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broad diversity of simian immunodeficiency virus infecting chlorocebus species (african green monkey) and evidence of cross-species infection in papio anubis (olive baboon) in kenya.simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) naturally infects african non-human primates (nhps) and poses a threat of transmission to humans through hunting and consumption of monkeys as bushmeat. this study investigated the as of yet unknown molecular diversity of siv in free-ranging chlorocebus species (african green monkeys-agms) and papio anubis (olive baboons) within mombasa, kisumu and naivasha urban centres in kenya.202032030774
resistance of cynomolgus monkeys to nipah and hendra virus disease is associated with cell-mediated and humoral immunity.the henipaviruses, hendra virus (hev) and nipah virus (niv), are capable of causing severe and often lethal respiratory and/or neurologic disease in animals and humans. given the sporadic nature of henipavirus outbreaks, licensure of vaccines and therapeutics for human use will likely require demonstration of efficacy in animal models that faithfully reproduce the human condition. currently, the african green monkey (agm) best mimics human henipavirus-induced disease.202032022850
technical note: urine collection from vervet monkeys by instrumental conditioning.gang-caged adult male vervet monkeys were trained to urinate on demand into a plastic beaker by positive reinforcement (peanut rewards). the animals were not separated from their social group during training or sampling.198131995942
postnatal differentiation of leydig cells in the african green two years of age the interstitial tissue of cercopithecus aethiops is composed principally of undifferentiated, fibroblast-like cells. also present during this time are scattered differentiating leydig cells, which are characterized by a large nucleus, numerous mitochondria, elements of smooth reticulum, and small cisternae of rough reticulum. a mean level of 1.69 ± 0.66 ng/ml of testosterone was found. at three years leydig cells are much more numerous and developed; since all the elements o ...198131995928
diagonal walking in captive infant vervet monkeys.the frequency of use of diagonal walking by three motorically immature vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) is discussed. the subjects were housed at the balcones research center (austin, texas) and ranged from 15-105 days of age. mixed longitudinal data taken from film indicated that lateral walknig was the first gait employed by the infant vervets studied, but that diagonal walking completely replaced lateral walking by 81 days of age. these data were compared with those of captive infant m ...198231995905
diet and dominance among female vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).behavioral observations of free-ranging female vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) suggest that priority of access to food enhances individual fitness. seventeen adult females living in two social groups were observed for 26 months in the samburu/isiolo game reserves, northern kenya. priority of access to feeding and sitting sites was associated with significant differences in diet and reproduction. food species distribution altered rank-related differences in diet. rank-related differences ...198331991946
brief report: circadian variation in insulin response in african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).among a group of african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops), plasma insulin concentrations were greater following either intravenous (iv) glucose infusion or oral feeding at 0800 compared with iv glucose or oral feeding at 1700. glucose clearance rates after iv infusion were similar at the two test times. insulin/glucose ratios were greater following either iv glucose infusion or oral feeding at 0800 compared with 1700. these circadian variations in plasma insulin response are similar to rep ...198331986857
pulmonary immunoreactive calcitonin in the african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops): anatomic distribution.the hormone calcitonin, which occurs predominantly within the c cells of the mammalian thyroid gland, is also found within the pulmonary endocrine cells of the epithelium of the tracheobronchial tree. a study was made of the distribution of immunoreactive calcitonin (ict) in the african green monkey. using two different region-specific antisera, the total respiratory ict comprised 2.5% and 5.8% of the total thyroid ict. the mean concentration of ict in the right lung exceeded that in the left, a ...198531986824
noninvasive measurement of blood pressure in african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).indirect measurements of arterial blood pressure were made in african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) employing a doppler ultrasound stethoscope and standard cuff and an infrasonde automatic blood pressure recorder. measurements were obtained from anesthetized (10 mg/kg ketamine (hci) and unanesthetized (1.5 mg/kg ketamine hci) animals. ketamine had no significant effect on blood pressure. indirect measurements from the brachial artery were compared with direct femoral artery measurements ...198531979507
female mate choice in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).female mate choice was examined in a captive group of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus). male-female interactions were examined under both dyadic and group conditions to determine whether females mate with different males under the two conditions. results showed that all females preferred to mate with the alpha male under both dyadic and group conditions. alpha females, however, were more successful than subordinate females in rejecting the sexual solicitations of subordinate males ...198631979492
reproduction in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops): i. testicular volume, testosterone, and test whether the male could contribute to the birth peak seen in both wild and captive vervets, testicular volume and peripheral testosterone concentration were measured monthly in nine adults throughout a 14-month period. volume was an average of 15% greater during the months of june to september, the period of natural breeding activity in the wild, than at other times of the year. testosterone concentration rose throughout the time period but did not correlate with testicular volume. quarte ...198631979482
group extinction and fusion in free-ranging vervet monkeys.three cases of group fusion were observed among vervet monkeys in amboseli national park, kenya, during the 1984 drought. in all cases, group fusion involved the migration of at least two females into a small neighboring group. following migration, the females' natal groups ceased to exist. although migrants initially assumed low ranks, none received high rates of aggression, and two rose in rank 6 months after their arrival. migrant females appeared to employ a number of "strategies," including ...198631979470
reproduction in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops): ii. annual menstrual patterns and seasonality.menstrual patterns and progesterone levels were monitored for 5 years from a cohort of 28 female vervet monkeys that were individually caged indoors. three distinct cycle types (short, normal, and prolonged) were defined according to cycle length. mean length of the normal cycle (32.5 days) and menses duration (4.8 days) are in agreement with previous reports. prolonged cycles (> 50 days) contributed 20% of the total, with a decreased incidence during the natural peak breeding period. weekly pro ...198631979437
mutational analysis of bfsp1, crybb1, galk1, and gja8 in captive-bred vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).congenital cataract has been reported in a colony of captive-bred vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).202031975409
selection of secondary growth areas by vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).habitat selection by a group of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) living on the savanna peninsula of st. kitts was investigated by the intensive sampling of 12 transects. the vervets exhibited nonrandom use of habitats. examination of 20 ecological variables in each of the habitat types revealed that the vervets preferentially used areas of secondary growth characterized by high density and diversity of tall food plants. it is suggested that the preferential use of secondary growth habitat ...198731973510
pregnancy outcome in free-ranging vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).a preliminary assessment of individual female differences in conception rate and fetal wastage has been determined for a population of wild vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). one of three troops of vervet monkeys, the subjects of a long-term behavioral study, was trapped and blood was obtained for electrophoretic analysis. pregnant females exhibited a distinctive serum aminopeptidase phenotype allowing a conclusive determination of pregnancy. of the seven females diagnosed as pregnant, thr ...198731973506
terrestrial locomotion and back anatomy in vervets (cercopithecus aethiops) and patas monkeys (erythrocebus patas).this comparative study addressed the problem of relationships between locomotor behavior and back anatomy in the cursorial monkeys, cercopithecus aethiops and erythrocebus patas. analysis of cine-film revealed that patas and vervet monkeys differed significantly in the degree to which they used their backs to increase stride length during galloping. c. aethiops showed increased ranges of sagittal back motion as galloping speed increased almost fivefold; e. patas failed to show significant increa ...198731973464
persistent infection of simian foamy virus derived from the japanese macaque leads to the high-level expression of microrna that resembles the mir-1 microrna precursor family.micrornas (mirnas) are a group of small non-coding rnas that suppress the expression of target mrnas. the seed sequence of mirna plays a crucial role in recognizing the 3'-untranslated region of the target mrna. cells infected with a simian foamy virus (sfv) isolated from an african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) (sfvcae) showed high expression levels of viral mirnas encoded in the long terminal repeat of sfvcae. in the present study, we investigated the roles and expression of mirnas deriv ...202031969530
effects of trapping on the vervet (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) population in barbados.the effects of a 7-year trapping program on a population of vervets, cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus, in barbados is described. the pretrapping population was estimated at between 6,000 and 12,000 monkeys. the number trapped annually has increased from less than 200 in 1980 to almost 1,000 in 1986. despite this, annual catch per trapping effort indicates that population abundance has remained relatively constant. however, the proportion of juveniles to adults in the population has increased marke ...198831968894
reproduction in the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops): iii. the menstrual cycle.the menstrual cycles of 17 multiparous vervet monkeys were studied. based on estradiol, progesterone, and lh profiles, ovulation is predicted to occur on day 13 of the 32.4-day menstrual cycle. estradiol peaked on the day preceding the lh peak in 75% of cycles. average luteal phase length (progesterone greater than 4 nmol/l) was 18 days, with progesterone rising above 4 nmol/l on the day of the lh peak. vaginal cytology and perianal skin coloration exhibited too much within- and among-animal var ...198931968857
mitogenic responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops): apparent role of adherent cells.peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbm) from normal vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were examined for blastogenic responses to concanavalin a (cona), phytohemagglutinin (pha), and pokeweed mitogen (pwm). the mitogen stimulated pbm in a dose-dependent manner. response to cona was apparently higher than for the other two mitogens. cell density and mitogen concentration were critical parameters for optimal lymphocyte proliferation, an observation in line with that reported for other mammal ...199031963997
sudden short-term increase in mortality of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) due to leopard predation in amboseli national park, kenya.a substantial increase in mortality, due mainly to predation, occurred during 1987 in a population of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) studied from 1977 to 1989 in amboseli national park, kenya. it has been shown that vervets moving into new and unfamiliar habitats are more at risk from predation. however, this does not entirely explain the increase in predation in 1987 because predation decreased after 1987 while movement into new areas continued. an increase in leopard alarm calls relat ...199031963987
the complex relationship between behavioral attributes, social status, and whole blood serotonin in male macaca fascicularis.among group-housed male cercopithecus aethiops, dominant animals have higher concentrations of whole bood serotonin (wbs) than their subordinate counterparts. in contrast, there appears to be no relationship between social status and wbs in macaca nemestrina. we report here the relationship between social status and wbs among 29 male macaca fascicularis housed in groups of five. membership in these groups was disrupted periodically (20 times in 26 months) with a reorganization manipulation. conc ...199131952409
spectral sensitivity of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) and the issue of catarrhine trichromacy.several genera of platyrrhine monkeys show significant polymorphism of color vision. by contrast, catarrhine monkeys have usually been assumed to have uniform trichromatic color vision. however, the evidential basis for this assumption is quite limited. to study this issue further, spectral sensitivity functions were obtained from vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) using the technique of electroretinographic flicker photometry. results from a chromatic adaptation experiment indicate ...199131952406
group fusions and minimum group sizes in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).six unequivocal cases of group fusion occurred between 1984 and 1988 in a declining population of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) in amboseli national park, kenya. in each case, the remaining group members abandoned their territory and joined a neighboring group shortly after the group lost its penultimate adult. because the number of juveniles did not appear to influence the timing of fusion, only adults (both males and females) appear able to maintain vervet groups as cohesive units. a ...199131952380
differences in frontal network anatomy across primate species.the frontal lobe is central to distinctive aspects of human cognition and behavior. some comparative studies link this to a larger frontal cortex and even larger frontal white matter in humans compared with other primates, yet others dispute these findings. the discrepancies between studies could be explained by limitations of the methods used to quantify volume differences across species, especially when applied to white matter connections. in this study, we used a novel tractography approach t ...202031949106
acute changes in social composition and agonistic behavior in male vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).among nonhuman primates the composition of social groups influences the interactions of group members. we assessed the effects of acute changes in social composition on behavior among 15 adult male vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus). subjects were observed in their basal social groups which comprised 3 adult males, 2-4 adult females, and offspring; and in two subgroups consisting of either two or three adult males. agonism and vigilance increased in smaller groups relative to basal ...199231948137
midazolam as an effective intravenous adjuvant to prolonged ketamine sedation in young rhesus (macaca mulatta) and vervet (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) monkeys: a preliminary report.the present study investigated a recently developed benzodiazepine, midazolam, as an intravenous adjuvant to ketamine in infant monkeys undergoing prolonged sedation during positron emission tomography of the brain and heart. subjects were two rhesus macaque (macaca mulatta) and ten vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) ranging in age from 26 to 260 days. midazolam was an effective intravenous adjuvant to ketamine. this treatment regime resulted in complete immobilization of the animal ...199331941185
maternal protectiveness and response to the unfamiliar in vervet monkeys.vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) show individual differences in approach-avoidance behavior when faced with an unfamiliar and potentially threatening situation. prior research from our colony demonstrated that juveniles who had experienced high levels of early maternal protectiveness were more cautious in response to novelty, compared to juveniles who had had less protective mothers. the research reported here was designed to verify this result in a paradigm that experimentally va ...199331937015
rank, relationships, and responses to intruders among adult male vervet monkeys.we examined the influences of dyadic relationships among captive adult male vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) on behavior directed toward caged "intruder" males placed inside subjects' enclosures. subjects were all 9 adult male residents from three stable social groups, each of which contained 3 adult males, at least 3 adult females, and their immature offspring. every male was observed in two 3-hour sessions, each time with one of the 2 other adult males from his group. observatio ...199331937002
personality features in vervet monkeys: the effects of sex, age, social status, and group composition.personality ratings were completed in 97 socially living vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) ranging in age from 19 months to 14 years. monkeys were rated on 17 distinct items on three separate occasions over a 14 month period. for each rating session, factor analysis resulted in similar factors: socially competent, playful/curious, and opportunistic, which are provisionally labeled as personality features. individuals' scores on the three factors were linked to the subjects' social ...199431936927
twinning in a colony of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).from 1975 through 1991, three sets of twins were born from a total of 693 live and stillborn births (0.43%) at the ucla/sepulveda veterans administration medical center nonhuman primate research laboratory, ca. none of the twin's mothers were related. positive patrilineal relationships have not been established; however, a brother (not a twin) of the first set of twins may have fathered the third set. all twins were born to multiparous females and, in each case, only one infant survived beyond 4 ...199431936905
human immunodeficiency virus type-1 tat protein induces secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor expression in african green monkey but not human cells.african monkeys are resistant to hiv-1 infection due to intrinsic restriction mechanisms found in their cells. however, although they can be infected by monkey-adapted modified hiv-1 particles that are designed to overcome known restriction factors, virus numbers drop to undetectable levels in immunocompetent animals. these results indicate the possibility of the presence of yet unidentified factor(s) that restrict hiv-1 in old-world monkey (owm) cells after integration of the viral genome into ...202031925640
seasonal and social correlates of changes in hair, skin, and scrotal condition in vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) of amboseli national park, a 20-month study of six groups of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) in amboseli national park, kenya, i documented changes in hair loss in all individuals, and scrotal color and hyperpigmentation in all adult males. hair loss occurred seasonally and was most pronounced in low-ranking individuals, especially males. the mean shade of scrotal color for all males and the percentage of males with scrotal hyperpigmentation both covaried with hair loss over time. scrotal color was strongly neg ...199531924083
st. kitts green monkeys originate from west africa: genetic evidence from feces.sequencing of a fragment of mitochondrial dna extracted from droppings of a green monkey inhabiting the caribbean island of st. kitts, and comparing the obtained sequence with sequences determined earlier for the four recognized subspecies of african green monkeys, showed that this monkey can be classified as cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus, and thus originates from west africa. as the ancestors of the monkeys reached the island by ships involved in the slave trade in the 17th to 18th centuries, ...199631918521
author correction: macrophage-associated wound healing contributes to african green monkey siv pathogenesis amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.201931836755
a preliminary survey of medium and large-sized mammals from lebu natural protected forest, southwest showa, ethiopia.this study was conducted to determine the species composition and diversity of medium and large-sized mammals from lebu natural protected forest, ethiopia. surveys were conducted to record mammals through direct observation and indirect evidence from three habitat types, namely: natural forest, bushland, and riverine forest. a total of 15 mammalian species were recorded. the species recorded were papio anubis, chlorocebus aethiops, tragelaphus scriptus, canis aureus, crocuta crocuta, panthera pa ...201931832163
a novel field-deployable method for sequencing and analyses of henipavirus genomes from complex samples on the minion platform.viruses in the genus henipavirus encompass 2 highly pathogenic emerging zoonotic pathogens, hendra virus (hev) and nipah virus (niv). despite the impact on human health, there is currently limited full-genome sequence information available for henipaviruses. this lack of full-length genomes hampers our ability to understand the molecular drivers of henipavirus emergence. furthermore, rapidly deployable viral genome sequencing can be an integral part of outbreak response and epidemiological inves ...202031784761
initial attachment of borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes to vero cells.adhesion is the initial process in the establishment of any infection and can contribute to bacterial pathogenesis. without the ability to adhere to host cell surface, there is no invasion, dissemination, or persistence and host colonization by many bacterial pathogens, including b. burgdorferi. during the infection, b. burgdorferi cells interact with cells of various origins. we are having limited information and knowledge regarding the borrelial invasion, intracellular existence and the host c ...201931747771
hemagglutinin head-specific responses dominate over stem-specific responses following prime boost with mismatched vaccines.broadly neutralizing abs targeting the ha stem can provide broad protection against different influenza subtypes, raising the question of how best to elicit such abs. we have previously demonstrated that vaccination with pandemic live-attenuated influenza vaccine (plaiv) establishes immune memory for ha head-specific abs. here, we determine the extent to which matched versus mismatched laiv-inactivated subunit vaccine (iiv) prime-boost vaccination elicits stem-specific memory b cells and abs. we ...201931723058
high-fat diet exacerbates siv pathogenesis and accelerates disease progression.consuming a high-fat diet (hfd) is a risk factor for obesity and diabetes; both of these diseases are also associated with systemic inflammation, similar to hiv infection. a hfd induces intestinal dysbiosis and impairs liver function and coagulation, with a potential negative impact on hiv/siv pathogenesis. we administered a hfd rich in saturated fats and cholesterol to nonpathogenic (african green monkeys) and pathogenic (pigtailed macaques) siv hosts. the hfd had a negative impact on siv disea ...201931710311
macrophage-associated wound healing contributes to african green monkey siv pathogenesis control.natural hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) avoid aids despite lifelong infection. here, we examined how this outcome is achieved by comparing a natural siv host, african green monkey (agm) to an aids susceptible species, rhesus macaque (rm). to asses gene expression profiles from acutely siv infected agms and rms, we developed a systems biology approach termed conserved gene signature analysis (cgsa), which compared rna sequencing data from rectal agm and rm tissues to various other sp ...201931704931
the use of large-particle aerosol exposure to nipah virus to mimic human neurological disease manifestations in the african green monkey.nipah virus (niv) is an emerging virus associated with outbreaks of acute respiratory disease and encephalitis. to develop a neurological model for niv infection, we exposed 6 adult african green monkeys to a large-particle (approximately 12 μm) aerosol containing niv (malaysian isolate). brain magnetic resonance images were obtained at baseline, every 3 days after exposure for 2 weeks, and then weekly until week 8 after exposure. four of six animals showed abnormalities reminiscent of human dis ...202031687756
development of cystoisospora felis in cell culture and in vitro formation of monozoic tissue cysts.cystoisospora felis is a coccidian parasite commonly found in feces of domestic cats. infection in cats occurs by ingestion of sporulated oocysts or consumption of rodents infected by the parasite. scarce information is available about extraintestinal stages of c. felis in naturally infected intermediate hosts, as well as in cell culture. the aim of the current work was to investigate the development of c. felis in vero cells (african green monkey kidney) and mdck cells (madin-darby canine kidne ...201931681814
an intranasal exposure model of lethal nipah virus infection in african green monkeys.due to the difficulty in conducting clinical trials for vaccines and treatments against nipah virus (niv), licensure will likely require animal models, most importantly non-human primates (nhps). the nhp models of infection have primarily relied on intratracheal instillation or small particle aerosolization of niv. however, neither of these routes adequately models natural mucosal exposure to niv. to develop a more natural nhp model, we challenged african green monkeys with the bangladesh strain ...202031665362
a lethal aerosol exposure model of nipah virus strain bangladesh in african green monkeys.the high case-fatality rates and potential for use as a biological weapon make nipah virus (niv) a significant public health concern. previous studies assessing the pathogenic potential of niv delivered by the aerosol route in african green monkeys (agms) used the malaysia strain (nivm), which has caused lower instances of respiratory illness and person-to-person transmission during human outbreaks than the bangladesh strain (nivb). accordingly, we developed a small particle aerosol model of niv ...202031665351
myrislignan exhibits activities against toxoplasma gondii rh strain by triggering mitochondrial dysfunction.toxoplasma gondii is a widespread obligatory parasitic protozoon that infects nearly all warm-blooded animals and causes toxoplasmosis. however, the current treatments for toxoplasmosis are limited by severe side effects. myrislignan is a natural product from myristica fragrans houtt with wide pharmacological activities. in the current study, we tested the anti-t. gondii activity of myrislignan both in vitro and in vivo and explored its potential mechanism of action. the cytotoxicity of myrislig ...201931620108
integrin αvβ3 enhances replication of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus on vero e6 and porcine intestinal epithelial cells.the entry mechanism of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (pedv) remains unclear, especially the virus receptor. our previous study revealed a potential correlation between integrin αvβ3 and pedv infection. in the current study, the effect of overexpression, silencing, antibody inhibition, and co-expression with porcine aminopeptidase n (papn) of integrin αvβ3 on pedv infection was investigated and analyzed in african green monkey vero e6 cells and porcine intestinal epithelial cells (iecs) using t ...201931585640
evaluation of drug candidature: in silico admet, binding interactions with cdk7 and normal cell line studies of potentially anti-breast cancer enamidines.we have recently explored novel class of potentially anti-breast cancer active enamidines in which four molecules 4a-c and 4h showed higher anticancer activity compared to standard drug doxorubicin. as a part of extension of this work, we have further evaluated in silico cheminformatic studies on bioactivity prediction of synthesized series of enamidines using mole information. the normal cell line study of four lead compounds 4a-c and 4h against african green monkey kidney vero strain further r ...201931563021
type-2-diabetes alters csf but not plasma metabolomic and ad risk profiles in vervet monkeys.epidemiological studies suggest that individuals with type 2 diabetes (t2d) have a twofold to fourfold increased risk for developing alzheimer's disease (ad), however, the exact mechanisms linking the two diseases are unknown. in both conditions, the majority of pathophysiological changes, including glucose and insulin dysregulation, insulin resistance, and ad-related changes in aβ and tau, occur decades before the onset of clinical symptoms and diagnosis. in this study, we investigated the rela ...201931555072
endogenous specialized proresolving mediator profiles in a novel experimental model of lymphatic obstruction and intestinal inflammation in african green monkeys.changes in the intestinal lymphatic vascular system, such as lymphatic obstruction, are characteristic features of inflammatory bowel diseases. the lymphatic vasculature forms a conduit to enable resolution of inflammation; this process is driven by specialized endogenous proresolving mediators (spms). to evaluate contributions of lymphatic obstruction to intestinal inflammation and to study profiles of spms, we generated a novel animal model of lymphatic obstruction using african green monkeys. ...201931547920
identification of a novel simian immunodeficiency virus-infected african green monkey (chlorocebus tantalus) confirms that tantalus monkeys in cameroon are infected with a mosaic sivagm this study we report on the identification of a simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) infecting a chlorocebus tantalus from cameroon. the isolate, sivagmtan-ca1, was molecularly characterized by sequencing partial genome (∼4,000 bp) using the conventional sanger method and the oxford nanopore technology (ont). in pol and gp41/nef sivagmtan-ca1 clusters with sivagmsab infecting chlorocebus sabaeus from west africa, whereas in env-gp120 it clusters with sivagmtan infecting c. tantalus from centra ...202031547667
antimicrobial activity, antioxidant potential, cytotoxicity and phytochemical profiling of four plants locally used against skin diseases.although orthodox medications are available for skin diseases, expensive dermatological services have necessitated the use of medicinal plants as a cheaper alternative. this study evaluated the pharmacological and phytochemical profiles of four medicinal plants (drimia sanguinea, elephantorrhiza elephantina, helichrysum paronychioides, and senecio longiflorus) used for treating skin diseases. petroleum ether and 50% methanol extracts of the plants were screened for antimicrobial activity against ...201931540194
differential susceptibility & replication potential of vero e6, bhk-21, rd, a-549, c6/36 cells & aedes aegypti mosquitoes to three strains of chikungunya virus.chikungunya virus (chikv), a mosquito-borne arthritogenic virus causes infections ranging from febrile illness to debilitating polyarthralgia in humans. re-emergence of the virus has affected millions of people in africa and asia since 2004. during the outbreak, a new lineage of the virus has evolved as an adaptation for enhanced replication and transmission by aedes albopictus mosquito. a study was designed to compare the susceptibility of four vertebrate cell lines, namely vero e6 (african gre ...201931496530
improvement of the anticancer activity of chlorambucil and ibuprofen via calix[4]arene of the possible ways of improving the activity and selectivity profile of anticancer agents is to design drug carrier systems employing nanomolecules. calix[4]arene derivatives and chlorambucil and ibuprofen are important compounds that exhibit interesting anticancer properties.201931448714
phytochemical profiling of turbinaria ornata and its antioxidant and anti-proliferative analyse the phytochemicals and evaluate the antioxidant and anti-proliferative ability of turbinaria ornata (turner) j. agardh, 1848.201731435259
anticancer activity of water-soluble olsalazine-pamam-dendrimer-salicylic acid-conjugates.improving the activity and selectivity profile of anticancer agents will require designing drug carrier systems that employ soluble macromolecules. olsalazine-pamam-dendrimer-salicylic acid-conjugates with dendritic arms of different lengths have shown good stability regarding the chemical link between drug and spacer. in this study, the drug release was followed in vitro by ultraviolet (uv) studies. evaluation of the cytotoxicity of the olsalazine-pamam-dendrimer-salicylic acid-conjugates emplo ...201931412571
biodegradable cross-linked chitosan nanoparticles improve anti-candida and anti-biofilm activity of tisth, a peptide identified in the venom gland of the tityus stigmurus scorpion.among several bioactive peptides identified from the venom glands of the tityus stigmurus scorpion, one peptide with hypotensive action (tisth, tityus stigmurus hypotensin) showed multifunctional and biotechnological applications. the maximum efficacy of this class of compounds can be achieved by immobilizing it in specific and suitable biomaterials or suitable carriers. in this study, distinct entrapment methods of tisth in chitosan nanoparticles was tested using its incorporation (cn-tisth-inc ...201931349502
nipah virus persists in the brains of nonhuman primate survivors.nipah virus (niv) is an emerging zoonotic paramyxovirus that causes highly lethal henipavirus encephalitis in humans. survivors develop various neurologic sequelae, including late-onset and relapsing encephalitis, several months up to several years following initial infection. however, the underlying pathology and disease mechanisms of persistent neurologic complications remain unknown. here, we demonstrate persistent niv infection in the brains of grivets that survived experimental exposure to ...201931341108
microbial translocation into amniotic fluid of vervet monkeys is common and unrelated to adverse infant outcomes.amniotic fluid was collected from pregnant female african green monkeys (n = 20). analyses indicate microbial translocation into amniotic fluid during pregnancy is typical, and microbial load reduces across gestation. microbial translocation does not relate to infant outcome or maternal factors. lastly, we demonstrate that sample contamination is easily introduced and detectable.201931338846
application of benzonase in preparation of decellularized lamellar porcine corneal stroma for lamellar keratoplasty.this study was to develop anovel and efficient method using endonuclease (benzonase) to preparedecellularized lamellar porcine corneal stroma (dlpcs). the dlpcs was preparedfrom native lamellar porcine corneal stroma (nlpcs) and was treated with 1000 u/ml benzonase for 5hours. we conducted the following measurements and animal transplantation tocompare dlpcs and nlpcs. the residual dna was decreased significantly from 367.13 ± 19.96 ng/mg to 15.41 ± 0.65 ng/mg after treatment of benzonase by the ...201931330094
dynamic gut microbiome changes following regional intestinal lymphatic obstruction in primates.the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) has been linked with lymphostasis, but whether and how lymphatic obstruction might disturb the intestinal microbiome in the setting of crohn's disease (cd) is currently unknown. we employed a new model of cd in african green monkeys, termed 'atlas' (african green monkey truncation of lymphatics with obstruction and sclerosis), to evaluate how gut lymphatic obstruction alters the intestinal microbiome at 7, 21 and 61 days. remarkable changes in ...202031301989
in vitro antimicrobial effects of hypoxis hemerocallidea against six pathogens with dermatological relevance and its phytochemical characterization and cytotoxicity evaluation.hypoxis hemerocallidea (commonly known as african potato) is popular in african traditional medicine. it is used in the management of diverse ailments including burns, wounds and skin-related diseases.201931265885
the effect of hyperglycinemic treatment in captive-bred vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).nonketotic hyperglycinemia (nkh) is a neuro-metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency in the glycine cleavage system (gcs) and glycine transporter 1 (glyt1). a case of atypical late onset of nkh has been reported in a colony of captive-bred vervet monkeys. the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of sodium benzoate and dextromethorphan in reducing glycine levels in hyperglycinemic monkeys. twelve captive-bred vervet monkeys were assigned into three groups consisting of four animals ( ...201931230217
natural ace inhibitory peptides discovery from spirulina (arthrospira platensis) strain c1.bioactive peptides from natural sources are utilized as food supplements for disease prevention and are increasingly becoming targets for drug discovery due to their specificity, efficacy and the absence of undesirable side effects, among others. hence, the 'spirpep' platform was developed to facilitate the in silico-based bioactive peptide discovery of these highly sought-after biomolecules from spirulina(arthrospira platensis) and to select the protease (thermolysin) used for in vitro digestio ...201931229668
cytotoxicity and cell cycle analysis of asparagus laricinus burch. and senecio asperulus dc. on breast and prostate cancer cell lines.medicinal plants play an important role in our african communities for treatment and prevention of various diseases including cancer. this study was aimed on evaluating the cytotoxicity activities of asparagus laricinus burch. and senecio asperulus dc.201931193085
embryonic chimeras with human pluripotent stem cells.human pluripotent stem (ps) cells can be isolated from preimplantation embryos or by reprogramming of somatic cells or germline progenitors. human ps cells are considered the "holy grail" of regenerative medicine because they have the potential to form all cell types of the adult body. because of their similarity to humans, nonhuman primate (nhp) ps cells are also important models for studying human biology and disease, as well as for developing therapeutic strategies and test bed for cell repla ...201931175650
extraintestinal acanthocephalan oncicola venezuelensis (oligacanthorhynchidae) in small indian mongooses (herpestes auropunctatus) and african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).we identified multiple extraintestinal cystacanths during routine postmortem examination of 3 small indian mongooses and 2 african green monkeys from the caribbean island of st. kitts. in mongooses, cystacanths were encysted or free in the subcutaneous tissue, skeletal muscle, or peritoneal or pericardial cavities, whereas in the monkeys, they were in the cavity and parietal layer of the, tunica vaginalis, skeletal muscle, and peritoneal cavity. morphological, histological, and molecular charact ...201931170895
adventitious virus detection in cells by high-throughput sequencing of newly synthesized rnas: unambiguous differentiation of cell infection from carryover of viral nucleic acids.the use of high-throughput sequencing (hts) to identify viruses in biologicals differs from current molecular approaches, since its use enables an unbiased approach to detection without the need to design specific primers to preamplify target sequences. its broad range of detection and analytical sensitivity make it an important tool to ensure that biologicals are free from adventitious viruses. similar to other molecular methods, however, identification of viral sequences in cells by hts does n ...201931167947
peripheral immune response in the african green monkey model following nipah-malaysia virus exposure by intermediate-size particle aerosol.the ability to appropriately mimic human disease is critical for using animal models as a tool for understanding virus pathogenesis. in the case of nipah virus (niv), infection of humans appears to occur either through inhalation, contact with or consumption of infected material. in two of these circumstances, respiratory or sinusoidal exposure represents a likely route of infection. in this study, intermediate-size aerosol particles (~7 μm) of niv-malaysia were used to mimic potential routes of ...201931166946
analysis of nipah virus codon usage and adaptation to hosts.a recent outbreak of nipah virus (niv) in india has caused 17 deaths in people living in districts of kerala state. its zoonotic nature, as well as high rate of human-to-human transmission, has led researchers worldwide to work toward understanding the different aspects of the niv. we performed a codon usage analysis, based on publicly available nucleotide sequences of niv and its host adaptation, along with other members of the henipavirus genus in ten hosts. niv genome encodes nine open readin ...201931156564
serological evidence of zika virus infection in non-human primates in zambia.zika virus (zikv) circulation occurs between non-human primates (nhps) in a sylvatic transmission cycle. to investigate evidence of flavivirus infection in nhps in zambia, we performed a plaque reduction neutralization test (prnt) to quantify neutralizing antibodies. prnt revealed that sera from nhps (african green monkeys and baboons) exhibited neutralizing activity against zikv (34.4%; 33/96), whereas a prnt for yellow fever virus using nhp sera showed no neutralization activity. zikv genomic ...201931154511
remdesivir (gs-5734) protects african green monkeys from nipah virus challenge.nipah virus is an emerging pathogen in the paramyxoviridae family. upon transmission of nipah virus from its natural reservoir, pteropus spp. fruit bats, to humans, it causes respiratory and neurological disease with a case-fatality rate about 70%. human-to-human transmission has been observed during nipah virus outbreaks in bangladesh and india. a therapeutic treatment for nipah virus disease is urgently needed. here, we tested the efficacy of remdesivir (gs-5734), a broad-acting antiviral nucl ...201931142680
comparison of hep-2 and vero cell responses reveal unique proapoptotic activities of the herpes simplex virus type 1 α0 gene transcript and product.previous studies have provided evidence suggesting a role for apoptosis in the control of herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1) latency. hsv-1 induces and then later blocks apoptosis in infected cells. the immediate early viral gene α0, which synthesizes the icp0 protein, is necessary and sufficient for hsv-1-induced apoptosis in human epithelial (hep-2) cells. while previous research showed that icp0 protein synthesis is not necessary for hsv-1-induced apoptosis in infected hep-2 cells, circumstantial ...201931139162
conserved alarm calls but rapid auditory learning in monkey responses to novel flying evaluate the flexibility in vocal production and comprehension in a non-human primate, we presented a drone to west african green monkeys, chlorocebus sabaeus. calls given in response to the drone were clearly distinct from those given to other predators, but highly similar to the aerial alarm calls of the east african vervet monkey, chlorocebus pygerythrus, suggesting that call structure is conserved. to probe how rapidly the animals attached meaning to the sound of the drone, we played back ...201931133723
use of single-injection recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus vaccine to protect nonhuman primates against lethal nipah virus disease.nipah virus (niv) is a zoonotic pathogen that causes high case-fatality rates (cfrs) in humans. two niv strains have caused outbreaks: the malaysia strain (nivm), discovered in 1998-1999 in malaysia and singapore (≈40% cfr); and the bangladesh strain (nivb), discovered in bangladesh and india in 2001 (≈80% cfr). recently, nivb in african green monkeys resulted in a more severe and lethal disease than nivm. no niv vaccines or treatments are licensed for human use. we assessed replication-restrict ...201931107231
glycerol monolaurate nanocapsules for biomedical applications: in vitro toxicological studies.the glycerol monolaurate (gml) is a surfactant used in the food industry and has potent antimicrobial activity against many microorganisms; however, the use of gml is not expanded due its high melting point and poor solubility in water. the aim of the study was to produce, characterize, and evaluate in vitro the cytotoxicity of gml and gml nanocapsules. the gml nanocapsules were produced and characterized by a mean diameter, zeta potential, and polydispersity index. the cytotoxicity was evaluate ...201931079199
robust synthesis of size-dispersal triangular silver nanoprisms via chemical reduction route and their cytotoxicity.triangular silver nanocrystals, well-known as nanoprisms (ag-nprs), were successfully developed via a robust and straightforward direct chemical reduction synthetic approach, producing desirable tiny and well-controlled ag-nprs. this procedure was accomplished by fabricating a mixture of di-sodium succinate hexa-hydrate (dssh) and tri-sodium citrate di-hydrate (tscd) as capping agents at optimal synthetic conditions and under an open-air condition, which proved to be an enormous challenge. addit ...201931052386
molecular species identification of trichuris trichiura in african green monkey on st. kitts, west indies.the population of african green monkeys (agm, chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) on st. kitts, west indies is believed to be as large as or greater than the human population. interactions with humans are frequent and the pathogens carried by agm, such as trichuris spp., may pose a risk to humans. the objectives of this study were to assess the use of molecular methods for diagnosing trichuris spp. in agm and compare its dna sequences to those of trichuris spp. found in other non-human primates and hu ...201831014613
cytotoxicity screening of supercritical fluid extracted seaweeds and phenylpropanoids.detached leaves of posidonia oceanica and zostera marina creating nuisance at the shores were extracted by means of supercritical co2 enriched with a co-solvent, compared with that of soxhlet extraction. the extracts and their active compounds which are phenylpropanoids (chicoric, p-coumaric, rosmarinic, benzoic, ferulic and caffeic acids) were screened for cytotoxicity in cancer cell lines including human breast adenocarcinoma (mcf-7, mda-mb-231, sk-br-3), human colon adenocarcinoma (ht-29), hu ...201931004301
generation of erk-independent human and non-human primate pluripotent stem cells.the production of human organs inside human-animal interspecies chimeras might one day comprise a viable strategy for generating patient-specific organs, but such experiments will require human chimera-competent pluripotent stem (ps) cells. the stabilization of ps cell self-renewal in serum-free medium and erk blockade might be critical for capturing primate chimera-competent pluripotency. it has recently been shown that shielding primate cells from the activation of erk, wnt, and pkc signaling ...201930995363
should monkeys wash their hands and feet: a pilot-study on sources of zoonotic parasite exposure.human exposure to zoonotic parasites via contaminated soil is a much studied area. less research has been performed on exposure via contact with animals and surfaces such as picnic tables with which infected animals might be in contact. on st. kitts, wild african green monkeys (agm; chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus), which are known to have zoonotic parasites, roam freely in areas with outdoor dining facilities and are used in the tourist industry. in this study, the hands and feet of eight agm and ...201930963089
a method for recovery of poliovirus 1 from a variety of foods.a method was developed for the recovery of low numbers of plaque-forming units (pfu) of inoculated poliovirus type 1 from seven different foods. viruses were eluted at ph 9.0 from 25-g food test portions, concentrated at ph 4.5, and eluted at ph 7.5. the final eluates were assayed for pfu in african green monkey kidney (bgm) cell monolayers. the average virus input ranged from 55 to 79 pfu per unit portion. the average percent recoveries were as follows: potato salad, 61; radishes, 54; celery, 4 ...198630959716
effect of blue light-emitting diode light and antioxidant potential in a somatic cell.light is an indispensable part of routine laboratory work in which conventional light is generally used. light-emitting diodes (leds) have come to replace conventional light, and thus could be a potent target in biomedical studies. since blue light is a major component of visible light wavelength, in this study, using a somatic cell from the african green monkey kidney, we assessed the possible consequences of the blue spectra of led light in future animal experiments and proposed a potent mitig ...201930958611
multivariate profiling of african green monkey and rhesus macaque t lymphocytes.the complexity of immune responses limits the usefulness of univariate methods in answering complex immunology questions. to demonstrate the utility of a multivariate approach, we employ such approach to compare t cells of african green monkeys (agms) and rhesus macaques (rms). among the most prominent distinguishing features we found were lower cd3 and higher cd28 surface expression in agms compared to rms. after in vitro stimulation, a larger proportion of agm t cells secreted cytokines, espec ...201930886198
effects of storage in recovery media on sublethally heated polio and echo vitro renaturation of heat-denatured virus particles was studied using poliovirus type 1, strain chat and echovirus type 6, strain d'amori. six recovery media were chosen to simulate heat-processed foods and mildly processed or raw foods and to represent a range of compositions. virus was suspended in four heating media and processed to various degrees of inactivation. after cooling, the stressed virus was resuspended in the recovery media and incubated at 30 c for up to 7 days. titers were d ...198130856757
modified mhc class ii-associated invariant chain induces increased antibody responses against plasmodium falciparum antigens after adenoviral vaccination.adenoviral vectors can induce t and b cell immune responses to ags encoded in the recombinant vector. the mhc class ii invariant chain (ii) has been used as an adjuvant to enhance t cell responses to tethered ag encoded in adenoviral vectors. in this study, we modified the ii adjuvant by insertion of a furin recognition site (ii-fur) to obtain a secreted version of the ii. to test the capacity of this adjuvant to enhance immune responses, we recombined vectors to encode plasmodium falciparum vir ...201930833346
metabolomic analyses reveal lipid abnormalities and hepatic dysfunction in non-human primate model for yersinia pestis.pneumonic plague is caused by the aerosolized form of yersinia pestis and is a highly virulent infection with complex clinical consequences, and without treatment, the fatality rate approaches 100%. the exact mechanisms of disease progression are unclear, with limited work done using metabolite profiling to study disease progression.201830830480
signature microrna expression profile is associated with lipid metabolism in african green monkey.non-human primates (nhps) are important models of medical research on obesity and cardiovascular diseases. as two of the most commonly used nhps, cynomolgus macaque (cm) and african green monkey (agm) own different capacities in lipid metabolism of which the mechanism is unknown. this study investigated the expression profiles of lipid metabolism-related micrornas (mirnas) in cm and agm and their possible roles in controlling lipid metabolism-related gene expression.201930819205
biomolecular interaction, anti-cancer and anti-angiogenic properties of cobalt(iii) schiff base complexes.two cobalt(iii) schiff base complexes, trans-[co(salen)(da)2](clo4) (1) and trans-[co(salophen)(da)2](clo4) (2) (where salen: n,n'-bis(salicylidene)ethylenediamine, salopen: n,n'-bis(salicylidene)-1,2-phenylenediamine, da: dodecylamine) were synthesised and characterised using various spectroscopic and analytical techniques. the binding affinity of both the complexes with ct-dna was explored adopting uv-visible, fluorescence, circular dichroism spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry techniques. the ...201930804454
the responses of lungs and adjacent lymph nodes in responding to yersinia pestis infection: a transcriptomic study using a non-human primate model.initiation of treatment during the pre-symptomatic phase of yersinia pestis (y. pestis) infection is particularly critical. the rapid proliferation of y. pestis typically couples with the manifestation of common flu-like early symptoms that often misguides the medical intervention. our study used african green monkeys (agm) that did not exhibit clear clinical symptoms for nearly two days after intranasal challenge with y. pestis and succumbed within a day after showing the first signs of clinica ...201930789917
triterpene derivatives as relevant scaffold for new antibiofilm medicines for the treatment of bacterial biofilm formation are required. for thisreason, this study shows the in vitro activity of betulinic acid (ba), ursolic acid (ua) and their twentyderivatives against planktonic and biofilm cells (gram-positive bacterial pathogens: enterococcusfaecalis, <i>staphylococcus aureus</i> and <i>staphylococcus epidermidis</i>). we evaluated the antibiofilm activity(through the crystal violet method), as well as the antibacterial activity via absorbance (od<sub ...201930754716
nonketotic hyperglycinemia in captive-bred vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) with cataracts.nonketotic hyperglycinemia (nkh) is a rare metabolic disorder that is characterized by high levels of glycine in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid in humans. in this study, total congenital cataract captive-bred vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) that are hyperglycinemic were screened to identify mutations in bola type 3 (bola3), glutaredoxin 5 (glrx5), and lipoate synthase (lias) genes.201930724368
erk-independent african green monkey pluripotent stem cells in a putative chimera-competent state.generating human organs inside interspecies chimeras might one day produce patient-specific organs for clinical applications, but further advances in identifying human chimera-competent pluripotent stem (ps) cells are needed. moreover, the potential for human ps cells to contribute to the brains in human-animal chimeras raises ethical questions. the use of non-human primate (nhp) chimera-competent ps cells would allow one to test interspecies organogenesis strategies while also bypassing such et ...201930660369
fluorescein derived schiff base as fluorimetric zinc (ii) sensor via 'turn on' response and its application in live cell imaging.a novel schiff base l composed of fluorescein hydrazine and a phenol functionalized moiety has been designed and prepared via cost-effective condensation reaction. the l is utilized for selective sensing of zn2+ over other environmental and biological relevant metal ions in aqueous alcoholic solution under physiological ph range. the binding of zn2+ to the receptor l is found to causes ~23 fold fluorescence enhancement of l. the 1:1 binding mode of the metal complex is established by combined uv ...201930641362
microrna-146a-5p association with the cardiometabolic disease risk factor tmao.trimethylamine-n-oxide (tmao), a microbial choline metabolism byproduct that is processed in the liver and excreted into circulation, is associated with increased atherosclerotic lesion formation and cardiovascular disease risk. genetic regulators of tmao levels are largely unknown. in the present study, we used 288 mice from a genetically heterogeneous mouse population [diversity outbred (do)] to determine hepatic microrna associations with tmao in the context of an atherogenic diet. we also va ...201930633643
decreased antibiotic susceptibility driven by global remodeling of the klebsiella pneumoniae proteome.bacteria can circumvent the effect of antibiotics by transitioning to a poorly understood physiological state that does not involve conventional genetic elements of resistance. here we examine antibiotic susceptibility with a class a β-lactamase+ invasive strain of klebsiella pneumoniae that was isolated from a lethal outbreak within laboratory colonies of chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus monkeys. bacterial responses to the ribosomal synthesis inhibitors streptomycin and doxycycline resulted in dist ...201930617156
natural variation in fetal cortisol exposure is associated with neonatal body mass in captive vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).poor maternal condition during gestation is commonly associated with impaired fetal growth in humans and other animals. although elevated maternal glucocorticoids (gcs) are often implicated as the mechanism of intrauterine growth stunting, the direct contribution of maternal gcs remains unclear because enzymatic conversion of gcs at the placenta may limit the ability of maternal hormones to reach the fetus. further, because previous studies on gestational stress have often employed synthetic gcs ...201930604879
bio-guided search of active indole alkaloids from tabernaemontana catharinensis: antitumour activity, toxicity in silico and molecular modelling plant metabolites have been used as prototype drugs. in this context, tabernaemontana catharinensis (apocynaceae) has been highlighted because of the presence of active indole alkaloids. thus, this study aims the bio-guided search of t. catharinensis cytotoxic alkaloids. the chemical composition was identified by high-resolution mass spectrometry, and fractionation was performed by open column and preparative thin-layer chromatography, from plant stems. the enriched fractions were tested ...201930599414
[evaluation of the reproductive potential of encephalitozoon intestinalis in four different cell line].microsporidia are parasites that can cause infections in many vertebrate and invertebrate organisms and produce small spores resistant to environmental conditions. as they are obligate intracellular parasites, axenic cultures cannot be performed. the aim of this study was to investigate the reproductive potential of the parasite in human colon epidermal adenocarcinoma (caco-2), human monocytic (u937), african green monkey renal epithelial (vero) and human kidney epithelial (hek-293) cell lines o ...201830522424
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 3231