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are there m cells in the cecal tonsil of chickens?a unique morphological cell type, "microfold or membranous (m) cell-like cell", was detected electron-microscopically in the cecal tonsil epithelium of the chicken. m cell-like cells possessed a few short microvilli of irregular arrangement and a large number of lymphocytes and macrophages wedged into their basal surfaces. triticum vulgaris was found to bind to m cell-like cells. with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) treatment, m cell-like cells showed an active hrp uptake just as did the neighbouri ...19921420584
a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the direct determination of mometasone furoate (sch 32088) in human plasma.mometasone furoate (sch 32088) is a synthetic corticosteroid which has a topical anti-inflammatory activity with a minimal potential for suppressing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (hpa) axis. a sensitive competitive enzyme immunoassay (eia) for measuring sch 32088 in unextracted human plasma has been developed. the 3-(o-carboxymethyl)oxime (cmo) of sch 32088 was synthesized and conjugated with bovine thyroglobulin, and the product was used for the production of antibodies in rabbits. sch ...19921420471
haloperoxidase activity of phanerochaete chrysosporium lignin peroxidases h2 and h8.monochlorodimedone (mcd), commonly used as a halogen acceptor for haloperoxidase assays, was oxidized by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of lignin peroxidase isoenzymes h2 and h8. when oxidized, it produced a weak absorption band with an intensity that varied with ph. this absorbance was used as a simple method for the product analysis because it disappeared when mcd was brominated or chlorinated. we assessed the activity of the lignin peroxidases for oxidation of bromide by measuring the brom ...19921420193
the immunocytochemical localization of tumour necrosis factor and leukotriene in the rat liver after treatment with lipopolysaccharide.after administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide, there is an increase in the number of leucocytes which adhere to the endothelial cell surface of the hepatic vessels and pass through the endothelial layer by comparison with controls. there is also marked endothelial cell damage including intracytoplasmic oedema, increased numbers of autophagic vacuoles and dilatation of the intercellular junction in lps-treated samples. the presence of immunocytochemical products of leukotriene (ltr) and tu ...19921419781
development and optimization of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay employing two murine monoclonal antibodies for absolute quantitation of human beta-glucuronidase.we have developed and optimized an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for absolute quantitation of human beta-glucuronidase. this is a double antibody sandwich system employing two murine monoclonal antibodies specific for human beta-glucuronidase developed in our laboratories. the method involves (a) coating of the high binding polystyrene microtitration plate with the first antibody (7b6 igg), (b) blocking of remaining active sites with 3% bovine serum albumin in phosphate-buffered sali ...19921418687
effect of lysosomotropic agents on the taurocholate-stimulated biliary excretion of horseradish peroxidase.the effects of the lysosomotropic agents chloroquine and leupeptin on the taurocholate-stimulated biliary excretion of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was studied in bile fistula rats. hrp (0.5 mg/100 g body wt) was injected into the portal vein during taurocholate (0.4 mumol/min/100 g body wt) or saline infusion. hrp appeared in bile showing both an early (approx. 5 min) and a late (approx. 25 min) excretion peak. the late peak, which represented about 95% of the total hrp excreted, is due to tran ...19921417989
changes in the lectin-binding of capillaries in rat salivary glands after streptozotocin-induced diabetes.the lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate of gsa i-b4 (griffonia simplicifolia isolectin) has some binding affinity with capillary walls in sections of the major salivary glands from normal rats. after inducing diabetes with streptozotocin a conspicuous increase in the staining intensity with gsa i-b4 was already evident in parotid capillaries at 3 weeks and this increase persisted at 3 and 6 months. in submandibular capillaries, however, an increased uptake of gsa i-b4 was evident only at 6 m ...19921417525
alterations of charge barrier in the inner ear following immune reactions.we investigated electron microscopically the changes of anionic sites of a charge barrier in the capillary basement membrane of the stria vascularis and endolymphatic sac following inner ear immune reactions. hartley guinea pigs were immunized with bovine type ii collagen, keyhole limpet hemocyanin, or horseradish peroxidase, with boosted and challenged antigens through the stylomastoid foramen. animals were killed painlessly from several days up to 56 days after the antigen challenge. polyethyl ...19921416656
enzyme packed bed system for the on-line measurement of glucose, glutamate, and lactate in brain microdialysate.rapid measurement of glucose, glutamate, and lactate is important in understanding the dynamics of the energy balance of the brain. glutamate is also the main excitatory neurotransmitter. a general immobilized enzyme-based flow injection assay system is described which uses oxidase and peroxidase enzymes to convert the analyte into an oxidized ferrocene species which is detected electrochemically by reduction. the enzymes glucose oxidase, glutamate oxidase, lactate oxidase, and horseradish perox ...19921416036
[the existence of vasomotor nerve in the retina of the rabbit and monkey].in the first stage of this study, peri- or intravascular unmyelinated nerve axon which was clearly different from that of the optic nerve was confirmed in the rabbit retina transmission electron microscopically. in the second stage, the correlation of these unmyelinated nerves and autonomic nerve was studied in rabbits and monkeys. for the purpose, wheat germ agglutinin horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) was injected into the superior cervical ganglion. electron microscopic observation of the reti ...19921414702
the ganglionic origins and central projections of primary sensory neurons innervating the upper and lower lips in the rat.retrograde and transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to investigate the neurons innervating the upper and the lower lips and their central projections in the rat. both the upper and the lower lips were observed to be innervated by a very large number of trigeminal sensory neurons, with their cell bodies located in the maxillary and the mandibular parts of the trigeminal ganglion, respectively. the central projections of neurons innervating the upper lip formed a long ...19921414118
distribution of cortical neurons projecting to dorsal column nuclear complex and spinal cord in the hedgehog tenrec, echinops telfairi.using retrograde axonal flow and wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, we studied the distribution of cortical neurons giving rise to spinal and dorsal column nuclear projections, and correlated the regions involved in the projections with the cytoarchitectonic areas recently identified in the lesser hedgehog tenrec, echinops telfairi (insectivora). labeled cortical neurons were most numerous following injections of tracer into higher cervical segments, whereas almost none w ...19921414117
a rapid chemiluminescent method for quantitation of human dna.a sensitive and simple method for the quantitation of human dna is described. this method is based on probe hybridization to a human alpha satellite locus, d17z1. the biotinylated probe is hybridized to sample dna immobilized on nylon membrane. the subsequent binding of streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase to the bound probe allows for chemiluminescent detection using a luminol-based reagent and x-ray film. less than 150 pg of human dna can easily be detected with a 15 minute exposure. the entire ...19921408822
early dietary antigens delay the development of gut mucosal barrier in preweaning determine the effects of early antigen exposure on the maturation of the gastrointestinal mucosal barrier, rat pups were divided into three groups at the age of 14 d. in addition to normal maternal milk, group cm (n = 24) received daily a gavage feed of cow's milk and group ph (n = 20) a whey protein hydrolysate during the experimental feeding period (14-20 d). controls (n = 15) remained on maternal milk only. at 21 d, when "gut closure" normally occurs, intestinal absorption of horseradish p ...19921408466
brainstem projections to the medial preoptic region containing the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone perikarya in the rat. an immunohistochemical and retrograde transport study.the afferent projections to the anterior medial preoptic area (mpa) from the brainstem have been studied, in female wistar rats, by retrograde tracing with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the hrp was injected by iontophoresis into the preoptic region containing the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (lhrh) perikarya. the brain sections including the mpa were reacted with diaminobenzidine (dab) to reveal the injection site; the lhrh cells were then immunohistochemically identified using dab with ...19921407678
membrane retrieval following exocytosis in isolated neurosecretory nerve the neurosecretory nerve endings of the neurohypophysis depolarization-induced exocytosis is followed by endocytosis of vacuole-like structures with diameter similar to that of neurosecretory granules. however, it remains unknown whether the membrane of the endocytotic vacuoles is comprised primarily of retrieved secretory granule membrane, plasma membrane or of a mixture of the granule and plasma membrane. in the present paper membrane retrieval following depolarization-induced exocytosis ha ...19921407546
a simplified approach to retrograde/anterograde axonal labeling using combined injections of horseradish peroxidase and ibotenic acid.combined injections of ibotenic acid and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were made into the region of the mouse ventrobasal thalamus that is related to the large mystacial vibrissae. examination 4 and 5 days later of the corresponding area of the primary somatosensory cortex (i.e., barrel cortex), in thick and in thin sections, showed it to contain numerous corticothalamic projection cells the somata, dendrites and axons of which were densely labeled by the retrograde transport of hrp. analysis of ...19921405732
electron microscopical demonstration of horseradish peroxidase by use of tetramethylbenzidine as chromogen and sodium tungstate as stabilizer (tmb-st method): a tracing method with high sensitivity and well preserved ultrastructural tissue.until now methods using tetramethylbenzidine (tmb) for electron microscopy (tmb-em methods) are all unable to provide a maximum demonstration of transported horseradish peroxidase (hrp) while maintaining good ultrastructural tissue preservation. in order to solve this problem, we have attempted to adapt a newly developed, highly sensitive tmb method using sodium tungstate (st) as the stabilizer (tmb-st method) for hrp electron microscopic retrograde and anterograde fiber tracing. the present stu ...19921405726
respiratory-related activity of lower thoracic and upper lumbar sympathetic preganglionic neurones in the rat.1. the segmental distribution of cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic neurones projecting into the left lumbar sympathetic chain beyond the l4 ganglion was determined in rats using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. labelled perikarya were found mainly in segments t13-l2 in the ipsilateral intermediolateral cell column. 2. neurophysiological studies were conducted on this cell population in anaesthetized, vagotomized and artificially ventilated rats. 3. one hundred and thirty sy ...19921403828
sensitive enzyme immunoassay (immune complex transfer enzyme immunoassay) for (anti-human t-cell leukemia virus type i) igg in serum using recombinant gag p24(14-214) as antigen.a sensitive enzyme immunoassay (immune complex transfer enzyme immunoassay) for (anti-human t-cell leukemia virus type i) igg (anti-htlv-i igg) in serum using recombinant gag p24(14-214) of htlv-i is described. the recombinant gag p24(14-214) is soluble in the absence of detergents and allows the use of enzymes other than horseradish peroxidase as a label in the assays. the usefulness of recombinant gag p24(14-214) was examined with 305 sera characterized by other methods including gelatin parti ...19921403350
experimental repair of the oculomotor nerve: the anatomical paradigms of functional adult guinea pigs, the oculomotor nerve was sectioned proximally (at the tentorial edge) or more distally (at the orbital fissure) and immediately repaired by reapproximation. during a 24-week postoperative period, extrinsic eye motility was assessed by analyzing the vestibulo-ocular reflexes. the regenerated oculomotor nerve was studied morphometrically on semi-thin histological sections at 16 and 24 weeks postinjury. the selectivity of muscle reinnervation was investigated by injection of b ...19921403121
afferents to the oculomotor nucleus in the goldfish (carassius auratus) as revealed by retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase.the goal of this work was to compare the distribution and morphology of neurons projecting to the oculomotor nucleus in goldfish with those previously described in other vertebrate groups. afferent neurons were revealed by retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase. the tracer was electrophoretically injected into the oculomotor nucleus. the location of the injection site was determined by the antidromic field potential elicited in the oculomotor nucleus by electrical stimulation of the ocu ...19921401270
further study of the aberrant optic nerve projection to olfactory cortex.when implanted into the cerebral hemisphere, the regenerating optic nerve of the adult frog (rana pipiens) forms a well-defined terminal field in the pars ventralis of the lateral (olfactory) cortex, and sometimes expands medially into the postolfactory eminence. these adjacent areas receive their normal input from the main olfactory bulb. the aberrant projection extends caudally toward the core neuropil of the medial amygdaloid nucleus, which receives its normal input from the accessory olfacto ...19921401269
projections from the commissural subnucleus of the nucleus of the solitary tract: an anterograde tracing study in the cat.the commissural subnucleus (com) of the nucleus of the solitary tract (nts) is known to receive primary afferents from the lungs and other viscera innervated by the vagus nerve, and thus to participate in central autonomic and respiratory control. the aim of the present study was to identify the areas of terminal arborizations of com neurons in order to examine brainstem sites which may be involved in reflex responses mediated by these neurons. the projections were studied in cats, using biocyti ...19921401267
time of ganglion cell genesis in relation to the chiasmatic pathway choice of retinofugal axons.the time of generation of retinal ganglion cells in fetal cats has been related to the course taken later by their axons in the optic chiasm. the ganglion cells were labelled with tritiated thymidine either on embryonic day (e) 26 or on e-30. when the cats were mature, ganglion cells were retrogradely labelled with horseradish peroxidase injected into one optic tract. the distribution of double-labelled cells showed that cells in the temporal retina generated on e-26 all have axons that take an ...19921401264
dendritic morphology of pyramidal neurones of the visual cortex of the rat. iv: electrical geometry.features of the dendritic morphology of pyramidal neurones of the visual cortex of the rat that are relevant to the development of models of their passive electrical geometry were investigated. the sample of 39 neurones that was used came from layers 2/3 and 5. they had been recorded from and injected intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in vitro as part of a previous study (larkman and mason, j. neurosci 10:1407, 1990). these cells had been reconstructed and measured previously by ...19921401253
gaba-immunoreactive terminals synapse on primate spinothalamic tract cells.gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) is a putative inhibitory neurotransmitter in the vertebrate nervous system. several lines of evidence suggest that gaba plays an important role in the processing and modulation of sensory input in the spinal cord dorsal horn. in the present study, the relationship between gaba-immunoreactive (gaba-ir) terminals and spinothalamic tract (stt) cells in the monkey lumbar cord was investigated. physiologically characterized stt cells, one located in lamina v and two loc ...19921401247
a unique morphological subtype of horizontal cell in the rabbit retina with orientation-sensitive response properties.intracellular recordings were obtained from horizontal cells in the rabbit retina to assess the orientation sensitivity of their visual responses to moving and stationary rectangular slits of light. cells were subsequently labeled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) for morphological identification. the responses of a-type horizontal cells and those of the somatic and axon terminal endings of b-type horizontal cells (with the exception of one cell) were found to be insensitive to the orientation o ...19921401243
bronchomotor vagal preganglionic cell bodies in the dog: an anatomic and functional study.a previous study in our laboratory demonstrated that the stimulation with microinjection of dl-homocysteic acid of cell bodies in the rostral portion of the external formation of the nucleus ambiguus (aext) increased total lung resistance in dogs. in the present study anatomic experiments were conducted in dogs to determine if the rostral aext contains vagal preganglionic cell bodies that give rise to axons in the pulmonary branches of the vagus nerve. the application of horseradish peroxidase ( ...19921400025
quadroma-secreted bi(interferon alpha 2--peroxidase) specific antibody suitable for one-step immunoassay.a mouse hybridoma (quadroma) was prepared by fusing hybridomas producing monoclonal antibody of g1-isotype to human interferon-alpha 2 with hybridomas producing monoclonal antibody of g2a-isotype against horseradish peroxidase. the established quadroma line secreted immunoglobulins of both g1/g2a-isotypes which manifested parental and bispecific binding characteristics. culture supernatant containing the bifunctional antibody cross-linking interferon and peroxidase was used for a one-step immuno ...19921398683
hepatic accumulation of lysosomes and defective transcytotic vesicular pathways in cirrhotic rat investigate the potential role of lysosomes in cirrhosis, we analyzed the activity of lysosomal enzymes in rats exposed long-term to phenobarbital and carbon tetrachloride. the activity of lysosomal enzymes was markedly increased in the homogenate of cirrhotic livers (e.g., arylsulfatase 9 +/- s.d.2 vs. 16 +/- 6 in control rats and cirrhotic rats, respectively; p less than 0.001). the corresponding plasma levels were also increased (7 +/- 1 vs. 12 +/- 3; p ...19921398508
regenerative stimulus increases hepatocyte tight junctional permeability.experience with young animals, animals administered certain hepatotoxins and animals with two-thirds hepatectomy suggests that tight junctional permeability is increased in states characterized by architectural remodeling in the liver. in this work we correlate changes in tight junctional morphometry induced by two-thirds hepatectomy with changes in biliary permeability assessed by sucrose and horseradish peroxidase permeation and by alterations in biliary outputs of anionic and cationic choleph ...19921398486
papaverine inhibits transcytotic vesicle transport and lipid excretion into bile in isolated perfused rat liver.papaverine is a nonspecific smooth muscle relaxant and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. its effects on biliary excretion of lipids and horseradish peroxidase were investigated in a single-pass isolated perfused rat liver model. a constant infusion of papaverine (1.6 mumol/min; 40 mumol/l) significantly increased bile flow (microliters per minute per gram of liver) before (2.03 +/- 0.09 vs. 1.0 +/- 0.06) and after sodium taurocholate infusion (2.77 +/- 0.10 vs. 1.88 +/- 0.11). however, papaverine s ...19921398483
probing the mechanism of horseradish peroxidase by site-directed mutagenesis. 19921397626
n-glycosylation of horseradish peroxidase from cell culture. 19921397521
expression of active horseradish peroxidase in saccharomyces cerevisiae. 19921397519
highly sensitive, specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of neopterin and biopterin in biological enzyme immunosorbent assay of neopterin and biopterin on a polystyrene microtiter plate has been developed. a conjugate of neopterin or biopterin to bovine serum albumin was used to raise a specific antiserum against neopterin or biopterin in rabbits. an incubation mixture of the antiserum and samples prepared from human serum underwent another antigen-antibody reaction with the hapten fixed on the microtiter plate. the amount of antibody bound to the fixed hapten, which is inverse to the amo ...19921394977
effect of monensin on the neuronal ultrastructure and endocytic pathway of macromolecules in cultured brain neurons.1. the endocytic pathway of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was investigated in the perikarya of cultured neurons by electron microscopy and enzyme cytochemistry. the tracer was observed in endocytic pits and vesicles, endosomes, multivesicular bodies, and lysosomes. it took approximate 15 min for the transfer of hrp from the exterior of the cell to the lysosomes. 2. monensin induced distension of the golgi apparatus and formation of intracellular vacuoles. when neurons were incubated with both mon ...19921394368
modulation of murine macrophage responses stimulated with influenza glycoproteins.previously it was reported that influenza virus stimulated, nonspecific resistance was largely due to its glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (ha) and neuraminidase (na). the enhancement of natural killer cell activity was the intrinsic property of na and ha. in the present study, the stimulatory effect of these glycoproteins on the murine peritoneal macrophages was studied. electrophoretically purified glycoproteins, na and ha, of influenza virus a/ussr/90/77 (h1n1) were administered intraperitoneally ...19921393819
do callosal projection neurons reflect sex differences in axon number?we have reported that female rats have more axons in the splenium of the corpus callosum than do male rats (12). to determine if the greater number of axons found in female rats might be reflected in a larger distribution of callosal projection neurons, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the visual cortex of 55-65-day-old rats of both sexes that had been housed in a complex environment since weaning. the pattern of labeled neurons was examined in tangential sections in the cortex con ...19921393619
capillary nmda receptors regulate blood-brain barrier function and breakdown.polyamines and their regulatory synthetic enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (odc) have been implicated in blood-brain barrier (bbb) breakdown following cryogenic injury. odc activation and bbb breakdown are prevented by mk-801, indicating involvement of nmda receptors. studies in isolated rat cerebral capillaries supports the presence of nmda receptors linked to odc. nmda (1-50 microm) stimulated capillary uptake of horseradish peroxidase, 2-deoxy-[14c]glucose, and 45 ca in a receptor-, concentrati ...19921393582
central location of the motoneurons that supply the cucullaris (trapezius) of the clearnose skate, raja eglanteria.a complex of three muscles (one lateral, one intermediate and one medial in position) in the clearnose skate, raja eglanteria, is believed to be wholly, or in part, homologous to the cucullaris (trapezius). the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to discover the central location of the motoneurons that supply each of these muscles. motoneurons that project to the lateral muscle occupy the caudal part of the ventral nucleus of x. this nucleus is situated ventrolateral to the d ...19921393552
afferent and efferent connections of the bullfrog medial pallium.horseradish peroxidase or tritiated proline was unilaterally injected into the medial pallium in bullfrogs in order to determine the sources of afferent projections to the medial pallium and the targets of pallial efferent projections. some cells in all telencephalic centers, except the corpus striatum and the pars lateralis of the amygdala, project to the ipsilateral medial pallium. the medial pallium receives projections from fewer centers in the contralateral hemisphere, which include the med ...19921393516
ultrastructural neurobiology of the olfactory mucosa of the brown trout, salmo trutta.this paper describes four investigations of the olfactory mucosa of the brown trout: 1) the ultrastructure of the olfactory mucosa as revealed by scanning (sem), conventional transmission (tem), and high voltage (hvem) electron microscopy; 2) light and electron-microscopic investigations of retrograde transport of the tracer macromolecule horseradish peroxidase (hrp) when applied to the cut olfactory nerve; 3) sem and tem investigations of the effects of olfactory nerve transection on cell popul ...19921392070
follicular dendritic cell and iccosomes in germinal center reactions.the development and destination of immune complex coated bodies (iccosomes) was investigated at the ultrastructural level in the germinal centers (gc) of murine lymph nodes after secondary-immunization with horseradish peroxidase. immediately after a booster injection, large amounts of immune complex (ic) were trapped on the surface of the cytoplasmic extensions of follicular dendritic cells (fdc). cytoplasmic extensions, consisting mainly of fdc processes with associated ic, formed complex lame ...19921391799
competitive binding assay for quantitative determination of gm1 ganglioside in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid.a competitive binding assay for the quantitative determination of gm1 ganglioside is described. after extraction from biological fluids, gm1 was incubated with a known amount of cholera toxin b-subunit conjugated with horseradish peroxidase, and exposed to gm1 adsorbed onto polystyrene microwells. since gm1 in solution blocks the binding of toxin b-subunit to gm1 adsorbed onto the solid phase, enzyme activity serves as a reciprocal measure of gm1 concentration in the sample. the assay was used t ...20041391096
mechanism of enantioselective oxygenation of sulfides catalyzed by chloroperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase. spectral studies and characterization of enzyme-substrate complexes.the binding of a series of alkyl aryl sulfides to chloroperoxidase (cpo) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has been investigated by optical difference spectroscopy, circular dichroism, paramagnetic nmr spectroscopy, and nmr relaxation measurements. the data are consistent with binding of the sulfides in the distal side of the heme pocket with cpo and near the heme edge with hrp. a linear correlation between the binding constants of para-substituted sulfides to cpo and the taft sigma i parameter s ...19921390727
h nmr investigation of the influence of interacting sites on the dynamics and thermodynamics of substrate and ligand binding to horseradish peroxidase.the influence of substrate benzhydroxamic acid (bha) and iron ligand (cyanide) on the thermodynamics and dynamics of each of the two binding sites of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) isozyme c has been investigated by 1h nmr spectroscopy. a combination of line-width analysis and saturation transfer spectroscopy has allowed the direct determination of the off-rate of substrate and ligand in the absence or presence of the other. these off-rates, together with available dissociation constants obtained ...19921390702
use of immobilized metal ions as a negative adsorbent for purification of enzymes: application to phosphoglycerate mutase from chicken muscle extract and horseradish peroxidase.two enzymes, phosphoglycerate mutase and peroxidase, were purified by using an immobilized metal ion adsorbent for the removal of unwanted proteins. the mutase was obtained pure from a single column, whereas the purification of peroxidase required the use of a thiophilic adsorbent in a tandem. the capacity was 2.5 mg pure peroxidase per ml gel.19921386542
detection of human leukemia inhibitory factor by monoclonal antibody based elisa.leukemia inhibitory factor (lif) is known to exhibit multiple functions by regulating the growth and differentiation of multiple normal cell types as well as malignant cells. to have a better understanding of the role of lif, it is important to determine the level of lif in various biological samples by developing an easy, sensitive and lif specific assay. in this study, we have established a double monoclonal antibody (mab) based elisa. four hybridoma cell lines (d3.14.1, d4.16.9, d25.1.4 and d ...19921385538
a highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the measurement of interleukin-8 in biological fluids.interleukin-8 (il-8) is a chemotactic and activating cytokine for neutrophils, which plays an important role in acute inflammatory responses. we aimed to develop a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for il-8 and established 18 clones of anti-il-8 monoclonal antibodies (mabs). these mabs were evaluated in terms of their antigen-binding affinities, and five clones were selected and used for the comparative study of various combinations of antibodies in sandwich elisa. affinity pur ...19921385537
the structure of the diencephalic prepacemaker nucleus revisited: light microscopic and ultrastructural studies.the prepacemaker nucleus (ppn), a bilateral cluster of neurons at the boundary of diencephalon and mesencephalon, controls frequency modulations of the electric organ discharge in weakly electric knifefish (eigenmannia sp.). previous light microscopic studies employing retrograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase suggested that the ppn is restricted to a small area, located approximately 400 microns laterally from the third ventricle and fusing at its medial edge with the thalamic central po ...19921385493
topographic organization of subcortical projections to the anterior thalamic nuclei in the rat.subcortical projections to the anterior thalamic nuclei were studied in the rat, with special reference to projections from the mammillary nuclei, by retrograde and anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. the medial mammillary nucleus (mm) projects predominantly ipsilaterally to the entire anterior thalamic nuclei, whereas the lateral mammillary nucleus projects bilaterally to the anterodorsal nucleus (ad) of the anterior thalamic nuclei. a topographi ...19921385491
lamina i spinocervical tract terminations in the medial part of the lateral cervical nucleus in the cat.the terminations of spinocervical tract fibers in the lateral cervical nucleus (lcn) of the cat were examined with anterogradely transported phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (pha-l) in order to analyze their organization relative to the most medial part and the main body (the lateral two-thirds) of the lcn, which have differential projections and physiological characteristics. iontophoretic injections of pha-l in laminae i-v of the spinal dorsal horn yielded dense labeling in somatotopically a ...19921385489
substance p-containing pyramidal neurons in the cat somatic sensory cortex.light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical methods were used to verify the possibility that neocortical pyramidal neurons in the first somatic sensory cortex of cats contain substance p. at the light microscopic level, substance p-positive neurons accounted for about 3% of all cortical neurons, and the vast majority were nonpyramidal cells. however, 10% of substance p-positive neurons had a large conical cell body, a prominent apical dendrite directed toward the pia, and basal dendrites, ...19921385486
connections between the cochlear nuclei in guinea pig.this study provides a detailed analysis of the appearances and distributions of neurons projecting from one cochlear nucleus to the other. injections of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase were made into ventral or dorsal cochlear nucleus of the guinea pig. retrogradely labeled cells in the opposite cochlear nucleus were examined and quantified. three major categories of labeled cells were discerned on the basis of their soma shape: elongate, round-to-oval, and polygonal. a ...19921385377
feeding neonatal rats with igg antibodies leads to humoral hyporesponsiveness in the adult.feeding monoclonal igg2a or igg1 anti-horseradish peroxidase (hrp) antibodies to 12-16-day-old neonatal rats caused a profound suppression of the humoral anti-hrp response in these rats as adults. the hyporesponsiveness to hrp was specific and long-lasting (up to 5 months). it was shown to be dose dependent, requiring relatively large doses of igg (100-600 micrograms) for maximum effect. secondary igg (igg1, igg2a and igg2b) responses were most depressed. the effect could be reproduced by i.p. i ...19921385314
pallidal inputs to thalamocortical neurons projecting to the supplementary motor area: an anterograde and retrograde double labeling study in the macaque monkey.the relationship between thalamocortical neurons projecting to the supplementary motor area (sma) and pallidothalamic projection fibers was examined with an anterograde and retrograde double labeling technique in macaque monkeys (macaca fuscata). in each monkey, fast blue (fb) was injected into the hand-arm area of the sma after mapping the somatotopy using intracortical microstimulation, and horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) was injected into the ipsilateral ...19921385203
disconnected optic axons persist in the visual pathway during regeneration of the retino-tectal projection in the this study, we crushed one optic nerve in the frog litoria (hyla) moorei and at intervals thereafter anterogradely labelled optic axons with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). for one series, hrp was applied between the eye and the crush site and in a second series between the crush site and the chiasm. a tectal projection of regenerating axons was seen in both series but, in addition, up to 12 weeks post-crush, the second series displayed an additional projection. its appearance matched that of t ...19921385202
descending projections from the subparafascicular thalamic nucleus to the lower brain stem in the the course of our study on the neuronal connections of the subparafascicular nucleus (spf) in the rat, descending projections from the spf to the lower brain stem were examined by using the anterograde tracer pha-l (phaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin) and retrograde tracer wga-hrp (horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin). when pha-l was injected into the magnocellular and/or parvicellular division of the spf (spfm and/or spfp), presumed terminal labeling was seen, bilatera ...19921385199
axoplasmic transport of horseradish peroxidase in single neurons of the dorsal root ganglion studied in vitro by microinjection.the dependence of anterograde axoplasmic transport on cytoskeletal components was investigated using microinjection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the somata of chick dorsal root ganglion cells in vitro. microinjected hrp was transported anterogradely in the neurites and their branches; this transport was disturbed by colchicine in a drug-dependent and time-dependent manner. cytochalasin b, a drug that depolymerizes actin, did not inhibit the transport of hrp, despite the formation of loca ...19921384982
splenic primary sensory afferents in the guinea pig demonstrated with anterogradely transported wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase.the distribution of primary visceral afferents to the spleen of the guinea pig was studied after injections of wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the left dorsal root ganglia at levels t7-t12. after anterograde transport of the tracer, labeled fibers were found in the nerves around the splenic artery in the hilus region and in the splenic parenchyma. the majority of labeled fibers in the spleen were detected in the white pulp. hrp-positive fibers were also obse ...19921384976
trigeminal and dorsal column nuclei projections to the anterior pretectal nucleus in the rat.the projections of the trigeminal (v) sensory nuclei (vsn) and the dorsal column nuclei (dcn) to the anterior pretectal nucleus (apt) of the rat were investigated by the use of anterograde and retrograde transport of wheat-germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). injections of wga-hrp into the apt retrogradely labeled neurons in the contralateral vsn and dcn. the labeled neurons in the vsn were most concentrated in the rostral v subnucleus interpolaris (vi), but were also fou ...19921384936
wga-hrp and choleragenoid-hrp as anterogradely transported tracers in vagal visceral afferents and binding of wga and choleragenoid to nodose ganglion neurons in rodents.the axonal and terminal labelling pattern in the brain stem resulting from the injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) conjugate of wheat germ agglutinin (wga) or choleragenoid into the nodose ganglion of guinea pigs was examined. in addition, the binding profiles of wga and choleragenoid in the nodose ganglion of guinea pig and rat were examined. the results show that wga-hrp and choleragenoid-hrp (b-hrp) produce almost identical distribution of axonal and terminal labelling, the difference b ...19921384931
immunocytochemical staining of neuropeptides in terminal arborization of primary afferent fibers anterogradely labeled and identified at light and electron microscopic levels.a method is described to combine, at the ultrastructural level, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) anterograde tracing of primary afferents and peptide immunocytochemistry, using the lateral plexus of primary afferent fibers in laminae i-iio of the rat dorsal horn as a model system. free hrp was crushed against the dorsal roots. after a 14-h survival, animals were perfused, and the spinal cord was sliced at 50 microns with a vibratome in a parasagittal plane. from these thick sections, camera lucida d ...19921383643
monoclonal antibodies to beta subunit of choriogonadotropin: development and use in a sandwich elisa pregnancy test.balb/c mice were immunized with beta subunit isolated and purified from crude human chorionic gonadotropin preparations. spleen cells from the higher titered mouse were fused with sp 2/0 myeloma cells. four specific secreting hybridomas were obtained. specificity, affinity, and suitability of secreted antibodies for use in enzyme immunoassays were studied. ascites of the selected hybridoma was raised; the antibody was purified by protein a-affinity chromatography and coupled to horseradish perox ...19921383483
evidence for the transport of opsin in the connecting cilium and basal rod outer segment in rat retina: rapid-freeze, deep-etch and horseradish peroxidase labelling order to clarify the pathway of opsin transport in the connecting cilium and basal rod outer segment, we examined rat rod cells by a rapid-freeze and deep-etch technique and also examined the uptake of horseradish peroxidase into isolated retina. the distribution of intramembrane particles on the p-face of the cilium indicated that the ciliary plasma membrane has similar opsin content to the basal rod outer segment plasma membrane. dilated cisternae were detected below the stack of disk membr ...19921383431
musculotopic organization of the hypoglossal nucleus in the cynomolgus monkey, macaca fascicularis.the movements of the tongue in feeding and vocalization are enabled by a complex system of interdigitated muscle fibers in the tongue body. because of this complexity, the detailed anatomical connections between individual intrinsic tongue muscles and corresponding motoneurons in the hypoglossal nucleus have not been described for any mammal. in this study we describe the distribution of retrogradely labeled neurons in the hypoglossal nucleus, following injections of wheat-germ agglutinin-horser ...19921383289
cortical connections of subdivisions of inferior temporal cortex in squirrel monkeys.patterns of cortical connections and architectonics were used to determine subdivisions of inferior temporal (it) cortex of squirrel monkeys. single or multiple injections of the tracers wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase, fast blue, diamidino yellow, fluoro-gold, and 3h-amino acids were placed into it cortex. most injections were placed in caudal it cortex in the region previously shown to receive input from the caudal subdivision of the dorsolateral area, dlc; additional injections w ...19921383288
the afferent and efferent connections of the nucleus submedius in the rat.the afferent and efferent connections of the nucleus submedius (sm) in the medial thalamus of the rat were examined. injections of wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) into the sm resulted in dense terminal labeling in the middle layers of the ipsilateral ventrolateral orbital cortex (vlo). less dense labeling was also observed in the superficial and deep layers of vlo and in the medial part of the lateral orbital cortex (lo) and in the contralateral vlo. retrogradel ...19921383287
serotoninergic medullary raphespinal projection to the lumbar spinal cord in the rat: a retrograde immunohistochemical study.classically the raphespinal system has been regarded as a serotoninergic system; inhibition of spinal nociceptive transmission produced by stimulation of the medullary raphe nuclei is mediated partially by spinal serotoninergic receptors. however, recent evidence suggests that the raphe nuclei are not homogeneous populations of serotoninergic cells. the objective of the present study was to re-examine, in the rat, the serotoninergic raphespinal projection to the lumbar spinal cord, and to determ ...19921383285
inhibitory synaptic input to identified rubrospinal neurons in macaca fascicularis: an electron microscopic study using a combined immuno-gaba-gold technique and the retrograde transport of wga-hrp.rubrospinal neurons of the magnocellular division of the red nucleus of macaca fascicularis were retrogradely labeled following spinal cord microinjections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase, as demonstrated by the chromagen tetramethylbenzidine, identifying the mesencephalic cells of origin of this descending motor pathway. the tissue was processed for electron microscopy and subsequently tested on the electron microscope grid for immunoreactivity of gamma aminobutyric acid (gaba) ...19921383282
a sensitive sandwich enzyme immunoassay for gamma-seminoprotein and its application to sex discrimination of blood and bloodstains.a sensitive sandwich enzyme immunoassay for gamma-seminoprotein (p30, prostate-specific antigen) is described for sex discrimination of blood and bloodstains. a polystyrene ball coated with rabbit anti-gamma-seminoprotein igg was incubated with gamma-seminoprotein and, after washing, with affinity-purified rabbit anti-gamma-seminoprotein fab'-horseradish peroxidase conjugate. peroxidase activity bound to the polystyrene ball was assayed by fluorometry using 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid as h ...19921383109
olfactory bulb transplantation into the olfactory bulb of neonatal rats: a wga-hrp study.after unilateral bulbectomy in neonatal (p1-p5) rats, autoradiographically prelabeled presumptive olfactory bulbs from e15 and e17 embryos were transplanted in place of the removed tissue. after 2-7 months, the animals received injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) into the piriform cortex. nine of the twenty animals revealed wga-hrp-positive neurons among neurons autoradiographically labeled, providing thus evidence that the axons of the output neurons from the ho ...19921382806
localization and retention in vitro of fluorescently labeled aortic baroreceptor terminals on neurons from the nucleus tractus solitarius.the anterograde fluorescent tracer dia was used to visualize baroreceptor fibers and synaptic terminals both in living and fixed tissue. baroreceptor fibers labeled with dia terminated as a dense synaptic field in the medial nucleus tractus solitarius (nts), making synaptic contact on the soma, as well as processes of neurons that they innervated. a similar distribution and morphology was observed in baroreceptor fibers and terminals labeled with horseradish peroxidase. dia also identified baror ...19921382802
ascending projections from the gigantocellular reticular and dorsal paragigantocellular nuclei of the medulla oblongata in the rat: an anterograde pha-l tracing study.ascending projections from the gigantocellular reticular (ngc) and dorsal paragigantocellular (dpg) nuclei of the medulla oblongata were examined in the rat by utilizing anterograde axonal transport of phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (pha-l). new observations of fiber connections could be made by the merits of the pha-l. pha-l-labeled axon terminals were observed in the dorsal part of the nucleus of the solitary tract, the rostrolateral subnucleus of the interpeduncular nucleus, bed nucleus o ...19921382253
hypothalamo-spinal pathways and responses to photoperiod in syrian hamsters.descending projections from the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (pvn) to the spinal cord mediate the effects of photoperiod on the reproductive system of hamsters. to elucidate the course of these pvn efferent fibers, injections of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to either cholera toxin or wheat germ agglutinin were made into the t1-c7 region of the spinal cord of hamsters. four sets of descending tracts were identified in males and females. two sets of fibers originated from the medial p ...19921381987
supraoptic nucleus afferents from the accessory olfactory bulb: evidence from anterograde and retrograde tract tracing in the rat.our earlier electrophysiological work provided evidence of a direct input to the supraoptic nucleus (son) from the olfactory bulbs; however, these experiments could not determine if the input originated in the main and/or accessory portions of the olfactory bulb. here, a connection between the accessory olfactory bulb (aob) and the son of the rat was examined using a combination of anatomic techniques. we employed neurophysin immunocytochemistry to delineate the morphological boundaries of the s ...19921381986
ultrastructural morphology of projections from the medial geniculate nucleus and its adjacent region to the basal ganglia.the efferent projections of the medial geniculate nucleus (mg) and its adjacent nuclei to the basal ganglia were studied in the rat by the antero- and retrograde tracing methods. injections of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase into the caudal parts of the striatum and globus pallidus produced retrograde neuronal labeling in the medial division of the mg (mgm) and its adjacent structures including the suprageniculate, posterior intralaminar and peripeduncular nuclei, and ...19921381984
proportion of glutamate- and aspartate-immunoreactive neurons in the efferent pathways of the rat visual cortex varies according to the target.immunohistochemistry, with antisera directed against glutamate (glu) or aspartate (asp), was combined with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) histochemistry to examine the distribution, morphology, and proportions of glu- and asp-containing neurons that give rise to corticofugal and callosal projections of the rat visual cortex. wga-hrp injections in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus resulted in retrograde labelling of small and medium-sized cells throughout layer vi of t ...19921381727
anatomical and physiological study of interneurons in an oligosynaptic cutaneous reflex pathway in the cat hindlimb.morphological and physiological studies were undertaken in the cat lumbosacral spinal cord in order to examine individual last-order excitatory interneurons in the disynaptic pathway between low threshold superficial peroneal (sp) afferents and flexor digitorum longus (fdl) motoneurons. last-order interneurons projecting to the fdl motor nucleus were visualized with activity-dependent trans-synaptic transport of lectin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). the location of lumbar interneur ...19921381652
a monoclonal antibody-based enzyme immunoassay for human gmp-140/p-selectin.two hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies wga-1 and pl7-6, reactive only with thrombin-stimulated human platelet have been established. both these antibodies were investigated for their specific reactivity against gmp-140, based on the amino acid composition analysis of immunopurified antigen and n terminal amino acid sequencing of its protease fragments. a two-site enzyme immunoassay for quantification of human gmp-140 was developed using wga-1 monoclonal antibody immobilized on ...19921381405
blockade of acute hypertensive response does not prevent changes in behavior or in csf acetylcholine (ach) content following traumatic brain injury (tbi).there is evidence that the blood-brain barrier (bbb) is breached following traumatic brain injury (tbi), allowing the unregulated entry of circulating neuroactive substances into the central nervous system. as the traumatic episode is typically associated with an acute hypertensive event, which in itself may alter bbb status, the effects of the blockade of tbi-associated hypertension on injury-associated behavioral and cerebrospinal fluid (csf) neurochemical changes were assessed in rats. animal ...19921381263
intracellular electrophysiological and morphological study of the medullary inspiratory neurons of the decerebrate rat.intracellular recordings and labelings with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) of inspiratory neurons were performed in decerebrate, paralyzed and ventilated rats. a total of 58 neurons were located within the ventrolateral medulla. they were identified as bulbospinal neurons (n = 15), cranial motoneurons (n = 9) and not antidromically activated (naa) neurons (n = 34) by antidromic stimulation or hrp labeling, or both. these inspiratory neurons had rhythmical changes in membrane potentials similar to ...19921381262
sites of action of 2-thiazoline-2-thiol on biogenesis of thyroid hormones.2-thiazoline-2-thiol is an antithyroid agent that strongly reduces thyroid hormone levels. synthesis of these hormones is catalyzed in vivo by thyroid peroxidase. the interaction of this drug with molecular iodine and its effect on peroxidase activity were investigated. iodine and 2-thiazoline-2-thiol form a complex of the charge transfer type of 1:1 stoichiometry characterized by a formation constant of 2,527 l.mole-1 at 20 degrees c. this drug was found to inhibit both horseradish peroxidase a ...19921380999
identification of nociceptive neurons in the medial thalamus: morphological studies of nociceptive neurons with intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase.somatosensory neurons including nociceptive ones in the medial thalamus have been studied extracellularly, and are classified into three types: nociceptive-specific, wide dynamic range, and tap neurons. however, the morphological characteristics of these three neurons have not yet been clarified. we studied the morphological characteristics of the neurons by iontophoretic injection of hrp into single neurons in 32 cats. nine wide dynamic range neurons and two tap neurons were electrophysiologica ...19921380880
trigeminal nerve endings of lingual mucosa and musculature of the rat.horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (hrp-wga) was injected into the trigeminal ganglion of adult rats to label the peripheral sensory receptors of the tongue. the conjugate was transported anterogradely to all the ipsilateral fungiform papillae and filiform papillae. some labeled fibers crossed over to the contralateral papillae. in the intrinsic tongue muscle undulating nerve fibers along or across muscle fibers were often observed, and formed simple spiral endings.19921380878
modulation of dye coupling among glial cells in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of the guinea pig.dye coupling among glial cells in the ganglia of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of the guinea-pig ileum was studied by intracellular injection of the dye lucifer yellow (ly), which crosses gap junctions. the injection of a single glial cell with ly resulted in the staining of many glia. the mean number of cells coupled to the injected one was 87.0 +/- 7.9 in the myenteric plexus, and 20.7 +/- 5.6 in the submucosal plexus. as previously shown for myenteric plexus, injection of horseradish ...19921380866
tyrosine hydroxylase-, neurotensin-, or cholecystokinin-containing neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarii send projection fibers to the nucleus accumbens in the rat.a double-labeling method combining the retrograde tracing of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) with the immunocytochemical technique was used in the present study. the results suggest that the neurons containing tyrosine hydroxylase (th), neurotensin (nt) or cholecystokinin (cck) in the nucleus tractus solitarii (nts) of the rat send their axons to the nucleus accumbens bilaterally with ipsilateral dominance. hrp-th, hrp-nt or hrp-cck double-labeled cell bodies were mainly located in the medial and t ...19921380865
the anatomical evidence of recurrent axonal collaterals of the thalamus projecting neurons of the rostral pole of the trigeminal sensory nuclear complex in the rat.thalamus projecting neurons and their recurrent axonal collaterals were observed in the dorsomedial part of the trigeminal principal sensory nucleus (vpdm) and the caudolateral part of supratrigeminal nucleus (vsup cl) after injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the contralateral ventrobasal complex of the thalamus (vbm) by using the hrp retrogradely tracing-golgi-like staining method. about 7% (8/120) parent axons of the labeled cells gave rise to recurrent axon collaterals. however, n ...19921380864
the hypothalamo-cerebellar projection in the rat: origin and transmitter.hypothalamic neurons projecting to cerebellum were identified by retrograde tracing with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) in the rat. selective d-[3h]aspartate labelling was used to investigate whether any of these connections may use excitatory amino acids as transmitters. the wga-hrp experiments revealed that the hypothalamo-cerebellar fibers have their main origins in the lateral, dorsal and posterior hypothalamic areas, and the tubero-mammillary nucleus, while smaller n ...19921380793
topographical organization of the projections from physiologically identified areas of the motor cortex to the striatum in the rat.the present study was undertaken to determine in the rat the topography of the neostriatal projections originating from the motor cortex. for that purpose, anterograde tracers (phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin: pha-l; wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase: wga-hrp) were deposited in discrete cortical sites physiologically identified by microstimulation. five major motor areas were considered in this study: the rostral (rfl) and caudal (cfl) forelimb areas, the hindlimb (hl ...19921380687
retrograde labelling of dorsal root ganglion cells in the rat: a quantitative and morphological comparison of fluoro-gold with horseradish peroxidase labelling.we have compared retrograde labelling of rat primary sensory neurons using fluoro-gold (fg) and horseradish peroxide conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (hrp-wga). fluoro-gold 2.5% after 48 h transit time and fg 5% after 24 and 48 h retrogradely labelled similar numbers of cell profiles as hrp-wga (p greater than 0.1% student's t-test). the calculated cell size distribution for the above fg groups were similar to those for the hrp-wga. however, fg 2.5% after a 24 h transit time labelled signif ...19921380681
transneuronal labeling of cochlear nucleus neurons by hrp-labeled auditory nerve fibers and olivocochlear branches in mice.auditory nerve fibers were labeled by extracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase into the spiral ganglion in mice. the labeled fibers were traced in an anterograde direction through the auditory nerve into the cochlear nucleus. in almost half of the injections, the labeled endings of auditory nerve fibers contacted cochlear nucleus neurons that were also labeled with horseradish peroxidase and were presumably transneuronally labeled. only darkly labeled endings were associated with trans ...19921380524
progressive morphological abnormalities observed in rat spinal motor neurons at extended intervals after axonal is generally accepted that mammalian spinal motor neurons return to normal after axotomy if their regenerated axons successfully reinnervate appropriate peripheral targets. however, morphological abnormalities, recently observed in spinal motor neurons examined 1 year after nerve crush injury, raise the possibility that delayed perikaryal changes occur after regeneration is complete. in order to distinguish between chronic and progressive alterations in neurons with long-term regenerated axon ...19921380520
afferent projections to the cholinergic pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus and adjacent midbrain extrapyramidal area in the albino rat. i. retrograde tracing studies.the afferent connections of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (ppt) and the adjacent midbrain extrapyramidal area (mea) were examined by retrograde tracing with wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). major afferents to the ppt originate in the periaqueductal gray, central tegmental field, lateral hypothalamic area, dorsal raphe nucleus, superior colliculus, and pontine and medullary reticular fields. other putative inputs originate in the paraventricular and preo ...19921380518
presence of gaba-immunoreactive neurons within intracortical patches in area 18 of the cat visual cortex, horizontal, intracortical connections spread laterally to link together specific columnar sites. when visualized by retrograde tracers, these intracortical connections appear as periodic, columnar patches of dense cellular labeling interspersed with areas of much less dense labeling. we looked for anatomical evidence for direct inhibition among the patchy, horizontal connections in area 18, by combining retrograde labeling using wheat germ agglutinin (wga) conjugated to hor ...19921380396
the segmental distribution of afferent fibers from the vaginal cervix and hypogastric nerve in rats.injections of horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin (hrp-wga) into the walls of the vagina and cervix (vaginocervical injections) of rats resulted in labeling of dorsal root ganglia (drg) cells located at t11-l4 and l6-s2. in a second group of animals, exposure of the hypogastric nerve to hrp-wga resulted in a similar bimodal distribution of labeled cells as compared to vaginocervical injections. in a third group, unilateral hypogastric nerve transection prior to injection of hrp-wga into ...19921380393
a dopaminergic projection to the rat mammillary nuclei demonstrated by retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase and tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry.the presence and distribution of dopaminergic neurons and terminals in the hypothalamus of the rat were studied by tyrosine hydroxylase (th) immunohistochemistry. strongly labelled th-immunoreactive neurons were seen in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, periventricular region, zona incerta, arcuate nucleus, and supramammillary nucleus. a few th-positive neurons were also identified in the dorsal and ventral premammillary nucleus, as well as the lateral hypothalamic area. th-immunoreactive fi ...19921380016
afferent projections to the mammillary complex of the rat, with special reference to those from surrounding hypothalamic better understand the functional organization of the mammillary nuclei, we investigated the afferents to this nuclear complex in the rat with iontophoretically injected wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. particular attention was paid to tracing local hypothalamic afferents to these nuclei. injections into the medial mammillary nucleus (mmn) revealed strong projections from the subicular region, and weaker projections from the prefrontal cortex, medial septum, and the ...19921380015
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