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comparison of in vitro activity of fce 22101, a new penem, with those of other beta-lactam antibiotics.the in vitro activity of fce 22101, a new semisynthetic penem derivative, was compared with that of ceftriaxone, moxalactam, imipenem (formerly imipemide, n-formimidoyl thienamycin, or mk 0787), cefuroxime, ceftazidime, and other beta-lactams, when appropriate, against 472 recent isolates and known beta-lactam-resistant strains. the minimum inhibitory concentrations of fce 22101 against 90% of the members of the family enterobacteriaceae, haemophilus influenzae, staphylococcus aureus, lancefield ...19836607032
monocyte-independent stimulation of human b lymphocytes by phorbol myristate acetate.phorbol myristate acetate (pma) induces a low level of proliferation in purified human b lymphocytes when added in nanomolar concentrations to the culture medium. much higher levels of thymidine incorporation, however, are obtained in the presence of other b cell stimuli such as anti-igm antibodies or staphylococcus aureus cowan strain 1 (sac). the peak activity of pma was observed on day 3 of b cell cultures containing either anti-igm or sac. the rigorous depletion of monocytes as well as add-b ...19836605383
amino acid sequence of human beta-factor xiia.human factor xii was activated by limited proteolysis with trypsin, and the resulting beta-factor xiia (mr = 30,000) was isolated by deae-sephacel column chromatography. the complete amino acid sequence of beta-factor xiia was then determined on peptides produced by enzymatic digestion with either trypsin, chymotrypsin, or staphylococcus aureus v8 protease and by chemical cleavage at methionyl and tryptophyl bonds. beta-factor xiia is a glycoprotein composed of a heavy chain (243 amino acid resi ...19836604055
recognition of staphylococcus aureus by human phagocytes. signals and disguises of the bacterial surface.phagocytic cells provide the host its major defense against invasive staphylococcus aureus, and the staphylococcal surface, by its influence on phagocyte recognition, is a primary determinant of the function of these cells. the peptidoglycan component of the cell wall plays a key role in both opsonic and chemotactic recognition, mediated by igg, c3b, and c5a, respectively. while cell wall protein a inhibits opsonic recognition by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, it promotes an opsonin-independent m ...19836589763
methicillin-resistant staphylococcus epidermidis blepharitis.blepharoconjunctivitis caused by methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococcus epidermidis occurred in two hospitalized patients, a 74-year-old man and a 19-year-old man. both strains were resistant to multiple courses of topical antibiotic therapy. successful treatment in both cases depended upon antibiotic sensitivity testing. these methicillin-resistant strains of s. epidermidis, like methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus, demonstrated almost complete cross-resistance to ce ...19846568091
identification, clinical distribution, and susceptibility to methicillin and 18 additional antibiotics of clinical staphylococcus isolates: nationwide investigation in italy.a multicentric study of clinical staphylococcus isolates was performed by seven operative units working in different areas of italy. over a 6-month period, a total of 3,226 staphylococci, isolated from in- and outpatients, were identified and tested for antimicrobial susceptibility by a protocol agreed upon by all units. on the basis of their bacteriolytic-activity patterns and other conventional tests, the isolates were identified by lyogroups , which closely correlate with human staphylococcus ...19846565709
gentamicin- and methicillin-resistant, clinical isolates of staphylococcus aureus: comparative in vitro and in vivo efficacy of alternative antimicrobial drugs.six representative clinical isolates of gentamicin- and methicillin-resistant (grmr) staphylococcus aureus, constituting phage groups ii and iii, were susceptible only to amikacin, cefamandole, clindamycin, fosfomycin, fusidic acid, netilmicin, nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and vancomycin (bauer-kirby test). with few exceptions, the minimal bactericidal concentrations of the beta-lactam and aminoglycoside antibiotics tested, fusidic acid, and irregularly those of vancomycin, but ...19846559664
laboratory evaluation of the serum dilution test in serious staphylococcal infection.four test media were studied to determine performance characteristics of serum dilution tests used to monitor antimicrobial therapy during serious staphylococcus aureus infection being treated with highly protein-bound antibiotics. serum inhibitory titers and serum bactericidal titers obtained with mueller-hinton broth supplemented with calcium and magnesium were 3- to 16-fold higher than titers obtained with whole human serum buffered with n-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-n'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (he ...19836554031
effect of human igg and fibrinogen on staphylococcus aureus intraperitoneal infection in mice.human serum and plasma have been demonstrated to enhance mortality in staphylococcus aureus intraperitoneal infection in mice. two different mechanisms seem to be involved. the effect of serum could be removed by adsorption to s. aureus protein a coupled to sepharose 4 b and could be reconstituted by the addition of human igg to igg-depleted serum. plasma diluted 1/10 in combination with purified fibrinogen also enhanced mouse mortality. both effects could be demonstrated, when a coagulase-free ...19846532110
[comparative bacteriological and chemical analysis of kidney calculi. apropos of 135 cases].the formation of some urinary tract stones (struvite stones) is known to be related to infection by urease-possessing microorganisms, such as proteus sp. and some other bacteria. ureaplasma urealyticum, a genital mycoplasma, contains also urease and is predominantly located in the urogenital tract. its significance in the production of human urinary stones has not yet been elucidated. in this study, 135 human calculi obtained by surgery were analysed chemically and were cultured for the presence ...19846531061
modulation of phagocytosis and intracellular bactericidal activity of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells by cationic proteins from human granulocytes: alternative pathway of phagocytic enhancement.cationic lysosomal proteins from human polymorphonuclears (pmn) were isolated by column chromatography and divided into five fractions. on acrylamide gel electrophoresis, fraction i had four bands slower than lysozyme (lzm) mobility; fraction ii had five or six bands slower than lzm; fraction iii had at least seven bands slower and two bands faster than lzm; fraction iv contained lzm, two bands faster and a few faint bands slower than lzm; fraction v was composed of almost pure lzm. partial char ...19846519776
substitution of anti-human globulin by protein a-bearing staphylococci in the detection of brucella antibodies.a coagglutination test using protein a-bearing staphylococci has been developed for the detection of brucella antibodies. comparing the results of a random sample of 57 sera collected from malta fever patients, suggestive titers of 1: greater than or equal to 160 were found in 8 sera (14%) with the standard agglutination test, in 22 sera (39%) with the coombs test, and in 23 sera (40%) with the coagglutination test. the titers in the coombs test and the coagglutination test coincided in 54 (95%) ...19846513866
opsonic activity of immunoglobulin prepared for intravenous use.the opsonic activity of two immunoglobulin preparations modified for intravenous infusion was tested against streptococcus pneumoniae types 3, 7f, and 14 and two strains of staphylococcus aureus by polymorphonuclear leukocyte uptake of 3h-thymidine-labeled bacteria. reduced and alkylated immunoglobulin (chem-igg) and immunoglobulin prepared by chromatography with diethylaminoethyl-sephadex (deae-igg) were evaluated with and without complement and compared with the opsonic activity of immune seru ...19846502004
correlation between toxin binding and hemolytic activity in membrane damage by staphylococcal alpha-toxin.the binding of staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin to rabbit and human erythrocytes was studied by hemolytic assays and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis immunoblotting. hemolytic assays showed that toxin binding to 10% cell suspensions at neutral ph was very ineffective in the concentration range 3 x 10(-8) to 3 x 10(-7) m (1 to 10 micrograms/ml), and less than 5% of added toxin became cell bound. however, binding was augmented as toxin levels were raised, abruptly increas ...19846500692
subclass distribution of human anti-staphylococcus aureus alpha toxin antibodies: suggestion of an igg1, iga1, igg4 switch pattern.the subclass distribution of antibodies against alpha toxin from staphylococcus aureus in man was investigated. antibodies were restricted to igg1, iga1, and igg4 and appeared to develop sequentially. these data suggest a distinct pattern of class and subclass switches in response to protein antigens. however, studies in immunodeficient (class- or subclass-deficient) donors show that the proposed patterns is not obligatory.19846494808
flow cytometric quantitation of oxidative product formation by polymorphonuclear leukocytes during phagocytosis.stimulation of the oxidative metabolic burst of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmnl) may occur by an all-or-none trigger mechanism or by a graded response to increasing stimulation of an individual cell. if the proposed all-or-none mechanism occurred during phagocytosis, a pmnl would expend all of its metabolic potential at once, yet pmnl can proceed to ingest multiple organisms. this study employed dual laser flow cytometry to correlate the number of cell-associated organisms with oxidativ ...19846491287
rifampicin in the treatment of osteoarticular infections due to staphylococci.rifampicin is a suitable drug for treating staphylococcal bone and articular infections, because high levels are obtained in the human tissues. the best oral dose is 600 mg 12 hourly. the serum levels range from 10 to 15 mg/l at the peak concentration and from 0.2 to 0.6 mg/l 8 h after oral administration of 600 mg. the ratio for cancellous bone/serum is 0.41 at 3 h and 0.39 at 12 h, and for cortical bone/serum is 0.20 at 3 h after a dose of 600 mg. in every case, tissue levels paralleled serum ...19846469888
staphylococcal toxic shock toxin specifically binds to cultured human epithelial cells and is rapidly internalized.staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome toxin (tst) was labeled with 125i under mild conditions without apparent destruction of the molecule. [125i]tst bound specifically to human epithelial (chang) cells in culture; the binding was inhibited by a 100-fold excess of unlabeled toxin. scatchard analysis of the binding data indicated about 10(4) receptor sites per cell and a dissociation constant (kd) of 4 x 10(-9) m. when cells pretreated with tst at 4 degrees c were swiftly transferred to 37 degrees ...19846469347
enhancement of human polymorphonuclear leucocyte motility by erythromycin in vitro and in vivo.the effects of erythromycin on the migration, phagocytosis and antimicrobial activity of human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (pmnls) were investigated in vitro. therapeutic concentrations of erythromycin potentiated pmnl staphylocidal activity without affecting phagocytosis. pmnl random motility and migration to leuco-attractant endotoxin-activated serum (eas) were significantly enhanced by erythromycin at concentrations of greater than 5 x 10(-5)m (16,5 micrograms/ml). to assess the possible in ...19846463793
studies on possible cross transmission of mercuric chloride resistant staphylococcus aureus between dogs and kennel attendants.ten s. aureus strains were each introduced into the nostrils of each of 10 dogs. the dogs retained the strains of s. aureus for the period of the experiment (eight weeks). five of them with human strains of s. aureus, and the two control dogs acquired strains of canine origin during the period, but no human strain was detected in the nostrils of those into which canine strains were introduced. one of the dogs (dog 4) died during the period of the experiment and both human and canine s. aureus we ...19816460716
anomalous effect of serum on the antimicrobial activity of cefoperazone.this study investigated the effect of added serum on cefoperazone activity in vitro. due to protein-binding, an 8-fold difference would be expected between minimum inhibitory concentrations in broth and in broth plus 90% serum. using supplemented mueller-hinton broth (smh) and smh plus 90% heat-inactivated human serum there were differences of 3.36 +/- 0.92 for staphylococcus aureus strain atcc1 25923, 1.39 +/- 0.47 for escherichia coli strain atcc 25922 and 1.43 +/- 0.39 for pseudomonas aerugin ...19816456892
rarity of gene transfer between animal and human isolates of staphylococcus aureus in vitro.antibiotic-resistant staphylococcus aureus strains of animal origin were studied for transfer of resistance to human strains in vitro, with special reference to tylosin, an antibiotic which is used only in animals. resistance to tylosin in animal and human strains was part of a constitutive resistance to all macrolide antibiotics. resistance to tylosin could not be transferred from animal to human strains in vitro. transfer of other resistances occurred between few strains and at low frequency. ...19806453205
resistance transfer in mixed cultures of staphylococcus aureus.transfer of resistance markers was regularly observed in mixed cultures of pairs of constructed strains of staphylococcus aureus. this transfer was shown to be due to general transduction and required a lysogenic donor strain, carrying a transducing phage of serotype b and a transducible plasmid, and an acceptor strain without either strong restriction or an incompatible plasmid. transfer was sometimes bidirectional when both strains carried a transducing phage. unidirectional transfer occurred ...19816450835
[determination of macroglobulin antibodies by the methods of treating the blood sera with 2-mercaptoethanol and staphylococcus aureus protein a]. 19836443862
[bathing caps and germ shedding of human scalp hair].with three groups of 30 test subjects each, having short, medium-long and long hair, as well as with a model test using a woman's wig it was possible to show that by wearing bathing caps the transfer of germs from the scalp hairs to the swimming-pool water can be reduced considerably, either by the isolation of the hairs from water when snugly fitting water-tight bathing caps are used, or by a reduction of the germ-carrying hair surface rinsed by the water, which is always the case, even when us ...19846441382
human interleukin-2 promotes proliferation of activated b cells via surface receptors similar to those of activated t cells.human interleukin-2 (il-2) is a glycoprotein of relative molecular mass (mr) 15,000, which is released by t lymphocytes on stimulation with antigen or mitogen and functions as a t-cell growth factor (tcgf) by inducing proliferation of activated t cells. it is generally accepted that resting or activated b cells do not respond directly to il-2 but require for their proliferation other t-cell-derived lymphokines usually referred to as b-cell growth factors (bcgfs). recently, however, a monoclonal ...19846438535
quantitative adherence of bacteria to human corneal epithelial in vitro assay was used to quantitatively determine the ability of a variety of bacteria to adhere to human corneal epithelial cells. staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumoniae, and pseudomonas aeruginosa were found to adhere to corneal epithelium significantly better than other species that were tested. however, there was considerable variability in the adherence of individual strains of these bacterial species. the results of this study support the hypothesis that the frequency with wh ...19846433864
cefamandole therapy in hand infections.hand lacerations, especially when inadequately treated, may result in infections caused by aerobic or anaerobic bacteria. anaerobic infections most commonly result from human bite injuries in which there is contact between hand and mouth. the search continues for an ideal antibiotic to employ when anaerobic organisms are suspected. in this study cefamandole, a new cephalosporin antibiotic, was employed whenever anaerobic hand infections were suspected following trauma. in each patient quantitati ...19836415153
susceptibility of brain to aerobic, anaerobic, and fungal organisms.the utility of an experimental animal model is dependent on its ability to simulate the actual clinical situation. with a stereotaxic injection procedure, the susceptibility of rat brain to the spectrum of organisms commonly associated with human brain abscess was determined. two strains of escherichia coli were more infective than pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus, and streptococcus pyogenes. even between the e. coli strains it was possible to document significant differences in deg ...19836409808
in vitro inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation by pseudomonas aeruginosa phenazine pigments.human lymphocyte proliferation is inhibited in vitro in the presence of killed pseudomonas aeruginosa or cell-free p. aeruginosa culture supernatants. a comparison of culture supernatants obtained under similar conditions from staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, p. aeruginosa, and pseudomonas cepacia strains demonstrated that all p. aeruginosa supernatants were strongly inhibitory, whereas supernatants from other bacteria were mildly inhibitory or not inhibitory at all. these p. aeruginosa ...19836408002
[molecular profile of mitogen-active metabolites of staphylococcus aureus].a fraction with a molecular weight of 16000-24000 was isolated from 5-day s. aureus broth culture grown in the dialysate of martin-hottinger broth. at a concentration of 2-15 micrograms/ml this fraction induced the nonspecific blast transformation of human blood lymphocytes with the stimulation index 99.6 +/- 15.2 (72-hour cultures). the mitogenic fraction was immunochemically inert and unrelated to the main part of biologically active components, resistant to heating at 100 degrees c for 10 min ...19836405563
partial amino acid sequence of a rabbit immunoglobulin light chain of allotype b5.the amino acid sequence of a rabbit immunoglobulin light chain of allotype b5 has been nearly completed. a comparison of its structure with that of light chains of allotypes b4, b6, and b9 confirms that the constant regions of these various kappa chains differ by 20-35%. the substitutions are clustered in parts of the second half of the chain, and the b5 form bears more resemblance to the b6 chain than to any other, in good agreement with previous serological data. the analysis of the variable r ...19836404296
peripherin, a new member of the intermediate filament protein family.peripherin, a triton-insoluble protein, whose distribution was found to be restricted to neurons in the rodent and human peripheral nervous system, was characterized by its electrophoretic features (isoelectric point: 5.6; molecular weight: 56,000 daltons) and by its peptidic map after limited proteolysis. comparative peptide analysis of the 70,000-dalton subunit of neurofilaments (70k nfp), vimentin and peripherin, was performed by two different methods; limited proteolysis with staphylococcus ...19836399022
protease activity in fibromyoma and normal human myometrium.the potential involvement of intracellular proteases in the pathophysiology of fibromyoma was studied by assay of activity of two proteolytic enzymes in fibromyoma and adjacent normal myometrium. protease i, a soluble acid protease and protease ii, a particulate protease optimally active at the neutral ph range are present in fibromyoma as well as in normal myometrial tissue. no consistent difference was observed between the specific activities of these enzymes in the fibromyoma and the surround ...19846396176
ability of various oral bacteria to bind human plasma fibronectin.the present study describes the ability of various oral bacteria to bind human plasma fibronectin (pfn). avid binding of 125i-pfn was found for streptococcus mutans (serotypes a to h), streptococcus sanguis, group a streptococcus pyogenes and staphylococcus aureus, while other gram-positive bacterial species tested demonstrated only weak or negligible pfn binding ability. two gram-negative bacterial species, bacteroides gingivalis and escherichia coli, did not significantly bind pfn. 125i-pfn bi ...19846390098
clinical trials with staphylococcus aureus and protein a in the treatment of malignant disease.perfusion of plasma from tumor-bearing animals over staphylococcus aureus with membrane-bound protein a has resulted in significant tumor shrinkage. similar therapy has now been given to 16 patients by three methods. no tumor responses have been observed. five patients were treated with perfusion over fixed and killed s. aureus cowan i. cardiovascular and respiratory toxicity was excessive and appeared to be related to volume and rate of plasma infused. eight patients were treated with perfusion ...19846379115
enhanced bacterial phagocytosis by peripheral blood monocytes in rheumatoid assess the functional state of peripheral blood monocytes in rheumatoid arthritis, we have measured phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus and proteus mirabilis in 48 patients and 28 controls. using radiolabelled bacteria preopsonised in normal human serum we have demonstrated significantly enhanced uptake of both organisms by patients' monocytes: (median % uptake staph. aureus: patients = 35.8; controls = 19.3; p less than 0.001. median % uptake p. mirabilis: patients = 32.3; controls = 19.8; ...19846378106
[stimulation of lymphokine formation as an index of reactivity to bacterial antigens].in the cultures of lymphocytes from healthy donors, activated by staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes and enterococcal antigens (allergens) the formation of lymphokines stimulating the oxygen-dependent metabolism of human neutrophils was studied. the preparations yielded positive reactions in a wide range of concentrations (2-60 micrograms/ml); in experiments with concentrations of 2 micrograms/ml these reactions were observed, respectively, in 71.5%, 40.0% and 47.7% of the donors. indi ...19846377781
lipolytic and proteolytic properties of staphylococci.lipolytic and proteolytic activities were estimated in coagulase-positive and coagulase-negative strains of human origin. several different substrates were used for determination of these activities. staphylococcus aureus strains were very frequently lipolytic (95%) and proteolytic (87.5%). among coagulase-negative strains, 85.4% were proteolytic and 10.25% exhibited lipolytic activity.19836372327
multiple isoelectric and molecular weight variants of choline acetyltransferase. artifact or real?the existence of isoelectric variants of bovine brain and human placental choline acetyltransferase was confirmed by chromatofocusing. the identification of molecular weight variants (bovine brain, mr = 68,000 and 63,000; human placental, mr = 66,000 and 64,000) was also demonstrated using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by "western blotting" and immunochemical visualization of choline acetyltransferase with monoclonal antibodies. no correlation between the iso ...19846363403
bacterial adherence to fibronectin and endothelial cells: a possible mechanism for bacterial tissue the pathophysiology of endocarditis, bacteria must initially adhere to the endothelial surface components of the cardiac valve before invasion and colonization. the attachment of bacteria to endothelial cell surfaces is dependent on surface characteristics of both the bacteria and the endothelial cell. fibronectin, a glycoprotein produced by endothelial cells, binds to some bacteria but not all. this report examines bacterial adherence to human endothelial cells and to fibronectin-coated surf ...19846361186
[nosocomial dyspepsia in newborn and young infants. a 15-month prospective study with continuous rotavirus surveillance].a 15 months prospective study of gastroenteritis in hospitalized newborns and infants (n = 201) was combined with a rotavirus infection surveillance. stool specimens were investigated weekly (cft). from patients with gastroenteritis (n = 320) an infectious agent could be detected on average in 41% of each patient group: rotavirus n = 54, staph. aureus n = 22, toxin producing e. coli n = 4, other bacteria n = 25, candida albicans n = 17, echovirus 11 n = 1. with certain exceptions, the pathogens ...19836353207
storage of protein a-conjugated sheep erythrocytes for use in plaque-forming cell (pfc) assays.sheep red blood cells conjugated with protein a from staphylococcus aureus were frozen in liquid nitrogen. after thawing these cells were used as indicator cells in a plaque-forming cell assay visualizing human b lymphocytes secreting igg, igm or iga. the thawed erythrocytes performed as well in the assay as erythrocytes freshly conjugated with protein a. recovery of conjugated erythrocytes after freezing and thawing averaged 66%. by the method described indicator cells for a number of pfc assay ...19836343496
induction of monocytic suppression after stimulation of peripheral human mononuclear cells with staphylococcal protein a and staphylococcus aureus.staphylococcal protein-a (spa) and staphylococcus aureus are known to be polyclonal human b-cell activators. it was noted that they induced plaque-forming-cell (pfc) responses lower than those induced by pokeweed mitogen (pwm) and the possibility of early triggering of a suppressor cell was investigated in the present series of experiments. peripheral mononuclear cells (mnc) were passed through sephadex g-10 columns to eliminate monocytes. the pfc responses to spa and s. aureus were thereby incr ...19836342815
species identification and biotyping of staphylococci by the api staph-ident system.the api staph-ident system, a commercially available biochemical and chromogenic substrate micromethod, was evaluated as a means for identifying the species and determining the biotypes of human strains of staphylococci routinely encountered in a clinical microbiology laboratory. the species identity of 152 of 188 (80.9%) unique clinical isolates of staphylococci was correctly predicted by this method after 5 h of incubation according to the recommendations of the manufacturer. when results were ...19836339546
the wi-l2-729-hf2 human hybridoma system. stable hybrids at high frequency.a new system for the rapid production at high frequency (greater than 10(-5] of stable human hybridomas is described. this system is based on a high efficiency fusion variant human lymphoblastoid cell line designated wi-l2-729-hf2 and is comparable in many ways to commonly used murine hybridoma systems. wi-l2-729-hf2 cells fuse at high frequency with mitogen-stimulated human b cells resulting in the rapid appearance (within 2 weeks) of stable hybridomas in hypoxanthine/aminopterin/thymidine (hat ...19836334216
response of human b cells to staphylococcus aureus cowan i: t-independent proliferation and t-dependent differentiation to immunoglobulin secretion involve subsets separable by rosetting with mouse erythrocytes.we separated t-depleted mononuclear cells into subsets by rosetting with mouse erythrocytes and studied proliferation and differentiation responses to staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac), pokeweed mitogen (pwm), and a combination of the two polyclonal activators. all of the t cell-independent proliferation of unfractionated b cells in response to sac was attributable to mouse erythrocyte rosette-forming cells (bmr+). bmr- cells were not stimulated to proliferate by sac in the presence or absence ...19846332138
localization of viral-envelope-glycoprotein-binding sites in fibronectin.purified viral-envelope glycoproteins from influenza a virus were found to bind to two fragments of the fibronectin molecule. human plasma fibronectin was digested by leucocyte cathepsin g, and three different fragments, of mr 30000, 40000 and 12000-140000, with specific binding functions were isolated. micelles of radiolabelled influenza a glycoprotein were allowed to bind to these fragments immobilized on polystyrene micro-titre wells. the c-terminal 120000-14000-mr fragments that carry the ce ...19846331388
[human immune interferon: production and action].the most marked production of immune interferon by human peripheral blood leukocytes and splenocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (pha) and staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea) was shown to be achieved when lymphoid cells are propagated under conditions of constant sparing mixing on roller apparatus at a temperature of 37 degrees +/- 0.5 degrees c. the resulting interferon was sensitive to low ph, thermolabile, inactivated by treatment with trypsin, and not neutralised by antisera to human a ...19846328769
comparison of platelet fibrinogen receptors on intact and proteolytically-treated platelets by use of an anti-glycoprotein iiia monoclonal antibody (ma 123).a murine monoclonal antibody (ma 123) was selected by screening 153 supernatants of hybridoma cells secreting anti-human platelet antibodies for their ability to inhibit the fibrinogen-induced aggregation of chymotrypsin-treated platelets. ma 123 inhibited the binding of 125i-fibrinogen to adp-stimulated intact human platelets and to platelets treated with chymotrypsin or pronase. moreover, it inhibited the fibrinogen-induced aggregation of these platelet suspensions. the degree of inhibition wa ...19846328693
[effect of the ingestion of wheat bran on the fecal microbial flora of human donors and of recipient gnotoxenic mice, and on the barrier effects exerted by these flora against various potentially pathogenic microorganisms].the effect of bran ingestion on the flora of the human digestive tract was studied using two methods: quantitative enumeration of various microbial populations of the faecal flora, and a demonstration of the antagonistic effect exerted by the faecal flora against various potentially pathogenic bacteria of the environment. since this latter study cannot be effected in human subjects, we used a model constituted by axenic mice inoculated with patients' flora. faecal samples from 3 human donors rec ...19846326642
effects of lysosomotropic amines on human polymorphonuclear leucocyte function.lysosomotropic agents interfere with lysosome function. we studied the effects of the lysosomotropic amines: lidocaine, diphenylamine and dansylcadaverine on several functions of human polymorphonuclear leucocytes (pmn): enzyme release, phagosome-lysosome fusion, superoxide anion generation upon stimulation with opsonized bacteria, and phagocytosis and killing of opsonized staphylococcus aureus. lidocaine depressed all cellular functions tested. diphenylamine reduced enzyme release and phagosome ...19846319273
hydroxyl radical scavengers produce similar decreases in the chemiluminescence responses and bactericidal activities of neutrophils.the addition of hydroxyl radical (.oh) scavengers caused similar decreases in the chemiluminescence responses and killing of staphylococcus aureus 502a by human neutrophils in vitro.19846317572
human-human b cell hybridomas from in vitro stimulated lymphocytes of patients with common variable immunodeficiency.human-human b cell hybridomas have been established from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with common variable immunodeficiency (cvi) by fusion with an hgprt-negative b lymphoblastoid cell line. igm-secreting hybridomas were successfully obtained from cvi lymphocytes after stimulation for 5 days in vitro with a combination of pwm and staphylococcus aureus strain cowan i. fusion of peripheral blood lymphocytes that were stimulated for 5 days in vitro with a single mitogen resulted in ...19836313803
identification and structural characterization of two incompletely processed forms of the fourth component of human complement.immunoprecipitates of human c4 from edta-plasma were incubated with [14c]methylamine and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (sds)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. in addition to finding label in the alpha-chains of the secreted (c4s) and predominant plasma (c4p) forms of c4, two additional molecules with apparent molecular weights of approximately 168,000 (p168) and approximately 125,000 (p125) covalently incorporated methylamine, indicating the presence of an internal thioes ...19836313766
immunoprecipitating human antigens associated with vesicular stomatitis virus grown in hela cells.vesicular stomatitis virus (vsv) preparations made in hela cells, vsv(hela), appeared to contain non-viral structural proteins. this was suggested by neutralization of the virus with homologous and heterologous antisera made against vsv prepared in different cells. antisera against uninfected hela cells failed to neutralize vsv(hela) but did immunoprecipitate the virus in the presence of staphylococcus aureus. these immunoprecipitated vsv(hela) retained their infectivity, despite the presence of ...19836310874
[relation between cyclic amp and phagocytosis in human monocytes].the involvement of cyclic adenosine 3'-5' monophosphate (camp) in the regulation of human monocyte phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus in vitro was demonstrated by assay of adenylate cyclase (ac) and camp phosphodiesterase (pde). phagocytosis was associated with diminished ac activity (p less than 0,05) and concurrently increased pde activity (p less than 0,005). transmission electron microscopy provided evidence that these changes coincide with peak phagocytic activity occuring 10-20 minutes ...19836309337
rapid detection of herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus in clinical specimens by the use of staphylococcus aureus rich in protein a.herpes simplex virus (hsv) type 1 and type 2 and varicella-zoster virus (vzv) were detected in cytospin preparations from clinical material by using specific antisera and staphylococcus aureus, cowan 1 strain, rich in protein a (sra). virus was isolated in tissue culture from 22 of the 30 specimens submitted for examination. eighteen isolates showed cytopathic effect characteristic of hsv infection and 4 of vzv. in the cytospin preparations of the same samples hsv was detected in 15, two contain ...19836306990
changes in camp metabolism during phagocytosis of s. aureus by human monocytes.involvement of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-mono-phosphate (camp) in the phagocytosis of staphylococci by human monocytes was demonstrated by assay of adenylate cyclase and camp phosphodiesterase (pde). monocyte adenylate cyclase and pde activities were assayed on cell homogenates prepared from monocytes isolated by plate adherence. phagocytosis of staphylococci was associated with diminished adenylate cyclase activity, which reached a minimum after 10 min of incubation (p less than 0.05), and an incr ...19826296386
peptide mapping of the human transferrin receptor in normal and transformed cells.human transferrin receptor protein from various human cell lines in tissue culture (phytohemagglutinin-activated lymphocytes, normal embryonic fibroblasts (wi-38), a choriocarcinoma (be wo), an epidermoid carcinoma (kb), and a metastatic breast carcinoma (mcf-7)) was metabolically labeled with [35s]methionine and purified by two methods. the first method involves affinity chromatography of the transferrin receptor with a transferrin-linked sepharose 4b resin. the second method involves direct im ...19836296151
up-regulation of lactogenic receptors -- an immunological artifact?we examined whether injection of heterologous hormones for more than one week might evoke a humoral immune response which would simulate receptor induction. male rats were injected daily for ten days with human growth hormone (hgh) or ovine prolactin (oprl), and binding of 125i-hgh and 125i-oprl was examined in serum and in membranes from liver and lung. specific binding of 125i-hgh and 125i-oprl increased in the sera of hgh- and oprl-injected animals, respectively. a marked increase in hgh but ...19826284491
comparisons of rotavirus polypeptides by limited proteolysis: close similarity of certain polypeptides of different strains.the polypeptides of sa11 rotavirus produced in virus-infected cells were analyzed by limited proteolysis, using staphylococcus aureus v8 protease. this clearly distinguished between all the known primary gene products of the virus and allowed relationships between other infected-cell proteins, and between infected-cell and virus structural proteins, to be ascertained. a comparison of the proteolysis cleavage patterns between sa11 rotavirus and the human rotavirus wa was also performed which demo ...19816275113
[the activity of imidazole derivatives in the presence of human plasma (author's transl)].by warburg technique using yeasts and staphylococci, any decrease in antimicrobial activity of the imidazole derivatives could be excluded in the presence of human plasma. econazole nitrate, the classical topical imidazole derivative, and ketoconazole, an oral active antifungal, were tested. the compatibility between imidazole derivatives and human plasma is of practical importance for obtaining optimal therapeutic results in treating human mycoses.19816267837
determination of iga antibodies to human cytomegalovirus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa).a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) is described for detection of iga antibodies cytomegalovirus (cmv). the antigen consisted of a sonicated extract of cmv infected human embryo cells. the tested sera were absorbed with staphylococcus aureus (strain cowan 1) before analysis. rabbit antihuman iga peroxidase conjugate was used to detect human iga bound to viral antigen. in parallel, igm and igg antibodies to cmv were studied by elisa and by the immunoperoxidase antibody to membra ...19806262458
functions of sendai virus nucleocapsid polypeptides: enzymatic activities in nucleocapsids following cleavage of polypeptide p by staphylococcus aureus protease v8. 19816258313
a fluorometric determination of sphingomyelinase by use of fluorescent derivatives of sphingomyelin, and its application to diagnosis of niemann-pick disease.we synthesized fluorescent derivatives of sphingomyelin (n-acyl-sphingosylphosphocholine) and used them as substrates for several sphingomyelinases. the following five fluorescent probes, each attached to the terminal carbon atom of the fatty acyl residue, were introduced into sphingomyelin: dansyl, pyrene, carbazole, 4-chloro-7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole, and anthroic acid. we compared the rates at which the fluoro- and radiolabeled sphingomyelins were hydrolyzed. they were the same with the f ...19806243257
characteristics and functional capacities of human cord blood granulocytes and monocytes.cord blood phagocytic cells were characterized with respect to cytochemical activities, fc gamma and c3b receptors, and capacity to phagocytose and kill various species of bacteria. the percentages of peroxidase-positive granulocytes and monocytes from neonates and adults were comparable; the percentage of esterase-positive cord-blood monocytes was about two-thirds of that of adults' blood monocytes. the numbers of cord blood and adults' monocytes with fc gamma and c3b receptors were similar. ph ...19846240017
bactericidal effects of norfloxacin towards bacteria in urine.norfloxacin produced a reliably bactericidal effect at concentrations from 3 to 90 mg/l against urine pathogens suspended in human urine. these included enterobacteriaceae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus faecalis and staphylococci. resistant mutants of staphylococcus aureus were isolated on two occasions (out of 33 experiments). at high concentrations (c. 90 mg/l) the activity was less but this was probably due to the need for a low ph to dissolve the antibiotic. the ph for optimum activi ...19846234275
purification and properties of a receptor for the fc-component of immunoglobulin g from streptococcus dysgalactiae.a receptor for the fc-component (fcr) of immunoglobulin (ig) g was isolated from the cell-free supernatant of a streptococcus dysgalactiae-culture by affinity chromatography on human igg-sepharose. the single-step procedure yielded purified fcr with a specific activity of 1.1 x 10(6) u/mg protein. it had an estimated molecular weight of 78 000 dalton and an isoelectric point between ph 4.0 and 4.5. it was destroyed by pronase e and was sensitive to trypsin. purified fcr gave strong single precip ...19836232781
association of alpha- and beta-subunits during the biosynthesis of beta-hexosaminidase in cultured human fibroblasts.subunit association of beta-hexosaminidase was studied in intact fibroblasts using antisera that discriminate between free and associated alpha-chains. these were anti-beta-hexosaminidase a (anti-alpha beta), which precipitated all alpha-chains, free or associated; anti-beta-hexosaminidase b (anti-beta beta), which precipitated those alpha-chains that were associated with beta; and anti-alpha-chains, which recognized only monomeric alpha-chains. after biosynthetic labeling, beta-hexosaminidase o ...19846230359
human helper t cell factor(s). iii. characterization of b cell differentiation factor i (bcdf i).staphylococcus aureus cowan i (sac) induced proliferation of human b cells but did not lead the cells to differentiate to immunoglobulin (ig)-producing cells. the differentiation of sac-stimulated b cells to igg-producing cells was totally dependent on t cells or t cell factor, designated b cell differentiation factor i (bcdf i). bcdf i exerted its effect on b cells between 48 and 72 hr after the initiation of the culture, at which time the 3h-tdr uptake of sac-stimulated b cells had already rea ...19846228579
effect of norfloxacin on staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa in broth, serum and in combination with human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. 19836224689
okt4/8 ratio in the blood and in the graft during episodes of human renal allograft rejection.we have analyzed the frequency of t helper (th) and t suppressor/killer (ts/k) lymphocytes in the blood and in the renal allograft during episodes of rejection and during quiescence. monoclonal okt4 and okt8 antibodies were used to mark the th and ts/k cells, respectively. density centrifugation-separated mononuclear leukocytes and facs iv cell sorter or the staphylococcus aureus rosette assay were used to determine the ratio in the blood, with concordant results. fine needle aspiration biopsy ( ...19836220816
suppression of in vitro lymphocyte dna synthesis by killed pseudomonas aeruginosa.whole antibiotic-killed classic pseudomonas aeruginosa organisms elicited human lymphocyte [3h]thymidine (tdr) uptake in vitro after 5 days in culture. however, high concentrations of the same preparation did not elicit [3h]tdr incorporation. the investigation of this lymphocyte unresponsiveness revealed that a high dose of p. aeruginosa, when added to lymphocyte cultures together with optimal concentrations of lymphocyte activators (e.g., plant lectins or whole killed staphylococcus aureus cowa ...19836219951
ifn-alpha-induced modulations of the events in human mixed lymphocyte cultures.autologous mixed lymphocyte cultures (amc) with t-enriched subset of human blood lymphocytes as responders and b-cells or plastic adherent cells as stimulators and allogeneic mixed lymphocyte cultures (mlc) were assayed for blastogenesis and generation of cytotoxic potential. the activated cells lyzed k562 and daudi, autologous and allogeneic pha-blasts. the amc population affected the autologous and allogeneic blasts at a similar strength and there was no indication for selective effects. b-bla ...19826219067
varicella zoster and staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome in a young man. 19836218314
induction of human immunoglobulin secretion. ii. t lymphocyte dependency and radiosensitivity of t-cell help for induction of b-cell differentiation by staphylococcus aureus strain cowan i. 19826215128
moxalactam concentration in human aqueous humor after intravenous administration.two grams of moxalactam disodium was administered intravenously to 20 patients before cataract extraction. mean aqueous humor concentrations of moxalactam were 0.92, 0.87, 1.98, 2.13, and 1.24 micrograms/ml 30 minutes and 1, 2, 4, and 6 hours, respectively, after treatment. adequate levels against staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis were not achieved. with the exception of pseudomonas species, therapeutic levels three to ten times greater than the median minimum inhibitory conce ...19826213219
staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan induces histamine release from basophil human leukocytes in vitro.whole killed cells, cell walls, and peptidoglycans of staphylococcus aureus were found to release histamine from human leukocytes and isolated rat mast cells in vitro. the histamine-releasing capability increased in the order of whole bacteria, cell walls, and peptidoglycans. peptidoglycan was found to release histamine by a nonimmunological mechanism, as demonstrated by release in cells deprived of surface immunoglobulins, whereas whole bacteria and cell walls seemed to operate both by immunolo ...19846209223
spontaneous and pokeweed mitogen-induced in vitro igg production specific for s. aureus cell wall determinants in man.a system has been established to produce in vitro igg specific for cell wall determinants of s. aureus by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc). pbmc of healthy individuals, of patients with s. aureus infections and of patients with other bacterial infections were cultured for 12 days. in the culture supernatants (sn) total igg was determined by a competitive ria, and igg to purified cell walls (pcw) of s. aureus strain h by a two step elisa. pbmc of 11 healthy persons produced anti-pc ...19846204800
deoxyadenosine modulates human suppressor t cell function and b cell differentiation stimulated by staphylococcus aureus protein a.adenosine deaminase (ada) deficiency and the resultant accumulation of deoxyadenosine (adr) are associated with profound t cell dysfunction and variable b cell dysfunction in vivo. we examined the effects of adr on the in vitro function of normal human peripheral blood b and t lymphocytes whose ada activity was inhibited by 2'-deoxycoformycin. we found that okt8+ t cell-mediated suppression of spa-induced ig production was markedly reduced by concentrations of adr (3 to 10 microm) that did not a ...19846199411
human b cell activation and cell cycle progression: stimulation with anti-mu and staphylococcus aureus cowan strain i.the responses of resting human b lymphocytes to a variety of activation signals were studied. human tonsillar b lymphocytes were separated according to size by countercurrent elutriation. the small b lymphocytes were then stimulated in vitro with various concentrations of anti-mu antibody in the presence or absence of b cell growth factor (bcgf) or with staphylococcus aureus cowan strain i (sac). cellular volume changes and rna synthesis were measured over the first 24 h of stimulation and were ...19846199210
monoclonal antibody against the n-terminal end of human plasma fibronectin.purified human plasma fibronectin was digested with cathepsin g and the degradation products were tested for reactivity towards a monoclonal antibody. in an immunoblotting assay, after sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of the digestion products, the 85 000-mr and 72 000-mr gelatin- and heparin-binding fragments as well as the n-terminal 30 000-mr heparin-binding fragment reacted with the antibody, whereas the 64 000-mr gelatin- and heparin-binding fragment did not. in en ...19836194791
immunochemical characterization of a human high molecular weight--melanoma associated antigen identified with monoclonal antibodies.sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel analysis of a high molecular weight (hmw) human melanoma associated antigen (maa) defined by murine monoclonal antibodies revealed a number of distinct polypeptides ranging from 80,000 up to 280,000 daltons, in addition to an extremely heterogeneous group of components distributed over a wide range in apparent molecular weight (300,000-700,000 daltons). the 280,000 dalton and the larger heterogeneous molecular weight material are glycosylated since they ...19836188530
detection of fungemia obscured by concomitant bacteremia: in vitro and in vivo studies.our recent clinical experience suggested that bacteremia may interfere with the detection of concomitant fungemia when standard blood culture methods are used. to determine the extent to which bacteria may interfere with fungal isolation from blood cultures, an in vitro model simulating blood cultures taken during concomitant fungemia and bacteremia was created. each of six bacteria (staphylococcus epidermidis, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus faecalis, escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumonia ...19826186687
radioactive human lymphoblastoid interferon. one-step purification, regulation of heterogeneous species production and its use for radioimmunoassay.human lymphoblastoid interferon (alpha type), labeled with [3h]leucine added to virus-induced namalwa cells, was purified quantitatively and in one step from the culture fluid by immune precipitation. the material showed, upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, only four radioactive bands with molecular weights ranging from 17000 to 21000, which coincided well with interferon activity. they coincided also with the four interferon protein bands in the el ...19826180896
a quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for honeybee venom-specific immunoglobulin g.a quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for honeybee venom-specific igg is reported. this elisa surmounts the problem of poor reproducibility due to nonparallelism of dilution curves in previously reported elisas. the assay is performed in polyvinyl "u" microtiter plates in which hbv is physically adsorbed to the wells. the antigen is sequentially overlaid with human serum albumin, unknown serum diluted in 10% normal goat serum (ngs), and peroxidase-labeled anti-human igg in ngs ...19826179974
complete amino acid sequence of bovine beta 2-microglobulin.beta 2-microglobulin has been isolated and crystallized from bovine colostrum and represents the only crystalline form of this protein reported. the complete sequence of bovine beta 2-microglobulin was determined using only one proteolytic enzyme, staphylococcus aureus v8 protease. automated degradation of the intact molecule and two large peptides produced by enzymic digestion provided unequivocal placement of all residues. bovine beta 2-microglobulin, molecular weight 11,630, contains 98 resid ...19826174509
[measurement of alpha 2-macroglobulin in human sera by quantitative inhibition of an acid staphylococcal protease (author's transl)].concentrations of alpha 2-macroglobulin could be determined in the sera of 215 blood donors and 94 patients with various internal diseases by quantitative inhibition of an acid protease from staphylococcus aureus, m 135 (fig. 1, 2). the determinations agreed closely with those obtained by immunodiffusion (tab. 1, fig. 3). however, the alpha 2-macroglobulin-measurements by the protease method required only 4 h and 40 microliter serum. this procedure would also be suitable for the determination of ...19806158814
detection of factor ix antibodies by radioimmunoassay: effect of calcium on antibody-factor ix interaction.a radioimmunoassay for alloantibodies (inhibitors) and heteroantibodies to human factor ix has been developed using radioiodinated human factor ix and formalin-fixed, heat-killed staphylococcus aureus cells (staph a). staph a was used as a solid-phase adsorbent for immune complexes. the assay is specific, shows excellent correlation with factor ix coagulant neutralization assays in detecting alloantibodies (r = 0.98), and is 60 times more sensitive. the staph a method allows rapid separation of ...19806158351
use of soluble and staphylococcus aureus-immobilized second antibody compared in a radioimmunoassay for human alpha-fetoprotein.staphylococcus aureus cells coated with rabbit anti-goat immunoglobulin g were compared with soluble second antibody in a radioimmunoassay for human serum alphafetoprotein. recovery of primary immune complexes with use of the bacterial immunoadsorbant (a) allowed second-antibody incubation time to be shortened from 3 h to 20 min at 37 degrees c, (b) decreased by 80% the amount of second antibody required per assay, thereby significantly reducing assay costs, and (c) provided a convenient and rep ...19806156032
structural and functional comparisons of chicken and human cellular fibronectins.we have investigated the structural and functional differences between chicken and human cellular fibronectin by comparing the tryptic peptide patterns using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by analyzing the binding properties of isolated trypsin-resistant polypeptide fragments. although the overall functional organization of chicken and human cellular fibronectins was similar, the tryptic patterns obtained from these two molecules were strikingly different. for exam ...19846146622
biosynthesis, transport and processing of myeloperoxidase in the human leukaemic promyelocytic cell line hl-60 and normal marrow cells.the processing and intracellular transport of myeloperoxidase were studied in the human promyelocytic leukaemia cell line hl-60 and in normal marrow cells labelled with [35s]methionine or [14c]leucine. myeloperoxidase was precipitated with antimyeloperoxidase serum; the immunoprecipitates were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and radiolabelled myeloperoxidase visualized by fluorography. during a 1 h pulse, myeloperoxidase was labelled in a chain of apparent ...19846095812
epstein-barr virus receptor of human b lymphocytes is the c3d receptor cr2.identity of the epstein-barr virus (ebv) receptor with the complement receptor type 2 (cr2) was established in three sets of experiments using the monoclonal antibodies, hb-5 and anti-b2, which recognize a mr 145,000 b-lymphocyte membrane protein that is cr2. first, the rank order for binding of fluoresceinated ebv to four lymphoblastoid cell lines (sb, jy, raji, and molt-4) was identical to the rank order for binding of hb-5 and anti-b2 by analytical flow cytometry. second, pretreatment of cell ...19846087328
murine monoclonal antibodies that identify antigenically distinct subpopulations of human sperm.murine monoclonal antibodies (moabs) were isolated to characterize antigenically distinct subpopulations of human sperm. spleen cells from balb/c mice immunized with freshly prepared human sperm, were fused with murine p3-ns1-ag4-1 myeloma cells by somatic cell hybridization, and supernatants from the igg-secreting hybridomas were screened by an enzyme immunoassay (eia) for reactivity against fresh human sperm and a panel of human somatic cells. two moabs, sp1d1 and sp7a7, reacted specifically w ...19846084640
opsonizing factors in human serum. ii. the opsonin and inhibitor of phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus. 19676057642
cytotoxic potential of stimulated human lymphocytes.viable and immunologically competent lymphocytes from unsensitized donors damage allogeneic tissue culture cells in the presence of phytohemagglutinin (pha). this cytotoxicity is specific since syngeneic tissue culture cells are not at all or only slightly damaged under similar experimental conditions. in this investigation, the relation between the stimulation of human lymphocytes and their cytotoxicity was studied. chang cells (human liver) served as target cells in all experiments. cell damag ...19676020009
[results of the determination of resistance to corrosive sublimate in staphylococcus aureus strains of human and animal origin]. 19665979659
the use of an antibiotic nasal spray in human nasal carriers of bacteriophage typable, coagulase positive staphylococcus aureus. 19655829271
isolation and partial characterization of a staphylococcal leukocyte cytotaxin.a factor which attracts rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocytes both in vitro and in vivo was isolated from the culture filtrate of a strain of staphylococcus aureus. the activity of the chemotactic factor was independent of fresh serum and it was nondialyzable. incubation of the factor with heat-inactivated human serum markedly inhibited its chemotactic property. the factor was heat-labile (80 c, 10 min) in the crude culture filtrate but was heat-stable when partially purified.19695776515
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