
PMID(sorted descending)
[case of rhinopneumonia in horses in kirghizia]. 1976178089
practical aspects of equine virus abortion in the united kingdom.the current knowledge of the clinical signs, epidemiology and pathogenesis of abortion due to the equid herpesvirus (ehv 1) is reviewed. the relationship between the respiratory and abortigenic forms of the disease is discussed as well as the low incidence of virus abortion in the uk compared to some other parts of the world. some practical aspects of the disease as they affect stud management are considered including methods of diagnosis, prophylaxis and the necessary action to be taken to prev ...1976178088
abortion associated with mixed leptospira/equid herpesvirus 1 infection. 1976178087
[equine rhinopneumonitis virus infection in horses. ii (author's transl)]. 1976178066
viral respiratory infections. 1976177853
purification of equine herpesvirus type 1.a method for the purification of enveloped infectious equine herpesvirus type 1 (ehv-1) is presented. virus from cell culture fluids harvested at 48 h post infection was concentrated by sedimentation and partially purified by differential precipitation with ammonium sulphate. the final steps of purification consisted of two cycles of flotation of virus in pre-formed cscl density gradients. yields of infectious virus were about 30% (18 to 44%) of that present in starting material. as judged by el ...1976177732
serological detection of equid herpesvirus 1 infections of the respiratory investigation was made of 3 serological tests (virus neutralization, complement fixation and indirect immunofluorescence), which are applicable to epidemiological studies of infections by equid herpesvirus 1 (ehv-1). sera from gnotobiotic foals inoculated intranasally with various strains of ehv-1 were unable in some cases to neutralize heterologous strains and these results were not consistent with the existence of clearly-defined subtypes of ehv-1, as previously proposed. the cross-reaction ...1976177281
capsomeres of herpesvirus-equi-l in thin sections. 1976176974
letter: efficacy of modified live-virus equine rhinopneumonitis vaccine. 1976176909
effects of crude extracts of various plants on infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus-plaque production.extracts of 28 plants were tested without demonstable antiviral activity in an agar-overlay plaque-reduction antiviral assay system, using infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and bovine endocardial cell cultures. ethanolic extract of narcissus tazetta l bulb elicited antiviral activity by inhibition of viral plaque formation. antiviral activity was demonstrated against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and equine rhinopneumonitis viruses. narcissus tazetta l bulb did not directly inactivate ...1976176907
[developmental stages of herpesvirus-equi-1 in nasal mucosa cells]. 1976176846
equine herpesvirus in vivo: cyclic production of a dna density variant with repetitive sequences. 1976176793
experimental studies on equine herpesvirus type 1 infections.the ehv-1 viruses of fetal origin grew better and had a wider tissue culture host range than those isolated from horses with respiratory diseases. comparisons of a fetal isolate (f/304) and a respiratory disease isolate (r/nm-3) in partly immune horses showed that the f/304 virus infected horses more readily, grew better in the nasopharynx, was more likely to cause abortion, and was excreted to a greater extent into the environment.1975173849
transcription of equine herpesvirus type 1: evidence for classes of transcripts differing in abundance. 1975173082
equine herpesvirus-induced alterations in nuclear rna and dna polymerase activities. 1975173079
efficacy of 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosylhypoxanthine 5'-monophosphate in therapy of equine abortion virus-induced hepatitis in hamsters.equine abortion virus (eav)-induced hepatitis in hamsters presents an interesting animal model for the evaluation of drugs possessing anti-deoxyribonucleic acid virus activity. these experiments demonstrate that 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosylhypoxanthine 5'-monophosphate (ara-hxmp), a new synthetic, water-soluble, antiviral agent, effectively controls this disease in hamsters with a therapeutic index of approximately 60. ara-hxmp prevented hepatitis-associated deaths in hamsters, reduced the titer of ...1975172009
virus-induced abortion. studies of equine herpesvirus 1 (abortion virus) in hamsters.a hamster-adapted strain of equine herpesvirus-1 (equine abortion virus) caused severe hepatic degeneration in both pregnant and nonpregnant hamsters and, in addition, regularly induced abortion in pregnant hamsters inoculated at midgestation. in nonpregnant hamsters, the only consistently affected organ was the liver despite a prolonged viremia. newborn animals usually died 1 to 2 days after inoculation; adults died 5 to 9 days after inoculation. in pregnant hamsters, the virus had a tropism fo ...1975171478
replication of equine herpesvirus type i: resistance to hydroxyurea. 1975170739
[equine rhinopneumonitis virus infection in horses (author's transl)]. 1975170706
mitochondrial and herpesvirus-specific deoxypyrimidine characterize and compare the thymidine (tdr) and deoxycytidine (cdr) kinase isozymes of uninfected and herpesvirus-infected cells: (i) the subcellular distribution of the isozymes has been studied; (ii) a specific assay for cdr kinase has been devised; (iii) the tdr kinase isozymes have been partially purified; and (iv) the purified enzymes have been analyzed by disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and glycerol gradient centrifugation and by substrate competition and ...1975169387
the prevalence of equid herpes virus 2 infections. 1975167501
isolation of equine herpesvirus type 1 from a horse with an acute paralytic disease.a standardbred mare became paralyzed shortly after showing signs of an upper respiratory infection. the mare was euthanized and equine herpesvirus type 1 was isolated from the brain and spinal cord.1975166741
specific immunity and nonspecific resistance to infection: listeria, protozoa, and viruses in mice and hamsters,.specific immunity developed by mice against protozoan (toxoplasma gondii and besnoitia jellisoni) and bacterial (listeria monocytogenes) infections was compared with nonspecific protection conferred by prior infections. the results indicated that homologous immunity protected mice from more than 10-5 ld50 of t. gondii or b. jellisoni, but from only 10-2 ld50 of l. monocytogenes. heterospecific protection among these organisms was for 10-0.4 minus 10-1.2 ld50. in studies in hamsters specific immu ...1975165241
immunity and the level of neutralization antibodies in foals and mares vaccinated with a modified live-virus rhinopneumonitis vaccine.foals (farms 1 and 2) and mares (farms 1 and 3) vaccinated with a commercially available rhinopneumonitis vaccine were tested for the level of antibodies and for protection against the natural infection. the serum-neutralization (sn) antibody titers against equine herpesvirus type 1 were 1:8 or less in the majority of foals and 1:16 or higher in about 10%. the level of the nasal secretory antibody in the foals (farm 2) was less than 1:4. the vaccinated foals did not show any apparent respiratory ...1975164808
[complement fixation reaction studies in rhinopneumonitis of horses].it was established that the complement binding reaction (cbr) is a suitable and very fast method for horse rhino-pneumonitis diagnostics. cell cultural virus produced in cell cultures of pig kidneys was used as antigen. the antigen lots tested have no anticomplementary properties. highest complement binding activity was evident in the non-diluted antigen, which discovered specific antibodies in immune serums. the cbr specificity was tested by the aid of homologous and heterologous serums and ant ...197994480
antigenic relatedness of equine herpes virus types 1 and 3.antiserums prepared in specific pathogen free (spf) ponies were used in direct and indirect immunofluorescence, immunodiffusion, complement fixation and serum neutralization procedures to study the interrelationships of the three types of equine herpes viruses (ehv-1, ehv-2, and ehv-3). equine cell cultures infected with each type virus fluoresced when stained with homologous conjugated antiserum. in reciprocal tests ehv-1 and ehv-3 cross-fluoresced, but ehv-2 did not cross-fluoresce. non-infect ...197875724
equine viral encephalitis.the most important neurotropic viral infections of the horse are the arthropod-borne encephalitides. these include venezuelan encephalitis (ve), eastern encephalitis (ee) and western encephalitis (we), which are found in the americas, and japanese b encephalitis which occurs in the far east. all the viruses cause encephalitis in man. between 1969 and 1972 an epidemic of ve occurred in central america. in 1971 the disease was reported in texas, where it was brought under control by the vaccinatio ...19764301
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