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmn) takes place on the surface of cultured human endothelial cells, the endothelial monolayers are damaged by lysosomal enzymes that are released by the pmn. because pmn can phagocytose opsonized as well as unopsonized staphylococci on an endothelial surface, we studied the role of bacterial opsonization in the damage caused to the endothelium. phagocytosis of unopsonized s. aureus was accompanied by greater damag ...19873032800
development and characterization of a human b cell line that responds to b cell growth factor but not interleukin 2.the human lymphoblastoid cell line we present here proliferated in response to a 14,000 m.w. b cell growth factor (bcgf), and not to interleukin 2 (il 2). this cell line, designated b-a3, was established by epstein barr virus (ebv) transformation of staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac)-activated spleen b cells, and has been maintained in rpmi 1640 medium complemented with 15% fetal calf serum (fcs) without the addition of other exogenous growth factors. a proliferative response, as measured by [3 ...19873031160
conversion of human placental alkaline phosphatase from a high mr form to a low mr form during butanol extraction. an investigation of the role of endogenous phosphoinositide-specific phospholipases.alkaline phosphatase in a wide range of tissues has been shown to be anchored in the membrane by a specific interaction with the polar head group of phosphatidylinositol. it has previously been suggested that the production of low mr alkaline phosphatase during the commonly used butanol extraction procedure may result from the activation of an endogenous phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c which removes the 1,2-diacylglycerol responsible for membrane anchoring. this conversion process was ...19863028377
inhibition of human b cell responsiveness by prostaglandin e2.the capacity of prostaglandin e2 (pce2) to modulate human peripheral blood b cell proliferation and the generation of immunoglobulin-secreting cells (isc) stimulated by cowan 1 strain staphylococcus aureus and mitogen-stimulated t cell supernatant was examined. pge2 significantly inhibited both responses, whereas pgf2 alpha had no inhibitory effect. responses of highly purified b cells obtained from spleen, lymph node, and tonsil were also inhibited. in addition pge2 suppressed b cell responses ...19873027169
cloning of cdna for human t-cell replacing factor (interleukin-5) and comparison with the murine homologue.we have cloned cdna for t-cell replacing factor (interleukin-5), which replaces t-cell helper function for normal b cells which secrete immunoglobulin, from human t cell leukemia line, atl-2, using mouse interleukin-5 cdna as probe. total nucleotide sequence of the cdna (816 base pairs) was determined and compared with that of mouse interleukin-5 cdna. the cloned cdna encoded the interleukin-5 precursor of 134 amino acids containing an n-terminal signal sequence. although the human interleukin-5 ...19863024129
effects of cefotaxime and cefodizime on human granulocyte functions in vitro, cefotaxime and cefodizime enhanced significantly the bactericidal activity of human neutrophils against staphylococcus aureus p 209 a, but not phagocytosis. the increase was about 150% for cefotaxime and 400% for cefodizime at concentrations as low as 1 mg/l. furthermore, by two different techniques (nbt and cytochrome c reduction tests) cefotaxime but not cefodizime significantly enhanced superoxide anion production by zymosan-stimulated neutrophils. other neutrophil functions (chemot ...19863019985
metabolic comparison between basophils and other leukocytes from human blood.basophilic granulocytes were purified from the blood of normal individuals by successive isopyknic centrifugation and elutriation centrifugation. starting with the leukocyte-rich fraction of 500 ml of blood, we recovered 31 to 80% (mean 51%, n = 20) of the basophils in 45 to 87% purity (mean 69%, n = 23). the contaminating cells were mainly lymphocytes. the basophils were greater than 98% vital (exclusion of ethidium bromide and hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate). the histamine content of the ...19863007619
elimination of nonspecific cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin m activities in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay by using anti-human immunoglobulin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods offer several advantages in assessing past or recent exposure to cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection, but there persist many pitfalls in the use of these methods for determining specific immunoglobulin m (igm). the efficiency of absorption of sera by igg-coated latex beads, aggregated human igg, or staphylococcus aureus, i.e., for removing nonspecific cmv igm activities, was evaluated in comparison with the effect of an anti-human igg hyperimmune seru ...19863007570
human polymorphonuclear leukocytes release leukotriene b4 during phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus.we studied release of leukotriene b4 (ltb4) by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns) during phagocytosis of staphylococci in the presence or absence of arachidonic acid. the 12 x 10(7) pmns incubated with 3 x 10(9) opsonized s. aureus and 50 microm arachidonic acid released 1.45 +/- 0.42 nmol ltb4. no ltb4 was detected after stimulation of pmns with s. aureus or arachidonic acid by themselves. however, by increasing the concentration of arachidonic acid to 200 or 400 microm, 1.22 +/- 0.45 an ...19863007355
permeabilization of rat hepatocytes with staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin.pathogenic staphylococci secrete a number of exotoxins, including alpha-toxin. alpha-toxin induces lysis of erythrocytes and liposomes when its 3s protein monomers associate with the lipid bilayer and form a hexomeric transmembrane channel 3 nm in diameter. we have used alpha-toxin to render rat hepatocytes 93-100% permeable to trypan blue with a lactate dehydrogenase leakage less than or equal to 22%. treatment conditions included incubation for 5-10 min at 37 degrees c and ph 7.0 with an alpha ...19852987273
catalytic properties of a human cytomegalovirus-induced protein kinase.human cytomegalovirus, a dna virus whose genome contains a fragment of transforming dna, induces a threonine-serine protein kinase having a molecular mass of 68 kda (p68). p68 was extracted from cells 96-144 h after infection, and immunoprecipitated with a monoclonal antibody (f6b). antibody-enzyme complexes were immobilized on heat/formaldehyde-inactivated staphylococcus aureus. the best substrates for p68 were acidic proteins, phosvitin and casein. glycogen synthase, phosphorylase alpha and hi ...19852986975
relationship between extracellular stimulation of intracellular killing and oxygen-dependent microbicidal systems of monocytes.human monocytes require serum components immunoglobulin g, c3/c3b, and b/bb to exert optimal microbicidal action against ingested microorganisms. the present study was performed to find out whether these factors act by enhancing oxygen-dependent antimicrobial mechanisms. serum enhanced oxygen consumption and superoxide production by monocytes before phagocytosis, but did not further increase these processes in monocytes that had recently ingested bacteria. furthermore, serum did not boost iodina ...19852981774
opsonin-dependent and independent surface phagocytosis of s. aureus proceeds independently of complement and complement receptors.we examined the mechanism of surface phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus by human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (pmn). surface phagocytosis of unopsonized bacteria occurred, but was significantly enhanced by the presence of serum. the serum requirement was low, and a maximal effect occurred with serum concentrations of 0.25-0.5%. the opsonic effect of serum was not removed by heat inactivation of complement but was adsorbed, at low serum concentrations, by protein a, indicating that opsonin-dep ...19882971611
immunoglobulin binding by the regular surface array of aeromonas salmonicida.the cell surface of aeromonas salmonicida is covered by a regular surface array composed of a single species of protein, the a-protein (phipps, b. m., trust, t. j., ishiguro, e. e., and kay, w. w. (1983) biochemistry 22, 2934-2939). the array, known as the a-layer, is the key virulence factor for this organism. cells containing the a-layer specifically bound rabbit igg and human igm with high affinity (kd = 1.0 x 10(-6) m and 3.3 x 10(-6) m, respectively), but neither isogenic a-protein-deficien ...19882967820
stimulation of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes by serum iga or secretory iga. 19872962470
evidence for the involvement of endotoxin in toxic shock syndrome.the toxicity of toxic shock syndrome (tss) toxin-1 (tsst-1) was evaluated in female, specific pathogen-free rabbits and conventional rabbits. results after intravenous injections of tsst-1 given to both types of rabbits indicated that specific pathogen-free rabbits were resistant to the lethal effects observed in conventional rabbits. lethality could be prevented by simultaneous administration of polymyxin b, and analysis of serum before and after dosing confirmed that dosing with tsst-1 resulte ...19872950183
immunoglobulin production of human lymphocytes stimulated by staphylococcus aureus cowan i and pokeweed mitogen: differential effects of recombinant interleukin-2.the number of immunoglobulin-secreting cells (isc) upon stimulation with pokeweed mitogen (pwm) or staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac) in recombinant interleukin-2 (ril-2)-supplemented cultures of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) and co-cultures of b and t cells was studied. it has been shown that the addition of ril-2 to culture can enhance or depress the number of isc depending on the polyclonal b-cell activator used for culture stimulation. the sac-induced response was enhanced ...19862948904
demonstration that human b cells respond differently to interleukin 2 and b cell differentiation factor based on their stages of maturation.the mechanisms whereby interleukin 2 (il 2), interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma), and b cell differentiation factor (bcdf) alone or in combination modulate human b cell differentiation are currently under intensive study. to dissect out the effects of individual lymphokines contained in mixed lymphocyte reaction-culture supernatants (mlr-cs) on b cell differentiation, we employed pure factors that possessed the same activity as factors contained in mlr-cs (il 2: 50 u/ml, ifn-gamma: 7 u/ml, bcdf-nal: 5 ...19862945860
immunomodulation of human leukocytes by staphylococcal enterotoxin a: augmentation of natural killer cells and induction of suppressor cells.staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea), a protein isolated from culture supernatants of staphylococcus aureus, is a potent t-cell mitogen and an inducer of interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma). we report here that sea exhibits a number of significant in vitro immunomodulatory functions. in vitro treatment of human peripheral blood monocyte-depleted lymphocytes with sea resulted in significant augmentation of their natural killer cytotoxicity against target cells from hemopoietic (k562, daudi) or solid (mela ...19862943428
opsonic activity of plasma fibronectin for staphylococcus aureus by human alveolar macrophages: inefficacy of trypsin-sensitive staphylococcal fibronectin receptor.the binding of 125i-fibronectin (fn) to some bacteria and the phagocytic activity of human alveolar macrophages (am) by a culture method using 3h-labelled bacteria were examined. fn-binding of staphylococcus aureus (s. aureus) was higher than that of gram-negative rods and was reduced markedly by trypsin-treatment. fn enhanced the uptake of s. aureus by am in dose dependent manner. to determine whether fn-binding to s. aureus mediates the promotion of staphylococcal phagocytosis, we compared the ...19862943056
binding of chicken, bovine, and rabbit immunoglobulins by avian, bovine, and human strains of staphylococcus aureus.sixty-six strains of staphylococcus aureus of avian, bovine, and human origin were tested for their ability to bind chicken, bovine, and rabbit immunoglobulin g (igg). a microtitration plate hemagglutination assay and a direct-tube enzyme immunoassay were used to determine qualitative differences. twice as many chicken and bovine s. aureus isolates than human strains reacted positively to chicken igg. mean binding values of chicken igg were also twice as high for chicken and bovine s. aureus iso ...19862942849
the effect of breast-feeding on proliferation by infant lymphocytes in vitro.the effect of breast-feeding on the development of lymphocyte responsiveness in infants has been studied. peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 15 breast- and 15 bottle-fed infants were obtained sequentially between 6 days and 9 months of age. a number of agents were used to stimulate the cells in vitro and the resulting proliferative responses were compared between the two feeding groups. a hanging drop microculture system using serum-free medium, enabled spontaneous proliferation and prolife ...19862939392
influence of dipeptides on the interaction of immunoglobulins with bacterial fc receptors.binding of radiolabeled human igg to bacteria expressing type i, type ii, or type iii fc receptors in the presence of glycyl-glycine, glycyl-tyrosine, glycyl-histidine, glycyl-leucine, or glycyl-phenylalanine was studied. no inhibition of labeled human igg binding to type i or type iii fc receptor positive bacteria was observed by any of the dipeptides. inhibition of binding of labeled human igg1, igg2, and igg4, but not igg3, indicated the presence of two distinct fc receptors associated with t ...19862938581
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