Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted descending) Filter |
substance p-containing projections in the dorsal columns of rats and cats. | light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical methods were used to study the distribution and the morphology of substance p-positive fibers and axon terminals in the dorsal column nuclei of rats and cats, and to determine whether they are part of an ascending input to these nuclei. in rats, substance p-positive fibers and axon terminals are present throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the dorsal column nuclei. in cats, immunostained fibers and terminals are mostly confined to the ventral re ... | 1990 | 1693760 |
structural types of marginal (lamina i) neurons projecting to the dorsal reticular nucleus of the medulla oblongata. | the morphological features of lamina i neurons labelled from the medullary dorsal reticular nucleus with free or wheat germ agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase and cholera toxin subunit b, were studied in the three standard anatomical planes in the rat. orientation and way of branching of the dendritic arbors were further analysed by the method of sholl in cells labelled with cholera toxin subunit b. most marginal cells belong to the multipolar type (70%) of our golgi-based classificati ... | 1990 | 1693759 |
a spinomedullary projection terminating in the dorsal reticular nucleus of the rat. | spinal afferents to the medullary dorsal reticular nucleus were studied using the following retrograde tracers: horseradish peroxidase (diluted in dimethylsulfoxide), wheat germ agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase, and cholera toxin subunit b. spinal cord cells projecting to that medullary region were located predominantly in medial lamina i and lamina x. cell labelling was moderate in the medial part of laminae ii-iv and sparse throughout laminae v-vii. labelling was predominantly ... | 1990 | 1693758 |
lectin--digoxigenin conjugates: a new hapten system for glycoconjugate cytochemistry. | we report the use of a novel hapten system for lectin cytochemistry. various lectins conjugated to the steroid hapten digoxigenin (dig) and monospecific anti-digoxigenin antibodies were applied for the light and electron microscopic detection of glycoconjugates in tissue sections. both igg and fab' anti-dig antibodies were complexed to particles of colloidal gold and compared to commercially available alkaline phosphatase and horseradish peroxidase conjugated fab' as general second step reagents ... | 1990 | 1693608 |
differences in lectin binding patterns of normal endometrium and endometrial adenocarcinoma, with special reference to staining with ulex europeus agglutinin 1 and peanut agglutinin. | differences in glycoconjugate composition between proliferative endometrium and endometrial adenocarcinoma were investigated by histochemical techniques using seven different lectins as probes. for light microscopy, the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (abc) method was used. concanavalin a (con a), wheat germ agglutinin (wga), and ricinus communis agglutinin (rca) stained almost all glandular cells in both proliferative (normal) and malignant endometria. ulex europeus agglutinin 1 (uea-1) strong ... | 1990 | 1693583 |
relationships between patterns of acetylcholinesterase activity and geniculocortical terminal fields in developing and mature rat visual cortex. | intraocular injections of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) result in anterograde transneuronal labeling of geniculocortical axon terminals in cortical area 17. in area 17 of developing rat pups, transported wga-hrp occurs primarily in layer i and in a band that includes layer iv and deep layer iii; this pattern is virtually identical to the laminar pattern of endogenous acetylcholinesterase (ache) activity. in adult animals, transported wga-hrp again is locali ... | 1990 | 1693552 |
ultrastructural organization of regenerated adult dorsal root axons within transplants of fetal spinal cord. | it has previously been demonstrated that the severed central branches of adult mammalian dorsal root ganglion cells regenerate into transplants of fetal spinal cord. the aim of this study was to determine whether these regenerating axons form synapses, and, if they do, to characterize them morphologically. embryonic day 14 or 15 spinal cord was transplanted into the lumbar enlargement of adult sprague-dawley rats, and the l4 or l5 dorsal root was cut and then juxtaposed to the transplant. one to ... | 1990 | 1692851 |
functional organization of ascending and descending connections of the cochlear nucleus of horseshoe bats. | the ascending projections of the cochlear nucleus (cn) and the sources of descending inputs to the cn were investigated in horseshoe bats (rhinolophus rouxi) by tracing the anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp or wga-hrp) injected into the cn. the tracer was iontophoretically deposited into physiologically characterized regions of the cochlear nucleus (feng and vater, '85). we report the course and termination of pathways arising from the anteroventral (avcn), post ... | 1990 | 1692850 |
production and characterization of a human monoclonal antibody, reactive with a conserved epitope on gp41 of human immunodeficiency virus type i. | a human epstein-barr virus-transformed lymphoblastoid b-cell line was generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) of an asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus type i (hiv-1) seropositive donor, which produces a human monoclonal antibody k14 (igg1), reactive with an epitope on the transmembrane part (gp41) of the envelope glycoprotein of hiv-1. this monoclonal antibody reacts with a lysate of hiv-1-infected h9 cells, gradient purified hiv-1, and a vaccinia recombinant hiv-1 gp160 ... | 1990 | 1692724 |
disorganization and reorganization of the golgi complex and the lysosomal system in association with mitosis. | the fate of the golgi complex and the lysosomal system during mitosis was studied in l929 mouse fibroblasts by staining with wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) and transmission electron microscopy. in interphase wga-hrp stained a circumscribed juxtanuclear region encompassing the stacked golgi cisternae, the trans golgi network, secretory vacuoles, endosomes, and lysosomes. as the cells entered prophase, wga-hrp reactive material was spread around the perimeter ... | 1990 | 1692508 |
cholera toxin b-gold, a retrograde tracer that can be used in light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical studies. | the purpose of this study was to test whether a new retrograde tracer, the b subunit of cholera toxin conjugated to colloidal gold particles (ctb-gold), was taken up and transported by neurons in the central nervous system of the rat. retrograde transport of ctb-gold was assessed from axon terminals, from damaged nerve fibers, and from axons of passage. for light microscopy, ctb-gold was visualized by silver intensification; for electron microscopy, sections were silver-intensified with or witho ... | 1990 | 1692043 |
a search for the cortical gustatory area in the hamster. | the gustatory area was searched in the cerebral cortex of the hamster by means of a combined approach using electrophysiological, behavioral, and histological experiments. the chorda tympani (ct), which innervates taste buds on the anterior part of the tongue, projected to a confined area anterior to the middle cerebral artery and just dorsal to the rhinal fissure. the trigeminal component of the lingual nerve (ln) area was located anterodorsal to the ct area, and the glossopharyngeal nerve (gn) ... | 1990 | 1691952 |
a monoclonal antibody specific for two-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator. application to the study of the mechanism of clot lysis with single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator in plasma. | a murine monoclonal antibody (ma-12e6a8) was raised against human urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-pa), which, in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), reacted 15,000-fold better with recombinant two-chain u-pa (rtcu-pa) than with recombinant single-chain u-pa (rscu-pa). the antibody had no effect on the activity of rtcu-pa or on its inhibition by a chloromethylketone, but reduced the inhibition of rtcu-pa by recombinant plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (rpai-1) at least 10-fold. ... | 1990 | 1691934 |
evidence that neurons of the central amygdaloid nucleus directly project to the site concerned with circulatory and respiratory regulation in the ventrolateral nucleus of the cat: a wga-hrp study. | projections from the central amygdaloid nucleus (ace) to the ventrolateral nucleus (vln) of the medulla oblongata were studied using the wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) method. wga-hrp was injected into the rostral vln, where a pressor response associated with bradycardiac and apneustic responses was elicited by microinjection of glutamate, and into the caudal vln, where a depressor response associated with bradycardiac and apneustic responses was elicited. in both experim ... | 1990 | 1691833 |
connections of the parabrachial nucleus with the nucleus of the solitary tract and the medullary reticular formation in the rat. | we examined the subnuclear organization of projections to the parabrachial nucleus (pb) from the nucleus of the solitary tract (nts), area postrema, and medullary reticular formation in the rat by using the anterograde and retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate and anterograde tracing with phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin. different functional regions of the nts/area postrema complex and medullary reticular formation were found to innervate largely nonov ... | 1990 | 1691748 |
gaba and glycine as putative transmitters in subcortical pathways to the pontine nuclei. a combined immunocytochemical and retrograde tracing study in the cat with some observations in the rat. | using the retrograde tracers horseradish peroxidase-wheatgerm agglutinin and gold particles conjugated to wheatgerm agglutinin apo-horseradish peroxidase in combination with an antiserum against glutaraldehyde-fixed gaba, it was examined whether the pontine nuclei of the cat receive projections from gaba-like immunoreactive neurons in the brainstem, diencephalon, or deep cerebellar nuclei, contributing to the gaba-like immunoreactive fibre plexus previously demonstrated in the pontine nuclei [br ... | 1990 | 1691464 |
compartmental origins of the striatopallidal projection in the primate. | the organization of striatopallidal projection neurons in the primate was studied by injecting horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin and fluorescent markers (latex microspheres, fluorogold, diamidino yellow or nuclear yellow) into the globus pallidus of 20 adult squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus). single injections of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin were placed so as to involve predominantly either one or both pallidal segments. in the double- ... | 1990 | 1691462 |
ultrastructure of the mammillotegmental projections to the ventral tegmental nucleus of gudden in the rat. | this study examines the termination pattern of axons from the medial mammillary nucleus within the ventral tegmental nucleus of gudden (tv) in rats by using anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) and visualized with tetramethylbenzidine. the neuropil of tv contains three classes of axodendritic terminals, that is, terminals containing round, flat, and pleomorphic synaptic vesicles. these types make up 55.6%, 26.1%, and 18.3%, respectively, ... | 1990 | 1691215 |
sources of neostriatal cholecystokinin in the cat. | the objective of this study was to determine the sources of cholecystokinin within the neostriatum of the cat. cholecystokinin-immunoreactive cells and fibers were detected by means of the peroxidase antiperoxidase immunohistochemical technique. this method was combined with intrastriatal injections of the retrograde marker horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat-germ agglutinin to survey the possible afferent sources of cholecystokinin to the feline neostriatum. intrinsic, apparently aspin ... | 1990 | 1691213 |
fusion of sequentially internalized vesicles in alveolar macrophages. | previously we reported that internalized ligand-receptor complexes are transported within the alveolar macrophage at a rate that is independent of the ligand and/or receptor but is dependent on the endocytic apparatus (ward, d. m., r. s. ajioka, and j. kaplan. 1989. j. biol. chem. 264:8164-8170). to probe the mechanism of intracellular vesicle transport, we examined the ability of vesicles internalized at different times to fuse. the mixing of ligands internalized at different times was studied ... | 1990 | 1691186 |
morphology of presumptive rapidly adapting receptors in the rat bronchus. | the present investigation was undertaken in rats to determine whether sensory nerves exist in apposition to the bronchial microvessels which may function as rapidly adapting receptors (rar). the primary and secondary bronchi on both sides were removed and processed for light and electron microscopy. nerves were frequently found in relation to venules external to the muscle coat of bronchi. they comprised myelinated axons which ended individually as non-myelinated convoluted terminals enclosed wi ... | 1990 | 1691164 |
morphologic demonstration of receptor-mediated endocytosis of epidermal growth factor by isolated bile duct epithelial cells. | it was recently shown that intrahepatic bile duct epithelial cells in situ or after isolation from rat liver have coated pits and vesicles, suggesting that they participate in receptor-mediated endocytosis. therefore, using a morphologic approach and epidermal growth factor coupled to horseradish peroxidase or colloidal gold as probes, we studied freshly isolated or short-term cultured intrahepatic bile duct epithelial cells prepared from normal rat liver to determine if they participate in rece ... | 1990 | 1691119 |
a cervical primary afferent input to vestibular nuclei as demonstrated by retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase in the rat. | wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (wga-hrp) was microiontophoretically injected into the vestibular nuclear complex of the rat. retrogradely labeled neurons were found in ipsilateral spinal ganglia c2-c3 only if the injection site was in the caudal part of the medial vestibular nucleus (mvn). injections into rostral parts of the mvn, the superior, lateral and descending vestibular nuclei (svn, lvn, dvn), the nucleus of the solitary tract (stn) and the reticular formation did ... | 1990 | 1691107 |
an enzyme immunoassay for galactosyltransferase isoenzyme ii, and its clinical application to cancer diagnosis. | in this "sandwich"-type enzyme immunoassay of galactosyltransferase isoenzyme ii (gt-ii), we used the monoclonal antibody mab 3872 previously established and characterized to be specific for gt-ii. plastic beads coated with mab 3872 were incubated with serum and buffer, washed, then incubated with mab 3872 conjugated with horseradish peroxidase and again washed. peroxidase activity remaining on the beads was measured by color development with o-phenylenediamine. the assay standard curve was line ... | 1990 | 1691054 |
brainstem projections to the phrenic nucleus: an anterograde and retrograde hrp study in the rabbit. | brainstem projections to the phrenic nucleus were studied in rabbits using horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) as a retrograde and anterograde neuronal tracer. injections of 1% wga-hrp were centered in the phrenic nucleus in the c4-c5 ventral horn in 4 rabbits to identify pontomedullary nuclear groups that contain neurons projecting to the midcervical spinal cord. regions of the rabbit brainstem that are homologous to the ventral respiratory group (vrg), dorsal ... | 1990 | 1691045 |
the centre médian and parafascicular thalamic nuclei project respectively to the sensorimotor and associative-limbic striatal territories in the squirrel monkey. | the striatal projections of the centre médian (cm) and parafascicular (pf) thalamic nuclei were examined in the squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus) by using the lectin wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) as an anterograde tracer. cm was found to project massively to the putamen, where terminal fields appeared principally in the form of oblique bands, and more diffusely to the dorsolateral border of the caudate nucleus. striatal inputs from pf were found more rostr ... | 1990 | 1691043 |
mesencephalic projections to the thalamic centralis lateralis and medial prefrontal cortex: a wga-hrp study. | in order to provide anatomical information for a possible pathway involved in pain mechanisms, rats were injected with horseradish peroxidase wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) in the centralis lateralis nucleus of the thalamus (cl) or in the medial prefrontal cortex (pfcx) from which originated retrogradely labelled cells in the dorsal raphe nucleus (dr), locus ceruleus (lc) and surrounding structures. the locations of the cl and the pfcx injections were previously determined by the presence of ev ... | 1990 | 1691039 |
comparison of dolichos biflorus lectin and other lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates in staining of cutaneous blood vessels in the hairless mini-pig. | angiogenesis is necessary for normal growth, wound healing, and plays a key role in many pathologic processes. a variety of endothelial markers have been used to investigate angiogenesis. unfortunately, excellent markers for vascular endothelium in human tissues exhibit little or no staining of endothelia in tissues of other animal species, including the pig. we are interested in the hairless yucatan strain of mini-pig as an animal model for studying cutaneous wound healing because its skin is h ... | 1990 | 1690763 |
alteration of epithelial paracellular permeability during corneal epithelial wound healing. | we studied the paracellular permeability to mannitol of corneas with epithelium of corneal, limbal, or conjunctival origin. corneas with epithelial defects reepithelialized by corneal or limbal epithelium were nonvascularized; the corneal permeability was initially increased and returned to normal 3 days later. when epithelial defects extended beyond the limbus, they were healed by conjunctival epithelium. if corneas remained avascular or minimally vascularized, the conjunctiva-derived epitheliu ... | 1990 | 1690686 |
retrograde transport of fluoro-gold in corticospinal and rubrospinal neurons 10 and 20 weeks after t-9 spinal cord transection. | retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase is greatly diminished in corticospinal and rubrospinal neurons axotomized by complete t-9 spinal cord transection. we found, 10 or 20 weeks after a complete t-9 cord transection, that the number of corticospinal and rubrospinal neurons retrogradely labeled after fluoro-gold insertion into a new transection at t-1 did not differ from that of controls. while transection alters uptake, transport, and/or intracellular metabolism of some transportable s ... | 1990 | 1690666 |
the cat cervical dorsal root ganglia: general cell-size characteristics and comparative study of neck muscle, neck cutaneous and phrenic afferents. | sizes of neuronal somata in the cat cervical dorsal root ganglia were determined at different levels (c1-c8). the average value and class distribution of mean cell diameter were analyzed. the ganglia from c1 to c5 could be clearly distinguished from those at levels of brachial plexus afferents (c6-c8) with respect to cell size range, distribution and average. the size distribution, most often limited to 70 microns from c1 to c5, skewed to more than 90 microns from c6 to c8. cells in the 35-50 mi ... | 1990 | 1690370 |
central projections of extraocular muscle afferents in cat. | the extraocular muscles (eoms) of adult cats were injected with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). in addition to motoneurons, labelled cells corresponding to the sensory receptors were found in both the gasser ganglion and the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. central transganglionic terminals were observed in the pars interpolaris and caudalis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus, in the paratrigeminal nucleus, and in the dorsal horn of the cervical spinal cord. double labelli ... | 1990 | 1690368 |
origin of sympathetic and sensory innervation of the temporo-mandibular joint. a retrograde axonal tracing study in the rat. | the cells of origin of sensory and sympathetic innervation of the temporo-mandibular joint were studied by the intraaxonal transport method. horseradish peroxidase or lectin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase was injected into the temporo-mandibular joint unilaterally in adult rats. labelled cells were observed ipsilaterally in the superior cervical and stellate sympathetic ganglia, in the sensory trigeminal ganglion and in the second to fifth dorsal root ganglia; none were found contralaterally. ... | 1990 | 1690367 |
connections between area 3b of the somatosensory cortex and subdivisions of the ventroposterior nuclear complex and the anterior pulvinar nucleus in squirrel monkeys. | the goal of this study was to determine whether somatosensory thalamic nuclei other than the ventroposterior nucleus proper (vp) have connections with area 3b of the postcentral cortex in squirrel monkeys. small injections of the anatomical tracers wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) or 3h-proline were placed in electrophysiologically identified representations of body parts. the results indicate that, besides the well-established somatotopically organized connec ... | 1990 | 1690224 |
role of cytokeratin intermediate filaments in transhepatic transport and canalicular secretion. | the role of cytokeratin filaments in the function of hepatocytes was investigated using a nickel-treated hepatocyte in vitro model. cytokeratin intermediate filaments were selectively dissociated from the cell cortex by nickel treatment. cytokeratins and ubiquitin were observed using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. hepatocytic function was assessed by visualizing uptake, transhepatic transport and secretion of fluorescein diacetate and horseradish peroxidase into the bile canal ... | 1990 | 1690170 |
specific phenotyping of t-cell proliferations in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. use of antibodies to the t-cell receptor beta f1. | antibody beta f1 to a common framework determinant of the beta subunit of the t-cell receptor (tcr) was used as a specific phenotypic marker for t-cell differentiation in malignant lymphomas. sensitivity of immunoperoxidase staining in paraffin sections was enhanced by pronase pretreatment, overnight incubation of primary antibody in tween 20, and use of streptavidin horseradish peroxidase complexes to amplify the reaction. all 43 cases of b-cell lymphoma were negative for tcr. reed sternberg (r ... | 1990 | 1689944 |
commissural connections between the auditory cortices of the rat. | the pattern of commissural connections of the rat auditory cortex (ac) was investigated with injections of wheat germ agglutinated horseradish peroxidase into the ac. homotopic and heterotopic patches of neurons were retrogradely labeled in the contralateral hemisphere. each injection labeled neurons at the corresponding contralateral site, i.e. the homotopic site. in addition, retrogradely labeled neurons were found at non-corresponding locations in contralateral ac, i.e. at heterotopic locatio ... | 1990 | 1689605 |
lysosomal acid phosphatase is transported via endosomes to lysosomes. | involvement of endosomes in transport of newly synthesized acid phosphatase to lysosomes was investigated using the golgi fraction (gf1 + 2), enriched in endosomes. the golgi fraction (gf1 + 2) was prepared from the livers of rats given [35s]methionine and asialofetuin conjugated-horseradish peroxidase (hrp). newly synthesized acid phosphatase in the endosomes containing internalized asialofetuin-hrp was measured as a loss of the detectable labeled enzyme after 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (dab) and h2 ... | 1990 | 1689571 |
[an experimental study of sensory innervation of the ureter in the dog using wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates]. | the sensory innervations of the ureter in the dog were studied using the anterograde and retrograde axonal transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates (wga-hrp). following upper ureteral injections, labeled cells were observed in the ipsilateral t7-l3 spinal ganglia to the injection site, with the greatest concentration at the t12-l2 levels. and labeled cells were seen in the contralateral t7--l3 spinal ganglia to the injection site with the greatest concentration at the ... | 1990 | 1689400 |
enhanced chemiluminescence for tissue antigen and cellular viral dna detection. | the ability to use enhanced chemiluminescence (ecl) to detect horseradish peroxidase as a label for tissue antigens and cellular viral dna was demonstrated. a liquid nitrogen-cooled charged-coupled device (ccd) was used to detect light output, which was visualized on a monitor or was quantitated using an attached microcomputer. in a tissue antigen model, equivalent sensitivity was observed between ecl and colorimetric detection. | 1990 | 1689340 |
somatotopic organization of the cuneate nucleus in the rat: transganglionic labelling with wga-hrp. | a novel somatotopic map of primary cutaneous afferents projecting to the cuneate nucleus in the rat was determined by transganglionic transport of wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase and free horseradish peroxidase. intracutaneous injections of tracer into different limited regions of the forelimb resulted in discrete areas of label for each injection site, with little or no overlap into other projection areas. the map of cutaneous projections onto the cuneate nucleus reve ... | 1990 | 1689203 |
diversities in animal vitronectins. differences in molecular weight, immunoreactivity and carbohydrate chains. | six animal plasma vitronectins, human, horse, porcine, bovine, rabbit and chicken vitronectins purified by a novel method using two successive heparin affinity columns, showed marked diversity in molecular weight, immunoreactivity and carbohydrate composition. chicken vitronectin had a distinctly different amino acid composition from the mammalian vitronectins; and bovine vitronectin was the only one to contain n-glycolylneuraminic acid as well as n-acetylneuraminic acid. binding studies with ho ... | 1990 | 1689184 |
innervation patterns of single physiologically identified geniculocortical axons in the striate cortex of the tree shrew. | we examined the termination patterns of single geniculocortical axons in the striate cortex of the tree shrew by using intracellular recording and horseradish peroxidase staining methods. axons were classified by whether they responded to light onset (on center) or light offset (off center) and whether they were driven by the ipsi- or contralateral eye. afferents with on-center responses end in the upper part of layer iv (iva) whereas afferents with off-center responses end in the lower part of ... | 1990 | 1688659 |
pontospinal transmitters and their distribution. | the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum of the cat is known to contain a large population of catecholaminergic neurons. additionally, several studies have also shown the presence of other neurochemicals (acetylcholine, enkephalin, neuropeptide y, serotonin, somatostatin and substance p). in this study, we have employed retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase in combination with immunocytochemistry to determine the locations of pontospinal neurons which contain catecholamine, enkephalin, neurop ... | 1991 | 1687616 |
[a new approach to the design of hybrid hybridomas based on the use of an actinomycin d-resistant line of murine myeloma]. | the hybrid hybridomas (tetradomas) were produced from the fusion of the double mutant actinomycin dr (adr)/hats hybridoma to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and wild type hybridoma to alpha-endorphin (ep). the double mutant phenotype was constructed using the new strategy, based on the fusion of immune mouse splenocytes with mouse myeloma (x63.ag8, 653) cell variants, made resistant to 30 ng/ml of ad by stepwise selection. this allowed the direct introduction of the dominant selective marker (adr) ... | 1991 | 1687361 |
evidence for oxidative activation of mitoxantrone in human, pig, and rat. | a new metabolite of mitoxantrone in human, rat, and pig urine has been discovered by means of hplc. the metabolite has been isolated by preparative hplc from patient urine and is characterized by tandem mass spectrometry and uv-visible spectroscopy as 8,11-dihydroxy-4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-6-[[2-[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethyl] amino]-1,2,3,4,7,12-hexahydronaphtho-[2,3-f]-chinoxaline-7,1 2-dione. final structural proof has been obtained by independent synthesis. the new metabolite is a product of the en ... | 1991 | 1686230 |
measurement of tyrosine hydroxylase apoenzyme protein by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa): effects of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp) on striatal tyrosine hydroxylase activity and content. | a enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been developed for tyrosine hydroxylase (th). the method uses a polyclonal antibody to trap th, a monoclonal antibody to bind the immobilized th, a biotinylated, anti-mouse immunoglobulin to bind the monoclonal antibody, and streptavidin covalently coupled to horseradish peroxidase (sa-hrp). the antigen-antibody complex is detected colorometrically following incubation with an hrp substrate. the method detects less than 1 ng (16 fmol) of th and can be perf ... | 1991 | 1685629 |
saccular afferents to second-order cochlear neurons. an horseradish peroxidase and immunocytochemical study. | previous studies have described a primary afferent vestibular projection to second-order cochlear neurons originating from the saccular maculae. as could be shown in the guinea pig by means of anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase and immuno-cytochemistry, these saccular afferents terminated at cells immunoreactive to glutamate and aspartate but not to gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba). these were intermingled among the fibers of the acoustic striae and situated between the dorsal cochlea ... | 1991 | 1685086 |
the origins of supraspinal projections to lumbosacral and cervical levels of the spinal cord in the gray short-tailed brazilian opossum, monodelphis domestica. | retrograde tracing techniques were used to identify supraspinal neurons that project to sacral, lumbar and cervical levels of the spinal cord in the gray short-tailed brazilian opossum, monodelphis domestica. injections of fast blue, true blue or wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase into the sacral or lumbar cord labeled neurons in hypothalamic and brainstem nuclei reported to innervate the same levels in other mammals. injections at cervical levels produced extensive label ... | 1991 | 1684917 |
clustering of ipsilateral cortico-cortical projection neurons to area 7 in the rhesus monkey. | the distribution within individual cytoarchitectonic areas of the cells of origin of ipsilateral cortico-cortical fibres to area 7 of the parietal lobe of the monkey has been studied. after injections of horseradish peroxidase into area 7, labelled cells in a variety of cortical areas were plotted and their distribution along the length of the cortex analysed. significant clustering of labelled cells was seen wherever their numbers were sufficient for meaningful statistical analysis. in most cas ... | 1991 | 1684663 |
morphologic assessment of leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in mesenteric venules subjected to ischemia and reperfusion. | intravital microscopic studies of the mesenteric microcirculation have demonstrated that leukocyte adherence and emigration in postcapillary venules are a characteristic feature of tissues exposed to ischemia-reperfusion. the objectives of this study were to determine whether: (1) neutrophils are the predominant leukocytes that adhere and emigrate in postischemic mesenteric venules, and (2) leukocyte adherence and/or emigration are a prerequisite for reperfusion-induced increases in venular perm ... | 1991 | 1684573 |
locus coeruleus projections to the dorsal motor vagus nucleus in the rat. | the origin of the noradrenergic innervation of the preganglionic autonomic nuclei in the medulla oblongata and spinal cord is still controversial. in this investigation descending connections of the locus coeruleus to the dorsal motor vagus nucleus in the rat are studied with phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin and horseradish peroxidase as neuroanatomical tracers. locus coeruleus projections in the motor vagus nucleus are found in the medial part at rostral levels and in the lateral part at inte ... | 1991 | 1684412 |
luminography--a new, highly sensitive visualization method for electrophoresis. | a highly sensitive method for protein visualization following electrophoresis and protein blotting was developed. the method is based on the light-emitting reaction of luminol and hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase. the luminescent assay can be applied either to the native gel or after protein blotting, and it has a sensitivity two orders of magnitude higher than that achieved with chromogenic detection systems. analogous to autoradiography the luminescent signal is recorded o ... | 1991 | 1682145 |
immunocytochemical localization of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase in porcine ciliary epithelium. | our previous work on cultured bovine ciliary epithelial cells indicated that gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (ggtp) activity is primarily associated with the non-pigmented epithelial cells and is virtually absent in the pigmented epithelial cells [ng and shichi, (1987) j. ocular pharmacol. 3, 341-348]. we have now investigated the localization of ggtp in porcine ciliary processes by immunocytochemical methods using goat anti-rat ggtp serum detected by rabbit anti-goat igg secondary antibodies conj ... | 1991 | 1679019 |
an electron microscopic, immunogold analysis of glutamate and glutamine in terminals of rat spinocerebellar fibers. | a semiquantitative, electron microscopic immunocytochemical procedure based on the use of colloidal gold particles as markers was employed to analyze the subcellular distribution of glutamate and glutamine, a major glutamate precursor, in a subpopulation of spinocerebellar mossy fiber terminals. these terminals were identified by anterograde transport of a horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin conjugate, injected in the thoracic spinal cord. gold particles signalling glutamate-like immuno ... | 1991 | 1677366 |
model systems for metabolism studies. biomimetic oxidation of acetaminophen and ellipticine derivatives with water-soluble metalloporphyrins associated to potassium monopersulfate. | some original water-soluble metalloporphyrins/khso5 systems were developed to mimic the metabolic biooxidation of drugs. oxidation of acetaminophen and various ellipticine derivatives were used as model reactions. oxidative products (mainly quinone-imine structures) were obtained in good yield after 2 min of reaction, for a catalyst/substrate ratio of 0.04. iron(iii) derivative of tetrasodium meso-tetrakis(p-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin and manganese(iii) derivative of tetraacetate meso-tetrakis(4- ... | 2013 | 1676637 |
fragmentation of escherichia coli type 1 fimbriae exposes cryptic d-mannose-binding sites. | cells of the gram-negative bacterium escherichia coli are able to attach to various host cells by means of a mannose-specific adhesin associated with type 1 fimbriae. here we show that fragmentation of type 1 fimbriae by freezing and thawing results in increased mannose-binding activity as demonstrated by increased hemagglutination, increased stimulation of human lymphocyte proliferation, and increased binding of the mannose-containing enzyme horseradish peroxidase. increased activity in all thr ... | 1991 | 1676398 |
dna strand breakage by peroxidase-activated mitoxantrone. | spectroscopic evidence demonstrate that the alkylaminoanthraquinone mitoxantrone is a substrate for horseradish peroxidase in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and that the result of this interaction is the formation of an air-stable mitoxantrone-derived free radical. the mitoxantrone-derived free radicals or their further oxidation products appear to extensively cross-link with plasmid dna by a reaction that is mitoxantrone concentration-dependent. oxidative activation of mitoxantrone to a dna- ... | 2006 | 1676068 |
inhibition of biliary cholesterol and phospholipid secretion by cefmetazole. the role of vesicular transport and of canalicular events. | a number of organic anions selectively inhibit the biliary secretion of cholesterol and phospholipids without affecting bile acid secretion. we studied the effect of cefmetazole, a third-generation cephalosporin, on biliary lipid secretion in the rat. injection of cefmetazole at a dose of 200 mumol/kg body wt. induced a choleretic effect and a significant decrease in the biliary output of cholesterol and phospholipid, without changes in bile acid secretion. the decrease was more marked for chole ... | 1991 | 1674860 |
mechanism of acetaminophen-stimulated nadph oxidation catalyzed by the peroxidase-h2o2 system. | the oxidation of nadph catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) is markedly increased by the presence of acetaminophen in a concentration-dependent manner. the oxidation follows pseudo-first order kinetics with respect to acetaminophen concentration. the product of the oxidation is enzymatically active nadp+. the stoichiometry of the reaction shows that 1.4 mol of nadph are oxidized per mole of h2o2 added, and the addition of superoxide dismutase to the reaction mix ... | 1991 | 1673396 |
reactions of hydrated electrons with horseradish peroxidase: a pulse radiolysis study. | kinetics of the reactions of hydrated electrons with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) have been studied by pulse radiolysis. hydrated electrons reduce hrp to its ferrous form with a yield of 40%. at higher dose (250 gy) the formation of compound i followed by its reduction to compound ii was also observed. | 1991 | 1672352 |
sequential processing of epidermal growth factor in early and late endosomes of rat liver. | we have used isolated perfused rat livers to examine the intracellular processing of 125i-epidermal growth factor (egf) and to determine where in the endocytic pathway the hydrolases which degrade egf are acting. following uptake of 125i-egf at 37 or 16 degrees c, subcellular fractions enriched in endosomes and lysosomes were isolated, and their 125i-egf content was examined by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. three forms of egf processed at their carboxyl termini are genera ... | 1991 | 1671862 |
okadaic acid induces golgi apparatus fragmentation and arrest of intracellular transport. | the specific phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid (oa) induced fragmentation of the golgi apparatus in interphase hela cells. immunoelectron microscopy for galactosyltransferase identified a major golgi fragment composed of a cluster of vesicles and tubules that was morphologically indistinguishable from the 'golgi cluster' previously described in mitotic cells. the presence of homogeneous immunofluorescence staining for galactosyltransferase in oa-treated cells also suggested that isolated golgi ... | 1991 | 1667660 |
peroxidase as a developmental marker in plant tissue culture. | peroxidase was studied as a developmental marker in pumpkin (cucurbita pepo l.) callus lines and horse-radish (armoracia lapathifolia gilib) transformants. embryogenic callus lines de grown on ms medium with 2.4-d and na-3 grown on medium with naa and adenine sulfate showed about a 20 times higher enzyme activity than the habituated non-embryogenic line z5b/t grown on medium without hormones. a rise in peroxidase activity indicated that somatic embryogenesis was triggered in a few habituated tis ... | 1991 | 1667582 |
interaction of endocytotic vacuoles with the inner nuclear membrane in simian virus 40 entry into cv-1 cell nucleus. | the transfer of endocytosed simian virus 40 (sv40) to the nuclear position was investigated ultrastructurally using cationized ferritin (cf), ferritin labelled concanavalin a (fer-con a) and con a as cell membrane markers. in the cells incubated with these markers and sv40 at 4 degrees c, and then chased for 2 h at 37 degrees c in serum-free medium, ferritin particles representing cf and/or fer-con a binding sites were found in vacuoles with sv40. the membrane of some vacuoles seemed to be in co ... | 1991 | 1667506 |
culture confirmation of cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus by direct enzyme-labeled dna probes and in situ hybridization. | using probes consisting of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) directly attached to dna, scrapings or trypsinized cells from 217 adequate clinical samples were cultured and analyzed in 3 blind studies by in situ hybridization for the presence of cytomegalovirus (cmv) and herpes simplex virus (hsv). sixty samples were judged inadequate due to insufficient cell numbers; however, this problem was significantly decreased during the course of the study. one hundred and eighteen samples were found positive a ... | 1991 | 1666116 |
steroidogenic activity of synthetic hybrid molecules composed of human chorionic gonadotropin and either the a or b chain of lectin ricin or horseradish peroxidase. | human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) is a glycoprotein consisting of noncovalently bound alpha- and beta-subunits which shows hormonal activity (stimulatory effect on testosterone production) toward rat leydig cells. to modify the hormonal activity of hcg, hybrid molecules composed of hcg and other glycoproteins, either the a or b chain of lectin ricin (hcg-a and hcg-b) through disulfide bridges and horseradish peroxidase (hcg-hrp) through schiff's base, were synthesized. hormonal activity and the ... | 1991 | 1666024 |
an oestrogen conjugate enzyme immunoassay for monitoring pregnancy in the mare: limitations of the assay between days 40 and 70 of gestation. | a direct enzyme immunoassay was developed to measure conjugated oestrogens in the plasma of pregnant mares. the antibody was produced in rabbits using oestrone-3-glucuronide (e1g) conjugated to bovine serum albumin. the enzyme conjugate was e1g conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. a sharp increase in plasma e1g concentrations occurred between days 35 and 40 of gestation. values declined slightly to day 45, remained relatively constant to around day 70 and rose sharply thereafter. fetal death be ... | 1991 | 1665516 |
non-specific uptake of igg by rat epididymal tubules in vitro. | tubules isolated from the initial segment, caput and corpus regions of the rat epididymis were incubated for 4 h in medium containing rat igg or bovine-serum-albumin (10 mg ml-1) and processed for light microscopy immunocytochemistry using gold-labelled anti-rat igg and silver staining or peroxidase/anti-peroxidase techniques. distribution of igg was confined to the peritubular matrix only, with no detectable uptake into the epithelium or lumen. in tubules incubated with rat igg coupled to gold ... | 1991 | 1665482 |
organization of cingulo-ponto-cerebellar connections in the cat. | this study deals with three different aspects of the organization of connections from the cingulate gyrus to the cerebellum. (1) with the use of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase as a retrograde tracer, the distribution of cingulate neurons projecting to the pontine nuclei was studied. retrogradely labeled cells were found in layer 5 in all parts of the cingulate gyrus. average densities of cingulo-pontine cells were similar in the different cytoarchitectonic subdivisions, although so ... | 1991 | 1665318 |
evaluation of an indirect elisa for the detection of antibodies to bovine leukaemia virus in milk and serum. | an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed to detect antibodies to blv in milk and serum (juntti et al., 1989). the conjugate consists of a monoclonal anti-bovine igg1 and igg2 labelled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the indirect elisa was calibrated with eec reference serum e 4. standard serum e 4 was scored positive when diluted 8192 times in negative milk and between 12,800 and 25,600 times in negative serum. the sensitivity and specificity of the indirect elisa r ... | 1991 | 1664433 |
development and specificity of inhibitory terminal arborizations in the central nervous system. | this study examined the morphological development of single inhibitory arborizations in the gerbil central auditory brain stem. using a brain slice preparation, neurons of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (mntb) were filled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), and their complete arborizations were analyzed along the tonotopic axis of the lateral superior olive (lso). the projections in neonatal animals displayed well-defined arbors that were ordered appropriately within the lso. it was evi ... | 1991 | 1663990 |
one-electron oxidation of trolox c and vitamin e by peroxidases. | direct reactions of peroxidases with trolox c (a vitamin e analogue) and vitamin e were observed in 50% (v/v) methanol. the kinetic results revealed that the reaction of horseradish peroxidase intermediate compound ii with trolox c and vitamin e was the rate-determining step, and the rate constants were estimated to be 1.7 x 10(3) and 5.1 x 10(2) m-1.s-1, respectively. peroxidases catalyzed the one-electron oxidation of trolox c and vitamin e, and the vitamin e phenoxyl radicals resulting from t ... | 1991 | 1663948 |
preoptic-brainstem connections and maternal behavior in rats. | this study presents evidence supporting the view that preoptic area (poa) projections through the ventral tegmental area (vta) to lower brainstem regions are important for maternal behavior in postpartum rats. experiment 1 demonstrated that bilateral coronal knife cuts posterior to the vta disrupted maternal behavior, and experiment 2 demonstrated a similar disruption when a unilateral knife cut that severed the lateral connections of the medial poa was paired with a contralateral knife cut post ... | 1991 | 1663755 |
rapid diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infections by direct immunoperoxidase staining with human monoclonal antibody against an immediate-early antigen. | direct immunoperoxidase technique using a horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-conjugated fab' fragment of human monoclonal antibody (humab c7), designated hrp-c7, was evaluated as a rapid diagnosis of cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection. a total of 138 clinical specimens consisting of 124 urine samples and 14 oral swabs were examined for cmv by the direct hrp-c7 staining in comparison with conventional virus isolation. the number of cmv-positive samples by each method was 40 (29.0%) for the former and 37 ( ... | 1991 | 1663573 |
reactivity of hg(ii) with superoxide: evidence for the catalytic dismutation of superoxide by hg(ii). | mercuric ion, a well-known nephrotoxin, promotes oxidative tissue damage to kidney cells. one principal toxic action of hg(ii) is the disruption of mitochondrial functions, although the exact significance of this effect with regard to hg(ii) toxicity is poorly understood. in studies of the effects of hg(ii) on superoxide (o2-) and hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) production by rat kidney mitochondria, hg(ii) (1-6 microm), in the presence of antimycin a, caused a concentration-dependent increase (up to f ... | 1991 | 1663557 |
the active site structure of e. coli hpii catalase. evidence favoring coordination of a tyrosinate proximal ligand to the chlorin iron. | e. coli produces 2 catalases known as hpi and hpii. while the heme prosthetic group of the hpii catalase has been established to be a dihydroporphyrin or chlorin, the identity of the proximal ligand to the iron has not been addressed. the magnetic circular dichroism (mcd) spectrum of native ferric hpii catalase is very similar to those of a 5-coordinate phenolate-ligated ferric chlorin complex, a model for tyrosinate proximal ligation, as well as of chlorin-reconstituted ferric horseradish perox ... | 1991 | 1662642 |
sparing and recovery of function in spinal larval frogs (rana catesbeiana): effect of level of transection. | bullfrog tadpoles with cervical or midthoracic transection of the spinal cord were allowed to recover for 5 weeks, at which time axonal growth across the transection site was assessed by transport of horseradish peroxidase. weekly behavioral tests included those for posture, spontaneous locomotion, cutaneously elicited swimming, and intersegmental coordination. behavioral and electrophysiological assessments suggest that behavioral recovery depends, at least in part, on the growth of fibers acro ... | 1991 | 1662043 |
projection of the retinal ganglion cells to the tectum differentiated from the prosencephalon. | the alar plate of the prosencephalon differentiates into a tectum-like structure when transplanted into the mesencephalon around the 10-somite stage. here, we report on the projection pattern of the retinal ganglion cells to the transplants. optic nerve fibers were labeled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and 3h-proline, and the innervation of the optic nerve fibers to the chimeric tectum was analyzed by hrp histochemistry on whole-mounted specimens, by autoradiography and by electron microscop ... | 1991 | 1661870 |
the rat's postero-orbital sinus hair: i. brainstem projections and the effect of infraorbital nerve section at different ages. | the central terminations, in the trigeminal nucleus, of afferents from the rat's postero-orbital (po) sinus hair have been investigated with transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and succinic dehydrogenase (sdh) histochemistry. the normal pattern of terminations has been compared with that found after section of an adjacent nerve, the infraorbital (io) nerve, at three ages: neonatal, 1 week old, and adult. the po afferent fibres have three separate representations in the brai ... | 1991 | 1660903 |
coupling of dihydroriboflavin oxidation to the formation of the higher valence states of hemeproteins. | the reactions between hydrogen peroxide and hemeproteins have been coupled to the oxidation of dihydroriboflavin so as to provide a simple method for measuring the rate constant of hemeprotein peroxidation. dihydroriboflavin rapidly reduces the higher oxidation states of iron and the hydroxy radicals which are the products of the hemeprotein/hydrogen peroxide reaction. the rapid reduction of these highly reactive compounds prevents the hemeproteins from undergoing irreversible chemical modificat ... | 1991 | 1659807 |
a monoclonal antibody capture elisa to detect antibody to border disease virus in sheep serum. | an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) has been developed to detect antibody to border disease virus (bdv) in sheep serum. a monoclonal antibody bound to 96-well microplates was used to capture antigen from detergent-solubilised bdv-infected cells. single dilutions of test sera were then added to wells containing bound bdv antigen and control wells containing uninfected cell lysates. specific antibody to bdv was detected by an anti-ovine igg antiserum conjugated with horseradish peroxidase ... | 1991 | 1659026 |
possible role of free radical formation in clozapine (clozaril)-induced agranulocytosis. | the use of clozapine, a unique antipsychotic drug, has been restricted due to a 1-2% incidence of drug-induced agranulocytosis. metabolic activation of clozapine in neutrophils or stem cells could be the molecular mechanism underlying this side effect. clozapine oxidation by human myeloperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase was evident from the disappearance of the uv absorbance at 290 nm. high performance liquid chromatography analysis revealed the formation of at least four radioactive peaks as ... | 1991 | 1658615 |
rapid detection of epstein-barr virus dna in clinical samples of oral hairy leukoplakia with hrp-labeled dna probes and in situ hybridization. | an in situ hybridization technique, using horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-labeled dna probes containing a portion of the epstein-barr virus (ebv) genome, was used to detect ebv dna in tongue sections and smears from patients with oral lesions resembling the clinical features of oral hairy leukoplakia (hl). eleven biopsy specimens (six consistent with hl, four normal tongue controls, and one leukoplakia) and 11 tongue smears were evaluated for the presence of ebv, cytomegalovirus (cmv), herpes simpl ... | 1991 | 1658028 |
vagus nerve and spinal cord projecting neurons demonstrated by horseradish peroxidase and different fluorescent dyes. | vagal projecting (vp) neurons were localized by intraneural injections of fluorescent dyes or cholera toxin conjugated horseradish peroxidase (ct-hrp) or by intraperitoneal injection of fluorescent dyes. spinal projecting (sp) neurons were localized by injecting ct-hrp or contrasting dyes into the c4/c5 cord segments. no doubly labelled neurons were seen in the three nuclei known to project to both vagus nerve and spinal cord, viz., dorsal nucleus of the vagus (dnv), nucleus ambiguous complex (n ... | 1991 | 1657809 |
stimulation of human neutrophil oxidative metabolism by nonopsonized neisseria gonorrhoeae. | nonopsonized gonococci possessing opacity-associated (opa; previously pii) outer membrane proteins stimulate neutrophils to undergo a vigorous oxidative response when measured by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (ldcl). in these studies, we characterized the mechanism of this stimulation. no gonococci that we tested induced measurable release of neutrophil superoxide anion (o2-) or hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) as measured by reduction of cytochrome c or the oxidation of scopoletin, respectively. ... | 1991 | 1657785 |
the effect of mild hyperthermia on the morphology and function of murine resident peritoneal macrophages. | during short term culture of murine resident peritoneal macrophages, increasing the temperature from 37 to 39 degrees c resulted in an increased activity of several surface receptors (fcr and receptor for gluteraldehyde-fixed sheep red blood cells), enhanced phagocytosis of yeast particles, improved spreading, and an accelerated reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium. at 41 degrees c, however, significant reduction of several functional properties (endocytosis of colloidal gold and horseradish perox ... | 1991 | 1657630 |
projections from the subfornical organ to the supraoptic nucleus in the rat: ultrastructural identification of an interposed synapse in the median preoptic nucleus using a combination of neuronal tracers. | the subfornical organ, along with other regions of the lamina terminalis, may contain osmoreceptors and is likely to be a site of action of blood-borne angiotensin ii. the neural pathways by which these stimuli lead to vasopressin secretion, have been suggested to extend from the subfornical organ to hypothalamic sites of vasopressin production either directly or via synapses in an intervening nucleus such as the median preoptic nucleus. in the present study, cholera toxin conjugated to horserad ... | 1991 | 1657310 |
the dual oxygenase and peroxidase activities of porphobilinogen oxygenase and horseradish peroxidase: a study using the reaction with phenylhydrazine. | porphobilinogen oxygenase and horseradish peroxidase show dual oxygenase and peroxidase activities. by treating porphobilinogen oxygenase with phenylhydrazine in the presence of h2o2 both activities were inhibited. when horseradish peroxidase was treated in the same manner only the peroxidase activity was lost while its oxygenase activity toward porphobilinogen remained unchanged. the phenylhydrazine treatment alkylated the prosthetic heme group of porphobilinogen oxygenase and n-phenylheme as w ... | 1991 | 1656973 |
high-valent intermediates in the reaction of n alpha-acetyl microperoxidase-8 with hydrogen peroxide: models for compounds 0, i and ii of horseradish peroxidase. | n-acetyl microperoxidase-8 (ac-mp-8) is a water soluble, ferric heme model for the peroxidases. the reaction of ac-mp-8 with h2o2 in 10 mm potassium phosphate over the ph range of 7-11 gives rise sequentially to relatively stable green and red species with properties that closely mimic those of hrp compounds i and ii, respectively. low-temperature stopped-flow studies of this reaction carried out in 50% v/v methanol/10 mm potassium phosphate, ph* 9.1 at -25.8 degrees c indicate that the pseudo-f ... | 1991 | 1656947 |
jc virus detection by in situ hybridization in brain tissue from elderly patients. | brains from 10 patients aged 68 to 96 years at time of death were studied for jc viral dna and common papovaviral capsid protein. in situ hybridization of jc viral dna was performed by affinity cytochemistry using a biotinylated fragment of jc viral dna. immunohistochemistry was performed on brain tissue by the avidin dh-biotinylated horseradish peroxidase technique using polyclonal antibody raised against the papovaviral capsid protein. viral protein and dna were detected in 4 of 10 patients. j ... | 1991 | 1656842 |
detection and identification of leishmania parasites by in situ hybridization with total and recombinant dna probes. | in situ hybridization on cultured promastigotes and sandfly smears were performed with nonradioactively labeled total dna and recombinant dna probes containing minicircle kinetoplast dna (kdna) or nuclear dna inserts. total dna probes lack specificity whereas recombinant nuclear dna probes work only if they contain repetitive sequences. minicircle kdnas of five leishmania isolates, representative of five leishmania taxa found in kenya, were sequenced. comparison of the sequences showed a 150-bp ... | 1991 | 1655512 |
free radical formation in the oxidation of malondialdehyde and acetylacetone by peroxidase enzymes. | malondialdehyde, a product of lipid peroxidation, and acetylacetone undergo one-electron oxidation by peroxidase enzymes to form free radical metabolites, which were detected with esr using the spin-trapping technique. the structures of the radical adducts were assigned using isotope substitution. with both malondialdehyde and acetylacetone and the enzymes myeloperoxidase and chloroperoxidase, carbon-centered radicals were detected. with horseradish peroxidase, a carbon-centered radical was init ... | 1991 | 1654844 |
immunochemical study of subunit vi (mr 13,400) of mitochondrial ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase. | a preparation containing the mr 13,400 protein (subunit vi), phospholipid, and ubiquinone was isolated from bovine heart mitochondrial ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase by a procedure involving triton x-100 and urea solubilization, calcium phosphate-cellulose column chromatography at different phs, acetone precipitation, and decanoyl-n-methylglucamide-sodium cholate extraction. the protein in this preparation corresponds to subunit vi of ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase resolved in the sodium dod ... | 1991 | 1654841 |
a capture-enzyme immunoassay for rapid diagnosis of transmissible gastroenteritis virus. | two enzyme immunoassays (eia) were developed for the detection of swine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) antigens. the 2 eias used the same detecting system, a monoclonal antibody conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, but used different capture systems including a monoclonal antibody (m-eia) or a polyclonal antibody (p-eia). the eias were compared with the fluorescent antibody test (fat) and electron microscopy (em) for the detection of tgev in intestinal samples of experimentally inoc ... | 1991 | 1654131 |
rapid detection of epstein-barr viral dna by nonisotopic in situ hybridization. correlation with the polymerase chain reaction. | a nonisotopic, in situ hybridization procedure is described for detecting epstein-barr viral (ebv) dna in cytopreparations of pepsin-digested, unfixed cells in less than 3 hours. the procedure, which uses an ebv bam hi w dna probe conjugated directly to horseradish peroxidase, first was optimized using an ebv-infected cell line (arh-77) and then validated on four positive control specimens and six negative control specimens. optimization studies demonstrated distinct nuclear hybridization signal ... | 1991 | 1654024 |
sequence and tissue-specific expression of a putative peroxidase gene from wheat (triticum aestivum l.). | we have used a cdna clone encoding a pathogen-induced putative wheat peroxidase to screen a genomic library of wheat (triticum aestivum l. cv. cheyenne) and isolated one positive clone, lambda pox1. sequence analysis revealed that this clone contains a gene encoding a putative peroxidase with a calculated pi of 8.1 which exhibits 58% and 83% sequence identity to the amino acid sequence of the turnip (brassica rapa) peroxidase and a pathogen-induced putative wheat peroxidase, respectively. the tw ... | 1991 | 1653627 |
the peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of enkephalins. | in vitro experiments are reported showing that leu-enkephalin and metenkephalin, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, can be oxidized by horseradish peroxidase. the products formed are strongly fluorescent and characterized by absorption peaks with maxima at 290 nm and 315 nm. the effects of substrate and enzyme concentrations on the oxidation rate of enkephalins are described. amino acid analysis of the hydrolysates from peroxidase-treated enkephalins provides evidence for the presence of dity ... | 1991 | 1652945 |
the human promyelocytic hl60 cell line: a model of myeloid cell differentiation using dimethylsulphoxide, phorbol ester and butyrate. | the release of the reactive oxygen species that accompanies the oxidative burst was studied in hl60 cells differentiated with either dimethylsulphoxide, butyrate or phorbol myristate acetate in order to establish the extent to which differentiated cells are phenotypically similar to human neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages. when phorbol myristate acetate was used as a stimulus, the rates of superoxide production by dimethylsulphoxide and butyrate differentiated hl60 cells was not significant ... | 1991 | 1652248 |
human papillomavirus dna in anal carcinomas. comparison of in situ and dot blot hybridization. | because the sensitivities of individual hybridization techniques differ considerably, their role in accounting for the published frequencies of human papillomavirus (hpv) dna in anal squamous cell carcinomas, ranging from 0 to 61%, must be investigated. with the use of biotinylated probes to hpv 6, 11, 16, 18, and 33, three hybridization techniques were performed on the same paraffin-embedded tissue blocks selected from 13 cases of anal squamous cell carcinoma. hpv dna was detected in 0%, 62%, a ... | 1991 | 1652201 |