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[on the ecology of staphylococcus aureus on human skin surface. 3. staphylococcus aureus artificially transferred onto normal skin surface of the forearm and other body regions]. 19685678275
[on the ecology of staphylococcus aureus on the human skin surface. i. on the phenomenon of the so-called self disinfective power of the skin surface]. 19675599882
human plasma and the antibacterial effect of peritoneal dialysis solutions.the influence of human plasma on the antibacterial effect of solutions for peritoneal dialysis was studied. the solutions contained 43 meq per litre of either acetate or lactate as the source of base. enough pooled human plasma was added to half of each solution to give a total concentration of a gramme of protein per litre. the numbers of viable organisms from 15 clinical isolates each of staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, and pseudomonas species were counted before and after incubation i ...19715541232
flucloxacillin, a new isoxazolyl penicillin, compared with oxacillin, cloxacillin, and dicloxacillin.flucloxacillin, a new isoxazole penicillin, is active against penicillinase-producing strains of staphylococcus aureus and is well absorbed in man after oral and intramuscular administration. compared with isoxazole penicillins in current clinical use-namely, oxacillin, cloxacillin, and dicloxacillin-flucloxacillin has proved as active against gram-positive cocci, including penicillin-resistant staphylococci. the extent of binding of flucloxacillin to the protein of human serum was similar to th ...19705481218
effect of streptococcus pyogenes on tissue cells.human tissue cell lines from each of the three primary germinal sources, ectoderm (conjunctiva and carcinoma of the buccal mucosa), entoderm (intestine and liver), and mesoderm (heart and monocytes) were inoculated with group a streptococcus pyogenes, staphylococcus aureus, and group d streptococci and were then observed. in addition, the effect of these bacteria on mouse fibroblasts was studied. all of the cell lines appeared to be equally susceptible to damage, but damage to the cells by s. py ...19675337771
protein a from staphylococcus aureus xi. fixation of human complement and of complement from guinea pig and rabbit. 19714999790
polyacrylamide gel identification of bacterial l-forms and mycoplasma species of human origin.polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns of acidified phenol extracts prepared from whole cells can be used for the identification of bacterial l-forms and mycoplasma species of human origin. ten human mycoplasma serotypes and eight l-forms belonging to five different genera were studied. the gel patterns were sufficiently distinct and reproducible that it was possible not only to identify l-forms at the genus level (group with streptococci) and different mycoplasma serotypes but also to diff ...19714994354
ammonium sulfate coprecipitation antibody determination with purified staphylococcal enterotoxins.the ammonium sulfate coprecipitation technique of farr was applied in a study of the purified enterotoxins of staphylococcus aureus. ammonium sulfate coprecipitation of iodine-131-labeled enterotoxins a, b, and c, with the use of a 1.6 m concentration of (nh(4))(2)so(4), revealed differences in the antigen-binding capacity of normal and immune rabbit sera for the enterotoxins. the coprecipitation technique provided a quantitative test for detecting antibody to enterotoxin that was more sensitive ...19694979439
serological activity of protein a of staphylococcus aureus: the precipitinogen as an antigen for determining antibodies by the passive hemagglutination test.tanned sheep erythrocytes have been considered incapable of sensitization with the precipitinogen of protein a of staphylococcus aureus, so that the activity of this antigen in serological reactions has so far been studied by means of the agar diffusion test (adt) only. the precipitinogen of the protein a in this study was found to become attached to the tanned erythrocytes and to sensitize them for the passive hemagglutination test (pht). it was determined that, in contrast to nonspecific react ...19684969604
heterogenetic antigens of gram-positive bacteria.chorpenning, frank w. (the ohio state university, columbus), and matthew c. dodd. heterogenetic antigens of gram-positive bacteria. j. bacteriol. 91:1440-1445. 1966.-soluble antigens obtained by various methods from gram-positive bacteria were used to modify erythrocytes whose hemagglutinating reactions with immune rabbit sera and normal human sera were then studied. antigens from all gram-positive organisms studied except corynbacteria altered red cells, causing them to react with specific bact ...19664956340
modified microbiological assay for rapid estimation of antibiotic concentrations in human sera.antibiotic concentrations in human sera were estimated in 5 to 6 hr by a modified microbiological assay. by using staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes as the assay organisms, the seeded assay plates were preincubated for 2 to 6 hr and then were stored at 4 c until used for assay. paper discs saturated with the specimen were placed on the preincubated assay plates with reference discs saturated with known concentrations of antibiotic. after 5 to 6 hr of incubation, zones of antibacter ...19694896101
virulence of two mastitis strains of staphylococcus aureus in bovine skin: enhancement by growth in high carbohydrate-high salt medium or in raw milk.cows were inoculated intradermally with two strains of staphylococcus aureus, and the severity of the resulting skin lesions was assessed on the basis of size, degree of necrosis, and in some cases by measuring the area of inflammation in histological preparations of excised skin. at least 10(6) colony forming units were required to produce a detectable skin lesion, indicating that the cow has a resistance to staphylococcal skin infection comparable to man and rabbit. the severity of the lesions ...19734716546
scanning electron microscopy of the attachment of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes to staphylococcus aureus. 19734707311
in vitro studies of tobramycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic.tobramycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic which has excellent antibacterial activity against pseudomonas, staphylococcus aureus, and many members of the enterobacteriaceae. most strains of serratia, providence, streptococcus, and diplococcus pneumoniae were resistant to concentrations of tobramycin which could be achieved in man. tobramycin was effective against certain pseudomonas strains resistant to gentamicin. the growth medium used to determine the inhibitory level of tobramycin had a sign ...19724670427
infection and immunoglobulin concentrations in chediak-higashi mice.the chediak-higashi syndrome (chs) has been reported in man, cattle, mink, and mice. chs humans and cattle have an increased incidence of pyogenic infections, whereas chs mink are more susceptible to aleutian disease. age- and sex-matched groups of chs mice (mutant strain) and c57 bl/6n (parent strain) were challenged with candida albicans, escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, and staphylococcus aureus intravenously and streptococcus pneumoniae intraperitoneally. a significant increase (p < ...19744601767
anti-gamma globulins and chronic infection: comparative studies of the immune response to various bacteria and gamma globulin preparations.a study of the relationship of clinical states associated with prolonged infection (bacterial endocarditis and osteomyelitis) and generation of serum anti-gamma globulins was made with particular reference to quantitative amounts of staphylococcal protein a in various infecting strains. no correlation between individual strain amounts of protein a and presence of anti-gamma globulins was detected. thirty-eight rabbits were immunized intravenously with various strains of bacteria (staphylococcus ...19724404684
in vitro antimicrobial activity and human pharmacology of cephaloglycin.serum and urine concentrations of cephaloglycin (an orally absorbed derivative of cephalosporin c) were determined in normal volunteers and in patients. the in vitro activity of cephaloglycin was also studied. all strains of group a streptococci (streptococcus pyogenes) and diplococcus pneumoniae were inhibited by 0.4 mug of cephaloglycin per ml. eighty per cent of the staphylococcus aureus strains and about 50% of the escherichia coli and proteus mirabilis strains were inhibited by 1.6 mug of c ...19684385749
bactericidal activity of aerobic and anaerobic polymorphonuclear neutrophils.human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (pmn) were made anaerobic by nitrogen washout (oxygen saturation <1%, eh < -42 mv at ph 7.0), and the ability of the cells to kill bacteria was assayed and compared to the bactericidal activity of aerobic pmn. anaerobic pmn were able to kill staphylococcus epidermidis, enterococcus, viridans streptococci, pseudomonas aeruginosa, peptostreptococcus anaerobius, bacteroides fragilis, clostridium perfringens, and peptococcus magnus normally. organisms that were no ...19744361295
immune enhancement of pulmonary bactericidal activity in murine virus pneumonia.bacterial multiplication in the lung associated with murine sendai virus pneumonia is caused by virus-induced defects in pulmonary bactericidal mechanisms. the nature of this effect has been studied in animals immunized against the challenge bacteria. mice were immunized against proteus mirabilis by intraperitoneal inoculation and by aerosol inhalation. after the development of immunity, mice were infected aerogenically with 10(4) tcid(50) of sendai virus. 7 days later, during the height of the ...19734356001
epicillin: in vitro laboratory studies.a new semisynthetic penicillin, structurally related to ampicillin, has been assigned the generic name epicillin, 6-[d-2-amino-2-(1, 4-cyclohexadienyl) acetamido]-penicillanic acid. the antimicrobial spectrum and level of activity of epicillin in vitro are similar to those of ampicillin. in studies with recent clinical isolates, these two antibiotics, when compared with carbenicillin, showed consistently higher antimicrobial activity against staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes, escheri ...19714343402
the hygiene and marketing of fresh cream as assessed by the methylene blue test. a report by a working party to the director of the public health laboratory service.the hygiene and marketing of fresh cream in england and wales was investigated by a working party of the public health laboratory service (phls) between 1 october 1968 and 31 july 1969. thirty-one cream-producing dairies were visited and observations made in the light of the code of practice published by the milk and milk products technical advisory committee of the ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food, and the scottish home and health department. suggestions are made in this report to st ...19714326247
crystal-violet type a -- strains of human origin and their relation to host-adapted variants of staphylococcus aureus. 19734281736
prevalence of staphylococcus aureus, phage types 71, 80 & 81 among healthy human carriers and their antibiotics resistance. 19744281416
the use of protein a-containing staphylococcus aureus as a solid phase anti-igg reagent in radioimmunoassays as exemplified in the quantitation of alpha-fetoprotein in normal human adult serum. 19744137309
isolation by electrofocusing of two lymphocyte mitogens produced by staphylococcus aureus.staphylococcus aureus strain da352, grown in a diffusate of todd-hewitt broth, produced two extracellular nondialyzable lymphocyte mitogens having isoelectric points of 5.5 to 5.7 and 8.6 to 9.0. the mitogens were separable from one another by isoelectric focusing and could be isolated free of detectable amounts of other staphylococcal products by ethanol precipitation followed by isoelectric focusing. dose-response curves with both mitogens showed a maximum per cent transformation in the range ...19724118043
hormone-dependent covalent modification and processing of human progesterone receptors in the situ photoaffinity labeling, which minimizes in vitro incubations and proteolytic artifacts, was used to study the structure of progesterone receptors (pr) in intact t47d human breast cancer cells. these cells, rich in pr, were incubated with the photoreactive progestin [3h]r5020 at 0 degrees c for 3 hr to keep pr in their untransformed state, or at 37 degrees c for 5 min to transform pr and convert them to tight chromatin-binding proteins. the cells, still intact, were then irradiated with 3 ...19854092571
the multiplicity of human pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor.four forms of pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (psti; a1, a2, b, and c) were purified from human pancreatic juice. according to sequence results, the primary structure of b was different from that reported earlier (greene, l.j., et al. (1976) method enzymol. 45, 813-825) at two positions, i.e. asn21----asp21, asp29----asn29. a1 and a2 were deamidated forms of b judging from peptide mappings with staphylococcus aureus v8 protease. gln45 in b was replaced by glu in a1 and gln51 in b was repl ...19854086468
susceptibility of human and porcine neutrophils to hypothermia in vitro.hypothermia may contribute to serious life-threatening infections. an experimental model has been established in pigs in order to study the effects of hypothermia on host bacterial defenses. the function of blood neutrophils from pigs and humans was examined in vitro at 37 and 29 degrees c. bacterial killing of staphylococcus aureus 502a by human neutrophils after 90 and 180 min incubation at 29 degrees c was reduced to 76 +/- 6% and 83 +/- 7% of killing at 37 degrees c. porcine neutrophil killi ...19854058977
recognition and management of acute suppurative parotitis.acute suppurative parotitis (asp) is a rare infectious process occurring after surgery or in debilitated patients. this case describes a 41-year-old man who was hospitalized initially for acute bacterial endocarditis. late in the hospital course his recovery was complicated by the development of asp. subsequent cultures of blood and parotid-fluid samples grew pseudomonas aeruginosa. despite early empiric antibiotic therapy followed by more specific therapy with an aminoglycoside, the patient con ...19854053524
the expression of capsule in serum-soft agar by staphylococcus aureus isolated from human clinical sources.staphylococcus aureus isolates from human clinical sources were incubated for various times in modified 110 medium and tested for production of capsule by the serum-soft agar technique. ten (5.7%) of 175 isolates were encapsulated after incubation for 24 h. a more detailed examination of 77 isolates showed that incubation period affected the production of capsule. after 2 h, 31% were encapsulated, but after 6 h and 24 h this decreased to 17% and 4% respectively. rapid passage in vitro induced th ...19854045993
synergistic hemolysis exhibited by species of staphylococci.the synergistic hemolysis reactions of 61 reference strains and 189 clinical isolates representing 17 species of staphylococci were examined on plates of trypticase soy blood agar (bbl microbiology systems, cockeysville, md.). some or all of the strains of staphylococcus aureus, s. epidermidis, s. capitis, s. cohnii, s. haemolyticus, s. hyicus, s. simulans, s. warneri, and s. xylosus produced a delta-hemolysin that gave synergistic, complete hemolysis of washed human, sheep, and ox blood cells i ...19854044799
bacterial adherence to human endothelial cells in vitro.differences in the ability of bacteria to adhere to normal valvular endothelium may account for the predominance of particular species as pathogens in acute endocarditis. an in vitro adherence assay was developed to simulate the host surface encountered in acute bacterial endocarditis by using confluent monolayers of human endothelial cells. adherence of 32 gram-positive and -negative blood culture isolates to this surface was compared. all five staphylococcus aureus strains tested were highly a ...19854044035
in vitro ige-secreting cells in man. i. mitogen-independent and -dependent vitro ige secretion by atopic and normal peripheral-blood lymphocytes was examined in culture with pokeweed mitogen or staphylococcus aureus strain cowan-i (stacw) or without mitogen. ige secreted in culture supernatants was measured with double antibody radioimmunoassay. enumeration of ige-secreting cells was made by a protein-a plaque assay. ige was detected in increasing quantities in supernatants of cultured lymphocytes without mitogen up to the 12th day. ige-plaque-forming cells were for ...19854038923
serological characteristics of coagulase-positive staphylococci isolated from man and animals.a simplified method allowed staphylococcus aureus, staph. intermedius and coagulase-positive staph. hyicus subsp. hyicus isolated from humans, dogs, monkey, sheep, poultry, rabbits, giant rats (cricetomys gambianus) and other animals to be serotyped. the nine coagulase-positive staphylococcal strains of human origin possessed thermolabile and thermostable agglutinogens. two strains of staph. intermedius of human and canine origins examined had agglutinogen k1k2. the three staph. aureus strains i ...19853997688
in vitro translation of mrna from toxocara canis larvae.300 micrograms of total rna was extracted from 1 ml of packed toxocara canis larvae by centrifugation through a 5.7 m cesium chloride cushion. 60 micrograms of polyadenylated messenger rna was separated from 300 micrograms of total rna in an oligothymidylic acid-cellulose gel column. the in vitro translation of the mrna, isolated from t. canis larvae, was carried out using the rabbit reticulocyte cell-free translation system. incorporation of [35s]methionine into trichloroacetic acid precipitabl ...19853990707
survival of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria artificially applied on the hands.we evaluated the survival of pseudomonas aeruginosa, klebsiella pneumoniae, serratia marcescens, escherichia coli, and staphylococcus aureus, derived from either hospitalized patients or culture collections, on the fingertips of human volunteers. over 99% of the bacteria died within 2 min of the application, and about 10(5) cells remained on the fingers for up to 90 min.19853988907
the cross-linking of human met-hemoglobin with [14c]dimethyl adipimidate.met-hemoglobin, cross-linked with [14c]dimethyladipimidate (cross-linking span 9 a; 1 a = 0.1 nm), yields four distinct molecular weight products (monomer, dimer, trimer, and tetramer) as observed on sodium dodecyl sulfate - polyacrylamide gels. the dimer species was purified to homogeneity by gel filtration. it was proteolytically degraded using a combination of staphylococcus aureus v8 protease, pepsin, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. the resultant peptides were fractionated using gel filtration an ...19853986666
neutralization of erythroid burst-promoting activity in vitro with antimembrane investigate the relatedness of soluble and pelletable vesicular erythroid burst-promoting activity (bpa) present in lymphocyte-conditioned medium (lcm), we immunized rabbits with partially purified lymphocyte plasma membranes and tested the antisera for biological and immunologic crossreactivity with lcm and its component fractions. when preincubated with igg purified from post-immune but not from preimmune serum, bpa expression by unseparated lcm, lcm-derived pellets, and supernatants was ab ...19853978232
adherence of lysostaphin to and penetration into human monocytes.the effect of lysostaphin on staphylococcus aureus phagocytosed by monocytes was investigated. the results showed that lysostaphin adheres to monocytes by a temperature-independent mechanism, is not adequately removed from monocytes by washing, and penetrates by means of a temperature-dependent mechanism. in in vitro assays of monocyte function, phagocytosed s. aureus can be killed by lysostaphin after penetration of the cells during incubation or by adhering lysostaphin when the monocytes are d ...19853975574
cellular and bacterial toxicities of topical antimicrobials.cellular and bacterial toxicities of four commonly used topical antimicrobials (1% povidone-iodine, 3% hydrogen peroxide, 0.25% acetic acid, and 0.5% sodium hypochlorite) were assayed in vitro using cultures of human fibroblasts and staphylococcus aureus. all agents tested at full strength killed 100 percent of exposed fibroblasts. fibroblast toxicity exceeded bacterial toxicity with serial dilutions of hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid. dilutions of povidone-iodine (1:1000) and sodium hypochlor ...19853975287
role of fibronectin in human monocyte and macrophage bactericidal activity.fibronectin is a high-molecular-weight glycoprotein found as a soluble dimer in plasma and as an insoluble multimer in tissues. it has been proposed that plasma fibronectin facilitates phagocytic removal of lysed cells and damaged tissues. fibronectin binds avidly to several species of gram-positive bacteria and enhances staphylococcal and streptococcal attachment to cultured cells. determination of whether fibronectin will enhance the bactericidal activity of monocytes and macrophages has not b ...19853972444
an in vitro investigation of the intracellular bioactivity of amoxicillin, clindamycin, and erythromycin for staphylococcus aureus.the intraphagocytic bioactivities for staphylococcus aureus of amoxicillin, clindamycin, and erythromycin (0.0075-20 micrograms/ml) were measured in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmnls) with the combination of a fluorochrome microassay and a radioassay. pmnls with normal or depleted membrane-associated oxidative metabolism were used to investigate the interactions that may occur between the intrinsic o2-dependent antimicrobial systems of human phagocytes and antimicrobial agents in the eli ...19863950443
kinetics of il-2 and interferon-gamma production, expression of il-2 receptors, and cell proliferation in human mononuclear cells exposed to staphylococcal enterotoxin a.staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea) at picogram amounts induces high levels of interleukin 2 (il-2) and interferon in human mononuclear cells. sea is a stronger inducer of il-2 than phytohemagglutinin, leukoagglutinin, and concanavalin a. the il-2 induction is very rapid with maximal levels being reached after 18 to 24 hr. the il-2 concentration decreases rapidly and almost no il-2 activity can be detected in supernatants of cells cultured for 3 days or more. maximal dna synthesis is recorded 3 d ...19853939109
[digestive and cutaneous colonization of staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa and corynebacterium xerosis in germ-free hairless mice].regardless of the method of germ-free hrs mouse contamination, the kinetics of staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa cutaneous colonization was parallel to the kinetics of intestinal colonization; corynebacterium xerosis, however, was unable to colonize the skin or the gastrointestinal tract. there was little variability in intestinal and cutaneous colonization; this was quite different from observations in man and hairless holoxenic mice. it is possible to use these experimental mode ...19853936400
pharmacokinetics of macrolides, lincosamides and streptogramins.macrolide antibiotics are known to be effective in spite of their low blood levels. this results in an exception to the customary rule of antibiotics evaluation, of judging the in-vivo effect of an antibiotic in terms of blood levels and mics. most efforts to improve blood levels of macrolides have been unsuccessful because of hepatic toxicity. intravenous administration of macrolides has been difficult because of the frequent incidence of severe side effects. in the present paper, the in-vivo d ...19853932301
cathepsin d precursors in clathrin-coated organelles from human fibroblasts.coated vesicles were isolated from metabolically labeled human fibroblasts with the aid of affinity-purified antibodies against human brain clathrin and staphylococcus aureus cells. the material adsorbed to the s. aureus cells was enriched in clathrin. when the s. aureus cells bearing the immunoadsorbed material were treated with 0.5% saponin, extracts containing the precursor form of cathepsin d were obtained. the extraction of the precursor was promoted in the presence of mannose 6-phosphate. ...19853928634
bacteriological analysis of different foods to determine the fitness for human consumption. 19853923224
the primary structure of rabbit and rat prealbumin and a comparison with the tertiary structure of human prealbumin.the primary structures of rabbit and rat prealbumin have been determined. the amino acid sequence of rabbit prealbumin was determined by analyses of peptides obtained by trypsin and staphylococcus aureus protease digestions. the rat prealbumin sequence was deduced by analyses of tryptic peptides as well as by nucleotide sequencing of cdna clones. both amino acid sequences contain 127 amino acid residues, the same as human prealbumin. pairwise comparisons show that the three sequences are more th ...19853922975
suppression of lymphocyte proliferation by pseudomonas aeruginosa: mediation by pseudomonas-activated suppressor monocytes.pseudomonas aeruginosa has been shown to suppress cell-mediated immunity in experimental animals, but recent reports have also demonstrated that there is a strong t-cell response to this bacteria. our studies of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells showed a great variation in the in vitro proliferative response to killed p. aeruginosa, so we examined the interaction of the different mononuclear cells in cultures with this bacteria. p. aeruginosa stimulated the proliferation of t lymphocytes, ...19853922895
determination of maximal bactericidal activity in human granulocytes.a conventional in vitro test assay was used to determine maximal bactericidal capabilities of human granulocytes. by means of a mathematical model the maximal phagocytosis and killing activity could be calculated for s. aureus and p. aeruginosa serving as test organisms. the evaluation allowed moreover the determination of the optimal bacterial load and also of critical bacterial concentrations leading to a complete depression of observable granulocyte killing functions. in contrast to other stu ...19853919784
effect of bacterial products on human ciliary function in vitro.ciliary activity protects the respiratory tract against inhaled particles, including bacteria, by transporting them trapped in mucus towards the pharynx. we have studied the effect of bacteria (haemophilus influenzae, staphylococcus aureus, and pseudomonas aeruginosa) on human nasal cilia, measuring their in vitro ciliary beat frequency by a photometric technique. supernatant fluids were obtained from 18 hour broth cultures by centrifugation alone, by filtration, and by lysis. supernatants obtai ...19853919460
the effects of hypothermia on neutrophil function in vitro.hypothermia may be associated with compromised host defenses and serious bacterial infections in man. we have examined the effects of moderate hypothermia (29 degrees c) on neutrophil function in vitro. at 29 degrees c, neutrophil phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus was impaired. in contrast, neutrophil killing of streptococcus faecalis was most affected by hypothermia. phagocytosis, as measured by neutrophil ingestion of opsonized oil-red-o-particles, was reduced at 29 degrees c over the 15 m ...19853917485
[hemolytic effect of staphylotoxin].low concentrations of staphylotoxin hemolyzed human erythrocytes at 37 degrees following the kinetics of the first order, high concentrations--by means of kinetics of the second order. effect of the toxin was distinctly augmented with increase of temperature above 20 degrees. treatment of erythrocytes with proteolytic enzymes elevated the cell sensitivity to the staphylotoxin. liposomes, containing a mixture of lecithin, cholesterol and/or hydrocortisone as well as the total lipid fraction from ...19853911574
an enzyme immunoassay for the detection of staphylococcal protein a in affinity-purified products.rabbit antiserum, specific for protein a from staphylococcus aureus, was conjugated to alkaline phosphatase and used in a double antibody solid-phase enzyme immunoassay. the assay was developed to monitor eluate from a large-scale protein a-sepharose affinity column used to purify monoclonal antibodies for human clinical trials. the assay detected soluble protein a in the presence of immunoglobulin at concentrations as low as 4 ng/ml. analysis of the product purified by affinity chromatography r ...19853902970
colonization of human wounds by escherichia vulneris and escherichia this report we present clinical descriptions of 12 hawaiian patients from whom escherichia vulneris or e. hermannii strains were isolated. all but two patients had soft-tissue infections with multiple bacteria, particularly staphylococcus aureus. the other two had purulent conjunctivitis associated with s. aureus and infected malignant peritonitis with multiple organisms, respectively. in none of the cases were the escherichia spp. found in abundant quantities or considered pathogenic. in pre ...19853897270
distribution of the major histocompatibility complex antigens in human and rat kidney.we have compared the distribution of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) antigens in human and rat kidney using monospecific antisera to class i and ii antigens of the mhc. fitc/tritc double immunofluorescence was used to demonstrate these antigens in frozen sections and the staphylococcus aureus cowan i rosette assay on the cell surface. in both species, the mhc antigens were prominently present on the passenger leukocytes. immunofluorescence analysis of human kidney demonstrated that th ...19853892132
comparison of a new cephalosporin, bmy 28142, with other broad-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotics.bmy 28142, a new broad-spectrum semisynthetic cephalosporin, was evaluated in vitro and in vivo in comparison with ceftazidime, cefotaxime, moxalactam, and cefoperazone. the activity of bmy 28142 compared favorably with the activities of the other compounds against both pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus and was somewhat greater against members of the family enterobacteriaceae. the influence of inoculum size on mics of bmy 28142 was small for most of the isolates tested, except ent ...19853885849
detection of c-abl tyrosine kinase activity in vitro permits direct comparison of normal and altered abl gene products.the v-abl transforming protein p160v-abl and the p210c-abl gene product of the translocated c-abl gene in philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia cells have tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity. under similar assay conditions the normal c-abl gene products, murine p150c-abl and human p145c-abl, lacked detectable kinase activity. reaction conditions were modified to identify conditions which would permit the detection of c-abl tyrosine kinase activity. it was found that ...19853879812
effects of diacetyl diamines on in vitro activation and proliferation of human b lymphocytes.n,n'-diacetylputrescine (tetramethylenebisacetamide [tmba]) and its six carbon analog, hexamethylenebisacetamide (hmba), inhibited the proliferative response of human b lymphocytes to anti-mu and formalinized cowan i strain staphylococcal aureus (sac) stimulation. in contrast, b cell growth factor-stimulated proliferation of human b cells was minimally inhibited by tmba or hmba. the antiproliferative effect of these diamine derivatives was specific for anti-mu (or sac) activation of normal b cel ...19853877754
[studies of the mechanisms of human b-cell activation. iv. abnormalities at the b-cell level in patients with behçet's disease]. 19853875902
human mononuclear cells exposed to staphylococci rapidly produce an inhibitor of neutrophil chemotaxis.serum-free cultures of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells from normal volunteers produce an inhibitor of neutrophil chemotaxis when exposed to heat-killed staphylococci. human neutrophils were exposed to 100-fold dilutions of supernatants from 6-hr cultures, washed repeatedly, and assayed for chemotactic responsiveness with a radiolabel assay. dilutions of supernatants from cell cultures exposed to staphylococci resulted in a mean chemotaxis of 856 +/- 83 cpm (n = 21), while that for mediu ...19853874251
interleukin 2-induced proliferation of leukemic human b cells.the proliferative responses of purified leukemic human b cells from nine b cell chronic lymphocytic leukemias to recombinant interleukin 2 (il-2), spontaneously, and after preactivation by staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac) or anti-mu antibodies were studied. three patterns of response were observed: (a) no response (three cases); (b) a moderate spontaneous response enhanced by anti-mu (one case); (c) a high proliferative response after preactivation by anti-mu and/or sac (five cases). il-2 cou ...19853872922
regulation of human b cell activation by prostaglandin e2. suppression of the generation of immunoglobulin-secreting cells.the role of prostaglandin e2 (pge2) in the generation of immunoglobulin-secreting cells (isc) from human peripheral blood b cells was examined. initial studies demonstrated that monocyte (m phi)-mediated suppression of the generation of isc in staphylococcus aureus (sa)-stimulated cultures was mitigated by indomethacin, and thus suggested that the cyclooxygenase pathway products of arachidonic acid played a role in the regulation of b cell activation. the possibility that pge2, one of the major ...19853872889
induction of human interleukin-1 by toxic-shock-syndrome toxin-1.strains of staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients with toxic shock syndrome (tss) make a characteristic protein known as toxic-shock-syndrome toxin-1 (tsst-1), but the role of this protein in the pathogenesis of tss is not certain. we have purified tsst-1 by using a combination of alcohol precipitation, isoelectric focusing, and gel chromatography. tsst-1 has an isoelectric point of 7.2 and a molecular weight of 23,100, in accordance with previously published determinations for this protei ...19853871826
effects of in vitro corticosteroids on b cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation.the present study demonstrates the graded effect of in vitro corticosteroids (css) on the different phases of b cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation. early events such as activation and proliferation of high-dose anti-mu or staphylococcus aureus-stimulated b cells are profoundly suppressed by the presence of in vitro css. the suppressed proliferative response may be mediated by a direct effect on b cells and/or modulation of accessory cell function. later events in the b cell cycl ...19853871795
b cell growth factor activity of immunoaffinity-purified and recombinant human interleukin 2.we investigated the effect of recombinant and affinity-purified human interleukin 2 (il2) on human b cell proliferation. five x 10(4) nonadherent spleen cells that had been depleted twice of t cells were activated by 3-day culture with formaldehyde-killed staphylococcus aureus cowan strain i (sac) prior to addition of tested growth factors. cultures were harvested 72 h later. it was found that both il2 preparations led to optimal cell proliferation compared with a control supernatant obtained by ...19853871701
role of class ii histocompatibility antigens in staphylococcus aureus protein a-induced activation of human t lymphocytes.the capacity of peripheral blood monocytes and b lymphocytes to support staphylococcal protein a (spa)-induced proliferation of autologous and allogeneic t cells, as well as the role of major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class i and ii molecules in this activation process, were investigated. highly purified peripheral t lymphocytes did not proliferate in response to spa, but their response was reconstituted by both irradiated (or mitomycin c-treated) monocytes and b lymphocytes. the effect o ...19853871365
immunoglobulins in the hyperimmunoglobulin e and recurrent infection (job's) syndrome. deficiency of anti-staphylococcus aureus immunoglobulin a.patients with the hyperimmunoglobulin e and recurrent infection syndrome (hie) characteristically have frequent skin and respiratory infections caused by staphylococcus aureus. we have developed a set of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays that use whole s. aureus (wood's strain) immobilized on 0.22-micrometers filters and highly specific, affinity-purified enzyme conjugates of goat anti-human ige, anti-human igd, anti-human igg, anti-human iga, and anti-human igm. these reagents were used to det ...19853871199
in vitro activity of ci-934, a quinolone carboxylic acid active against gram-positive and -negative is a totally synthetic difluorinated quinolinecarboxylic acid with an ethyl-amino-methyl pyrrolidine side chain, which has broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, including particular potency directed against streptococci and staphylococci. the ci-934 mic (micrograms per milliliter) for 90% of the strains tested was 0.4 (range, 0.2 to 0.8) for a group of streptococci (pneumococci, viridans streptococci, streptococcus faecalis, and lancefield groups a, b, and c), 0.2 (0.05 to 0.2) for staph ...19853866513
activation of neutrophils by antigen-induced lymphokine, with emphasis on antibody-independent cytotoxicity.incubation of bovine neutrophils with antigen-stimulated mononuclear cell supernatant (lymphokine) caused an inhibition of neutrophil migration and an enhancement of the neutrophils' ability to adhere to plastic, reduce nitroblue tetrazolium, ingest staphylococcus aureus, and mediate antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (adcc) against chicken erythrocytes. lymphokine-treated neutrophils also became cytotoxic for chicken, turkey and human erythrocytes in the absence of specific antibody ...19853862726
comparative in-vitro activity of sch 34343, a new penem antibiotic.using an agar dilution technique we examined the in-vitro activity of sch 34343 against 485 clinical bacterial isolates. ampicillin, mezlocillin, cefuroxime, cefotaxime, cefotetan, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, imipenem (n-formimidoyl thienamycin) and gentamicin were used for comparison. sch 34343 exhibited activity against all species tested, excepting pseudomonas aeruginosa and pseudomonas species. unlike many newer beta-lactams, sch 34343 was highly active against gram-positive species. it was co ...19853849538
clinical limitations of in vitro testing of microorganism susceptibility.general concepts in evaluating the clinical importance of discrepancies between in vitro susceptibility tests of microorganisms and in vivo results are reviewed, and four problematic antibacterial-bacterial combinations are discussed. the three most common in vitro testing systems--agar disk diffusion, agar dilution, and broth dilution--are designed to detect the minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) of an antimicrobial agent. however, agar and broth systems cannot include all of the biologic v ...19873826085
functional differentiation of normal human the past differentiation of human neutrophils has been defined by morphology, cytochemistry, or surface markers. in our experiments we have sequenced the various events that occur during the functional differentiation of the normal human neutrophil and have also examined some of the functional properties in relationship to surface markers and biochemical events. granulocytes were obtained from the bone marrow and blood of hematologically normal individuals. cells were separated into different ...19873814822
toxic shock syndrome. a newly recognized complication of influenza and influenzalike illness.nine cases of severe hypotension or death compatible with toxic shock syndrome (tss) as a complication of influenza and influenzalike illness were identified in minnesota with onsets between jan 2, 1986, and feb 23, 1986, in which five of the patients died. during this time, an influenza outbreak was occurring in the state. cultures of respiratory secretions were performed in eight patients; staphylococcus aureus was isolated from all of them. seven s aureus isolates were available for determina ...19873806893
role of bacterial exopolymers and host factors on adherence and phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus in foreign body infection.using a previously developed guinea pig model of foreign body infection, we examined ultrastructural and functional surface alterations of staphylococcus aureus strain wood 46 during the early phase of infection. exopolymer-free bacteria were prepared and inoculated into subcutaneously implanted tissue cages. after three hours, the bacteria showed abundant capsular and intercellular exopolymers, which were visualized by transmission electron microscopy. exopolymers were also produced by s. aureu ...19873805776
the amino-acid sequence of rat cu-zn superoxide dismutase.the primary structure of cu-zn superoxide dismutase isolated from rat liver was determined. the enzyme was reduced, carboxymethylated and fragmented by treatment with cyanogen bromide, trypsin or staphylococcus aureus proteinase v8. the resulting peptides were separated by gel filtration or high performance liquid chromatography and sequenced by automated edman degradation. the total sequence of 153 amino-acid residues per subunit was reconstructed from overlapping peptides. rat cu-zn superoxide ...19863790250
the pulmonary disposition of theophylline and its influence on human alveolar macrophage bactericidal function.we studied the pulmonary disposition of theophylline by performing bronchoalveolar lavage on 19 normal, nonsmoking volunteers who had taken theophylline orally for 14 days. in addition, we determined the influence of theophylline on human alveolar macrophage bacterial phagocytosis, intracellular killing, and hydrogen peroxide release. we found a 1:1 relationship between serum and bronchoalveolar lavage theophylline concentrations when lavage fluid concentrations were corrected for saline dilutio ...19863789521
non-tropical pyomyositis.pyomyositis occurred in a man who had not been to the tropics. the condition is common in the tropics but most unusual in temperate climates and is nearly always caused by staphylococcus aureus. pyomyositis must be borne in mind in obscure cases of sepsis, as early recognition and treatment are essential to prevent a fatal outcome.19863782487
isolation and amino acid sequence of bovine platelet factor 4.bovine platelet factor 4 was isolated by affinity chromatography using dextran sulfate sepharose and purified by subsequent gel filtration. the complete amino acid sequence of this 88-residue, 9505-da protein was determined by isolation and analysis of the overlapping peptides from tryptic and staphylococcus aureus hydrolysates of reduced, carboxymethylated, and reductive methylated protein. primary structure comparison was made between bovine platelet factor 4, human platelet factor 4, and huma ...19863767377
use of a synthetic peptidoglycan-precursor immunogen and its antibodies as a probe of infectious diseases in man.antibodies to a peptide sequence found in peptidoglycan (pg)- precursors (lys-d-ala-d-ala) have been found in man and their titers are elevated in several human diseases. antibodies in rabbits were elicited by a synthetic immunogen containing these pg-precursor sequences, affinity purified with the precursor linked to sepharose and shown to cross-react with bacterial by-products, such as the high molecular weight soluble peptidoglycan (spg) from staphylococcus aureus, which contain these sequenc ...19863743902
effect of human serum on inhibition of growth of staphylococcus aureus by antimicrobial agents. 19863743559
modulation of igg effector functions by a monovalent fragment of staphylococcal protein a.the monovalent v-1 fragment of protein a (fspa) with a mol. wt of 13,000 obtained from an u.v. mutant of staphylococcus aureus cowan i strain was proved to be able to modulate significantly some of the effector functions of igg, such as complement fixation, catabolism, attachment to fc receptors and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. moreover fspa-like protein a obtained from the a676 strain is mitogenic and enhances nk activity of human peripheral lymphocytes. the efficiency of fspa ...19863724757
binding of staphylococcus aureus by human serum spreading factor in an in vitro assay.human serum spreading factor, an animal cell adhesion-promoting glycoprotein, bound staphylococcus aureus in an assay in which association of bacteria to protein-precoated microtiter wells was quantitated. interaction of human serum spreading factor with s. aureus suggests that this protein may play a role in host defenses and in the invasiveness and pathogenicity of microbial infections.19863710583
the in vitro effects of methotrexate on the phagocytosis and intracellular killing of staphylococcus aureus by human neutrophils.the in vitro effect of therapeutic concentrations of methotrexate on the phagocytosis and intracellular killing of staphylococcus aureus by circulating human neutrophils was assessed. neutrophils were isolated from whole blood of six healthy human volunteers by density centrifugation and incubated with 10(-3) m methotrexate. staphylococcus aureus was opsonized in human serum and added to the prepared neutrophils. phagocytosis was determined by serial dilutions and plating of unphagocytized bacte ...19863697933
a synthetic hemoregulatory peptide (hp5b) inhibits human myelopoietic colony formation (cfu-gm) but not leukocyte phagocytosis in vitro.a synthetic analog of a hemoregulatory peptide associated with mature human granulocyte (hp5b) has been investigated for inhibitory effects on human myelopoietic stem cells in vitro. in addition, it has been tested for effects on phagocytosis by human granulocytes and monocytes by use of an automatic flow cytometric method. a dose-dependent inhibition of colony formation was found after preincubation of bone marrow cells for 1 h at 37 degrees c in the range 10(7) -10(-11) mol/l. above or below t ...19873678477
expression of human insulin-like growth factor i in bacteria: use of optimized gene fusion vectors to facilitate protein purification.several fusions between the gene for human insulin-like growth factor i (igf-i) and the genes for different igg-binding fragments of staphylococcal protein a were assembled and compared regarding expression, secretion, and purification of the peptide hormone. after igg affinity purification of the fusion proteins from the growth medium of staphylococcus aureus or escherichia coli, native igf-i was released by cleavage of an asn-gly peptide bond with hydroxylamine. an optimized expression system ...19873676250
activation of the human complement cascade by bacterial cell walls, peptidoglycans, water-soluble peptidoglycan components, and synthetic muramylpeptides--studies on active components and structural requirements.cell walls isolated from 29 strains of 24 gram-positive bacterial species, whose peptidoglycans belong to the group a type of schleifer and kandler's classification, with one exception (arthrobacter sp.), were shown to activate the complement cascade in pooled fresh human serum mainly through the alternative pathway and partly through the classical one. the complement-activating effect of cell walls (5 species) possessing group b type peptidoglycan, except those of corynebacterium insidiosum, wa ...19873670125
prominent igm rheumatoid factor production by human cord blood lymphocytes stimulated in vitro with staphylococcus aureus cowan i.we previously reported that staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac) is a potent stimulant of igm rheumatoid factor (rf) production by normal adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells. in the current study, we compared the capacity of normal adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells and cord blood mononuclear cells to produce igm rf. although both populations of cells consistently produced igm rf in response to sac, the quantity of rf produced by cord blood cells (128 +/- 18 ng/ml, mean +/- sem) greatl ...19873655363
immunosuppressive effects of centipeda periodontii: selective cytotoxicity for lymphocytes and monocytes.we have examined soluble sonic extracts prepared from several strains of centipeda periodontii for their ability to alter human lymphocyte function. these organisms were isolated from subgingival plaque of patients with periodontal disease. we found that sonicates from several, but not all, strains of c. periodontii caused a dose-dependent inhibition of lymphocyte responsiveness to concanavalin a, phytohemagglutinin, pokeweed mitogen, and formalinized staphylococcus aureus. inhibition was associ ...19873653981
a simultaneous flow cytometric measurement of neutrophil phagocytosis and oxidative burst in whole quantitate phagocytosis and respiratory burst by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns), 1-ml aliquots of human whole blood were incubated with 50 microm dichlorofluorescin diacetate for 10 min at 37 degrees c prior to the addition of texas red-labelled staphylococcus aureus (sa). at 5-min intervals pmns were analyzed by flow cytometry for ingested sa and resultant production of hydrogen peroxide, an oxidative burst metabolite. pmns from infected patients or normals that had been primed for 1 hr ...19873621481
extracellular products of staphylococcus aureus reversibly inhibit the terminal differentiation of cultured mouse epidermal cells.the effect of extracellular products from staphylococcus aureus on the differentiation of mouse epidermal cells was studied using an in vitro cell culture system. the extracellular products from a clinical strain of s. aureus isolated from human skin lesions reversibly inhibited the ca++-induced terminal differentiation of epidermal cells, as determined by their morphology and the extent of cornified envelope formation. this suggests that a similar modification of cell differentiation is involve ...19873621366
structural analysis of covalently labeled estrogen receptors by limited proteolysis and monoclonal antibody reactivity.we have used limited proteolysis of affinity-labeled estrogen receptors (er), coupled with antireceptor antibody immunoreactivity, to assess structural features of er and the relatedness of er from mcf-7 human breast cancer and rat uterine cells. mcf-7 er preparations covalently labeled with [3h]tamoxifen aziridine [( 3h]taz) were treated with trypsin (t), alpha-chymotrypsin (c), or staphylococcus aureus v8 protease prior to electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels. fluorography revealed a ...19873620450
antimicrobial activity of ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, desacetylcefotaxime, and cefotaxime-desacetylcefotaxime in the presence of human serum.eighty-seven organisms were tested against ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, desacetylcefotaxime, and the combination of cefotaxime and desacetylcefotaxime (1:1 ratio) in broth containing 0, 25, or 50% human serum. in the presence of human serum, ceftriaxone mics were four- to eightfold higher than those obtained in broth, changing 98% of staphylococcus aureus strains from the susceptible to the moderately susceptible category and 53% of selected gram-negative strains to a more resistant category. the mi ...19873606081
[stimulation of the respiratory burst of the neutrophils from healthy subjects by different staphylococcus aureus concentrations].preopsonized live and heat-killed s. aureus stimulated, without the washing of serum, the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of human neutrophils obtained from healthy donors. the intensity of chemiluminescence was evaluated by the index of stimulation with staphylococci, with due consideration for their concentration. with the microbe/phagocyte ratio equal to 10:1, these indices had the maximum values when both live and killed staphylococci were used. at high concentrations of staphylococci, e ...19873591126
immunoultrastructural studies of human nk cells: ii. effector-target cell binding and phagocytosis.the binding of nk cells to a target cell appears to be a necessary step for nk cell-mediated cytolysis. in this report, we demonstrated effector-target binding by immunoelectron microscopy by using monoclonal antibodies against nk cells (leu-7, leu-11a) and t-cell subsets (leu-2a/t8, leu-3a/t4). the surfaces of nk and k562 cells were characterized by antitransferrin receptor antibody and various lectins. in addition, the controversial phagocytic activity of nk cells was studied by incubation of ...19873578843
efficacy of ciprofloxacin in animal models of infection: endocarditis, meningitis, and pneumonia.animal models of infection are very useful tools for identifying those situations in which antibacterial drugs, including the quinolones, may play special roles, i.e., for positioning a drug correctly for its role in the treatment of human disease. ciprofloxacin has been studied extensively in discriminative animal models of infection, and its efficacy in the treatment of these infections has been compared with that of standard therapy. in a rabbit model of staphylococcal endocarditis, ciproflox ...19873578331
staphylococcus aureus-stimulated human mononuclear leucocyte-conditioned medium augments the basal and stimuli-induced neutrophil respiratory burst and degranulation.culture medium conditioned by mononuclear leucocytes (mnl) stimulated by formalin-fixed heat-killed staphylococcus aureus (scm) modulated a number of neutrophil functions. the scm inhibited the locomotion of human neutrophils in both the presence and absence of a chemotactic gradient generated with n-formyl-l-methionyl-l-leucyl-l-phenylalanine (fmlp). it also stimulated the oxygen-dependent respiratory burst as assessed by its ability to stimulate basal h2o2, superoxide and chemiluminescence pro ...19873570357
[effect of rifampicin, lincomycin and staphylococcal vaccine on the beta-lysin activity of the blood serum of animals infected with staphylococcus].changes in activity of beta-lysins in blood serum were studied in the time course on albino mice infected with staphylococci and treated with rifampicin, lincomycin and inactivated staphylococcal vaccine administered in combination or alone. it was shown that staphylococcal infection lowered activity of the serum beta-lysins in the animals and therapeutic use of inactivated staphylococcal vaccine stimulated beta-lysin activity. therapeutic use of rifampicin or lincomycin under the same condition ...19873566229
[staphylococcal infection after intramuscular injection].a 74-year-old woman and a 68-year-old man admitted to hospital for backache and somnolence both showed growth of staphylococcus aureus in blood cultures. one patient died from septic shock. in both patients septicemia was secondary to a gluteal abscess after intramuscular injection of antirheumatic drugs. diagnosis was particularly difficult due to lack of local signs. local pain hardly differed from that of the original "rheumatic" backache. the literature is reviewed and diagnosis and treatmen ...19873563455
monosaccharide inhibition of staphylococcus aureus adherence to human solid-phase fibronectin. 19873559279
Displaying items 2001 - 2100 of 2644