
PMID(sorted descending)
[types and frequency of r-factor carriage in intestinal bacilli isolated from patients with acute dysentery]. 19724577568
[resistance of shigella sonnei against chemotherapeutic agents with special reference to r-factor-induced resistance and to colicin typing]. 19734577511
effect of temperature of incubation on performance of media in the detection of enteric pathogens.the effect of incubation temperatures on the efficacies of both plating media and transport or enrichment broths was determined by the analysis of 391 diarrheal stools for salmonellae and shigellae. each analysis resulted in 90 observations. stool specimens were homogenized in saline and used to inoculate eosin methylene blue (emb), salmonella-shigella (ss), and xylose lysine deoxycholate (xld) agar plates, amies and cary-blair (cb) transport media, and gram-negative (gn) enrichment broth. all m ...19734577490
inhibition of shigella flexneri by lysates of cells treated with interferon-containing preparations.the in vitro extracellular multiplication of shigella flexneri is inhibited by cell-free lysates prepared from mouse or human cells pretreated with interferon-containing preparations.19734577413
ultrastructure of shigella and klebsiella bacteriophages. ii. bacteriophages with noncontractile tails. 19724577384
effect of dyes on bacterial growth.a rapid screening procedure was used to test the effect of 42 dyes on growth of 30 bacteria on solid media. the results indicated that many readily available dyes might have potential application for selective isolation of specific bacterial groups as well as value in differentiating between closely related bacterial taxa. separation of enterobacter from escherichia, salmonella from shigella, and staphylococcus from micrococcus by selected dyes was also evaluated.19734577179
studies on l-forms of bacteria. 1. in vitro induction and propagation. 19734576903
[catalase activity in shigella sonne and shigella flexner]. 19724576810
bacteriophage p1 derivatives with bacterial genes: a heterozygote enrichment method for the selection of p1dpro lysogens. 19734576347
[use of the fluorescent antibody method for diagnosing acute dysentery]. 19724576194
[differential diagnosis of acute enterocolitis and acute dysentery]. 19724576192
[clinical parallels in acute flexner, newcastle and sonne dysenteries]. 19724576191
[value of medical food inspection in the prevention of acute intestinal infections]. 19724576190
[use of the fluorescent antibody method for detecting the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis]. 19734576055
[correlation of biochemical features and pathogenicity of shigella. 3. comparison of free amino acid pools in shigella flexneri 2a strains producing and not producing keratoconjunctivitis in guinea pigs]. 19734575294
comparative efficacy of nalidixic acid and ampicillin for severe shigellosis. 19734574641
[quantitative changes of eight individual serum proteins including igd, and the specific agglutinins during shigellosis and convalescence, observed in five siblings of a family]. 19734574593
mapping of host range mutants of bacteriophage phix174. 19734574511
spread of disease by fecal-oral route in day nurseries. 19734574421
extraintestinal shigellosis: bacteremia and paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. shigella sonnei in a three-year-old boy. 19734573432
[filter paper disks as applied in rapid biochemical tests in the diagnosis of shigella]. 19734573372
relationship between immune response to gram-negative intestinal rods and allotransplantation reaction. 19734573339
[the etiological structure of dysentery in the city of yerevan based on bacteriological and immunological studies]. 19724573289
long-term shigella-carrier state. 19734573124
serum enterotoxin-neutralizing antibody in human shigellosis. 19734572837
[the hemolytic-uremic syndrome in children with infectious diseases]. 19724572664
[effect of methisazone (marboran) on the conjugation transfer of r factors in bacteria of the family enterobacteriaceae]. 19724572478
[elimination of drug resistance in e. coli and sh. flexneri cultures with ethidium bromide]. 19724572477
[use of the passive hamagglutination test for diagnosis of formes frustres and subclinical forms fo dysentery in children during the first 4 years of life]. 19724572426
[the effect of colicinogenic factors on the ecology and evolution of microorganisms]. 19724572330
[asymptomatic, formes frustes and light forms of dysentery]. 19724572329
[clinico-morphologic features of dysentery caused by sonne shigellae]. 19724572162
freeze-drying of live oral streptomycin-dependent mutant shigella vaccines: survival of streptomycin-dependent shigella flexneri 2a after freeze-drying. 19724572041
[episomic resistance of pasteurella pestis to penicillins]. 19724572028
application of cell culture in studying antibacterial activity of rifampicin to shigella and enteropathogenic escherichia coli. 19724571915
translation of rna coliphages by amino acid-incorporation systems of the enterobacteriaceae. 19734571898
laboratory transmission of enterobacteriaceae by the oriental cockroach, blatta orientalis.methods of maintaining and feeding and of infecting cockroaches with pathogenic organisms were investigated.cockroaches fed on known concentrations of escherichia coli o119, esch. coli o1, alkalescens dispar o group 2 and shigella dysenteriae 1 (shiga's bacillus) were maintained in petri dishes. the effect of various diets on the survival of these organisms within the hind-gut and faeces was observed. with a ;normal' diet of gruel esch. coli o119 was isolated for up to 20 days, esch. coli o1 for ...19734571613
the antigenic structure of escherichia coli and shigella flexneri hybrids. 19724571295
effect of bacterial pyrogen and antipyretics on prostaglandin activity in cerebrospinal fluid of unanaesthetized cats. 19724571184
[immune globulins in children with sonne dysentery]. 19724571020
factors affecting virulence of shigella flexneri: strain with relaxed control of ribonucleic acid escherichia coli-shigella flexneri hybrid strain which produces an abortive, nonfatal experimental dysentery has inherited relaxed control of ribonucleic acid synthesis from its e. coli parent. this property, coupled with a partial methionine requirement, has been used to explain its long lag phase in vitro, relative to its shigella parent. it was suggested that such characteristics may contribute to the hybrid's poor survival in the gut resulting in the abortive infection.19724570983
amino terminal sequence of the tryptophan synthetase alpha chain of serratia marcescens.the sequence of the amino terminal 28 residues of the tryptophan synthetase alpha chain of serratia marcescens is presented and compared with the related sequences of alpha chains of other bacteria.19734570788
[antibiotic resistance of "shigella" isolated in france in 1971. modifications and stable characteristics]. 19724570555
[effect of effluents from a hydrolysis plant on the survival of typhoid and dysentery bacteria]. 19724570457
changes of serum antibodies of patients, carriers and healthy persons during a dysentery outbreak. 19724570385
on the antigenic relationship of "vibrio cholerae" to "enterobacteriaceae". 19724570333
the lipid a immunity system. i. induction of heterophile antibodies by enterobacterial lipopolysaccharides and their lipid a component. 19724569996
[activities of the senegalese enterobacteriaceae center in 1971 (institut pasteur de dakar)]. 19724569974
virulence of shigella flexneri hybrids expressing escherichia coli somatic antigens.the genes controlling either escherichia coli somatic antigen 8 or 25 were conjugally transferred to virulent shigella flexneri 2a recipients to determine whether the aquisition of these antigens would affect the virulence of the resulting hybrid. a high proportion of such hybrids were found to be rough and hence were avirulent. some smooth s. flexneri hybrids which replaced their native group antigens with e. coli factor 25 were still virulent in the animal models employed. all s. flexneri o-8 ...19724569915
location of o-acetyl groups in the shigella flexneri types 3c and 4b lipopolysaccharides. 19724569648
[quantitative analysis of the process of interaction of erythrocytes and bacterial antigens. 8. limitations of the hemosensitization process and choice of the regime for preparing erythrocytic diagnostic preparations]. 19724569265
application of experimental keratoconjunctivitis shigellosa in chemotherapeutic evaluation of rifampicin to bacillary dysentery. 19724569214
studies on bacteriophage distribution. ii. isolation and host rage based classification of phages active on three species of enterobacteriaceae. 19724569213
[recombination variability of shigella flexneri bacilli]. 19724569134
[genetics of shigella flexneri]. 19724569133
glucose repression of the synthesis of some colicins. 19734569085
sensitivity tests of enterobacteriaceae in diarrhoeal diseases in djakarta. 19724569025
bacterial flora of the stools of gastroenteritis cases among filipino adults. 19724569024
the problem of r-factor mediated multiple antibiotic resistance in arizona. 19734568658
[antigen structure of shigellae. chemical basis of shigella flexneri antigens]. 19724568556
pyrogen fever and prostaglandin-like activity in cerebrospinal fluid.1. in the unanaesthetized cat, rectal temperature was recorded and c.s.f. was collected from a collison cannula implanted into the third ventricle with its opening lying in close proximity to the anterior hypothalamus. samples of c.s.f. were collected from the same cat, during normal temperature, during fever produced by shigella dysenteriae injected into the third ventricle and during the fall in temperature which occurred when the antipyretic paracetamol was injected intraperitoneally during t ...19734568386
[sensitivity of shigella boydii to antibiotics]. 19734568057
pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea. 3. effects of shigella enterotoxin in cell culture. 19734567506
bicyclomycin, a new antibiotic. 3. in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activity. 19724567453
alteration of shigella pathogenicity by other bacteria. 19724567439
[etiopathogenesis of the diarrhea syndrome in children of preschool age]. 19724567247
[treatment with antidysenteric shigella flexneri vaccine]. 19724567004
[phosphatides of shigella flexneri transformed by the method of repeated passages in developing chick embryos]. 19724566904
the application of resistogram typing to the epidemiology of sonne dysentery. 19724566883
in-vitro studies on the bactericidal properties of natural and synthetic gastric juices. 19724566876
[study of a population of microorganisms--carriers of r-factors in humans and animals]. 19724566838
[suppression of invasion by virulent strains of sh. flexneri by avirulent strains]. 19724566837
shigella vaginitis. clinical notes on two childhood cases. 19734566606
[morphological study of dysentery infection in starving guinea pigs, infected with strains isolated from monkeys]. 19724566176
[shigella sonnei isolation from sour-cream butter]. 19724565779
transferable multiple drug resistance of shigella strains isolated in sweden. 19724565771
pseudomonas putrefaciens isolates from clinical specimens.a total of 109 cultures of pseudomonas putrefaciens isolated from clinical specimens were studied. the cultures were separated into two groups. the majority of the group 1 isolates, comprising 31 cultures, were characterized by (i) growth in plain nutrient broth, but no growth in broth supplemented with nacl at concentrations of 7% and above, (ii) no growth on salmonella-shigella (ss) agar, and (iii) production of acid from the carbohydrates, sucrose, maltose, arabinose, and dextrin. most group ...19724565638
formation of polyisoprenol phosphate glucose in shigella flexneri.lipid-linked glucose is formed from uridine diphosphate-glucose and ficaprenol phosphate only in strains of shigella flexneri with glucosylated o antigen.19724565545
importation of shiga bacillus dysentery into california. clinical and public health significance.concurrent with the regional epidemic of classic shiga dysentery in central america during 1969 and 1970, a pronounced increase in the isolation of shigella dysenteriae type 1 was noted in california. a retrospective study of 20 cases diagnosed in california in 1969 and 1970 revealed that 18 of the patients had traveled to central america or mexico during or immediately before the onset of symptoms. sixteen were known to have been admitted to hospital; there was one death. despite the concern th ...19724565395
interactions among intestinal microorganisms. 19724565358
shigella, indigenous flora interactions in mice. 19724565357
phylogenetic multiplicity of r factors as revealed by superinfection compatibility. 19724565294
the use of passive haemagglutination reaction in epidemiological practice in dysentery. 19724565089
susceptibility of rabbits immunized with mycobacterium bovis (bcg) or mycobacterium phlei to shigella keratoconjunctivitis.vaccination of rabbits with mycobacteria increased their resistance to eye infection with shigella flexneri. however, the severity of keratoconjunctivitis was not reduced in the vaccinated animals.19724565052
polynucleotide sequence relatedness among three groups of pathogenic escherichia coli strains.escherichia coli strains that cause dysentery-like disease, parenteral infection, and infantile diarrhea form specific groups based on mobility of o and k antigens in immunoelectrophoresis. members from each of these groups were assayed for gross nucleotide sequence relatedness. the method used was interspecific deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) reassociation reactions carried out free in solution. reassociated dna was separated from unreacted dna by passage through hydroxyapatite. dna relatedness bet ...19724564889
[studies on the antigenic structure of shigella. vii. binding of n-acetyl-glucosamine in o-specific side chains of lipopolysaccharides in shigella flexneri 1b and variant y]. 19724564837
suppression of the intracellular growth of shigella flexneri in cell cultures by interferon preparations and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid.a strain of shigella flexneri type 2a was found to multiply intracellularly in cultures of the diploid human cell strain fs-1 and in secondary rabbit kidney cells. when inoculated cultures were stained and observed under the light microscope, it appeared that the cytoplasm of infected cells became gradually filled with bacteria. various preparations of human and rabbit interferon were found to suppress the intracellular bacterial growth in homologous cells. polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly ...19724564562
[mass infections caused by shigella flexneri type 3a in the city hospital in lodź]. 19724564325
immunogenicity of the common enterobacterial antigen produced by smooth and rough strains.enterobacteriaceae share a common antigen (ca). this antigen exists as a powerful immunogen, when produced by escherichia coli o14, and as a minimally effective immunogen, when present in cultures of most other smooth strains. the present study was directed toward the assessment of immunogenicity of this antigen produced by various rough mutants and their parent strains as well as that of viable and nonviable bacterial suspensions. rabbits were immunized intravenously, and the passive hemaggluti ...19724564286
[chemical composition of shigella sonnei cell walls]. 19724564131
[detection of shigella-type bacilli in water. i. comparison of the sf, gn, ss and xld media]. 19724564018
importance of facilitated diffusion for effective utilization of glycerol by escherichia coli.wild-type escherichia coli possesses an inducible permeation system which catalyzes facilitated diffusion of glycerol into the cell. a spectrophotometric method can be used to assess the presence of this mechanism. the structural gene for the facilitator (glpf) and the structural gene for glycerol kinase (glpk) apparently belong to a single operon. the glpf(+) allele permits effective glycerol utilization by the cells, and, at millimolar concentrations of glycerol, cells carrying the glpf(+) all ...19724563976
the toxic effect of 4-chloro-2-cyclopentylphenyl -d-galactopyranoside in lactose broth on the growth of shigella in mixed culture with escherichia coli. 19724563856
[effect of nitrofuran preparations on antibiotic-resistant pathogens]. 19724563631
[quantitative study of the relation between nucleoid division and the growth of an enterobacterial population]. 19724563612
behavior of coliphage lambda in shigella flexneri 2a.the insensitivity of wild-type shigella flexneri 2a to coliphage lambda is a consequence of its native genetic defect in the mala gene cluster. the "smooth" s. flexneri 2a lipopolysaccharide layer affects the efficient adsorption of lambda. derivatives, capable of serving as functional hosts for lambda, were obtained by repairing the mala lesion, enabling the expression of the malb-lambdarcp region of s. flexneri. introduction of a mutation into s. flexneri causing a "rough" lipopolysaccharide c ...19724563593
[assessment of shigellae virulence]. 19724563422
[production of sera against a thermolabile antigen of shigella sonnei and their immunoelectrophoretic examinations]. 19724563421
a comparison of multiple-test systems for the presumptive identification of enterobacteriaceae. 19724563216
a promoter site and polarity gradients in phage s13. 19724563038
Displaying items 9901 - 10000 of 13650