Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted descending) Filter |
[trichinellosis with neurological complications. case report and short overview]. | a 53-year-old, previously healthy man developed persistent diarrhea 4 days after ingestion of smoked but uncooked pork sausages in the southern tyrol. on his return to switzerland he ate the same sausages and was admitted to hospital with migrating muscle pain, fever and chills. while fever and diarrhea soon regressed, the patient exhibited neurologic symptoms and change of character. the leukocyte count was 14 000/mm3 with 39% eosinophils. 40 days after hospitalization a second muscle biopsy es ... | 1982 | 7134944 |
intestinal epithelial membrane changes in rats immune to trichinella spiralis. | establishment of trichinella spiralis infective larvae is blocked to a large degree in the immune rat as compared with the nonimmune host. the rapidity with which this response occurs indicates that most worms are either prevented from penetrating the intestinal epithelium or are rejected immediately after cell entry. it is proposed that interference with larval infectivity is due to alterations in the epithelial cell apical or brush border membrane. alterations may result from prior infection o ... | 1982 | 7133053 |
the effects of cortisone on fecundity, number, and distribution of adult trichinella spiralis and on trichinous enteritis in the host. | the effects of cortisone on fecundity, distribution, and numbers of adult trichinella spiralis and on enteritis in the host were compared in mice receiving different numbers of larvae. as the amount of cortisone given to mice was increased enteritis decreased, and fecundity of adult worms increased. injection of mice with cortisone caused retention of a greater percentage of adult worms in the anterior regions of the host small bowel than in uninjected mice. by day 11 pi, when adult worms in cor ... | 1982 | 7131197 |
nematospiroides dubius: effect of infect on lymphocyte responses to trichinella spiralis in mice. | 1982 | 7128714 | |
genetic factors controlling the intestinal mast cell response in mice infected with trichinella spiralis. | inbred strains of mice showed marked variation in their mast cell (mc) response to infection with trichinella spiralis. variation was under genetic control, the ability to respond to infection being inherited as a dominant trait. mhc-linked genes may influence the absolute level of response, but overall response kinetics appear to be controlled by genes which are not linked to the mhc. an enhanced mc response was transferred adoptively with immune mesenteric lymph node cells (imlnc), but recipro ... | 1982 | 7127907 |
non-covalent interactions result in aggregation of surface antigens of the parasitic nematode trichinella spiralis. | surface antigens of three stages of the nematode worm trichinella spiralis has been labelled with iodine and examined by sodium dodecyl sulphate (sds)/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis under reducing and non-reducing conditions. a variety of interactions were defined: the infective larva surface antigens formed a spectrum of aggregates from 50kda to greater than 1000kda from subunits of 47kda and 90kda; in the adult worms of 60kda complex arose fron interaction between two dissimilar molecules ... | 1982 | 7126193 |
sequential mesenteric lymph node histological response following trichinella spiralis infection. | the histology of mouse secondary lymphoid tissue was examined following infection of trichinella spiralis. icr/cd-1 mice were orally infected with 200 t. spiralis and sacrificed at either 0, 3, 7, 14, 28 or 56 days after nematode administration. the animals were bled and sacrificed, and mesenteric lymph nodes were removed from each animal. they were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin, and cut in 4-micron sections. examination of serial sections demonstrated the sequenti ... | 1982 | 7107027 |
taurine levels in trichinella spiralis infected versus noninfected rat diaphragms. | 1. trichinella spiralis muscle larvae caused a significant (p less than 0.05) reduction in the concentration of muscle taurine on day 10 and a highly significant (p less than 0.001) reduction on day 15 postinfection in rat diaphragms. 2. no significant (p greater than 0.05) taurine alteration was observed on days 5, 8, 30 and 60 post-infection. 3. although taurine was found to be a constitutent of the amino acid pool of t. spiralis excysted larvae, its concentration was sufficiently low so as no ... | 1982 | 7105657 |
designation and freezing resistance of isolates of trichinella spiralis from wild carnivores. | a system to designate and define isolates of trichinella spiralis is proposed. the designation gives the host from which the isolate was recovered, geographic origin, and year of recovery. isolates of t. spiralis recovered from frozen muscles from four species of wild carnivores had low and different infectivity to laboratory mice. viable larvae of t. spiralis were obtained from muscle samples of marten, wolverine, polar bear and arctic fox which had been frozen for 5, 6, 12 and 14 mo, respectiv ... | 1982 | 7097881 |
biological characteristics and host influence on a geographical isolate of trichinella (wolverine: 55 degrees 00'n, 100 degrees 00'w, 1979). | biological characteristics of trichinella isolate (wolverine: 55 degrees 00'n, 100 degrees 00'w, 1979) were established in crl: cobs cfw (sw) mice. comparison of the wolverine isolate's biological characteristics with another trichinella isolate (polar bear), both from closely related geographic areas, revealed there were stable and reproducible genetic differences between isolates. differences were most pronounced for degree of infections causing a 50% mortality of mice, larval production by fe ... | 1982 | 7097442 |
reduction of carrageenan- bradykinin- and histamine-induced acute inflammation by experimental eosinophilia in rats. | an examination was made of the effects of eosinophilia on acute inflammation. sprague dawley rats were infected with trichinella spiralis larvae which resulted in a blood eosinophilia. groups of rats with the induced eosinophilia, and untreated rats without the eosinophilia, were treated with carrageenan, bradykinin or histamine in the hind paw to induce local inflammation. paw oedema induced by carrageenan as a measure of the inflammation was much reduced in those rats with an eosinophilia, and ... | 1982 | 7095830 |
the effect of trichinella spiralis infection on schistosoma mansoni liver granuloma. | 1982 | 7086233 | |
a histochemical study of muscles of mice infected with trichinella spiralis. | 1982 | 7086230 | |
antibody response to stage-specific trichinella spiralis surface antigens in strong and weak responder mouse strains. | the antibody response to antigens on the cuticular surface of trichinella spiralis was compared in two strains of mice, nih mice, which control the parasite relatively strongly, and c3h, which reject this nematode more slowly. the evolution of the antibody response to the nematode surface was monitored by the appearance of antibodies that mediate the adherence of eosinophils to the worm and the appearance of antibodies that recognize molecules on the surface that can be labeled with 125i. antibo ... | 1982 | 7086146 |
thymus dependence of the adoptive transfer of intestinal mastocytopoiesis in trichinella spiralis-infected mice. | the relationship between the gut and mesenteric lymph node in the kinetics of mucosal mast cells (mmc) was further analysed. a trichinella-induced synchronous proliferation of mmc occurred in the intestine of thymus-bearing and not in athymic mice, both at sites of parasite invasion (jejunum) and elsewhere (caecum) and in the mesenteric lymph node. the mastocytopoietic ability could be adoptively transferred with immune mesenteric lymph node cells to the jejunum and caecum of infected thymus-bea ... | 1982 | 7085122 |
trichinella spiralis: characterization and strain distribution of rapid expulsion in inbred mice. | 1982 | 7084400 | |
mebendazole therapy of enteral trichinellosis. | mebendazole was highly effective against the helminth parasite trichinella spiralis in mice subjected to a 3-day course of treatment during the enteral phase of experimental trichinellosis. when treatment began 72 hr after the mice were inoculated with parasites, the number of adult worms recovered from the host intestine was greatly reduced by twice-daily oral administration of 7.5 mg of mebendazole per kilogram of body weight. | 1982 | 7077456 |
reduced hexose transport by enterocytes associated with rapid, noninjurious rejection of trichinella spiralis from immune rats. | rats immunized against trichinella spiralis rejected larvae from a challenge infection within minutes. infectivity of these once-rejected larvae for nonimmune rats following intestine-to-intestine transfer, infectivity for nonimmune mice following oral inoculation, and normal development in these mice indicated that the parasite did not sustain immediate or long term damage as a result of the host's immune response. associated with rapid worm rejection was a change in host intestinal function - ... | 1982 | 7077453 |
lack of effect of host age on the distribution of trichinella spiralis within the small intestine of laboratory mice. | 1982 | 7077441 | |
the karyotype of four trichinella species. | karyological studies of trichinella spiralis, t. pseudospiralis, t. nativa and t. nelsoni were undertaken. comparison of the karyotypes of these trichinella species showed that the chromosome number of all four species is 2n = 6 for female specimens and 2n = 5 for males. the differences found in the relative chromosome lengths of the individual trichinella species are not significant. centromeric index data indicate that t. nativa and t. spiralis have similar centromere dispositions and differ f ... | 1982 | 7072318 |
specific cross-immunity between trichinella spiralis and trichuris muris: immunization with heterologous infections and antigens and transfer of immunity with heterologous immune mesenteric lymph node cells. | infections with either 300 infective trichinella spiralis larvae or 400 embryonated eggs of trichuris muris were infective in eliciting accelerated expulsion of heterologous challenge infections given 20 days after the primary infection. accelerated expulsion could also be achieved by the administration of soluble crude worm antigen given 12 days prior to heterologous challenge or by adoptive transfer of mesenteric lymph node cells taken from mice infected with the heterologous parasite. each sp ... | 1982 | 7070847 |
experimental trichinella spiralis infection in the ferret, mustela putorius furo. | laboratory ferrets (mustela putorius furo) were each inoculated with 500 larvae of a strain of trichinella spiralis that had been passaged in mice for many generations. the recovery of adult worms from ferrets on days 4 and 7 of infection represented a mean of 32% of the inoculum, with most of the worms being in the anterior three quarters of the small intestine. larvae subsequently became encysted in the ferret musculature, with the diaphragm alone yielding as many as 5,750 larvae upon digestio ... | 1982 | 7069183 |
comparison of rapid expulsion of trichinella spiralis in mice and rats. | 1982 | 7068327 | |
application of tumor, bacterial and parasite susceptibility assays to study immune alterations induced by environmental chemicals. | model systems to study the effects of chemicals of environmental concern on bacterial and parasitic diseases as well as the immunosurveillance and destruction of transplantable tumor cells were described and evaluated. studies were conducted in female b6c3f1 mice following adult or pre/postnatal exposure to several prototype chemicals. the prototype chemicals employed included the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (des), the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzo(a)pyrene (b[a]p), and the car ... | 1982 | 7060548 |
cimetidine amplifies the anti-neoplastic effect of trichinella spiralis in mice. | 1982 | 7059480 | |
enhanced resistance to plasmodium berghei in mice previously infected with trichinella spiralis. | infection with trichinella spiralis larvae greatly enhanced the resistance of adult mice against fatal infection with plasmodium berghei given 10 and 30 days after t. spiralis infection. mice infected with t. spiralis had a markedly activated mononuclear phagocytic system and significantly low reticulocyte levels at the time the mice were challenged with p. berghei. therefore, the partially subdued parasitaemia and prolonged survival of trichinella-plasmodium-infected mice may be attributed, in ... | 1982 | 7048209 |
comparison of four methods for early detection of experimental trichinella spiralis infections in pigs. | four methods employed in the diagnosis of experimental porcine trichinellosis (trichinoscopy, digestion method, immunofluorescence and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa)) were compared by eleven laboratories in the countries of the european economic community and sweden. the aim of this study was to test the reliability of elisa during the onset of t. spiralis infection. material from conventionally raised pigs infected with 1500 to 10000 larvae was compared to uninfected controls at day ... | 1981 | 7046204 |
potentiation of mif production by lymphocytes of trichinella spiralis-infected mice. | in order to further investigate the mechanism involved in the immunopotentiation following trichinella spiralis infection, mice were injected intraperitoneally with either heat-killed or viable bacillus calmette-guérin (bcg) 28 days after oral infection with 200 nematode larvae. delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth) was assessed 28 days later by measuring levels of migration inhibitor factor (mif) elicited by old tuberculin challenge. sensitization with killed bcg produced only negligible amounts ... | 1982 | 7044987 |
evaluation of three immunodiagnostic procedures for porcine strongyloidiasis. | an indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat), an indirect radioimmune antibody test (irat), and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent antibody assay (elisa) were compared for their efficacies in detecting antibody to strongyloides ransomi in pigs. the greatest sensitivity was exhibited by the elisa, using a soluble, whole larval extract. the 2 indirect antibody assays, ifat and irat, using intact 3rd-stage larvae (l3) were comparable in sensitivities. the use of live l3 in the ifat and irat presented t ... | 1982 | 7041716 |
genetic control of immunity to trichinella spiralis. donor bone marrow cells determine responses to infection in mouse radiation chimaeras. | radiation chimaeras, prepared from nih (rapid-responder) mice or from the f1 progeny of a cross between h-2 compatible b10.g (slow-responder) and nih mice, were tested for their ability to respond to infection with the intestinal nematode parasite trichinella spiralis. mice reconstituted with bone marrow (bm) from nih donors showed the rapid response characteristic of this strain, i.e. expelled worms from the intestine before day 12 of infection; those given bm from b10.g mice showed a show expu ... | 1981 | 7024110 |
trichinella spiralis: partial characterization of antigens isolated by immuno-affinity chromatography from the large-particle fraction of the muscle larvae. | a large-particle fraction, derived from muscle larvae of trichinella spiralis by a combination of homogenization and differential centrifugation, was treated with 0.1% triton x-100 and then centrifuged at high speed in order to obtain the soluble portion of this fraction (i.e., s3 fraction). the s3 fraction was then subjected to immuno-affinity chromatography. the antigens were eluted from the column using glycine-hcl buffer (ph 2.5). all 20 antigens were recovered from the s3 fraction in quanti ... | 1981 | 7021786 |
dose dependence of trichinella spiralis-induced immunopotentiation. | previous reports studying the immunological and histopathological sequelae following infection with trichinella spiralis indicated that this nematode can affect the host's immune capability to heterologous antigens. the present investigation was aimed at determining the dose of t. spiralis larvae required for development of maximum delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth) against heat-killed bacillus calmette-guérin (bcg). mice were injected intraperitoneally with 4 x 10(6) bacteria 28 days after ora ... | 1981 | 7021429 |
host defense mechanisms against nematode parasites: destruction of newborn trichinella spiralis larvae by human antibodies and granulocytes. | the capacity of human leukocytes from normal donors to kill the nematode trichinella spiralis in vitro in the presence of serum from infected individuals and complement was studied. eosinophils and neutrophils attached to the newborn larval stage of the parasite and exerted a cytotoxic effect manifested as complete morphologic destruction of the organism; monocytes also attached to newborn larvae but did not mediate parasite destruction. the cytotoxic effect of granulocytes was dependent on the ... | 1981 | 7017021 |
the micro-elisa for antibodies to trichinella spiralis: elimination of false positive reactions by antigen fractionation and technical improvements. | 1980 | 7013373 | |
native trichinosis in wild rodents in henrico county, virginia. | encapsulated larvae of trichinella spiralis were found in wild-trapped, microtus pennsylvanicus and sigmodon hispidus. in addition, peromyscus leucopus and mus musculus again were found infected. these mammals were trapped from a farm site in henrico county, virginia, remote from known potential sources of trichinosis. the possible zoonotic relationship between wild rodent trichinosis and swine trichinosis is discussed. | 1980 | 7001047 |
immunological aspects of some parasitic infections. | in this review article, some recent developments in the immunology of parasitic infections are presented. after an introduction in which the major human parasitic infectious diseases, including malaria, african and american trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, filariasis an schistosomiasis are mentioned, a description of the host/parasite relationship in malaria presented. the possibility for the development of vaccins against malaria are described. the close relation between the immunological respon ... | 1980 | 6999658 |
short lived, dividing cells mediate adoptive transfer of immunity to trichinella spiralis in mice. ii. in vivo characteristics of the cells. | the in vivo characteristics of mesenteric lymph node cells (mlnc) capable of mediating the adoptive transfer of immunity to trichinella spiralis have been examined. mediator cells were diverted into the peritoneal cavity of infected donor mice following the induction of a peritoneal exudate and its was shown that these were nylon-wool, non-adherent (t) cells. after density gradient separation of [125i]-udr-labelled mlnc, the fractions that were most effective in transferring immunity were those ... | 1982 | 6979508 |
short lived, dividing cells mediate adoptive transfer of immunity to trichinella spiralis in mice. i. availability of cells in primary and secondary infections in relation to cellular changes in the mesenteric lymph node. | after a primary infection with the parasitic nematode trichinella spiralis nih mice showed a short lived increase in cellularity of the mesenteric lymph node (mln), which began between days 2 and 4 peaked at day 8 and had declined by day 21. the majority of cells contributing to this increase were ig-ve and presumed to be t cells. coincident with the increase in cell number there was an increase in lymphoblast activity, again largely in the t-cell fraction. mln cells taken at intervals from mice ... | 1982 | 6979507 |
responses of b-cells to mitogens and antigen in mice receiving isogenic splenocytes from animals treated with trichinella extract. | splenocytes of c57bl/6j mice injected with a trichinella spiralis larval extract for 7 consecutive days were transferred in two doses into isogenic, immunocompetent mice. on the 3rd day, some recipients were immunized with 10(9) sheep red blood cells and others were killed to investigate blastogenic response of their splenocytes to concanavalin a (con a), escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (lps), and mycobacterium's purified protein derivative (ppd). on the 8th day of immunization, the correspo ... | 1980 | 6970260 |
phospholipase b activity in congenitally athymic (nude) mice infected with trichinella spiralis. | the effects of an infection with 200 trichinella spiralis larvae on the intestinal phospholipase b activity and bone marrow eosinophilia of congenitally athymic (nude) mice (balb/c; nu/nu) were studied. nude mice were used since it had been shown that they do not undergo a typical worm expulsion and also they lack a thymus. the results showed that nude mice do not develop either an increased bone marrow eosinophilia or an elevation in intestinal phospholipase b activity. the findings thus suppor ... | 1980 | 6966111 |
differential regulation of spleen cell-mediated eosinophil and neutrophil-macrophage production. | nonadherent spleen cells of mice infected with trichinella spiralis released growth stimulatory factors (gsfs) in vitro when challenged with excretory/secretory products of muscle stage larvae. the assay of gsf was based on proliferation of normal, nonadherent syngeneic marrow cells in liquid tube cultures. media conditioned for 1 day by challenged spleen cells stimulated eosinophil production but failed to stimulate production of other cell types. in contrast, media conditioned for 5 days suppo ... | 1980 | 6965591 |
[a rare case of trichinella spiralis isolated in the buccinator muscle]. | 1982 | 6962776 | |
studies on the thymus gland of mice with schistosoma mansoni, trichinella spiralis and mixed infections. | 1981 | 6946151 | |
interaction between an early and late stages of schistosoma mansoni and trichinella spiralis infections in mice. | 1981 | 6946149 | |
effect of experimental trichinosis on intestinal secretion and on local antibody formation to cholera toxin. | the life cycle of trichinella spiralis, a parasitic nematode, has three main stages: intestinal, migration and muscular stage. the present study was initiated to clarify the possible effects of the various stages of the infection on (a) enterotoxin induced intestinal secretion and (b) development of local immunity to cholera toxin. during the intestinal stage of trichinosis in mice challenge of ligated loops with cholera toxin gave rise to significantly greater fluid accumulation than was demons ... | 1980 | 6937981 |
the first documented outbreak of trichinellosis in hong kong chinese. | an outbreak of trichinellosis occurred in a chinese family after the ingestion of inadequately cooked pork. diagnosis was established by the demonstration of antibodies against trichinella spiralis larval antigen by crossed immunoelectrophoresis and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, and living larvae in muscle biopsy. the main presenting symptom of these patients was pyrexia. typical clinical features of trichinella infection such as periorbital edema and severe myalgia were either minimal or ... | 1983 | 6881424 |
the in-vivo kinetics of lymphoblast localization in the small intestine. | we have studied the in-vivo kinetics of the accumulation of 125i-udr labelled mesenteric lymphoblasts in the small intestine of mice. the efficiency with which the labelled cells were extracted from the blood and retained by the intestine was quantified by examination of the accumulations observed over the first 4 hr after cell transfer. the kinetic parameters for the uptake and retention of lymphoblasts determined from these early times were found to provide a good approximation to the entire t ... | 1983 | 6874002 |
trichinella spiralis: identification and purification of superoxide dismutase. | a metalloprotein with superoxide dismutase activity was isolated and purified from muscle-stage trichinella spiralis. the anti-genicity of the purified enzyme was demonstrated by an immunospecific reaction with t. spiralis antiserum in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. in addition to its presence in somatic extracts of t. spiralis, the enzyme was also excreted into culture fluids in which the muscle-stage larvae had been incubated for periods as short as 3 hr and up to 72 hr. the enzyme was ... | 1983 | 6873225 |
trichinella spiralis: effect of high temperature on infectivity in pork. | twenty gram samples of homogenized boston shoulder from swine experimentally infected with trichinella spiralis were sealed in plastic pouches, pressed to a uniform thickness of 2 mm, and subjected to water bath temperatures of 49, 52, 55, 60, and 63 +/- 0.5 c for intervals of 2 min to 6 hr, especially within the interval of 0 to 15 min. these times included a period of about 1 min at the start and a period of about 1 min at the end for temperature equilibration. treated samples were rapidly chi ... | 1983 | 6873222 |
the measurement of antigens released by radiation-attenuated trichinella spiralis larvae. | a radioimmunoassay has been developed that uses antisera raised to different excretory-secretory antigens of infective larvae of trichinella spiralis (lesa) to measure accurately the output of these antigens following gamma irradiation at doses from 10 to 120 krads. in the lower range (up to 20 krads) irradiation results in the increased export of antigens to the culture supernatant in a subsequent 3 h period, without obvious or gross damage to the worms. higher doses (greater than 40 krads) sup ... | 1983 | 6866564 |
growth of trichinella spiralis larvae in rats receiving folic-acid-deficient diet. | a study of the effect of growth of trichinella spiralis in rats fed a folic-acid-deficient diet is described. trichinella spiralis larvae encysted in the diaphragms of two groups-rats fed a folic acid-deficient diet and rats fed a complete (normal) diet-were examined. in rats fed a folic-acid-deficient diet, the number of the encysted larvae was larger than that in the controls. however, the encysted larvae were substantially longer in the control group of rats fed complete (normal) diets. | 1983 | 6864829 |
increase of mucosal mast cells in the jejunum of patients infected with trichinella spiralis. | the mast cell response in the mucosa and connective tissue of 36 jejunal biopsies of patients with clinically diagnosed trichinellosis, teniasis and lambliasis has been studied. biopsy material was fixed in standard formalin or carnoy's fixative, enabling differentiation between mucosal mast cells (mmc) and connective tissue mast cells (ctmc). with both fixatives ctmc could equally well be recognized. with carnoy's fixative an additional population of mast cells (mmc) could be visualized both in ... | 1983 | 6862661 |
establishment and maintenance of behavioural dominance in male mice infected with trichinella spiralis. | trichinella spiralis infections influenced the establishment and maintenance of behavioural dominance among outbred male mice. infected animals assumed a subordinate status when challenged by normal or more lightly infected conspecifics both in an unfamiliar test arena and in their established home cages. these effects were demonstrable during the acute and the chronic phases of infection. the significance of this phenomenon to the survival of the mouse host and the transmission of the parasite ... | 1983 | 6856335 |
the open-field behaviour of mice infected with trichinella spiralis. | the behaviour of mice exposed to graded doses of trichinella spiralis larvae was monitored in an open-field situation. ambulatory and exploratory activity declined significantly as the infections progressed, whereas the time spent inactive increased concomitantly. the advent of these behavioural changes coincided with the expected release of larvae by the adult worms and showed no clear signs of abating as late as 90 days post-inoculation. the levels of activity were negatively correlated with t ... | 1983 | 6856334 |
a major change in surface antigens during the maturation of newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis. | newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis were collected for 30 min from female worms in culture, incubated in vitro for various times up to 18 h, and surface-labelled with iodine. the detergent-solubilised products were examined by sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. at time periods up to 6 h these larvae expressed only one mr 64 000 iodine-labelled surface protein. some time between 6 h and 18 h a further three components (apparent mr 58 000, 34 000 and 32 000) became accessible to surface la ... | 1983 | 6855809 |
genetic control of eosinophilia. mouse strain variation in response to antigens of parasite origin. | strain variation in capacity to develop peripheral blood eosinophilia was observed in inbred nih and c57bl/10 (b10) mice exposed to parasite antigens by infection or by parenteral injection in freund's complete adjuvant. nih mice were good responders, showing rapid development of high eosinophil counts, b10 mice were low responders. the difference in response phenotype was independent of the parasite used for infection (trichinella spiralis or nematospiroides dubius) and of the antigen used for ... | 1983 | 6839540 |
functional abnormalities in the beige mouse eosinophil assessed using t. spiralis as a target. | these studies on eosinophils from beige mice have shown that such cells possess morphologically abnormal granules and that they also have an impaired capacity to interact in vitro with a non-phagocytosable target such as the infective larva of trichinella spiralis. however, beige mice with these functionally abnormal eosinophils are able to control a t. spiralis infection as well as the normal heterozygote mice. a morphological study of beige eosinophils revealed the presence of structurally dis ... | 1983 | 6834176 |
effects of trichinellosis on levels of eosinophils, eosinophil major basic protein, creatine kinase and basophils in the guinea pig. | the effects of multiple infections with trichinella spiralis on the levels of eosinophil major basic protein (mbp), creatine kinase (ck), and leucocytes were studied in the guinea pig. plasma mbp levels increased after each of four successive infections with t. spiralis. the times of peak elevations in mbp levels and eosinophilia correlated significantly, and both peaks occurred earlier with increased infection dose. ck levels were elevated most dramatically in the primary infection. a direct co ... | 1983 | 6828324 |
effect of anti-eosinophil serum on phospholipase b activity in mice infected with trichinella spiralis. | anti-eosinophil serum (aes) was administered to mice infected with 400 trichinella spiralis larvae and its effect on peripheral eosinophilia and intestinal phospholipase b activity was assayed. the aes caused a significant, temporally related, suppression in both peripheral eosinophilia and phospholipase b activity when compared to responses found in infected mice given normal rabbit serum. the findings support the hypothesis that a parasite-induced eosinophilia is the source of elevated phospho ... | 1983 | 6827451 |
interbreeding and gene flow in the genus trichinella. | breeding experiments between isolates of trichinella spiralis--trichinella (pig; 43 degrees 00'n, 81 degrees 00'w; 1952), trichinella (polar bear; 58 degrees 00'n, 95 degrees 00'w; 1976), and trichinella (wolverine; 55 degrees 00'n, 100 degrees 00'w; 1979)--and t. spiralis var. pseudospiralis were undertaken. results from breeding experiments differed, such as the inability of the strain isolated from pigs and t. spiralis var. pseudospiralis to breed. the pig isolate was capable of breeding with ... | 1983 | 6827435 |
cortisone-induced immunotolerance to nematode infection in cba/ca mice. ii. a model for human chronic trichuriasis. | treatment of cba/ca mice with cortisone acetate for a short period after infection with trichuris muris induces a state of immunotolerance which allows the development and survival of a chronic infection. mice harbouring such infections were found to be less capable of responding to a primary infection with trichinella spiralis or of producing humoral responses to lipopolysaccharide and sheep red blood cells. mesenteric lymph node t cells, however, were as responsive to the polyclonal activator ... | 1983 | 6826206 |
characterization of an in vitro proliferation response to solubilized trichinella spiralis antigens: role of la antigens and ly-1+ t cells. | 1982 | 6807554 | |
trichinella spiralis: genetic basis for differential expression of phase-specific intestinal immunity in inbred mice. | 1982 | 6806114 | |
ige antibody and resistance to infection. i. selective suppression of the ige antibody response in rats diminishes the resistance and the eosinophil response to trichinella spiralis infection. | selective suppression of the total ige antibody response has been achieved in rats by injection of rabbit anti-rat epsilon-chain antibodies. this ige-specific suppression was maintained during the course of a natural infection by the nematode trichinella spiralis. depletion of the ige antibody response resulted in a marked reduction of the number of eosinophils attracted to the t. spiralis larvae encysted in striated muscle. blood eosinophilia following t. spiralis infection, although reaching n ... | 1981 | 6787166 |
myofiber damage accompanying intramuscular parasitism by sarcocystis muris. | myofiber degeneration which results from sarcocystis infection exhibits a number of fine structural features suggestive of other myopathies and several well-defined fine structural features not characteristic of other myopathies. some of these fine structural features are similar to those observed in intramuscular infections of trichinella spiralis, another muscle parasite. major alterations of the myofibrillar contractile apparatus occur at the periphery of the membrane bound parasitophorous va ... | 1981 | 6784266 |
mast cell degranulation associated with sequestration and removal of trichinella spiralis antigens. | mast cell degranulation which occurred following the subcutaneous injection of trichinella larval antigen into trichinella-infected mice was found to be associated with antigen binding by the released granules and with the uptake of granule antigen complexes by phagocytic cells. similar activity could be demonstrated in vitro, and in addition it was found that living intact mastocytoma and peritoneal mast cells rapidly took up fluorescein-labeled larval antigen and stored it in their cytoplasmic ... | 1981 | 6782022 |
[comparison between trichinella spiralis and t. nativa according to the immunological criteria]. | 1980 | 6771509 | |
trypanosoma musculi with trichinella spiralis or heligmosomoides polygyrus: concomitant infections in the mouse. | inbred mice infected with trypanosoma musculi displayed wide variations in peak blood parasitemia. the most susceptible mice were c3h and a strain, while balb/c, c57b1/6, and the related congenic b10 strains were the most resistant. the effect of an intestinal infection with either trichinella spiralis or heligmosomoides polygyrus on proliferation of t. musculi was investigated. t. spiralis infections given at the same time or up to 45 days before a t. musculi infection always caused an increase ... | 1984 | 6745389 |
trypanosoma musculi and trichinella spiralis: concomitant infections and selection for resistance genotypes in mice. | trypanosoma musculi infections were given to mice of different strains before, at the same time, and after an infection with 400 trichinella spiralis. examined parameters of the host response to t. spiralis were worm rejection, antifecundity responses, development of immunological memory, and muscle larvae burden. after dual infection, each mouse strain showed characteristic effects on resistance to t. spiralis. this was due to a dynamic interaction between the genes controlling rejection of t. ... | 1984 | 6745385 |
immunomodulation by propionibacterium granulosum kp 45 and experimental trichinellosis in mice. | swiss mice were infected orally with 200 trichinella spiralis larvae and injected intraperitoneally with a potent immunomodulator (isolated cell walls of propionibacterium granulosum strain kp 45). in control mice 22 871 +/- 9913 larvae were found in the whole body, whereas in mice treated with p. granulosum kp 45 on the day of inoculation 9450 larvae +/- 8244 larvae were counted (p less than 0.01). immunomodulation 7 days before or 7 days after t. spiralis inoculation gave less pronounced effec ... | 1984 | 6741346 |
therapeutic effect of oxfendazole on the intestinal phase of trichinella spiralis larvae. | 1984 | 6736695 | |
intestinal mucus trapping in the rapid expulsion of trichinella spiralis by rats: induction and expression analyzed by quantitative worm recovery. | rats were immunized with a trichinella spiralis infection restricted by chemotherapy to the intestine (the t/m regime) or with a complete infection that resulted in the deposition of muscle larvae. after an oral challenge infection, rapid expulsion could be demonstrated in both groups within 20 min and with 100% recovery of the infectious dose from the stomachs and intestines of infected animals. immune and nonimmune groups were distinguished by the large numbers of worms in the intestinal lumen ... | 1984 | 6735469 |
trichinella spiralis: immunization of rats with an antigen fraction enriched for allergenicity. | trichinella spiralis whole muscle larval extract was fractionated by gel filtration and anion-exchange chromatography, and the protein fractions were assayed for allergenicity by a footpad-swelling test in mice; ige antibody levels in rats immunized with the fractions were determined by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis test in rats. by these methods, an allergenic fraction from t. spiralis was isolated. the fraction, f1-b, was shown to be monodisperse by analysis with sds-page, iep, and isoelectric ... | 1984 | 6723901 |
loss of behavioural dominance in male mice infected with trichinella spiralis. | trichinella spiralis infections may lead to the loss of behavioural dominance among male mice. reversals of dominance order first appear at the time when newborn larvae are released into the circulation of the host. the duration of dominance reversals bears no relationship to the number of muscle larvae harboured. | 1984 | 6718060 |
innate resistance of chickens to trichinella spiralis at the muscular phase of the parasite. | 1984 | 6716748 | |
soluble antigens and antibodies in the sera of mice infected with trichinella spiralis, detected by a modified double counterimmunoelectrophoresis technique. | double counterimmunoelectrophoresis, with a novel well format, was used as a sensitive technique for the rapid detection of circulating antigen and antibody in mice infected with trichinella spiralis. in a primary infection, soluble antigen was initially detected in day 13, followed by a second wave on day 41. circulating antibody was first apparent on day 34, increasing in intensity and number of precipitation bands until day 102. the first peak of circulating antigen is indicative of non-compl ... | 1984 | 6715863 |
trichinella spiralis: intestinal myoelectric activity during enteric infection in the rat. | the objective was to characterize changes in the host's small intestinal smooth muscle contractile activity caused by the enteric stages of the nematode, trichinella spiralis, during primary infection. myoelectric activity was recorded from electrodes permanently implanted on the seromuscular surface of the small bowel in conscious, unrestrained rats during the first 2 weeks postinfection (pi). several myoelectric parameters examined collectively indicated that smooth muscle function of the smal ... | 1984 | 6714356 |
interactions between trichinella spiralis and hymenolepis nana in the intestine of the mouse. | 1984 | 6706463 | |
monoclonal antibody-purified antigen for the immunodiagnosis of trichinosis. | monoclonal antibodies generated from spleen cells of balb/cj mice infected with trichinella spiralis reacted with antigenic determinants present in some other common swine parasites, especially trichuris suis. an antigenic determinant unique to t spiralis was recognized by one immunoglobulin m monoclonal antibody (7c2c5); this determinant was found on larval t spiralis proteins with molecular weights of 53,000, 49,000, and 45,000. these proteins were components of in vitro-derived worm excretory ... | 1984 | 6703457 |
distribution of trichinella spiralis larvae in selected muscles and organs of experimentally infected swine. | thirty-two hampshire-yorkshire pigs (6 to 8 wk old) were inoculated with the beltsville strain of trichinella spiralis at a level of about 880 larvae/kg of body weight (about 15 kg). at about 100 kg, the pigs were slaughtered and 10-g samples of muscle and other tissues were digested in pepsin-hc1 and examined microscopically for t. spiralis larvae. the mean number of larvae recovered/gram was: tongue, 452; diaphragm, 391; obliquus abdominis internus, 130; serratus ventralis, 116; psoas major, 1 ... | 1984 | 6698907 |
[epidemiology of trichinella spiralis infections in the eifel region, 1982]. | in november 1982 146 persons became ill within a few days with trichinosis in bitburg (gfr). prompt epidemiological and immunodiagnostic investigations demonstrated the high likelihood of infection by ingestion of raw sausage produced at a butcher's near bitburg. the diagnosis of trichinosis could be ascertained still in the acute phase of disease by demonstration of the trichinella larvae in peripheral blood. retrospective analysis of earlier disease from the same area showed that the same infe ... | 1984 | 6697913 |
scavenger enzymes and resistance to oxygen mediated damage in trichinella spiralis. | in order to understand why different stages of trichinella spiralis vary in their susceptibility to killing by leukocytes, the effects of artificially generated oxidants on different stages of this parasite were compared. more than 90% newborn larvae were killed after incubation in acetaldehyde-xanthine oxidase or glucose-glucose oxidase. on the other hand, fewer than 10% of adult worms or muscle larvae were killed when incubated under identical conditions. thus, only the stages which are resist ... | 1984 | 6694669 |
schistosoma mansoni, s. haematobium, and s. japonicum: identification of genus-, species-, and gender-specific antigenic worm glycoproteins. | immunoreactive glycoproteins of schistosoma mansoni, s. haematobium, and s. japonicum adult worms which are genus-, species-, and gender-specific, or react with sera of patients infected with other parasites, have been identified. schistosomes were metabolically labeled with [35s]methionine and the concanavalin-a binding glycoproteins that were immunoprecipitated with sera of patients infected with one of three species of schistosoma or trichinella spiralis, taenia solium, echinococcus granulosu ... | 1984 | 6692879 |
trichinella spiralis: rapid, immunologically influenced reduction of intestinal, sodium-coupled sugar transport in the rat. | epithelium of isolated small intestinal segments were studied in ussing-type chambers to detect physiological changes associated with rapid, immune rejection of trichinella spiralis infective larvae. electrophysiological parameters associated with na+-coupled hexose transport were measured. changes in transepithelial electrical potential difference (pd), resistance, and short circuit current (isc) due to the addition of actively absorbed beta-methyl-d-glucoside (bmg) to the mucosal solution were ... | 1984 | 6692878 |
antigens from trichinella spiralis that induce a protective response in the mouse. | a series of monoclonal antibodies was generated for the purpose of studying antigens of the infective l1 larva of trichinella spiralis. primary immunization of donor balb/c mice was by oral infection with l1 larvae. secondary immunization and screening procedures for hybridoma clones employed a pool of affinity-purified antigens recognized by pooled serum from infected rabbits. three monoclonal antibodies, chosen for their high reactivity in screening assays and their unique specificities, were ... | 1984 | 6690623 |
expression of expulsion of trichinella spiralis in mice. | 1983 | 6674465 | |
comparison of three subspecies of trichinella spiralis by scanning electron microscopy. | the surface morphology of three subspecies of trichinella spiralis was examined by sem in an attempt to find characteristics useful for distinguishing the subspecies. the subspecies studied were t. spiralis spiralis, which had been maintained in swine and laboratory animals for about 50 yr; t. spiralis nativa collected from ursus maritimus at 58 degrees n latitude and 95 degrees w longitude in 1976; and, t. spiralis pseudospiralis, which was derived from the original isolation of this subspecies ... | 1983 | 6674461 |
a survey of susceptibility to infection with trichinella spiralis of inbred mouse strains sharing common h-2 alleles but different genetic backgrounds. | twenty-eight different inbred strains of mice representing five different h-2 haplotypes were compared for degree of susceptibility to a primary infection with trichinella spiralis. marked differences in susceptibility, measured by the average number of muscle larvae per host, were seen among strains of mice sharing common h-2 alleles. the genes controlling these differences must therefore map at loci outside the major histocompatibility complex. strains of mice sharing the h-2k haplotype were g ... | 1983 | 6674452 |
sialic acid deficiency in lectin-resistant intestinal brush border membranes from rats following the intestinal phase of trichinellosis. | maximal binding (bmax) of the lectin, wheat germ agglutinin, by small intestinal brush border membrane is significantly reduced in rats infected with trichinella spiralis. wheat germ agglutinin specificity is for n-acetylglucosamine and sialic acid. whereas total hexosamine and n-acetylglucosaminidase-labile n-acetylglucosamine were comparable in membranes from uninfected as compared with infected rats, the total sialic acid content and neuraminidase-released sialic acid were significantly highe ... | 1983 | 6669161 |
differentiation of trichinella spiralis spiralis and trichinella spiralis nativa based on resistance to low temperature refrigeration. | a refrigeration technique to differentiate the subspecies, trichinella spiralis spiralis and t. spiralis nativa is described. trichinella spiralis spiralis trichinae in musculature do not survive 48 hours post-refrigeration at -32 degrees c while t. spiralis nativa will survive 72 hours and longer at the same temperature. | 1983 | 6667435 |
[some indices of organ reactivity in experimental trichinellosis. ii. lysozyme activity in trichinellosis in rabbits]. | in 34 rabbits infected with trichinella spiralis larvae, lysozyme activity of the serum was determined in the period of one year. we have observed an increased enzyme activity both in acute and chronic period of the disease. rabbits infected with heavy doses of trichinella spiralis larvae showed only a minute increase of serum lysozyme activity. | 1983 | 6659740 |
[some indices of organ reactivity in experimental trichinellosis. i. granulocyte reactions in trichinellosis in rabbits]. | the number of leucocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils was determined during one year observation in 34 rabbits after an infection with trichinella spiralis in the doses of 15,000, 20,000 and 30,000 larvae. granulocyte reactions were already observed on the third day after the infection, they lasted at least for 3 months and depended on the intensity of the infection. | 1983 | 6659739 |
rat mononuclear cells and neutrophils are more effective than eosinophils in antibody-mediated stage-specific killing of trichinella spiralis in vitro. | the capacity of non-infected rat total, eosinophil-enriched and eosinophil-depleted fractions of peritoneal exudate and bone marrow cells to adhere to and kill trichinella spiralis newborn larvae with immune rat serum has been studied in vitro. the eosinophil-depleted peritoneal exudate cell fraction contained mainly mononuclear cells, whereas the corresponding bone marrow cell fraction consisted of a considerable number of neutrophils. all cell types either originating from the peritoneal cavit ... | 1983 | 6659655 |
intestinal trichinella spiralis and trichinella pseudospiralis in germfree and conventional mice. | by indirect hemagglutination (iha) test in germfree (gf) and conventional (cv) mice, better antibody response was found in cv mice infected with 200 t. spiralis larvae. in contrast, when 500 larvae were used for infection, the response of gf mice exceeded that of cv controls. humoral responses of gf and cv mice infected with single or mixed t. spiralis or t. pseudospiralis larvae were examined by iha test with the use of both antigens and by determination of g1, a and m immunoglobulins. cellular ... | 1983 | 6657977 |
a comparison of the effects of flubendazole and thiabendazole on the larvae of angiostrongylus cantonensis, trichinella spiralis, diphyllobothrium erinacei and hymenolepis nana in mice. | flubendazole or thiabendazole were administered orally to mice harbouring larvae of angiostrongylus cantonensis, trichinella spiralis, diphyllobothrium erinacei or hymenolepis nana 5-10, 28-33, 21-26 and 1-6 days post-infection respectively. all the mice infected with a. cantonensis were completely cured after treatment with flubendazole at 5 mg/kg/day for 6 days. no noticeable damage was found in the cerebral hemispheres of the mice treated with flubendazole and examined under a dissecting micr ... | 1983 | 6657308 |
stage specific secreted and somatic antigens of trichinella spiralis. | infective larvae, adult males and newborn larvae of trichinella spiralis were cultured with [35s]methionine in vitro. total secreted and total somatic (sodium deoxycholate-soluble) proteins were analyzed by electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (sds-page). secreted proteins were relatively few in number and were different for each stage, whereas somatic proteins gave an unresolved smear in all cases. immune precipitation with serum from infected mice revealed only one major ... | 1983 | 6656844 |
trichinella spiralis: changes in leucocytes during infection. | rats infected with trichinella spiralis were examined during the course of infection for various changes in the leucocytic population. in each experiment rats were divided into three groups: group a, inoculated with escherichia coli b-5-lipopolysaccharide (lps) administered four days before each experiment; group b, infected with trichinella spiralis; and group c, untreated extensive leucocytosis was observed in the peripheral blood and peritoneal cavity of infected rats. regardless ... | 1983 | 6655722 |
preliminary observation on the absence of globule leucocytes in mast cell-deficient w/wv anemic mice after trichinella spiralis infection. | 1983 | 6645137 | |
first report of trichinella spiralis var. pseudospiralis in north america. | 1983 | 6631644 | |
enteral and parenteral responses in mice after primary infection with trichinella spiralis (nematoda). | enteral and enteral-parenteral infections were produced with t. spiralis in albino, swiss webster, outbred mice. primary enteral infections abbreviated with thiabendazole stimulated inflammatory changes in peyer's patches and the lamina propria of the small intestine of mice. these changes were accompanied by increased iga in the intestinal luminal wash. primary enteral-parenteral infections similarly stimulated the gut, and, in addition, the spleen. splenic stimulation resulted in production of ... | 1983 | 6631634 |