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variation in the frequency of epstein-barr virus-associated hodgkin's disease with age.a number of studies in developed countries have reported variation in the frequency of epstein-barr virus (ebv)-associated hodgkin's disease (hd) with age. a 'three disease' model for hd that incorporates the ebv association, histological subtype of hd and age has recently been proposed. in this model, hodgkin's disease of childhood and older adults is commonly ebv-associated and of mixed cellularity type, whereas young adult hd is generally not ebv-associated and is usually characterised by nod ...200010764165
thomas hodgkin: social activist.thomas hodgkin's discovery of a lymph gland disorder is merely one event in a life of unusually varied public activities in the social reform and humanitarian movements of the mid-19th century. he wrote pamphlets on medical care for the working-class poor, public health, housing, sanitation, and the relief of cold, hunger, and unemployment. hodgkin wrote about the problems arising from urban renewal and suburban development. his contributions to geographic explorations, anthropology, ethnology, ...200010760325
'all the services were excellent. it is when the human element comes in that things go wrong': dissatisfaction with hospital care in the last year of life.patient satisfaction surveys are seen as an important way of obtaining 'user views' of health service provision. however, there is a growing body of research and theoretical literature that questions the validity of the concept of 'patient satisfaction' and hence the use of this type of survey. a postbereavement survey of people who registered a random sample of cancer deaths in an inner london health authority was undertaken in 1996/7. the survey questionnaire (voices) included 14 open-ended qu ...200010759972
association between high-risk hpv types, hla drb1* and dqb1* alleles and cervical cancer in british women.cervical scrapes from 116 british women referred with cervical cancer were tested for the presence of high oncogenic risk human papillomavirus (hpv) genotypes (hpv(hr)). ninety-four per cent of the scrapes had one or more of these virus types and 66% were hpv16-positive. hpv18 was more frequent in adenocarcinoma. no evidence was found for an increased cancer risk associated with the hpv16 e6 350g variant. the hla drb1* and dqb1* alleles in these women and in 155 women with normal cytology and ne ...200010755413
a potted history of specimen-taking. 200010752738
environmental effects of radionuclides--observations on natural better quantify risk to non-human species from exposure to environmental radioactivity, understanding of the behaviour of radionuclides in the biosphere needs to be increased. this study outlines current thinking on ecological risk assessment (era) methodology and applies the indicator species or critical groups approach to biota inhabiting a semi-natural coniferous woodland contaminated with the radionuclides 137cs, 238pu, 239+240pu and 241am. the majority of these radionuclides originate fr ...200010750953
'the human genome itself must be freely available to all humankind'. 200010746695
cyclospora infections in england and wales: 1993 to 1998.the coccidian protozoon cyclospora cayetanensis is a treatable cause of prolonged, watery diarrhoea in humans. microbiology laboratories in england and wales often restrict testing to those who have recently travelled abroad. only 44 to 66 laboratory reports of c. cayetanensis are made in england and wales each year and a large proportion are found to have visited developing countries. large foodborne outbreaks of infection have arisen in north america among people who have not travelled abroad ...200010743319
implementation of influenza immunisation policy in general practice: 1997 to 1998.influenza immunisation policy and practice in primary care in central southern england was surveyed in early 1998, when national guidelines advised immunisation only for people with specified 'higher risk' medical conditions or who lived in long stay facilities such as nursing or residential homes. three hundred and one questionnaires were returned from 441 general practices (68%). between 71% and 82% of all respondents stated that they 'always' offered influenza immunisation to adults with the ...200010743317
the contribution of influenza to combined acute respiratory infections, hospital admissions, and deaths in winter.the impact of influenza is assessed by comparing events during epidemics with those expected outside epidemic periods (defined from incidence data collected by the weekly returns service of the royal college of general practitioners from 1989 to 1998 for influenza-like illness, acute otitis media, acute bronchitis, and all respiratory infections combined in the community and virus isolate data). estimates of the consulting populations for each condition in england and wales were derived by extra ...200010743316
new dna markers with increased informativeness show diminished support for a chromosome 5q11-13 schizophrenia susceptibility locus and exclude linkage in two new cohorts of british and icelandic families.genetic linkage of schizophrenia to markers at 5q11.2-13.3 had been reported previously in five icelandic and two british families, but attempts at replication in independent samples have been unsuccessful. we report here an update on the diagnoses and results of linkage analyses using newer highly polymorphic microsatellite markers at or near the loci d5s76 and d5s39 in the original sample of pedigrees and in two new family samples from iceland and from britain. the new results show a reduction ...199910738536
genotyping of human isolates of cryptosporidium. 200010729987
a five year outbreak of methicillin-susceptible staphylococcus aureus phage type 53,85 in a regional neonatal unit.we identified a 5-year outbreak of a methicillin-susceptible staphylococcus aureus (mssa) strain, affecting 202 babies on a neonatal unit, by routine weekly phage typing all s. aureus isolates. multiple staged control measures including strict emphasis on hand hygiene, environmental and staff surveillance sampling, and application of topical hexachlorophane powder failed to end the outbreak. s. aureus pt 53,85 (sa5385) was found on opened packs of stomahesive, used as a neonatal skin protectant. ...200010722128
continuous source outbreak of campylobacteriosis traced to chicken.poultry is a source of human campylobacteriosis, but a large continuous source outbreak, heretofore, has not been attributed to both a single source of poultry and single serotype of campylobacter. here we report an outbreak of c. jejuni affecting 6 catering college trainees and 13 patrons of a restaurant in southern england. an epidemiological investigation successfully tracked the outbreak source to the farm of origin. frequency of occurrence of campylobacters and outbreak serotype distributio ...200010716557
influenza a pandemics of the 20th century with special reference to 1918: virology, pathology and epidemiology.influenza a virus initiated worldwide epidemics (pandemics) in 1918, 1957, 1968 and 1977. a revised calculation of the 1918-1919 pandemic estimates that 40 million persons died and 500 million were infected. the mortalities in 1957 and 1968 were nearly 6 million. biological and genetic characteristics of the causative agents of the more recent pandemics, have been well studied but little is known about the causative agent of the great pandemic in 1918. genetic characterisation of the 1918 virus ...200010713598
prevalence of antibodies to htlv in blood donors in north london. 200010698901
a new disease-burden method for estimating the impact of outdoor air quality on human health.urban air quality is a serious problem, with an estimated 40 million people in europe exposed to exceedences of existing who air-quality guidelines, with prospects of further declines in air quality due to projected growth in motor vehicle traffic. air-quality management strategies, underpinned by legislation are attempting to combat this problem. to support such strategies, assessment of the costs and benefits of remedial measures is required, including an assessment of the impact of urban air ...200010696720
prevalence of hfe (hemochromatosis gene) mutations in unselected male patients with type 2 assess the prevalence of mutations in the hfe (hemochromatosis) gene in unselected male patients with type 2 diabetes, we examined 220 white men without known diabetes and 220 age-matched white men with type 2 diabetes for mutations in the hfe gene. nucleotide 845 (c282y) and 187(h63d) alleles were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with lymphocyte dna. the pcr products were analyzed by restriction enzyme digestion. one of the 220 patients (0.45%) with diabetes was homozygous for th ...200010695662
arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids are strongly associated in maternal and neonatal blood.the red cell membrane fatty acid composition has frequently been used as an index of essential fatty acid (efa) nutrition. after birth there is a decline in plasma arachidonic acid (aa) and docosahexaenoic (dha) acids in babies fed on conventional formula which contains only the parent linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids. in human studies, the red cell phosphoglyceride composition appears to be more constant than that of plasma. in infants fed fish oil without aa, the aa proportions fall in the p ...200010694772
drug resistance in campylobacter jejuni, c coli, and c lari isolated from humans in north west england and wales, test the sensitivity of strains of campylobacter species isolated from humans in england and wales against a range of antimicrobial agents for the purpose of monitoring therapeutic efficacy and as an epidemiological marker.199910690169
two simultaneous cases of cyclospora cayatensis enteritis returning from the dominican republic.according to the "international passenger survey," published in 1996 by the office of trading standards, 534,000 british people traveled to the caribbean area (personal communication, abta, 1998). the dominican republic, the eastern end of a large caribbean island, has become in recent years one of the most popular destinations for uk holidaymakers as well as for travelers from many other countries. cyclospora cayatensis has been firmly identified as a cause of gastroenteritis among internationa ...200010689243
behind the crumbling walls; the re-working of a former asylum's geography.this paper attempts to examine the effects of deinstitutionalization on a former asylum's human and physical geography, through a case study of st lawrence's hospital, bodmin, uk. it researches the inevitably impermanent geography of an asylum in the process of being 'run down'. the paper includes an empirical account of the rationalization of a former asylum, reconstructing an east to west migration of activities across the site. it deals with st lawrence's as a 'stigmatized' place unable to es ...199710671001
prospective investigation of transfusion transmitted infection in recipients of over 20 000 units of blood. tti study follow up recipients of 20 000 units of blood to identify any transmissions of infections through blood transfusion.200010669443
from shakespeare to defoe: malaria in england in the little ice age.present global temperatures are in a warming phase that began 200 to 300 years ago. some climate models suggest that human activities may have exacerbated this phase by raising the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. discussions of the potential effects of the weather include predictions that malaria will emerge from the tropics and become established in europe and north america. the complex ecology and transmission dynamics of the disease, as well as accounts ...200010653562
first step: report on a pilot course for personal and professional development.objective: to describe a pilot course in personal and professional development, entitled 'becoming a doctor: the first step' and our suggestions for what might be incorporated into future courses. setting and context: leeds medical school begins a new curriculum in september 1999 with a proportion of the first 3 years being devoted to a new module on personal and professional development. this module will include courses involving communication skills, ethics, working in groups and early patient ...200010652070
the family rule: a framework for obtaining ethical consent for medical interventions from children.children's consent to treatment remains a contentious topic, with confusing legal precepts and advice. this paper proposes that informed consent in children should be regarded as shared between children and their families, the balance being determined by implicit, developmentally based negotiations between child and parent--a "family rule" for consent. consistent, operationalized procedures for ethically obtaining consent can be derived from its application to both routine and contentious situat ...199910635505
flu rates in wales highest for a decade. 200010634725
lead concentration in soil from a small 15th-century industrial site: occupational and environmental health implications.former industrial sites are often reclaimed for new homes and other occupational uses. such sites may still contain toxic chemicals that could put the health of the community at risk. the persistence of these residual chemicals and their effects on human health must not be underestimated. hence, there is a need to analyze such sites to ensure that the public health will not be put at risk. it is also essential that the levels of release of heavy metals into the environment be monitored and regul ...199910633244
prevalence of antibody to human t cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus in women attending antenatal clinic in southeast london: retrospective study. 200010625263
storage of human organs prompts three inquiries. 200010625253
a comparison of the risk of stillbirth associated with paternal pre-conception irradiation in the sellafield workforce with that of stillbirth and untoward pregnancy outcome among japanese atomic bomb survivors.a comparison is made of the relative risks associated with paternal preconception irradiation of stillbirth and untoward pregnancy outcome (stillbirths, congenital malformations, neonatal deaths) in the offspring of the japanese atomic bomb survivors and of stillbirth in the offspring of sellafield workers. it is concluded that the pre-conception exposure risks of stillbirth in the offspring of sellafield workers are statistically incompatible with the japanese data at the 5% level. other human ...199910616782
modelling the contribution of individual radionuclides to the total gamma air kerma rate for the sediments of the ribble estuary, nw england.the aim of this study was to test the performance of a published dose-rate model, investigate the contribution of individual radionuclides to the total gamma air kerma rate (gakr) and derive external doses to man in the ribble estuary, nw england. gakrs were measured and sediment cores were collected in order to determine radionuclide specific activities with depth. the latter values were used as input data for the external dose-rate model. the model has a slight tendency to over-predict the gak ...199910616780
partial "repair" of defective nef genes in a long-term nonprogressor with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection.a 36-bp deletion close to the 5' end of nef that impaired nef function was found in a long-term nonprogressor with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection. forms containing an adjacent duplication of 33 bp were also frequently observed. the duplication showed no homology to the deleted region but restored the overall length of the first variable loop of nef. nef alleles carrying the duplication were active in class i major histocompatibility complex (mhc-i) down-modulation and enha ...200010608759
geriatrics photo quiz. thomas sydenham and influenza. 199910605431
influenza activity in england and wales: october 1998 to june 1999.influenza activity in england and wales in the winter of 1998/1999 reached the highest weekly levels seen since the epidemic of 1989/1990. activity peaked at christmas and the new year, adding to the winter pressures on general practitioner and hospital services. adults aged 65 years and over consulted with general practitioners at the highest rates. outbreaks of influenza or flu-like illness occurred in several schools and nursing homes and, in june 1999, on a british cruise ship in the mediter ...199910598385
respiratory syncytial virus: an underestimated cause of respiratory infection, with prospects for a vaccine.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infects most people by the time they are 2 years old and reinfects throughout life. rsv is best recognised for causing bronchiolitis in infants--it is one of the most important respiratory pathogens in childhood in industrialised countries. the clinical manifestations of rsv infection in adults and elderly people, from upper respiratory tract infection to pneumonia, are less well known. part of the burden of winter mortality in elderly people is attributable to ...199910598379
second trimester levels of pregnancy associated plasma protein-a in cases of trisomy a study of 70 cases of trisomy 18 and 450 matched controls in the second trimester we have measured the maternal serum levels of the analytes alpha feto protein (afp), free beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (hcg) and pregnancy associated plasma protein-a (papp-a). we have found the median multiple of the median (mom) of maternal serum free beta-hcg to be significantly lower (0.327) than normal, as was the level of afp (0.600). levels of papp-a were reduced even further (0.108). of the marker ...199910590430
ins vntr allelic variation and dynamic insulin secretion in healthy adult non-diabetic caucasian elucidate the relationship between the human insulin gene ins vntr regulatory polymorphism and insulin secretion. the polymorphism arises from tandem repetition of 14-15 bp oligonucleotides. in caucasians, repeat number varies from 26 to over 200, with two main and discrete allele size classes: class i (26-63 repeats) and class iii (141-209 repeats). class i allele homozygosity is associated with elevated risk of developing type 1 diabetes, while the class iii allele has been associated with ...199910588520
hmsn and hnpp. laboratory service provision in the south west of england--two years' experience. 199910586284
the control and management of the sexually transmitted diseases: a comparison of the united kingdom and the russian federation.during the last 20 years, both the united kingdom and the russian federation have seen changes to clinical services for sexually transmitted diseases (stds) health systems and other mechanisms through which stds are controlled. in the uk these changes followed the description of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv); its causal agent. in russia, the breakdown of the soviet union following glasnost and perestroika, and its associated political, s ...199910582633
novel prnp sequence variant associated with familial encephalopathy.human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (tses) are a group of chronic progressive neurodegenerative disorders that may be hereditary, infectious, or sporadic. hereditary tses are associated with mutations in the prnp gene on chromosome 20p12-pter. we report on a family in which seven patients developed limb and truncal ataxia, dysarthria, myoclonic jerks, and cognitive decline. the age of onset in the 30s, 40s, or 50s, prolonged disease duration, cerebellar atrophy on imaging, and the pr ...199910581485
family-based association studies of bipolar disorder with candidate genes involved in dopamine neurotransmission: dbh, dat1, comt, drd2, drd3 and drd5.the dopaminergic system has been implicated in the aetiology of mood disorders. we conducted family-based association studies for polymorphisms at three genes involved in the metabolism of dopamine: dopamine transporter (dat1), dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (dbh) and catechol-o-methyl transferase (comt); and three dopamine receptors: drd2, drd3 and drd5. we used a sample of 122 parent-offspring trios of british caucasian origin where the proband had bipolar disorder i (bpi), and analysed the results ...199910578238
a founder effect in the newfoundland population reduces the bardet-biedl syndrome i (bbs1) interval to 1 cm.bardet-biedl syndrome (bbs) is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder; major phenotypic findings include dysmorphic extremities, retinal dystrophy, obesity, male hypogenitalism, and renal anomalies. in the majority of northern european families with bbs, the syndrome is linked to a 26-cm region on chromosome 11q13. however, the finding, so far, of five distinct bbs loci (bbs1, 1q; bbs2, 16q; bbs3, 3p; bbs4, 15q; bbs5, 2q) has hampered the positional cloning of these genes. we use linkage disequili ...199910577922
john sulston: a life in sequence. 199910574774
evaluation of an unused 1952 ridley intraocular evaluate an unused 1952 historic ridley intraocular lens (iol) brought to bombay, india, in 1952 from an oxford ophthalmologic conference in england and given to 1 of the authors during his residency.199910569172
adenoviruses from human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals, including two strains that represent new candidate serotypes ad50 and ad51 of species b1 and d, respectively.adenovirus (ad) isolates from a large number of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected individuals were compared serologically and genetically with ad isolates from immunocompetent patients. between 1982 and 1994, stool and urine samples from 137 subjects with aids hospitalized in the netherlands yielded 143 ad strains. forty additional ad strains were obtained from 35 hiv-positive patients in manchester, united kingdom, in 1992 and 1993. of these 183 hiv-associated ad strains, 84% belonged ...199910565911
large-scale survey of campylobacter species in human gastroenteritis by pcr and pcr-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.a pcr-based study of the incidence of enteropathogenic campylobacter infection in humans was done on the basis of a detection and identification algorithm consisting of screening pcrs and species identification by pcr-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. this was applied to dna extracted from 3,738 fecal samples from patients with sporadic cases of acute gastroenteritis, submitted by seven regional public health laboratories in england and wales over a 2-year period. the sending laboratories had c ...199910565897
the anatomy of the brain, by thomas willis.this article reviews the 1681 edition of the anatomy of the brain, by thomas willis (1621-1675), which was first published in latin in 1664. although description of the circulation at the base of the brain is part of this text, the majority of the book is devoted to functional anatomic features of the brain. this is an early attempt by willis to translate cadaveric brain anatomic features into assigned behavioral and neurophysiological functions. extensive comparisons are made between "lower" an ...199910549943
microsatellite variation within the human rhce gene.this study provides a unique method for identifying individuals carrying the rh haplotype cde, and supports a model for the evolution of rh haplotypes in which cde is the progenitor.199910545853
stillbirths among offspring of male radiation workers at sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant.ionising radiation is a known mutagen, but few studies have examined transgenerational effects of paternal exposure in human beings. the workforce at the sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in the county of cumbria, uk, is the most highly exposed workforce in western europe and north america. this study, which is part of a larger programme of work investigating the health of the children of the sellafield workforce, set out to find whether there was evidence of an association between stillbirt ...199910543666
hereditary renal amyloidosis associated with variant lysozyme in a large english family.two kindreds with hereditary systemic amyloidosis caused by the first two mutations to be described in the human lysozyme gene were discovered recently and study of the variant lysozyme has been powerfully informative about mechanisms of amyloid fibrillogenesis. however, the clinical manifestations in these families, additional members of which have lately been identified, have not previously been reported in detail.199910534505
respiratory viruses in adult liver transplant recipients.the contribution of respiratory viruses to respiratory disease in adult liver transplant (lt) recipients has not been studied. we performed a prospective audit to document the incidence of respiratory syncytial viruses ([rsvs], parainfluenza virus, influenza virus, and adenovirus) after lt, and to determine their contribution to respiratory disease in this setting.199910532538
do influenza epidemics affect patterns of sickness absence among british hospital staff?influenza vaccination for healthcare workers is not recommended in britain, but some hospitals offer vaccine to reduce sickness absence. however, in nottingham, the influenza epidemics of 1993-94 and 1996-97 made no impact on staff absence. annual vaccination of healthcare workers against influenza is unlikely to reduce absence most winters, but there may be gains in terms of preventing nosocomial infection.199910530649
[origin of animal experimentation legislation in the 19th century].the first legislation in the world, designed to protect animals used in research, was passed in england in 1876, and is still in force today. it is one of the strictest in europe. at the same period, france had no such law, and was the country conducting the greatest amount of animal experimentation. comparing, these two countries, in the middle of the 19th century, can account for this difference. the most important difference seems to be related to the theological question: are animals endowed ...199910520502
markov chain monte carlo analysis of human y-chromosome microsatellites provides evidence of biased mutation.we describe a markov chain monte carlo analysis of five human y- chromosome microsatellite polymorphisms based on samples from five diverse populations. our analysis provides strong evidence for mutational bias favoring increase in length at all loci. estimates of population coalescent times and population size from our two largest samples, one african and one european, suggest that the african population is older but smaller and that the english east anglian population has undergone significant ...199910518551
canada goose (branta canadensis) droppings as a potential source of pathogenic bacteria.canada goose droppings, collected in parks to which the public had access, were screened for a range of bacteria that could be pathogenic in man. droppings of canada geese, and other waterfowl, did contain such bacteria, including some that are well-known causes of illness in man. these bacteria, plus a species of salmonella that was experimentally inoculated into droppings, were shown to survive and multiply in the droppings for up to one month after their deposition by geese. canada geese rang ...199910518352
explaining the universe: herbert spencer's attempt to synthesize political and evolutionary ideas.herbert spencer's evolutionary ideas related not just to the biological world but to the universe and everything in it. human societies were also viewed through his evolutionary lens so that spencer's evolutionary and political ideas are inextricably entwined. this essay looks at some of spencer's ideas and attempts to locate them in the social and intellectual context of his youth. it also speculates on the rise and fall of spencer's reputation.199910507908
inherited prion disease with an alanine to valine mutation at codon 117 in the prion protein gene.a large english family with autosomal dominant segregation of presenile dementia, ataxia and other neuropsychiatric features is described. diagnoses of demyelinating disease, alzheimer's disease, creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd) and gerstmann-sträussler-scheinker syndrome have been attributed to particular individuals at different times. an irish family, likely to be part of the same kindred, is also described, in which diagnoses of multiple sclerosis, dementia, corticobasal degeneration and new ...199910506086
detection of antibacterial agents in warm water prawns.samples of cooked and raw prawns intended for human consumption were collected by officers at southampton port health authority, and tested for the presence of antimicrobial agents. antimicrobial activity was detected in 23 out of 98 cooked prawn samples but in none of the 20 raw samples collected. samples that showed antimicrobial activity were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography and immunoassay, resulting in the presumptive identification of trimethoprim in 15 samples, and lo ...199910491879
control of a community hepatitis a outbreak using hepatitis a an outbreak of hepatitis a infection among children attending a village primary school hygiene measures and prophylaxis of household contacts of initial cases with human normal immunoglobulin did not prevent spread. over two months 16 pupils and two household contacts were infected, and seven children aged 6 to 10 years were jaundiced. testing for salivary igg and igm among staff and pupils and their household contacts identified asymptomatic cases. hepatitis a vaccine was offered to staff an ...199910491872
influenza a among community-dwelling elderly persons in leicestershire during winter 1993-4; cigarette smoking as a risk factor and the efficacy of influenza a prospective study of community-dwelling people 60-90 years of age, we examined the coverage of influenza vaccine during 1992-3 and 1993-4, the efficacy of vaccination in reducing serologically-confirmed clinical episodes of influenza a during 1993, and the effect of cigarette smoking. during 1992 and 1993, influenza vaccine was given to 106/215 (49%) and 120/204 (59%) people with risk conditions, and 84/225 (37%) and 103/235 (44%) without risk conditions. influenza vaccination and general p ...199910487646
phage typing of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli and its use as an adjunct to serotyping.campylobacter is the most commonly reported cause of gastro-intestinal infection in england and wales, with over 50,000 reported cases in 1997. the majority of human campylobacter isolates in england and wales are c. jejuni (c. 90%) with most of the remainder being c. coli. we describe the use of phage typing as an extension to serotyping for more detailed characterization within these two species. the scheme was piloted during a study of 2407 c. jejuni and 182 c. coli strains isolated in wales ...199910487641
recovery of human skeletal elements from a recent uk murder inquiry: preservational signatures.factors that control bone preservation are not fully understood but generally include those that reflect "natural" taphonomic or diagenetic processes and also those reflecting anthropogenic activity. the aim of this paper is to examine whether the survival of skeletal elements from a recent uk serial murder investigation (n = 12) and three archaeological cemetery sites from england (n = 112, 95, 182; roman to early-medieval), share a similar recovery signature. examination of this data demonstra ...199910486946
genetic linkage of the muckle-wells syndrome to chromosome 1q44.the muckle-wells syndrome (mws) is a hereditary inflammatory disorder characterized by acute febrile inflammatory episodes comprising abdominal pain, arthritis, and urticaria. progressive nerve deafness develops subsequently, and, after several years, the disease is complicated by multiorgan aa-type amyloidosis (i.e., amyloidosis derived from the inflammatory serum amyloid-associated protein) (mim 191900) with renal involvement and end-stage renal failure. the mode of inheritance is autosomal do ...199910486324
population genetic and evolutionary approaches to analysis of neisseria meningitidis isolates belonging to the et-5 complex.periodically, new disease-associated variants of the human pathogen neisseria meningitidis arise. these meningococci diversify during spread, and related isolates recovered from different parts of the world have different genetic and antigenic characteristics. an example is the et-5 complex, members of which were isolated globally from the mid-1970s onwards. isolates from a hyperendemic outbreak of meningococcal disease in worcester, england, during the late 1980s were characterized by multilocu ...199910482493
icu admission in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus - a multicentre survey.we conducted a retrospective study to assess the reasons for admission to the intensive care unit, and subsequent outcome, in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). four hospitals in the south of england participated, all with specialist hiv units. data were collected on 127 patients admitted to icu on 133 separate occasions between june 1993 and october 1997. the mean age on admission was 38 years (range 23-60 years). ninety-four patients (70.7%) were documented hiv-posi ...199910460523
molecular epidemiology of mycobacterium avium complex isolated from patients with and without aids in brazil and england.mycobacterium avium complex (mac) is ubiquitous throughout the world. it is an opportunistic pathogen in aids patients but the number of cases in hiv negative patients is also increasing. the aim of this study was to determine whether patients were being infected with different mac strains or whether one strain was dominant. dna obtained from isolates in brazil and england were compared using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge). strains from 22 brazilian patients clustered into 7 groups but ...199910459647
sexual risk behaviour among gay men in a examine whether gay men in a relationship have adopted negotiated safety as an hiv risk reduction strategy.199910449295
serious sex offending against women by men with schizophrenia. relationship of illness and psychotic symptoms to offending.little is known about men who commit sex offences in the context of psychosis.199910448448
variants of endothelin-1 and its receptors in atopic asthma.endothelin-1 (et-1) is a 21 amino acid peptide released from several types of bronchial cells. it operates through two types of receptors, type a(et-ra) and type b(et-rb) and has various activities in the pathophysiology of atopic asthma. these genes are localised on different chromosomes where genome-wide searches have identified linkage for atopic asthma, thus supporting the candidacy of et-1 and its receptors for atopic asthma. a genetic association study was performed with variants of these ...199910448102
a two-center study of the development of acute irritation responses to fatty acids.a human 4-hour patch test has been developed for evaluating the acute irritation potential of chemicals. this method was developed for comparative irritation assessments. although skin irritation responses in human subjects can be quite variable, this test method has proven robust in both intra- and interlaboratory tests. however, the previous interlaboratory studies were not optimal in that slightly differing protocols were used and the studies were not controlled for time of year or source of ...199910444106
the duration and magnitude of influenza epidemics: a study of surveillance data from sentinel general practices in england, wales and the netherlands.weekly incidence data for influenza-like illness, routinely collected in sentinel general practices in england and wales and in the netherlands over 10 winter periods (week 37 in one year to week 20 in the next, 1987/1988-1996/1997) were examined in conjunction with matching virus isolate data to define epidemic periods of influenza in the two countries. we first defined the background rates of recording influenza-like illness which occurred at times when only sporadic or no isolations of virus ...199910442473
serologic evidence of human herpesvirus 8 transmission by homosexual but not heterosexual sex.epidemiologic studies link kaposi's sarcoma with a sexually transmitted agent. human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is likely to be that agent, but routes of transmission are poorly described. a seroepidemiologic study was conducted to determine whether hhv-8 is transmitted sexually between heterosexuals. sera from 2718 patients attending a sexually transmitted disease (std) clinic were tested for antibodies to hhv-8 and herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2). information on sex partners in the previous 12 ...199910438345
emotional indicators in children's human figure drawings.the human figure drawings of a group of emotionally-disturbed boys were compared with those of a group of well-adjusted boys closely matched for chronological age and another for mental age. a comparison based on koppitz's (1968) original emotional indicators and another, based on new uk norms, showed that the emotionally-disturbed children included significantly more indicators in their drawings than their well-adjusted peers. although this difference was statistically significant it is actuall ...199910435457
william r. maples, forensic historian: four men, four centuries, four countries.prior to 1984, william r. maples, ph.d. worked primarily with medical examiners in the state of florida in investigation of and testimony in criminal cases. in 1984 the republic of peru requested him to identify skeletal remains thought to be those of francisco pizarro, conqueror of peru and the incas in the early 16th century. dr. maples made a positive identification of those remains as pizarro, resulting in their substitution in a glass-sided coffin in the cathedral of lima, where other remai ...199910432600
developing surveillance for hiv transmission and risk behaviours among high-risk groups in a central london health district.our aim was to describe surveillance data on hiv transmission and risk behaviours in camden and islington, an inner london health district (population 360 000). this information is required to assess the effectiveness of hiv-aids prevention.199910432252
comparison of intestinal function in human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive patients in kampala and london.white homosexual men with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) show progressive impairment of intestinal function assessed in terms of intestinal permeability and absorptive capacity. in this study we aimed to determine the effects of heterosexually acquired hiv on small-intestinal function in native africans, among whom there is a high prevalence of tropical enteropathy.199910423065
autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type iii: linkage in a large british family to a 7.6-cm region on chromosome 15q14-21.3.autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type iii (adca iii) is a relatively benign, late-onset, slowly progressive neurological disorder characterized by an uncomplicated cerebellar syndrome. three loci have been identified: a moderately expanded cag trinucleotide repeat in the sca 6 gene, the sca 5 locus on chromosome 11, and a third locus on chromosome 22 (sca 10). we have identified two british families in which affected individuals do not have the sca 6 expansion and in which the disease is not ...199910417284
the gene for hypotrichosis of marie unna maps between d8s258 and d8s298: exclusion of the hr gene by cdna and genomic sequencing.hypotrichosis of marie unna (mu) is an autosomal dominant hair-loss disorder with onset in childhood. a genomewide search for the gene was performed in a large dutch family using 400 fluorescent microsatellite markers. linkage was detected with marker d8s258, and analysis of this family and a further british kindred with additional markers in the region gave a combined maximum two-point lod score of 13.42, with d8s560. informative recombinants placed the mu gene in a 2.4-cm interval between mark ...199910417283
the molecular basis of malonyl-coa decarboxylase deficiency.we characterized a 2.1-kb human cdna with a 1362-bp (454-amino acid) open reading frame showing 70.3% amino acid identity to goose malonyl-coa decarboxylase (mcd). we have identified two different homozygous mutations in human mcd (hmcd) by using rt-pcr analysis of fibroblast rna from two previously reported consanguineous scottish patients with mcd deficiency. the first mutation is a 442c-->g transversion resulting in a premature stop codon (s148x) in the n-terminal half of the protein. the sec ...199910417274
effect of material deprivation on epstein-barr virus infection in hodgkin's disease in the west midlands.we have used townsend scores from postcode data to compare levels of material deprivation and epstein-barr virus (ebv)-positivity for 223 patients diagnosed with hodgkin's disease (hd) in the period 1981-1997. the presence of ebv in hd tumours was determined using in situ hybridization to target the abundantly expressed ebv early rnas. ebv was detected in the malignant hodgkin and reed-sternberg cells in 47/223 hd cases (21%). there was found to be a tendency for higher townsend scores (indicati ...199910408873
enterovirus infections in england and wales: laboratory surveillance data: 1975 to 1994.microbiology laboratories in england and wales reported 40,366 culture confirmed isolates of echovirus (24,628; 61%) and coxsackievirus (b 11,714; 29%, a 4024; 10%) infections to the phls communicable disease surveillance centre (cdsc) in the 20 years from 1975 to 1994. nearly half of the organisms were isolated from faeces, and 5741 were isolated from cerebrospinal fluid (75% of them echovirus, 13% coxsackie b, and 12% coxsackie a). isolation rates for all enteroviruses were highest among infan ...199910402747
effect of epstein-barr virus infection on response to chemotherapy and survival in hodgkin's disease.we have analyzed paraffin sections from 190 patients with histologically confirmed hodgkin's disease (hd) for the presence of epstein-barr virus (ebv) using in situ hybridization to detect the ebv-encoded epstein-barr virus early rnas (ebers) and immunohistochemistry to identify latent membrane protein-1 (lmp1) expression. ebv was present in the tumor cells in 51 hd cases (27%) and was mainly confined to the mixed cellularity and nodular sclerosis subtypes. there was no difference between ebv-po ...199910397711
a stop-codon mutation in the bri gene associated with familial british dementia.familial british dementia (fbd), previously designated familial cerebral amyloid angiopathy-british type, is an autosomal dominant disorder of undetermined origin characterized by progressive dementia, spasticity, and cerebellar ataxia, with onset at around the fifth decade of life. cerebral amyloid angiopathy, non-neuritic and perivascular plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are the predominant pathological lesions. here we report the identification of a unique 4k protein subunit named abri fro ...199910391242
diaphyseal cross-sectional geometry of the boxgrove 1 middle pleistocene human tibia.cross-sectional geometric analysis of the early middle pleistocene human tibia from boxgrove, west sussex, u.k. reveals a mosaic pattern relative to other archaic homo tibiae. the specimen has relatively low percent cortical area within its cross sections. however, it exhibits the high mediolateral strength characteristic of archaic homo tibiae. scaled solely to tibial length it is robust, similar to those of the neandertals and above those of early modern and pre-late pleistocene african and as ...199910375475
james cowles prichard's anthropology: remaking the science of man in early nineteenth-century britain. 199910370858
supervision of chiropractors: a summary of results from two surveys involving chiropractic supervisors and graduates in england and sweden.supervision of newly graduated health care practitioners takes place in many clinical settings, such as in different types of hospital departments, in general practice, and now also within the chiropractic profession. the author conducted an initial study to determine the most important issues regarding the supervision of chiropractic graduates in sweden. because it is important to define and discuss the format and contents for that part of the 1-year postgraduate education program for the newly ...199910367756
studies of antibiotic resistance within the patient, hospitals and the community using simple mathematical models.the emergence of antibiotic resistance in a wide variety of important pathogens of humans presents a worldwide threat to public health. this paper describes recent work on the use of mathematical models of the emergence and spread of resistance bacteria, on scales ranging from within the patient, in hospitals and within communities of people. model development starts within the treated patient, and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles are melded within a framework that mirrors the inte ...199910365398
general practitioners' perceptions of effective health explore general practitioners' perceptions of effective health care and its application in their own practice; to examine how these perceptions relate to assumptions about clinicians' values and behaviour implicit in the evidence based medicine approach.199910356011
a screening program for trisomy 21 at 10-14 weeks using fetal nuchal translucency, maternal serum free beta-human chorionic gonadotropin and pregnancy-associated plasma examine the potential impact of combining maternal age with fetal nuchal translucency thickness and maternal serum free beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hcg) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-a (papp-a) in screening for trisomy 21 at 10-14 weeks of gestation.199910341399
long-stay hospitals. working animal magic on the geriatric wards. 198410311012
healthy move on equality. 198810302691
class mortality differentials, income distribution and trends in poverty 1921-1981.the official figures which appear to show a widening of class differences in health in england and wales during the post-war period have been controversial partly because they do not fit with common perceptions of what has happened to differences in the standard of living. as a result, a great deal of effort has gone into investigating suggested weaknesses in the decennial social class mortality data. though initially plausible, the artifactual and selective explanations of the widening mortalit ...198910296719
the natural history of waiting lists--some wider explanations for an unnecessary problem.the examination of waiting list statistics suggests that long waiting times have at most a tenuous relationship with any lack of nhs resources. long waiting times offer strong evidence that nhs resources are not allocated rationally in that the conditions whose relative neglect is expressed in waiting lists are those conditions where clear benefits are likely to follow comparatively cheap treatments. this article offers two wider explanations for the fact that this seemingly irrational picture h ...198910293580
health museums or theme parks: a new approach to intersectoral collaboration.this paper is an outline of a proposed initiative on intersectoral collaboration in health promotion--collaboration between health, tourist, cultural and entertainment sectors to provide a powerful mass educational experience about the human mind and body. there has been a recent rise in interest in using the technology of museums, science centres, exploratories and theme parks for the promotion of health. this revival is shown to have a historical tradition in the health education museum starte ...198610286864
racial policy. uphill struggle against injustice. 198710280260
office furniture. are you sitting comfortably? 198610276782
championing minority groups. 198510271410
preparing for the new hospital in maidstone: the human side of commissioning activities. 198210255965
all set for the coming of the safety man. 197810238743
Displaying items 1901 - 2000 of 3581