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cellular internalisation of clostridium difficile toxin a.the cytopathogenic effect of toxin a from clostridium difficile was studied in cultured human lung fibroblasts. the final effect was dependent on toxin concentration and exposure time. binding of the toxin to cells occurred at 0 degrees c as well as at 37 degrees c. the latency before appearance of the cytopathogenic effect was dose-dependent with a minimum of 45 min. the appearance of a cytopathogenic effect in toxin-treated cells was prevented by the addition of trypsin, antitoxin, lysosomotro ...19873148814
clostridium difficile: its disease and toxins.clostridium difficile is the etiologic agent of pseudomembranous colitis, a severe, sometimes fatal disease that occurs in adults undergoing antimicrobial therapy. the disease, ironically, has been most effectively treated with antibiotics, although some of the newer methods of treatment such as the replacement of the bowel flora may prove more beneficial for patients who continue to relapse with pseudomembranous colitis. the organism produces two potent exotoxins designated toxin a and toxin b. ...19883144429
effect of toxins produced by various clostridium difficile strains on cecum size reduction in gnotobiotic mice.inoculation of axenic mice with clostridium difficile strains induced a significant reduction in ceca weight (dry or wet), whereas a nontoxinogenic strain led to a partial reduction. a strain, which produces cytotoxin and no enterotoxin in vivo, caused a reduction similar to that observed with a nontoxinogenic strain. simultaneous cytotoxin and enterotoxin production by various c. difficile strains caused the cecum size to diminish to that observed for conventional control mice.19883143476
clostridium difficile toxin a perturbs cytoskeletal structure and tight junction permeability of cultured human intestinal epithelial monolayers.toxin a of clostridium difficile causes severe inflammatory enterocolitis in man and animals that appears to be mediated in part by acute inflammatory cells that migrate into the toxin a-exposed mucosa. to determine the direct effects of toxin a on intestinal epithelial permeability and structure in the absence of other modulating factors, we used cultured monolayers of a human intestinal epithelial cell line (t84). a toxin a concentration of 7 x 10(-1) micrograms/ml (3 x 10(-9) m) nearly abolis ...19883141478
pancreatic abscess caused by clostridium difficile.the first known case of pancreatic abscess caused by clostridium difficile in a patient with no history of diarrhea or previous antibiotic therapy is presented. after surgical intervention and antibiotic therapy with metronidazole (500 mg every 8 h) and cefotaxime (1 g every 8 h) the patient recovered completely.19883141163
laboratory diagnosis of clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea.this paper reviews the various laboratory procedures available for the isolation and identification of clostridium difficile and the detection of toxins produced by this organism. laboratories should be selective in determining which patients require investigation for clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea. transport and storage of stool specimens at 4 degrees c is recommended when delays in processing may occur. tissue culture techniques are still the best method for detection of cytotoxin ...19883141153
[fundamental studies on the growth of clostridium difficile--the effect of medium ph on the germination & proliferation of spores]. 19883138331
actin-specific adp-ribosyltransferase produced by a clostridium difficile screening possible adp-ribosyltransferase activities in culture supernatants from various clostridium species, we have found one clostridium difficile strain (cd196) (isolated in our laboratory) that is able to produce, in addition to toxins a and b, a new adp-ribosyltransferase that was shown to covalently modify cell actin as clostridium botulinum c2 or clostridium perfringens e iota toxins do. the molecular weight of the cd196 adp-ribosyltransferase (cdt) was determined to be 43 kilodalton ...19883137166
clostridium difficile plasmid isolation as an epidemiologic tool.a large hospital outbreak of clostridium difficile diarrhea at the minneapolis veterans administration medical center (mvamc) was studied by plasmid profile typing. plasmids were obtained from 30 (37%) of 82 clinical isolates from mvamc patients and 10 (67%) of 15 non-mvamc isolates. while bacteriophage plus bacteriocin typing and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page) plus bacterial agglutination typing proved more universally applicable, plasmid profiles may be useful for tracing isolated e ...19883134239
computer-aided densitometric analysis of protein patterns of clostridium difficile.the applicability of whole-cell protein patterns obtained by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as a typing method for clostridium difficile was examined using a total of 227 strains isolated from 191 patients and their surroundings. computer-aided densitometric analysis was used to establish a reliable standardization technique with which a large number of protein patterns could be efficiently classified. the normalized tracks could be electronically superimposed and compa ...19883134233
incidence and significance of clostridium difficile in hospitalized cancer patients.the aim of the study was to assess the incidence and clinical significance of clostridium difficile in patients in our cancer center. over a period of seven consecutive months, 557 stools samples obtained from 156 hospitalized cancer patients (37 leukemic patients receiving oral antimicrobial prophylaxis and 119 patients from whom a stool sample was sent to the laboratory) were analyzed for the presence of clostridium difficile. clostridium difficile and/or its toxin was recovered from 13 (35%) ...19883134231
purification and characterisation of two forms of toxin b produced by clostridium difficile.toxin b from clostridium difficile was purified to homogeneity by gel filtration and high resolution ion exchange chromatography. two forms of toxin b were found. form 1 which seemed to consist of two identical subunits of 220-300 kda; femtogram amounts of this toxin induced rounding of fibroblast cells. form 2 contained subunits of 43 kda and 105 kda; the stoichiometric ratio probably being 4:1; picogram amounts were needed to induce rounding of fibroblast cells. immunological studies suggested ...19883133248
characterization of cross-reactive proteins detected by culturette brand rapid latex test for clostridium difficile.clostridium sporogenes, peptostreptococcus anaerobius, and bacteroides asaccharolyticus have been reported to react in the culturette brand rapid latex test (marion scientific, div. marion laboratories, inc., kansas city, mo.) for clostridium difficile. from the results of this study we showed that c. sporogenes and p. anaerobius produce a protein which is very similar biochemically and immunologically to the protein of c. difficile that is detected by the test. thus, the positive latex reaction ...19883128574
purification and characterization of clostridium sordellii hemorrhagic toxin and cross-reactivity with clostridium difficile toxin a (enterotoxin).hemorrhagic toxin (toxin ht) was purified from clostridium sordellii culture filtrate. the purification steps included ultrafiltration through an xm-100 membrane filter and immunoaffinity chromatography, using a monoclonal antibody to toxin a of clostridium difficile as the ligand. toxin ht migrated as a major band with a molecular weight of 525,000 and a minor band at 450,000 on nondenaturing gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the molecular weight was estimated at 300,000 by sodium do ...19883128481
clostridium difficile toxins a and b inhibit human immune response in vitro.two clostridium difficile toxins isolated from strain vpi 10463 were tested for their effect on different human t-cell proliferation systems. in mitogen- and antigen-driven t-cell proliferation systems, toxins inhibited the proliferative response in a dose-dependent fashion. in interleukin-2-driven culture systems, no effect of toxins could be found on preactivated t cells. we suspected that monocytes were the influenced cells, since in antigen- and mitogen-driven systems monocytes were necessar ...19883128476
association between production of toxins a and b and types of clostridium hundred and seventy two strains of clostridium difficile isolated from 62 patients with antibiotic associated diarrhoea or pseudomembranous colitis were analysed for the production of toxins a and b and typed using 35s-methionine labelling followed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). there was a correlation between production of toxins a and b and the type of c difficile. one hundred and forty four of 172 strains were either high or low producers of both ...19873123524
clostridium difficile infection in patients with haematological malignant disease. risk factors, faecal toxins and pathogenic strains.two hundred and forty-eight patients from shared oncology and general medical wards were prospectively studied over a 6-month period for carriage of clostridium difficile during an outbreak of clinical disease with an epidemic strain of the organism. risk factors for infection were assessed. acute leukaemia and/or its treatment were identified as significantly increasing the risk of infection. the relationship between the type of c. difficile isolated (as defined by a typing system based on the ...19883123260
diarrhea in the intensive care unit: the role of hypoalbuminemia and the response to a chemically defined diet (case reports and review of the literature).we describe five patients who developed acute kwashiorkor-like hypoalbuminemia during their hospitalization in the intensive care unit. with the initiation of enteral alimentation, diarrhea ensued and continued for at least 48 hours. routine evaluation for the cause of diarrhea including stool culture for enteric pathogens, white blood cells, ova and parasites, clostridium difficile cytotoxin, and flexible sigmoidoscopy was negative. when a peptide based formula (vital hn, ross laboratories, col ...19873121713
surveillance cultures and benefit of laminar airflow units in patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation.the effectiveness of gastrointestinal and topical decontamination, as well as isolation in laminar airflow (laf) units were investigated in 20 patients. on a weekly basis, surveillance cultures were taken. environmental controls were taken on the medical ward outside the two laf units and from the laf unit itself when being used by a patient. the use of laf units seems to be of benefit in preventing exogenous infections, but there are two weak points in the isolation techniques: the opening of t ...19873121516
partial characterization of the enzymatic activity associated with the binary toxin (type c2) produced by clostridium botulinum.clostridium botulinum produces a binary toxin that possesses a heavy chain (approximately 100,000 daltons) and a light chain (approximately 50,000 daltons). the heavy chain is a binding component that directs the toxin to vulnerable cells, and the light chain is an enzyme that has mono(adp-ribosyl)ating activity. a number of experiments have been done to help characterize the enzymatic activity of the toxin. the data reveal that the enzyme has a ph optimum within the range of 7.0 to 8.0. it is n ...19883121511
clostridium difficile toxin b induces reorganization of actin, vinculin, and talin in cultured cells.clostridium difficile toxin b is a powerful cytopathic agent which causes animal cells in culture to become rounded and arborized, an effect similar to that induced by the cytochalasins. in this study, we demonstrated that the morphological effects of the toxin are directed specifically against the actin and related components of the cytoskeleton. dramatic disruption and reorganization of the actin stress fibers were detectable prior to significant changes in cell shape and alterations in the mi ...19883121372
toxin a from clostridium difficile binds to rabbit erythrocyte glycolipids with terminal gal alpha 1-3gal beta 1-4glcnac sequences.the binding of toxin a isolated from clostridium difficile to rabbit erythrocyte glycolipids has been studied. total lipid extracts from rabbit erythrocytes were subjected to thin-layer chromatography and toxin-binding glycolipids detected by using 125i-labeled toxin a in a direct binding overlay technique. two major and several minor toxin-binding glycolipids were detected in rabbit erythrocytes by this method. the results of structural analyses of the major toxin-binding glycolipids were consi ...19873115180
detection of clostridium difficile toxins a and b. 19873115085
isolation of clostridium difficile and detection of cytotoxin in the feces of diarrheic foals in the absence of antimicrobial treatment.clostridium difficile was isolated from the feces of 27 of 43 diarrheic foals (63%), and cytotoxin was detected in feces from 28 diarrheic foals (65%). the foals had not received any antimicrobial treatment before the onset of diarrhea. c. difficile was not isolated from feces of 18 normal foals without diarrhea and 62 adult horses (p less than 0.005). this finding of c. difficile and its toxins in association with diarrhea in foals adds another possible cause to the list of infectious agents wh ...19873112178
purification of clostridium difficile toxin a by affinity chromatography on immobilized efficient, single-step method for isolating highly purified toxin a from clostridium difficile culture filtrates is described. the purification procedure was based on the affinity binding and release of toxin a to bovine thyroglobulin conjugated to agarose beads. the toxin strongly bound at 4 degrees c to the carbohydrate binding determinant gal alpha 1-3gal beta 1-4glcnac, a carbohydrate sequence which occurs on bovine thyroglobulin. toxin bound to thyroglobulin at 4 degrees c, allowing its ...19873112015
analysis of latex agglutination test for clostridium difficile toxin a (d-1) and differentiation between c difficile toxins a and b and latex reactive protein.virulent toxigenic and avirulent non-toxigenic strains of clostridium difficile gave a positive result in the latex agglutination test (lat) for c difficile toxin a (d-1). similar concentrations of latex agglutinating antigen were produced by these strains in vivo. positive reactions were also given by c sporogenes, proteolytic c botulinum types a, b, and a/f, and bacteroides assaccharolyticus. the latex agglutinating antigen was denatured by boiling for 10 minutes, but not by heating at 56 degr ...19873108333
hypoalbuminemia as an indicator of diarrheal incidence in critically ill patients.recently, we noted that substantial numbers of critically ill patients admitted to a medical icu developed diarrhea. we checked them for infectious, metabolic, and untoward medication effects, which were negative. we next considered a possible causal relation between reduced serum albumin and diarrhea. to document the frequency of diarrhea in this population, explore the relation between hypoalbuminemia and diarrhea, and make a preliminary assessment of a peptide-based, chemically defined diet i ...19873105959
bmy 28100, a new oral cephalosporin.bmy 28100, a new oral cephalosporin with a (z)-propenyl side chain at the 3 position and a p-hydroxyphenylglycyl substituent at the 7 position, was evaluated in comparison with cefaclor and cephalexin and, when appropriate, ampicillin and vancomycin. in vitro, bmy 28100 was more active than the reference cephalosporins against streptococci, staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus epidermidis, listeria monocytogenes, haemophilus influenzae, propionibacterium acnes, clostridium perfringens, and clos ...19873105449
[intestinal microflora of patients with antibiotic-associated hemorrhagic colitis associated with klebsiella oxytoca and clostridium difficile enterotoxin]. 19863097201
[detection of clostridium difficile and its clinical significance]. 19863094851
screening for clostridium difficile in chronic inflammatory bowel disease in relapse. is it helpful? is it cost efficient? 19863093561
asymptomatic carriage of clostridium difficile in patients with cystic fibrosis.faecal samples from 37 patients with cystic fibrosis and 40 control patients at the brompton hospital and the london chest hospital were examined for the presence of clostridium difficile. the organism was isolated from 2 (17%) of control patients who were receiving antibiotics and from one (3.6%) of control patients who had no antimicrobial treatment. thirty two per cent of the patients with cystic fibrosis excreted c difficile, though none of them had diarrhoea. two of the three isolates from ...19863093537
growth of clostridium difficile and production of toxins a and b in complex and defined media.the ability of several strains of clostridium difficile to grow and to produce toxins a and b in complex and defined culture media has been studied with special reference to the amino-acid composition of the medium. the production of these toxins varied with the strain used and with the composition of the growth medium. toxin a production was not inextricably linked to production of toxin b since conditions were found in which only one or other toxin was produced.19863088279
evaluation of a commercially available latex immunoagglutination test kit for detection of clostridium difficile d-1 toxin. 19863086678
comparison of culture, cytotoxicity assays, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for toxin a and toxin b in the diagnosis of clostridium difficile-related enteric disease.clostridium difficile culture, test tube, and microtiter cytotoxicity assays, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisas) for toxin a and toxin b, were simultaneously performed on 113 fresh diarrheal stool specimens randomly selected from those submitted to our clinical laboratory for routine c. difficile testing. the performance of these tests in diagnosing c. difficile-related enteric disease (cdred) was based on a clinical assessment of the likelihood of cdred as determined by a systemati ...19863086027
commercial latex test for clostridium difficile toxin a does not detect toxin a.the rapid latex test recently marketed by marion scientific (div. marion laboratories, inc., kansas city, mo.) for the detection of clostridium difficile toxin a does not react with the toxin, based on the following findings: culture filtrates from nontoxigenic strains of c. difficile gave positive reactions in the test, culture filtrate in which toxin a had been removed gave positive reactions, purified toxin a did not react in the test, and the latex reagent bound an antigen which is distinct ...19863082928
efficacy of routine fiberoptic endoscope cleaning and disinfection for killing clostridium difficile.we have evaluated a standard procedure for cleaning and disinfection of endoscopes for efficacy in eradicating a spore-forming bacterial organism, clostridium difficile. initially, 23 endoscopes were cultured for the presence of c. difficile after hanging in storage for at least 24 hours after cleaning and disinfection. all cultures were negative. subsequently, endoscopes used in 15 patients who had stool cultures positive for c. difficile were cultured immediately after use and again after clea ...19863081401
diarrhoea due to clostridium difficile associated with antibiotic treatment in patients receiving dialysis: the role of cross infection. 19863081086
bacterial agglutination and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for typing clostridium difficile.bacterial agglutination and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page) were methods evaluated for typing strains of clostridium difficile. a panel of four antisera, obtained by immunizing rabbits with washed whole cells of different strains of c. difficile, produced distinctive patterns of agglutination. ethylenediaminetetraacetate (edta) extracts subjected to page also produced distinctive protein profiles. excellent correlation between the two methods was observed when geographically distant is ...19863080531
pseudomembranous colitis induced by clostridium difficile. 19883077615
diagnosis of infectious diarrheal diseases.for many years, microbiologic examination of feces was focused on the isolation of two members of the family enterobacteriaceae--salmonellae and shigellae. over the past two decades, other enteric pathogens such as the various classes of diarrheagenic e. coli, campylobacter, vibrio spp., yersinia enterocolitica, and clostridium difficile have gained prominence. a newly recognized protozoan parasite, cryptosporidium is now known to infect both immunocompetent and immunodeficient individuals. adde ...19883074126
[nosocomial nature of antibiotic-induced intestinal clostridium infections caused by clostridium difficile]. 19883069610
bacterial-induced diverse parts of the world, many bacterial strains have been recognised as the causative agents of diarrhoea. great achievements have been made in perceiving the varied mechanisms which explain their intestinal pathogenicity. these achievements include the elucidation of the 5 mechanisms of disease production by escherichia coli, the mechanisms of action of shigella, salmonella, campylobacter and yersinia, new information about antimicrobial-associated colitis caused by clostridium difficile ...19883069445
management and prevention of bacterial diarrhea.the etiology, pathogenesis, transmission and communicability, diagnosis, and management of infectious diarrhea are reviewed. infectious diarrhea is common in both industrialized and unindustrialized areas of the world. better understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis and identification of "new" enteric pathogens has resulted in the use of a variety of drugs to relieve symptoms or to effect a clinical cure. both host and microbial virulence factors are key in the acquisition of diarrheal ill ...19883069286
results of a prospective, 18-month clinical evaluation of culture, cytotoxin testing, and culturette brand (cdt) latex testing in the diagnosis of clostridium difficile-associated 18-mo evaluation of culture, cytotoxin, and latex testing for clostridium difficile was performed between july 1, 1985, and december 31, 1986, on 1,536 specimens from 1,406 patients during evaluation of diarrhea. all cases with at least one test positive were investigated for clinical status. there were 144 clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (cad) patients; 139 (97%) were positive by culture, 96 (67%) by cytotoxin, and 98 (68%) by latex testing. in the 1,262 non-cad patients with diarr ...19883066571
evaluation of a computer-assisted method of analysing sds-page protein profiles in tracing a hospital outbreak of serratia marcescens.sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) profiles of bacterial proteins have been successfully used for taxonomical purposes. more recently this technique has been applied to epidemiological investigations in respect of various micro-organisms including neisseria meningitidis, staphylococcus aureus and clostridium difficile. the main limitations of the methods so far described are lack of standardisation in extraction and separation as well as in the analysis of resu ...19883060541
[clostridium difficile in children and adolescents undergoing anticancer and antimicrobial chemotherapy. the possibility of nosocomial acquisition].we looked for c. difficile and its cytotoxin among children and adolescents treated with diverse kinds of cancer chemotherapy in an oncologic ward of a pediatric hospital. most of them were also given multiple antibiotic treatments, susceptible of making c. difficile colonization easier due to the modification of the intestinal ecosystem. as the colonization may have an external origin, we also looked for c. difficile in the environment. 14 patients have been studied and we found cytotoxic strai ...19883054763
[in vitro activity of beta-lactams, clindamycin and metronidazole on clostridium difficile].in one year and a half period 47 clostridium difficile were isolated from stool samples. isolates with questionable morphologic features were identified using sugars fermentation, gaz liquid chromatography (glc). cytotoxin assay was performed on mac coy cells. the comparative susceptibilities to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (amc), cefotetan (ctt), cefoxitin (fox), cefotaxime (ctx), latamoxef (mox), mezlocillin (mez), piperacillin (pip), clindamycin (clin) and metronidazole was tested using minima ...19883054747
[in vitro activity of a combination of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid on anaerobic bacteria].one hundred and one anaerobes isolated from clinical specimen were examined for their susceptibility to amoxicillin, alone or in combination with clavulanic acid, cefoxitin, cefotetan, cefotaxime, piperacillin and metronidazole. tested strains were as follow: 90 bacteroides fragilis group, 16 bacteroides bivius and 5 clostridium difficile. for 54 strains combination amoxicillin-sulbactam were also studied. minimal inhibitory concentrations (mics) were determined by agar dilution method on wilkin ...19883054746
[bacteriologic and serologic diagnosis of enteral infections].infections of the gastrointestinal tract still are numerous, ranging on the second place after infections of the respiratory tract. some of them show quite severe or prolonged course. in contrast to other infections, especially those of the urinary tract, laboratory diagnostic of enteritis is only scarcely ordered. during the last ten years new methods and knowledge of etiologic germs like campylobacter, yersinia, various types of e. coli, clostridium difficile, rotavirus, adenovirus, giardia, b ...19883054377
correlation between serogroup and susceptibility to chloramphenicol, clindamycin, erythromycin, rifampicin and tetracycline among 308 isolates of clostridium difficile.the susceptibility to chloramphenicol, clindamycin, erythromycin, rifampicin and tetracycline of 308 isolates of clostridium difficile from various origins was determined by a disc diffusion susceptibility testing and the results were compared with the serogroup of the strains. for the five antimicrobials, there was a clear-cut separation between susceptible and resistant strains. some correlation between resistance and serogroup was found. almost all of the 161 isolates of serogroups a, f, g, h ...19883053559
advances in ulcerative colitis.ulcerative colitis is one of the two common chronic inflammatory bowel diseases which affect the colon of children. the disease can occur at any time during infancy and childhood and is far commoner than crohn's disease of the colon in children less than 6 years old. the jewish population outside of israel is at far greater risk of developing the condition than any other ethnic group. the reason for this is unknown. the chances of a family member developing the condition is 2-3 times as great as ...19883050919
[domestic animals as excreters of clostridium difficile]. 19883048969
the histopathology of the hemolytic uremic syndrome associated with verocytotoxin-producing escherichia coli infections.verocytotoxin-producing escherichia coli (vtec) infection was present in three cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (hus), two fatal and one non-fatal, in which detailed histopathologic investigations were conducted. two patients had a prodrome of bloody diarrhea, one of whom required a hemicolectomy for severe bleeding. the renal histopathology was characterized primarily by glomerular thrombotic microangiopathy (tma) with greater than 95% of glomeruli showing changes of capillary wall thickening ...19883047052
isolation of shiga toxin-resistant vero cells and their use for easy identification of the toxin.shiga toxin-resistant vero cells were isolated by treatment of the cells with nitrosoguanidine. these mutant cells were not affected by shiga toxin at more than 1 microgram/ml, although the parent vero cells were sensitive to 25 pg of the toxin per ml. immunofluorescence studies showed that all the mutant cells had lost toxin-binding capacity. the cytotoxic activities of various bacterial cultures against the parent and mutant cells were compared. all samples from 10 strains of shigella dysenter ...19883045003
application of chromosomal restriction endonuclease digest analysis for use as typing method for clostridium difficile.the usefulness of restriction endonuclease analysis of chromosomal dna as a typing method for clostridium difficile was tested. over four months all faecal samples were routinely cultured for c difficile. dna of all isolated strains was isolated and tested with the restriction endonuclease hind iii. the patterns obtained after electrophoresis in agarose gels seemed to be strain specific. antibiotic susceptibility profiles agreed with the results of the restriction endonuclease analysis, though t ...19873040811
susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria to fce 22101.the activity of fce 22101 against 675 strains of anaerobic bacteria was determined by an agar dilution method. its activity was compared with those of benzylpenicillin, piperacillin, cefoxitin, imipenem, clindamycin, metronidazole, chloramphenicol, vancomycin, fusidic acid, and bacitracin. fce 22101 and imipenem (mic, less than or equal to 0.5 mg/liter) were the most active agents against the anaerobic strains tested, except against clostridium difficile strains. on the basis of these results, f ...19873038012
susceptibility of clostridium difficile to ly146032. 19873036501
effect of calcium on in vitro activity of ly146032 against clostridium difficile.the in vitro mics of ly146032 against 63 isolates of clostridium difficile tested in wilkins-chalgren broth ranged from 0.5 to greater than 32 micrograms/ml, with mics of 4 and 8 micrograms/ml for 50 and 90% of the isolates, respectively. however, when the test medium was supplemented with physiologic concentrations of calcium, the mic for 90% of the isolates was reduced to less than or equal to 0.12 microgram/ml.19873034146
application of whole-cell dna restriction endonuclease profiles to the epidemiology of clostridium difficile-induced diarrhea.two patients in one hospital room acquired pseudomembranous colitis, one shortly after the other. the dna restriction patterns of isolates from the patients and of four isolates from the environment were indistinguishable from one another and differed from isolates of other patients. restriction endonuclease digest analysis appears to be a useful method for studying the epidemiology of clostridium difficile.19873033017
comparative in vitro activity of ly146032 (daptomycin), a new lipopeptide antimicrobial.the in vitro activity of ly146032, a new cyclic lipopeptide antibiotic, was compared with those of vancomycin, teicoplanin, and either oxacillin or ampicillin by determining agar dilution mic values for 304 clinical gram-positive isolates. ly146032 had superior in vitro activity against oxacillin-resistant staphylococci when compared to vancomycin or teicoplanin. against oxacillin-sensitive staphylococci, group jk-diphtheroids, streptococci, listeria monocytogenes and clostridium difficile, ly14 ...19873032607
clostridium difficile in the normal adult faecal hundred and seventy-seven out of 324 routine non-diarrhoeal faecal specimens investigated for the presence of clostridium difficile were culture-positive. twelve of the faecal specimens obtained from thirty-six normal healthy volunteers yielded cl. difficile prior to oral administration of clindamycin. thereafter all the volunteers excreted the organism from the second day to the fifth day during clindamycin administration. three months after stoppage of oral clindamycin sixteen of the thirt ...19863031964
molecular cloning of clostridium difficile toxin a gene fragment in lambda gt11.toxin a of clostridium difficile has been purified and monospecific antiserum produced. a reliable procedure for isolation and restriction of c. difficile chromosomal dna was developed which allowed for the construction of a genomic library in lambda gt11. approx. 35,000 plaques were screened using anti-toxin a which resulted in the identification of one stable positive clone, lambda cd19. verification of the immunological identity of the isolated toxin a gene fragment in lambda cd19 was determi ...19873030812
cytotoxic and cytotonic factors produced by campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter laridis.complete toxigenicity studies were performed on 341 strains of campylobacter spp., including 23 nonhuman isolates. toxin profiles based on both cytotonic and cytotoxic factors were determined after analyzing responses in vero, hela, cho and y-1 cells. suckling mouse assays were consistently negative for all culture filtrates tested. toxin-producing strains were frequently encountered among both the human and nonhuman strains of campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, and c. laridis investigated. strains ...19863018039
pharmacokinetic and therapeutic trial of sultamicillin in acute sinusitis.sultamicillin, an antibiotic combining ampicillin and the beta-lactamase inhibitor sulbactam, was administered to 13 patients diagnosed as having acute sinusitis. specimens from sinus were obtained for all 13 patients by transantral puncture. pharmacokinetics, bacteriology, and therapeutic efficacy were assessed. eighty-five percent (11 of 13) were cured; two treatment failures were subsequently shown to have chronic (rather than acute) sinusitis during surgical exploration. diarrhea was frequen ...19853002247
a comparison of the effects of cytotoxic cerebrospinal fluid on cell cultures with other cytopathogenic agents.protein synthesis, antigen synthesis, and cell membrane permeability were analyzed after inoculating human diploid fibroblasts with control or cytotoxic csf, herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv 1), poliovirus 3, or clostridium difficile toxin. whereas protein synthesis and membrane permeability were affected by the viruses, and virus antigens detectable by pooled human serum were synthesized, the bacterial toxin and cytotoxic csf did not induce any new proteins or antigens, although the cytotoxic c ...19852987025
antibiotic depression of evoked and spontaneous responses of opossum distal colonic muscularis mucosae in vitro: a factor in antibiotic-associated colitis?certain antibiotics depress both skeletal neuromuscular transmission and intestinal neuroeffector transmission. impaired intestinal motility may facilitate the proliferation of the bacterium clostridium difficle and thus lead to the development of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis. many antibiotics accumulate in the colonic lumen at concentrations several times their associated blood levels. this study examined whether certain of these could interfere with colonic muscularis mucosal ...19852982696
therapy of clostridium difficile in pseudomembranous and antibiotic-associated colitis. 19872978388
in vitro antibacterial activity of trospectomycin (u-63366f), a novel spectinomycin analog.trospectomycin (u-63366f) is a novel spectinomycin analog with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. the in vitro activity of this analog was compared with that of spectinomycin and other reference antibiotics against 411 clinical isolates of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. mics were determined by agar or broth dilution methods. the stability of trospectomycin in the presence of an enzyme extract derived from spectinomycin-resistant escherichia coli was determined. trospectomycin was more activ ...19882966608
a comparison of teicoplanin and cefuroxime as prophylaxis for orthopaedic implant surgery: a preliminary report.the relative merits of different antibiotic regimens for prophylaxis in orthopaedic implant surgery are difficult to evaluate because of the low frequency of infection. factors other than infection prevention may influence choice. we have compared 400 mg teicoplanin given intravenously on induction of anaesthesia with three perioperative injections of cefuroxime, in 146 patients undergoing total hip or total knee replacement. these interim results suggest that cefuroxime selects for increased ex ...19882965126
molecular cloning and expression of clostridium difficile toxin a in escherichia coli k12.clostridium difficile toxin a was purified to homogeneity and was used to raise monospecific antiserum in rabbits. a gene bank of c. difficile dna in escherichia coli was constructed by cloning sau3a-cleaved clostridial dna fragments into the bacteriophage vector lambda embl3. out of 4500 plaques screened with antitoxin a, 9 clones were positively identified. one of these clones lambda ta5 expressed a 235 kda protein which exhibited a cytotonic effect on chinese hamster ovary cells, and had the ...19872961615
[isolation and diagnosis of clostridium difficile]. 19872961468
insusceptibility of fetal intestinal mucosa and fetal cells to clostridium difficile toxins. 19862954421
prophylactic antibiotics for patients undergoing elective biliary tract surgery: a prospective randomized study of cefotiam and cefoperazone.cefotiam, a second generation cephalosporin and cefoperazone, a third generation cephalosporin have a broad spectrum of activity against a majority of organisms commonly found in the bile. although cefoperazone is excreted into the human bile to a greater extent than is cefotiam, there are no comparative data available that cefoperazone prophylaxis is safer and more effective than cefotiam for patients undergoing biliary tract surgery. a prospective randomized study was performed to compare the ...19872952826
adp-ribosylation in cultured cells treated with clostridium difficile toxin cultured fibroblasts intoxicated with clostridium difficile toxin b, a radioactive moiety was transferred from [14c-adenosine]nad, but not from [14c-nicotinamide] nad, into a cellular protein (mw 90,000). no labeling was detected in toxin-treated cultures not yet showing any toxin-induced cytopathogenic effect, whereas maximal labeling was obtained in cultures with about half of the cells showing a cytopathogenic effect. the radioactivity was removed from the substrate by treatment with snake ...19862945553
effects of topical clindamycin on intestinal microflora in patients with acne.thirty-two patients with acne completed a randomized, double-blind study using topical 1% clindamycin phosphate or its vehicle applied twice daily for 8 weeks for a study of its effects on the intestinal microflora. two clindamycin patients and one vehicle patient had clostridium difficile in stools prior to therapy. of the remaining twenty-nine patients, four of nineteen patients who used clindamycin and none of ten patients who used vehicle had c. difficile detected during treatment; the diffe ...19862943760
effect of oral ciprofloxacin on the faecal flora of healthy volunteers.the effect of oral ciprofloxacin on the intestinal flora was investigated in six male volunteers aged between 21 and 54 years. faecal specimens were cultured quantitatively for aerobic and anaerobic micro-organisms before, during and after a five day course of ciprofloxacin. ciprofloxacin resulted in a significant reduction in aerobic flora in all volunteers and colonisation with resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci or corynebacteria in two volunteers. the total anaerobic flora counts were ...19862941281
comparative in vitro activity of seven quinolones against 100 clinical isolates of clostridium difficile.the in vitro activity of seven quinolone derivatives against 100 clinical isolates of clostridium difficile was determined. ci934 was the most active, inhibiting 90% of the strains at 4 micrograms/ml and 100% at 8 micrograms/ml. ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin had moderate activity (16 and 32 micrograms/ml) whereas enoxacin, pefloxacin, norfloxacin, and nalidixic acid had poor activity (128 micrograms/ml).19862940968
pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin and effect of repeated dosage on salivary and fecal microflora.the pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin was studied in 12 volunteers during a 5-day course of 500 mg of ciprofloxacin given orally twice a day. the effects on the microflora of saliva and feces were also examined. serum and urine samples were assayed for ciprofloxacin microbiologically, and the salivary and fecal microflora were examined quantitatively after processing onto a series of selective media. fecal samples were also investigated for the presence of clostridium difficile and its cytotoxin ...19862940965
[antibiotic-associated colitis and clostridium difficile]. 19852939996
pseudomembranous colitis caused by topical clindamycin phosphate.pseudomembranous colitis was observed on two occasions in the same patient and was associated with the topical administration of clindamycin phosphate. assay for clostridium difficile toxin was positive, and the patient was ultimately cured by oral vancomycin hydrochloride and the withdrawal of clindamycin therapy.19862939805
comparative in vitro activities of ciprofloxacin, enoxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin and pefloxacin against bacteroides fragilis and clostridium difficile.the in vitro activity of ciprofloxacin, enoxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin and pefloxacin against 99 bacteroides fragilis strains and 105 clostridium difficile strains were determined by the agar dilution method. ofloxacin was the most potent agent. the mic for 90% of the b. fragilis and c. difficile strains was 8 mg/l. ciprofloxacin had mic90's of 16 mg/l for b. fragilis and c. difficile. the mic90's of pefloxacin against b. fragilis and c. difficile were 32 mg/l. 90% of the b. fragilis strains w ...19862939556
comparison of the in vitro activities of teicoplanin and vancomycin against clostridium difficile and their interactions with cholestyramine.the in vitro activity of teicoplanin was compared with that of vancomycin against fecal isolates of clostridium difficile. all strains were susceptible to both antibiotics, but teicoplanin was fourfold more active than vancomycin. cholestyramine was found to bind teicoplanin almost completely, reducing its activity to nondetectable levels.19852935077
impact of oral ciprofloxacin on the faecal flora of healthy volunteers.the intestinal flora was studied in 12 volunteers after the administration of 400 mg ciprofloxacin b.i.d. over seven days. stool samples were taken prior to and several times after the initiation of therapy, and qualitative and quantitative analyses of microorganisms were performed. escherichia coli was eliminated in all volunteers after two days of treatment. a selection of resistant enterobacteria could not be observed. a higher incidence of streptococcus faecium was seen, mainly after the end ...19852934338
effect of clindamycin on factor-vii activity in healthy cats.four healthy cats were given clindamycin orally in daily doses of 25 or 50 mg/kg of body weight for 6 weeks. significant change in factor-vii activity was not found, compared with pretreatment values. in 2 cats tested, toxin produced by clostridium difficile was not detected in fecal samples obtained before treatment and at 6 weeks after treatment, suggesting that intestinal overgrowth by c difficile did not develop. results of the study seemed to indicate that orally administered clindamycin do ...19892930027
evaluation of antibiotic-associated diarrhea with a latex agglutination test and cell culture cytotoxicity assay for clostridium difficile.diagnosis of clostridium difficile (c. difficile) by its antigen or toxin has improved treatment for patients who have antibiotic-associated diarrhea and opportunistic colonization of the colon with c. difficile. unfortunately, results from the tissue culture cytotoxicity assay are not available for 48 h. we prospectively compared a latex agglutination test with the tissue culture cytotoxicity assay in 83 patients (15 with antibiotic-associated diarrhea, 23 with non-antibiotic-associated diarrhe ...19892929558
oral fluoroquinolone therapy for clostridium difficile enterocolitis. 19892926941
recovery of spores of clostridium difficile altered by heat or alkali.the effect of heating or alkali-treatment on spore recovery in ordinary growth medium was examined for four strains of clostridium difficile. heating spores at 80 degrees c for 10 min produced 95.50-99.95% decreases in the recovery rates. treatment with 0.1 n naoh for 15 min produced 99.47 and 99.83% decreases in spore recovery rates for two of the four strains. the influence of either addition of lysozyme after treatment with sodium thioglycollate (thioglycollate-lysozyme method) or addition of ...19892926793
phenelfamycins, a novel complex of elfamycin-type antibiotics. iii. activity in vitro and in a hamster colitis model.phenelfamycins a, b, c, e, f and unphenelfamycin make up a recently isolated group of elfamycin-type antibiotics. all of the phenelfamycins were active against gram-positive anaerobes, including clostridium difficile. phenelfamycin a was also active in vitro against neisseria gonorrhoeae and streptococci. phenelfamycin a was found to be effective in prolonging the survival of hamsters in an animal model of c. difficile enterocolitis. after oral administration of phenelfamycin a to hamsters, anti ...19892921230
recurrences of clostridium difficile diarrhea not caused by the original infecting organism. 19892915158
nosocomial acquisition of clostridium difficile infection.we studied the acquisition and transmission of clostridium difficile infection prospectively on a general medical ward by serially culturing rectal-swab specimens from 428 patients admitted over an 11-month period. immunoblot typing was used to differentiate individual strains of c. difficile. seven percent of the patients (29) had positive cultures at admission. eighty-three (21 percent) of the 399 patients with negative cultures acquired c. difficile during their hospitalizations. of these pat ...19892911306
clostridium difficile colitis secondary to intravenous vancomycin.nearly every known antibiotic has been implicated as a cause of clostridium difficile colitis. we report the first case resulting from monotherapy with intravenous vancomycin. the patient was on chronic hemodialysis and was treated with intravenous vancomycin for presumed cervical osteomyelitis. after 29 days of therapy he developed abdominal pain and diarrhea and his stool was found to contain both c. difficile and cytotoxin. the patient responded with symptomatic and microbiological recovery t ...19892910675
treatment of antibiotic-associated clostridium difficile colitis with oral vancomycin: comparison of two dosage regimens.high-dose (500 mg orally four times daily) vancomycin is considered by many investigators to be the most effective treatment for antibiotic-associated clostridium difficile colitis. however, a lower dosage of 125 or 150 mg given three or four times a day has become popular, has been shown to be effective, and is less expensive than the high-dose regimen. we therefore decided to compare two vancomycin dosage regimens in a randomized trial.19892910090
hybridization analysis of the class p tetracycline resistance determinant from the clostridium perfringens r-plasmid, pcw3.the tetracycline resistance determinant from pcw3, a conjugative plasmid from clostridium perfringens, has been identified and the structural gene localized to within a 1.4-kb region. hybridization analysis, which utilized an internal 0.8-kb specific gene probe, showed that eight nonconjugative tetracycline resistant c. perfringens strains all carried homologous resistance determinants. no homology was detected in dna prepared from tetracycline resistant isolates of clostridium difficile or clos ...19882901767
gastrointestinal carriage rate of clostridium difficile in elderly, chronic care hospital patients.the carriage rate of clostridium difficile in patients at a chronic care hospital was determined by two point prevalence surveys at 6-monthly intervals. in the first survey c. difficile or its toxin was present in stool samples from five symptomless patients on three of the four wards studied. all of these colonized patients had been in hospital for at least 2 months, but there was no relationship between carriage of the organism and antibiotic use. when the survey was repeated 6 months later, n ...19882899585
clostridium difficile, sulphasalazine, and ulcerative colitis.clostridium difficile has been implicated in the relapse of ulcerative colitis. controversy exists over this role and its relationship to sulphasalazine exposure. sixty two of 77 patients with a documented relapse of ulcerative colitis were investigated for the presence of clostridium difficile, or its toxin, prior to hospitalization. there was a low incidence of detection which was related to antibiotic exposure (2/62). sampling during the treatment period showed that the occurrence of clostrid ...19872897683
clostridium difficile as a nosocomial pathogen.patients admitted to a 19-bed floor with intermediate nursing care were studied for the onset of clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea during a six-month period (181 calendar days) in 1986-87. all admitted patients were reviewed weekly and followed after discharge from the study unit to other inpatient services. multiple items in the environment of five patients' rooms were sampled bacteriologically for the presence of c. difficile weekly during the study period. three of the rooms were sel ...19882896737
[pseudomembranous colitis after antibiotic therapy associated with the presence of entamoeba histolytica histolytica. apropos of 2 cases].the authors report on two cases of pseudomembranous colitis (p.m.c.) developed in two senegalese women of 38 and 36 years, and discovered at the 4th and 5th day respectively of an antibiotherapy based on ampicillin. in these two observations, cysts of entamoeba histolytica histolytica were found in both feces and biopsies. they recall the circumstances of the occurrence, diagnosis techniques and treatment. they underline the unfrequency of this disease in africa south of sahara and they discuss ...19872893239
successful treatment of relapsing clostridium difficile colitis with lactobacillus gg. 19872892070
investigation of clostridium difficile diarrhoea in a district general hospital: room for improvement?a retrospective survey of case-notes was carried out on all patients investigated for possible clostridium difficile diarrhoea during a 1-month period at a district general hospital. seven of 29 patients probably had the disease, but no case of pseudomembranous colitis was documented. delay in reporting and discrepancies between culture and cytotoxin results contributed in several cases to mismanagement. in 14 of 16 cases negative by culture and cytotoxin, a plausible non-microbiological case fo ...19872891751
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