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campylobacter gastroenteritis.campylobacter fetus ss. jejuni has recently been recognized as a very common cause of gastroenteritis. symptoms of campylobacter gastroenteritis include fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, myalgia and headache. bloody diarrhea occurs in about 50 percent of patients. this organism is now being isolated more frequently than salmonella or shigella in cases of diarrhea. acute colitis mimicking crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis on proctoscopic examination and on barium enema x-ray has been described ...19827055019
effect of erythromycin on the fecal excretion of campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni. 19827054315
comparison of rectal swabs and stool cultures in detecting campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni.rectal swabs and stool specimens were compared for the detection of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni in marmosets. rectal swabs were superior to stool specimens for detection of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni (p = 0.016). preliminary human data are also presented.19827047561
prevalence of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni in healthy populations in southern india.campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni was isolated from the feces of 14.8% of a random sample of the healthy population of rural southern india. the rate of isolation was highest in preschool children. this finding emphasizes the need to identify markers of pathogenicity in strains of c. fetus subsp. jejuni, which so far are identified only by cultural characteristics. the pathogenic role of this organism in patients with diarrhoea in tropical developing countries can be understood when such markers ...19827047550
primary isolation of campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni.primary isolation of campylobacter fetus ss. jejuni following selective filtration can be achieved equally well on a columbia agar supplemented with sheep blood (5%), horse blood (5-10%), or heat-treated horse blood (chocolate agar). larger, but not more, colonies were formed at 42c. however, the higher temperature inhibits c. fetus ss. intestinalis. reduced oxygen tension (5%) was advantageous for cultures on media supplemented with sheep blood. all other media tested did equally well as long a ...19827044123
a selective medium for isolating campylobacter jejuni/coli.skirrow's medium is effective for isolating campylobacters from human faeces but is less suitable for animal and environmental specimens owing to the presence of contaminating species. after determining the sensitivity of 104 strains of campylobacters to several antimicrobial agents, used singly and in various combinations, a selective medium incorporating polymixin, rifampicin, trimethoprim and actidione, was developed. the medium, called preston medium, was shown to be more selective than skir ...19827042765
susceptibility testing of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, using broth microdilution panels.twenty-five isolates of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni were tested by broth microdilution panels (sensititre; gibco diagnostics, chagrin falls, ohio) and the minimal inhibitory concentrations (mics) were compared with the corresponding mics obtained by the standard agar dilution technique. microdilution panels designed for testing gram-positive organisms were used so that erythromycin, the antibiotic of choice for this organism, could be included. the correlation with agar dilution was relati ...19827041814
bovine campylobacteriosis: a review.campylobacteriosis (vibriosis) is a venereal disease of cattle caused by the organism campylobacter fetus subspecies fetus previously known as vibrio fetus subspecies venerealis. characteristically the disease causes infertility in the female with an increased number of services necessary for conception. abortions late in gestation are also occasionally seen. most cases or outbreaks occur after the recent introduction of an infected bull or cow into a susceptible breeding herd. often the disease ...19817039808
comparison of agglutination, complement fixation and immunofluorescence tests in campylobacter jejuni infections.good antibody responses usually follow infection with campylobacter jejuni. a comparison of agglutination, complement fixation and immunofluorescence tests was done on 55 sera from 40 sporadic patients with diarrhoeal disease and positive cultures for c. jejuni. results showed 82% positive with immunofluorescence, 62% by complement fixation but only 38% by agglutination, using two reference strains cop and mel as antigens. overall 90% of the 40 patients were positive by one or more serological t ...19827037946
seroepidemiological studies with campylobacter fetus.324 sera from unselected male and 581 sera from female patients as well as 268 sera from prostitutes were studied for antibodies against campylobacter fetus using the complement fixation test. antigen was campylobacter fetus subspecies intestinalis. 3.9% of the sera showed low but relevant antibody titers. statistically significant differences don't exist between the three population investigated. serological cross reactions could not be observed using salmonella typhimurium, shigella flexneri, ...19817036594
[endocarditis caused by campylobacter fetus. description of a new case]. 19817036252
isolation of campylobacter fetus from blood cultures.campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus, previously known as campylobacter fetus subsp. intestinalis, was isolated from two blood cultures taken from a 45-year-old man admitted with gastrointestinal symptoms and a history of lymphocytic lymphoma. campylobacters are not common blood culture isolated but can be a cause of bacteraemia and septicaemia especially in the compromised host. the isolation and identification of campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus by standard blood culture techniques is described an ...19817029231
the etiology of anorectal infections in homosexual men.the infectious etiology of symptomatic anorectal disease was studied in 52 homosexual men who did not have gonococci on initial gram stain of anorectal exudate. herpes simplex virus (hsv) was isolated from the anal canal or rectum in 15 of the 52 (29 percent) men and characteristically caused severe anorectal pain and focal ulcerations visible on sigmoidoscopy. despite negative initial gram stains, seven men (14 percent) had anorectal gonococcal infection. six (12 percent) had syphilis, includin ...19817025620
campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni bacteremia in diffuse lymphoma. 19817022038
enteropathogenic bacteria in frozen chicken.eighty-two samples of frozen chicken from retail stores were examined for the presence of campylobacter, yersinia enterocolitica, and salmonellae. aerobic plate counts and numbers of coliform bacteria at 37 degrees c were determined. campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni was found in 22% of the samples, y. enterocolitica was found in 24.5% and salmonella typhimurium was found in one sample (1.2%). the isolated strains of y. enterocolitica belonged to serotypes 4, 5b, 6, and 8. aerobic plate counts a ...19817020597
experimental infection of rhesus monkeys with a human strain of campylobacter jejuni.young rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) were infected orally with a human strain of campylobacter jejuni. the disease induced was mild, with inappetence and diarrhoea of short duration, but prolonged intermittent excretion of the bacteria in the faeces occurred. bacteraemia was generally present for 2--3 days and later the organisms localized in the liver and gall bladder. recovered animals, when challenged with the same strain, showed no clinical symptoms, no bacteraemia, and excreted the organis ...19817016990
evaluation of transport and storage techniques for isolation of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni from turkey cecal specimens.immediate culturing of fecal specimens is not always possible, and appropriate methods for transport and storage of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni specimens have not been fully evaluated. using nine techniques, we studied the survival of c. fetus subsp. jejuni in cecal specimens from infected turkeys. the organisms survived in specimens held without transport medium for 3 to 15 days (median, 9 days) at 4 degrees c, and 2 to 9 days (median, 4 days) at 25 degrees c. only 20% of specimens frozen ...19817016895
[infection with campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni; review of the literature and discussion of the epidemilogic aspects]. 19806997763
incidence of campylobacter enteritis in the midwestern united states.the incidence of campylobacter enteritis was assessed in an 800-bed medical center in the midwestern united states. stool specimens from 203 patients were cultured on a modified skirrow's selective media and incubated for 48 hours at 42 c in a microaerophilic atmosphere. campylobacter fetus ssp. jejuni was isolated from 10 patients for an incidence rate of 4.9 percent. all patients were symptomatic. the results suggest that clinical laboratories must establish methods to culture and identify thi ...19806986769
[campylobacter neonatal enteritis (author's transl)].authors communicate four cases of bloody diarrhea in neonates, with campylobacter fetus jejuni in the stools. in one case, the same bacteria was isolated from the mother and, in another case, existed possibility of a cross-infection. the mildness of the evolution is marked, specially in those cases in which maternal feeding was continued. some diagnostic and epidemiological aspects, concerning the neonatal period, are commented.19816975051
campylobacter fetus ss. jejuni: a cause of massive lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage.a patient is described with campylobacter enteritis complicated by massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding from multiple mucosal ulcers in the terminal ileum and at the ileocecal valve. repeated stool cultures and antibiotic therapy may be indicated in certain patients to diminish the morbidity arising from what may seem to be mild disease. in patients who suffer bleeding complications, arteriography before surgery is necessary to demonstrate an otherwise grossly indefinable source of bleeding.19806967840
a clinical and aetiological study of adult patients hospitalised for acute diarrhoeal disease.sixty adult patients with diarrhoea discharged from the infectious disease unit, auckland hospital in the 15 months from 1 january 1980 were reviewed. thirty had diarrhoea due to enteric organisms (campylobacter fetus 8, shigella 6, salmonella typhi 4, salmonella typhimurium 4, clostridium difficile causing pseudomembranous colitis 3). other diagnoses included ulcerative colitis and a colonic carcinoma. eighteen had no specific diagnosis. combinations of admission fever, faecal leucocytes and le ...19826952128
campylobacter fetus jejuni enteritis; in new york city. 19816938818
evaluation of a commercially available campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni antigen in the serologic diagnosis of campylobacter enteritis. 19826927227
prevalence and survival of campylobacter jejuni in unpasteurized milk.campylobacter jejuni was isolated from 1 to 108 (0.9%) milk samples obtained from the bulk tanks of nine grade a dairy farms and from 50 of 78 (64%) cows producing grade a milk. survival of eight campylobacter strains in unpasteurized milk (4 degrees c) varied greatly: the most tolerant strain showed a less than 2-log10 decrease in viable cells after 14 days, and the most sensitive strain showed a greater than 6-log10 decrease after 7 days. one strain was still recoverable 21 days after the inoc ...19826897503
serological studies in two outbreaks of campylobacter jejuni infection.two outbreaks of campylobacter enteritis in residential student populations are described. in the first outbreak, 34 of 240 students in one hall of residence became ill over the course of 4 or 5 days. a single serotype of c. jejuni was isolated from sample of faeces. sera collected demonstrated that the students had little pre-existing antibody and antibody responses were demonstrated in those who were infected. about 30% of students with serological evidence for infection with c. jejuni did not ...19816895231
campylobacter enteritis associated with the consumption of free school milk.a large outbreak of campylobacter enteritis associated with the consumption of free school milk is described. the outbreak had an abrupt onset, and lasted for about 3 weeks; it involved mainly school children in the 2-4 and 5-7 year old age groups. during this period it was established from epidemiological and microbiological data that some 2500 children were infected. the source of the epidemic was almost certainly contaminated milk, although bacteriological proof could not be obtained. biotypi ...19816895230
survival of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni in biological provide new information on the epidemiology and pathophysiology of human infection with campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, we studied its survival in several milieus. standard inocula of organisms were placed in hydrochloric acid, human bile and urine, bovine milk, or stream water and kept at 4, 25, or 37 degrees c; viable organisms were then counted. stools from humans infected with campylobacter were similarly tested. survival in acid was ph and time dependent, with 7-log kill within 5 min ...19806892819
campylobacter jejuni as a bacterial cause of diarrhoea in ile-ife, nigeria.a total of 495 diarrhoea and non-diarrhoea patients whose ages ranged between 5 and 39 years were examined for the presence of campylobacter jejuni, salmonella and shigella species. about 12% of the specimens from diarrhoea patients were positive for campylobacter jejuni compared with 6% and 10% for salmonella and shigella species. in contrast 2%, 0% and 1% of the samples from non-diarrhoea patients were positive for campylobacter jejuni, salmonella and shigella species respectively. most (62%) ...19836886413
serum antibodies in campylobacter enteritis.a solid-phase enzyme immunoassay method for the measurement of total and class-specific serum antibodies to campylobacter jejuni was developed. the test was found to be both sensitive and specific. immunoglobulin m, g, and a antibodies were detected in about 90% of sera collected from patients recovering from campylobacter enteritis, with the pattern of appearance and decline of these antibodies conforming to that usually seen in an acute infection. a poor antibody response was noted in patients ...19836885981
susceptibility of clinical isolates of campylobacter jejuni to sixteen antimicrobial agents.the activities of 16 antimicrobial agents against 103 clinical isolates of campylobacter jejuni were tested. all the strains were susceptible to kanamycin and gentamicin. chloramphenicol, nalidixic acid, and clindamycin were active against most of the strains. more than one-third of the strains were resistant to the tetracyclines and 12.5% were resistant to erythromycin.19836870228
ferret as a potential reservoir for human campylobacteriosis.a survey was conducted to determine the frequency of campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni in feces of ferrets purchased for use in biomedical research. over a 12-month period, 168 ferrets from 2 commercial breeders were examined by bacteriologic cultural procedures for campylobacter spp; 61% were culturally positive for c fetus subsp jejuni. in a therapeutic trial with 16 ferrets shedding c fetus subsp jejuni in feces, erythromycin given orally failed to eliminate intestinal carriage of the organism ...19836870007
campylobacter enteritis in normal and immunodeficient children.campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni (cbj) has been recently recognized as a common pathogen in bacterial gastroenteritis in children. during a period of 16 months, 51 cases of c fetus subspecies jejuni gastroenteritis were diagnosed. five of the children in whom the cases were diagnosed were previously known to be immunodeficient: two had x-linked agammaglobulinemia, one had agammaglobulinemia, one had combined immunodeficiency, and one had transient hypogammaglobulinemia. average duration of ...19836869333
acute hepatitis associated with campylobacter colitis.a patient with proven campylobacter fetus ss. jejuni acute colitis developed hepatocellular dysfunction, which paralleled the course of the colitis. liver biopsy showed nonspecific reactive hepatitis. other causes of acute hepatocellular damage were excluded. the patient made a complete recovery.19836863882
selective enrichment broth medium for isolation of campylobacter jejuni.a new selective campylobacter enrichment broth for the isolation of campylobacter jejuni has been tested with fecal specimens of human, poultry, and bovine origin. we compared the isolation rate with that from the simultaneous direct plating of a duplicate specimen. of the 380 duplicate specimens examined comparatively, we obtained a 46.3% increase in isolation of c. jejuni by using the new campylobacter enrichment broth medium.19836863504
mycotic aneurysm of the abdominal aorta: successful management of campylobacter fetus aortitis. 19836851545
legitimacy of the names of subspecies of campylobacter fetus proposed by véron and chatelain, 1980.since the publication of the 8th edition of bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology, there has been considerable confusion concerning the names of 2 subspecies and the types of the subspecies of campylobacter fetus (smith and taylor, 1919) sebald and véron, 1980. despite the documentation of the names c. fetus subsp. fetus (smith and taylor) véron and chatelain and c. fetus subsp. venerealis (florent) véron and chatelain, which appear in the "approved lists of bacterial names", the influen ...19836847035
isolation of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni from the common puffin (fratercula arctica) in norway. 19836842738
isolation of plasmids encoding tetracycline resistance from campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from simians.fifteen isolates of tetracycline-resistant campylobacter jejuni were recovered from stool samples of cynomologous monkeys (macaca fascicularis) housed at the university of washington primate research center, seattle. resistance was associated with carriage of a 38-megadalton plasmid which was transmissible to other strains of c. jejuni but not to escherichia coli. seven isolates also contained a 2.6-megadalton plasmid which was phenotypically cryptic.19836838189
production of enteritis in calves by the oral inoculation of pure cultures of campylobacter fetus subspecies intestinalis.pure cultures of an isolate of campylobacter fetus subspecies intestinalis obtained from the congested small intestinal mucosa of a two-week-old calf were used to infect three milk-fed calves and three ruminating calves in two separate controlled experiments. inoculated animals all developed clinical signs which included fever (to 40 degrees c) and diarrhoea with excess clear mucus containing occasional spots of blood. c fetus subspecies intestinalis was isolated from the faeces of all infected ...19836836883
an immunopathologic study of the bovine prepuce.the prepuces of 83 bulls with macroscopically normal reproductive tracts were obtained at slaughter and microbiological, immunological, and histologic studies were done and the findings were correlated. some bulls had been vaccinated on several occasions against campylobacter fetus. mean concentrations of intrapreputial immunoglobulins (ig) in 27 bulls were igg1 - 1.8 +/- 5.2; iga - 0.16 +/- 0.15; and igm - 0.24 +/- 0.24 mg/ml. high concentrations of igg2 in some bulls precluded precise estimati ...19836836875
[campylobacter fetus bacteremia].five cases of campylobacter fetus bacteremia are reported. this germ, found in blood cultures, induces high fever and is accompanied by either gastroenteritis with colitis or thrombophlebitis. other, but much rarer septic sites are the meninges and endocardium. patients already debilitated by chronic disease are more susceptible to bacteremia with campylobacter fetus, which worsens the prognosis of the infection. although non-debilitated patients can contract this infection, the prognosis here i ...19836836251
the association of malabsorption syndrome with a campylobacter fetus infection. 19836833780
culture supernatants of campylobacter jejuni induce a secretory response in jejunal segments of adult rats.culture supernatants of four campylobacter jejuni strains induced a net sodium secretory flux (plasma-lumen) and an impaired glucose transport in perfused jejunal segments of adult rats in vivo.19836832835
experimental campylobacter jejuni infection of adult mice.ha-icr adult mice were studied to develop an animal model for campylobacter jejuni enteritis in humans. fecal and ileal cultures made by selective and nonselective methods showed that c. jejuni and related organisms are not bowel commensals. intragastric feeding of 10(8) cfu of three different strains of c. jejuni produced infection in 100% of the animals, and infection rates were dose dependent. pretreatment with antibiotics or opiates was not necessary to induce infection. fresh isolates and s ...19836832823
house flies (musca domestica) as possible vectors of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni.a total of 161 strains of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni were isolated from house flies (musca domestica). the carrier rates detected were 50.7% in flies captured on a chicken farm and 43.2% in flies from a piggery. the relative prevalences of campylobacter coli, c. jejuni, and nalidixic acid-resistant thermophilic campylobacters were 90.1, 6.2, and 3.7%, respectively. the results indicate that flies may play a linking role in the epidemiology of campylobacter infection in humans by transmitt ...19836830213
prevalence of campylobacter jejuni in two california chicken processing plants.two federally inspected california chicken processing plants participated in campylobacter jejuni prevalence studies. twelve sampling sites were included in each of four groups. groups were based on bird age, scald water temperature, and plant sampled. scald water temperatures of 60 degrees c (140 degrees f) did not contribute to a lower prevalence of c. jejuni in edible parts, as did temperatures of 53 degrees c (127 degrees f) and 49 degrees c (120 degrees f). the feather picker and chilling t ...19836830212
relapsing septicemia caused by campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus. 19836825036
campylobacter enteritis in 188 hospitalized patients.the clinical picture and epidemiologic characteristics of infection due to campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni were studied in 188 patients hospitalized in finland during a three-year period. all but two patients had diarrhea; 90% had abdominal pain, fever, and fatigue; half had vomiting and headache; one third experienced electrolyte disturbances; and one fifth of the patients had other complications, most commonly pancreatitis (6%) and arthritis (5%). all age groups were affected, most usual ...19836824388
inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm infected by campylobacter fetus. 19836823082
comparison of selective media for isolation of campylobacter jejuni/coli.a comparison of skirrow's, butzler's, blaser's, campy-bap and preston media for campylobacter spp was made using human, animal and environmental specimens. butzler's medium gave the lowest isolation rate and preston medium, which was the most selective, the highest isolation rate. enrichment culture using preston enrichment broth gave a higher isolation rate than direct plating onto preston medium.19836822680
campylobacter jejuni survival in chicken meat as a function of temperature.recognition of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni (referred to hereafter as c. jejuni) as an important human pathogen and its isolation from meat products indicate the need for knowledge of its survival characteristics in meats. thermal death times (d-values) for a single strain and a five-strain composite were determined in 1% peptone and autoclaved ground chicken meat at temperatures ranging from 49 to 57 degrees c. survival was determined for these strains in chicken meat at 4, 23, 37, and 43 ...19826812501
isolation of campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni from zoo animals.over a 1-year period, 619 fecal specimens from animals at the denver zoo were cultured for campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni. the organism was isolated from 35 animals, including 12 primates, 2 felids, a red panda, 13 hooved animals, 6 birds, and 1 reptile. of 44 cultured fecal specimens from diarrheal animals, 31.8% were positive for campylobacter, whereas only 5.6% of 575 specimens from animals without diarrhea were positive (p less than 0.001). among 25 isolates tested, 12 serotypes were repre ...19816799468
passive hemagglutination technique for serotyping campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni on the basis of soluble heat-stable antigens.antigenic materials were extracted from campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni strains by heating bacterial suspensions in saline at 100 degrees c and by exposure to ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. the antigens were heat stable at 100 degrees c, capable of sensitizing sheep erythrocytes for agglutination in antisera, and able to elicit production of specific antibody in rabbits; they occurred with different immunological specificities in 23 strains. antisera against the 23 strains could be used for ...19806796598
infective dose of campylobacter jejuni in milk. 19816786571
milk-borne campylobacter infection.the common factor in 13 recent outbreaks of campylobacter jejuni enteritis was the consumption of unpasteurised or incompletely pasteurised milk. c jejuni is a common commensal in the alimentary tract of milking cows, but it is not clear how the milk becomes contaminated with the organism. pasteurisation will readily eliminate the organism from milk. in england and wales 3% of milk retailed is still unpasteurised, and in the light of these findings it is suggested that only pasteurised milk shou ...19816786504
acute ulceration of ileal stoma due to campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni. 19816786499
prepartum changes of plasma concentrations of prostaglandin f and 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin metabolites in pregnant animals exposed to sarcocystis cruzi or campylobacter fetus.pregnant cows at 4- to 5-months' of gestation were exposed to sarcocystis cruzi or campylobacter fetus. plasma prostaglandin f (pgf) and 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin metabolite (pgm) concentrations were determined at intervals from before exposure until abortion or parturition. the plasma pgf concentration of pregnant infected cattle remained at 0.02 +/- 0.04 ng/ml until 24 to 48 hours before abortion or parturition when it increased 5-fold to 0.11 +/- 0.12 ng/ml. the plasma pgm concentrat ...19816784618
plasma progesterone concentration in the bovine before abortion or parturition in pregnant animals exposed to sarcocystis cruzi, campylobacter fetus, or aspergillus fumigatus.pregnant cows in the 4th and 5th month of the gestation were exposed to sarcocystis cruzi, campylobacter fetus, or aspergillus fumigatus. plasma progesterone concentrations were determined at intervals from before the cows were exposed until they had aborted or calved. the plasma progesterone concentration of the exposed pregnant cattle remained at 3.95 +/- 2.0 ng/ml until 24 to 48 hours before abortion or parturition, when it decreased to below 1.00 ng/ml. this pattern was similar for cattle ex ...19806782916
[diarrheal disease associated with campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni (author's transl)]. 19806768818
campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni: the need for surveillance. 19806768813
[cases of gastroenteritis caused by campylobacter fetus jejuni in vienna].campylobacter fetus jejuni is a gram-negative spiral or comma-shaped rod, belonging to the family of spirillaceae. it is now recognised as a cause of human gastroenteritis with fever. recently, many reports have been published about sporadic cases as well as epidemic outbreaks. a symptomless carrier-state is also known. the mode of transmission is not yet fully understood. direct, faecal-oral and indirect transmission especially via food contaminated with faeces are suspected. recently, we isola ...19806765653
dark-field microscopy of human feces for presumptive diagnosis of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni determine the value of direct dark-field microscopy for diagnosing enteritis due to campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, we examined 1,377 human fecal specimens for bacteria with typical campylobacter darting motility, leukocytes, and erythrocytes. eighty-four specimens (6.1%) grew c.fetus subsp. jejuni. of the 48 specimens showing campylobacter motility, 30 (62%) grew c. fetus subsp. jejuni. the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of observing campylobacter motility were 36%, 99%, a ...19826764779
comparison of atmospheres of incubation for primary isolation of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni from animal specimens: 5% oxygen versus candle atmosphere with reduced oxygen tension is required for the primary isolation of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni. therefore, we compared use of the conventional atmosphere of 5% oxygen and 8% carbon dioxide with use of a candle jar (17% oxygen and 3% carbon dioxide) for primary isolation of c. fetus subsp. jejuni from 263 positive canine, cattle, and turkey fecal or cecal specimens. at an incubation temperature of 42 degrees c, the atmosphere with 5% oxygen resulted in more campylobacter col ...19826764778
evaluation of the campypak ii gas generator system for isolation of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni.the campypak ii (bbl microbiology systems, cockeysville, md.) method for isolating campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni was evaluated with clinical specimens by comparison with an evacuation replacement procedure. of 757 specimens, 26 (3.4%) were positive for c. fetus subsp. jejuni. all 26 were recovered by both systems. no difference was found in the time necessary for isolation, except with one isolate that required 3 days for isolation with campypak ii and 2 days with the established procedure. ...19826764774
enrichment medium and control system for isolation of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni from stools.enrichment culture with a semisolid medium increased by 6% the isolation rate of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni. the semisolid enrichment medium was also used successfully as a transport medium for campylobacter isolates. a blood agar plate streaked with pseudomonas aeruginosa, clostridium perfringens, and a laboratory strain of campylobacter was a good control system for the microaerophilic atmosphere. good growth of all three organisms indicated satisfactory conditions for culturing campylo ...19826764764
[recent studies on campylobacter fetus jejuni]. 19826764587
[cultural demonstration of campylobacter fetus subspecies fetus in preputial rinsing samples from insemination and breeding bulls]. 19826758761
a most probable number method for estimating small numbers of campylobacters in water.a most probable number (mpn) method capable of estimating as few as ten campylobacters per 100 ml of water is described. the method gave results close to those obtained by the viable count method of miles, misra & irwin (1938) with graded suspensions of campylobacter jejuni. the method was used to test raw water samples: counts were obtained ranging from 10 to 230 campylobacters per 100 ml for 11 49 coastal and estuary water samples, and from 10 to 36 campylobacters per 100 ml for 7 of 44 river ...19826752269
comparison of campypak ii with standard 5% oxygen and candle jars for growth of campylobacter jejuni from human determine optimal temperature and atmospheric conditions for isolating campylobacter jejuni from fecal specimens of humans, we studied six laboratory isolates and 19 fecal specimens that were known to contain c. jejuni. we compared incubations in 5% oxygen, the campypak ii (bbl microbiology systems, cockeysville, md.) with 6 plates per jar (cp-6) and 12 plates per jar (cp-12), and candle jars at 37 and 42 degrees c. at both temperatures, the colony sizes for the laboratory strains were larger ...19826749892
factors affecting the lethality of campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni in mice.intraperitoneal injection of campylobacter fetus ss. jejuni into ham/1cr mice was lethal, but viable counts of bacteria from whole body homogenates, organs and blood indicated that death was not due to sustained bacterial multiplication. heat-killed organisms (5 x 10(9) cfu) injected into 7-day-old mice caused death within 24 h and this was shown to be due to endotoxin. both ferric iron and heterologous lipopolysaccharide enhanced virulence; the ld50 was lowered from 1.8 x 10(9) cfu to 2.7 x 10( ...19846748038
systematic investigation of enrichment media for wild-type campylobacter jejuni strains.of the media examined, thioglycolate broth supplemented with 5% lysed sheep blood, butzler antibiotic mixture, and 0.1% lauryl sulfate was the most sensitive enrichment medium for recovery of wild-type strains of campylobacter jejuni from cecal contents of chickens and chicken livers. it allowed the retrieval of 1 cfu as did solid media but permitted the screening of 50-times larger volumes. double-strength enrichment medium required 5 to 10 cfu for growth. omission of lauryl sulfate reduced the ...19846746890
dna relatedness among strains of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli with divergent serogroup and hippurate reactions.eleven strains of campylobacter from earlier fluorescent-antibody studies were examined by dna hybridization to determine their species. three of the strains hydrolyzed sodium hippurate, and eight did not. four of the hippurate-negative strains were in campylobacter jejuni serogroups, and the remaining strains were in both c. jejuni and campylobacter coli serogroups. dna relatedness to type strains of c. jejuni and c. coli indicated that all three of the hippurate-positive strains and two of the ...19846746886
properties of crude campylobacter jejuni heat-labile enterotoxin.the amount of crude campylobacter jejuni enterotoxin present in culture products was quantitated by comparing the response of these preparations with that of pure escherichia coli heat-labile toxin (lt) in the chinese hamster ovary assay and in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays that used gm ganglioside or antisera to lt or both. maximum c. jejuni enterotoxin production was achieved by growth at 42 degrees c for 24 h under agitation in supplemented gc medium. adding polymyxin separately to eithe ...19846746090
[an outbreak of campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni enteritis in newborn infants in a maternity hospital]. 19846742699
campylobacter septic abortion.we have reported a case of a septic abortion caused by campylobacter fetus ssp jejuni. this organism is best known for producing diarrhea, but is now being linked with more serious diseases, including pregnancy wastage.19846740362
[a case of septicemia by campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus]. 19846737735
a study of the spread of campylobacter jejuni in four large kitchens.campylobacters were sought in swabs taken from work surfaces, sinks and floors of four kitchens-i.e. hospital, university, cook-freeze and commercial, processing frozen or fresh chickens. each kitchen was visited on four occasions. in the large commercial kitchen environmental contamination was found on each visit, whereas campylobacters were isolated on six of the twelve visits to the other kitchens. the hands of operatives were contaminated with campylobacters on only two of the 45 swabs taken ...19846736643
is enrichment culture necessary for the isolation of campylobacter jejuni from faeces? 19846725607
comparative studies on competitive exclusion of three isolates of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni in chickens by native gut microflora.resistance of young chicks to campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni was substantially increased by early exposure to native gut microflora. protection was demonstrated against two human isolates and a chicken isolate of c. fetus subsp. jejuni. significant protection against the chicken isolate was observed throughout a 91-day test period. infection reached 100% (25/25) in the untreated group at 56 days of age and only 4% (1/25) in the group treated with native gut microflora. campylobacter fetus sub ...19846721792
comparative efficacy of liquid enrichment medium for isolation of campylobacter jejuni.isolation of campylobacter jejuni from 1,249 human fecal specimens by direct inoculation on selective columbia agar and liquid enrichment medium was compared. the use of liquid enrichment medium provided a 30% higher isolation rate of c. jejuni. the overall isolation rate achieved by using direct plating and enrichment together was 8.2%.19846715514
hemolytic uremic syndrome after campylobacter-induced diarrhea in an adult.campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni is a recognized pathogen of the gastrointestinal (gi) tract resulting in a spectrum of illness from mild gastroenteritis to severe colitis with bloody diarrhea. campylobacter is also being recognized as capable of producing systemic illness. furthermore, antibody response, hypocomplementemia, and bacteremia with enterotoxic organisms have been described. many of the clinical features, both local (le, in the gi tract) and systemic, parallel those of shigella. ...19846712399
association of campylobacter jejuni with laying hens and eggs.laying hens were individually caged at 20 weeks of age and tested for fecal excretion of campylobacter jejuni (minimum level of detection was 100 cfu/g) during a 42-week period. peak rates of c. jejuni isolation (approximately 25% of hens positive) occurred at two different times, in october and in late april to early may. before being segregated in late september, birds were allowed to consume fecal matter, litter, and communal drinking water, all likely sources of c. jejuni. the increased excr ...19846712220
diagnostic studies of the fetus, placenta and maternal blood from 265 bovine abortions.during 1981, the fetus, placenta and maternal serum were received from each of 265 bovine abortions. these specimens were examined using histopathological, histochemical, bacteriological, mycological, endocrinological, immunological, serological and virological techniques. the cause of abortion was identified in 98 (37%) cases. of these diagnosed abortions 27 (28%) were due to infection with fungi, 17 (17%) to salmonella spp, 11 (11%) to campylobacter fetus and 10 (10%) to corynebacterium pyogen ...19846705541
[frequency of campylobacter fetus ss. jejuni and yersinia enterocolitica in children with acute diarrhea]. 19846704228
in vitro susceptibilities of 40 campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni strains to niridazole and metronidazole.the activities of niridazole and metronidazole were compared by an agar dilution method against 40 strains of campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni of human origin. niridazole had a markedly higher activity than metronidazole.19846703680
improved preservation medium for campylobacter egg-based medium was found to be superior to the conventional wang transport medium and the recently developed biphasic medium for the preservation of campylobacter jejuni in the laboratory. strains of c. jejuni preserved in egg-based medium maintained at 4 degrees c were viable for over 3 months. the survival of c. jejuni in egg-based medium held at room temperature (27 +/- 2 degrees c) was also relatively longer than in wang transport medium and biphasic medium.19846699154
blood-free selective medium for isolation of campylobacter jejuni from feces.a blood-free selective agar is described which contains charcoal, ferrous sulfate, sodium pyruvate, casein hydrolysates, cefazolin, and sodium deoxycholate (ccd agar). ccd agar was compared with preston medium for isolation of campylobacter jejuni from human feces, and isolation rates were similar on both media, but ccd agar was less selective. temperature studies at 37 and 42 degrees c confirmed that incubation of direct plates at 42 degrees c for 48 h was necessary for maximum isolation of c. ...19846699146
serotyping and biotyping of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from sporadic cases and outbreaks in norway.of 172 thermophilic campylobacters isolated from human cases of gastroenteritis in norway, 149 (86.6%) were classified as campylobacter jejuni, whereas 23 isolates (13.4%) belonged to campylobacter coli. c. jejuni biotype 1 comprised 66.3% and c. jejuni biotype 2 comprised 20.3% of the total number. using 50 unabsorbed antisera, we were able to serotype 109 (80.1%) of 136 campylobacters on the basis of heat-stable antigens identified by means of passive hemagglutination. the typable strains fell ...19846699144
campylobacter jejuni diarrhea model in infant study the pathogenic mechanisms of campylobacter jejuni infection, 36- to 72-h-old chickens were fed 10(3) to 10(6) live cells, using strains isolated from 40 patients with watery diarrhea and 6 with bloody mucoid diarrhea from whom no other known enteropathogen was detected. chickens of starbro strain were more likely to develop c. jejuni-induced diarrhea than were white leghorn chickens. diarrhea was defined on the basis of amounts of gut fluid in 288 chicks fed with live c. jejuni versus 1 ...19846698612
bacterial etiology of diarrhea in children with special reference to campylobacter fetus jejuni. 19846698587
endemic campylobacter jejuni infection in colorado: identified risk factors.a study of persons with laboratory-confirmed sporadic campylobacter jejuni infection and of controls matched for age and sex in colorado in the summer of 1981 yielded odds ratio estimates significantly greater than 1 for the following risk factors: drinking raw water (10.74), drinking raw milk (6.93), eating undercooked chicken (2.77), and living in a household with a cat (3.21).19846696155
infection with campylobacter fetus.over a 4-yr period (1978-1982) about 1 000 cases of campylobacter infection were diagnosed at our laboratory in helsinki, but only 4 proved to be due to campylobacter fetus. all these 4 patients had fever, 3 had diarrhoea and 1 arthritis and thrombophlebitis. the diagnosis was made from blood cultures in all cases; in 1 case the bacterium was also isolated from stools.19846695155
mycotic aortic aneurysm. a complication of campylobacter fetus septicemia.the first surviving case, to our knowledge, of a campylobacter fetus mycotic aortic aneurysm is reported. bacteremia and an ileofemoral thrombophlebitis preceded the development of the infected aneurysm, reconfirming the vascular tropism of this organism. the clinical similarity with infections caused by salmonella choleraesuis is illustrated by this case. the full recovery of our patient attests to the efficacy of extralanatomic bypass combined with long-term antibiotic therapy in the treatment ...19836687525
[isolation of campylobacter fetus ssp. jejuni from products of animal origin]. 19836680922
[campylobacter infection and the hemolytic-uremic syndrome].a 20-year-old man with an acute enteritis caused by campylobacter fetus developed a haemolytic-uraemic syndrome on the fifth day of his disease. the pathogenesis of the disseminated intravascular coagulopathie , the nephropathie and the haemolysis are discussed. with increasing rate of isolation of campylobacter, the connection of this infection with hus may be seen more frequently.19836676172
[neonatal meningitis caused by campylobacter fetus]. 19836674590
detection of menaquinone-6 and a novel methyl-substituted menaquinone-6 in campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus.menaquinone-6 (2-methyl-3-farnesyl-farnesyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) and a methyl-substituted menaquinone-6 (2,[5 or 8]-dimethyl-3-farnesyl-farnesyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) were the major isoprenoid quinones found in membrane preparations of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus. by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) and thin-layer chromatography (tlc) the faster-eluting menaquinone-6 co-chromatographed with a menaquinone-6 standard. the identity of menaquinon ...19836663282
investigation of a waterborne outbreak of campylobacter jejuni enteritis with a serotyping scheme based on thermostable antigens.serotyping of 11 human and 2 water isolates of campylobacter jejuni associated with a waterborne outbreak revealed two serotypes among the human isolates. one of these (serotype 58) was a new serotype and was added to the serotyping scheme. serotypes were defined by using extracted thermostable antigens and passive hemagglutination titrations of both unabsorbed and cross-absorbed antisera. two water isolates of the same serotype as six human isolates provided evidence to link a contaminated wate ...19836655043
isolation and enumeration of campylobacter jejuni from poultry products by a selective enrichment method.a direct selective enrichment procedure was developed for the isolation of campylobacter jejuni from poultry products. the selective enrichment medium (atb) consisted of (per liter) tryptose (20 g), yeast extract (2.5 g), sodium chloride (5 g), fbp supplement (ferrous sulfate [0.25 g], sodium metabisulfite [0.25 g], sodium pyruvate [0.25 g]), bicine (10 g), and agar (1 g). hematin solution (6.25 ml; prepared by dissolving 0.032 g of bovine hemin in 10 ml of 0.15 n sodium hydroxide solution and a ...19836651294
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