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difference of the in vivo responsiveness to thyrotropin stimulation between the neotenic and metamorphosed axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum: failure of prolactin to block the thyrotropin-induced thyroxine release.basal and tsh-induced plasma concentrations of t4 have been measured by radioimmunoassay in the neotenic and metamorphosed male axolotl ambystoma mexicanum both before and after an ovine prolactin pretreatment. all injections are made into the vena abdominalis. basal levels of t4 are low in neotenes (85 +/- 19 pg/ml) and somewhat higher in metamorphosed ambystoma (171 +/- 39 pg/ml), but are increased during metamorphosis (1094 +/- 138 pg/ml). following injection of 5 mu bovine tsh circulating le ...19846510692
[nuclear behavior of embryonic cells and growing oocytes from the clawed toad in the cytoplasm of maturing axolotl oocytes].the behaviour of the nuclei of the x. laevis vitellogenic oocytes was studied by their transplantation into the cytoplasm of the axolotl maturing oocytes. after the germinal vesicle breakdown, in the case the transplanted nuclei were located close to each other a common giant spindle united the chromosomes of all transplanted nuclei. a mosaic spindle united sometimes the chromosomes of the two amphibian species. the embryonic nuclei transplanted in the cytoplasm of the maturing oocytes formed, a ...20066504501
regeneration of surgically created mixed-handed axolotl forelimbs: pattern formation in the dorsal-ventral axis.the regeneration of surgically created mixed-handed limb stumps is examined in the axolotl. operations were performed in the lower arm and upper arm regions and grafts were allowed to heal for approximately one month prior to amputation or were amputated immediately. in the lower arm group both anterior and posterior limb halves were inverted, whereas only posterior halves were inverted in the upper arm group. almost all the limbs regenerated were normal in the anterior-posterior axis, whereas a ...19846491582
the pigmentary system of developing axolotls. ii. an analysis of the melanoid phenotype.the melanoid mutant in the mexican axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) is analysed with respect to the differentiation of pigment cells. pigment cells were observed with the transmission electron microscope in order to determine any unusual structural characteristics and to determine what happens to each of the cell types as development proceeds. chemical analysis of pteridine pigments was also carried out, and changes in pteridine biosynthesis were found to correlate well with changes in xanthophore ...19846470606
the pigmentary system of developing axolotls. i. a biochemical and structural analysis of chromatophores in wild-type axolotls.a biochemical and transmission electron microscopic description of the wild-type pigment phenotype in developing mexican axolotls (ambystoma mexicanum) is presented. there are three pigment cell types found in adult axolotl skin - melanophores, xanthophores and iridophores. both pigments and pigment cells undergo specific developmental changes in axolotls. melanophores are the predominant pigment cell type throughout development; xanthophores occur secondarily and in fewer numbers than melanopho ...19846470605
cellular contribution to supernumerary limbs resulting from the interaction between developing and regenerating tissues in the axolotl.the relationship between limb development and limb regeneration is considered with regard to the mechanisms by which pattern is established during limb outgrowth. in a previous paper (muneoka, k. and bryant, s. v. 1982 nature (london) 298, 369-371) the interaction between cells from the developing limb bud and the regenerating limb blastema was found to result in the production of organized supernumerary limb structures. in this paper the relative cellular contribution from developing and regene ...19846468758
cellular contribution to supernumerary limbs in the axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum.using the triploid cell marker, the cellular contribution from graft and stump to the supernumerary limbs which result from controlateral grafts of limb buds and regeneration blastemas in the axolotl has been analyzed. grafts were made so as to appose anterior and posterior limb positions. overall, the contribution from graft and stump tissue was found to be approximately equal although the position of the boundary between the two was variable from limb to limb. this result is consistent with mo ...19846468757
accumulation and localization of troponin-t in developing hearts of ambystoma mexicanum.troponin-t (tn-t) expression in developing hearts of axolotls, ambystoma mexicanum, was studied with the use of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies and sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. in precontractile hearts (stage 32/33), tn-t was present in addition to myosin, actin and tropomyosin as evidenced by the presence of the protein bands in sds-gels and by indirect immunofluorescence. tn-t was localized in amorphous collections at the peripheries of these precontractile cells. hearts of nor ...19846442732
effects of trh, bovine tsh, and pituitary extracts on thyroidal t4 release in ambystoma mexicanum.circulating levels of t4 are measured by radioimmunoassay after intravenous injection of trh, bovine (b) tsh, and pituitary extracts in the mexican axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). very low control levels of t4 are found (53 +/- 3 pg/ml (n = 27), but they are increased sevenfold following injection of 1/2 pars distalis extract or 1/2-1/10 iu b-tsh. increased levels following these injections are found in plasma up to 48 hr after the injection. an in vitro assay also indicates that a 1/2 pars dista ...19836413295
[formation of the gray crescent, induced in axolotl oocytes during maturation, depends on factors of nuclear origin].inhibitors of protein synthesis can elicit the precocious appearance of a grey crescent (gc) in in vitro maturing ambystoma mexicanum oocytes. this treatment however fails to induce gc formation when the oocytes are enucleated before initiation of maturation. the ability to form a gc is reestablished in enucleated oocytes by the injection of nucleoplasm from a normal oocyte, either before or after injection of the inhibitor. in the latter case, the gc appears even though the protein synthesis le ...19836412990
the distribution of marked dermal cells from small localized implants in limb regenerates.numerous experiments have demonstrated that skin has a profound influence on the pattern of limb regeneration in urodeles. in this investigation, the fate during regeneration of marked cells derived from narrow strips of skin inserted into different positions around the limb circumference has been followed. skin strips were taken from triploid axolotls and transplanted into diploid sibling animals. the distribution of trinucleolate cells was determined at the site of amputation and in the regene ...19846389219
distribution of desmosomal components in the tissues of vertebrates, studied by fluorescent antibody previous work we used immunofluorescent staining with specific antibodies to study the distribution of five desmosomal antigens in the epithelia of different vertebrate animals. we showed that all five antigens were present in all epithelia studied in human, bovine, rat, guinea pig, chick and frog (rana pipiens) tissues. it was concluded that desmosomes are highly conserved structures. this paper extends those studies: by including three other species, a lizard (lacerta viridis), the axolotl ...19846378940
positional information in the forelimb of the axolotl: properties of the posterior skin.two series of experiments were carried out to investigate the properties of the positional information carried by posterior skin of the axolotl forelimb. the skin was assayed by grafting it to the anterior side of a normal limb and then amputating through the graft region. the formation of a double posterior regenerate indicates that the grafted skin carried the posterior coding. in the first series, double posterior limbs were created by grafting posterior half limb rudiments to the flank of ta ...19836348201
maturation of transplantation antigens in ambystoma mexicanum.both juvenile (14-16 week) and adult (18 month) ambystoma mexicanum reject skin allografts from adult ambystoma more speedily than they reject such grafts from juvenile axolotls. donor-specific histocompatibility antigen, prepared from splenocytes, is more effective in inhibiting adult host splenocyte migration when the antigen is prepared from spleen cells from adult, rather than from juvenile ambystoma. the thymus is fully developed in juvenile ambystoma, suggesting that the delayed kinetics o ...19836341109
anchoring filaments of the amphibian epidermal-dermal junction traverse the basal lamina entirely from the plasma membrane of hemidesmosomes to the electron microscopical study of the epidermal-dermal junction in the axolotl and adult rana pipiens has been carried out. this shows that filaments of about 12nm in diameter, known as anchoring filaments, pass from the hemidesmosomes at the base of the epidermal cells across the basal lamina to the dermis. there they may unite to form broader fibres, known as anchoring fibrils, or may simply form bundles. in the axolotl, particularly, the anchoring fibrils or bundles of anchoring filaments, e ...19846335885
axonal pathfinding in the absence of normal pathways and impulse activity.retinal axons were challenged to grow to their targets both along abnormal pathways and in the absence of impulse activity. eye primordia were first transplanted from normal to ectopic sites in axolotl embryos. most of the hosts were genetically eyeless, others were enucleated normal embryos. these axolotl embryos were then parabiotically joined to california newt embryos. both operations were completed by stage 28, which is before axons have left the eye. the result of the parabiosis was a para ...19846325605
ribosomal 5s genes in relation to c-value in amphibians.we have measured the amount of 5s-ribosomal dna in the genomes of xenopus laevis, triturus cristatus carnifex and ambystoma mexicanum, three species of amphibians which have widely different c-values. our best estimate is that these organisms have about 24,000, 32,000 and 61,000 5s-genes per haploid genome respectively. a trend to increasing 5s gene copynumber with increasing c-values in amphibians is apparent, probably linked to the need to supply more ribosomes to the larger cells which are as ...19836304650
hormonal control of glycogenolysis and the mechanism of action of adrenaline in amphibian liver in in vitro cultures of liver from ambystoma mexicanum glycogenolysis was stimulated by adrenaline, glucagon, and vasopressin in a dose-dependent manner. maximum activity was seen at 10(-6) m hormone while 10(-9) m was without effect. dibutyryl cyclic amp (10(-3) m) stimulated glycogenolysis maximally although 10(-5) m had no effect. the glucose release brought about by adrenaline was blocked by the beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol but not by prazosin or yohimbine which are alpha 1- and al ...19836301936
suppression of sprouted synapses in axolotl muscle by transplanted foreign nerves.1. the supracoracoideus (s.c.) muscle of the axolotl shoulder is innervated by two nerves, the anterior and posterior s.c. nerves. the posterior nerve was induced to make synapses outside its normal territory in the muscle by removing a segment of the anterior nerve. intracellular recording indicated that the efficacy of transmission from posterior nerve terminals outside their normal territory increased over several weeks prior to the return of the anterior nerve. 2. the anterior nerve reinnerv ...19806259337
equilibrium properties of a voltage-dependent junctional conductance.the conductance of junctions between amphibian blastomeres is strongly voltage dependent. isolated pairs of blastomeres from embryos of ambystoma mexicanum, xenopus laevis, and rana pipiens were voltage clamped, and junctional current was measured during transjunctional voltage steps. the steady-state junctional conductance decreases as a steep function of transjunctional voltage of either polarity. a voltage-insensitive conductance less than 5% of the maximum remains at large transjunctional vo ...19816259274
[effects of exogenous tsh on the thyroid activity of adult or neotenic amphibians].in adult anuran and neotenic urodela, bred in laboratory conditions, the levels of plasma thyroid hormones are undetectable (t3 less than 50 ng/100 ml, t4 less than 5 ng/100 ml). thyroid function can be reactivated after ovine tsh treatment. under those conditions, metamorphosis is induced in the axolotl and t4 plasmatic levels reaches 0,53 +/- 0,13 micrograms/100 ml and those of t3 9 +/- 2,64 ng/100 ml. in adult anuran, thyroid reactivation under thyrotropic treatment determines an increased se ...19826220788
improved techniques for use of the triploid cell marker in the axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum.techniques for using the triploid cell marker for studying cell lineage during the development and regeneration of the axolotl limb are described. triploid animals possess cells with three nucleoli while diploid animals possess cells with two nucleoli. we have developed a technique for isolating the limb dermis as a sheet of cells for whole-mount analysis of cellular ploidy. whole-mount tissue preparations as well as paraffin-embedded sectioned tissues were stained specifically for nucleoli with ...19846205921
the genes coding for 4 snrnas of drosophila melanogaster: localization and determination of gene numbers.four small nuclear rnas (snrnas) have been isolated from drosophila melanogaster flies. they have been characterized by base analysis, fingerprinting, and injection into axolotl oocytes. the size of the molecules and the modified base composition suggest that the following correlations can be made: snrna1 approximately u2-snrna; snrna2 approximately u3-snrna; snrna3 approximately u4-snrna; snrna4 approximately u6-snrna. the snrnas injected into axolotl oocytes move into the nuclei, where they ar ...19836191277
expansion of the visual projection to the tectum of axolotls during metamorphosis.during artificially induced metamorphosis in axolotls, the indirect visual projection from the ipsilateral eye develops followed by the expansion of the contralateral direct projection to occupy most of the tectal surface. during expansion the ipsilateral input is temporarily lost indicating the functional interdependence of the two projections. final stabilization of the projections and congruence of the ipsilateral and contralateral inputs is achieved a month after arrival on land.19826185185
has prolactin an intermedin-like activity on the integument of the axolotl?skin explants of the neotenic form of ambystoma tigrinum (axolotl) have been kept in culture during several days. when alpha-msh or prolactin are added to the medium, a dispersion of melanin in melanosomes is observed. the reaction is reversible in the case of prolactin when the explants are transferred in the medium without hormones. furthermore with prolactin, expansion of melanin in dermal melanophores is a more permanent and highly reproducible phenomenon, compared with the action of alpha-m ...19816176199
the alveolar-lining layer in the lung of the axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. an electron-microscopic study using heavy metal complexes.lungs of neotenic larvae of ambystoma mexicanum were prepared for maintaining the air-tissue boundary during aldehyde fixation. four methods of postfixation were applied: 1) osmium tetroxide followed by en-bloc staining with uranyl acetate and phosphotungstic acid, 2) ruthenium redosmium tetroxide, 3) osmium tetroxide-ferrocyanide, and 4) tannic acid-osmium tetroxide. three types of cells line the inner surface of the axolotl lung: 1) pneumocytes, covering the capillaries with flat cellular exte ...19826174238
is the na+,k+-atpase symmetrically distributed in the neuroepithelium of the vestibular system in the axolotl (ambyostoma mexicanum)?this study was undertaken to assess the localization of the na+,k+-atpase in the neuroepithelial cells of the macula sacculi. in vitro perilymphatic (basolateral) perfusion with ouabain produced a significant drop in the membrane potential. endolymphatic (apical) application of ouabain had practically no effect on membrane potentials. this suggests that na+,k+-atpase is asymmetrically distributed in the neuroepithelial cells.19846151945
the effects of adenyl compounds on the heart of the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum).in the spontaneously beating axolotl atrium, adenosine 5'-triphosphate (atp) produced initial excitation followed by inhibition and then by a secondary excitation. this third phase of the atp response was only seen in electrically driven preparations in the presence of 8-phenyltheophylline (8-pt), an adenosine receptor antagonist. alpha,beta-methylene atp (apcpp), a stable analogue of atp, produced only excitatory effects, while adenosine and beta,gamma-methylene atp (appcp), a slowly degradable ...19836140115
enzyme clusters during the metamorphic period of ambystoma mexicanum: role of thyroid hormone.enzyme activities and dna content have been measure in axolotl liver during the metamorphic period (4-8 months after spawning). three different types of enzyme activity profiles were observed. in the type i profile (carbamoyl-phosphate synthase, arginase, ornithine transcarbamoylase, and glutamate dehydrogenase) enzyme activity is high in the youngest animals studied, and shows a minimum at 5 months followed by a maximum at 8 months of age. thereafter activities do not change or slightly decreas ...19826128371
off-pathway synaptic transmission in the outer retina of the axolotl is mediated by a kainic acid-preferring receptor.intracellular recordings were made from off-centre bipolar cells and horizontal cells in the superfused axolotl retina eyecup preparation. bath-applied (+/-)cis-2,3-piperidine dicarboxylic acid (pda), gamma-d-glutamylglycine (dgg), l-glutamic acid diethyl ester (gdee), (+/-)2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (2-apv) and magnesium ions were assessed as antagonists of the actions of the photoreceptor transmitter. the rank order of antagonist efficacy was pda greater than dgg greater than greater than ...19846093015
a voltage-gated hydrogen ion current in the oocyte membrane of the axolotl, ambystoma.membrane currents in the immature oocyte of the urodele amphibian ambystoma were studied using the two-micro-electrode voltage-clamp technique. a current carried by h ions (ih) constituted the major portion of outward current activated by depolarizations from the resting voltage (about -60 mv). net inward current was not observed at this developmental stage. the reversal potential for ih measured from tail currents obtained in two step voltage-clamp experiments shifted by 54 mv per unit change i ...19846086909
actinomycin d: effect on induced metamorphosis in the mexican axolotl. 19676076906
an analysis of distal dominance in the regenerating limb of the axolotl. 19676062893
spheroidal and ring nucleoli in amphibian oocytes. patterns of uridine incorporation and fine structural maturing oocytes of the newt triturus viridescens, the nucleoli undergo a series of morphological changes that are very similar to those described by callan for the axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. the nucleoli first assume the form of spheroids which then become extended into ring or necklace shapes that are dnase-sensitive; in mature oocytes the nucleoli revert to a spheroidal form. short term in vitro incorporation studies with uridine-(3)h on both species show that rna synthesis occurs in a ...19676055993
albino axolotls from an albino tiger salamander through hybridization. 20036055330
[light and electron microscope observations on the taste buds of the axolotl tongue]. 19676051698
expression of specific pteridines in neural crest transplants between pleurodeles and axolotl. 19676034431
the response of the gil epithelium of the adult axolotl (siredon mexicanum) to roentgen radiation. 19676020196
[experimental production of diploid androgenesis in the axolotl by the method of the combined action of ultraviolet rays and heat shock]. 19666010499
[intracellular recording of responses from different frog and axolotl retinal cells]. 19666003846
[changes in sulfhydryl group content in extremities tissues of axolotl under inhibition of their regeneration capability by x-irradiation and its restoration]. 19665998247
[the role of trauma in the restoration of regeneration capacity in axolotl extremities, inhibited by x-irradiation]. 19665997300
[the influence of the feeding of embryonal liver tissue on the tail regeneration of ambystoma mexicanum, with special consideration of the regeneration of the tail spinal cord]. 19665988091
[the effect of colchicine on the spinal cord regeneration of ambystoma mexicanum after extirpation of a small section]. 19665982866
the influence of beta-aminopropionitrile on the cartilage matrix of the regenerating limbs of the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). a histochemical study. 19665957964
a recessive factor (o, for ova deficient) determining a complex of abnormalities in the mexican axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). 19665923194
[induction of haploid androgenesis in the axolotl by ultraviolet irradiation and a cytomorphological study of the mechanism of its origin]. 20035896234
[study of chromosomes in blastulae of axolotl]. 19655894861
[changes in the sensitivity of axolotl eggs to the thermal action during maturation, fertilization and early cleavage]. 20085893410
sexual dimorphism in the nucleolar autosome of the axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 19655889984
[the hemoglobin of amphibia. ii. characterization of mexican axolotl hemoglobin: chemico-physical properties and amino acid composition]. 19655889621
[experimental study on the influence of olfactory nerve regeneration on forebrain regeneration of ambystoma mexicanum]. 19645889108
[effect of experimentally induced metamorphosis on regenerative processes in the forebrain of ambystoma mexicanum]. 19655888094
a study of induced metamorphosis in the axolotl. 19655884072
[histological and histochemical study of recovery of the regeneration capacity of axolotl extremities, suppressed by x-irradiation]. 19655871954
fate of cartilage cells in limb regeneration in the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). 19645856867
histopathology of the development of the axial skeleton and spinal cord in the irradiated tail of the young axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 19655846304
[effect of embryonic brain extract on the forebrain of ambystoma mexicanum following unilateral resection of the right forebrain pole]. 19655832370
[spinal cord regeneration in the ambystoma mexicanum following experimental metamorphosis]. 19655826820
studies on the advent of ureotelism. the effects of bivalent cations on the capacity of the hepatic arginase of the mexican axolotl to hydrolyse endogenous arginine.1. the effects of 19 bivalent cations on the activity, stability and capacity to hydrolyse endogenous arginine of axolotl liver arginase were studied. 2. it was found that fe(2+), co(2+), ni(2+) and zn(2+), as well as mn(2+), stabilize the enzyme and render it able to hydrolyse endogenous arginine. 3. by using different concentrations of co(2+) and ni(2+) it was possible to dissociate the effect of each of the metal ions on the activity and stability of arginase from that on its capacity to hydr ...19695820633
a spontaneous teratoma in an axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 19695812631
differentiation capacities of the prospective tail somite region of the neural plate in the embryos of ambystoma mexicanum. 19695804906
destructive effects of strictly local irradiation of the eye of the adult axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 19695789046
inhibition of limb regeneration in the axolotl after treatment of the skin with actinomycin d. 19695774725
[changes in sensitivity to heat in the embryonic development of axolotls]. 20085754704
[dynamics of morphogenetic movements in the gastrulation period in axolotl embryos]. 19685745537
[the response and transmembrane currents of axolotl heart auricle fiber; existence of rapid canal insensitive to tetrodotoxin, presence of a slow canal]. 19685734902
[regenerative processes following removal of the caudal sector of the telencephalon including the telencephalo-diencephalic border region in ambystoma mexicanum]. 19685733524
[light and submicroscopic morphology of the epidermis of the neotenic axolotl (siredon mexicanum shaw)]. 19685705243
studies on the advent of ureotelism. factors that render the hepatic arginase of the mexican axolotl able to hydrolyse endogenous arginine.1. a study was undertaken of the conditions that might operate in the synthesis and hydrolysis of arginine by axolotl liver homogenate to test a previous postulate that liver arginase of the non-metamorphosed mexican axolotl is not able to hydrolyse arginine formed from citrulline and aspartic acid, though it can split exogenous arginine, and also that an enhanced capacity to hydrolyse endogenous arginine plays a major role in the advent of ureotelism observed during the metamorphosis of the axo ...19685701670
transplantation of axolotl heads.favorable conditions for organ transplantation exist for some populations of european laboratory axolotls, making transplantations of heads possible. survival of the transplants is prolonged because homograft reactivity of the host animals is absent. heads transplanted to the backs of other axolotls grow rapidly and show many reactions characteristic of normal axolotl heads. the behavior of the transplants is independent of that of the host animals.19685683054
[synthesis and iodination of thyroglobulin in the axoloti (ambystoma mexicanum), and the premetamorphic tadpole (rana catesbeiana)]. 19685646874
stability of chondrocyte differentiation and contribution of muscle to cartilage during limb regeneration in the axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 19685646635
[formation of müller's ducts in urodela (ambystoma mexicanum)]. 19675630317
[variation in atp and respiration level in regenerating extremities of ambystoma mexicanum]. 19675623858
[characteristics of the formation of connective tissue muffs in the mullerian ducts in the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum)]. 19675620645
[the millimolar extinction coefficient of cyanohematoglobin in rana esculenta and axolotl mexicanum]. 19675618687
[submicroscopical cytology of the thymus of ambystoma mexicanum]. 19675598152
[changes in mitotic activity in tissues of axolotl extremeties in restored regeneration ability suppressed by x-irradiation]. 19675591631
the formation, distribution and function of ribosomes and microsomal membranes during induced amphibian metamorphosis.1. a lag period of about 4 days preceded the onset of metamorphosis precociously induced by tri-iodothyronine in tadpoles of the giant american bullfrog (rana catesbeiana). it was established by the accelerated synthesis or induction of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase and cytochrome oxidase in the liver, serum albumin and adult haemoglobin in the blood, acid phosphatase in the tail, and the increase in the hindleg/tail length ratio. 2. a 4- to 6-fold stimulation, 2 days after the induction of met ...19675584018
characteristics of the ureotelic arginase and its role in the advent of ureotelism during the metamorphosis of the mexican axolotl. 19675583769
variations and developmental abnormalities in the sexual apparatus of the adult axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 19715574153
pathologic changes in the ultrastructure of hepatocytes in the axolotl (ambystoma tigrinum green) under the influence of roentgen rays. 19715562662
studies on the uptake of 125-i-triiodo-l-thyronine and 14 c-l-thyroxine by mexican axolotl tissues. 19715559224
[studies on the duration of cell division and the frequency of division in ova of axolotl]. 19705530835
developmental potentialities of blastema cell nuclei of the mexican axolotl. 19705528416
[effect of x-rays on the postembryonal growth of the telencephalon in ambystoma mexicanum]. 20065525143
the role of innervation in the manifestation of the digits in transplanted regeneration blastemas of the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). 19705516877
the hemoglobin of amphibia. x. sedimentation behaviour of frog, triton and axolotl hemoglobins. 19705511557
[contributions to the study of the morphology of the neurosecretory system in ambystoma mexicanum and its larva]. 20165509951
[the effect of experimentally induced metamorphosis on the telencephalon and olfactory organ of ambystoma mexicanum]. 19705509327
[experimental studies on the regeneration of the telencephalon of ambystoma mexicanum after the resection of both hemispheres]. 19705509326
electrical connexions between cells at neural stages of the axolotl. 19705503493
[enzyme maturation in the subcommissural organ of ambystoma mexicanum in relation to morphologic differentiation]. 19705489656
blood gas transport properties in gill and lung forms of the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). 19705445181
the role of the urinary bladder in water balance of ambystoma mexicanum. 19705440933
transplantation immunity in the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) studied by blastemal grafts. 19705437467
the regeneration of a limb muscle in the axolotl from minced fragments. 19705436847
cilia in axolotl neurons (siredon mexicanum). 19705431153
biochemical effects of the gene g on the development of the axolotl ambystoma mexicanum. 19705423308
Displaying items 1201 - 1300 of 1847