
PMID(sorted descending)
retinofugal and retinopetal projections in the green sunfish, lepomis cyanellus.the retinofugal and retinopetal connections in the green sunfish were studied by autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase methods. all retinofugal fibers decussate in the optic chiasm. some fibers project to contralateral preoptic and hypothalamic nuclei while others recross to project to the comparable ipsilateral nuclei. contralaterally, the medial optic tract projects to the periventricular thalamic and pretectal nuclei and, sparsely, to the rostral optic tectum. the dorsal optic tract pro ...19911913138
reactive intermediates formed during the peroxidative oxidation of anisidine isomers.the ortho isomer of anisidine (2-methoxyaniline) causes urinary bladder tumors in both mice and rats while the para isomer (4-methoxyaniline) is inactive. since the urinary bladder contains substantial peroxidase activity, we investigated the peroxidative metabolism of both o- and p-anisidine using horseradish peroxidase as a model enzyme. both isomers were excellent reducing cofactors for the oxidized state of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), resulting in one-electron oxidation to free radicals. u ...19911912336
effect of linking allyl and aromatic chains to histidine 170 in horseradish peroxidase.histidine residues in horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were modified chemically with diethyl pyrocarbonate, 4,omega-dibromoacetophenone or diallylpyrocarbonate. histidines were chosen as his-170, the fifth ligand of the heme iron atom, forms part of the active site of this enzyme. good yields of hemoprotein were obtained in all cases. analysis by hplc of peptides obtained after tryptic digestion showed that his-170 of hrp was in fact modified. the specific activity remained satisfactory after chemic ...19911911843
the corticospinal tract attains a normal configuration in the absence of myelin: observations in jimpy mutant mice.the corticospinal projection was examined in dysmyelinated, jimpy mice and in unaffected littermates following cortical injections of either wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase or biocytin. corticospinal axons in both phenotypes traverse the medulla within a well-defined pyramidal tract, decussate within several fascicles at the spinomedullary junction, and extend down the spinal cord in a compact bundle in the ventral-most part of the dorsal funiculus. very few labeled fi ...19911908251
[a neuroanatomical study of the vestibular efferent system, iii: the origin and pathway of the axons].we have studied the vestibular efferent fibers pathway, after scratching the peripheral vestibular receptors and horseradish peroxidase injection, and tmb or dab processing. we have proved the existence of a differentiated bundle in the main vestibular pathway, this bundle crosses the areas where the efferent somas have been situated, some of this fibers have been seen crossing the midline. it has not been possible to connect the efferent somas with the fibers.20151907835
a solid-phase assay for beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase activity in human serum using recombinant aequorin.we have developed a sensitive and rapid solid-phase assay for the serum enzyme udpgal:beta-d-glcnac beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase (beta 1,4-gt) (ec that employs the recombinant bioluminescent protein aequorin as the enzyme label for product detection. the substrate for beta 1,4-gt is a neoglycoprotein, bovine serum albumin containing covalently attached glcnac residues (glcnac-bsa), and it was immobilized by adsorption in microtiter plate wells. serum samples were added to each well a ...19911907813
a tetramethylbenzidine/tungstate reaction for horseradish peroxidase histochemistry.tracing of neuroanatomical pathways commonly involves the histochemical demonstration of horseradish peroxidase, using the chromogen tetramethylbenzidine. a new modification of this reaction using ammonium paratungstate stabilizer retains high sensitivity while permitting the reaction to be performed at ph 6.0 in isotonic solutions. the reaction product resists solvents, allowing nissl-stained sections to retain their peroxidase labeling. with subsequent stabilization by diaminobenzidine, the ti ...19911906909
carbachol-activated muscarinic (m1 and m3) receptors transfected into chinese hamster ovary cells inhibit trafficking of endosomes.we examined the effects of isoproterenol and carbachol on fluid-phase endocytosis by chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells transfected with beta-adrenergic, m1, or m3 cholinergic receptors. isoproterenol increased camp production and carbachol increased intracellular ca, indicating successful expression of the receptor genes and coupling to typical signal transduction pathways. carbachol inhibited the uptake of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or lucifer yellow (markers of fluid-phase endocytosis) in bo ...19911906173
effects of injection mechanics, ph of infusate and 6-hydroxydopamine on cerebromicrovascular permeability in rats.the effects of altering the rate, manner and vehicle used for intracerebral injection upon microvascular permeability were studied in sprague-dawley rats employing horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. the volume of vehicle delivered and the site of intracerebral injection were kept constant. in comparison to continuous infusion, vascular permeability was significantly greater following manual (intermittent) injections; however, no differences were found when the infusion rate was decreased 10- ...19911905171
detection of listeria monocytogenes by direct colony hybridization on hydrophobic grid-membrane filters by using a chromogen-labeled dna probe.a dna probe specific for listeria monocytogenes was isolated from a beta-hemolytic recombinant clone of an l. monocytogenes gene bank. it was labeled with horseradish peroxidase and used in a direct colony hybridization method on hydrophobic grid-membrane filters for the detection of the organism. following color development of the chromogen, a commercial counter (hgmf interpreter) was able to detect and count the organisms electronically. the method gave a positive reaction with 70 l. monocytog ...19911901711
metabolism of phenylhydroquinone by prostaglandin (h) synthase: possible implications in o-phenylphenol carcinogenesis.o-phenylphenol (opp) and its sodium salt sodium ortho-phenylphenate (naopp) are broad spectrum fungicides and antibacterial agents. both are urinary bladder and renal carcinogens in the fischer 344 rat. opp is converted by mixed-function oxidases in the liver to phenylhydroquinone (phq). since appreciable amounts of prostaglandin (h) synthase (pgs) are found in rat bladder and kidney-medullary papilla, the target sites of opp- and naopp-induced tumors, we hypothesized that a secondary pgs-mediat ...19911899053
one-electron oxidative activation of 2-aminofluorene by horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii: spectral and kinetic studies.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) catalyzed oxidation of the model carcinogen 2-aminofluorene (2-af) was studied by rapid scan spectral analysis and stopped flow kinetic measurements. our rapid scan spectral analysis of the changes in the enzyme oxidation states clearly indicates that the reactions between hrp intermediate compounds and 2-af are one-electron redox processes, thus a free radical is necessarily the primary product. the reactions were investigated at ph's ranging from 3.40 to 10.00. the ...19911898003
activation of the microsomal glutathione s-transferase by metabolites of alpha-methyldopa.rat liver microsomes contain a membrane-bound gsh s-transferase (gsh-tr), an enzyme that is involved in the detoxication of xenobiotics. also located on rat liver microsomes is the cytochrome p450 system, an enzyme complex that catalyzes the conversion of several xenobiotics into reactive intermediates. in this study, it was demonstrated that reactive products from alpha-methyldopa formed by the cytochrome p450 system are able to stimulate microsomal gsh-tr. also, products formed from alpha-meth ...19911897994
mechanisms of 1,3-butadiene oxidations to butadiene monoxide and crotonaldehyde by mouse liver microsomes and chloroperoxidase.nadph-dependent oxidation of 1,3-butadiene by mouse liver microsomes or h2o2-dependent oxidation by chloroperoxidase produced both butadiene monoxide and crotonaldehyde; methyl vinyl ketone and 2,3- and 2,5- dihydrofuran were not detected. the crotonaldehyde to butadiene monoxide ratio remained constant over time in both the microsomal and the chloroperoxidase reactions; however, much more crotonaldehyde was produced by chloroperoxidase than microsomes; crotonaldehyde was not detected when refer ...19911897952
in vivo lectin-binding of photoreceptors and interphotoreceptor matrix in rat.the in vivo distribution of lectin receptors in the photoreceptors and interphotoreceptor matrix (ipm) was studied by histochemistry and light microscopy. horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins (peanut agglutinin, pna; ricinus communis agglutinin-1, rca-1; or wheat germ agglutinin, wga) were administered into the subretinal space of living rats, and 1 and 6 hours later eyeballs were enucleated to examine retinal tissues with a light microscope. the surfaces of cone photoreceptor outer segment ...19911895566
development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of apolipoprotein e-aii complex in plasma.measurement of apolipoprotein (apo) e-aii complex in human plasma is important in determining the role of apoe in lipoprotein metabolism. in this paper, we demonstrate a new and simple method to determine apoe-all complex by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. anti-apoe igg (goat) was used as a capture antibody, and captured apoe-all complexes were detected by an anti-apoall (rabbit) horseradish peroxidase-conjugated anti-rabbit igg (goat) system. with this method, apoe-all complex was s ...19911893599
sensitive, colorimetric enzyme amplification cascade for determination of alkaline phosphatase and application of the method to an immunoassay of thyrotropin.a highly sensitive flavin adenine dinucleotide-3'-phosphate (fadp)-based enzyme amplification cascade has been developed for determining alkaline phosphatase (alp; ec the cascade detects alp via the dephosphorylation of the novel substrate fadp to produce the cofactor fad, which binds stoichiometrically to inactive apo d-amino acid oxidase (d-aao). the resulting active holo d-aao oxidizes d-proline to produce hydrogen peroxide, which is quantified by the horseradish peroxidase-mediated ...19911893577
chemiluminescent and bioluminescent techniques.light-emitting chemical reactions (chemiluminescence, cl) and biological reactions (bioluminescence, bl) have a diverse range of analytical applications but relatively few have been adopted by routine clinical laboratories. advantages of cl and bl assays include sensitivity (attomole and sub-attomole detection limits), speed (signal generated in a few seconds and in some cases stable for several hours), nonhazardous reagents, and simple procedures. the most promising clinical applications are in ...19911893571
peroxidase-catalyzed s-oxygenation: mechanism of oxygen transfer for lactoperoxidase.the mechanism of organosulfur oxygenation by peroxidases [lactoperoxidase (lpx), chloroperoxidase, thyroid peroxidase, and horseradish peroxidase] and hydrogen peroxide was investigated by use of para-substituted thiobenzamides and thioanisoles. the rate constants for thiobenzamide oxygenation by lpx/h2o2 were found to correlate with calculated vertical ionization potentials, suggesting rate-limiting single-electron transfer between lpx compound i and the organosulfur substrate. the incorporatio ...19911892813
population study of horizontal cells in live carp retinas using microinjections of horseradish order to randomly sample horizontal cells (hcs) of carp retina, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was delivered into axon terminals by means of vitreally inserted micropipettes in live fish. survival time was extended to several hours to permit label diffusion into hc somata. a function measuring the relative complexity of cell contours was defined in order to help classify hcs according to their morphological types. the histogram of measurement from 313 hcs showed three modes fitting normal distr ...19911891806
citric acid-ammonium acetate buffer.a ph table is reported for citric acid-ammonium acetate buffers that are useful for horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry.19911888793
localization of the sensory neurons in the canine nodose ganglion sending fibers into the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve.the distinct localization of the sensory neurons in the canine nodose ganglion that send fibers into the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (the main sensory pathway from the larynx) was studied using horseradish peroxidase technique. the labeled cells were located mainly in the rostral one-third of the lateral side of the nodose ganglion. we conclude that the localization of these labeled cells does not reflect a difference in cellular role or function but is due to the course of t ...19911888504
[endothelial vesicles as a transport system in the blood-brain barrier. morphometric study during development].the vesicles and vacuoles of the endothelia, morphological expression of endocytosis and transendothelial transport, are quite absent in the mature neural endothelia. in order to study the temporal sequence of the vesicle and vacuole modifications during the blood brain barrier (bbb) setting up, the extent of these structures was morphometrically analyzed on electron micrographs of neural microvessels in the optic tectum of 8, 14, and 17 day chick embryos, fixed after an intracardial injection o ...19911888483
elisa for determination of immunoreactive free elastase and elastase in complex with alpha 1-antitrypsin in nasal secretions with sinusitis.sensitive double antibody sandwich elisa methods was developed in order to quantify immunoreactive neutrophil elastase (ne) levels in nasal secretions with chronic sinusitis (cs). microwell plate as a solid phase was coated with anti-ne antibody. two different horseradish peroxidase (hrp) labelled antibodies used as the second antibody were anti-ne-hrp for measuring total (free + complexed) ne level and anti-alpha 1-antitrypsin (at)-hrp for complexed ne level. mean value of total ne was 31.0 +/- ...20001887781
the location of spinothalamic axons within spinal cord white matter in cat and squirrel monkey.the locations of spinothalamic (stt) fibers in the spinal cord white matter have been identified in cat and squirrel monkey by light-microscopic visualization of labeled fibers following multiple thalamic injections of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. thalamic injections were combined with either a constricting dural tie or an intraspinal injection of colchicine to facilitate axonal labeling at more rostral spinal levels. in the cat, the ventral-to-dorsal distribution o ...19911887729
trigeminal projections to contralateral dorsal horn originate in midline hairy skin.the present study tested the hypothesis that the trigeminal (v) primary afferent projection to the contralateral dorsal horn originates in midline hairy skin. a prior study (jacquin et al., 1990) showed that this crossed projection is heaviest to ophthalmic regions of medullary and cervical dorsal horns, and that it does not arise from v ganglion cells that innervate cornea, nasal mucosa, or cerebral dura mater. here, retrograde double-labeling methods were used to show that many ophthalmic gang ...19911887727
cerebellar projections to the somatic pretectum in the cat.neurons in the somatic pretectum receive input from the dorsal column nuclei (dcn) and project to a comparable "somatic" portion of the dorsal accessory nucleus of the inferior olive (dao). this somatic dao is reciprocally connected with the anterior interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum. one question that arises is whether this circuitry is further controlled by an output specifically from the anterior interpositus nucleus to the somatic pretectum. wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradis ...19911887723
characterization of ramified microglia in tissue culture: pinocytosis and motility.functional properties of ramified microglia were investigated in primary cultures of rat cerebral cortical cells. these microglia could be readily identified in both fixed and living cultures through previously established features. based on their destruction by 5 mm l-leucine methyl ester, a high level of intrinsic endocytotic activity was established. when cultures were incubated with fluorescent latex beads to assess phagocytosis, little or no such activity was exhibited by ramified cells. ho ...19911886165
examination of neurons in wild type and mutants of caenorhabditis elegans using antibodies to horseradish peroxidase.antibodies to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) recognize 27 of 302 neurons and several non-neuronal cells in adult hermaphrodites of the soil nematode caenorhabditis elegans and can be used to label these cells for cytological analysis in whole animals. the antibodies bind to the anterior members, but not to the posterior members of a set of mechanosensory neurons in wild type animals. binding to one of the posterior mechanosensory neurons (pvm) occurs when this neuron migrates to an abnormal anteri ...19911886035
sandwich enzyme immunoassay for rat transferrin with two monoclonal antibodies and its application.the development of a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for rat transferrin with two monoclonal antibodies is described. microtiter plates coated with one monoclonal antibody (15c2h3) were used, and captured transferrin was estimated with a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated fab' fragment of another monoclonal antibody (22a06d2). in this assay, the measurable range is 5-150 ng/ml and the coefficients of variation within and between the assay series are 1.2-5.0 and 3.3-6.0%, respectively. recovery was 10 ...19911883626
immunoaffinity partitioning: synthesis and use of polyethylene glycol-oxirane for coupling to bovine serum albumin and monoclonal antibodies.polyethylene glycol (peg)-oxirane was synthesized by reacting aminated monomethoxy-peg 5000 (nh2-mpeg 5000) with butanediol diglycidyl ether and used to derivatize bovine serum albumin (bsa) and monoclonal antibodies (mab) against horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and porcine lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 5, respectively. determination of oxirane end groups revealed a very high number, which arise from the chain breaks of the polymer. covalent coupling of peg-oxirane to bsa resulted in 30-50 times ...19911883529
luminol-dependent chemiluminescence in bovine eosinophils and neutrophils: differential increase of intracellular and extracellular chemiluminescence induced by soluble stimulants.luminol chemiluminescence was used to detect activation of the respiratory burst oxidase in bovine eosinophils and neutrophils. extracellular and intracellular chemiluminescence were measured by supplementing the medium with horseradish peroxidase and catalase, respectively. pure bovine eosinophils (greater than 90%), maximally stimulated with 1 nmol/l phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (pma) showed ten times more extracellular luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (cl) than maximally stimulated pure ...19911882704
interrelationships between increased vascular permeability and acute neuronal damage following temperature-controlled brain ischemia in rats.this study examined regional patterns of increased vascular permeability and morphological indicators of acute neuronal injury following normothermic and mildly hyperthermic forebrain ischemia. rats underwent 20 min of four-vessel occlusion during which intraischemic brain temperature was maintained at either 37 degrees c or 39 degrees c. at 45-min recirculation, the blood-brain barrier (bbb)-tracer horseradish peroxidase was injected and rats were perfusion-fixed at 1-h recirculation for light ...19911882638
lymph-borne (veiled) dendritic cells can acquire and present intestinally administered investigate the ability of lymph-borne (veiled) dendritic cells (ldc) to acquire and present antigens in vivo, mesenteric lymphadenectomized rats were injected intra-intestinally with antigen and ldc were then purified from thoracic duct lymph. when used as antigen presenting cells with primed spleen cells as responders, the ldc could stimulate antigen-specific proliferation of the responder cells in the absence of exogenous added antigen. as little as 10 mg of ovalbumin (ova) or horseradish ...19911879878
[preganglionic parasympathetic innervation of the intact and partially denervated rat stomach].the preganglionic parasympathetic innervation of normal and vagotomized rat stomach have been investigated by the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. after the hrp injection into the antrum and fundus muscles the labelled cells were revealed in nuclei dorsalis nervi vagi bilaterally, but preferentially in the left nucleus. the most numerous labelled cells were observed after injection into the region of the curvatura minor. when hrp was injected into the vagotomized stomach one, three, four ...19911876214
morphology and axonal projection patterns of individual neurons in the cat perigeniculate nucleus.1. the lateral geniculate nucleus is the primary thalamic relay through which retinal signals pass en route to cortex. this relay is gated and can be suppressed by activity among local inhibitory neurons that use gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) as a neurotransmitter. in the cat, a major source of this gabaergic inhibition seems to arise from cells of the perigeniculate nucleus, which lies just dorsal to the a-laminae of the lateral geniculate nucleus. however, the morphological characteristics of ...19911875260
pudendal motor and premotor neurons in the male rat: a wga transneuronal study.anatomical studies using retrograde neuronal tracers were carried out to identify pudendal motoneurons and putative lumbosacral interneurons involved in the generation of penile reflexes in the adult male rat (sprague-dawley). in agreement with previous studies, injection of the direct neuronal tracers, horseradish peroxidase or fluoro-gold, into the left m. bulbospongiosus (dorsal division) resulted in direct retrograde labeling of motoneurons only in the ipsilateral dorsomedial (dm) nucleus. i ...19911874980
androgenic regulation of dendritic trees of motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus: reconstruction after intracellular iontophoresis of horseradish peroxidase.androgen-sensitive motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (snb) in adult male rats were labeled after intracellular iontophoresis of horseradish peroxidase, after which they were fully reconstructed in three dimensions in order to measure their dendritic trees. three groups of rats were compared: intact adult male rats and male rats castrated as adults and given silastic tube implants containing either testosterone or nothing. in the high-androgen groups (intact males and testo ...19911874978
development of a competitive enzyme immunoassay for 17 alpha-19-nortestosterone.because 17 beta-19-nortestosterone and its esters are frequently used anabolic steroids in cattle in europe, there is a need for an assay that can also detect certain metabolites. the enzyme immunoassay described here involves the detection and quantitation of the major metabolite 17 alpha-19-nortestosterone in urine. the assay is based on the coating of an antibody raised in a rabbit against 17 alpha-19-nortestosterone-3-carboxy-methyloxime-bovine serum albumin (17 alpha-19-nt-3-cmo-bsa), the c ...19911874849
[the role of nucleus tractus solitarii (nts) in acupuncture inhibition of visceral-somatic reflex (vsr)].experiments were carried out on 164 rabbits. the transmission of abdominal vagal impulses and the mechanism of inhibitory effect by acupuncture systematically were investigated. 1) electrical stimulation (single pulse of 20 v, 0.5 ms) of abdominal vagus nerve (avn) produced two kinds of potential on cervical vagus nerve: the fast wave (10.4-24.4 m/sec) and the slow wave (0.9-1.7 m/sec), the later was more stable. 2) in dorsal medulla oblongata the 'm' shaped evoked potentials with long duration ...19911873901
carbohydrate analysis of human von willebrand factor with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins.human von willebrand factor (vwf) immobilized on a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane was subjected to binding assay with a series of horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins. the protein was reactive with concanavalin a, ricinus communis agglutinin 120, wheat germ agglutinin and ulex europaeus agglutinin i (uea-i) but not with peanut agglutinin before sialidase treatment. these reactivities were consistent with the major oligosaccharide structure reported except for uea-i. the reactivity with ...19911872845
ultrastructure of cat superior vestibular commissural neurons.the ultrastructure of the feline superior vestibular commissural neurons (cns) was studied after labeling by contralateral injection of horseradish peroxidase. these small spindle-shaped cells are found in clusters oriented in a rostrocaudal, dorsoventral or lateromedial direction. the cns have a cleft nucleus, with the majority of nerve terminals contacting the cn near the emergence of polar dendrites. polarization of the afferent synaptic profiles suggests a bidirectional nature of inputs to c ...19911872516
effects of deoxycholate on the transepithelial transport of sucrose and horseradish peroxidase in filter-grown madin-darby canine kidney (mdck) cells.madin-darby canine kidney (mdck) epithelial cells grown on microporous polycarbonate filters were used as a model system to investigate the mechanisms of enhancement by deoxycholate in the transepithelial transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and 14c-sucrose. deoxycholate at 0.025% had no effect on the transepithelial electrical resistance (teer); a fivefold enhancement on the transepithelial transport of hrp, but not on that of 14c-sucrose, was observed. deoxycholate at 0.05% induced a reve ...19911871046
spatial distribution of recurrent inhibitory synapses on spinal motoneurons in the cat.1. intracellular staining of renshaw cells and alpha motoneurons was used to determine the spatial distribution of recurrent inhibitory synapses on spinal motoneurons in the cat. in each experiment, a renshaw cell and one or more possible target motoneurons were labeled with horseradish peroxidase after physiological identification. 2. paris of labeled neurons were reconstructed and measured at the light microscopic level. as defined by light microscopy, presumed synaptic contacts between nine r ...19911869909
selectivity of kainic acid as a neurotoxin within the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat: a model for transneuronal retrograde situ injections of the cytotoxin kainic acid were used to make localized lesions of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the adult cat to produce a model for studying the effects of postsynaptic target loss. kainic acid has been used extensively to produce lesions of neuronal cell bodies within the central nervous system. however, the selectivity of kainic acid has been questioned, as it may also affect afferent terminals or axons of passage. retinal projections to degenerated geniculate ...19911869878
primate supplementary eye field. ii. comparative aspects of connections with the thalamus, corpus striatum, and related forebrain nuclei.the supplementary eye field (sef) was defined electrophysiologically in behaving monkeys to study its connections with the diencephalon and corpus striatum. the specificity of sef pathways was determined with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry to compare its connections with those of the arcuate frontal eye field (fef), contiguous dorsocaudal area 6 (6dc), and primary motor cortex (m1, arm/hand region). results indicate that patterns of sef connectivity were similar to the fef and marke ...19911869632
nmr study of the active site of resting state and cyanide-inhibited lignin peroxidase from phanerochaete chrysosporium. comparison with horseradish and two-dimensional 1h nmr spectroscopy has been used to probe the active site of the high spin ferric resting state and the low spin, cyanide-inhibited derivative of isozyme h2 of the lignin peroxidase, lip, from phanerochaete chrysosporium strain bkm 1767. one-dimensional nmr revealed a resting state lip that is five coordinate at 25 degrees c with an electronic structure similar to that of horseradish peroxidase, hrp. differential paramagnetic relaxivity was used to identify the c beta h ...19911869537
microtubule-disrupting drugs blocked delivery of endocytosed transferrin to the cytocenter, but did not affect return of transferrin to plasma membrane.the fluorescence of fl cells after endocytosis of rhodamine-labeled transferrin initially appeared as a dispersed punctate pattern over the whole cell and then accumulated in the cytocenter on further incubation. in nocodazole-treated cells, the punctate fluorescence appeared along the cell edges, and stayed there on further incubation but did not accumulate in the cytocenter. the localization of transferrin was examined at the electron microscopic level with horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-labeled ...19911869507
human neutrophil migration into skin chambers is associated with production of nap-1/il8 and c5a.respiratory burst activity initiated by the chemoattractants fmlp, rc5a and rnap-1/il8 was investigated in human exudated and peripheral blood neutrophils. exudated cells were isolated after migration into a skin chamber and the respiratory burst activity was measured as chemiluminescence amplified by luminol and horseradish peroxidase. the response to fmlp (5 x 10(-8) mol/l) was significantly enhanced (p less than 0.01) in the exudated cells but was significantly decreased after stimulation (5 ...19911868917
mannose-sensitive hrp endocytosis by the retinal pigment epithelium.mannose-sensitive endocytosis by rat retinal pigment epithelium (rpe) explants was characterized using the mannose-rich glycoprotein horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the number of hrp-containing endosomes in the rpe was morphologically quantitated by light microscopy while the amount of hrp ingested was biochemically quantitated by enzyme assay. hrp internalized via a mannose-sensitive receptor was differentiated from fluid-phase uptake in competitive inhibition studies using d-mannose. morphologic ...19911868888
peptide-n4-(n-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase f cannot release glycans with fucose attached alpha 1----3 to the asparagine-linked n-acetylglucosamine residue.the ability of peptide-n4-(n-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase f (pngase f) from flavobacterium meningosepticum and pngase a from sweet almonds to deglycosylate n-glycopeptides and n-glycoproteins from plants was compared. bromelain glycopeptide and horseradish peroxidase-c glycoprotein, which contain xylose linked beta 1----2 to beta-mannose and fucose linked alpha 1----3 to the innermost n-acetylglucosamine, were used as substrates. in contrast to pngase a, the enzyme from f. meningo ...19911868849
evaluation of anionic histological dyes as co-injectable cell markers in pre-implantation mouse embryos.the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (hrp) is a widely used microinjectable cell marker for studying cell position, lineage, and migration in many kinds of animal embryos. marked cells are easily identified because they darken when exposed to a chromophore and an hrp substrate such as hydrogen peroxide. this assay, however, requires cytochemical fixation. thus, when hrp-marked cells need to be identified prior to fixation, visible co-injectants such as dyes and fluorescent substances have been used ...19911868001
blood-nerve barrier in the frog during wallerian degeneration: are axons necessary for maintenance of barrier function?blood-nerve barrier tissues (endoneurial blood vessels and perineurium) of the frog's sciatic nerve were studied during chronic wallerian degeneration to determine whether barrier function depends on the presence of intact axons. sciatic nerves of adult frogs were transected in the abdominal cavity; the ends were tied to prevent regeneration and the distal nerve stumps were examined. vascular permeabilities to horseradish peroxidase and to [14c]sucrose increased to day 14, returned toward normal ...19911865020
musculotopic organization of the hypoglossal nucleus in the grass frog, rana pipiens.recent neural tracer studies in several mammalian species have demonstrated a similar musculotopic organization of the hypoglossal motoneurons which innervate individual tongue muscles. the distribution of this musculotopic organization in nonmammalian tetrapods, however, has not received detailed investigation. as part of an ongoing study on the comparative organization of the vertebrate hypoglossal nucleus, the musculotopic organization of the hypoglossal nucleus of rana pipiens was studied by ...19911865014
anatomic evidence of nociceptive inputs to primary somatosensory cortex: relationship between spinothalamic terminals and thalamocortical cells in squirrel monkeys.this study examined anatomic pathways that are likely to transmit noxious and thermal cutaneous information to the primary somatosensory cortex. anterograde and retrograde labeling techniques were combined to investigate the relationship between spinothalamic (stt) projections and thalamocortical neurons in the squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus). large injections of diamidino yellow (dy) were placed in the physiologically defined hand region of primary somatosensory cortex (hsi), and wheat germ ...19911865012
central projections of cervical primary afferent fibers in the guinea pig: an hrp and wga/hrp tracer study.the central course and the projections of the first and the second cervical dorsal root ganglia and of suboccipital muscle primary afferent fibers in the guinea pig were studied by means of anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga/hrp) or aqueous solution of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). injections of wga/hrp into the second cervical dorsal root ganglion produced labeling in the dorsal and ventral horns. within the spinal cord, the largest amount o ...19911865009
axonal regeneration in the adult lamprey spinal cord.larval sea lampreys recover from complete spinal transection by a process involving directionally specific axonal regeneration. in order to determine whether this is also true of adults, 14 adult lampreys were transected at the level of the 5th gill and allowed to recover for 10 weeks. müller and mauthner cells and their giant reticulospinal axons (gras) were impaled with microelectrodes and injected with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the tissue was processed for hrp histochemistry and wholemoun ...19911865001
non-isotopic detection of chromosome 1 in human meiosis and demonstration of disomic sperm nuclei.nonradioactive in situ hybridization with the biotin-labeled chromosome 1-specific probe puc1.77 was performed on human mitotic and meiotic chromosomes, and on sperm nuclei. the streptavidine-horseradish-peroxidase and diaminobenzidine detection system demonstrated heteromorphisms in the 1q12 heterochromatic region, not only in mitotic cells but also in mature sperm heads. the localization of chromosome 1 could be traced through all meiotic stages and in the sperm nuclei. the frequency of chromo ...19911864599
cell movements during the initial phase of gastrulation in the sea urchin embryo.the morphogenetic processes responsible for the initial phase of gastrulation in sea urchin embryos are not known. here we report observations of the size and position of clones of cells derived from horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-injected mesomeres and macromeres. the displacement of these clones during the initial phase of gastrulation suggests that involution is a mechanism involved in primary invagination. experiments with embryos marked with vital dyes indicate that movements occur only durin ...19911864470
integration in descending motor pathways controlling the forelimb in the cat. 18. morphology, axonal projection and termination of collaterals from c3-c4 propriospinal neurones in the segment of origin.the morphology of single c3-c4 propriospinal neurones (pns) including the cell body, dendritic tree, axonal trajectory and the pattern of projection and termination of axonal collaterals in the c3-c4 segments was investigated by intra-somatic or intra-axonal injection of horseradish peroxidase. all the c3-c4 pns could be antidromically activated from the lateral funicle in c6 and the lateral reticular nucleus but not from th13. another criterion was that they received monosynaptic excitation fro ...19911864327
the peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of vitro experiments are reported showing that the dipeptides tyr-l-arg (kyotorphin) and tyr-d-arg (d-arg-kyotorphin) can be oxidized by h2o2-horseradish peroxidase system: the products formed are characterized by absorption spectra with two peaks at 290 nm and 315 nm. the effects of substrate and enzyme concentration on the oxidation rate are described. amino acid analysis of hydrolysates of peroxidase-treated kyotorphins provides evidence for the presence of dityrosine. the data suggest that t ...19911863276
bovine aortic endothelial cells release hydrogen peroxide.endothelial cells grown on microcarriers are able to release h2o2 to the extracellular environment without any added stimulus. the extracellularly released h2o2 can be detected by luminol-amplified chemiluminescence (cl) if horseradish peroxidase is added. the cl response can be reduced by catalase and blocked by superoxide dismutase, indicating that o2- could be a precursor for h2o2. the cl kinetics, i.e., a long lag time followed by a rapid shift to a new level, indicate activation of an o2(-) ...19911860894
glycine-like immunoreactivity in synaptic boutons of identified inhibitory interneurons in the mammalian spinal cord.glycine is thought to be a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian cns. two types of physiologically identified interneurons, renshaw cells and ia inhibitory interneurons, were intracellularly stained with horseradish peroxidase, and their axon terminals were studied at the electron microscopic level. post-embedding immunogold procedures were used to reveal the presence of glycine-like immunoreactivity. the synaptic terminals of both types of interneuron were significantly enriched wi ...19911860070
use of a silver-enhanced gold-labelled immunoassay for detection of antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus in whole blood samples.a silver-enhanced gold-labelled immunosorbent assay (seglisa) for the detection of antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in whole-blood samples is described. this new non-isotopic, non-enzymic immunoassay incorporates use of solid phase viral antigens which bind any hiv antibodies present in the test sample. the antigen/antibody complex is then detected by gold-labelled anti human immunoglobulin g (igg) followed by silver amplification. we found that whole blood samples give false posit ...19911859153
muscle basal lamina as a grafting material for elongation of axons from rat brain.autografts of peripheral nerve or allografts of muscle basal lamina were inserted into the putamen-caudate complex of rats, with the outer end of the implant being sutured to the temporalis muscle. elongation of central axons within the grafts, as revealed by the horseradish peroxidase retrograde labelling technique, did occur in the presence of basal lamina implants. with both types of grafting materials stained neurones exhibited a comparable distribution, being mainly found in the proximity o ...19911858529
[innervation of skeletal muscle by the lumbar sympathetic nervous system].the innervation of skeletal muscle by the lumbar sympathetic nerve was studied through the glyoxic acid histochemical method and the horseradish peroxidase method on 16 anesthesized rabbits. blood flow changes in the quadriceps muscles during and after stimulation of the sympathetic nerves were evaluated by the heated thermocouple technique in 12 anesthesized rabbits. it seems likely that the postganglionic nerve fibers join to the spinal nerve at the intervertebral foramen and run into the peri ...19911856535
direct observations of synapses between gaba-immunoreactive boutons and identified spinocervical tract neurons in the cat's spinal cord.three spinocervical tract neurons in adult cats were physiologically characterized and intracellularly labelled with horseradish peroxidase. the neurons were reconstructed and examined with the light microscope and were prepared for postembedding immunochemical analysis by using an antiserum which specifically recognizes gaba in glutaraldehyde-fixed tissue. semithin sections were tested and examined with the light microscope. somata, proximal, and distal dendrites of all three cells were associa ...19911856328
morphology and frequency of axon terminals on the somata, proximal dendrites, and distal dendrites of dorsal neck motoneurons in the cat.the purpose of the present study was to compare the frequency of different classes of axon terminals on selected regions of the somatodendritic surface of dorsal neck motoneurons. single motoneurons supplying neck extensor muscles were antidromically identified and intracellularly stained with horseradish peroxidase. by using light microscopic reconstructions as a guide, axon terminals on the somata, proximal dendrites (within 250 microns of the soma), and distal dendrites (more than 540 microns ...19911856325
mitral cell-to-glomerulus connectivity: an hrp study of the orientation of mitral cell apical has been suggested that the principal output cells of the main olfactory bulb, the mitral cells, along with the glomerulus they enter, form an anatomical and functional column. to test the extent to which mitral cell somata lying close together in the mitral cell layer are connected to the same glomerulus, we reconstructed 267 mitral cells labeled by extracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the external plexiform layer. results show that apical dendrites tilt rostrally from ...19911856320
the permeability of capillaries in the eustachian tube mucosa.the transendothelial passage of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and diffusion of hrp into the pericapillary space, injected intravenously into cats, was studied at the light and electron microscopic level in the mucosa of the eustachian tube. the permeability of capillaries in the pharyngeal two-thirds of the tube was higher than in the tympanic one-third though all the subepithelial capillaries were of the continuous type. in the lamina propria of the subepithelium in the pharyngeal two-thirds muc ...19911852413
polymerase chain reaction-mediated gene synthesis: synthesis of a gene coding for isozyme c of horseradish peroxidase.the synthesis of a gene coding for horseradish peroxidase (hrp, isozyme c; ec is described using a polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-mediated gene synthesis approach developed in our laboratory. in this approach, all the oligonucleotides making up the gene are ligated in a single step by using the two outer oligonucleotides as pcr primers and the crude ligation mixture as the target. the pcr facilitates synthesis and purification of the gene simultaneously. the gene for hrp was synthesiz ...19911851991
effects of escherichia coli endotoxin on structure and permeability of myocardial capillaries.a study was carried out to investigate changes in myocardial capillaries induced by endotoxin, in order to clarify the pathogenesis of myocardial damage in endotoxemia. wistar rats were injected intraperitoneally with 100 mg/kg escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide and then sacrificed at 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 8, and 24 h after injection. the myocardium was observed by electron microscopy with histochemistry using horseradish peroxidase and immunocytochemistry for na+, k(+)-atpase/tpase. the earliest ev ...19911851597
median preoptic nucleus projections to vasopressin-containing neurones of the supraoptic nucleus in sheep. a light and electron microscopic has been postulated that osmoreceptors are situated in either or both of two components of the lamina terminalis, the subfornical organ (sfo) and organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (ovlt) and that information from these sites may be relayed to the hypothalamus directly or via a synapse in the median preoptic nucleus (mnpo). we have investigated the nature of projections from the mnpo to vasopressin (avp)-containing neurones in the hypothalamus. microinjections of horseradish peroxidase-whe ...19911851451
spinal cord projections of the rat main forelimb nerves, studied by transganglionic transport of wga-hrp and by the disappearance of acid phosphatase.the spinal cord projections of the 3 main forelimb nerves-median, radial and ulnar, were studied in the rat dorsal horn with transganglionic transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp), or using the disappearance of fluoride resistant acid phosphatase (frap) after nerve section. the projection patterns in lamina ii were similar following the two procedures. the median and the radial nerve fibers projected to the medial and the intermediate thirds, respectively, of the dor ...19911851450
a comparison of the distribution and morphology of thalamic, cerebellar and spinal projection neurons in rat trigeminal nucleus interpolaris.the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to examine and compare the distribution and morphology of thalamic, cerebellar and spinal projecting neurons in rat trigeminal nucleus interpolaris following large injections into their respective targets. the regional distribution of these three populations was evaluated in relation to the six cytoarchitecturally distinct regions which characterize the nucleus. cerebellar projecting neurons were distributed throughout the rostrocaudal ...19911851257
the spinotrigeminal pathway and its spatial relationship to the origin of trigeminospinal projections in the rat.the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase and tritiated amino acids was used to examine the distribution and morphology of spinal afferent fibers terminating in the rat spinal trigeminal complex. the results confirm the existence of a direct, ipsilateral projection from the spinal cord which is distributed exclusively to the deepest layers of the medullary dorsal horn narrow regions subjacent to the spinal trigeminal tract in trigeminal nucleus interpolaris, trigeminal nucleus oralis a ...19911851256
[lectin histochemistry in psoriasis, lichen planus and keratosis seborrheica].using 14 different biotinyl lectins and avidin horseradish peroxidase, we studied the lectin binding patterns in the epidermis of the lesions in 37 cases of psoriasis, 9 cases of lichen planus and 18 cases of keratosis seborrheica. in comparison with normal human skin, epidermal lectin binding patterns in these diseases showed considerable qualitative and quantitative abnormalities, among which some were characteristic. these findings revealed significant changes in keratinocytic glycoconjugates ...19911850654
comparison of peroxidase-labeled dna probes with radioactive rna probes for detection of human papillomaviruses by in situ hybridization in paraffin sections.a study comparing in situ hybridization using nonradioactive dna probes directly conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), and 35s-labeled antisense rna probes for human papillomavirus (hpv) types 6/11, 16, and 18 was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue from 34 lesions of the cervix and vulva. these lesions included exophytic condylomas and intraepithelial and invasive neoplasms. hpv 6/11 was detected in two of four condylomata acuminata by both in situ techniques. hpv 16 w ...19911850519
identification of an endosome-specific antigen.we have used successive density gradient centrifugation with vesicles prepared from a human hepatoma hep g2 post nuclear supernatant to obtain a highly enriched preparation of early endosomes. a monoclonal antibody (8e4) raised against this early endosome preparation recognizes a single polypeptide highly enriched in light vesicle membranes. the antigen has a molecular weight of 195 kda by sds-page in the presence or absence of a reducing agent. western blot analysis shows that the 8e4 antigen i ...19911849826
effects of cortical and thalamic lesions upon primary afferent terminations, distributions of projection neurons, and the cytochrome oxidase pattern in the trigeminal brainstem complex.early postnatal lesions of the primary somatosensory cortex alter the vibrissa-related cytochrome oxidase (co) pattern in nucleus principalis (prv) of the rat's trigeminal (v) brainstem complex (erzurumlu and ebner, '88: dev. brain res. 44:302-308). at present, the reason for this change is not clear. it may be that the corticotrigeminal projection is necessary for the maintenance of vibrissa-related patterns in prv. however, it is also possible that the loss of the normal pattern of co activity ...19911849519
catalyzed reporter deposition, a novel method of signal amplification. ii. application to membrane a previous publication (bobrow et al., j. immunol. methods (1989) 279-285), we described a novel signal amplification method, catalyzed reporter deposition (card), and its application to microplate immunoassays. the method utilizes the analyte-dependent reporter enzyme (adre) to catalyze the deposition of additional reporter onto the surface of a solid-phase immunoassay system. in this paper, we describe the utilization of card amplification for nonradiometric membrane assays where detection ...19911849153
inhibition of the myeloperoxidase-h2o2-cl- system of neutrophils by indomethacin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.the results presented herein demonstrate that the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (nsaid) indomethacin is a strong inhibitor of the formation of hocl by murine neutrophils (50% inhibition at 15 microm). addition of 40 microm indomethacin to activated neutrophils caused 80% inhibition of hocl formation throughout a 60-min time course while slightly increasing the levels of o2- and h2o2 produced. comparable degrees of inhibition were achieved when the cells were stimulated with phorbol myrist ...19911848981
distribution of glycoconjugates in ion transport cells of gerbil inner ear.ion transport cells in gerbil inner ear were differentiated histochemically by staining glycoconjugates (gcs) with a battery of horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins. strong staining with psa and lca showed a high content of n-linked oligosaccharides in transport cell gcs. reactivity with pha-l and pha-e identified gc with triantennary and with bisected biantennary n-linked oligosaccharides, respectively, in these cells. high affinity for dsa and pwm demonstrated abundant n-acetyl lactosamin ...19911848571
diethyldithiocarbamate suppresses the plant activation of aromatic amines into mutagens by inhibiting tobacco cell peroxidase.diethyldithiocarbamate is an antimutagen and repressed the activation of promutagens by plant systems. earlier work implicated the involvement of tobacco cell (tx1) peroxidases in the plant cell activation of aromatic amines. we now present data that diethyldithiocarbamate represses the activation of 2-aminofluorene and m-phenylenediamine by inhibiting intracellular tx1 peroxidases under in vivo conditions. concentrations of diethyldithiocarbamate that caused a 50% repression of tx1 cell activat ...19911848349
interphase cytogenetics using biotin and digoxigenin labelled probes: iii. increased sensitivity and flexibility for detecting hpv in cervical biopsy specimens and cell lines.a monoclonal antibody to digoxin enabled sandwich techniques to be used for the detection of hybridised digoxigenin labelled probes in cultured cells and paraffin wax sections. this system has greater flexibility than alkaline phosphatase conjugated polyclonal antidigoxigenin antibody and permits the use of alternative detector enzymes, such as horseradish peroxidase and fluorescence labels. the apaap detection system that does not require the use of biotin can also be used in situations where e ...19911847709
heme-protein fission under nondenaturing conditions.slow heme transfer from horseradish peroxidases c2 and a2, cytochrome c peroxidase, chloroperoxidase, and leghemoglobins to a heme acceptor protein, apomyoglobin, has been studied under mild conditions. the reaction is best described as heme release into water followed by quick engulfment by apomyoglobin. the energetics of the activated process are large and interpreted as connected to both polypeptide motions during release and the ordering of water around the heme during solvation. the free en ...19911846966
production of large amounts of hydrogen peroxide by human tumor cells.few nonphagocytic cells are known to generate reactive oxygen intermediates. based on horseradish peroxidase-dependent, catalase-inhibitable oxidation of fluorescent scopoletin, seven human tumor cell lines constitutively elaborated h2o2 at rates (up to 0.5 nmol/10(4) cells/h) large enough that cumulative amounts at 4 h were comparable to the amount of h2o2 produced by phorbol ester-triggered neutrophils. superoxide dismutase-inhibitable ferricytochrome c reduction was detectable at much lower r ...19911846317
a search for a mesencephalic periaqueductal gray-cochlear nucleus connection.horseradish peroxidase placed into the ventral mesencephalic periaqueductal gray (pag) and in the lateral superior olivary complex region demonstrated indirect paths towards the cochlear nucleus (cn). because no direct connections could be observed, a pathway throughout the auditory efferent system was proposed. the results suggest three possibilities: 1) the pag is connected to the lateral superior peri-olivary complex synapsing with known efferent fibers that reach the cn; 2) neurons located a ...19911844143
visual responses of morphologically identified tectal cells in the goldfish.intrinsic cells from the optic tectum of the goldfish were recorded intracellularly while undergoing photic stimulation, injected iontophoretically with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), and subsequently recovered in sectioned material. unequivocal identifications were possible for 72 cells. the majority of these belonged to type i or type xiv, but types ii, iii, vi, ix and xiii were also observed. type i cells exhibited a characteristic response to light flash with a strong initial hyperpolarizatio ...19911843756
ganglion cells in the goldfish retina: correlation of light-evoked response and morphology.goldfish retinal ganglion cells were intracellularly stained with horseradish peroxidase after recording their responses to a predetermined set of test stimuli. depolarizing responses were elicited by cells differing in shapes and sizes of their somata and dendritic fields; these cells were mostly bistratified in the inner plexiform layer (sublamina b and distal sublamina a). hyperpolarizing responses were generated by cells monostratified in a, and by cells bistratified in a and at the a/b bord ...19911843754
endolymphatic hydrops in animal experiments. a confirmation of mechanical and immunological methods of inducement.the etiology underlying endolymphatic hydrops is scarcely understood. it is generally accepted, however, that the primary cause of endolymphatic hydrops is the malfunction and malabsorption of the endolymphatic sac. this has already been proven by animal experiments as well as by histopathological studies of human temporal bone. in this study, we attempted to induce endolymphatic hydrops by utilizing both mechanical and immunological methods. an obliterative procedure was performed on the endoly ...19911843168
2d nmr of paramagnetic metalloenzymes: cyanide-inhibited horseradish peroxidase.two-dimensional (2d) proton nmr correlation spectroscopy, cosy, and nuclear overhauser spectroscopy, noesy, have been used to explore the applicability of these methods for the moderately large (42 kda), paramagnetic cyanide-inhibited derivative of horseradish peroxidase, hrp-cn. the target resonances are those in the active site of hrp-cn which experience substantial hyperfine shifts and paramagnetic relaxation. the magnitude cosy experiment was found to yield cross peaks for all known spin-cou ...19911841693
levocarnitine acetyl promotes the regeneration of peripheral sensory axons and reduces the hypertrophy of axotomized spinal cord motoneurons in previous studies, the neurotrophic action of levocarnitine acetyl on the regeneration of the sciatic nerve in rats has been demonstrated. the present study investigated the particular effect of levocarnitine acetyl on the initial stages of sciatic nerve regeneration. in the first 8 days after sciatic nerve lesion caused by crushing (group a) or cutting (group b), the rats of both groups were divided into 2 subgroups: treated rats received daily intraperitoneal levocarnitine acetyl (a megadose ...19911841049
monosynaptic connections between neurons of trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus and jaw-closing motoneurons in the rat: an intracellular horseradish peroxidase labelling order to confirm the monosynaptic connections of muscle spindle-mediated jaw stretch reflexes, 8 neurons of trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus innervating masseteric muscle spindles were identified electrophysiologically and stained intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase. these axon terminals projected to ipsilateral dorsal and dorsolateral divisions of trigeminal motor nucleus and extensive premotor areas. under electron microscope, labeled terminals made monosynaptic contacts predominant ...19911838952
detection of antibodies against bordetella avium in turkeys by avidin-biotin enhancement of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the dot-immunobinding avidin-biotin-enhanced enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ab-elisa) and an avidin-biotin-enhanced dot-immunobinding (ab-dib) assay for detecting antibody to bordetella avium in turkey sera were developed and compared with the microagglutination (ma) test. whole-cell antigen, biotin-labeled goat anti-turkey igg conjugate, and horseradish-peroxidase-labeled streptavidin were used in the ab-elisa and ab-dib assay. the ab-elisa and ab-dib assay were sensitive, specific, and reproducible. these as ...19911838473
effect of atrial natriuretic factor on permeability of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier.the demonstration of 125i-labelled atrial natriuretic factor (anf)-binding sites on choroid plexus suggests a physiological role of anf on the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. this ultrastructural study was undertaken to determine whether anf (0.5 microgram) alters the permeability of rat blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier under steady states. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used as a marker of protein permeability and ionic lanthanum as a marker of ionic permeability. hrp was not observed in ...19911836927
novel and sensitive noncompetitive enzyme immunoassay (hetero-two-site enzyme immunoassay) for alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide in plasma.a novel and sensitive noncompetitive enzyme immunoassay (hetero-two-site enzyme immunoassay) for alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide (alpha-hanp) in plasma, which uses only one monoclonal igg for the ring structure of alpha-hanp, is described. plasma was filtered through polysaccharide membrane to separate peptides from proteins. the plasma filtrate was incubated with n-hydroxysuccinimidobiotin to biotinylate alpha-hanp and subsequently with a polystyrene ball coated with monoclonal igg for t ...19911834820
penetration, clearance and retention of antigen en route from the gingival sulcus to the draining lymph node of rats.we investigated the penetration and clearance of antigen in the rat gingiva and the antigen-specific antibody response in the draining lymph nodes. rats were primarily immunized into the alveolar submucosa with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in complete freund's adjuvant. ultrastructural demonstration of antigen and specific antibody was performed by incubation of cryosections in an hrp solution, followed by peroxidase cytochemistry. anti-hrp antibody-containing cells were observed in the draining ...19911832456
ependymin, a brain extracellular glycoprotein, and cns plasticity.ependymin, a glycoprotein of the brain ecf, has been implicated in the neurochemistry of memory and neuronal regeneration. three behavioral experiments (swimming with a float, avoidance conditioning, and classical conditioning) in the goldfish and one in the mouse (t-maze learning) indicate that ependymin has a role in the synaptic changes that take place in the consolidation step of memory formation and the activity-dependent phase of sharpening of goldfish retinotectal connections during neuro ...19911831964
contacts between group ia muscle spindle afferent axons and gaba-immunoreactive perikarya in lamina vi of cat spinal cord.three group ia muscle spindle afferent axons were labelled with horseradish peroxidase and terminations in lamina vi examined. eleven perikarya were contacted by the three fibres; these were examined using a post-embedding immunostaining technique for gaba. three neurons were found to be positively labelled for gaba. it is likely that these cells are involved in inhibition of primary afferent fibres and non-reciprocal inhibition of motoneurons.19911831622
Displaying items 18001 - 18100 of 20690