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arthrobacter luteus restriction endonuclease cleavage map of phi chi 174 rf dna. 19751081295
the nucleotide sequence of a dna fragment, 71 base pairs in length, near the origin of dna replication of bacteriophage 0x174.part of the nucleotide sequence of a restriction fragment covering the origin of phix174 dna replication 1 has been determined. the fragment a7c was obtained by digestion of phix174 rf dna by the restriction enzyme from arthrobacter luteus, alu 1. it was further cleaved into two fragments, one large and one small, by the action of the restriction enzyme from haemophilus aegyptius, hae 111. the nucleotide sequence of the small fragment has been determined by analysis of the transcription products ...1976995652
dextranase activity in oerskovia xanthineolytica. 1976939734
restriction-enzyme-cleavage maps of bacteriophage m13. existence of an intergenic region on the m13 genome.replicative form dna of bacteriophage m13 was cleaved into specific fragments by an endonuclease isolated from hemophilus aegyptius (endor.haeii) and an endonuclease from arthrobacter luteus (endor.alui). the fragments were ordered as to construct a circular map of the phage m13 genome by: (a) using each fragment as a primer for the synthesis in vitro of its respective neighbour and (b) digesting the isolated fragments with the hemophilus aegyptius enzyme endor.haeii or the hemophilus aphirophil ...1976786638
comparative analysis of three guinea pig satellite dna's by restriction nucleases.the structures of guinea pig satellite dnas i, ii, and iii have been analyzed by digestion with seven restriction nucleases. from the cleavage patterns it is obvious that the long-range periodicities in these three satellites differ rather characteristically satellite i is fairly resistant to six nucleases and gives only a number of weak discrete bands which do not show a simple regularity. by the restriction nuclease from arthrobacter luteus, however, it is cleaved extensively and yields very h ...1977403072
mapping and length measurements of restriction enzyme fragments by electron microscopy.1. we have mapped by electron microscopy the dna-fragments formed by the action of the restriction endonuclease from arthrobacter luteus of phi x 174 replicative form dna. these fragments were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and hybridized to phix 174 single stranded dna. the partial duplex molecules were inspected in the electron microscope. in this way the relative order of eleven fragments ranging in size from approximately 100 to 1000 nucleotide pairs has been established and ...1977321023
physical mapping of bk virus dna with saci, mboii, and alui restriction endonucleases.a new restriction endonuclease, saci from streptomyces achromogenes cleaves bk virus (strain mm) dna into 3 fragments, whereas mboii from moraxella bovis and alui from arthrobacter luteus give 22 and 30 fragments, respectively. all these specific dna fragments were ordered and mapped on the viral genome by two methods first, by the reciprocal digestion method using uniformly 32p-labeled dna; and second, by the partial digestion technique using the single-end 32p-labeled dna. this study, together ...1978215783
arthrobacter luteus restriction endonuclease recognition sequence and its cleavage map of sv40 dna.the nucleotide sequence at the cleavage site of the restriction endonuclease isolated from arthrobacter luteus (alu) has been determined. the endonuclease cleaves at the center of a palindromic tetranucleotide sequence to give even-ended duplex dna fragments phosphorylated at the 5'-end. the endonuclease cleaves sv40 form i dna into 32 fragments. the order and sizes of these fragments have been determined to provide an alu cleavage map of the sv40 genome.1976182213
specific cleavage and physical mapping of simian-virus-40 dna by the restriction endonuclease of arthrobacter luteus.simian virus 40 (sv40) dna (strain 776) is cleaved by the restriction endonuclease from arthrobacter luteus into 32 specific fragments including 20 large pieces designated alu-a through t as well as 12 minor products named alu m1 through m8. these were mapped on the sv40 genome by double digestion experiments. alu fragments were treated with hind enzymes and vice versa. similar reciprocal digestions were also carried out with hae iii enzyme. in this way a detailed cleavage map of the sv40 genome ...1976173549
[peptidoglycan type and cell wall polysaccharide composition of cellulomonas cartalyticum and some coryneform organisms (author's transl)].cellulomonas cartalyticum was found to contain a peptidoglycan type different from that of the other species of cellulomonas. the diamino acid is lysin instead of ornithine and the interpeptide bridge consists of d-asp-d-ser. the same peptidoglycan type occurs in corynebacterium manihot, brevibacterium liticum and arthrobacter luteus. these non cellulolytic organisms are most likely not closely related with cellulomonas cartalyticum, as indicated by the very different g +c content of their dna, ...197898123
comparative immunological study of catalases in the genus micrococcus.double immunodiffusion tests were performed with crude extracts from various micrococcus species and antisera against catalase of micrococcus luteus ccm 169. cell-free extracts of m. lylae atcc 27566 exhibited good cross-reaction. cell-free extracts or catalase enriched preparations of m. varians reacted very weakly and no reaction has been found with preparation of m. kristinae, m. nishinomiyaensis, m. roseus and m. sedentarius. the quantitative microcomplement fixation assay also revealed a cl ...197771880
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