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[sympathetic postganglionic innervation of external carotid artery, internal carotid artery, common carotid artery and aorta in the dog--experimental study using hrp and wga-hrp].the sympathetic postganglionic innervation of the external carotid artery, internal carotid artery, common carotid artery (cca) and aorta was studied by using retrograde axonal transport of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and wheat germ agglutinin-hrp conjugates (wga-hrp). when the powder of hrp was applied to the sheaths of internal and external carotid arteries, labeled cells were found only in the ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion (scg). after injection of wga-hrp into the walls of the ...19921578611
axon collaterals of mossy fibers from the pontine nucleus in the cerebellar dentate nucleus.1. single axons of pontine nucleus neurons (pn axons) receiving cerebral input were stained intra-axonally with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the cerebellum of cats. the axonal trajectory of single pn axons was reconstructed from serial sections of the cerebellum and the brain stem. 2. axons were penetrated in the white matter near the dentate nucleus, and, after electrophysiological identification, pn axons were injected iontophoretically with hrp. the identification criteria for the pn axons ...19921578244
restorative effects of reinnervation on the size and dendritic arborization patterns of axotomized cat spinal a preceding paper [brännström, et al. (1992) j. comp. neurol. 318:439-451] a marked reduction in dendritic size was observed in cat spinal motoneurons following permanent axotomy. the aim of the present study was to analyse the possible restorative effects of peripheral reinnervation on the size and dendritic branching patterns of cat spinal motoneurons which had been deprived of neuromuscular contact for an extended period of time. in adult cats the medial gastrocnemius (mg) nerve was transe ...19921578012
changes in size and dendritic arborization patterns of adult cat spinal alpha-motoneurons following permanent axotomy.this study was performed to analyse quantitatively the changes in dimensions and dendritic branching patterns of adult cat spinal alpha-motoneurons following permanent axotomy, i.e., in a situation in which the transected motoraxons are prevented from reinnervating their peripheral target muscle. after transection and ligation of the medial gastrocnemius nerve of adult cats, homonymous alpha-motoneurons were intracellularly labelled with horseradish peroxidase and subjected to quantitative light ...19921578011
independent mosaics of large inner- and outer-stratified ganglion cells in the goldfish retina.goldfish retinal ganglion cells were filled with horseradish peroxidase and studied in flatmounts. two regular mosaics of large neurons with many of the properties of mammalian alpha ganglion cells were found, differing from each other in spacing, size, and dendritic stratification. the existence of biplexiform ganglion cells with additional dendrites in the outer plexiform layer was also confirmed. one of the two alpha-like mosaics consisted of giant ganglion cells with thick primary dendrites ...19921578007
organization of the superior olivary complex in the guinea pig: ii. patterns of projection from the periolivary nuclei to the inferior colliculus.the superior olivary complex is a major source of auditory projections to the inferior colliculus. although the projections from the medial and lateral superior olivary nuclei have been well characterized, projections from the surrounding periolivary nuclei have received relatively little attention. in the guinea pig, cytoarchitectonic criteria can be used to distinguish 11 periolivary nuclei that can be divided into four groups. these are: 1) a lateral group that comprises the anterolateral and ...19921578006
the mosaic of alpha cells in the cat retina is not dependent on axon terminal interactions during development.alpha ganglion cells in the cat retina are distributed in a regular array. it has been proposed that the development of this mosaic pattern is achieved by class-specific interactions between the dendrites and/or axon terminals of neighbouring alpha cells, but the relative contributions that are made by each of these factors to the regularity of the mosaic remain unclear. an opportunity to address this question is provided by a comparative study of the distribution of alpha cells across the nasot ...19921578000
secondary vestibular cholinergic projection to the cerebellum of rabbit and rat as revealed by choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry, retrograde and orthograde tracers.previously we have shown that four regions of the cerebellum, the uvula-nodulus, flocculus, ventral paraflocculus, and anterior lobe 1, receive extensive, but not exclusive, cholinergic mossy fiber projections. in the present experiment we have studied the origin of three of these projections in the rat and rabbit (uvula-nodulus, flocculus, ventral paraflocculus), using choline acetyltransferase (chat) immunohistochemistry in combination with a double label, retrogradely transported horseradish ...19921577999
chemical and kinetic evidence for an essential histidine in horseradish peroxidase for iodide oxidation.horseradish peroxidase (hrp), when incubated with diethylpyrocarbonate (depc), shows a time-dependent loss of iodide oxidation activity. the inactivation follows pseudo-first order kinetics with a second order rate constant of 0.43 min-1 m-1 at 30 degrees c and is reversed by neutralized hydroxylamine. the difference absorption spectrum of the modified versus native enzyme shows a peak at 244 nm, characteristic of n-carbethoxyhistidine, which is diminished by treatment with hydroxylamine. correl ...19921577815
neuromuscular specificity following cross-stage hindlimb order to determine whether spinal motoneurons can regenerate to their proper targets at stages beyond those when such specificity is typically expressed, autologous and homologous (same- and cross-stage) hindlimb transplantations were performed using bullfrog tadpoles (rana catesbeiana). neuromuscular specificity was assessed by applying horseradish peroxidase to the ventral thigh of the transplanted hindlimb and mapping the locations of retrogradely labeled motoneurons. previously, we found ...19921577125
retinal ganglion cell degeneration following loss of postsynaptic target neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the adult cat.kainic acid was used to produce selective degeneration of neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the adult cat. this degeneration mimics the rapid loss of geniculate neurons seen after visual cortex ablation in the neonate. following survivals of 2, 4, or 6 months, the geniculate was injected with horseradish peroxidase and the retinae were examined for the presence of retrogradely labeled cells. analysis of ganglion cell density in peripheral nasal retina revealed a 58% loss of cel ...19921577124
peroxidase-mediated glutathione conjugation of benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol is enhanced by benzo[a]pyrene phenols in vitro.we reported previously that glutathione (gsh) is oxidized by peroxidases to a thiyl radical that can react with a number of chemicals, including the penultimate carcinogenic metabolite benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol (7,8-b[a]pd), to give gsh conjugates. here, we report that phenolic metabolites of benzo[a]pyrene (b[a]p) enhance the peroxidase-mediated formation of glutathione conjugates of 7,8-b[a]pd. the gsh conjugation of 7,8-b[a]pd in a horseradish peroxidase/peroxide system was increased ove ...19921576701
hematin as a peroxidase substitute in hydrogen peroxide determinations.hematin can substitute for horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as the catalyst in the determination of hydrogen peroxide using phenolic substrates such as p-hydroxyphenylacetate or p-cresol. although the peroxidatic activity of hematin from bovine blood is not as great as hrp in terms of unit iron content, the activity per unit weight is substantially greater. hematin is 500 times less expensive than hrp per unit peroxidatic activity. in hematin-catalyzed systems, reaction development and fluorescence ...19921575321
alpha and gamma motoneurons in the peroneal nuclei of the cat spinal cord: an ultrastructural study.the aim of the present study was to investigate whether ultrastructural features can be used as a guide to identify alpha- and gamma-motoneurons among the intermediate-size neurons of the peroneal motor nuclei. the peroneus brevis and peroneus tertius muscles of adult cats were injected with horseradish peroxidase, and motoneurons labeled by retrograde axonal transport were examined by electron microscopy. in both nuclei, the distributions of cell-body diameters, measured in the light microscope ...19921573058
morphology of single medial vestibulospinal tract axons in the upper cervical spinal cord of the cat.the morphology of single medial vestibulospinal tract (mvst) axons was investigated by iontophoretic injection of horseradish peroxidase into single axons at the upper cervical cord in pentobarbital-anesthetized cats. mvst axons were identified by their monosynaptic responses to stimulation of the vestibular nerve and their direct responses to stimulation of the medial longitudinal fusciculus (mlf). reconstructions of the axonal trajectory were made from 22 uncrossed and 19 crossed mvst axons at ...19921573053
anatomy of dendrites in motoneurons supplying the intrinsic muscles of the foot sole in the aged cat: evidence for dendritic growth and neo-synaptogenesis.motoneurons (mns) supplying the intrinsic muscles of the foot sole (ifs) were studied in the aged cat (greater than 15y). axon conduction velocity of ifs mns was 30-40% slower in the aged than in young adult cats. ifs mns that appeared intact during intracellular recordings and labeling with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were subjected to anatomical investigation of their dendrites. the results were compared with corresponding data from young adult (less than 3y) cats. the average number of dendr ...19921573047
lower limb ischaemia and reperfusion alters gut permeability.the gut may be important in the aetiology of multiple organ failure (mof) by amplifying of the inflammatory response to trauma. we investigated the effects of the reperfusion of ischaemic lower limbs on gut permeability. male wistar rats (n = 30) were randomised to (group 1) controls; (group 2) 3 h bilateral hind-limb ischaemia alone; or 3 h ischaemia followed by (group 3) 15 min reperfusion or (group 4) 2 h reperfusion. gut permeability and plasma endotoxin were measured prior to tourniquet app ...19921572456
the sites of origin of a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone-containing axonal components in the lateral area of the midbrain periaqueductal gray of the rat.the sites of origin of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-msh)-containing axonal components in the lateral area of the midbrain periaqueductal gray (pag) were studied in the rat by the retrograde tracing method of horseradish peroxidase, combined with the immunocytochemical technique. the results indicated that alpha-msh-containing axonal components in the pag arose not only from the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus but also from the ventral zona incerta, the periventricular, perifor ...19921571791
further evaluation of the interrelationship between the hepatocellular transport of bile acids and endocytosed proteins.experiments on the relationship between the hepatocellular transport of endogenous or exogenously loaded bile acids (sodium taurocholate, tc, 0.5 mumol/min/100 g body wt) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or immunoglobulin a (iga) (0.5 mg/100 g body wt) were carried out on anaesthetized wistar rats. the time course of hrp excretion into bile (acceleration in the secretory peak), but not the total amount of hrp output, was affected by tc infusion. administration of hrp was found to have no stimula ...19921571280
the development of a technique to estimate the number of motor units in the urethral electromyographic technique is presented that has been developed in an effort to quantitate the number of motor units in the urinary sphincter. sphincter contraction was provoked by electrical stimulation and recorded with a catheter mounted electrode. incremental stimulation produced corresponding increments of sphincter contraction that were recorded as the magnitude of the sphincter electromyogram. estimates of the number of motor units in the sphincter were made by analysis of variance of ...19921569697
[observation of motorneuron after recovery from experimental facial nerve paralysis].the localization of the motor neurons innervating facial muscles and the masseter muscle was examined by the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. ten microliters of 50% hrp was injected into the orbicularis oculi muscle, the orbicularis oris muscle, the zygomaticus muscle and the masseter muscle of rabbits. at 48 hours after the hrp injection, perfusion fixation was done through the left ventricule of the heart under general anesthesia. the brain stem was removed and reacted with d ...19921569516
site of action potential initiation in amphibian retinal ganglion cells.1. we applied morphological, pharmacological, electrophysiological, and computer simulation techniques to analyze the origin of impulse initiation in amphibian retinal ganglion cells. 2. morphological studies of retinal ganglion cells in the mudpuppy (necturus maculosus) and larval tiger salamander (ambystoma tigrinum) were carried out with the use of either retrograde or intracellular labeling with horseradish peroxidase. these studies identified a characteristic thinning of the axon that begin ...19921569462
physiological studies of cutaneous inputs to dorsal horn laminae i-iv of adult chickens.1. the dorsal horn (dh) of chickens exhibits a novel pattern of cytoarchitectonic lamination among vertebrates, whereby lamina iii lies medial, rather than ventral, to lamina ii. indeed, cutaneous nerves labeled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) form two separate projections across the mediolateral axis of the superficial dh; each projection is somatotopically organized, such that two non-overlapping somatotopic maps are formed: the medial map within lamina iii and the lateral map within lamina ...19921569460
taurolithocholate-induced inhibition of biliary lipid and protein excretion in the rat.taurolithocholate (tlc), a natural bile salt, induces selective impairment on canalicular membrane of the hepatocyte, which seems to be a major determinant of its cholestatic effect in experimental animals. in order to extend existing studies about the effects of tlc on bile secretion, we examined in tlc-treated rats the biliary excretion of compounds that are transported to canalicular membrane via vesicles, such as lipids and proteins. the single intravenous injection of tlc (3 mumol/100 g bod ...19921567906
a novel, sensitive, and specific assay for abasic sites, the most commonly produced dna radicals produce a wide spectrum of damages; among these are dna base damages and abasic (ap) sites. although several methods have been used to detect and quantify ap sites, they either are relatively laborious or require the use of radioactivity. a novel reagent for detecting abasic sites in dna was prepared by reacting o-(carboxymethyl)hydroxylamine with biotin hydrazide in the presence of carbodiimide. this reagent, called aldehyde reactive probe (arp), specifically tagged ap sites in dn ...19921567824
displaced retinal ganglion cells in normal frogs and those with regenerated optic nerves.we have analysed the number and spatial distribution of displaced retinal ganglion cells in the frog litoria (hyla) moorei. a series of normal animals was compared with one in which the optic nerve was crushed and allowed to regenerate. ganglion cells were labelled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) applied to the optic nerve, and retinae were examined as sections or whole mounts. we analysed separately ganglion cells with somata displaced to the inner nuclear (dogiel cells, dgcs) and to the inne ...19921567019
gnrh neurons in the fetal lamb hypothalamus are similar in males and females.the critical period for sexual differentiation of the brain of the developing lamb occurs before birth. exposure to steroids during this sensitive period in midgestation alters the control of gnrh secretion after birth. the present study examined neurons immunolabeled for gnrh in male and female lambs during the critical period for sexual differentiation to determine if these neurons are sexually dimorphic. neuron number, anatomical distribution, and the number of neuronal processes of gnrh-cont ...19921565208
a method of in situ hybridization combined with immunocytochemistry, histochemistry, and tract tracing to characterize the mrna expressing cell types in heterogeneous neuronal populations.a rapid, sensitive, non-isotopic in situ hybridization histochemistry protocol is presented to study the expression of mrna at the single cell level in anatomically complex structures of the mammalian central nervous system. the protocol uses digoxigenin-utp-labeled riboprobes, freefloating sections, and alkaline phosphatase and horseradish peroxidase detection. modifications have been introduced which preserve the integrity of marker molecules, and as such enable the simultaneous identification ...19921564950
computer-aided two-dimensional high-resolution axon tracing: an application using the anterograde tracer phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (phal).a computer-aided method for mapping the spatial distribution of axons labeled with the anterograde tracer phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (phal) has been devised. the method is based upon a histochemical charting system that controls a motorized microscope stage. the computerized charting system (ccs) does not require a camera lucida and can be installed on a common laboratory computer with minimal specialized hardware. the system provides features for storing, manipulating, and plotting the ...19921564946
a thymosin beta 4 elisa using an antibody against the n terminal fragment thymosin beta 4 [1-14].a thymosin beta 4 elisa was developed in which thymosin beta 4, absorbed on microwells, competed with thymosin beta 4 in solution for the binding sites of an anti-thymosin beta 4 antibody. the antibody molecules finally immobilized on the microwells were detected using a goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin/horseradish peroxidase conjugate in combination with the substrate 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt, and measuring the relevant optical density values. anti-t ...19921564338
ganglion cell types of the turtle retina that project to the optic tectum: intracellular hrp injections of retrogradely, rhodamine-marked cell bodies.the turtle retina has been shown to have a variety of different morphological ganglion cell types as well as distinct physiological ganglion cell types. the major projection of the retina to the brain in nonmammalian vertebrates is to the optic tectum. in this study, we address the question of which retinal ganglion cell types project to the optic tectum in the turtle. fluorescent rhodamine-labeled microspheres were used to trace the retinal ganglion cell projection to the superficial layers of ...19921562567
fine structural organization of the ependymal region of the paraventricular nucleus of the rat thalamus and its relation with projection neurons.the ependymal lining of the diencephalic third ventricle is known to exhibit significant variation in zonal architecture and the relations of neurites to the ventricular surface in different regions remains obscure. the present study explores the fine structural organization of the ependymal region of the thalamic paraventricular nucleus. methodology was developed for tracing neurites of cells retrogradely labelled with horseradish peroxidase based on our recent observation that paraventricular ...19921560248
structural and functional consequences of neonatal deafferentation in the superficial layers of the hamster's superior colliculus.intracellular recording and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injection techniques were used to evaluate the effects of neonatal enucleation upon the structural and functional properties of cells in the superficial retinorecipient laminae of the hamster's superior colliculus (sc). the physiological recordings confirmed previous results that normally visual superficial layer neurons develop somatosensory receptive fields in the enucleated animals. this study further showed that all of the physiologica ...19921560114
projections from the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body to the medial superior olivary nucleus in the gerbil.we made small injections of horseradish peroxidase into the medial superior olivary nucleus (mso) of gerbils in order to examine the sources of input into that nucleus. as previously described, the mso receives inputs from neurons in the rostral part of both anteroventral cochlear nuclei. in addition, we found evidence for a projection from the ipsilateral lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body (lntb). our results are also compatible with previous reports that the medical nucleus of the trapezoid ...19921559903
distribution of sugar residues in the bovine testis during postnatal ontogenesis demonstrated with lectin-horseradish peroxidase the present study the distribution of various sugar residues in the cells of the male gonad during postnatal organogenesis was examined employing eight lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates (bs-i, cona, dba, pna, rca-i, sba, uea-i, wga) on paraffin-embedded testicular tissue. the tissue was obtained from bull calves and young bulls of recorded age (4, 8, 16, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 52 weeks) and two adult bulls. during the whole observation period, lectin affinity in the developing testicular t ...19921559848
morphologic correlations with fluorophotometric data from monkey eyes with anterior uveitis.acute anterior uveitis was induced in monkeys by unilateral intravitreal injection of 1.0 ng of escherichia coli endotoxin. twenty-four hours later, each animal received an intravenous injection of 250 mg/kg body weight of fluoresceinated horseradish peroxidase (f-hrp), and fluorophotometric measurements were taken for 90 min. the animals were killed, and both eyes were processed for hrp demonstration. in the anterior chamber aqueous humor of normal control eyes, f-hrp concentrations were less t ...19921559763
immunoenzymatic labeling of multiple plasmodial salivary gland sporozoites in a single test.a direct, double- and triple-staining immunoenzymatic method detected and differentiated sporozoites by color in anopheles stephensi salivary glands and in mixed sporozoite slide preparations. a double-staining method used beta-galactosidase- and alkaline phosphatase-labeled monoclonal antibodies to the circumsporozoite (cs) proteins of plasmodium berghei and p. falciparum in mosquito salivary glands. the cs proteins were distinguished clearly by the blue-green and red substrate products of beta ...19921558271
brainstem neurons projecting to different levels of the spinal cord of the dogfish scyliorhinus canicula.neurons in the brain that project to different levels of the spinal cord in the dogfish scyliorhinus canicula have been identified by retrograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase. injections have been made at four different levels, namely, cervical (segments 3-6), pectoral (segments 16-18), pelvic (segments 34-36) and caudal (segments 60-80). labelled neurons were located in the diencephalon, mesencephalon and rhombencephalon. twenty nuclei contained labelled cells following cervical injecti ...19921555112
wulst efferents in the little owl athene noctua: an investigation of projections to the optic tectum.the efferent projections from the wulst were studied in the little owl, athene noctua, using anterograde migration of wheat-germ-agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). wulst projections were distributed to telencephalic, diencephalic and mesencephalic targets in a general pattern similar to that previously described in other avian species. our results on the organization of the wulst-optic tectum pathway in the little owl reveal well defined and laminarly arranged terminal proje ...19921555108
laser-assisted nerve repair. laser-trimming of nerve ends with epineurial suture anastomosis.suture repair of cranial and peripheral nerves has reached a maximal level with the use of advanced microneurorrhaphy techniques; however, functional recovery of the repaired nerve is still often unsatisfactory due to misrouted axonal regrowth. freeze-trimming the nerve ends prior to anastomosis has been shown to significantly improve fascicular alignment and subsequent functional recovery. this study assessed the feasibility of using laser energy to trim the nerve ends prior to suture anastomos ...19921554448
reagentless enzyme electrode for the determination of manganese through biocatalytic amperometric enzyme electrode is described for the detection and determination of manganese(ii). the biosensor is based on the stimulation by manganese of the aerobic oxidation of substrates by horseradish peroxidase. a mediator, 1,2-naphthoquinone, is used as the substrate and is incorporated with the enzyme into a carbon-paste electrode. the resulting electrode acts as an enzyme-based oxygen sensor, which is sensitive to manganese. electrochemical control of enzyme activity is achieved thro ...19921554095
development and in vitro characterization of a new immunoassay of cardiac troponin t.we describe a new one-step enzyme immunoassay of troponin t that uses two specific monoclonal antibodies and streptavidin-coated tubes as the solid phase. the monoclonal antibodies were obtained by conventional hybridoma technology, with human troponin t as antigen. the identity of the cardiac troponin t antigen was confirmed by analysis of the amino acid composition and by partial sequence analysis. the specificity of the monoclonal antibodies for cardiac troponin t was proved by immunoblot ana ...19921547556
more than two pyrrole tautomers of mesoporphyrin stabilized by a protein. high resolution optical spectroscopic study.mesoporphyrin ix substituted horseradish peroxidase was studied by fluorescence line narrowing and hole burning techniques at cryogenic temperatures. the spectral data reveal that four pyrrole tautomeric configurations of the chromophore are populated within the protein under the influence of irradiation and/or thermal treatment, and the existence of a fifth and a sixth tautomeric configuration is also likely. the relative population of the tautomers changes upon deuterium substitution through m ...19921547326
the source of protein in the aqueous humor of the normal monkey vivo aqueous fluorophotometry, morphology, and computational modeling were combined to examine the source of protein and the pathway by which protein enters the aqueous humor of monkeys. a computational model was developed to determine the likelihood of a diffusional route for delivering plasma proteins from ciliary body capillaries via the iris to anterior chamber aqueous humor, bypassing the posterior chamber. model predictions were compared to aqueous fluorophotometric data obtained from m ...19921544784
the effect of botulinum toxin type d on the triggered and constitutive exocytosis/endocytosis cycles in cultures of bovine adrenal medullary cells.the extracellular fluid phase marker, horseradish peroxidase, enters chromaffin cells when triggered to secrete catecholamine. this triggered uptake, like secretion, is abolished in cells pre-incubated with botulinum toxin. endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase into unstimulated cells is unaffected by botulinum toxin but is inhibited when the temperature is reduced. once internalised by the unstimulated cells, horseradish peroxidase is released back into the extracellular fluid, the rate of rele ...19921544431
chemiexcitation in the peroxidative metabolism of diethylstilbestrol.when the synthetic estrogen and tumourogenic compound diethylstilbestrol is exposed to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and h2o2 in the presence of the cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (ctab), a burst of oxygen consumption and concomitant light emission are observed. the quinone form of the product is not seen in the absorption spectrum because ctab strongly catalyses its conversion to z,z-dienestrol. the emission spectrum shows several peaks. total emission is dramatically enh ...19921542709
chemiexcitation in the peroxidative metabolism of diethylstilbestrol. metabolic the presence of the surfactant hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (ctab) a cascade of electronically excited states accompanies the successive steps in the peroxidative metabolization of the strong estrogenic and tumourogenic diethylstilbestrol. reversing the order by necessity, we report in this first paper results with the metabolites. exposure of 4-hydroxypropiophenone, z,z-dienestrol or e,e-dienestrol to horseradish peroxidase and h2o2 promotes oxygen uptake and spectral alterations. lig ...19921542708
cortical local circuit axons do not mature after early deafferentation.the processes underlying development, refinement, and retention of the intracortical connections critical for the function of the mammalian brain are unknown. horseradish peroxidase-labeled fibers in mouse somatosensory barrel cortex, which is patterned like the whiskers on the contralateral face from which it receives inputs, were evaluated by automated image analysis. the sensory nerve to the whiskers was sectioned on postnatal day 7, after the whisker map is set. the deprived barrel cortices, ...19921542679
neurogenesis in the retinal ganglion cell layer of the rat.the present study has examined the birthdates of neurons in the retinal ganglion cell layer of the adult rat. rat fetuses were exposed to tritiated thymidine in utero to label neurons departing the mitotic cycle at different gestational stages from embryonic days 12 through to 22. upon reaching adulthood, rats were either given unilateral injections of horseradish peroxidase into target visual nuclei in order to discriminate (1) ganglion cells from displaced amacrine cells, (2) decussating from ...19921542415
the lamellar organization of the rat substantia nigra pars reticulata: distribution of projection a major output station of the basal ganglia, the pars reticulata of the substantia nigra has stimulated much interest. in the past two decades there has been a growing body of evidence for a partition of this structure into separate channels to express the striatal processing. to further our knowledge on the functional partitioning of the rodent substantia nigra pars reticulata, the regional distribution of the nigral efferent cell groups that provide innervation of thalamus, colliculus and t ...19921542412
oxidative metabolism of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmn) in patients with iga nephropathy.the production of hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) by neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmn) after stimulation and the infiltration of pmn in glomeruli were determined in 20 patients with primary iga nephropathy. the h2o2 production of pmn after the stimulation was measured with a spectrophotometer using horseradish peroxidase as substrate. the results were as follows: 1) when pmn were pretreated with cytochalasin b, h2o2 production after stimulation with heat-aggregated igg (igg) or serum-trea ...19921542082
dysfunction and repair of the blood-retina barrier following white light exposure: a fluorophotometric and histologic study.the purpose of this study was to pinpoint the site of blood-retina barrier disruption after white light exposure and determine the course of barrier repair. the retinas of 25 anaesthetized pigmented rabbits were exposed for 1 hr to the light of a xenon arc lamp filtered to eliminate ultraviolet and infrared light. the light intensities selected were near the threshold intensity causing visible retinal lesions in order to evaluate the function of the blood-retina barrier (brb) in this range. func ...19921541331
localizing the site of hematuria by immunocytochemical staining of erythrocytes in urine.we have further explored the immunocytochemical staining method to discriminate renal and nonrenal hematuria, reported by abrass and laird (am j kidney dis 1987;9: 44-50). after fixation on slides with acetone, erythrocytes in urine were stained with antiserum against human tamm-horsfall protein. reactions were made visible by using either a fluorescent second antibody or a biotinylated second antibody, avidin, and biotinylated horseradish peroxidase, producing an insoluble reaction product. the ...19921541003
a morphological study of abducens nucleus motoneurons and internuclear neurons in the goldfish (carassius auratus).the location and distribution of abducens (abd) nucleus motoneurons (mn) and internuclear neurons (int) were determined in the goldfish (carassius auratus) by means of horseradish peroxidase and fluorochrome retrograde labeling. abd mn were labeled following tracer injection into the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle. these mn were arranged in two ventrolateral clusters along the rostro-caudal axis of the posterior brainstem. both groups of neurons showed a similar number of cells, and their axo ...19921540841
pudendal nerve topography in the rat spinal cord projections studied with the axonal tracer wheat germ agglutinin conjugated-horseradish peroxidase.the spinal cord termination of the sensory fibers of the rat pudendal nerve has been determined by using the transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin. the gross anatomical examination of the pudendal plexus indicated the existence of dorsal and ventral branches in the sensory division of the pudendal nerve. either branch or both were sectioned and exposed to a 1% solution of the enzyme. after an average survival period of 48 hours, the resulting rea ...19921538470
detection of c-sis proto-oncogene transcripts by direct enzyme-labeled cdna probes and in situ hybridization.using in situ hybridization and platelet-derived growth factor (pdgf) cdna probes labeled with horseradish peroxidase, pdgf-a and -b (c-cis proto-oncogene) mrna transcripts were identified and localized in proliferating cultures. a human retinal pigment epithelial (rpe) cell line and a glial cell line were treated with either transforming growth factor beta-1 (tgfb1), phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (pma), or thrombin from human plasma and compared for their ability to stimulate the production o ...19921537750
barriers to paracellular permeability in rabbit esophageal epithelium.morphological and electrophysiological techniques were used to define the location and nature of the barriers to diffusion across the intercellular space (paracellular pathway) of rabbit esophageal epithelium. transmission electron microscopy and light microscopy coupled with histochemistry identified a series of tight junctions and an intercellular material staining positively for neutral and acidic glycoconjugates as likely barrier candidates. additional studies with lanthanum and horseradish ...19921537527
mechanisms of cytochrome p450 and peroxidase-catalyzed xenobiotic metabolism.the cytochrome p450 enzyme systems catalyze the metabolism of a wide variety of naturally occurring and foreign compounds by reactions requiring nadph and o2. cytochrome p450 also catalyzes peroxide-dependent hydroxylation of substrates in the absence of nadph and o2. peroxidases such as chloroperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase catalyze peroxide-dependent reactions similar to those catalyzed by cytochrome p450. the kinetic and chemical mechanisms of the nadph and o2-supported dealkylation rea ...19921537457
localization of pectoral fin motoneurons (sonic and hovering) in the croaking gourami trichopsis vittatus.the pectoral fin of the croaking gourami, trichopsis vittatus, has become modified as a sound-producing organ and retains its original function in locomotion and hovering. we used retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase to localize sonic motoneurons in trichopsis. betta splendens, a related nonsonic gourami with unspecialized pectoral fins, served as a control. a single injection into trichopsis epaxial muscle labeled a dorsal motor column of large cells (mean of 16.3 microns) ventrolater ...19921537046
a competitive elisa for lipoprotein(a).a competitive elisa for lipoprotein(a) (lp(a)) is described. the method uses a commercially available polyclonal anti-lp(a) antibody and an igg biotinstreptavidin-horseradish peroxidase detection system. the method is simple and robust with an assay sensitivity of 0.7 ng/well (1.4 micrograms/l). the antibody cross-reactivity was 0.14% against ldl and 0.70% against plasminogen. the coefficients of variation obtained with control sera of 266 and 552 mg/l were: 5.0% and 4.6% (n = 6), respectively f ...19921533578
increased endocytotic and lysosomal activities in denervated type i and type ii muscle fibres.previous work has shown that increased endocytotic and lysosomal activities occur in the endplate region of denervated skeletal muscle fibres. this, however, does not engage all fibres of a muscle at a given time after denervation. the present study was carried out in order to determine if both type i (slow) and type ii (fast) muscle fibres can react to denervation by increased endocytotic and lysosomal activities. uptake of horseradish peroxidase as a marker for endocytosis was studied in conju ...19921532958
immunocytochemical response of type a and type b intercalated cells to increased sodium chloride delivery.two populations of intercalated cells, type a and type b, are present in the rat cortical collecting duct (ccd). type a cells are involved in proton secretion and contain an apical h(+)-adenosinetriphosphatase (atpase) and a basolateral cl(-)-hco3- exchanger. type b cells are believed to be involved in hco3- secretion, which is mediated by a cl(-)-hco3- exchange process and is cl- dependent. the aim of this study was to examine the morphological and immunocytochemical response of type b intercal ...19921531733
schwann cell endocytosis: a role in nerve regeneration?schwann cell plasma membrane vesicles have been shown to increase in numerical density after nerve injury but their function is unclear. in this study, ultrastructural tracers were micro-injected in vivo into crushed rat sciatic nerves after various time intervals to ascertain whether plasma membrane vesicles of schwann cells are involved in the uptake and utilization of molecules from the endoneurium during axonal regeneration and remyelination. horseradish peroxidase (hrp), a tracer of fluid-p ...19921528391
evidence for a driving role of ingrowing axons for the shifting of older retinal terminals in the tectum of amphibians and teleosts, retina and tectum grow incongruently. in order to maintain the retinotopy of the retinotectal projection, gaze, keating, and chung (1974) postulated a shifting of terminals throughout growth. in order to test the possibility that ingrowing retinal fibers are the driving force for this shifting, we induced a permanent retinal projection into the ipsilateral tectum in juveniles of the cichlid fish haplochromis burtoni. the surface of the tectum had increased (11-18 mont ...19921527525
biotin amplification of biotin and horseradish peroxidase signals in histochemical stains.a procedure is described for intensifying histochemical reactions by amplification of biotinylated sites. this is achieved by deposition of biotinylated tyramine on the tissue through the enzymatic action of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the amplified biotin sites are subsequently visualized by binding them to avidin, to which a marker is attached. this amplification greatly increases the sensitivity of staining procedures that employ hrp (and/or biotin) in tissue. for neuroanatomical pathway tr ...19921527370
thianthrene 5-oxide as a probe of the electrophilicity of hemoprotein oxidizing species.thianthrene 5-oxide (t-5-o), which is oxidized to the 5,10- and 5,5-dioxides, respectively, by electrophilic and nucleophilic agents, has been used to determine the electronic properties of hemoprotein oxidizing species. cytochrome p450 oxidizes t-5-o to the 5,10- rather than the 5,5-dioxide but oxidizes the 5,5-dioxide rapidly and the 5,10-dioxide slowly to the 5,5,10-trioxide. chloroperoxidase oxidizes t-5-o to the 5,10-dioxide but very poorly oxidizes it further to the 5,5,10-trioxide. it doe ...19921525169
[the study of dna fingerprint using probe directly labelled with horseradish peroxidase and enhanced chemiluminescence in forensic science application].we describe here the technique of dna probe directly labelled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and enhanced chemiluminescence (ecl) detection for determining dna fingerprints. the patterns of dna fingerprint were clear and with high distinction. the sensitivity of dna fingerprint was 0.8 microgram, similar to the method of 32p labelling. the dna fingerprints of 150 unrelated individuals were studied and showed that the probability of chance association of dna fragments between random individual ...19921524850
brainstem reticular nuclei that project to the cerebellum in rats: a retrograde tracer study.the nuclear origins of projections from the brainstem reticular formation to the cerebellum were examined using four retrograde tracer substances: horseradish peroxidase, wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate, fluoro-gold, and rhodamine beads. tracer injections were made into each of the three major longitudinal zones of the cerebellar cortex (vermis, paravermal hemisphere, and lateral hemisphere) as well as into the various deep cerebellar nuclei. counts of retrogradely labeled ...19921524594
reciprocal connections between the periaqueductal gray matter and other somatosensory regions of the cat midbrain: a possible mechanism of pain inhibition.lectin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase was injected or implanted in crystalline form into various parts of the periaqueductal gray matter (pag) in the cat. after varying survival periods, the animals were fixed and the mesencephalon was sectioned and incubated for hrp histochemistry. outside pag, labelled cells and terminal labelling were observed in the cuneiform, parabrachial and intercollicular nuclei, in the deep and intermediate gray layers of the superior colliculus, in the anterior and ...19921523733
topographical mapping of sites of enhanced hrp permeability in the normal rabbit aorta.the spatial distribution of sites of enhanced permeability to the macromolecule horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the normal rabbit aorta after one min circulation was studied using image analysis. these sites, referred to as "hrp spots," exhibit a nonuniform distribution that is qualitatively similar in all rabbits studied. the density of hrp spots is highest in the aortic arch, decreases distally, reaches a minimum in the lower descending thoracic aorta, and then increases again in the abdominal ...19921522721
innervation of the amphibian and basilar papillae in the leopard frog: reconstructions of single labeled fibers.amphibians have two auditory organs specialized for reception of airborne sounds: the amphibian papilla and the basilar papilla. in this report we examine the morphology of the ganglion cells and the afferent innervation of the sensory epithelium in both auditory organs of the leopard frog, rana pipiens pipiens. extracellular injections of either biocytin or horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were made into the viii nerve; they labeled ganglion cells, their axons, and their terminal fibers within the ...19921522248
aberrant retinal projections to midbrain targets mediate spared visual orienting function in hamsters with neonatal lesions of superior colliculus.rodents, cats, and most nonmammalian vertebrates with bilateral tectal deafferentation or ablation in adulthood are extremely deficient at orienting to visual stimuli; yet animals with neonatal lesions of superficial layers of the superior colliculus (sc) show partial sparing of this response, particularly for targets in the central visual field. in this study, we sought to determine whether these spared orienting abilities are mediated by aberrant retinal projections to the remaining intermedia ...19921521619
photochemical amplification for horseradish peroxidase-mediated immunosorbent assay.a new method for lowering the detection limit for a horseradish peroxidase (hrp) label in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) is proposed. the method is based on the use of a photochemical reaction of o-phenylenediamine (o-pd) autosensitized oxidation as an enhancement step in elisa. the assay consists of two successive steps. the first step is a conventional hrp-mediated elisa, using high-purity o-pd as a substrate. at this step, an o-pd oxidation product, 2,3-diaminophenazine (dap), i ...19921519767
discharge patterns in nucleus prepositus hypoglossi and adjacent medial vestibular nucleus during horizontal eye movement in behaving macaques.1. monkeys were trained to perform a variety of horizontal eye tracking tasks designed to reveal possible eye movement and vestibular sensitivities of neurons in the medulla. to test eye movement sensitivity, we required stationary monkeys to track a small spot that moved horizontally. to test vestibular sensitivity, we rotated the monkeys about a vertical axis and required them to fixate a target rotating with them to suppress the vestibuloocular reflex (vor). 2. all of the 100 units described ...19921517825
discharge patterns of levator palpebrae superioris motoneurons during vertical lid and eye movements in the monkey.1. we recorded single-unit activity in the caudal central nucleus (ccn) of the oculomotor complex in monkeys trained to make vertical saccadic, smooth-pursuit, and fixation eye movements. we confirmed that our recordings were from motoneurons innervating the upper lid, because small lesions placed at the sites of responsive units were recovered among neurons labeled by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections into the levator palpebrae superioris muscle. 2. for fixations above a threshold lid pos ...19921517822
morphology of single vestibulospinal collaterals in the upper cervical spinal cord of the cat: i. collaterals originating from axons in the ventromedial funiculus contralateral to their cells of origin.vestibulospinal neurons in the medial and descending vestibular nuclei have widespread bilateral terminations in the upper cervical spinal cord. these terminations arise from axons travelling in several funiculi, including the ventromedial, ventrolateral, lateral, and dorsolateral funiculi in addition to the dorsal columns. the purpose of the present study was to examine the morphology of single vestibulospinal collaterals which terminate in the upper cervical spinal cord and which originate fro ...19921517483
affinity purification and affinity characterization of carbohydrate-binding proteins in bovine carbohydrate-binding proteins were purified from bovine kidney by two-step affinity chromatography on fetuin and heparin columns and subsequent anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography. on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified fraction gave two protein bands corresponding to proteins of relative molecular mass 33,000 (p33) and 41,000 (p41), respectively. although the proteins had no haemogglutinating activities towards human and ra ...19921517336
serotonergic projections from the midbrain periaqueductal gray and nucleus raphe dorsalis to the nucleus parafascicularis of the a double-labeling method combining the retrograde tracing of horseradish peroxidase and the immunocytochemical technique, serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons in the midbrain periaqueductal gray (pag) and nucleus raphe dorsalis (dr) of the rat were observed to send projection fibers to the nucleus parafascicularis of the thalamus bilaterally with an ipsilateral dominance. these serotonin-containing projecting neurons were observed mainly at the middle-caudal levels of the ventrolateral subdi ...19921515946
medullary expiratory neurons in the decerebrate rat: an intracellular study.intracellular recordings and labelings with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) of expiratory (e) neurons were performed in decerebrate, paralyzed, and ventilated rats. a total of 37 neurons were recorded, from which 4 cells and 1 axon were labeled. they were located in two regions of the ventrolateral medulla. one was in the rostral portion of the nucleus ambiguus just caudal to the facial nucleus, and the other in the nucleus retroambiguus at the level of the caudal medulla. these expiratory neurons ...19921515920
successful xenografts of second trimester human fetal brain and retinal tissue in the anterior chamber of the eye of adult immunosuppressed rats.successful xenografting of first trimester human fetal cns tissue and retina has been reported in the literature. we wished to test the feasibility of using the anterior chamber of the rat eye to support the development of more mature human fetal xenografts. here we report on the successful outcome of human brain and retinal transplants. adult host rats immunosuppressed with cyclosporin a accepted these xenografts and supported their further development. periodic examination of the host eyes usi ...19921515482
comparison of colloidal gold electrode fabrication methods: the preparation of a horseradish peroxidase enzyme order to prepare biosensing electrodes which respond to hydrogen peroxide, horseradish peroxidase has been adsorbed to colloidal gold sols and electrodes prepared by deposition of these enzyme-gold sols onto glassy carbon using three methods: evaporation, electrodeposition and electrolyte deposition. in the latter method the enzyme-gold sol is applied to the surface of a glassy carbon disk electrode followed by an equal volume of 2 mm cacl2. the electrolyte causes the sol to precipitate on th ...19921515118
development of screening methods for detection of carbohydrate-binding proteins by use of soluble glycosylated polyacrylamide-based copolymers.mammalian endogenous carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) play fundamental roles in a variety of mechanisms of interactions both at the molecular and cellular levels. we have investigated the binding of one of them (human brain lectin) to soluble acrylamide copolymerized with derivatives of either lactose (o-beta-lactosyloxyallylallylaminoacrylamide copolymer) or d-mannose (d-alpha-mannosyloxyallylallylaminoacrylamide copolymer) in direct enzyme affinoassays, in an attempt to develop simple p ...19921514687
connections between the supratemporal and its rostral areas, and the posterior thalamic region in the monkey: a retrograde hrp study.connections between the anterior half of the superior temporal gyrus (ts) and the supratemporal plane (stp) in the sylvian fissure, and the posterior thalamic region in the monkey were studied after retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). hrp injections into the ts resulted in labeled cells in the posterodorsal division of the principal medial geniculate complex (gmpd), the suprageniculate and limitans nuclei, and the medial part of the medial nucleus of the pulvinar complex. hrp i ...19921514381
retinal projections in the bowfin, amia calva: cytoarchitectonic and experimental analysis.the retinofugal projections in the bowfin, a non-teleost actinopterygian, were studied by autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase methods, and the cytoarchitecture of retinorecipient regions of the diencephalon was analyzed with serially sectioned, bodian stained material. nuclei were identified in the thalamus, the periventricular portion of the posterior tuberculum, synencephalon, and pretectum which are homologous to like-named nuclei in teleosts and other non-teleost actinopterygian fish ...19921511265
studies of the mechanism of iron transport across the blood-brain barrier.the mechanism by which iron enters the central nervous system from the blood is not well understood. iron in blood plasma is totally bound to transferrin (tf), a major plasma glycoprotein. tf receptors are present on the blood-brain barrier (bbb) endothelium. it is not known whether iron separates from tf during its passage across the endothelial cells and then enters the brain by another mechanism, or whether the two proteins enter the brain together. we characterize here the morphological path ...19921510380
types of callosally projecting nonpyramidal neurons in rat visual cortex identified by lysosomal hrp retrograde labeling.callosally projecting neurons, labeled following injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the 17/18a border of the contralateral hemisphere, have been examined by light and electron microscopy. these neurons exhibit two types of horseradish peroxidase labeling: either a diffuse, golgi-like labeling, or a granular, punctate labeling. the punctate type of hrp-labeling is the predominant form in nonpyramidal neurons, while pyramidal neurons frequently display either diffuse or punctate labeli ...19921510248
localization of neurons innervating the upper portion of the duodenum in the motor nucleus of the vagus nerve.using the method of the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase and a microelectrode technique, a population of neurons sending axons to the upper portion of the duodenum was identified in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. it was established that the maximal number of such neurons was located 1.0-2.5 mm rostral to the obex. the effects of their stimulation on the electrical activity of the smooth muscles of the duodenum was studied.19921508335
effects of different methods of peripheral nerve repair on the number and distribution of muscle afferent neurons in rat dorsal root ganglion.the effects of three methods of peripheral nerve repair and normal controls were compared with respect to the number and distribution of muscle afferent nerve cell bodies from the extensor digitorum longus muscle in the dorsal root ganglia of the rat. nerves were repaired using one of three methods: 1) direct epineurial suture; 2) a three-strand cable graft; or 3) a coaxially aligned freeze-thawed autologous skeletal muscle graft. in all cases the number and distribution of muscle afferent nerve ...19921506894
area 3a in the cat. ii. projections to the motor cortex and their relations to other corticocortical is well known that area 3a in the cat may monosynaptically influence the activity of neurons in the motor cortex. much less information is available, however, on the anatomy of these connections. by using single or combined injections of different retrograde axonal tracers, we investigated the topography (horizontal and laminar) of area 3a neurons projecting to the motor cortex, and the anatomical relationships between these neurons and those projecting to other areas (2, 5, and sii) which, i ...19921506475
electrophysiological and anatomical studies on thalamic mediodorsal nucleus projections onto the prefrontal cortex in the cat.electrical stimulation of the mediodorsal nucleus (md) of the thalamus elicited field potentials in the gyrus proreus (pro), frontalis (fr), rectus (re) and cinguli anterior (ciant) of the ipsilateral prefrontal and adjacent cortical areas in cats. the results of a laminar field potential analysis indicate that the field potentials can be regarded as a combination of deep and superficial thalamocortical responses. by injecting horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the md, hrp-labeled terminals were ...19921504793
is cns trauma a prerequisite for the elongation of cns axons into denervated peripheral nerve?the demonstration that some central nervous system (cns) axons can regenerate when provided with a suitable environment raises the possibility of new treatments for cns injury. however, at present the conditions for optimal regeneration are not well understood. for example, the methods used in previous studies have entailed cns trauma as part of the research protocol (e.g. that resulting from the implantation of peripheral nerve grafts), and so the role of neuronal or axonal injury in the regrow ...19921504785
horseradish peroxidase labeling of growth cones and axons beyond the site of injury in injured rabbit optic nerve axons growing in their own environment.spontaneous growth of injured axons in the mammalian central nervous system is limited. we have previously shown an apparently regenerative growth of injured optic axons in the adult rabbit, achieved by supplying them with soluble substances originating from growing axons, followed by low energy helium-neon laser irradiation. the growing unmyelinated and thinly myelinated axons were embedded in astrocytes, and some were in the process of remyelination by oligodendrocytes. they were shown to have ...19921504772
mutagenic activation of benzidine requires prior bacterial acetylation and subsequent conversion by prostaglandin h synthase to 4-nitro-4'-(acetylamino)biphenyl.we have used the ames test in combination with prostaglandin h synthase (phs) to study the bioactivation of benzidine as well as other aromatic amines. previous investigations established that the formation of benzidine mutagens by phs is dramatically enhanced in salmonella typhimurium strains with high levels of acetyl coa-dependent arylamine n-acetyltransferase/arylhydroxylamine o-acetyltransferase activity despite the fact that acetylation of aromatic amines decreases their susceptibility to ...19921504268
the oxidation of 4-aminobiphenyl by horseradish peroxidase.the oxidation of the carcinogen 4-aminobiphenyl (4-abp) catalyzed by the model peroxidase enzyme horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was investigated. 4-abp served as a reducing cosubstrate for hrp during the enzyme-catalyzed reduction of the synthetic hydroperoxide, 5-phenyl-4-penten-1-yl hydroperoxide, to its corresponding alcohol. spectral analysis during the incubation of hrp, 4-abp, and h2o2 showed an increase in absorbance at 230 and 325 nm and decrease at 270 nm, suggesting metabolite formation. ...20131504256
a breakdown of the blood-brain barrier is associated with optic nerve regeneration in the frog.we have examined the integrity of the blood-brain barrier during optic nerve regeneration in the frog litoria (hyla) moorei using rhodamine b-labeled bovine serum albumin (rba). a transient localized breakdown of the blood-brain barrier was observed between 1 and 5 weeks after extracranial optic nerve crush. the zone of breakdown progressed along the experimental optic nerve, ascended the opposite optic tract, and swept rostro-caudally across the tectum contralateral to the crushed nerve. by 7 w ...19921504024
[the local immune system of ocular surface].local immunity on the ocular surface was observed in guinea pigs immunized with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) by determining the activity of a specific antibody in local sites of the conjunctiva by the enzyme-antigen method, which enables a specific antibody to be stained. in addition, immunohistochemical study of the localization of iga was performed by the enzyme-labelled antibody method. the enzyme-antigen method revealed a number of positive cells in the subconjunctival tissue and the parafol ...19921502978
improved accuracy in diagnostic immunohistochemistry, lectin histochemistry and in situ hybridization using a gold-labeled horseradish peroxidase antibody and silver intensification.improvements in the use of the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex technique and direct as well as indirect labeled avidin-biotin methods for application in diagnostic immunohistochemistry, lectin histochemistry and in situ hybridization are reported. the new technology combines the advantages of immunoenzyme and immunogold silver staining techniques and can be performed on routinely fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues.19921501450
role of intercellular junctions in the passage of horseradish peroxidase across aortic endothelium.the manner in which molecules are transported across the arterial endothelial layer has been a subject open to much interpretation and controversy. further elucidation and clarification of these mechanisms are of primary interest.19921501446
morphology of hrp-labelled cochlear nerve axons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the developing study the development of the central terminal arbors of the cochlear nerve fibers in the dorsal cochlear nucleus, horseradish peroxidase-labelled axons in young and adult hamsters were analyzed morphometrically. brainstem slices with whole cochlear nuclei were maintained in a slice chamber and the cochlear nerve root was injected with a mixture of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase, horseradish peroxidase and poly-l-ornithine. the poly-l-ornithine was added to keep the injection sit ...19921500375
monoclonal antibodies specific to sailfish serum albumin: development of an assay for the identification of fish species in the field.balb/c mice were immunized with albumin purified from sailfish (istiophorus albicans) serum. hybridomas were produced and screened by elisa for reactivity with the purified albumins of sailfish, blue marlin (makaira nigricans) and white marlin (tetrapturus albidus). monoclonal antibodies (mabs) from 16 different clones exhibited activity against sailfish albumin. thirteen of the mabs showed cross-reactivity with the marlin species. three mabs exhibited distinct specificity for sailfish albumin. ...19921500069
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