Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted descending) Filter |
uptake of marker proteins by glycoprotein-containing cells of the pregnant rat uterus and placenta. | a study was made of cells in the pregnant rat uterus and placenta known to contain glycoprotein inclusions to investigate their ability to endocytose marker proteins (fluorescein conjugated serum and horseradish peroxidase) injected into the maternal circulation. the visceral endoderm showed marked uptake of both proteins, though in later pregnancy this was restricted to the area of yolk sac adjacent to the chorio-allantoic placenta. the intracellular distribution of the endocytosed marker prote ... | 1979 | 536309 |
[horseradish peroxidase study of the associative connections of the motor region of the cerebral cortex in cats]. | somatotopic organization of the body representation in the motor cortex of the cat's brain and a high degree of differentiation in the organization of associative projections between the motor and the somatosensory cortex was shown by means of retrograde transport of horse-radish peroxidase. pyramid and stellate neurones of the second and the third cortical layers participate in the formation of these projections and interconnections. | 1979 | 532348 |
afferent connections of the laterodorsal thalamic nucleus in the rat. | the laterodorsal thalamic afferent connections have been studied by means of the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the following new sources of projections to the laterodorsal thalamic nucleus (ld) were observed: the zona incerta, the lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus (bilaterally), the lateral hypothalamus and the precentral agranular cortex. | 1979 | 530517 |
the cerebellar projection from the paratrigeminal nucleus in the cat. | the cerebellar afferent projection from the paratrigeminal nucleus (ptn) was studied in the cat by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish perioxidase (hrp). most of the afferent fibres reach the cerebellar lobules i, ii, v (hemispheral part), viiib and ix, the paramedian lobule and the fastigial nucleus. the total distribution of the cerebellar afferents is shown in fig. 2. the findings extend chan-palay's [2,3] recent studies on the cytology, synaptic organization and neurotransmit ... | 1979 | 530516 |
demonstration of a direct projection from the intralaminar central lateral nucleus to the primary visual cortex. | orthograde autoradiographic and retrograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing techniques were used to demonstrate the existence of a direct projection from the central lateral nucleus of the intralaminar complex of the thalamus to the primary visual cortex of the cat. the projection is sparser than the projections from the thalamic non-specific nuclei to other cortical areas of the cat which have been described in the past [9,20,21]. the projection to primary visual cortex is most dense in cor ... | 1979 | 530501 |
identification of the superior salivatory nucleus in the cat as studied by the hrp method. | using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) bathing of either the intermediofacial nerve or the chorda tympani, the localization of the superior salivatory nucleus that gives rise to parasympathetic fibers to the submandibular and sublingual glands was identified in the cat. the superior salivatory nucleus demonstrated by this study does not exist in the pons but does exist in the dorsal part of the reticular formation of the rostral medulla oblongata. neurons of this nucleus were generally medium-sized ... | 1979 | 530495 |
origin of the rubrospinal tract of the rat. | the location of cells of origin of the rat rubrospinal tract has been determined by the use of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. rubral neurons projecting to cervical spinal levels are found in dorsal and medial portions of the nucleus while those sending fibers to lumbar cord levels are located ventrally and ventrolaterally within the nucleus. no cells in the rostral one-half of the nucleus were labelled in this study. the results indicate that the rat rubrospinal tract ori ... | 1979 | 530486 |
thalamic afferents to the visual cortex in congenitally anophthalmic mice. | retrograde cell labelling with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has been used to study the thalamic afferents to the primary visual cortex (area 17) in mutant h1-zrdct-an ('eyeless') mice, in which the eyes are missing throughout development. injections of hrp that were localised to a subregion of area 17, resulted in the labelling of a group of neurons in the ipsilateral dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, showing the existence of a point-to-point connectivity. many labelled cells were also found in ... | 1979 | 530479 |
the posterior pretectal nucleus: evidence for a direct projection to the inferior olive of the cat. | in our horseradish peroxidase (hrp) study of the afferents to the medullary raphe nuclei in the cat, hrp uptake by damaged axons en route to the inferior olive (io) was thought to be responsible for retrograde labelling of specific midbrain nuclei. to control for such indirect labelling, hrp was injected iontophoretically into the inferior olive. the location of retrogradely labelled neurons was related to the specific locus of hrp injection within the io. injection of hrp into the caudal dorsal ... | 1979 | 530460 |
retrograde demonstration of hippocampal afferents from the interpeduncular and reuniens nuclei. | the origin of hippocampal afferent projections was studied after horseradish peroxidase injections into the hippocampal formation. labeled cells were found in the dorsal and ventrolateral aspects of the interpeduncular nucleus and in the ipsilateral portion of the nucleus reuniens thalami. in addition, neurons containing hrp were observed in the cortical, hypothalamic and brain stem areas reported by previous investigators. | 1979 | 530459 |
the morphology of group ib afferent fibre collaterals in the spinal cord of the cat. | 1. the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into single ib muscle afferent fibres in anaesthetized cats. subsequently, histochemistry allowed the morphology of the axons and their collaterals in the lumbosacral spinal cord to be determined. 2. eleven ib axons were stained, seven from lateral gastrocneminus-soleus, one from medial gastrocnemius and three from muscles innervated by the posterior tibial nerve. ten of the axons were traced into the dorsal roots and all but one (from the ... | 1979 | 529088 |
origin of free 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol. | the origin of free 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (mhpg, a major metabolite of norepinephrine) in rat cerebrospinal fluid (csf) was investigated using brain and spinal cord perfusions with artificial csf, electrical stimulation of the locus coeruleus (lc) and the technique of retrograde cell labelling with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the rates of appearance of mhpg into ventricular-cisternal and lumbar-cisternal perfusates were about 12.4 and 19.2 ng/hour respectively. probenecid (200 ... | 1979 | 528999 |
[retrograde axonal horseradish peroxidase transport study of the neuronal organization of the caudate nucleus in cats]. | 1979 | 527470 | |
[horseradish peroxidase study of efferent connections between the lateral geniculate body and the auditory fields of the cat cerebral cortex]. | 1979 | 527469 | |
an ultrastructural study of the neurosecretory canopy cell of the pond snail lymnaea stagnalis (l.), with the use of the horseradish peroxidase tracer technique. | the paired, electrotonically coupled neurosecretory canopy cells (cc) of the pond snail lymnaea stagnalis were microiontophoretically injected with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). whole mount preparations and ultrathin sections of injected cc were studied to describe in detail the morphology of the cc, their axon tracts and neurohaemal areas. the cc release their secretory product at three different sites, viz. from the soma and from axon terminals in the intercerebral commissure and in the median ... | 1979 | 527029 |
a 3-dimensional reconstruction of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the rat. the neurons projecting to the neuro/intermediate lobe and those containing vasopressin and somatostatin. | a three-dimensional reconstruction of the rat's hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system, depicting the neurons that project to the neuro-intermediate lobe of the pituitary, has been made by using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase injected into the neuro-intermediate lobe and by using immunocytochemistry with antisera to vasopressin and somatostatin. the overall picture illustrates the neurons situated in the walls of a pair of ill-defined cone-shaped tunnels, the apices pointing anterio ... | 1979 | 527025 |
afferent connections of the hypothalamic retrochiasmatic area in the rat. | the afferent projections to the retrochiasmatic area (rca) of the rat hypothalamus have been studied by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. iontophoretic deposit of the marker was used in most animals, and consistent projections from the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus, the lateral part of the substantia nigra and the parabigeminal nucleus (npb) were observed. a comparison between npb projections and projections from the neighboring tegmentum suggests that some neur ... | 1979 | 526858 |
mechanisms involved in differential conduction of potentials at high frequency in a branching axon. | 1. the ionic mechanisms involved in block of conduction of action potentials following high frequency stimulation were studied in a branching axon of the lobster panulirus penicillatus. 2. a 2-3 mm increase in extracellular k concentration (normal concentration 12 mm) produced block of conduction into both daughter branches. 3. while conduction block induced by high frequency stimulation occurs first into the large daughter branch and only later into the smaller one, propagation into both branch ... | 1979 | 521940 |
relations between cell body size, axon diameter and axon conduction velocity of triceps surae alpha montoneurons during the postnatal development in the cat. | triceps surae alpha-motoneurons in cats of different postnatal ages were stained intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and studied light microscopically. in individual neurons, the mean diameter of the cell body and the intramedullary axon diameter were measured and related to the axon conduction velocity. the mean diameter of the cell body grew from 39.6 micrometer at birth to 57.6 micrometer in the adult cat, while the corresponding figures for the intramedullary axon diameters wer ... | 1979 | 521509 |
regional functional differentiation in the gut of the grasscarp, ctenopharyngodon idella (val.). | a regional differentiation--reflecting structural differences--of the intestine of larval and juvenile grasscarps can be illustrated by studying the activity of alkaline phosphatase and the uptake of orally administered horseradish peroxidase. pinocytosis takes place in a welldefined area of about 23% of the length of the gut (segment ii). neither the rostral +/- 68% (segment i) nor the caudal +/- 9% (segment iii) shows absorption of the enzyme. alkaline phosphatase activity, mainly localized at ... | 1979 | 521316 |
on the course and origin of cranial nerves in the teleost fish gnathonemus determined by ortho- and retrograde horseradish peroxidase axonal transport. | by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) labelling the course and origin of the ii-x cranial nerves are identified in the teleost fish gnathonemus petersii. roots as well as motor and sensory nuclei in the viscero- and somatomotor and somatosensory areas are localised. earlier data of comparative and experimental anatomical observations are completed, partly confirmed or corrected. | 1979 | 514539 |
identification of the inferior salivatory nucleus in the cat as studied by hrp bathings of the transected glossopharyngeal nerve root. | the localization of the inferior salivatory nucleus that gives rise to parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland was identified by means of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method in the cat. the inferior salivatory nucleus does exist in the medulla oblongata and is situated in the dorsal part of the reticular formation. the nucleus is well-circumscribed caudally but rostrally the nucleus becomes scattered within the wide area of the dorso-lateral reticular formation. the inferior salivatory nucle ... | 1979 | 514538 |
brain stem afferents to visual cortical areas 17, 18 and 19 in the cat, demonstrated by horseradish peroxidase. | the origins of brain stem projections to the cytoarchitectonically different areas 17, 18 and 19 of the cat's visual cortex were studied following small horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections. labelled cells were counted in a dopaminergic nucleus (nucleus linearis rostralis (nlr)), other catecholaminergic nuclei (locus coeruleus, parabrachialis nuclei and nucleus subcoeruleus) and serotonergic nuclei (nucleus raphe dorsalis (nrd) and nucleus centralis superior (ncs)). area 18 receives afferents ... | 1979 | 514536 |
[laminar distribution of sources of ascending spinocerebral fiber systems in the spinal cord of cats]. | cells of origin of the spinobular, spinomesencephalic and spinothalamic tracts in the cat brain were identified by the retrograde horseradish peroxidase transport technique. a conclusion is made that neurons in laminae iv and v give rise to ascending fibres to the ipsilateral dorsal column nuclei and neurons in the lateral parts of laminae v and vi and in lamina viii establish direct connections with the contralateral thalamus (cm, md, cl) and reticular formation of the brain stem. throughout th ... | 1979 | 514408 |
[horseradish peroxidase labelled neurons of nonspecific thalamic nuclei projecting to the cat brain somatosensory zone i]. | the morphology and topography of neurons whose axons form the thalamic nonspecific input to the primary somatosensory cortex were studied in the cat thalamus by the method of the retrograde transport of the horseradish peroxidase. the labelled cells were found in the dorsolateral part of the nucleus ventralis anterior, in the nucleus centralis lateralis, in the lateral part of the nucleus dorsalis medialis, in the dorsal part of the nucleus centrum medianum. a very small number of slightly stain ... | 1979 | 514406 |
non-retinotopic arrangement of fibres in cat optic nerve. | fibres in the mammalian optic nerve are generally thought to be organised retinotopically. recording electrophysiologically from the cat optic nerve, we found little evidence to support this notion, which led us to investigate the problem by anatomical methods. we made a localised injection of horseradish peroxidase into the lateral geniculate body of the cat, labelling a small clump of retinal ganglion cells and their axons in the optic nerve. these fibres, emanating from neighbouring cells in ... | 1979 | 514350 |
retrograde axonal transport of specific macromolecules as a tool for characterizing nerve terminal membranes. | the uptake of macromolecules by nerve terminals which is followed by retrograde axonal transport seems to occur by two different mechanisms, a specific and a nonspecific one. the nonspecific uptake depends on the presence of macromolecules (e.g., horseradish peroxidase) in the vicinity of the nerve terminals at very high concentrations and is enhanced by neuronal activity. in contrast, the specific uptake and subsequent retrograde axonal transport becomes apparent at much lower concentrations of ... | 1979 | 512657 |
membrane differentiation of developing hemic cells of the bone marrow demonstrated by changes in concanavalin a surface labeling. | the concanavalin a-gold labeled horseradish peroxidase (con a-hrp-g) method has been employed in the ultrastructural localization of con a surface receptor sites on glutaraldehyde-fixed normal human and guinea pig bone marrow cells. the number of gold particles per micron of cell surface was counted and data subjected to statistical analysis. all cells of the bone marrow exhibited con a binding; however, the extent of surface labeling was dependent both on cell type and stage of differentiation. ... | 1979 | 512328 |
horseradish peroxidase as a tracer for capillary permeability studies. | the permeability of capillaries was investigated utilizing an in vivo injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and an in situ perfusion of a balanced salt solution containing hrp and lanthanum chloride. in the continuous capillaries of heart and muscle, hrp diffuses mainly through intercellular junctions, while in testicular capillaries, the transport is via micropinocytotic vesicles. the diffusion and micropinocytotic transport of hrp was demonstrated in both directions, i.e. from the capillar ... | 1979 | 512320 |
endocytosis and chloroquine accumulation during the cell cycle of hepatoma cells in culture. | variations of endocytic and of lysosomal functions during the cell cycle have been investigated in synchronized hepatoma cells (derived from morris hepatoma 7288c) by following the cellular uptake of horseradish peroxidase, dextran (mol wt. 70,000), and chloroquine. cell fractionation and cytochemistry show that in asynchronously growing cells exposed for 1 h to 5 mg/ml peroxidase, the bulk of the enzyme taken up by the cells is found in phagosomes. by using the same experimental system with syn ... | 1979 | 511930 |
fine structure of the ependyma and intercellular junctions in the area postrema of the rat. | ependymal cells and their junctional complexes in the area postrema of the rat were studied in detail by tracer experiments using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and colloidal lanthanum and by freeze-etch techniques, in addition to routine electron microscopy. the ependyma of the area postrema is characterized as flattened cells possessing very few cilia, a moderate amount of microvilli, a well-developed golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum. numerous vesicles or tubular formations with i ... | 1979 | 509480 |
a lack of peripheral transmedian innervation of feline mandibular canine teeth as determined by horseradish peroxidase. | 1979 | 509244 | |
the organization of projections to selected points of somatosensory cortex from the cat ventrobasal complex. | the organization of neurons in the cat ventrobasal complex (vb) which project to somatosensory cortex (si) was investigated by the use of the retrograde transport of the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (hrp). two histochemical procedures were used to visualize retrogradely transported hrp. injections of hrp in electrophysiologically characterized points of si cortex labeled distinctive zones of neurons in vb ipsilateral to the injections. injections placed in the forelimb or hindlimb cortical area ... | 1979 | 509208 |
morphometrical synaptology of clarke cells and of distal dendrites in the nucleus dorsalis: an electron microscopic study in the cat. | the fine structural synaptology of large clarke cells in l3 has been investigated from a morphometrical point of view in both normal and adult cats which received horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections in the cerebellum. this marking method made it possible to distinguish small or distal dendrites of large clarke cells from those of interneurons and the marginal cells of clarke's column. a total of 1036 boutons was observed on the perikarya of 21 large clarke cells; 81.9% (848/1036) were small- ... | 1979 | 509207 |
calcium binding by horseradish peroxidase c and the heme environmental structure. | 1979 | 508331 | |
horseradish peroxidase. xxxvii. compound i formation from reconstituted enzyme lacking free carboxyl groups as heme side chains. | 1979 | 508318 | |
the gliovascular interphase in irradiated brain tissue. electron microscopic investigations. horseradish peroxidase transport. | the gliovascular interphase in irradiated brain tissue. electron microscopic investigations. horseradish peroxidase transport. acta physiol. pol., 1979, 30 (4): 455--468. the gliovascular junction which is the morphological element of the blood-brain barrier was studied. for damaging the barrier 44 wistar rats received single dose of 800 rads of gamma radiation from co60. the observations were carried out in electron microscope and capillary permeability was tested by means of horseradish peroxi ... | 1979 | 506750 |
blood-brain barrier opening to horseradish peroxidase in acute arterial hypertension. | acute arterial hypertension was induced in male wistar rats using two experimental techniques: (1) i.v. injection of aramine and (2) infusion of physiological saline as a bolus via internal carotid artery. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected i.v. prior to both experimental procedures and subsequently localized in the brain by light and electron microscopy. in the saline infusion (pressure pulse) model, colloidal lanthanum was also applied as a diffusion tracer following fixation of the cer ... | 1979 | 506690 |
t-tubule endocytosis in dystrophic chicken muscle and its relation to muscle fiber degeneration. | pectoralis muscles from normal and dystrophic chickens were investigated 2 h after an i.v. injection of horseradish peroxidase, by cytochemical and biochemical techniques to demonstrate peroxidase activity. light microscopic examination of dystrophic muscles showed that peroxidase activity could be detected inside a population of fibers, in deliminated bodies often restricted to segments of the muscle fiber. such bodies containing peroxidase were not observed in normal muscle fibers. electron mi ... | 1979 | 506688 |
the morphologic effects of histamine on the lateral cochlear wall. | the chinchilla lateral cochlear wall (stria vascularis, spiral ligament, and spiral prominence) was examined by morphologic and histochemical techniques following various doses of intravenous histamine. the three main findings were as follows: (1) the basic ultrastructure was not altered by histamine; (2) there is a time- and dose-dependent change in the rate of stria vascularis vessel permeability to a small protein tracer (horseradish peroxidase), but the mode of transport (large pore system) ... | 2013 | 503533 |
connections and visual-field mapping in cat's tectoparabigeminal circuit. | 1. the aim of these experiments was to analyze the organization of the reciprocal connections between the cat's superior colliculus and parabigeminal nucleus. both physiological and anatomical techniques were employed. 2. a population of cells in the superficial gray and upper optic layers of the colliculus was labeled retrogradely by horseradish peroxidase injections into the parabigeminal nucleus. no other sources of input to the nucleus were found in the brain stem or diencephalon. 3. a map o ... | 1979 | 501394 |
connections of the tectum of the rattlesnake crotalus viridis: an hrp study. | we have studied the connections of the tectum of the rattlesnake by tectal application of horseradish peroxidase. the tectum receives bilateral input from nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, posterolateral tegmental nuclei, anterior tegmental nuclei and periventricular nuclei; ipsilateral input from nucleus geniculatus pretectalis, and lateral geniculate nucleus pars dorsalis; and contralateral input from dorso-lateral posterior tegmental nucleus and the previously undescribed nucleus reticularis ... | 1979 | 500853 |
evidence that the different classes of relay cells of the cat's lateral geniculate nucleus terminate in different layers of the striate cortex. | small electrophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were made with recording microelectrodes in different layers of area 17 of the cat. the sizes and locations of labeled relay cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgnd) were then studied. layer i was found to receive inputs mainly from small lgnd cells (13--21 micrometer). these cells were located in the parvocellular c laminae and the min. layer ii and the upper portion of layer iii were not found to receive lgnd afferents. low ... | 1979 | 499392 |
gap junctional communication in the preimplantation mouse embryo. | in this study, we examined cell-to-cell communication via gap junctional channels between the cells of the early mouse embryo from the 2-cell stage to the preimplantation blastocyst stage. the extent of communication was examined by monitoring for the presence of ionic coupling, the transfer of injected fluorescein (molecular weight 330) and the transfer of injected horseradish peroxidase (molecular weight 40,000). in the 2-cell, 4-cell and precompaction 8-cell embryos, cytoplasmic bridges betwe ... | 1979 | 498274 |
spinal projections from the lower brain stem in the cat as demonstrated by the horseradish peroxidase technique. ii. projections from the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum and raphe nuclei. | the descending projections to the spinal cord arising from the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum and brain stem raphe nuclei have been investigated by means of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. particular attention was taken to clarify the cells of origin and the funicular trajectory of these spinal projections. after injections of hrp into the spinal cord, a significant of hrp labeled neurons were observed in the following dorsolateral pontine tegmental structures: (1) an area ventral to ... | 1979 | 497809 |
assignment of exchangeable proximal histidine resonances in high-spin ferric hemoproteins: substrate binding in horseradish peroxidase. | 1979 | 496987 | |
[cortico-cortical connections between the auditory fields and the sensomotor area of the cortex]. | in 18 cats by means of two methods--anterograde degeneration and retrograde transport of exogenic horseradish peroxidase--cortico-cortical connections of the auditory fields to the cortical sensomotor area have been studied. these connections have been stated to terminate in layers v-iii of certain parts of the sensomotor area corresponding to the projections of the foreleg and the head. initial neurons of the connections studied are pyramidal cells in layers iii and ii. they are situated in ros ... | 1979 | 496667 |
thalamocortical organization of the auditory system in the cat studied by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. | 1979 | 495257 | |
intestinal absorption of immune complexes by neonatal rats: a route of antigen transfer from mother to young. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the presence of specific immunoglobulin g antibody to hrp is selectively absorbed from the gut lumen and transferred by intestinal epithelial cells to the lamina propria in newborn rats. the hrp is not transferred in detectable amounts in the absence of the antibody. transport of maternally derived antigen via antigen-antibody complexes may have important influences on the developing immune system in young mammals. | 1979 | 493961 |
ultrastructure of the synapses of sensory neurons that mediate the gill-withdrawal reflex in aplysia. | we have identified the processes of mechanoreceptor sensory neurons by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase in order to study the structure of synapses which exhibit profound, behaviourally-relevant plasticity. these synapses are located at small, varicose expansions along or at the end of the fine, microtubule-containing neurites, and they are crowded with vesicles some of which are associated with the varicosity membrane at regions of membrane specialization morphologically equiva ... | 1979 | 490189 |
translocation of dimeric iga through neoplastic colon cells in vitro. | we studied the translocation of dimeric iga across epithelium, using neoplastic human colon cells in culture as a source of epithelial cells, and immunoelectronmicroscopy with peroxidase-labeled antigens and antibodies. the cells had some of the ultrastructural characteristics of normal, mature epithelial cells, i.e., polarity, desmosomal junctions, and secretory component on their basal and lateral plasma membranes. horseradish peroxidase-labeled dimeric iga, exposed to the cells at 0 degrees c ... | 1979 | 489985 |
origin, course and terminations of the rubrospinal tract in the pigeon (columba livia). | the red nucleus and its spinal projections in the pigeon (columba livia) have been studied using both normal and experimental material. the cytoarchitecture of the nucleus is described on the basis of nissl-stained sections and reveals an organization generally similar to that of mammals. the large neurons (40-50 mum) tend to be located dorsomedially and ventrolaterally at more caudal nuclear levels, while the small- and medium-sized neurons (15-35 mum) predominate at rostral levels. however, ne ... | 1979 | 489796 |
the longitudinal zonal pattern in the paramedian lobule of the cat's cerebellum: an analysis based on a correlation of recent hrp data with results of studies with other methods. | in a preceding study of the distribution of retrogradely labeled cells in the inferior olive of the cat after microinjections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the contralateral paramedian lobule (brodal and walberg, '77b), three longitudinal zones were distinguished. the zones were assumed to correspond to voogd's zones c1, c2 and d, receiving their afferents from parts of the dorsal accessory olive, of the medial accessory olive and of the dorsal lamella of the principal olive, respectively. ... | 1979 | 489793 |
the origin of descending pathways in the dorsolateral funiculus of the spinal cord of the cat and rat: further studies on the anatomy of pain modulation. | there is considerable evidence that the dorsolateral funiculus (dlf) of the spinal cord contains descending pathways critical for both opiate and brainstem stimulation-produced analgesia. to obtain a comprehensive map of brainstem neurons projecting to the spinal cord via the dlf, large injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were made into the lumbosacral spinal cord of cat and rat. these injections were made caudal to midthoracic lesions which spared only a single dlf or ventral quadrant (v ... | 1979 | 489790 |
afferent connections to the amygdaloid complex of the rat and cat. i. projections from the thalamus. | by the use of the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), the projections from the thalamus to the amygdala were investigated in the rat and cat, with main emphasis on the former species. hrp was injected stereotactically by microiontophoresis in the various amygdaloid nuclei. several control procedures including the use of different approaches for the introduction of the micropipette were undertaken to eliminate the possibility of misinterpretation due to uptake of the protein by ... | 1979 | 489786 |
a cerebello-pulvino-cortical and a retino-pulvino-cortical pathways in the cat as revealed by the use of the anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | a cerebello-pulvino-cortical and a retino-pulvino-cortical pathways were revealed in the cat by means of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method. the sites of termination of the cerebellofugal and retinofugal fibers in the pulvinar nucleus (pul) were visualized by the use of the anterograde transport of hrp. the cerebello-pulvinar fibers were found to arise mainly from the parvicellular region of the lateral cerebellar nucleus and to terminate contralaterally in a narrow area at the extreme dors ... | 1979 | 489783 |
the retinothalamic pathways in siamese cats. | by injecting one lateral geniculate nucleus with large amounts of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), we have determined the retinal distributions of contra- and ipsilaterally projecting retinothalamic ganglion cells in the siamese cat. in accord with the data of others, we observe that large numbers of temporal ganglion cells, which normally send axons ipsilaterally, instead misproject to the contralateral thalamus. however, in contrast to the expectations raised by previous work, we do not find the ... | 1979 | 489782 |
the decussation of the retinothalamic pathway in the cat, with a note on the major meridians of the cat's eye. | we have studied the naso-temporal division of the retinothalamic pathway of the cat by making large unilateral injections of horseradish peroxidase into the lateral geniculate nucleus. in confirmation of previous work, our retinal whole-mounts show a distinct vertical decussation line separating the contralaterally projecting nasal retina from the ipsilaterally projecting temporal retina. the ipsilateral decussation line is quite sharp, while the contralateral decussation is somewhat more diffus ... | 1979 | 489781 |
afferent projections to the ventral tegmental area of tsai and interfascicular nucleus: a horseradish peroxidase study in the rat. | using the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), a study has been made of projections to the ventral tegmental area of tsai (vta) and related dopaminergic cell groups (a 10). in order to minimise the possibility of damage to fibres of passage, a technique was evolved for the microiontophoresis of hrp such that minimal current strengths and durations were applied. in addition to a sham injection, control injections were also made to the medial lemnisuc, red nucleus, deep tegmental ... | 1979 | 489776 |
mesencephalic and pontine afferent fiber system to the facial neucleus in the cat: a study using the horseradish peroxidase and silver impregnation techniques. | 1979 | 488225 | |
the parieto-rubro-olivary pathway in the cat. | stimulation of the parietal association cortex as well as the frontal motor cortex elicited clearly extracellular unitary activities or field potentials in the ipsilateral inferior olive in the cat. the parietal-induced responses came out generally at a longer and more variable latency than the frontal-induced ones. this suggested the existence of an indirect pathway from the parietal association cortex to the inferior olive. the recording sites for the parietal-induced responses were located no ... | 1979 | 488210 |
are there specialized junctions in the pars maculata of the distal tubule? | in the present study the tight junctions at the macula densa were compared to those of the adjacent straight and convoluted segments of the distal tubule using freeze fracturing and thin sectioning techniques. only insignificant differences were found in the number of strands and the apico-basal depth of the tight junctions in the three distal tubular segments of rat, dog and tree shrew. in experiments with horseradish peroxidase on mice and tree shrews, the tracer did not penetrate the apical j ... | 1979 | 487402 |
influence of electrical stimulation of the substantia nigra on spontaneous activity of raphe neurons in the anesthetized rat. | recent studies of afferent connections of the anterior raphe using the horseradish peroxidase technique have demonstrated a major projection originating in the substantia nigra (sn). the present acute electrophysiological study examined the influence of stimulation of the afferent on the activity of individual neurons in the raphe of the posterior midbrain and anterior pons (n = 51), and of a control group of cells (n = 15) located 2 mm lateral to the raphe. the predominant effect of sn stimulat ... | 1979 | 487208 |
afferent projections to the self-stimulation regions of the dorsal pons, including the locus coeruleus, in the rat as demonstrated by the horseradish peroxidase technique. | afferent projections to the dorsal pons of the rat have been studied using the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. hrp injections were made in each of the following regions: the vicinity of the locus coeruleus (lc); the periventricular gray, medial to the lc; the medial parabrachial region, lateral to the lc; the ventral cerebellum, dorsal to the lc; and the pontine reticular formation, ventral to the lc. because intracranial self-stimulation (icss) has been obtained in these regions, the af ... | 1979 | 487203 |
tactile neurons of the superior colliculus of the cat: input and physiological properties. | neurons in the strata intermediale and profundum of the cat superior colliculus (sc) previously have been shown to be organized somatotopically and to respond to tactile stimuli. the stimulus properties required for neuronal activation suggest that these neurons are excited by inputs from selected classes of high-velocity, sensitive cutaneous mechanoreceptors, and that stimulus-response relationships indicate only a narrow range of information concerning stimulus magnitude. the properties of the ... | 1979 | 487121 |
topographical organization in medullary reticulospinal systems as demonstrated by the horseradish peroxidase technique. | 1979 | 487117 | |
horseradish peroxidase iontophoretic intracellular labelling of cultured purkinje cells. | 1979 | 487104 | |
the regression of synapses formed by a foreign nerve in a mature axolotl striated muscle. | a study has been made of the factors which determine that the terminals of a foreign flexor nerve at synaptic sites in a unrodele extensor muscle regress on return of the original extensor nerve. the quantal content (m) of the endplate potential (epp) at flexor nerve terminal synapses, during innervation of a previously denervated extensor muscle, increased in about 8 weeks to reach the same size as at normal extensor nerve terminals; the same time was taken for m to reach normal size at extenso ... | 1979 | 487102 |
spinal projections from the lower brain stem in the cat as demonstrated by the horseradish peroxidase technique. i. origins of the reticulospinal tracts and their funicular trajectories. | using a retrograde tracer technique with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) attempts were made to determine the origins of reticulospinal tracts and their funicular trajectories. reticulospinal tracts originating from the mesencephalic reticular formation (rf) were composed of: (1) descending projections arising from the cluster of cells located just lateral to the periaqueductal gray that course in the anterior funiculus (af) and ventral part of the lateral funiculus (lf) with ipsilateral predominanc ... | 1979 | 487101 |
a horseradish peroxidase study of the projections from the latero-posterior nucleus to three lateral peristriate areas in the rat. | 1979 | 487075 | |
enzyme replacement via liposomes. variations in lipid compositions determine liposomal integrity in biological fluids. | liposomes survive exposure to biological fluids poorly, extruding trapped enzymes, drugs, or solutes upon interaction with serum or plasma constituents. we have quantified the disruptive effects of human serum on liposomes and have studied whether various modifications in their phospholipid composition might produce liposomes with an increased carrier potential for application in vivo. multilamellar liposomes (phosphatidycholine 70:dicetyl phosphate 20:cholesterol 10) were prepared with 3h-label ... | 1979 | 486550 |
horseradish peroxidase. xxxvi. on the difference between peroxidase and metmyoglobin. | 1979 | 486194 | |
studies on horseradish peroxidase in dimethyl sulphoxide/water mixtures. the activation of hydrogen peroxide and the binding of fluoride. | we studied the variation in spectra and in reactivity towards h2o2 of solutions of horseradish peroxidase in dimethyl sulphoxide/water mixtures, obtained by diluting stock solutions of the enzyme in either water or dimethyl sulphoxide, and assayed the enzyme activity and studied the binding of f- by the peroxidase in 65% (v/v) dimethyl sulphoxide. a broadly similar pattern of changes is observed whether one starts from water or from dimethyl sulphoxide; the changes are essentially reversible, th ... | 1979 | 486079 |
normal and benzo(a)pyrene-transformed fetal mouse brain cell. i. tumorigenicity and immunochemical detection of glial fibrillary acidic protein. | primary cultures of whole brain and cortex cells origination from 14-day-old a/jax or c3h mouse fetuses were treated with benzo(a)pyrene (b(a)p) for 24 h. after 7 to 8 passages a malignant transformation was observed in the chemically treated whole brain and cortex cultures. control cultures of cortex remained non-transplantable during the whole experiment (up to 14 passages) whereas in the control cultures originating from whole brain a spontaneous transformation appeared after 11 passages. wit ... | 1979 | 484209 |
synaptic regeneration in identified neurons of the lamprey spinal cords. | identified reticulospinal neurons whose giant axons were severed after spinal cord transection were filled with horseradish peroxidase. whole mounts and serial-section light and electron micrographs show axon regeneration across the spinal lesion and the formation of new synapses. normal swimming activity returns in the spinally transected animals, although the regenerated synapses are in atypical regions of the spinal cord. | 1979 | 482943 |
studies on sensory neurons of the mouse with intracellular-recording and horseradish peroxidase-injection techniques. | 1. dorsal root ganglion (drg) cells were dissected from the adult mouse with their peripheral nerves, and electrophysiological and morphological studies were performed. 2. the peripheral nerves were stimulateradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the cell body, and the size of stained cell body and axon, together with the state of myelination, were examined. 4. f-neurons, whose somatic spike is a tetrodotoxin (ttx)-sensitive na spike, had a large or medium-sized cell body with a myelinated ax ... | 1979 | 479922 |
cytochemical characterization of secretory and cell surface glycoconjugates by light and electron microscopy. | lectin methods have increased the capacity for histochemical characterization and differentiation of glycoproteins and have demonstrated, for example, greater reactivity of gastrointestinal than of respiratory tract secretions with the periodate-concanavalin a-horseradish peroxidase method for localizing mannose-rich glycoprotein. application of a battery of ultrastructural cytochemical methods with specificity for the constituents characteristically present in the complex carbohydrates provides ... | 1979 | 479563 |
the use of lectins and cholera toxin for the detection of surface carbohydrates of cultured neurons and neuroblastoma. | conjugates of horseradish peroxidase with the lectins ricin (d-galactose), wheat germ agglutinin (n-acetylglucosamine), phytohemagglutinin (n-acetylgalactosamine), and with cholera toxin (gm1 ganglioside) were used for a cytochemical detection of corresponding termin al carbohydrates, or glycolipids on cell surfaces of cultured neurons and neuroblastoma cells. cells were labeled at 4 degrees c with the above ligands and their adsorptive endocytosis was studied after incubations at 37 degrees c i ... | 1979 | 479560 |
fate of plasma membrane during endocytosis. ii. evidence for recycling (shuttle) of plasma membrane constituents. | cultured rat embryo fibroblasts were first allowed to store for 24 h fluorescein-labeled goat immunoglobulins directed against rabbit immunoglobulins (f anti-r igg), and were subsequently exposed for 24 h to [(3)h]acetylated rabbit immunoglobulins known to bind to the cell membrane either specifically (anti-plasma membrane igg: a anti-pm igg) or unspecifically (contol igg: ac igg). as a result of immunological interaction between the two antibodies (no effect was found if the cells had been prel ... | 1979 | 479310 |
acetylcholine receptors in regenerating muscle accumulate at original synaptic sites in the absence of the nerve. | we examined the role of nerve terminals in organizing acetylcholine receptors on regenerating skeletal-muscle fibers. when muscle fibers are damaged, they degenerate and are phagocytized, but their basal lamina sheaths survive. new myofibers form within the original basal lamina sheaths, and they become innervated precisely at the original synaptic sites on the sheaths. after denervating and damaging muscle, we allowed myofibers to regenerate but deliberately prevented reinnervation. the distrib ... | 1979 | 479308 |
localization of acetylcholine receptors by means of horseradish peroxidase-alpha-bungarotoxin during formation and development of the neuromuscular junction in the chick embryo. | the localization of acetylcholine receptors (achr) in the surface of developing myogenic cells of the chick embryo anterior and posterior latissimus dorsi muscles in relation to the process of innervation has been studied at the ultrastructural level utilizing a horseradish peroxidase-alpha-bungarotoxin conjugate. localized concentrations of achr were found in small regions 0.1-0.4 micron in width on the surface of myogenic cells of 10- to 14-d-old muscles. surface specializations consisting of ... | 1979 | 479297 |
experimental study of spinal nerve repair after plexus brachialis injury in newborn rats: a horseradish peroxidase study. | 1979 | 477790 | |
surgical procedure for exposure of the chorda tympani in dogs: a ventral approach. | an experimental neuroanatomic investigation of the innervation of the dog's tongue by the method of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase required that chorda tympani neurectomy be performed in neonatal pups. surgical exposure and transection of the chorda tympani proximal to its union with the lingual branch of the mandibular nerve in the past has been accomplished by radical lateral approach which is suited only for acute experimentation. this report describes a ventral surgica ... | 1979 | 477326 |
antithyroid and antiperoxidase activity of tropolone and 3-hydroxy-4-pyrone. | tropolone (tr) and 3-hydroxy-4-pyrone were investigated for antithyroid activity following the finding that the 2-hydroxy-oxo pyridine, 3-hydroxy-4(1h)-pyridone (dhp, i), is goitrogenic. both compounds inhibited the thyroidal uptake of radioiodine in rats and resembled the thioamide drugs in inhibiting the organic binding of iodine by the thyroid gland rather than the trapping of iodide, but were weaker binding inhibitors than 6-methyl-2-thiouracil (metu). both compounds also inhibited the iodin ... | 1979 | 476852 |
teratocarcinoma stem cells have a cell surface carbohydrate-binding component implicated in cell-cell adhesion. | teratocarcinoma stem cells maintained in the undifferentiated state express a carbohydrate-binding component that recognizes oligomannosyl residues. this cell surface molecule is detected by a rosetta assay in which the stem cells form rosettes with glutaraldehyde-fixed trypsinized rabbit erythrocytes. addition of simple sugars to the assay mixture has little effect, but rosette formation is inhibited by a series of mannose-rich glycoproteins (yeast invertase, yeast mannans and horseradish perox ... | 1979 | 476826 |
a combined horseradish peroxidase and golgi study on the afferent connections of the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus in the cat. | afferent connections to the ventrobasal complex (vb) of the thalamus were studied by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and by the golgi-method. after hrp-injection into the vb, peroxidase-positive cells were observed contralaterally in the dorsal column nuclei (dcn), in the trigeminal nuclei and in the lateral cervical nucleus (lcn), and ipsilaterally in the somatosensoty i (si) and ii (sii) cortical areas. labeled cells of different shape and size were compared with ... | 1979 | 476813 |
impermeability of hagfish cerebral capillaries to horseradish peroxidase. an ultrastructural study. | brain capillaires and their permeability to intravenously injected horseradish peroxidase, hrp, (mw: 40,000) were examined electron-microscopically in an attempt to find a structural explanation for the poorly developed blood-brain barrier in the hagfish, myxine glutinosa. in particular, it was the aim of this study to examine the role of the numerous endothelial vesicles and tubules in the transport of this tracer between blood and brain. many of the vesicles and tubules were found to be in con ... | 1979 | 476792 |
origin of descending afferents to the rostral part of dorsal cap of inferior olive which transfers contralateral optic activities to the flocculus. a horseradish peroxidase study. | neurons in the ventromedial tegmental area that project to the rostral part of the dorsal cap of the ipsilateral inferior olive were labeled by the technique of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). following iontophoresis of hrp into the rostral part of the dorsal cap a cluster of labeled cells are found ipsilaterally in the area ventromedial to the red nucleus as well as in the area between the substantia nigra and the medial lemniscus. following hrp injections into the medial ... | 1979 | 476490 |
the oxidation and decarboxylation of retinoic acid by horseradish peroxidase. | the decarboxylation of retinoic acid by horseradish peroxidase was investigated. a marked increase in the yield of products was obtained. however, the data indicated the reaction was a nonenzymatic, heme catalyzed peroxidation. previously reported requirements for phosphate, oxygen and ferrous ion were eliminated when hydrogen peroxide was provided. peroxide also eliminated the edta and cyanide induced inhibition of the phosphate dependent system. in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, horseradis ... | 1979 | 476130 |
ultrastructure of the hepatic perisinusoidal cells in man and other mammalian species. | perisinusoidal (p.s.) cells occurring in the spaces of disse in the livers of normal cats, dogs, miniature pigs, albino rats, human adults and children were examined by electron microscopy. the ultrastructural details of the p.s. cells and their topographic relationships with hepatocytes, sinusoidal lining cells and reticulum fibers are described. species differences between p.s. cells were primarily a dissimilarity in lipid content: the main ultrastructural features were the same in all species ... | 1979 | 475017 |
new ultrastructural evidence for a protein transport system in endothelial cells of gerbil brains. | pathways for transfer of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) across the cerebral microvasculature were studied in mongolian gerbils after inducing either unilateral carotid-artery ligation or intracarotid air embolism. electron microscopy on samples from both ipsilateral and contralateral brain hemispheres showed the reaction product (hrp) in the endothelial cytoplasm of capillaries and arteriols in all animals; in the basal lamina, hrp was seen only after long (3--4 h) ischemic periods. hrp was seen w ... | 1979 | 474070 |
[visual projections in to the brain of the sturgeon acipenser güldenstädti]. | visual projections have been studied after unilateral lesion of the optic nerve. degenerated fibers and terminals, as well as fibers labelled by horseradish peroxidase were found contralaterally in the lateral geniculate thalamic nucleus, the second (stratum opticum) and the third (stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale) layers of the midbrain tectum. in other brain structures (lateral ventrothalamic nucleus, in the pretectal area--cortical nucleus, pretectal nucleus, posterior comissure nucle ... | 2007 | 473992 |
occluding-like junctions at mesaxons of central myelin in anolis carolinensis are not 'tight'. a freeze-fracture-protein tracer analysis. | the junctional complexes of the myelin sheath of central nervous system axons in the american chameleon, anolis carolinensis, exhibit an intramembrane ridge and groove construction in freeze-fracture replicas that has usually been interpreted in other organisms as evidence for an occluding or tight intercellular junction. close examination of pf fracture face ridges, however, shows them to be made up of discontinuous rows of particles of variable length separated by frequent gaps of non-uniform ... | 1979 | 473168 |
subfornical organ efferents to neural systems for control of body water. | the subfornical organ, a circumventricular structure of the central nervous system, has efferent neural projections to sites within the brain known to be involved in drinking behavior and secretion of antidiuretic hormone. by using anterograde tracing techniques, it is shown that the subfornical organ projects to the nucleus medians of the medial preoptic area, to the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, and to the supraoptic nuclei bilaterally. its efferent connectivity is confirmed by ... | 1979 | 472723 |
the central origin of efferent pathways in the carotid sinus nerve of the cat. | the application of horseradish peroxidase to the central cut end of the carotid sinus nerve of the cat produced retrograde labeling of neurons in the ipsilateral medulla in the region of the nucleus ambiguus at anterior-posterior coordinates -8 to -10.5. these data coupled with previous electrophysiological observations suggest that the nucleus ambiguus may be the origin of an efferent inhibitory pathway to the carotid body. | 1979 | 472721 |
the identification of the cell bodies of vagal efferent fibres of pulmonary and cardiac origin in the cat using horseradish peroxidase [proceedings]. | 1979 | 469808 | |
ultrastructure of photoreceptors in the eye of hermissenda labelled with intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase. | the terminal processes of single and of pairs of identified photoreceptors in the eyes of the nudibranch mollusc hermissenda crassicornis were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy after their somata were labelled by intracellular iontophoresis of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the hrp spread from the somata into the axons and fine terminal processes within the neuropil of the cerebropleural ganglia. the photoreceptors ended in extensive secondary branches in the neuropil where pr ... | 1979 | 469572 |
effects of colchicine on endocytosis and cellular inactivation of horseradish peroxidase in cultured chondrocytes. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used as a marker to study the effects of microtubule-disruptive drugs on uptake and cellular inactivation of exogenous material in cultures of embryonic chick chondrocytes. hrp was ingested by fluid endocytosis, and intracellular enzyme activity subsequently diminished exponentially with time. cytochemically, reaction product for hrp was found in vesicles often located close to the dictyosomes of the golgi complex. colchicine and vinblastine caused disappearance ... | 1979 | 468912 |
thalamic projections to the feline motor cortex studied with horseradish peroxidase. | cells in the thalamus projecting to the distal forelimb regions of the motor cortex, area 3a, and the sensory cortex were identified with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). these cortical areas were defined by mapping evoked potentials from superficial and deep radial nerve stimulation. following injections into the motor cortex, the labelled cells were distributed throughout a large region (greater than 2 mm wide) in the ventral portion of the ventral lateral nucleus (vl). the border area between vl ... | 1979 | 466471 |
spinal origin of preganglionic fibers projecting onto the superior cervical ganglion and inferior mesenteric ganglion of the guinea pig, as demonstrated by the horseradish peroxidase technique. | 1979 | 466457 |