
PMID(sorted descending)
bacterial isolates from laboratory colonies of anopheles annularis. 19883241069
field trial of the effectiveness of indoor-spraying with pirimiphos-methyl emulsion for malaria control in a tribal area of phulbani district, orissa state, india.a field trial of malaria vector control was conducted in phulbani district, orissa, during 1984 and 1985. indoor-spraying of pirimiphos-methyl emulsion formulation was undertaken at an application rate of 2 g/m2 in two sections (population 14,692) of nuagaon primary health centre. houses in two adjacent sections (population 21,450) were sprayed with ddt a water dispersible powder (wdp) formulation at 1 g/m2 for comparison purposes. operational problems in this area come from the tendency of trib ...19872979544
hybridization, cytogenetic studies and genetics of ddt-resistance in anopheles annularis population in burma. 19862949004
vectors of japanese encephalitis virus (jev): species complexes of the vectors.the vectors of jev are cx. tritaeniorhynchus, cx. vishnui, cx. pseudovishnui, cx. gelidus, cx. fuscocephala, cx. quinquefasciatus, cx. pipiens pallens, cx. bitaeniorhynchus, cx. annulirostris, aedes togoi, ae. japonicus, ae. vexans nipponii, anopheles annularis and an. vagus. cx. tritaeniorhynchus is in the tritaeniorhynchus complex, breeds in rice fields, ground pools in vast areas. two types of mating behavior, eurygamy and moderate stenogamy were detected. in the case of the eurygamy type, th ...19892576966
present status of susceptibility of anopheles annularis to different insecticides. 19892486986
larval survey of surface water-breeding mosquitoes during irrigation development in the mahaweli project, sri lanka.a survey of ground water-breeding mosquitoes was done during 1986-1987 in an area undergoing irrigation development in the mahaweli project of sri lanka. forty-nine species were collected during the 12-mo phase of humans settlement and infrastructure construction, and 42 species during the succeeding 12-mo period under irrigated rice culture. development resulted in the elimination of some preexisting breeding habitats, the modification of others, and the creation of new habits. the overall chan ...19901977912
mosquito fauna of certain areas of deltaic west bengal--a preliminary report.survey of mosquito fauna in certain areas of deltaic bengal was conducted between september 1989 to february 1990. anopheles vagus predominated in canning study area and anopheles hyrcanus in budge budge. comparatively low densities of anopheles annularis were recorded from canning (6.05% of the total anophelines) and budge budge (7.36% of the total anophelines), respectively. c. vishnui, c. pseudovishnui and c. tritaeniorhynchus were collected from both canning and budge budge study areas. c. p ...19911680757
survey of adult mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) during irrigation development in the mahaweli project, sri lanka.a survey of adult mosquitoes was done during 1986-1987 in an area undergoing irrigation development in the mahaweli project of sri lanka. the study encompassed two 12-mo phases of settlement and irrigation, respectively. diurnal human bait catches yielded 1,427 female mosquitoes in 27 species. nocturnal collections (human bait, cdc light traps, indoor resting catches) produced a total of 30,491 females in 67 species. comparisons with an earlier survey in the predevelopment forest showed that the ...19911678784
malaria transmission at a new irrigation project in sri lanka: the emergence of anopheles annularis as a major vector.malaria transmission was studied in a newly irrigated area of the mahaweli project in the dry zone of sri lanka. observations were performed for a three-month period following the northeast monsoon. parasitemia in the population varied from 20.2% in february to 7% in may, and infection was due to both plasmodium falciparum and p. vivax. night catches of mosquitoes collected with human bait included a high proportion of anopheles annularis. mosquitoes containing sporozoites in the salivary glands ...19921449195
high seasonal malaria transmission rates in the intermediate rainfall zone of sri lanka.malaria transmission was studied at nikawehera, a long-established farming village, located in the intermediate rainfall zone of sri lanka. observations were made over a 12-month period (october-september) that included the main rainy season which occurred during the north-east monsoon in november-january. anolpheles culicifacies, the recognized vector of malaria in sri lanka, was the predominant anopheline mosquito collected by human night baiting at nikawehera. high entomological inoculation r ...19921304700
Displaying items 101 - 110 of 110