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the development of methods for the detection of salmonella in chickens by a combination of immunomagnetic separation and pcrs.micro- and nanoimmunomagnetic beads (mimbs and nimbs) used for immunomagnetic separation (ims) with pcr were studied for the rapid detection of salmonella. the capture efficiency of the two different imbs was evaluated by a conventional plate counting method, and the binding pattern was studied using scanning electron microscopy. the specificity of the imbs was tested with salmonella, shigella flexneri, enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli o157:h7, and listeria monocytogenes. by comparing the pre- ...201627730684
shigella vaccine development: finding the path of least resistance.shigella spp. represent the second most common etiologic pathogen causing childhood diarrhea in developing countries. there are no licensed shigella vaccines, and progress for such vaccines has been limited. in this issue of clinical and vaccine immunology, riddle and colleagues (m. s. riddle, r. w. kaminski, c. di paolo, c. k. porter, r. l. gutierrez, et al., clin vaccine immunol 23:908-917, 2016, report results from a phase i study of a parenterally admi ...201627707764
the comparing of antimicrobial activity of csn1s2 protein of fresh milk and yoghurt goat breed ethawah inhibited the pathogenic bacteria.goat milk is reported to have antimicrobial activity of several pathogen bacteria that contained on food materials. the research related with antimicrobial activity of alpha-s2 casein from goat milk is relatively less than other casein components. herein, we reported the antimicrobial activity of caprine alpha-s2 casein (csn1s2) protein from ethawah breed goat milk and yoghurt in gram positive (listeria monocytogenes, staphylococcus aureus and bacillus cereus) and negative pathogen bacteria (esc ...201627698594
toxicity mechanism of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles against food preservation is an important field of research. it extends the shelf life of major food products. our current study is based on food preservation through tio2 and zno nanoparticles. tio2 and zno are biocompatible nanomaterial. the biocompatibility of the materials were established through toxicity studies on cell lines. titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticle were synthesized by wet chemical process. they are characterized by x-ray diffraction and tem. the antibacterial activities of b ...201627694049
multicenter evaluation of molecular and culture-dependent diagnostics for shigella species and entero-invasive escherichia coli in the inter-laboratory collaborative trial for the evaluation of diagnostics for detection and identification of shigella species and entero-invasive escherichia coli (eiec) was performed. sixteen medical microbiological laboratories (mmls) participated. mmls were interviewed about their diagnostic methods and a sample panel, consisting of dna-extracts and spiked stool samples with different concentrations of shigella flexneri, was provided to each mml. the results of the trial showed an enormous v ...201627693908
the architecture of the cytoplasmic region of type iii secretion systems.type iii secretion systems (t3sss) are essential devices in the virulence of many gram-negative bacterial pathogens. they mediate injection of protein effectors of virulence from bacteria into eukaryotic host cells to manipulate them during infection. t3sss involved in virulence (vt3sss) are evolutionarily related to bacterial flagellar protein export apparatuses (ft3sss), which are essential for flagellar assembly and cell motility. the structure of the external and transmembrane parts of both ...201627686865
proteomic analysis of shigella virulence effectors secreted under different conditions.there are a series of novel effector molecules secreted by the type three secretion system (t3ss) of shigella spp. reported in recent years. in this study, a proteomic approach is applied to study t3ss effectors systematically. first, proteins secreted by the s. flexneri wild-type strain after congo red (cr) induction are separated and identified using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-de) to display the relative abundance of all kinds of early effectors for the first time. then, a gene deletio ...201627666981
shigellosis murine model established by intraperitoneal and intranasal route of administration: a comparative comprehension overview.shigellosis, a major cause of mortality and morbidity, requires development of effective intervention strategy for which animal model mimicking human pathology is essential. among various animal models for shigellosis, mice being more convenient have been used wherein intraperitoneal and intranasal routes are preferred. with the aim to comprehend the comparative pathophysiological indicators, we have examined relatively high and low dose of shigella flexneri administered through intraperitoneal ...201727664045
the synthesis of ospd3 (shet2) in shigella flexneri is independent of ospc1.shigella flexneri is a gram-negative pathogen that invades the colonic epithelium and causes millions of cases of watery diarrhea or bacillary dysentery predominately in children under the age of 5 years in developing countries. the effector shigella enterotoxin 2 (shet2), or ospd3, is encoded by the sen or ospd3 gene on the virulence plasmid. previous literature has suggested that ospd3 is in an operon downstream of the ospc1 gene, and expression of both genes is controlled by a promoter upstre ...201627657187
the outer membrane phospholipase a is essential for membrane integrity and type iii secretion in shigella flexneri.outer membrane phospholipase a (ompla) is an enzyme located in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. ompla exhibits broad substrate specificity, and some of its substrates are located in the cellular envelope. generally, the enzymatic activity can only be induced by perturbation of the cell envelope integrity through diverse methods. although ompla has been thoroughly studied as a membrane protein in escherichia coli and is constitutively expressed in many other bacterial pathogens, litt ...201627655730
phenolic compounds and in vitro antibacterial and antioxidant activities of three tropic fruits: persimmon, guava, and our previous study, we have found that persimmon, guava, and sweetsop owned considerably high antioxidant activity and contained high total phenolic contents as well. in order to further supply information on the antibacterial and antioxidant activity of these three tropic fruits, they were extracted by 80% methanol. we then examined the extractions about their phenolic compounds and also studied the extractions and phenolic contents about their minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) and mini ...201627648444
antibacterial activity of polyphenolic fraction of kombucha against enteric bacterial pathogens.the emergence of multi-drug-resistant enteric pathogens has prompted the scientist community to explore the therapeutic potentials of traditional foods and beverages. the present study was undertaken to investigate the efficacy of kombucha, a fermented beverage of sugared black tea, against enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, vibrio cholerae, shigella flexneri and salmonella typhimurium followed by the identification of the antibacterial components present in kombucha. the antibacterial activity w ...201627638313
mitochondria promote septin assembly into cages that entrap shigella for autophagy.septins are cytoskeletal proteins implicated in cytokinesis and host-pathogen interactions. during macroautophagy/autophagy of shigella flexneri, septins assemble into cage-like structures to entrap actin-polymerizing bacteria and restrict their dissemination. how septins assemble to entrap bacteria is not fully known. we discovered that mitochondria support septin cage assembly to promote autophagy of shigella. consistent with roles for the cytoskeleton in mitochondrial dynamics, we showed that ...201627629779
intestinal organoids as a novel tool to study microbes-epithelium interactions.the gut, particularly the colon, is the host of approximately 1000 bacterial species, the so-called gut microbiota. the relationship between the gut microbiota and the host is symbiotic and mutualistic, influencing many aspects of the biology of the host. this homeostatic balance can be disrupted by enteric pathogens, such as shigella flexneri or listeria monocytogenes, which are able to invade the epithelial layer and consequently subvert physiological functions. to study the host-microbe inter ...201627628134
novel mutations in quinolone resistance-determining regions of gyra, gyrb, parc and pare in shigella flexneri clinical isolates from eastern chinese populations between 2001 and 2011.the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of fluoroquinolone resistance and mechanisms of selected fluoroquinolone resistance in shigella flexneri isolates. a total of 624 s. flexneri strains isolated between 2001 and 2011 in jiangsu province of china were analysed for their fluoroquinolone susceptibility. the quinolone resistance-determining region of gyra, gyrb, parc and pare were amplified and sequenced. in general, 90.5 % of s. flexneri exhibited resistance to nalidixic acid. the ...201627620866
development of a sandwich elisa for ehec o157:h7 intimin γ1.enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (ehec) o157:h7 is a zoonotic pathogen of worldwide importance that causes foodborne infections in humans. intimin gamma 1 (intimin γ1) is one of the most important outer membrane proteins required for ehec's intimate adhesion to epithelial cells. here, we generated a polyclonal antibody (pab) and a monoclonal antibody (mab) against intimin γ1 to develop a double antibody sandwich elisa (das-elisa) with increased sensitivity and specificity for measuring ehec o1 ...201627603508
combining shigella tn-seq data with gold-standard e. coli gene deletion data suggests rare transitions between essential and non-essential gene functionality.gene essentiality - whether or not a gene is necessary for cell growth - is a fundamental component of gene function. it is not well established how quickly gene essentiality can change, as few studies have compared empirical measures of essentiality between closely related organisms.201627599549
safety and immunogenicity of a candidate bioconjugate vaccine against shigella flexneri 2a administered to healthy adults: a single-blind, randomized phase i study.several candidate vaccines against shigella spp. are in development, but the lack of a clear correlate of protection from challenge with the induction of adequate immune responses among the youngest age groups in the developing world has hampered shigella vaccine development over the past several decades. bioconjugation technology, exploited here for an shigella flexneri 2a candidate vaccine, offers a novel and potentially cost-effective way to develop and produce vaccines against a major pathog ...201627581434
a review on sero diversity and antimicrobial resistance patterns of shigella species in africa, asia and south america, 2001-2014.shigella, gram negative bacterium, is responsible for shigellosis/bacillary dysentery. it is a global concern although it predominates in developing countries. these are shigella dysenteriae, shigella flexneri, shigella boydii and shigella sonnei. drug resistance by shigella species is another headache of the world. therefore; this study aimed to review distribution of shigella serogroups and their antimicrobial patterns carried out in africa, asia and south america.201627576729
shigella flexneri suppresses nf-κb activation by inhibiting linear ubiquitin chain ligation.the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (lubac) is a multimeric e3 ligase that catalyses m1 or linear ubiquitination of activated immune receptor signalling complexes (rscs). mutations that disrupt linear ubiquitin assembly lead to complex disease pathologies including immunodeficiency and autoinflammation in both humans and mice, but microbial toxins that target lubac function have not yet been discovered. here, we report the identification of two homologous shigella flexneri type iii secre ...201627572974
metal-based ethanolamine-derived compounds: a note on their synthesis, characterization and bioactivity.metal-based ethanolamines, (l(1))-(l(4)) coordinated with co(ii), cu(ii), ni(ii) and zn(ii) metals in 1:2 (metal:ligand) molar ratio to produce new compounds have been reported. these compounds were screened for their bactericidal/fungicidal activity against a number of bacterial (escherichia coli, shigella flexneri, pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella typhi, staphylococcus aureus and bacillus subtilis) and fungal strains (trichophyton longifusus, candida albicans, aspergillus flavus, microsporum ...201627557038
gallic acid conjugated with gold nanoparticles: antibacterial activity and mechanism of action on foodborne pathogens.foodborne pathogens, including plesiomonas shigelloides and shigella flexneri b, are the major cause of diarrheal endemics worldwide. antibiotic drug resistance is increasing. therefore, bioactive compounds with antibacterial activity, such as gallic acid (ga), are needed. gold nanoparticles (aunps) are used as drug delivery agents. this study aimed to conjugate and characterize aunp-ga and to evaluate the antibacterial activity. aunp was conjugated with ga, and the core-shell structures were ch ...201627555764
extended spectrum β-lactamase producing shigella flexneri serotype-2 causing bacteremia in a patient with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.we report a case of shigella flexneri serotype-2 causing bacteremia in an elderly gentleman with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, who had no other apparent risk factors. antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed that the organism was a multidrug resistant extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing straian, which was confirmed by molecular characterization. this rare case alerts both the clinician and microbiologist to a previously unaddressed risk factor of shigella spp. causing bacteremia, as w ...201727510696
identification of novel bacterial dna gyrase inhibitors: an in silico study.owing to essential role in bacterial survival, dna gyrase has been exploited as a validated drug target. however, rapidly emerging resistance to gyrase-targeted drugs such as widely utilized fluoroquinolones reveals the necessity to develop novel compounds with new mechanism of actions against this enzyme. here, an attempt has been made to identify new drug-like molecules for shigella flexneri dna gyrase inhibition through in silico approaches. the structural similarity search was carried out us ...201727499795
evolved populations of shigella flexneri phage sf6 acquire large deletions, altered genomic architecture, and faster life cycles.genomic architecture is the framework within which genes and regulatory elements evolve and where specific constructs may constrain or potentiate particular adaptations. one such construct is evident in phages that use a headful packaging strategy that results in progeny phage heads packaged with dna until full rather than encapsidating a simple unit-length genome. here, we investigate the evolution of the headful packaging phage sf6 in response to barriers that impede efficient phage adsorption ...201627497318
evaluation of the antioxidative, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects of the aloe fermentation supernatant containing lactobacillus plantarum hm218749.1.little work is done to develop aloe vera (av) using probiotics. to explore the potential benefits, the antioxidant effects and the antibacterial effects on foodborne pathogens of aloe fermentation supernatant were evaluated in vitro. our results indicated that the aloe fermentation supernatant fermented by lactobacillus plantarum hm218749.1 had very strong scavenging capacities of the dpph (86%), o2 (•-) (85%), (•)oh (76%), and fe(2+) chelation (82%) and reducing powers (242.5 mg/l), and the inh ...201627493450
supercharging reagent for enhanced liquid chromatographic separation and charging of sialylated and high-molecular-weight glycopeptides for nanohplc-esi-ms/ms analysis.recent developments in proteomic techniques have led to the development of mass spectrometry (ms)-based methods to characterize site-specific glycosylation of proteins. however, appropriate analytical tools to characterize acidic and high-molecular-weight (hmw) glycopeptides are still lacking. in this study, we demonstrate that the addition of supercharging reagent, m-nitrobenzyl alcohol (m-nba), into mobile phases greatly facilitates the analysis of acidic and hmw glycopeptides. using commercia ...201627487254
characterization of a biofilm-forming shigella flexneri phenotype due to deficiency in hep biosynthesis.deficiency in biosynthesis of inner core of lipopolysaccharide (lps) rendered a characteristic biofilm-forming phenotype in e. coli. the pathological implications of this new phenotype in shigella flexneri, a highly contagious enteric gram-negative bacteria that is closely related to e. coli, were investigated in this study. the δrfac (also referred as waac) mutant, with incomplete inner core of lps due to deficiency in hep biosynthesis, was characteristic of strong biofilm formation ability and ...201627478696
green synthesis and antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles using wild medicinal mushroom ganoderma applanatum (pers.) pat. from similipal biosphere reserve, odisha, the present study, green synthesis and cost effective approach of silver nanoparticles using wild medicinal mushroom ganoderma applanatum (pers.) pat. from similipal biosphere reserve, odisha, india is reported. the biosynthesised agnps were characterised using uv-visible spectroscopy, particle analyser and scanning electron microscopy studies. it was found by dynamic light scattering analysis, that the average size and charges of the agnps were 133.0 ± 0.361 nm and -6.01 ± 5.30 mv, respectiv ...201627463787
molecular diagnosis and anti-microbial resistance patterns among shigella spp. isolated from patients with diarrhea.this study aims to determine the serogroup distribution and molecular diagnosis, as well as antimicrobial resistance profiles among shigella spp. isolated from patients with diarrhea in kerman, southeast of iran.201627458513
manipulation of host membranes by the bacterial pathogens listeria, francisella, shigella and yersinia.bacterial pathogens display an impressive arsenal of molecular mechanisms that allow survival in diverse host niches. subversion of plasma membrane and cytoskeletal functions are common themes associated to infection by both extracellular and intracellular pathogens. moreover, intracellular pathogens modify the structure/stability of their membrane-bound compartments and escape degradation from phagocytic or autophagic pathways. here, we review the manipulation of host membranes by listeria mono ...201627448494
identification of a distinct substrate-binding domain in the bacterial cysteine methyltransferase effectors nlee and ospz.the type iii secretion system effector protein nlee from enteropathogenic escherichia coli plays a key role in the inhibition of nf-κb activation during infection. nlee inactivates the ubiquitin chain binding activity of host proteins tak1-binding proteins 2 and 3 (tab2 and tab3) by modifying the npl4 zinc finger domain through s-adenosyl methionine-dependent cysteine methylation. using yeast two-hybrid protein interaction studies, we found that a conserved region between amino acids 34 and 52 o ...201627445336
molecular characterisation of quinolone-resistant shigella strains isolated in tehran, iran.over the past few years, the number of shigella strains resistant to nalidixic acid has increased and has made the selection of effective antimicrobial therapy more difficult. the purpose of this study was to investigate the molecular mechanism of quinolone resistance in shigella strains. shigella strains isolated from 1100 diarrhoeal patients in tehran, iran, were assessed for their susceptibility to nalidixic acid prior to pcr-rflp and sequence analysis of their quinolone resistance genes. amo ...201627436462
the bacterial dna repair protein mfd confers resistance to the host nitrogen immune response.production of reactive nitrogen species (no) is a key step in the immune response following infections. no induces lesions to bacterial dna, thus limiting bacterial growth within hosts. using two pathogenic bacteria, bacillus cereus and shigella flexneri, we show that the dna-repair protein mfd (mutation-frequency-decline) is required for bacterial resistance to the host-no-response. in both species, a mutant deficient for mfd does not survive to no, produced in vitro or by phagocytic cells. in ...201627435260
complex secondary metabolites from ludwigia leptocarpa with potent antibacterial and antioxidant activities.diarrhea continues to be one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality among infants and children in developing countries. the aim of the present study was to evaluate the antibacterial and antioxidant activities of extracts and compounds from ludwigia leptocarpa, a plant traditionally used for its vermifugal, anti-dysenteric, and antimicrobial properties. a methanol extract was prepared by maceration of the dried plant and this was successively extracted with ethyl acetate to obtain ...201727431270
bacteriocinogenic bacteria isolated from raw goat milk and goat cheese produced in the center of méxico.currently, there are few reports on the isolation of microorganisms from goat milk and goat cheese that have antibacterial activity. in particular, there are no reports on the isolation of microorganisms with antibacterial activity from these products in central mexico. our objective was to isolate bacteria, from goat products, that synthesized antimicrobial peptides with activity against a variety of clinically significant bacteria. we isolated and identified lactobacillus rhamnosus, l. plantar ...201627407294
anoxia and glucose supplementation preserve neutrophil viability and function.functional studies of human neutrophils and their transfusion for clinical purposes have been hampered by their short life span after isolation. here, we demonstrate that neutrophil viability is maintained for 20 hours in culture media at 37°c under anoxic conditions with 3 mm glucose and 32 μg/ml dimethyloxalylglycine supplementation, as evidenced by stabilization of mcl-1, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (pcna), and pro-caspase-3. notably, neutrophil morphology (nucleus shape and cell-surfa ...201627402974
efficient iterative synthesis of o-acetylated tri- to pentadecasaccharides related to the lipopolysaccharide of shigella flexneri type 3 a through di- and trisaccharide glycosyl against bacterial infections, including shigellosis, can be achieved by antibodies against the bacterial surface polysaccharide. in line with our efforts to develop vaccine candidates for shigellosis, we report herein the synthesis of penta-, deca-, and pentadecasaccharides as well as tri-, octa-, and tridecasaccharides as the endchain and intrachain fragments, respectively, of the surface polysaccharide of shigella flexneri 3 a, a prevalent serotype. the syntheses relied on the effic ...201727385615
unprecedented abundance of protein tyrosine phosphorylation modulates shigella flexneri virulence.evidence is accumulating that protein tyrosine phosphorylation plays a crucial role in the ability of important human bacterial pathogens to cause disease. while most works have concentrated on its role in the regulation of a major bacterial virulence factor, the polysaccharide capsule, recent studies have suggested a much broader role for this post-translational modification. this prompted us to investigate protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the human pathogen shigella flexneri. we first compl ...201627380737
detailed investigation of the immunodominant role of o-antigen stoichiometric o-acetylation as revealed by chemical synthesis, immunochemistry, solution conformation and std-nmr spectroscopy for shigella flexneri 3a.shigella flexneri 3a causes bacillary dysentery. its o-antigen has the {2)-[α-d-glcp-(1→3)]-α-l-rhap-(1→2)-α-l-rhap-(1→3)-[ac→2]-α-l-rhap-(1→3)-[ac→6]≈40 % -β-d-glcpnac-(1→} ([(e)abac cac d]) repeating unit, and the non-o-acetylated equivalent defines s. flexneri x. propyl hepta-, octa-, and decasaccharides sharing the (e')a'bac cd(e)a sequence, and their non-o-acetylated analogues were synthesized from a fully protected bac cd(e)a allyl glycoside. the stepwise introduction of orthogonally prote ...201627376496
molecular characterization and analysis of high-level multidrug-resistance of shigella flexneri serotype 4s strains from conduct the first comprehensive analysis of shigella flexneri serotype 4s, a novel serotype found in 2010, we identified 24 serotype 4s isolates from 1973 shigellosis cases in china (2002-2014). the isolates were characterized by single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) phylogenetic analysis, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) and multilocus sequence typing (mlst) to determine their genetic relatedness, and analysed further for their antimicrobial susceptibilities and antimicrobial resistanc ...201627374009
shigella flexneri serotype 1c derived from serotype 1a by acquisition of gtric gene cluster via a bacteriophage.shigella spp. are the primary causative agents of bacillary dysentery. since its emergence in the late 1980s, the s. flexneri serotype 1c remains poorly understood, particularly with regard to its origin and genetic evolution. this article provides a molecular insight into this novel serotype and the gtric gene cluster that determines its unique immune recognition.201627349637
carbbuilder: software for building molecular models of complex oligo- and polysaccharide structures.carbbuilder is a portable software tool for producing three-dimensional molecular models of carbohydrates from the simple text specification of a primary structure. carbbuilder can generate a wide variety of carbohydrate structures, ranging from monosaccharides to large, branched polysaccharides. version 2.0 of the software, described in this article, supports monosaccharides of both mammalian and bacterial origin and a range of substituents for derivatization of individual sugar residues. this ...201627317625
vector potential of blattella germanica (l.) (dictyoptera: blattidae) for medically important bacteria at food handling establishments in jimma town, southwest ethiopia.cockroaches have been regarded as possible vectors of human enteropathogens. their presence and crawl particularly in food handling establishments could be risky for human health. therefore, this study was done to determine the vector potential of cockroach for medically important bacterial pathogens in restaurants and cafeterias. a cross-sectional study was conducted on cockroaches from restaurants and cafeterias in jimma town from may to september 2014. standard taxonomic keys and microbiologi ...201627294115
tetracycline-loaded calcium phosphate nanoparticle (tet-cpnp): rejuvenation of an obsolete antibiotic to further action.increasing resistance in bacteria towards antibiotics has made it imperative to research on their revitalization to combat infectious diseases. this study dealt with synthesis of a nano-form of the antibiotic tetracycline, its characterization and potency of killing different multi-drug resistant diarrhea-causing bacteria.201627288585
shigella flexneri modulates stress granule composition and inhibits stress granule aggregation.invasion and multiplication of the facultative, cytosolic, enteropathogen shigella flexneri within the colonic epithelial lining leads to an acute inflammatory response, fever and diarrhea. during the inflammatory process, infected cells are subjected to numerous stresses including heat, oxidative stress and genotoxic stress. the evolutionarily conserved pathway of cellular stress management is the formation of stress granules that store translationally inactive cellular mrnas and interfere with ...201627282465
monoclonal antibodies to shigella lipopolysaccharide are useful for vaccine production.there is a significant need for an effective multivalent shigella vaccine that targets the most prevalent serotypes. most shigella vaccines under development utilize serotype-specific lipopolysaccharides (lpss) as a major component based on protection and epidemiological data. as vaccine formulations advance from monovalent to multivalent, assays and reagents need to be developed to accurately and reproducibly quantitate the amount of lpss from multiple serotypes in the final product. to facilit ...201627280622
the impact of oxygen on bacterial enteric pathogens.bacterial enteric pathogens are responsible for a tremendous amount of foodborne illnesses every year through the consumption of contaminated food products. during their transit from contaminated food sources to the host gastrointestinal tract, these pathogens are exposed and must adapt to fluctuating oxygen levels to successfully colonize the host and cause diseases. however, the majority of enteric infection research has been conducted under aerobic conditions. to raise awareness of the import ...201627261784
mitochondria mediate septin cage assembly to promote autophagy of shigella.septins, cytoskeletal proteins with well-characterised roles in cytokinesis, form cage-like structures around cytosolic shigella flexneri and promote their targeting to autophagosomes. however, the processes underlying septin cage assembly, and whether they influence s. flexneri proliferation, remain to be established. using single-cell analysis, we show that the septin cages inhibit s. flexneri proliferation. to study mechanisms of septin cage assembly, we used proteomics and found mitochondria ...201627259462
prevalence, resistance patterns, and characterization of integrons of shigella flexneri isolated from jiangsu province in china, provide the epidemiology, resistance pattern, and characterization of integrons in shigella flexneri isolated between 2001 and 2011 in jiangsu province.201627220330
serum bactericidal assay for the evaluation of typhoid vaccine using a semi-automated colony-counting method.typhoid fever, mainly caused by salmonella enterica serovar typhi (s. typhi), is a life-threatening disease, mostly in developing countries. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) is widely used to quantify antibodies against s. typhi in serum but does not provide information about functional antibody titers. although the serum bactericidal assay (sba) using an agar plate is often used to measure functional antibody titers against various bacterial pathogens in clinical specimens, it has rare ...201627216239
macropinosomes are key players in early shigella invasion and vacuolar escape in epithelial cells.intracellular pathogens include all viruses, many bacteria and parasites capable of invading and surviving within host cells. key to survival is the subversion of host cell pathways by the pathogen for the purpose of propagation and evading the immune system. the intracellular bacterium shigella flexneri, the causative agent of bacillary dysentery, invades host cells in a vacuole that is subsequently ruptured to allow growth of the pathogen within the host cytoplasm. s. flexneri invasion has bee ...201627182929
resistant shigella strains in refugees, august-october 2015, greece.shigellosis is endemic in most developing countries and thus a known risk in refugees and internally displaced persons. in 2015, a massive influx of refugees into greece, due to the political crisis in the middle east, led to the development of appropriate conditions for outbreaks of communicable diseases as shigellosis. we present a cluster of 16 shigellosis cases in refugees, detected by the implementation of a syndromic notification system in one transit centre in athens, between 20 august an ...201627180973
mxia, mxic and ipad regulate substrate selection and secretion mode in the t3ss of shigella flexneri.type iii secretion systems (t3sss) are central virulence devices for many gram-negative bacterial pathogens of humans, animals & plants. upon physical contact with eukaryotic host cells, they translocate virulence-mediating proteins, known as effectors, into them during infection. t3sss are gated from the outside by host-cell contact and from the inside via two cytoplasmic negative regulators, mxic and ipad in shigella flexneri, which together control the effector secretion hierarchy. their abse ...201627171191
mice with streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia are susceptible to invasive enteric bacterial infection.diabetes mellitus and diarrhea are becoming increasingly burdensome worldwide, particularly in developing countries such as india. diabetic patients are susceptible to infection with pathogenic bacteria, particularly those causing invasive enteric infections. in this study, we observed changes in the pathophysiological features of mice with streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia. in our experiments, both hyperglycemic and control mice were infected with pathogenic enteric bacteria-non-typhoidal sa ...201727169940
antibacterial potential and genetic profile of enterococcus faecium strains isolated from human normal flora.enterococci have a widespread attendance in the circumference and belongs to the enteric commensal microbiota. most of them produce the antimicrobial compounds and have an inhibition effect on pathogenic microorganisms. the objective of this study was to characterize the enterococcal strains isolated from human normal flora and assess their antibacterial activity. enterococcal isolates were obtained from the feces of eighteen healthy humans. all enterococcal species were identified by biochemica ...201627165538
structural and functional characterization of the lps transporter lptde from gram-negative pathogens.incorporation of lipopolysaccharide (lps) into the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria is essential for viability, and is accomplished by a two-protein complex called lptde. we solved crystal structures of the core lptde complexes from yersinia pestis, klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a full-length structure of the k. pneumoniae lptde complex. our structures adopt the same plug and 26-strand β-barrel architecture found recently for the shigella flexneri and salmonella typh ...201627161977
shigella diversity and changing landscape: insights for the twenty-first century.shigella is a pathovar of escherichia coli comprising four groups, shigella flexneri, shigella sonnei, shigella dysenteriae, and shigella boydii, each of them, with the exception of s.sonnei, comprising several serotypes. shigella accounts for the majority of dysentery causing infections occurring world-wide each year. recent advancements in the shigella field have led to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying host epithelial cell invasion and immune cell function manipula ...201627148494
biochemical properties and mechanism of action of enterocin ld3 purified from enterococcus hirae ld3.enterocin ld3 was purified using activity-guided multistep chromatography techniques such as cation-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. the preparation's purity was tested using reverse-phase ultra-performance liquid chromatography. the specific activity was tested to be 187.5 au µg(-1) with 13-fold purification. purified enterocin ld3 was heat stable up to 121 °c (at 15 psi pressure) and ph 2-6. the activity was lost in the presence of papain, reduced by proteinase k, pepsin and trypsin ...201627145777
genetic functions of the naip family of inflammasome receptors for bacterial ligands in mice.biochemical studies suggest that the naip family of nlr proteins are cytosolic innate receptors that directly recognize bacterial ligands and trigger nlrc4 inflammasome activation. in this study, we generated naip5(-/-), naip1(-/-), and naip2(-/-) mice and showed that bone marrow macrophages derived from these knockout mice are specifically deficient in detecting bacterial flagellin, the type iii secretion system needle, and the rod protein, respectively. naip1(-/-), naip2(-/-), and naip5(-/-) m ...201627114610
characterization of a multicomponent live, attenuated shigella flexneri vaccine.shigella flexneri is a leading cause of diarrheal disease in children under five in developing countries. there is currently no licensed vaccine and broad spectrum protection requires coverage of multiple serotypes. the live attenuated vaccines cvd 1213 and cvd 1215 were derived from two prominent s. flexneri serotypes: s. flexneri 3a and s. flexneri 6. to provide broad-spectrum immunity, they could be combined with cvd 1208s, a s. flexneri 2a strain that demonstrated promising results in phase ...201627106253
an approach to identify and characterize a subunit candidate shigella vaccine antigen.shigellosis remains a serious issue throughout the developing countries, particularly in children under the age of 5. numerous strategies have been tested to develop vaccines targeting shigellosis; unfortunately despite several years of extensive research, no safe, effective, and inexpensive vaccine against shigellosis is available so far. here, we illustrate in detail an approach to identify and establish immunogenic outer membrane proteins from shigella flexneri 2a as subunit vaccine candidate ...201627076146
macrophage apoptosis triggered by ipad from shigella flexneri.shigellosis, a potentially severe bacillary dysentery, is an infectious gastrointestinal disease caused by shigella spp. shigella invades the human colonic epithelium and avoids clearance by promoting apoptosis of resident immune cells in the gut. this process is dependent on the shigella type iii secretion system (t3ss), which injects effector proteins into target cells to alter their normal cellular functions. invasion plasmid antigen d (ipad) is a structural component that forms a complex at ...201627068089
crystal structure of the substrate-recognition domain of the shigella e3 ligase ipah9.8.infectious diseases caused by bacteria have significant impacts on global public health. during infection, pathogenic bacteria deliver a variety of virulence factors, called effectors, into host cells. the shigella effector ipah9.8 functions as an ubiquitin ligase, ubiquitinating the nf-κb essential modulator (nemo)/ikk-γ to inhibit host inflammatory responses. ipah9.8 contains leucine-rich repeats (lrrs) involved in substrate recognition and an e3 ligase domain. to elucidate the structural basi ...201627050259
bacteriophage tailspikes and bacterial o-antigens as a model system to study weak-affinity protein-polysaccharide interactions.understanding interactions of bacterial surface polysaccharides with receptor protein scaffolds is important for the development of antibiotic therapies. the corresponding protein recognition domains frequently form low-affinity complexes with polysaccharides that are difficult to address with experimental techniques due to the conformational flexibility of the polysaccharide. in this work, we studied the tailspike protein (tsp) of the bacteriophage sf6. sf6tsp binds and hydrolyzes the high-rham ...201627045683
linear synthesis of the hexasaccharide related to the repeating unit of the o-antigen from shigella flexneri serotype 1d (i: 7,8).total synthesis of the hexasaccharide repeating unit of the o-antigen from shigella flexneri serotype 1d (i: 7,8), α-d-glcp-(1→3)-α-l-rhap-(1→2)-α-l-rhap-(1→3)-α-l-rhap-(1→3)-[α-d-glcp-(1→4)]-β-d-glcpnac, is reported by following a linear strategy. the target hexasaccharide was synthesized by sequential glycosylations of suitably protected monosaccharide derivatives prepared from commercially available monosaccharides through rational protecting group manipulations. stereoselective glycosylation ...201627043468
antimicrobial peptide, hdmolluscidin, purified from the gill of the abalone, haliotis discus.a 4.7 kda antimicrobial peptide was purified from the acidified gill extract of the abalone, haliotis discus, by cation-exchange and c18 reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (hplc). comparison of the amino acid sequences and molecular weight of this peptide with those of other known antimicrobial peptides revealed that this antimicrobial peptide have high sequence homology with that of cgmolluscidin and was designated hdmolluscidin. hdmolluscidin is composed of 46 amino acid res ...201627033467
conserved transmembrane glycine residues in the shigella flexneri polysaccharide co-polymerase protein wzzb influence protein-protein interactions.the o antigen (oag) component of lipopolysaccharides (lps) is crucial for virulence and oag chain-length regulation is controlled by the polysaccharide co-polymerase class 1 (pcp1) proteins. crystal structure analyses indicate that structural conservation among pcp1 proteins is highly maintained, however the mechanism of oag modal-chain-length control remains to be fully elucidated. shigella flexneri pcp1 protein wzzbsf confers a modal-chain length of 10-17 oag repeat units (rus), whereas the sa ...201627028755
molecular and cellular mechanisms of shigella flexneri dissemination.the intracellular pathogen shigella flexneri is the causative agent of bacillary dysentery in humans. the disease is characterized by bacterial invasion of intestinal cells, dissemination within the colonic epithelium through direct spread from cell to cell, and massive inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. here, we review the mechanisms supporting s. flexneri dissemination. the dissemination process primarily relies on actin assembly at the bacterial pole, which propels the pathogen throughout ...201627014639
implications of spatiotemporal regulation of shigella flexneri type three secretion activity on effector functions: think globally, act locally.shigella spp. are gram-negative bacterial pathogens that infect human colonic epithelia and cause bacterial dysentery. these bacteria express multiple copies of a syringe-like protein complex, the type three secretion apparatus (t3sa), which is instrumental in the etiology of the disease. the t3sa triggers the plasma membrane (pm) engulfment of the bacteria by host cells during the initial entry process. it then enables bacteria to escape the resulting phagocytic-like vacuole. freed bacteria for ...201627014638
a novel small rna regulates tolerance and virulence in shigella flexneri by responding to acidic environmental changes.shigella flexneri is an important cause of bacillary dysentery in developing countries. small regulatory rnas (srnas) play essential roles in diverse cellular processes. we found a novel srna ssr1 based on rt-pcr, northern blot, and 5'race in s. flexneri. ssr1 responds to acidic environmental changes, as shown by a strong linear correlation between the ph value and ssr1 expression (r = 0.785, p < 0.05) using the qrt-pcr method. deletion of ssr1 results in growth retardation at ph values ranging ...201627014636
multidrug resistant shigella flexneri infection simulating intestinal intussusception.shigella enteritis remains an important cause of mortality and morbidity in all age groups, in developing as well as developed countries. owing to the emerging resistance to multiple antibiotics among shigella spp., it has been recognized as a major global public health concern and warrants constant monitoring of its resistance pattern. we report a case of segmental ileitis caused by non.-esbl producing multidrug resistant shigella flexneri in an infant clinically mimicking intussusception, whic ...201627013815
evaluation of molecular methods for serotyping shigella flexneri.shigella flexneri can be phenotypically serotyped using antisera raised to type-specific somatic antigens and group factor antigens and genotypically serotyped using pcr targeting o-antigen synthesis or modification genes. the aim of this study was to evaluate a real-time pcr for serotyping s. flexneri and to use whole-genome sequencing (wgs) to investigate the phenotypic and genotypic serotype identifications. of the 244 cultures tested retrospectively, 226 (92.6%) had concordant results betwee ...201626984974
the serine protease pic as a virulence factor of atypical enteropathogenic escherichia coli.autotransporter proteins (at) are associated with bacterial virulence attributes. originally identified in enteroaggregative escherichia coli (eaec), shigella flexneri 2a and uropathogenic e. coli, the serine protease pic is one of these at. we have previously detected one atypical enteropathogenic e. coli strain (ba589) carrying the pic gene. in the present study, we characterized the biological activities of pic produced by ba589 both in vitro and in vivo. contrarily to other pic-producers bac ...201626963626
spa47 is an oligomerization-activated type three secretion system (t3ss) atpase from shigella flexneri.gram-negative pathogens often use conserved type three secretion systems (t3ss) for virulence. the shigella type three secretion apparatus (t3sa) penetrates the host cell membrane and provides a unidirectional conduit for injection of effectors into host cells. the protein spa47 localizes to the base of the apparatus and is speculated to be an atpase that provides the energy for t3sa formation and secretion. here, we developed an expression and purification protocol, producing active spa47 and p ...201626947936
gallesia integrifolia (spreng.) harms: in vitro and in vivo antibacterial activities and mode of action.gallesia integrifolia (phytolaccaceae) is commonly known as "pau-d'alho" in brazil or "garlic plant" due to the strong scent of garlic peculiar to all parts of the plant. the bark decoction is used for the treatment of microbial infections among other diseases by different ethnic groups in brazil, peruvian amazonians, bolivia and mosetene indians. this study aimed to advance in the antibacterial activity and characterize the mode of action of the hydroethanolic extract of the inner stem bark of ...201626945980
rainbow vectors for broad-range bacterial fluorescence labeling.since their discovery, fluorescent proteins have been widely used to study protein function, localization or interaction, promoter activity and regulation, drug discovery or for non-invasive imaging. they have been extensively modified to improve brightness, stability, and oligomerization state. however, only a few studies have focused on understanding the dynamics of fluorescent proteins expression in bacteria. in this work, we developed a set plasmids encoding 12 fluorescent proteins for bacte ...201626937640
visualizing the translocation and localization of bacterial type iii effector proteins by using a genetically encoded reporter system.bacterial type iii secretion system (t3ss) effector proteins are critical determinants of infection for many animal and plant pathogens. however, monitoring of the translocation and delivery of these important virulence determinants has proved to be technically challenging. here, we used a genetically engineered lov (light-oxygen-voltage) sensing domain derivative to monitor the expression, translocation, and localization of bacterial t3ss effectors. we found the escherichia coli o157:h7 bacteri ...201626921426
a synthetic carbohydrate conjugate vaccine candidate against shigellosis: improved bioconjugation and impact of alum on immunogenicity.conjugation chemistry is among the most important parameters governing the efficacy of glycoconjugate vaccines. high robustness is required to ensure high yields and batch to batch reproducibility. herein, we have established a robust bioconjugation protocol based on the thiol-maleimide addition. major variables were determined and acceptable margins were investigated for a synthetic pentadecasaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugate, which is a promising vaccine candidate against shigella flexneri se ...201626918643
interactions between shigella flexneri and the autophagy machinery.autophagy, an intracellular degradation process, is increasingly recognized as having important roles in host defense. interactions between shigella flexneri and the autophagy machinery were first discovered in 2005. since then, work has shown that multiple autophagy pathways are triggered by s. flexneri, and autophagic responses can have different roles during shigella infection. here, we review the interactions between s. flexneri and the autophagy machinery, highlighting that studies using sh ...201626904515
prevalence and virulence genes of shigella spp. isolated from patients with diarrhea in rosario, argentina.the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and virulence factors of shigella species isolated from patients with diarrhea. shigella species were isolated from 1,022 stool samples collected from different hospitals in rosario, argentina. the isolates were characterized using phenotypic tests, serotyping, and detection of virulence genes by pcr. one hundred strains (9.8% of samples collected) of shigella were isolated. shigella flexneri was the most frequently identified species (74%), ...201626902216
purification and characteristics of a novel bacteriocin produced by enterococcus faecalis l11 isolated from chinese traditional fermented purify and characterize a novel bacteriocin with broad inhibitory spectrum produced by an isolate of enterococcus faecalis from chinese fermented cucumber.201626875092
evaluation of the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of an oral, inactivated whole-cell shigella flexneri 2a vaccine in healthy adult subjects.shigella causes high morbidity and mortality worldwide, but there is no licensed vaccine for shigellosis yet. we evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of a formalin-inactivated whole-cell shigella flexneri2a vaccine, sf2awc, given orally to adult volunteers. in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 82 subjects were randomized to receive three doses of vaccine in dose escalation (2.6 ± 0.8 × 10(8), × 10(9), × 10(10), and × 10(11)vaccine particles/ml). vaccine safety was actively monitored, ...201626865592
using tomoauto: a protocol for high-throughput automated cryo-electron tomography.cryo-electron tomography (cryo-et) is a powerful three-dimensional (3-d) imaging technique for visualizing macromolecular complexes in their native context at a molecular level. the technique involves initially preserving the sample in its native state by rapidly freezing the specimen in vitreous ice, then collecting a series of micrographs from different angles at high magnification, and finally computationally reconstructing a 3-d density map. the frozen-hydrated specimen is extremely sensitiv ...201626863591
field study on evaluation of the efficacy and usability of two disinfectants for drinking water treatment at small cattle breeders and dairy cattle farms.the hygienic quality of drinking water for cattle originated from different sources together with the efficacy and usability of two types of disinfectants against waterborne pathogens were assessed for small cattle breeders and dairy cattle farms. a total of 120 drinking water samples were collected from water troughs representing three different water sources commonly used for cattle drinking (tap, underground and surface water; n = 65, 25, and 30, respectively). collected samples were cultured ...201626861741
establishment and application of a visual dna microarray for the detection of food-borne pathogens.the accurate detection and identification of food-borne pathogenic microorganisms is critical for food safety nowadays. in the present work, a visual dna microarray was established and applied to detect pathogens commonly found in food, including salmonella enterica, shigella flexneri, e. coli o157:h7 and listeria monocytogenes in food samples. multiplex pcr (mpcr) was employed to simultaneously amplify specific gene fragments, fimy for salmonella, ipah for shigella, iap for l. monocytogenes and ...201626860568
structural insights into the fluoroquinolone resistance mechanism of shigella flexneri dna gyrase and topoisomerase iv.traveler's diarrhea (td) is an important public health concern that can result from a variety of intestinal pathogens, including bacteria, parasites, and virus. a number of antibiotics are being used to cure td, but due to widespread use of these antibiotics, the pathogens are becoming resistant to them. in this work, we performed docking studies of dna gyrasea (gyra) and topoisomerase iv (parc) of shigella flexneri and their mutants with two different fluoroquinolones, ciprofloxacin and norflox ...201626859259
microbial pathogenesis meets biomechanics.introducing concepts from soft matter physics and mechanics has largely contributed to our understanding of a variety of biological processes. in this review, we argue that this holds true for bacterial pathogenesis. we base this argument on three examples of bacterial pathogens and their interaction with host cells during infection: (i) shigella flexneri exploits actin-dependent forces to come into close contact with epithelial cells prior to invasion of the epithelium; (ii) neisseria meningiti ...201626849533
epigenetic activation of antibacterial property of an endophytic streptomyces coelicolor strain azra 37 and identification of the induced protein using maldi tof ms/ms.the endophytic streptomyces coelicolor strain azra 37 was isolated from the surface sterilized root of azadirachta indica a. juss., commonly known as neem plant in india. since only a few reports are available regarding epigenetic modulations of microbial entities, s. coelicolor was treated with different concentrations of 5-azacytidine for this purpose and evaluated for its antibacterial potential against five human pathogenic bacteria (aeromonas hydrophila ims/gn11, enterococcus faecalis ims/g ...201626844762
structural analysis of the active site architecture of the vapc toxin from shigella flexneri.the vapc toxin from the shigella flexneri 2a virulence plasmid pmysh6000 belongs to the pin domain protein family, which is characterized by a conserved fold with low amino acid sequence conservation. the toxin is a bona fide mg(2+) -dependent ribonuclease and has been shown to target initiator trna(fmet) in vivo. here, we present crystal structures of active site catalytic triad mutants d7a, d7n, and d98n of the vapc toxin in absence of antitoxin. in all structures, as well as in solution, vapc ...201626833558
characterization of slya in shigella flexneri identifies a novel role in virulence.the slya transcriptional regulator has important roles in the virulence and pathogenesis of several members of the enterobacteriaceae family, including salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium and escherichia coli. despite the identification of the slya gene in shigella flexneri nearly 2 decades ago, as well as the significant conservation of slya among enteric bacteria, the role of slya in shigella remains unknown. the genes regulated by slya in closely related organisms often are absent from or ...201626831468
development of a multi-pathogen enrichment broth for simultaneous growth of five common foodborne pathogens.the objective of the present study was to formulate a multi-pathogen enrichment broth which could support the simultaneous growth of five common foodborne pathogens (salmonella enterica, staphylococcus aureus, shigella flexneri, listeria monocytogenes and escherichia coli o157:h7). the formulated broth sssle was composed of potassium tellurite, bile salt, lithium chloride, and sodium chloride as growth-inhibitors; glucose, esculin, mannitol and sodium pyruvate as growth-promoters. compared with ...201526782652
pi5p triggers icam-1 degradation in shigella infected cells, thus dampening immune cell recruitment.shigella flexneri, the pathogen responsible for bacillary dysentery, has evolved multiple strategies to control the inflammatory response. here, we show that shigella subverts the subcellular trafficking of the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (icam-1), a key molecule in immune cell recruitment, in a mechanism dependent on the injected bacterial enzyme ipgd and its product, the lipid mediator pi5p. overexpression of ipgd, but not a phosphatase dead mutant, induced the internalization and the de ...201626776508
resin glycosides from ipomoea wolcottiana as modulators of the multidrug resistance phenotype in vitro.recycling liquid chromatography was used for the isolation and purification of resin glycosides from the chcl3-soluble extracts prepared using flowers of ipomoea wolcottiana rose var. wolcottiana. bioassay-guided fractionation, using modulation of both antibiotic activity against multidrug-resistant strains of gram-negative bacteria and vinblastine susceptibility in breast carcinoma cells, was used to isolate the active glycolipids as modulators of the multidrug resistance phenotype. an ester-ty ...201626774597
at the crossroads: communication of bacteria-containing vacuoles with host organelles.invasive bacterial pathogens are engulfed upon host cell entry in a vacuolar environment called the bacteria-containing vacuole (bcv). bcvs directly contact with numerous host compartments, mainly vesicles of the endocytic pathway, such as endosomes or lysosomes. in addition, they also interact with the endoplasmic reticulum and endomembranes of the secretory pathway. these connections between the pathogen and the host occur either through heterotypic membrane fusions or through membrane contact ...201626762760
[analysis of the drug resistance and the integron resistance gene cassette's characteristics of shigella flexneri].to investigate the correlation between shigella flexneri multi-drug resistance and drug resistance gene cassette of integrons.201526758113
quantitative proteomic analysis of shigella flexneri and shigella sonnei generalized modules for membrane antigens (gmma) reveals highly pure preparations.outer membrane blebs are naturally shed by gram-negative bacteria and are candidates of interest for vaccines development. genetic modification of bacteria to induce hyperblebbing greatly increases the yield of blebs, called generalized modules for membrane antigens (gmma). the composition of the gmma from hyperblebbing mutants of shigella flexneri 2a and shigella sonnei were quantitatively analyzed using high-sensitivity mass spectrometry with the label-free ibaq procedure and compared to the c ...201626746581
a novel enterocin t1 with anti-pseudomonas activity produced by enterococcus faecium t1 from chinese tibet enterocin-producing enterococcus faecium t1 was isolated from chinese tibet cheese. the enterocin was purified by sp-sepharose and reversed phase hplc. it was identified as unique from other reported bacteriocins based on molecular weight (4629 da) and amino acid compositions; therefore it was subsequently named enterocin t1. enterocin t1 was stable at 80-100 °c and over a wide ph range, ph 3.0-10.0. protease sensitivity was observed to trypsin, pepsin, papain, proteinase k, and pronase e. im ...201626745981
flexibility at a glycosidic linkage revealed by molecular dynamics, stochastic modeling, and (13)c nmr spin relaxation: conformational preferences of α-l-rhap-α-(1 → 2)-α-l-rhap-ome in water and dimethyl sulfoxide solutions.the monosaccharide l-rhamnose is common in bacterial polysaccharides and the disaccharide α-l-rhap-α-(1 → 2)-α-l-rhap-ome represents a structural model for a part of shigella flexneri o-antigen polysaccharides. utilization of [1'-(13)c]-site-specific labeling in the anomeric position at the glycosidic linkage between the two sugar residues facilitated the determination of transglycosidic nmr (3)jch and (3)jcc coupling constants. based on these spin-spin couplings the major state and the conforma ...201626741055
ultrafiltration and microarray for detection of microbial source tracking marker and pathogen genes in riverine and marine systems.pathogen identification and microbial source tracking (mst) to identify sources of fecal pollution improve evaluation of water quality. they contribute to improved assessment of human health risks and remediation of pollution sources. an mst microarray was used to simultaneously detect genes for multiple pathogens and indicators of fecal pollution in freshwater, marine water, sewage-contaminated freshwater and marine water, and treated wastewater. dead-end ultrafiltration (deuf) was used to conc ...201626729716
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