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multiple and diverse vsp and vlp sequences in borrelia miyamotoi, a hard tick-borne zoonotic pathogen.based on chromosome sequences, the human pathogen borrelia miyamotoi phylogenetically clusters with species that cause relapsing fever. but atypically for relapsing fever agents, b. miyamotoi is transmitted not by soft ticks but by hard ticks, which also are vectors of lyme disease borrelia species. to further assess the relationships of b. miyamotoi to species that cause relapsing fever, i investigated extrachromosomal sequences of a north american strain with specific attention on plasmid-born ...201626785134
measuring escherichia coli gene expression during human urinary tract infections.extraintestinal escherichia coli (e. coli) evolved by acquisition of pathogenicity islands, phage, plasmids, and dna segments by horizontal gene transfer. strains are heterogeneous but virulent uropathogenic isolates more often have specific fimbriae, toxins, and iron receptors than commensal strains. one may ask whether it is the virulence factors alone that are required to establish infection. while these virulence factors clearly contribute strongly to pathogenesis, bacteria must survive by m ...201626784237
sensitivity of lyme borreliosis spirochetes to serum complement of regular zoo animals: potential reservoir competence of some exotic vertebrates.reaction of vertebrate serum complement with different borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species is used as a basis in determining reservoir hosts among domesticated and wild animals. borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, borrelia garinii, and borrelia afzelii were tested for their sensitivity to sera of exotic vertebrate species housed in five zoos located in the czech republic. we confirmed that different borrelia species have different sensitivity to host serum. we found that tolerance to borreli ...201626783940
leiomyosarcoma of the vagina: an exceedingly rare diagnosis.background. primary leiomyosarcoma of the vagina is an exceedingly rare diagnosis. current estimates are that this tumor could at most represent a mere 0.062% of malignant neoplasms in the female genital tract, although in actuality it is likely far less common. case presentation. a 70-year-old female gravida 3 para 2 with new onset palpable vaginal mass and pink vaginal discharge is diagnosed with primary leiomyosarcoma of the vagina. chemotherapy is complicated by acute lyme disease, and the p ...201526783476
county-scale distribution of ixodes scapularis and ixodes pacificus (acari: ixodidae) in the continental united states.the blacklegged tick, ixodes scapularis say, is the primary vector to humans in the eastern united states of the lyme disease spirochete borrelia burgdorferi, as well as causative agents of anaplasmosis and babesiosis. its close relative in the far western united states, the western blacklegged tick ixodes pacificus cooley and kohls, is the primary vector to humans in that region of the lyme disease and anaplasmosis agents. since 1991, when standardized surveillance and reporting began, lyme dis ...201626783367
expanding the clinicopathological spectrum of late cutaneous lyme borreliosis (acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans [aca]): a prospective study of 20 culture- and/or polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-documented cases.the diagnosis of acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (aca), the late cutaneous manifestation of lyme borreliosis, can be challenging. histologic changes in aca have been described in a few studies from endemic countries, relying on cases documented by serology only.201626781226
an australian guideline on the diagnosis of overseas-acquired lyme disease/borreliosis. 201526779732
new insights into the classification and integration specificity of streptococcus integrative conjugative elements through extensive genome exploration.recent genome analyses suggest that integrative and conjugative elements (ices) are widespread in bacterial genomes and therefore play an essential role in horizontal transfer. however, only a few of these elements are precisely characterized and correctly delineated within sequenced bacterial genomes. even though previous analysis showed the presence of ices in some species of streptococci, the global prevalence and diversity of ices was not analyzed in this genus. in this study, we searched fo ...201526779141
new insights into the classification and integration specificity of streptococcus integrative conjugative elements through extensive genome exploration.recent genome analyses suggest that integrative and conjugative elements (ices) are widespread in bacterial genomes and therefore play an essential role in horizontal transfer. however, only a few of these elements are precisely characterized and correctly delineated within sequenced bacterial genomes. even though previous analysis showed the presence of ices in some species of streptococci, the global prevalence and diversity of ices was not analyzed in this genus. in this study, we searched fo ...201526779141
response to letter regarding article "how far north are migrant birds transporting the tick ixodes scapularis in canada? insights from stable hydrogen isotope analyses of feathers".in this letter we respond to correspondence and clarify the intent and importance of our article.201626776880
multiple pathogens including potential new species in tick vectors in côte d'ivoire.our study aimed to assess the presence of different pathogens in ticks collected in two regions in côte d'ivoire.201626771308
detection of borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto and borrelia garinii dnas in patient with hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans (flegel disease).determination of the causative agent of erythema-like skin lesions in case of nonspecific superficial perivascular dermatitis was supported by histological examination and led to the latter diagnosis of hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans (flegel disease) in patient. the presence of antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi in patient serum was confirmed by a routine elisa method and verified by western blot technique. skin biopsy and blood specimens were analyzed by pcr and multilocus sequence a ...201626769152
management approaches for suspected and established lyme disease used at the lyme disease diagnostic center.2015 marks the 27th year that the lyme disease diagnostic center, located in new york state in the united states, has provided care for patients with suspected or established deer tick-transmitted infections. there are five deer tick-transmitted infectious in this geographic area of which lyme disease is the most common.for patients with erythema migrans, we do not obtain any laboratory testing. however, if the patient is febrile at the time of the visit or reports rigors and high-grade fevers, ...201626768265
effect of landscape features on the relationship between ixodes ricinus ticks and their small mammal hosts.the consequences of land use changes are among the most cited causes of emerging infectious diseases because they can modify the ecology and transmission of pathogens. this is particularly true for vector-borne diseases which depend on abiotic (e.g. climate) and biotic conditions (i.e. hosts and vectors). in this study, we investigated how landscape features affect the abundances of small mammals and ixodes ricinus ticks, and how they influence their relationship.201626767788
approach to diagnosing lyme disease misses a large proportion of cases. 201626762319
primary cutaneous lymphomas: diagnosis and treatment.primary cutaneous lymphomas (cls) are a heterogeneous group of lymphoproliferative neoplasms, with lymphatic proliferation limited to the skin with no involvement of lymph nodes, bone marrow or viscera at the diagnosis. cutaneous lymphomas originate from mature t-lymphocytes (65% of all cases), mature b-lymphocytes (25%) or nk cells. histopathological evaluation including immunophenotyping of the skin biopsy specimen is the basis of the diagnosis, which must be complemented with a precise stagin ...201526759546
assessing the performance of the oxford nanopore technologies minion.the oxford nanopore technologies (ont) minion is a new sequencing technology that potentially offers read lengths of tens of kilobases (kb) limited only by the length of dna molecules presented to it. the device has a low capital cost, is by far the most portable dna sequencer available, and can produce data in real-time. it has numerous prospective applications including improving genome sequence assemblies and resolution of repeat-rich regions. before such a technology is widely adopted, it is ...201526753127
gianotti-crosti syndrome following immunization in an 18 months old child.gianotti-crosti syndrome (gcs) is an uncommon dermatological condition characterized by distinct, self-limiting, symmetrical, erythematous, papulovesicular eruptions distributed mainly on the extremities, buttocks and face in young children. although gcs is commonly attributed to viral infections, vaccinations too can rarely precipitate this condition. we report a rare case of gcs following diptheria, pertussis, and tetanus (dpt) and oral polio immunisation in an 18-month-old child along with a ...201526751677
ixodes scapularis tick saliva proteins sequentially secreted every 24 h during blood feeding.ixodes scapularis is the most medically important tick species and transmits five of the 14 reportable human tick borne disease (tbd) agents in the usa. this study describes lc-ms/ms identification of 582 tick- and 83 rabbit proteins in saliva of i. scapularis ticks that fed for 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h, as well as engorged but not detached (bd), and spontaneously detached (sd). the 582 tick proteins include proteases (5.7%), protease inhibitors (7.4%), unknown function proteins (22%), immunity ...201626751078
prevalence of borrelia miyamotoi in ixodes persulcatus in irkutsk city and its neighboring territories, ixodes persulcatus were collected in highly populated districts in irkutsk city, russia, and in popular recreational and professional areas in its neighboring territories. borrelia miyamotoi infection in i. persulcatus was examined using multiplex taqman-pcr targeting 16s rdna, and nested pcr and sequencing analyses targeting flab and 16s rdna. b. miyamotoi and lyme disease borrelia species were detected in 13 (infection rate, 2.9%) and 77 (17.3%) out of 445 i. persulcatus ticks, respectiv ...201626750571
a borrelia burgdorferi surface-exposed transmembrane protein lacking detectable immune responses supports pathogen persistence and constitutes a vaccine target.borrelia burgdorferi harbors a limited set of transmembrane surface proteins, most of which constitute key targets of humoral immune responses. here we show that bb0405, a conserved membrane-spanning protein of unknown function, fails to evoke detectable antibody responses despite its extracellular exposure. bb0405 is a member of an operon and ubiquitously expressed throughout the rodent-tick infection cycle. the gene product serves an essential function in vivo, as bb0405-deletion mutants are u ...201626747708
structural basis of nucleic-acid recognition and double-strand unwinding by the essential neuronal protein pur-alpha.the neuronal dna-/rna-binding protein pur-alpha is a transcription regulator and core factor for mrna localization. pur-alpha-deficient mice die after birth with pleiotropic neuronal defects. here, we report the crystal structure of the dna-/rna-binding domain of pur-alpha in complex with ssdna. it reveals base-specific recognition and offers a molecular explanation for the effect of point mutations in the 5q31.3 microdeletion syndrome. consistent with the crystal structure, biochemical and nmr ...201626744780
sod enzymes and microbial pathogens: surviving the oxidative storm of infection. 201626742105
infectious aetiology of marginal zone lymphoma and role of anti-infective therapy.marginal zone lymphomas have been associated with several infectious agents covering both viral and bacterial pathogens and in some cases a clear aetiological role has been established. pathogenetic mechanisms are currently not completely understood. however, the role of chronic stimulation of the host immune response with persistent lymphocyte activation represents the most convincing explanation for lymphoproliferation. gastric malt lymphoma is strictly associated with helicobacter pylori infe ...201626740867
tick-borne disease prevention: still no silver bullet. 201626740277
effectiveness of residential acaricides to prevent lyme and other tick-borne diseases in the northeastern united states, tick-borne diseases are a major public health concern. in controlled studies, a single springtime application of acaricide has been shown to kill 68%-100% of ticks. although public health authorities recommend use of acaricides to control tick populations in yards, the effectiveness of these pesticides to prevent tick bites or human tick-borne diseases is unknown.201626740276
flow-tolerant adhesion of a bacterial pathogen to human endothelial cells through interaction with biglycan.bacterial pathogens causing systemic infections disseminate from the initial infection focus to the target organs usually through the blood vasculature. to be able to colonize various organs, bacteria need to adhere to the endothelial cells of the vascular wall, and the adhesion must be strong enough to resist the shear force of the blood flow.borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato spirochetes, the causative agents of the tick-borne disease lyme borreliosis, disseminate hematogenously from the tick bit ...201626740275
genome reduction of borrelia burgdorferi: two tcs signaling pathways for two distinct host habitats. 201626740104
corrigendum.jakubowski, t.l., perron, t.j., and teixeira, e. (2015). rashes in school: can they stay, or should they go? nasn school nurse, 30(5): 274-282. (original doi: 10.1177/1942602x15596815)in the september 2015 issue of nasn school nurse, the images for lyme disease and spider bites were reversed. the correct order appears below.spnas;31/1/61/table11942602x15621761t1table1-1942602x15621761table 5.bites/stings in childrendiagnosis(bites, stings, cutaneous infestations)rash descriptionsigns and symptom ...201626739936
lyme disease-related intracranial hypertension in children: clinical and imaging findings.lyme disease (ld) is a tick-borne infection that is endemic to multiple areas of the united states. patients with ld may present with sign and symptoms of intracranial hypertension (ih). the objective of this study is to evaluate the history, clinical findings, csf analysis, and brain imaging results in pediatric patients with increased intracranial pressure secondary to ld. a retrospective database search was performed using the international classification of diseases (icd) 9/10 codes to ident ...201626739381
serological and molecular evidence for spotted fever group rickettsia and borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato co-infections in the netherlands.only a few reported cases indicate that rickettsia helvetica and rickettsia monacensis can cause disease in humans. exposure to these two spotted fever group (sfg) rickettsiae occurs through bites of ixodes ricinus, also the primary vector of lyme borreliosis in europe. to date, it is unclear how often exposure to these two microorganisms results in infection or disease. we show that of all the borrelia burgdorferi s.l.-positive ticks, 25% were co-infected with rickettsiae. predominantly r. helv ...201626739030
coagulase and efb of staphylococcus aureus have a common fibrinogen binding motif.coagulase (coa) and efb, secreted staphylococcus aureus proteins, are important virulence factors in staphylococcal infections. coa interacts with fibrinogen (fg) and induces the formation of fibrin(ogen) clots through activation of prothrombin. efb attracts fg to the bacterial surface and forms a shield to protect the bacteria from phagocytic clearance. this communication describes the use of an array of synthetic peptides to identify variants of a linear fg binding motif present in coa and efb ...201626733070
acceptability of tick control interventions to prevent lyme disease in switzerland and canada: a mixed-method study.lyme disease control strategies may include tick control interventions in high risk areas. public authorities may be interested to assess how these types of interventions are perceived by the public which may then impact their acceptability. the aims of this paper are to compare socio-cognitive factors associated with high acceptability of tick control interventions and to describe perceived issues that may explain their low acceptability in populations living in two different regions, one being ...201526733007
acceptability of tick control interventions to prevent lyme disease in switzerland and canada: a mixed-method study.lyme disease control strategies may include tick control interventions in high risk areas. public authorities may be interested to assess how these types of interventions are perceived by the public which may then impact their acceptability. the aims of this paper are to compare socio-cognitive factors associated with high acceptability of tick control interventions and to describe perceived issues that may explain their low acceptability in populations living in two different regions, one being ...201526733007
evaluation of a new multiparametric microspot array for serodiagnosis of lyme borreliosis.laboratory diagnosis of lyme borreliosis follows a two-step algorithm, starting with a screening assay with maximum sensitivity followed by a confirmatory assay of positive results with respect to specificity. line immunoassays with single recombinant antigen lines are the established confirmatory test method, although result interpretation is not standardized. the present study evaluates suitability of the multiplex test seraspot anti-borrelia igg/igm (seraspot) as confirmatory test in serodiag ...201526731998
epidemiologic studies of the human microbiome and cancer.the human microbiome, which includes the collective genome of all bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists, and viruses found in and on the human body, is altered in many diseases and may substantially affect cancer risk. previously detected associations of individual bacteria (e.g., helicobacter pylori), periodontal disease, and inflammation with specific cancers have motivated studies considering the association between the human microbiome and cancer risk. this short review summarises microbiome re ...201626730578
[once again lyme disease]. 201626727806
epigenetic segregation of microbial genomes from complex samples using restriction endonucleases hpaii and mcrb.we describe continuing work to develop restriction endonucleases as tools to enrich targeted genomes of interest from diverse populations. two approaches were developed in parallel to segregate genomic dna based on cytosine methylation. first, the methyl-sensitive endonuclease hpaii was used to bind non-cg methylated dna. second, a truncated fragment of mcrb was used to bind cpg methylated dna. enrichment levels of microbial genomes can exceed 100-fold with hpaii allowing improved genomic detect ...201626727463
infection of immature ixodes scapularis (acari: ixodidae) by membrane feeding.a reduction in the use of animals in infectious disease research is desirable for animal welfare as well as for simplification and standardization of experiments. an artificial silicone-based membrane-feeding system was adapted for complete engorgement of adult and nymphal ixodes scapularis say (acari: ixodidae), and for infecting nymphs with pathogenic, tick-borne bacteria. six wild-type and genetically transformed strains of four species of bacteria were inoculated into sterile bovine blood an ...201626721866
minocycline as a substitute for doxycycline in targeted scenarios: a systematic review.doxycycline, a commonly prescribed tetracycline, remains on intermittent shortage. we systematically reviewed the literature to assess minocycline as an alternative to doxycycline in select conditions, given doxycycline's continued shortage. we identified 19 studies, 10 of which were published before 2000. thirteen of the studies were prospective, but only 1 of these studies was randomized. based on the available data, we found minocycline to be a reasonable substitute for doxycycline in the fol ...201526719847
epitope-specific evolution of human b cell responses to borrelia burgdorferi vlse protein from early to late stages of lyme disease.most immunogenic proteins of borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease, are known or expected to contain multiple b cell epitopes. however, the kinetics of the development of human b cell responses toward the various epitopes of individual proteins during the course of lyme disease has not been examined. using the highly immunogenic vlse as a model ag, we investigated the evolution of humoral immune responses toward its immunodominant sequences in 90 patients with a range of earl ...201526718339
epitope-specific evolution of human b cell responses to borrelia burgdorferi vlse protein from early to late stages of lyme disease.most immunogenic proteins of borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease, are known or expected to contain multiple b cell epitopes. however, the kinetics of the development of human b cell responses toward the various epitopes of individual proteins during the course of lyme disease has not been examined. using the highly immunogenic vlse as a model ag, we investigated the evolution of humoral immune responses toward its immunodominant sequences in 90 patients with a range of earl ...201526718339
third-degree heart block as initial presentation of lyme disease. 201526717231
effectiveness of stevia rebaudiana whole leaf extract against the various morphological forms of borrelia burgdorferi in vitro.lyme disease is a tick-borne multisystemic disease caused by borrelia burgdorferi. administering antibiotics is the primary treatment for this disease; however, relapse often occurs when antibiotic treatment is discontinued. the reason for relapse remains unknown, but recent studies suggested the possibilities of the presence of antibiotic resistant borrelia persister cells and biofilms. in this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of whole leaf stevia extract against b. burgdorferi spirochetes ...201526716015
antagonist of the neurokinin-1 receptor curbs neuroinflammation in ex vivo and in vitro models of lyme neuroborreliosis.lyme neuroborreliosis (lnb) can affect both the peripheral (pns) and the central nervous systems (cns); it is caused by the spirochete borrelia burgdorferi. the neuropeptide substance p (sp) is an important mediator of both neuroinflammation and blood-brain barrier dysfunction, through its nk1 receptor. increased levels of sp have been shown to correlate with cell death. the present study used both ex vivo and in vitro models of experimentation to determine if the inflammatory mediator productio ...201526714480
phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system components modulate gene transcription and virulence of borrelia burgdorferi.the phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system (pep-pts) and adenylate cyclase (ac) iv (encoded by bb0723 [cyab]) are well conserved in different species of borrelia. however, the functional roles of pep-pts and ac in the infectious cycle of borrelia have not been characterized previously. we examined 12 pep-pts transporter component mutants by needle inoculation of mice to assess their ability to cause mouse infection. transposon mutants with mutations in the eiibc components (ptsg) (bb0645, ...201626712207
analysis of endothelial adherence of bartonella henselae and acinetobacter baumannii using a dynamic human ex vivo infection model.bacterial adherence determines the virulence of many human-pathogenic bacteria. experimental approaches elucidating this early infection event in greater detail have been performed using mainly methods of cellular microbiology. however, in vitro infections of cell monolayers reflect the in vivo situation only partially, and animal infection models are not available for many human-pathogenic bacteria. therefore, ex vivo infection of human organs might represent an attractive method to overcome th ...201626712205
a ribosome-inactivating protein in a drosophila defensive symbiont.vertically transmitted symbionts that protect their hosts against parasites and pathogens are well known from insects, yet the underlying mechanisms of symbiont-mediated defense are largely unclear. a striking example of an ecologically important defensive symbiosis involves the woodland fly drosophila neotestacea, which is protected by the bacterial endosymbiont spiroplasma when parasitized by the nematode howardula aoronymphium. the benefit of this defense strategy has led to the rapid spread ...201526712000
a ribosome-inactivating protein in a drosophila defensive symbiont.vertically transmitted symbionts that protect their hosts against parasites and pathogens are well known from insects, yet the underlying mechanisms of symbiont-mediated defense are largely unclear. a striking example of an ecologically important defensive symbiosis involves the woodland fly drosophila neotestacea, which is protected by the bacterial endosymbiont spiroplasma when parasitized by the nematode howardula aoronymphium. the benefit of this defense strategy has led to the rapid spread ...201526712000
natural foci of borrelia lusitaniae in a mountain region of central europe.lyme borreliosis is the most prevalent tick-borne disease in europe. it is caused by spirochaetes of the borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) complex and transmitted to humans by ticks of the genus ixodes. borrelia afzelii, borrelia garinii, and borrelia valaisiana are the most common genospecies in central europe. in contrast, borrelia lusitaniae predominates in mediterranean countries such as portugal, morocco, and tunisia. in slovakia, its prevalence is low and restricted to only a few site ...201626711673
bacterial profiling reveals novel "ca. neoehrlichia", ehrlichia, and anaplasma species in australian human-biting australia, a conclusive aetiology of lyme disease-like illness in human patients remains elusive, despite growing numbers of people presenting with symptoms attributed to tick bites. in the present study, we surveyed the microbial communities harboured by human-biting ticks from across australia to identify bacteria that may contribute to this syndrome. universal pcr primers were used to amplify the v1-2 hyper-variable region of bacterial 16s rrna genes in dna samples from individual ixodes h ...201526709826
cross-reactivity between lyme and syphilis screening assays: lyme disease does not cause false-positive syphilis screens.increased rates of lyme disease and syphilis in the same geographic area prompted an assessment of screening test cross-reactivity. this study supports the previously described cross-reactivity of lyme screening among syphilis-positive sera and reports evidence against the possibility of false-positive syphilis screening tests resulting from previous borrelia burgdorferi infection.201626707064
multiplex pcr for molecular screening of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, anaplasma spp. and babesia spp.ticks transmit a great variety of pathogenic microorganisms to humans and animals. the detection of tick-borne pathogens (tbp) is mainly by molecular techniques based on polymerase chain reactions (pcr).201526706969
identification of borrelia burgdorferi genospecies isolated from ixodes ricinus ticks in the south moravian region of the czech republic.during 2008-2012, a total of 466 ticks ixodes ricinus removed from humans were collected and tested for the presence of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (bbsl). ticks were collected in all districts of the south moravian region of the czech republic (cz).201526706968
sero-epidemiological study of lyme disease among high-risk population groups in eastern slovakia.iintroduction and objective. the aim of the presented cross-sectional sero-epidemiological study was to determine the current presence of antibodies against b. burgdorferi s.l. in the high-risk groups of the slovak population, and to identify potential risk factors to lb infections.201526706967
articular manifestations in patients with lyme determine the percentage of lyme patients with articular manifestations in nw spain and to know their evolution and response to treatment.201726706656
tick-borne disease preventive practices and perceptions in an endemic area.lyme disease is the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the united states. since the institution of nationally notifiable surveillance efforts for lyme disease in the united states in 1991, there has been a consistent increase in the number of reported cases. thus, the need for targeted prevention strategies is underscored. the purpose of this study was to investigate knowledge about tick-borne diseases as well as beliefs and practices related to a variety of personal tick-borne disea ...201626704290
cardiac magnetic resonance characterizes myocarditis in a 16-year-old female with lyme disease.myocarditis may occur during early disseminated lyme disease. a 16-year-old girl with serologic evidence of borrelia burgdorferi infection and transient first-degree atrioventricular block underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, which demonstrated myocardial hyperemia, edema, and delayed gadolinium enhancement. we discuss the use of t1- and t2-weighted dark blood sequences in addition to inversion recovery delayed enhancement imaging to support the diagnosis of lyme myocarditis.201626701623
anti-inflammatory effects of dexamethasone and meloxicam on borrelia burgdorferi-induced inflammation in neuronal cultures of dorsal root ganglia and myelinating cells of the peripheral nervous system.lyme neuroborreliosis (lnb), caused by the spirochete borrelia burgdorferi (bb), could result in cognitive impairment, motor dysfunction, and radiculoneuritis. we hypothesized that inflammation is a key factor in lnb pathogenesis and recently evaluated the effects of dexamethasone, a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and meloxicam a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (nsaid), in a rhesus monkey model of acute lnb. dexamethasone treatment significantly reduced the levels of immune mediators, an ...201526700298
melkersson-rosenthal syndrome as an early manifestation of mixed connective tissue disease.we aim to illustrate the potential viability of mctd as an underlying aetiology of melkersson-rosenthal syndrome. the case is probably the first description available in the literature of the melkersson-rosenthal as an early manifestation of mixed connective tissue disease.201526698837
parry-romberg syndrome: a case with a possible association with lyme disease.parry-romberg syndrome is an acquired slowly progressive disease characterized by an atrophy mostly involving half of the face. the pathogenesis of this disfiguring condition is still controversial. the relationship between parry-romberg syndrome and lyme disease needs to be considered in depth. a 16-year-old woman from albania presented with linear depressions of the right side of the face, clinically compatible with parry-romberg syndrome. she had a positive history of lyme disease. borrelia i ...201526697732
human coinfection with borrelia burgdorferi and babesia microti in the united states.borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease, and babesia microti, a causative agent of babesiosis, are increasingly implicated in the growing tick-borne disease burden in the northeastern united states. these pathogens are transmitted via the bite of an infected tick vector, ixodes scapularis, which is capable of harboring and inoculating a host with multiple pathogens simultaneously. clinical presentation of the diseases is heterogeneous and ranges from mild flu-like symptoms to n ...201526697208
editorial: cd1- and mr1-restricted t cells in antimicrobial immunity. 201526697007
phylogenetic analysis of human chlamydia pneumoniae strains reveals a distinct australian indigenous clade that predates european exploration of the continent.the obligate intracellular bacterium chlamydia pneumoniae is a common respiratory pathogen, which has been found in a range of hosts including humans, marsupials and amphibians. whole genome comparisons of human c. pneumoniae have previously highlighted a highly conserved nucleotide sequence, with minor but key polymorphisms and additional coding capacity when human and animal strains are compared.201526694618
a 44-year-old man with eye, kidney, and brain dysfunction.retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukodystrophy (rvcl) is a rare, autosomal dominant condition caused by mutations of trex1 (3-prime repair exonuclease-1). the phenotypic expressions range from isolated retinal involvement to varying degrees of retinopathy, cerebral infarction with calcium depositions, nephropathy, and hepatopathy. we report a case of rvcl caused by a novel trex1 mutation. this patient's multisystem presentation, retinal involvement interpreted as "retinal vasculitis," and imp ...201626691497
lyme disease associated neuroretinitis - case report.we describe a rare case of lyme disease complicated by unilateral neuroretinitis in the right eye. we report a case of a 27-year-old woman with blurred vision on her right eye. because of the suspicion of optic neuritis (multiplex sclerosis) neurological examination was ordered. surprisingly, computer tomography of the brain revealed incomplete empty sella, which generally results not monocular, but bilateral optic nerve swelling. opthalmological examination (ophthalmoscopy and optical coherence ...201526689876
distribution and survival of borrelia miyamotoi in human blood components.borrelia miyamotoi, the agent of relapsing fever, is a tick-borne spirochete first isolated in japan in 1994. since then, the spirochete has been detected in ticks globally, generally in the same vectors as the lyme disease agent. human infection has been reported in russia, europe, japan, and the united states, as influenza-like febrile illness. in addition, two cases of meningoencephalitis caused by b. miyamotoi have also been reported in immunocompromised patients. here we evaluate the abilit ...201626689144
clinical management of infectious cerebral vasculitides.a wide range of infections (virus, bacteria, parasite and fungi) may cause cerebral vasculitides. headache, seizures, encephalopathy and stroke are common forms of presentation. infection and inflammation of intracranial vessels may cause pathological vascular remodelling, vascular occlusion and ischemia. vasculitis in chronic meningitis may cause ischemic infarctions, and is associated with poor outcome. appropriate neuroimaging (ct-angiography, mr-angiography, conventional 4-vessel angiography ...201626689107
sequential insults: acute lyme disease with splenic infarction. 201626688425
specialized pro-resolving mediators: endogenous regulators of infection and inflammation.specialized pro-resolving mediators (spms) are enzymatically derived from essential fatty acids and have important roles in orchestrating the resolution of tissue inflammation - that is, catabasis. host responses to tissue infection elicit acute inflammation in an attempt to control invading pathogens. spms are lipid mediators that are part of a larger family of pro-resolving molecules, which includes proteins and gases, that together restrain inflammation and resolve the infection. these immuno ...201526688348
specialized pro-resolving mediators: endogenous regulators of infection and inflammation.specialized pro-resolving mediators (spms) are enzymatically derived from essential fatty acids and have important roles in orchestrating the resolution of tissue inflammation - that is, catabasis. host responses to tissue infection elicit acute inflammation in an attempt to control invading pathogens. spms are lipid mediators that are part of a larger family of pro-resolving molecules, which includes proteins and gases, that together restrain inflammation and resolve the infection. these immuno ...201526688348
impact of spring bird migration on the range expansion of ixodes scapularis tick population.many observational studies suggest that seasonal migratory birds play an important role in spreading ixodes scapularis, a vector of lyme disease, along their migratory flyways, and they are believed to be responsible for geographic range expansion of i. scapularis in canada. however, the interplay between the dynamics of i. scapularis on land and migratory birds in the air is not well understood. in this study, we develop a periodic delay meta-population model which takes into consideration the ...201626688012
will culling white-tailed deer prevent lyme disease?white-tailed deer play an important role in the ecology of lyme disease. in the united states, where the incidence and geographic range of lyme disease continue to increase, reduction of white-tailed deer populations has been proposed as a means of preventing human illness. the effectiveness of this politically sensitive prevention method is poorly understood. we summarize and evaluate available evidence regarding the effect of deer reduction on vector tick abundance and human disease incidence. ...201626684932
investigations on rickettsia in ticks at the sino-russian and sino-mongolian borders, describe the prevalence of rickettsia in ticks at the sino-russian and sino-mongolian borders, a total of 292 ticks were collected and tested by conventional pcr assays. the prevalence of rickettsia was 53.4%, and phylogenetic analysis showed that they belonged to r. raoultii species after alignment for the ompa, ompb, and glta genes, respectively. coxiella burnetii dna was detected for 14%, and no ehrlichia, borrelia burgdorferi, and babesia species were found. co-infection of two pathogens ...201526684526
intravital imaging of vascular transmigration by the lyme spirochete: requirement for the integrin binding residues of the b. burgdorferi p66 protein.vascular extravasation, a key step in systemic infection by hematogenous microbial pathogens, is poorly understood, but has been postulated to encompass features similar to vascular transmigration by leukocytes. the lyme disease spirochete can cause a variety of clinical manifestations, including arthritis, upon hematogenous dissemination. this pathogen encodes numerous surface adhesive proteins (adhesins) that may promote extravasation, but none have yet been implicated in this process. in this ...201526684456
multi-trophic interactions driving the transmission cycle of borrelia afzelii between ixodes ricinus and rodents: a review.the tick ixodes ricinus is the main vector of the spirochaete borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the causal agent of lyme borreliosis, in the western palearctic. rodents are the reservoir host of b. afzelii, which can be transmitted to i. ricinus larvae during a blood meal. the infected engorged larvae moult into infected nymphs, which can transmit the spirochaetes to rodents and humans. interestingly, even though only about 1% of the larvae develop into a borreliae-infected nymph, the enzootic bo ...201526684199
past and future perspectives on mathematical models of tick-borne pathogens.ticks are vectors of pathogens which are important both with respect to human health and economically. they have a complex life cycle requiring several blood meals throughout their life. these blood meals take place on different individual hosts and potentially on different host species. their life cycle is also dependent on environmental conditions such as the temperature and habitat type. mathematical models have been used for the more than 30 years to help us understand how tick dynamics are ...201626683345
linkages of weather and climate with ixodes scapularis and ixodes pacificus (acari: ixodidae), enzootic transmission of borrelia burgdorferi, and lyme disease in north america.lyme disease has increased both in incidence and geographic extent in the united states and canada over the past two decades. one of the underlying causes is changes during the same time period in the distribution and abundance of the primary vectors: ixodes scapularis say and ixodes pacificus cooley and kohls in eastern and western north america, respectively. aside from short periods of time when they are feeding on hosts, these ticks exist in the environment where temperature and relative hum ...201626681789
acetyl-phosphate is not a global regulatory bridge between virulence and central metabolism in borrelia b. burgdorferi, the rrp2-rpon-rpos signaling cascade is a distinctive system that coordinates the expression of virulence factors required for successful transition between its arthropod vector and mammalian hosts. rrp2 (bb0763), an rpon specific response regulator, is essential to activate this regulatory pathway. previous investigations have attempted to identify the phosphate donor of rrp2, including the cognate histidine kinase, hk2 (bb0764), non-cognate histidine kinases such as hk1, che ...201526681317
the nebop score - a clinical prediction test for evaluation of children with lyme neuroborreliosis in europe.the diagnosis of lyme neuroborreliosis (lnb) in europe is based on clinical symptoms and laboratory data, such as pleocytosis and anti-borrelia antibodies in serum and csf according to guidelines. however, the decision to start antibiotic treatment on admission cannot be based on borrelia serology since results are not available at the time of lumbar puncture. therefore, an early prediction test would be useful in clinical practice. the aim of the study was to develop and evaluate a clinical pre ...201526678681
facial nerve paralysis in children.facial nerve palsy is a condition with several implications, particularly when occurring in childhood. it represents a serious clinical problem as it causes significant concerns in doctors because of its etiology, its treatment options and its outcome, as well as in little patients and their parents, because of functional and aesthetic outcomes. there are several described causes of facial nerve paralysis in children, as it can be congenital (due to delivery traumas and genetic or malformative d ...201526677445
anti-complement activity of the ixodes scapularis salivary protein salp20.complement, a major component of innate immunity, presents a rapid and robust defense of the intravascular space. while regulatory proteins protect host cells from complement attack, when these measures fail, unrestrained complement activation may trigger self-tissue injury, leading to pathologic conditions. of the three complement activation pathways, the alternative pathway (ap) in particular has been implicated in numerous disease and injury states. consequently, the ap components represent a ...201526675068
anti-complement activity of the ixodes scapularis salivary protein salp20.complement, a major component of innate immunity, presents a rapid and robust defense of the intravascular space. while regulatory proteins protect host cells from complement attack, when these measures fail, unrestrained complement activation may trigger self-tissue injury, leading to pathologic conditions. of the three complement activation pathways, the alternative pathway (ap) in particular has been implicated in numerous disease and injury states. consequently, the ap components represent a ...201526675068
isolation of live borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato spirochaetes from patients with undefined disorders and symptoms not typical for lyme borreliosis.lyme borreliosis is a multisystem disorder with a diverse spectrum of clinical manifestations, caused by spirochaetes of the borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex. it is an infectious disease that can be successfully cured by antibiotic therapy in the early stages; however, the possibility of the appearance of persistent signs and symptoms of disease following antibiotic treatment is recognized. it is known that lyme borreliosis mimics multiple diseases that were never proven to have a spiroch ...201626673735
the generalist tick ixodes ricinus and the specialist tick ixodes trianguliceps on shrews and rodents in a northern forest ecosystem--a role of body size even among small hosts.understanding aggregation of ticks on hosts and attachment of life stages to different host species, are central components for understanding tick-borne disease epidemiology. the generalist tick, ixodes ricinus, is a well-known vector of lyme borrelioses, while the specialist tick, ixodes trianguliceps, feeding only on small mammals, may play a role in maintaining infection levels in hosts. in a northern forest in norway, we aimed to quantify the role of different small mammal species in feeding ...201526671686
the vector tick ixodes ricinus feeding on an arboreal rodent-the edible dormouse glis glis.the reservoir competence and long life expectancy of edible dormice, glis glis, suggest that they serve as efficient reservoir hosts for lyme disease (ld) spirochetes. their arboreality, however, may reduce the probability to encounter sufficient questing ixodes ricinus ticks to acquire and perpetuate ld spirochetes. to define the potential role of this small arboreal hibernator in the transmission cycle of ld spirochetes, we examined their rate and density of infestation with subadult ticks thr ...201626670314
sarcoidosis and the heart: a review of the literature.sarcoidosis is a chronic multisystem disorder without any defined etiology. cardiac sarcoidosis (cs) is detected in 2-7% of patients with sarcoidosis and more than 20% of the cases of sarcoidosis are clinically silent. cardiac involvement in systemic sarcoidosis (ss) and isolated cardiac sarcoidosis (ics) are associated with arrhythmia and severe heart failure (hf) and have a poor prognosis. early diagnosis of cs and prompt initiation of corticosteroid therapy with or without other immunosuppres ...201526668777
emerging cases of powassan virus encephalitis in new england: clinical presentation, imaging, and review of the literature.powassan virus (powv) is a rarely diagnosed cause of encephalitis in the united states. in the northeast, it is transmitted by ixodes scapularis, the same vector that transmits lyme disease. the prevalence of powv among animal hosts and vectors has been increasing. we present 8 cases of powv encephalitis from massachusetts and new hampshire in 2013-2015.201626668338
tick-borne zoonotic pathogens in birds in guangxi, southwest china.wildlife is an important natural reservoir of many tick-borne pathogens. these agents have an impact on the health of humans and other animals throughout the world. this study was conducted to determine whether and what species of tick-borne agents had infected wild birds collected from guangxi, in southwest china.201526666827
the wild side of disease control at the wildlife-livestock-human interface: a review.the control of diseases shared with wildlife requires the development of strategies that will reduce pathogen transmission between wildlife and both domestic animals and human beings. this review describes and criticizes the options currently applied and attempts to forecast wildlife disease control in the coming decades. establishing a proper surveillance and monitoring scheme (disease and population wise) is the absolute priority before even making the decision as to whether or not to interven ...201426664926
the wild side of disease control at the wildlife-livestock-human interface: a review.the control of diseases shared with wildlife requires the development of strategies that will reduce pathogen transmission between wildlife and both domestic animals and human beings. this review describes and criticizes the options currently applied and attempts to forecast wildlife disease control in the coming decades. establishing a proper surveillance and monitoring scheme (disease and population wise) is the absolute priority before even making the decision as to whether or not to interven ...201426664926
dysuria, urinary retention, and inguinal pain as manifestation of sacral bannwarth syndrome.only few cases with sacral radiculitis due to infection with borrelia burgdorferi leading to neurogenic urinary dysfunction have been reported. a 57-year-old male developed urethral pain and urinary retention, requiring permanent catheterization. extensive urological investigations did not reveal a specific cause, which was why neurogenic bladder dysfunction was suspected. neurologic exam revealed only mildly reduced tendon reflexes. cerebral and spinal mri were noninformative. csf investigation ...201526664404
taking care of our professional responsibility to prescribe - for ourselves, our children, and our community. 201526663928
cerebral small vessel disease: capillary pathways to stroke and cognitive decline.cerebral small vessel disease (svd) gives rise to one in five strokes worldwide and constitutes a major source of cognitive decline in the elderly. svd is known to occur in relation to hypertension, diabetes, smoking, radiation therapy and in a range of inherited and genetic disorders, autoimmune disorders, connective tissue disorders, and infections. until recently, changes in capillary patency and blood viscosity have received little attention in the aetiopathogenesis of svd and the high risk ...201526661176
cerebral small vessel disease: capillary pathways to stroke and cognitive decline.cerebral small vessel disease (svd) gives rise to one in five strokes worldwide and constitutes a major source of cognitive decline in the elderly. svd is known to occur in relation to hypertension, diabetes, smoking, radiation therapy and in a range of inherited and genetic disorders, autoimmune disorders, connective tissue disorders, and infections. until recently, changes in capillary patency and blood viscosity have received little attention in the aetiopathogenesis of svd and the high risk ...201526661176
correlative cryo-fluorescence and cryo-scanning electron microscopy as a straightforward tool to study host-pathogen interactions.correlative light and electron microscopy is an imaging technique that enables identification and targeting of fluorescently tagged structures with subsequent imaging at near-to-nanometer resolution. we established a novel correlative cryo-fluorescence microscopy and cryo-scanning electron microscopy workflow, which enables imaging of the studied object of interest very close to its natural state, devoid of artifacts caused for instance by slow chemical fixation. this system was tested by invest ...201526658551
sixty seconds on . . . lyme disease. 201526657946
habitat and vegetation variables are not enough when predicting tick populations in the southeastern united states.two tick-borne diseases with expanding case and vector distributions are ehrlichiosis (transmitted by amblyomma americanum) and rickettiosis (transmitted by a. maculatum and dermacentor variabilis). there is a critical need to identify the specific habitats where each of these species is likely to be encountered to classify and pinpoint risk areas. consequently, an in-depth tick prevalence study was conducted on the dominant ticks in the southeast. vegetation, soil, and remote sensing data were ...201526656122
multiple posttranslational modifications of leptospira biflexa proteins as revealed by proteomic analysis.the saprophyte leptospira biflexa is an excellent model for studying the physiology of the medically important leptospira genus, the pathogenic members of which are more recalcitrant to genetic manipulation and have significantly slower in vitro growth. however, relatively little is known regarding the proteome of l. biflexa, limiting its utility as a model for some studies. therefore, we have generated a proteomic map of both soluble and membrane-associated proteins of l. biflexa during exponen ...201626655756
establishment of n-succinimidyl 4-(maleimidomethyl) cyclohexanecarboxylate (smcc) modified biochip enabling concurrent detection of serum infectious antibodies in this study, we developed a novel protein biochip that was modified with n-succinimidyl 4-(maleimidomethyl)cyclohexanecarboxylate (smcc) and specialized for concurrent detection of serum igg and igm antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi antigens, flagellin, outer surface protein c (ospc) and variable major protein-like sequence (vlse) in the patients with neuroborreliosis (nb), respectively. surface chemical characteristics of the biochips were validated with atomic force microscope (afm) an ...201626655180
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