Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted descending) Filter |
[development of the osteocranium in the axolotl (siredon mexicanum shaw)]. | 1969 | 5407950 | |
[radioautographic study of dna synthesis, determined by incorporation of thymidine-h3, during the restoration of the regeneration ability of axolotl extremities suppressed by x-irradiation]. | 1969 | 5398029 | |
[behavior of the gas transport function of blood from the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) as gill and lung breather]. | 1969 | 5390263 | |
a quantitative study of the effect of early chlorpromazine (cpz) treatment on the development of the muscular and neural systems of axolotl larvae. | 1969 | 5371043 | |
survival and limb regeneration of hypophysectomized newts with pituitary xenografts from larval axolotls, ambystoma mexicanum. | 1969 | 5361560 | |
[autoradiographic study of rna synthesis during the restoration of regenerative capacity of the extremities of the axolotl supressed by x-radiation]. | 2003 | 5343939 | |
chromosomes and nucleoli of the axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. | 1966 | 5326124 | |
the influence of aminopterin on limb regeneration in ambystoma mexicanum. | 1966 | 5298244 | |
[radioautographic studies on the incorporation of s35-labeled na2so4 in the extremities of the axolotl during regeneration and following irradiation]. | 1965 | 5296122 | |
[morphodynamics of the epidermis of axolotl (sideron mexicanum shaw) under the influence of exogenously administered thyroxine. ii. epidermis during metamorphosis]. | 1971 | 5166123 | |
[morphodynamics of the epidermis of the axolotl (sideron mexicanum shaw) under the influence of exogenous by administered thyroxine. i. epidermis of neotenic axolotl]. | 1971 | 5166122 | |
genetic control of qualitative changes in protein synthesis during early amphibian (mexican axolotl) embryogenesis. | 1971 | 5165792 | |
an evaluation of myotypic respecification in axolotls. | 1971 | 5161046 | |
cortical reaction in axolotl eggs. | 2003 | 5154619 | |
[study of charge variation of neurosecretory perikaryons during induced metamorphosis in ambystoma mexicanum (shaw)]. | 2016 | 5148651 | |
[morphodynamics of the axolotl epidermis (siredon mixicanum shaw) under the influence of exogenously applied thyroxin. 3. epidermis of the metamorphosed axolotl]. | 1971 | 5139157 | |
electrophoretic analysis of the haemoglobins of ambystoma mexicanum. | 1971 | 5133344 | |
genetic and developmental characteristics of a new color variant, axanthic, in the mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum shaw. | 1971 | 5120633 | |
dense material associated with wound closure in the axolotl egg (a. mexicanum). | 1971 | 5104197 | |
effects of thalidomide on the embryonic development of the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). | 1972 | 5067388 | |
[localization of glycogen in the axolotl egg before and during the first division]. | 2016 | 5063586 | |
further studies on the maternal effect of the o gene in the mexican axolotl. | 1972 | 5047366 | |
development of pigmentation in the eyeless mutant of the mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum, shaw. | 1972 | 5047358 | |
muscle morphogenesis in axolotl limb regenerates after removal of stump musculature. | 1972 | 5042376 | |
adaptation in retinal rods of axolotl: intracellular recordings. | intracellular recordings of the late receptor potential from rods of isolated axolotl retinas revealed the existence of a dark adaptation mechanism that is independent of rod pigment regeneration. response amplitude of individual rods was measured as a function of intensity both before and at various times after exposure to bleaching illumination. the rod sensitivity increased by at least 3 to 4 log units during a period of 15 to 25 minutes following the bleach. during this time rod pigment rege ... | 1972 | 5033642 |
gene action on proliferation and migration in the developing neural crest of black and white axolotls, ambystoma mexicanum, shaw. | 1972 | 5016290 | |
[morphological studies of blood cell differentiation in the axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum shaw]. | 1972 | 5007500 | |
[autoradiographic study of the renewal of intestinal epithelium of the axolotl (urodele amphibian)]. | 1971 | 4997232 | |
[incorporation of precursors of nucleic acids in the axolotl limb in the process of regeneration]. | 1970 | 4994017 | |
neurosecretion in the median eminence of the axolotl after induction of metamorphosis. | 1971 | 4993628 | |
the biochemical effects of the d, m, and a genes on pigment cell differentiation in the axolotl. | 1970 | 4991554 | |
[embryonic skin grafts between ambystoma mexicanum shaw, pleurodeles waltlii michah and triturus alpestris laur; phenomena of tolerance and rejection]. | 1967 | 4989164 | |
[description and interpretation of a new uncertain microphthalmic mutation in azolotl (ambystoma mexicanum shaw)]. | 1969 | 4981100 | |
[relative antigenicity of tegument embryonic heterografts in urodele amphibians: ambystoma mexicanum shaw, triturus helveticus raz., triturus alpestris laur. and pleurodeles waltlii michah]. | 1969 | 4979133 | |
[intergeneric nucleocytoplasmic graft in 2 amphibian urodeles: ambystoma mexicanum and pleurodeles waltlii]. | 1968 | 4969192 | |
[cytological data on the hybrid fecundation of ova of pleurodeles waltlii by spermatozoids of ambystoma mexicanum (amphibia, urodeles)]. | 1967 | 4963545 | |
[embryonal skin grafts between ambystoma mexicanum shaw, pleurodeles waltlii michah. and triturus alpestris laur.; phenomena of tolerance and rejection]. | 1967 | 4963534 | |
[comparative observations on some hematological characteristics of diploid and triploid salamanders (ambystoma mexicanum)]. | 1967 | 4963501 | |
[action on the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) embryo during segmentation of 6-sulfanilamido-2,4-dimethylpyrimidine]. | 1966 | 4960264 | |
[study of the serum in the urodeles proteus anguinus laur. and ambystoma mexicanum cope. fraction by electrophoresis and widening]. | 1965 | 4954695 | |
[chimerical combinations between the axolotl and various triton species]. | 1965 | 4954328 | |
[influence of actinomycin d on metamorphosis induced by thyroxine in the axolotl]. | 2015 | 4954055 | |
acute radiation injury to the eye in the adult axolotl (siredon mexicanum). | 1967 | 4951463 | |
lymphosarcoma in the mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. | 1970 | 4950974 | |
an analytical survey of the literature on the endocrinology of the axolotl (amphibia: caudata). | 1970 | 4936630 | |
the first cleavage of the amphibian egg. an electron microscope study of the onset of cytokinesis in the egg of ambystoma mexicanum. | 2016 | 4914286 | |
[morphology of the central nervous tissue of ambystoma mexicanum in vitro]. | 1968 | 4908496 | |
[the effect of x-rays on regenerative processes in the brain of ambystoma mexicanum]. | 1968 | 4908495 | |
[homotransplantation of one-third of a telencephalon of ambystoma mexicanum]. | 1968 | 4908491 | |
[spontaneous mutations occurring in amphibians ambystoma mexicanum shaw, pleurodeles waltlii michah, and xenopus laevis daudin]. | 1968 | 4905265 | |
[determination of the regeneration capacity of axolotl extremities suppressed by x-irradiation, by the method of tissue heterotransplantation]. | 1968 | 4901842 | |
[on the island organ of the axolotl (siredon mexicanum)]. | 1967 | 4881291 | |
[the islet organ of the axolotl (sideron mexicanum)]. | 1967 | 4880920 | |
induced metamorphosis: rectification of a genetic disability by thyroid hormone in the mexican axolotl siredon mexicanum. | 1968 | 4877249 | |
partial characterization of the component from normal eggs which corrects the maternal effect of gene o in the mexican axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). | 1968 | 4870428 | |
[restoration of regenerative capacity in irradiated axolotl limbs by grafts of different heterotopic tissues]. | 1967 | 4868306 | |
[regressively altered annulets in the trunk muscular system of the axolotl]. | 1967 | 4867355 | |
[relation between the periods of cyclic changes in membrane electrical characteristics and phases of cyto- and karyokinesis in cleaving loach and axolotl eggs]. | 1974 | 4858162 | |
precocious appearance of the gray crescent in heat-shocked axolotl eggs. | 1974 | 4857975 | |
correlation between karyo- and cytokinesis during the first cell divisions in the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum cope). | 1974 | 4857046 | |
variation in rdna redundancy level and nucleolar organizer length in normal and variant lines of the mexican axolotl. | 1974 | 4855372 | |
morphogenetic interactions between rotated skin cuffs and underlying stump tissues in regenerating axolotl forelimbs. | 1974 | 4853261 | |
[the thyroid gland of the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum): morphological and functional heterogenicity]. | 1974 | 4837802 | |
[some electrophysiological characteristics of the dividing axolotl eggs]. | 1974 | 4837557 | |
patterning in synaptic knobs which connect with mauthner's cell (ambystoma mexicanum). | 1974 | 4836655 | |
the influence of l-thyroxine on the change in red blood cell type in the axolotl. | 1974 | 4826287 | |
the occurrence of biochemical metamorphic events without anatomical metamorphosis in the axolotl. | 1974 | 4826286 | |
comparative study of the early embryonic cytology and nucleic acid synthesis of ambystoma mexicanum normal and o mutant embryos. | 1974 | 4820344 | |
patterns of purine synthesis related to iridophore development in the wild type, melanoid, and axanthic strains of the mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum shaw. | 1974 | 4814566 | |
morphology of developing heart in cardiac lethal mutant mexican axolotls, ambystoma mexicanum. | 1973 | 4789609 | |
experimental studies on a mutant gene (e) preventing the differentiation of eye and normal hypothalamus primordia in the axolotl. | 1973 | 4787600 | |
[relationship between spontaneous behavior and operant conditioning in an amphibian (axolotl)]. | 1973 | 4785097 | |
radioresistance of regenerating axolotl tissues. | 2003 | 4778512 | |
the electrical properties of the ectoderm in the amphibian embryo during induction and early development of the nervous system. | 1. the electrical properties of ectodermal cells have been studied in embryos of the axolotl ambystoma mexicanum between gastrulation and the closure of the neural tube.2. at the time of neural induction by the underlying mesoderm the mean membrane potential recorded in ectoderm cells was -30 mv (+/- 1.5 mv s.e. of mean) and in presumptive neural cells -27 mv (+/- 1.6 mv s.e. of mean).3. at late neural fold stages, when specification of the neuroectoderm is complete, the membrane potential in pr ... | 2016 | 4778140 |
the ultrastructure of lateral line sense organs in the adult salamander ambystoma mexicanum. | 1973 | 4775765 | |
[regeneration after spinal cord dissection in ambystoma mexicanum]. | 1973 | 4772912 | |
structurally specialized contacts between the photoreceptors of the retina of the axolotl. | 1973 | 4731301 | |
a stereoscan study of the origin of ciliated cells in the embryonic epidermis of ambystoma mexicanum. | 1973 | 4717981 | |
cell division and ribonucleic acid synthesis during the initiation of limb regeneration in larval axolotls (ambystoma mexicanum). | 1973 | 4717556 | |
the oxygen affinity of axolotl blood and haemoglobin before and after metamorphosis. | 1973 | 4713849 | |
competition between nerves for functional connexions with axolotl muscles. | 1973 | 4706290 | |
fine structure of the normal, transplanted and postmetamorphic pars distalis of the mexican axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. | 2015 | 4699358 | |
heart development in the mexican salamander, ambystoma mexicanum. ii. ultrastructure. | 1973 | 4692975 | |
heart development in the mexican salamander, ambystoma mexicanum. i. gross anatomy, histology and histochemistry. | 1973 | 4684349 | |
time relationships between the onset of rna synthesis and the manifestation of the morphogenetic function in axolotl nuclei. | 2003 | 4668026 | |
[phylogeny of immunoglobulins: immune reaction of the axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. kinetics of the immune response and characterization of antibodies]. | 1972 | 4640729 | |
induction of spawning in the mexican axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) by luteinizing hormone. | 2015 | 4636361 | |
[evolution of transplanted gonads in the axolotl limb, in relation to the host's sex. testis]. | 1972 | 4625224 | |
development of pigmentation after transplantation of presumptive epidermis between embryos of white axolotls ambystoma mexicanum of different ages. | 1974 | 4610790 | |
[electron microscopic study of the endocrine and acinar-islet (transitlonal) cells in the axolotl pancreas]. | 1974 | 4601346 | |
histological observations on allografts and reciprocal xenografts in newts (notophthalmus viridescens) and axolotis (ambystoma mexicanum). | 1972 | 4561282 | |
genetic and experimental studies on a mutant gene (c) determining absence of heart action in embryos of the mexican axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). | 1972 | 4553242 | |
impulse propagation through the cardiac junctional regions of the axolotl and the turtle. | 1973 | 4541959 | |
[study of the growth of cartilaginous tissue using the meckel cartilage of the amphibian axolotl]. | 1974 | 4534473 | |
measurement of electrical coupling between cells of axolotl embryos during cleavage divisions. | 1974 | 4473832 | |
the chiasmata of axolotls. | 1974 | 4469154 | |
a comparison of morphogenesis of muscles of the forearm and hand during ontogenesis and regenerationin the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). ii. the development of muscular pattern in the embryonic and regenerating limb. | 1974 | 4446672 | |
a comparison of morphogenesis of muscles of the forearm and hand during ontogenesis and regeneration in the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). i. anatomical description of muscles of the forearm and head. | 1974 | 4446671 | |
modulations in the electrophoretic spectrum of newly synthesized protein in early axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) development. | 1974 | 4442676 | |
the ultrastructure of lateral line sense organs in the juvenile salamander ambystoma mexicanum. | 1974 | 4442075 |