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identification of screwworms, cochliomyia hominivorax (coquerel) (diptera: calliphoridae), with a monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (mab-elisa).myiasis caused by screwworms, cochliomyia hominivorax (coquerel), is devastating to warm-blooded animals and economically important to livestock producers. it is difficult to distinguish these pests, immature screwworms, from immatures of other non-pest fly species that often occur in animal wounds; it would be helpful to have tools available that do not rely on morphological characteristics. we developed two monoclonal antibodies (mabs), highly specific for the screwworm, and used them in an en ...200111731077
the utility of mitochondrial dna sequences for the identification of forensically important blowflies (diptera: calliphoridae) in southeastern australia.the applicability of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sequencing was investigated for the identification of the following forensically important species of blowflies from southeastern australia: calliphora albifrontalis, c. augur, c. dubia, c. hilli hilli, c. maritima, c. stygia, c. vicina, chrysomya rufifacies, ch. varipes and onesia tibialis. all breed in carrion except o. tibialis, which is an earthworm parasitoid. emphasis was placed on calliphora species because they predominate among the carrion- ...200111457611
isolations of enteric pathogens from synanthropic flies trapped in downtown kuala lumpur.four species of synanthropic flies were trapped in downtown kuala lumpur: chrysomya megacephala, chrysomya rufifacies, musca domestica, and musca sorbens. burkholderia pseudomallei, the organism causing melioidosis, was the dominant bacteria isolated from chrysomya megacephala. klebsiella oxytoca, commonly associated with nosocomial infections, was commonly isolated from chrysomya megacephala, musca domestica, and musca sorbens. aeromonas hydrophila, the bacteria causing gastroenteritis, was pre ...200010925800
chrysomya rufifacies (macquart) (diptera: calliphoridae) established in the vicinity of knoxville, tennessee, usa.the hairy maggot blow fly, chrsomya rufifacies (macquart) (diptera: calliphoridae) was collected in large numbers as both adults and immatures in the knoxville, tennessee, area during 1998 and is likely established there. the distribution of this species in the old world, isothermal data, and its collection from mid-michigan during 1998 suggest that it will eventually occupy most of the u.s. the forensic importance of c. rufifacies makes it probable that it will factor into an increasing number ...200010914593
expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme-related carboxydipeptidases in the larvae of four species of fly.hieace, a soluble 70 kda protein related to the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ace) has recently been identified, characterized and cloned from the adult buffalo fly (haematobia irritans exigua). hieace is enzymatically similar to the mammalian aces and its predicted amino acid sequence has 42% identity with the mammalian testicular aces. in adult h.i. exigua, hieace expression is restricted to the compound ganglion and posterior midgut, and the maturing male reproductive system. western blot an ...19979219369
effects of temperature on chrysomya rufifacies (diptera:calliphoridae) development.growth curves were studied for the egg, larva, and pupa of chrysomya rufifacies (macquart) under mean cyclic temperatures of 15.6, 21.1, 26.7, and 35.0 degrees c and a constant temperature of 25.0 degrees c. development from egg to adult under all regimes ranged from 190 to 598 h. a constant temperature of 25 degrees c produced a range of pupation times from 134 to 162 h, with adult emergence ranging from 237 to 289 h. the maximal preferential temperature of 35.1 degrees c was determined for mag ...19979151502
inheritance patterns of new genetic markers and occurrence of spontaneous mosaicism in the monogenic blowfly chrysomya rufifacies (diptera:calliphoridae).four new genetic markers for chrysomya rufifacies, a fly with maternal sex determination, were characterized. the markers include one body colour mutant, black body (bl), and three eye colour mutants, brown eye (br), apricot eye (ap), and red eye (wr). two of the latter, br and wr, turn out to be sex linked, the others behave as autosomal genes belonging to different linkage groups. wr is a hypomorphic and w an apomorphic mutation of the white gene, w/w is epistatic to br/br and to ap/ap. a prel ...19969003308
chrysomya albiceps and c. rufifacies (diptera: calliphoridae): contribution to an ongoing taxonomic problem.until recently, the two biologically equivalent blow flies chrysomya albiceps (wiedemann) and chrysomya rufifacies (macquart) had disjunct distributions outside the americas; the former was palaearctic, the latter australasian and oriental. the two species are now spreading throughout the americas and coexist in argentina. the predatory "hairy" larvae of both species are difficult to separate, which could result in taxonomic errors. new diagnostic characters are presented to differentiate the th ...19938510128
review of chrysomya rufifacies (diptera: calliphoridae).the taxonomy, distribution, bionomics, and medical and veterinary importance of c. rufifacies are reviewed and summarized. late instars are beneficial as predators of the maggots of pathogen-transmitting and myiasis-producing flies, but strains from parts of australia, india, and hawaii are harmful as secondary myiasis agents. the effects of invasions, possible competition, and displacement of native calliphorids are discussed. the developmental duration of the immature stadia at different tempe ...19938459410
efficacy of ivermectin jetting fluid against strike by some primary and secondary blowflies of sheep.merino sheep, which were hand jetted with ivermectin jetting fluid, and untreated sheep were challenged with larval implants of lucilia cuprina, lucilia sericata, calliphora nociva and chrysomya rufifacies at intervals of about 2 weeks from 6 to 16 weeks after treatment. both lucilia species produced strike rates of about 90% in untreated sheep; the respective rates were lower for chr rufifacies (55%) and c nociva (60%). strike rates for the treated group were about 17, 11, and 9% for l cuprina, ...19938343088
effect of the red imported fire ant (hymenoptera: formicidae) and carcass type on the daily occurrence of postfeeding carrion-fly larvae (diptera: calliphoridae, sarcophagidae).red imported fire ants, solenopsis invicta buren, caused an increased in the proportion of gaps in the daily occurrence of postfeeding larvae of cochliomyia macellaria (f.) in carrion-baited traps. chrysomya rufifacies appeared later in the decomposition process and over a wider period of days in goat than in rabbit carcasses. the dependence of presence or absence of a carrion arthropod taxon at a given point in succession on interactions between other arthropods or carcass type must be consider ...19948158622
polytene chromosomes of monogenic and amphogenic chrysomya species (calliphoridae, diptera): analysis of banding patterns and in situ hybridization with drosophila sex determining gene sequences.standard maps for the five banded polytene chromosomes found in trichogen cell nuclei of the monogenic blowfly chrysomya rufifacies and the amphogenic chrysomya pinguis are presented. the chromosomes are highly homologous in the two species; differences in banding patterns are predominantly caused by one pericentric and ten paracentric inversions. in chromosome 5 of the amphogenic chrysomya phaonis, also analysed in this paper, an additional paracentric inversion was observed. the distribution o ...19948013251
the sex-lethal gene homologue in chrysomya rufifacies is highly conserved in sequence and exon-intron organization.a great variety of sex determination mechanisms exists in insect species. in drosophila melanogaster sex is determined by the ratio between x chromosomes and autosomes, while in the blowfly chrysomya rufifacies it is maternally determined. a cascade of genes which are involved in sex determination has been identified in d. melanogaster with the sex-lethal gene (sxl) as the key gene. we screened genomic libraries of c. rufifacies with a probe of the sxl gene from d. melanogaster and isolated a ge ...19957563134
the role of some cyclorrhaphan flies as carriers of human helminths in malaysia.the role of some adult flies (diptera: cyclorrhapha) as carriers of helminth parasites of man was studied at four sites in malaysia: a refuse dump, where no helminth-positive flies were detected, and in three peri-domestic situations where four species of flies carried up to three types of nematodes. the dominant fly species chrysomya megacephala (fabricius) carried eggs of the roundworm ascaris lumbricoides l., the pinworm trichuris trichiura (l.) and hookworm on the adult external body surface ...19882980156
gata tandem repeats detect minisatellite regions in blowfly dna (diptera: calliphoridae).a dna probe containing gata tandem repeats detected numerous dispersed minisatellite regions in the genomes of the blowflies chrysomya rufifacies and calliphora erythrocephala. these regions seemed to be actively transcribed into poly(a)+ rna in a tissue-specific manner. when genomic dna of blastoderm embryos was compared with adult genomic dna some loci hybridizing to gata displayed a marked stage-specific variation in length. in calliphora, a small sex-linked dimorphism of gata mini-satellite- ...19882894926
detection of organophosphate poisoning in a putrefying body by analyzing arthropod larvae.deaths as a result of organophosphate poisoning are usually detected by analysis of body fluids and tissues for the presence of the toxic agent. these procedures present particular difficulties when performed on remains in an advanced stage of decomposition. malathion poisoning was suspected in a case in which the remains were in an advanced stage of decomposition and the presence of malathion was confirmed by analyses of gastric content and body fat. two species of fly larvae, chrysomya megacep ...19892738573
effects of larval population density on rates of development and interactions between two species of chrysomya (diptera: calliphoridae) in laboratory culture.rearing of chrysomya megacephala (f.) and chrysomya rufifacies (macquart) in pure cultures at seven different population densities (larvae per gram of liver) demonstrated an inverse relationship between density and the duration of the larval stage. in pure cultures, larval mortality rates decreased with increasing density until an optimum density was reached (8 larvae/g liver for c. megacephala and 10 larvae/g liver for c. rufifacies), then decreased directly with density. puparial and adult wei ...19902332878
sequence homology between a polytene band in the genetic sex chromosomes of chrysomya rufifacies and the daughterless gene of drosophila melanogaster. 19902111467
determination of postmortem interval by arthropod succession: a case study from the hawaiian islands.a postmortem interval of 34 to 36 days was established for remains recovered on the island of oahu, hawaii, based on interpretations of patterns of arthropod succession on the remains. this interval was primarily based on the presence of adult specimens of philonthus longicornis (family staphylinidae), mature larvae of piophila casei (family piophilidae), and empty puparial cases of chrysomya rufifacies (family calliphoridae). species and developmental stages of two additional coleoptera species ...19912066736
[identification of the genetic sex chromosomes in the monogenic blowfly chrysomya rufifacies (calliphoridae, diptera)].previous investigations have shown the sex determination in the monogenic blowfly chrysomya rufifacies to be controlled by a cytologically not discernible homogametry-heterogamety mechanism in the female. female-producing (thelygenic) females are assumed to be heterozygous for a dominant female sex realizer (f') with sex-predetermining properties, while male-producing (arrhenogenic) females as well as males are supposed to be homozygous for the recessive allele (f). in order to identify the gene ...19751097215
production of male and female offspring in the strictly monogenic fly chrysomya rufifacies after ovary transplantation. 1977882136
Displaying items 101 - 121 of 121