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epizootic of sarcoptic mange in raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides) in relation to population examine outbreaks of mange in raccoon dogs (nyctereutes procyonoides) with respect to population density, we analyzed camera trap videos, and isolated mites from raccoon dog carcasses. in a camera trapping survey, we categorized the skin condition of raccoon dogs, and used a number of independent videos to calculate the relative abundance index (rai). the rai of raccoon dogs with alopecia increased following an increase in the rai of those without alopecia. among 27 raccoon dog carcasses, 12 ...201829353863
a case report of real-time in vivo demonstration of sarcoptes scabiei.scabies is a pruritic dermatosis caused by the ectoparasite sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. the diagnosis of scabies is usually made on clinical grounds, but histopathological and/or dermoscopic examinations may sometimes be of assistance. however, these diagnostic modalities do not offer a detailed in vivo demonstration of the motile microorganism. reflectance confocal microscopy (rcm) is a relatively novel imaging modality that permits in vivo examination of the skin at a resolution similar to ...201729318996
sarcoptes scabiei on hedgehogs in new zealand.european hedgehogs (erinaceus europaeus) were introduced into new zealand from britain during the period from 1869 to the early 1900s. the only mite found on new zealand hedgehogs in early studies was caparinia tripilis, with sarcoptes scabiei first being reported in 1996. the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of sarcoptes infestation on hedgehogs in new zealand, the number of mites found and the degree of mange observed. dead hedgehogs were collected from veterinary clinics, r ...201829318391
 in case of pruritus, always consider scabies! scabies is an itching skin disease caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei which affects more than 100 million people worldwide. regarded as a neglected tropical disease by the who, it is a major public health burden in endemic areas. as direct skin-to-skin contact is the main route of transmission family members and sexual partners are often affected. typical presentation includes a severely pruritic rash with predilection for the extremities and the t ...201729292916
scabies, crusted (norwegian) scabies and the diagnosis of mite sensitisation.scabies is observed with relatively high frequency in allergy and dermatology clinics in developing countries where poor sanitary conditions are prevalent and increasingly in some areas of the world with increased immigrant populations. since the immunological response to scabies mites includes the production of ige class antibodies to sarcoptes scabiei allergens which cross-react with dermatophagoides major allergens der p 1 and der p 2, positive immediate-type skin tests to house dust mite ext ...201729279260
histopathology, microbiology and the inflammatory process associated with sarcoptes scabiei infection in the iberian ibex, capra pyrenaica.sarcoptic mange has been identified as the most significant infectious disease affecting the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica). despite several studies on the effects of mange on ibex, the pathological and clinical picture derived from sarcoptic mange infestation is still poorly understood. to further knowledge of sarcoptic mange pathology, samples from ibex were evaluated from histological, microbiological and serological perspectives.201729202802
scabies in the age of increasing drug resistance.scabies is an infestation of the skin by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. it manifests with pruritic erythematous papules and excoriations, in addition to the pathognomonic burrows. multiple drugs can be used for treatment, but resistance to conventional therapy is increasing throughout the years. this paper will review the mechanisms of resistance proposed in the literature and some of the potential solutions to this problem.201729190303
crusted scabies due to indiscriminate use of glucocorticoid therapy in infant.crusted or norwegian scabies is a parasitic infectious disease caused by sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis that mainly affects immunocompromised individuals and those with neurological patients. we report a case of crusted scabies in a 4-month-old infant who had been treated erroneously for atopic dermatitis with high doses of corticosteroids. this initial misdiagnosis associated with the abusive use of corticosteroid facilitated the evolution of scabies to crusted scabies and its main complication ...201729186253
mitochondrial genome sequencing reveals potential origins of the scabies mite sarcoptes scabiei infesting two iconic australian marsupials.debilitating skin infestations caused by the mite, sarcoptes scabiei, have a profound impact on human and animal health globally. in australia, this impact is evident across different segments of australian society, with a growing recognition that it can contribute to rapid declines of native australian marsupials. cross-host transmission has been suggested to play a significant role in the epidemiology and origin of mite infestations in different species but a chronic lack of genetic resources ...201729183283
sarcoptic mange in wombats-a review and future research directions.sarcoptic mange is caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei and has recently been recognized as an emerging infectious disease of wildlife worldwide. the mite is one of the main causes of population decline in southern hairy-nosed (lasiorhinus latifrons) and bare-nosed wombats (vombatus ursinus). this review focuses on sarcoptes scabiei infestations in wombats and provides insights into why the disease may be so prevalent in wombats. current treatment practices and trials conducted in the field to r ...201729150905
molecular characteristics and serodiagnostic potential of chitinase-like protein from sarcoptes scabiei.scabies, caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei, is an allergic skin disease that affects millions of people and other mammals worldwide. this highly contagious parasitic disease is among the top 50 epidemic disease and is regarded as a neglected tropical disease. diagnosis of scabies is difficult in the early stage, and the pathogenesis of scabies is not currently clear. here, we expressed, identified and located the chitinase-like protein of s. scabiei (ssclp), and evaluated its potential as an ...201729137399
identification of a novel pyp-1 gene in sarcoptes scabiei and its potential as a serodiagnostic candidate by indirect-elisa.scabies is a parasitic disease caused by the ectoparasite sarcoptes scabiei, affecting different mammalian species, including rabbits, worldwide. in the present study, we cloned and expressed a novel inorganic pyrophosphatase, ssc-pyp-1, from s. scabiei var. cuniculi. immunofluorescence staining showed that native ssc-pyp-1 was localized in the tegument around the mouthparts and the entire legs, as well as in the cuticle of the mites. interestingly, obvious staining was also observed on the feca ...201729113603
ignoring the "itch": the global health problem of scabies.infestation with sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis is a common human parasitic affliction endemic in tropical developing countries. scabies is transmitted by close person-person contact, and outbreaks have been reported in reception centers for asylum seekers. scabies presents clinically as extremely pruritic excoriated papules and linear burrows in the skin. this infestation predisposes to bacterial skin infections that can result in serious complications affecting the kidneys and possibly the hea ...201729016295
is the simple saline mount technique more effective than potassium hydroxide for the microscopic detection of sarcoptes scabiei?not applicable.201728985134
scabies masquerading as bullous pemphigoid: scabies surrepticius.scabies, a parasitic infestation caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei, is diagnosed by observing either the mite, its ova, or its excrement. the mite tracts, known as burrows and a characteristic presentation of the pruritic condition, are typically found on the web spaces between the fingers. other cutaneous lesions include excoriated papules, pustules, and vesicles. however, atypical clinical variants of scabies, such as bullous, crusted, hidden, incognito, nodular, and scalp forms of the para ...201728883737
expression and characterisation of a sarcoptes scabiei protein tyrosine kinase as a potential antigen for scabies diagnosis.scabies is a disease that harms humans and other animals that is caused by the itch mite sarcoptes scabiei burrowing into the stratum corneum of the skin. in the early stages of scabies, symptoms are often subclinical and there are no effective diagnostic methods. herein, we cloned, expressed and characterised an s. scabiei protein tyrosine kinase (ssptk) and evaluated its diagnostic value as a recombinant antigen in rabbit during the early stages of sarcoptes infestation. the ssptk protein is ~ ...201728852108
allergen homologs in the euroglyphus maynei draft genome.euroglyphus maynei is a house dust mite commonly found in homes worldwide and is the source of allergens that sensitize and induce allergic reactions in humans. it is the source of species-specific allergens as well as allergens that are cross-reactive with the allergens from house dust mites dermatophagoides farinae and d. pteronyssinus, and the ectoparasitic scabies mite sarcoptes scabiei. the genomics, proteomics and molecular biology of e. maynei and its allergens have not been as extensivel ...201728829832
sarcoptes scabiei alters follicular dynamics in female iberian ibex through a reduction in body weight.normal development of the ovarian cycle is a key factor in ensuring female reproductive success. sarcoptes scabiei has been shown to induce changes in host physiology, although the effects of this mite on the female reproductive cycle are still unknown. in an attempt to clarify this issue, the number of ovarian structures (primary follicles, secondary follicles, graaf follicles, corpus luteum and corpus albicans) in female iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) affected by sarcoptic mange was explored b ...201728807285
host immune responses to the itch mite, sarcoptes scabiei, in humans.scabies is a parasitic disease due to infestation of skin by the burrowing mite sarcoptes scabiei. scabies is a major public health problem and endemic in resource poor communities worldwide affecting over 100 million people. associated bacterial infections cause substantial morbidity, and in severe cases can lead to renal and cardiac diseases. mite infestation of the skin causes localised cutaneous inflammation, pruritus, skin lesions, and allergic and inflammatory responses are mounted by the ...201728797273
characterization of sarcoptes scabiei tropomyosin and paramyosin: immunoreactive allergens in scabies.scabies is a human skin disease due to the burrowing ectoparasite sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis resulting in intense itching and inflammation and manifesting as a skin allergy. because of insufficient mite material and lack of in vitro propagation system for antigen preparation, scabies is a challenging disease to develop serological diagnostics. for allergen characterization, full-length s. scabiei tropomyosin (sar s 10) was cloned, expressed in pet-15b, and assessed for reactivity with ige an ...201728722633
outbreaks of sarcoptic mange in free-ranging koala populations in victoria and south australia: a case describe outbreaks of sarcoptic mange caused by sarcoptes scabiei in free-ranging koalas in victoria (december 2008 to november 2015) and south australia (october 2011 to september 2014).201728653387
european guideline for the management of scabies.scabies is caused by sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. the disease can be sexually transmitted. patients' main complaint is nocturnal itch. disseminated, excoriated, erythematous papules are usually seen on the anterior trunk and limbs. crusted scabies occurs in immunocompromised hosts and may be associated with reduced or absent pruritus. recommended treatments are permethrin 5% cream, oral ivermectin and benzyl benzoate 25% lotion. alternative treatments are malathion 0.5% aqueous lotion, iverme ...201728639722
genetic characterization of sarcoptes scabiei from black bears (ursus americanus) and other hosts in eastern united states.since the early 1990s there has been an increase in the number of cases and geographic expansion of severe mange in the black bear (ursus americanus) population in pennsylvania. although there are 3 species of mites associated with mange in bears, sarcoptes scabiei has been identified as the etiologic agent in these pennsylvania cases. historically s. scabiei-associated mange in bears has been uncommon and sporadic although it is widespread and relatively common in canid populations. to better u ...201728639466
a review of sarcoptes scabiei: past, present and future.the disease scabies is one of the earliest diseases of humans for which the cause was known. it is caused by the mite, sarcoptes scabiei, that burrows in the epidermis of the skin of humans and many other mammals. this mite was previously known as acarus scabiei degeer, 1778 before the genus sarcoptes was established (latreille 1802) and it became s. scabiei. research during the last 40 years has tremendously increased insight into the mite's biology, parasite-host interactions, and the mechanis ...201728633664
sarcoptic mange infestation in rabbits in an organized farm at tamil nadu.sarcoptes scabiei are burrowing mites which causes major constraints in rabbit production. eighty-eight rabbits were examined for mange infestation at university research farm, tamil nadu. overall incidence of mange infestation in rabbit was 23.6 %. on microscopical examination, the mite was identified as sacoptes scabiei var cuniculi. among the breeds, soviet chinchilla were found to be infested more (57.14 %) followed by new zealand white (28.57 %) and white giant (28.57 %). among the age grou ...201728615854
evaluation of oxidant/antioxidant balance in iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) experimentally infested with sarcoptes scabiei.oxidative stress (os) is an imbalance between radical-generating and radical scavenging activity, resulting in oxidation products and tissue damage. although some studies have been done in other species, there is a lack of information about the oxidative/antioxidant status in the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) affected by sarcoptic mange. to clarify this fact, albumin, catalase (cat), glutathione peroxidase (gsh-px), superoxide dismutase (sod), paraoxonase-1 (pon-1), glutathione reductase (gr), ...201728606327
identification of antigenic sarcoptes scabiei proteins for use in a diagnostic test and of non-antigenic proteins that may be immunomodulatory.scabies, caused by the mite, sarcoptes scabiei, infects millions of humans, and many wild and domestic mammals. scabies mites burrow in the lower stratum corneum of the epidermis of the skin and are the source of substances that are antigenic or modulate aspects of the protective response of the host. ordinary scabies is a difficult disease to diagnose.201728604804
gene silencing by rna interference in sarcoptes scabiei: a molecular tool to identify novel therapeutic targets.scabies is one of the most common and widespread parasitic skin infections globally, affecting a large range of mammals including humans, yet the molecular biology of sarcoptes scabiei is astonishingly understudied. research has been hampered primarily due to the difficulty of sampling or culturing these obligatory parasitic mites. a further and major impediment to identify and functionally analyse potential therapeutic targets from the recently emerging molecular databases is the lack of approp ...201728601087
increase the risk of intellectual disability in children with scabies: a nationwide population-based cohort study.scabies is a common and distressing disease caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. psychiatric disorder in childhood is an important disease and easily neglected. there are several similarities in scabies and psychiatric disorders in childhood (pdc). both of them may present with pruritus. they are relatively common in patients with lower socioeconomic status and crowded environment. furthermore, immune-mediated inflammatory processes play a role in the pathophysiology in both diseas ...201728591057
proteases of dermatophagoides pteronyssinus.since the discovery that der p 1 is a cysteine protease, the role of proteolytic activity in allergic sensitization has been explored. there are many allergens with proteolytic activity; however, exposure from dust mites is not limited to allergens. in this paper, genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic data on dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (dp) was mined for information regarding the complete degradome of this house dust mite. d. pteronyssinus has more proteases than the closely related acari, d ...201728587273
in vitro efficacy of moxidectin versus ivermectin against sarcoptes scabiei.moxidectin is under consideration for development as a treatment for human scabies. as some arthropods show decreased sensitivity to moxidectin relative to ivermectin, it was important to assess this for sarcoptes scabieiin vitro assays showed that the concentration of moxidectin required to kill 50% of mites was lower than that of ivermectin (0.5 μm versus 1.8 μm at 24 h; p < 0.0001). this finding provides further support for moxidectin as a candidate for the treatment of human scabies.201728559258
systematic review of the diagnosis of scabies in therapeutic trials.human scabies (infestation with the mite sarcoptes scabiei var hominis) causes a significant disease burden worldwide, yet there are no agreed diagnostic guidelines. we aimed to determine whether a consistent approach to diagnosing scabies has been used for published scabies therapeutic trials. the data sources used were the medline, embase and cochrane databases, from 1946 to 29 august 2013. eligible studies were trials of therapeutic interventions against scabies in human subjects, published i ...201728556185
transcriptome-microrna analysis of sarcoptes scabiei and host immune response.scabies is a parasitic disease, caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei, and is considered one of the top 50 epidemic diseases and one the most common human skin disease, worldwide. allergic dermatitis, including an intense itch, is a common symptom, however diagnosis is difficult and there is currently no effective vaccine. the goal of this study was to examine the immune interaction mechanism of both s. scabiei and infected hosts. mrna-seq and microrna-seq were conducted on the s. scabiei mite an ...201728542251
laboratory diagnosis of scabies using a simple saline mount: a clinical microbiologist's report.scabies is a skin condition caused by infestation of the mite sarcoptes scabiei. sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis is an arthropod member belonging to the order acarina. scabies is present throughout the world and is prevalent in all age groups, mostly involving people frequently in contact with animals, children, women, and elderly people. predisposing factors for scabies include individuals with immunosuppressive conditions and people residing under low socioeconomic conditions. skin lesions that ...201728435762
[scabies]. 201728417383
misdiagnosed crusted scabies in an aids patient leads to hyperinfestation.crusted scabies is a severe, highly contagious form of classic scabies caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei var hominis. crusted scabies is more common in immunosuppressed populations and overcrowded environments. in this condition, the host's immune system is overwhelmed and unable to defend against the mites on the skin, resulting in hyperinfestation of the host. diagnosis can be challenging because the condition resembles other common skin conditions, such as plaque psoriasis. furthermore, de ...201728398415
transcriptomics and proteomic studies reveal acaricidal mechanism of octadecanoic acid-3, 4 - tetrahydrofuran diester against sarcoptes scabiei var. our previous study, a new compound, octadecanoic acid-3, 4-tetrahydrofuran diester, possessing potent acaricidal activity was obtained from neem oil. this study performed rna-seq transcriptomics and itraq proteomics to uncover the acaricidal mechanism of the compound against sarcoptes scabiei var. cuniculi. the results of transcriptomics indicated that after treatment with octadecanoic acid-3, 4-tetrahydrofuran diester, genes related to "energy metabolism" were significantly up-/down-regulate ...201728361965
more bark than bite: comparative studies are needed to determine the importance of canine zoonoses in aboriginal communities. a critical review of published research.the objective of this review was to identify and critique over forty years of peer-reviewed literature concerned with the transmission of canine zoonoses to aboriginal people and determine the zoonotic organisms documented in dogs in australian aboriginal communities. a systematic literature search of public health, medical and veterinary databases identified 19 articles suitable for critical appraisal. thirteen articles documented the occurrence of recognized zoonotic organisms in dogs in abori ...201728342271
numerical responses by populations of red fox and mountain hare during an outbreak of sarcoptic mange.during a severe outbreak of sarcoptic mange (sarcoptes scabiei vulpes) starting among red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in sweden in the 1970s, we studied: 1) the establishment and spread of the disease in northernmost sweden (by inquiries), and 2) the 1970-84 bag records for foxes and mountain hares (lepus timidus) (an alternative prey to the fox's main prey, voles). since the first case of sarcoptic mange in 1975 the disease spread rapidly, with >50% of the hunting organizations having reported the di ...198728311970
complement inhibition by sarcoptes scabiei protects streptococcus pyogenes - an in vitro study to unravel the molecular mechanisms behind the poorly understood predilection of s. pyogenes to infect mite-induced skin lesions.on a global scale scabies is one of the most common dermatological conditions, imposing a considerable economic burden on individuals, communities and health systems. there is substantial epidemiological evidence that in tropical regions scabies is often causing pyoderma and subsequently serious illness due to invasion by opportunistic bacteria. the health burden due to complicated scabies causing cellulitis, bacteraemia and sepsis, heart and kidney diseases in resource-poor communities is extre ...201728278252
scabies in a bilateral hand allograft recipient: an additional mimicker of acute skin rejection in vascularized composite allotransplantation.vascularized composite tissue allografts include skin, which frequently undergoes, in the early post-graft period, acute rejections. the diagnosis of acute rejection may be difficult as it can be mimicked by several dermatoses. we present a bilateral hand allograft recipient who developed, 16.5 years post-graft, cutaneous lesions raising suspicion about rejection. physical examination and skin biopsy were diagnostic of scabies. this ectoparasitosis should be added in the list of dermatoses that ...201728211139
use of remote cameras to monitor the potential prevalence of sarcoptic mange in southern texas, usa.sarcoptic mange, caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei , is a common, highly contagious skin disease that has been reported from more than 100 species of mammals, including humans. our objectives were to 1) determine the prevalence of sarcoptic mange within mammals from southern texas, and 2) determine the efficacy of using remote cameras to estimate mange prevalence. we collected remote camera photographs from a 64-km(2) area and blood and skin scrapings from 166 mammals representing 12 species ...201728135133
new techniques to collect live sarcoptes scabiei and evaluation of methods as alternative diagnostics for infection.sarcoptes scabiei is a widespread, highly contagious skin disease that affects many mammals including humans. the biological characteristics of s. scabiei remain unclear. therefore, the ability to collect adequate amount of mites for studies is required to advance our understanding of the parasite. the present study aimed to find a method to collect an adequate amount of live s. scabiei mites within a short time frame. the cornified layer and fur from an infected raccoon dog were inserted into a ...201728124136
a scabies outbreak in a diabetic and collagen disease ward: management and prevention.scabies is an infection caused by sarcoptes scabiei. in developed countries, scabies remains an important public health problem in hospitals and care facilities among elderly or immunocompromised patients. there are a number of medical providers who have not experienced scabies and there has been confusion surrounding its management and prevention. therefore, the aim of the present study was to identify the optimal approach for the management and prevention of scabies. a scabies outbreak occurre ...201628105102
[scabies of the nail unit in an infant].there are no guidelines regarding the management of scabies in infants and recurrence is common at this age. we report the case of an infant with subungual hyperkeratosis and ungual lesions subsequent to classic scabies.201728063594
s1 guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of scabies - short version.the goals of this german guideline are the improvement of diagnosis and therapy of scabies, the implementation of a coordinated action in outbreaks of scabies, and the control of this infestation in large migration or refugee flows.sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis is transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact of sufficient duration. the infectivity of female mites when removed from patients does not exceed 48 hours at room temperature (21°c) and relative humidity of 40-80%. the risk of infection r ...201627879074
in vitro activity of ten essential oils against sarcoptes scabiei.the development of alternative approaches in ectoparasite management is currently required. essential oils have been demonstrated to exhibit fumigant and topical toxicity to a number of arthropods. the aim of the present study was to assess the potential efficacy of ten essential oils against sarcoptes scabiei.201627876081
energetic costs of mange in wolves estimated from infrared thermography.parasites, by definition, extract energy from their hosts and thus affect trophic and food web dynamics even when the parasite may have limited effects on host population size. we studied the energetic costs of mange (sarcoptes scabiei) in wolves (canis lupus) using thermal cameras to estimate heat losses associated with compromised insulation during the winter. we combined the field data of known, naturally infected wolves with a data set on captive wolves with shaved patches of fur as a positi ...201627859195
molecular characterization of calmodulin from sarcoptes scabiei.scabies, caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei, is a highly contagious parasitic disease that affects millions of people and other mammals worldwide. calmodulin (cam) is an important calcium sensor that participates in various critical physiological processes. in this study, the cam of sarcoptes scabiei (sscam) was cloned and expressed, and sequence analyses were performed using bioinformatics tools. recombinant sscam (rsscam) was used to detect antigenicity using immunoblotting assays, and the s ...201727840198
[scabies in childhood and adolescence].scabies is a common parasitosis, occurring worldwide and at any age that impairs the quality of life of patients and their families by the itching and the stigmatization. the main aims of therapy are destroying the mites sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis that infect the stratum corneum and reduction of the itching. this requires detailed clarification for the patients and the parents of affected children as the instructions for the use of the drugs and also the necessary additional steps are often ...201627826663
parasites and vector-borne diseases in client-owned dogs in albania: infestation with arthropod establish the diversity and seasonality of ectoparasite infestation in client-owned dogs in albania, 602 dogs visiting four small animal clinics in tirana from march 2010 to april 2011 inclusive were examined for ectoparasites by full body search and total body comb. in addition, ear swab specimens collected from all dogs and scrapings taken from skin lesions suspicious of mite infestation were examined for parasitic mites. overall, 93 dogs (15.4 %, 95%ci 12.6-18.6) were demonstrated to be in ...201727796564
evaluation of three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for sarcoptic mange diagnosis and assessment in the iberian ibex, capra pyrenaica.sarcoptic mange is a contagious skin disease caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei, affecting different mammalian species worldwide including the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica), in which mortalities over 90 % of the population have been reported. no efficient diagnostic methods are available for this disease, particularly when there are low mite numbers and mild or no clinical signs. in this study, three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa) developed for dog (elisa a), cantabrian chamois (r ...201627769278
report - most common body parts infected with scabies in children and its control.scabies a skin disease caused by mite sarcoptes scabiei is common in pakistan and spreads mostly where there is frequent skin to skin contact. in the present study children belonging to four age groups 0-3 years, 4-6 years, 7-9 years and 10-12 years attending baqai institute and hospital gadap from june-september 2013 were examined. the association between scabies of different human parts and age for boys was significant (p<0.01), while for girls it was highly significant (p<0.001). the most fre ...201627731834
sarcoptic mange in endangered kit foxes (vulpes macrotis mutica): case histories, diagnoses, and implications for conservation.the san joaquin kit fox ( vulpes macrotis mutica) is a federally endangered small carnivore whose distribution is limited to the san joaquin valley in central california. population decline is due to profound habitat loss, and conservation of all remaining populations is critical. a robust urban population occurs in the city of bakersfield. in spring of 2013, putative cases of mange were reported in this population. mites from affected animals were confirmed to be sarcoptes scabiei morphological ...201727669012
interferences on microbial inhibitor tests related to ivermectin treatment in lactating dairy goats.this research communication reports interferences related to the administration of ivermectin in lactating dairy goats on the response of microbial tests for screening antibiotics in milk. twenty-eight murciano-granadina goats, naturally infested with sarcoptes scabiei var. caprae, were treated with a subcutaneous injection of ivermectin (200 µg/kg b.w.). to prevent re-infestation, a second dose was applied 7 d later. individual milk samples were collected, daily, up to 15 d post-treatment. milk ...201627600969
efficacy of fluralaner in 17 dogs with sarcoptic mange.there are few licensed options for the treatment of canine sarcoptic mange.201627511592
vaccination of rabbits with immunodominant antigens from sarcoptes scabiei induced high levels of humoral responses and pro-inflammatory cytokines but confers limited protection.vaccination is an attractive ecological alternative to the use of acaricides for parasite control. however, effective anti-parasite vaccines against sarcoptic mange have not yet been developed. the purpose of this study was first to identify sarcoptes scabiei immunodominant antigens and second to evaluate them as vaccine candidates in a rabbit/s. scabiei var. cuniculi model.201627502394
a case of facial sarcoptes scabiei in a female child. 201627489439
sarcoptic mange in the scandinavian wolf canis lupus population.sarcoptic mange, a parasitic disease caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei, is regularly reported on wolves canis lupus in scandinavia. we describe the distribution and transmission of this parasite within the small but recovering wolf population by analysing 269 necropsy reports and performing a serological survey on 198 serum samples collected from free-ranging wolves between 1998 and 2013.201627459965
the threatening but unpredictable sarcoptes scabiei: first deadly outbreak in the himalayan lynx, lynx lynx isabellinus, from pakistan.although neglected, the mite sarcoptes scabiei is an unpredictable emerging parasite, threatening human and animal health globally. in this paper we report the first fatal outbreak of sarcoptic mange in the endangered himalayan lynx (lynx lynx isabellinus) from pakistan. a 10-year-old male himalayan lynx was found in a miserable condition with severe crusted lesions in chitral district, and immediately died. post-mortem examination determined high s. scabiei density (1309 mites/cm(2) skin). it i ...201627435176
comparative efficacy of pour-on eprinomectin and ivermectin against sarcoptes scabiei in buffaloes.the efficacy of eprinomectin and ivermectin pour-on was evaluated against sarcoptes scabiei in naturally infested buffaloes. eighteen animals were allocated into three groups (a, b and c) of six animals each. animals in group a were treated with eprinomectin (pour-on) @ 0.5 mg/kg; group b with ivermectin (pour-on) @ 0.2 mg/kg while group c served as untreated controls. skin scrapings were examined on days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 post-treatment (pt). skin scrapings were found free for mites on da ...201627413304
efficacy of fluralaner administered either orally or topically for the treatment of naturally acquired sarcoptes scabiei var. canis infestation in dogs.the efficacy of fluralaner, formulated as a chewable tablet (bravecto™) or topical solution (bravecto™ spot-on solution), was evaluated against naturally acquired sarcoptes scabiei var. canis infestation in dogs.201627387742
sarcoptes scabiei: genomics to proteomics to biology.the common scabies mite, sarcoptes scabiei is a cosmopolitan parasite of humans and other mammals. an annotated genome of sarcoptes scabiei var. canis has been deposited in the national center for biotechnology information (ncbi) and vectorbase and a proteomic analysis of proteins in extracts of mite bodies and eggs from this strain has been reported. here we mined the data to identify predicted proteins that are known to be involved in specific biological processes in other animals.201627371026
sarcoptes scabiei infestation does not alter the stability of ectoparasite communities.the host represents a heterogeneous ecosystem where multiple parasite species co-occur and interact with each other for space and resources. although these interactions may rule the features of an infracommunity and may shape the infracommunity response to external perturbations, the resilience of ectoparasite communities to new infestations remains poorly explored.201627370780
efficacy of afoxolaner in a clinical field study in dogs naturally infested with sarcoptes scabiei.the acaricidal efficacy of afoxolaner (nexgard(®), merial) was evaluated against sarcoptes scabiei var. canis in a field efficacy study, when administered orally at a minimum dose of 2.5 mg/kg to dogs naturally infested with the mites. twenty mixed-breed dogs of either sex (6 males and 14 females), aged over 6 months and weighing 4-18 kg, were studied in this randomised controlled field efficacy trial. dogs, naturally infested with sarcoptes scabiei var. canis confirmed by skin scrapings collect ...201627317462
scabies: advances in noninvasive diagnosis.scabies is a common, highly contagious skin parasitosis caused by sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. early identification and prompt treatment of infested subjects is essential, as missed diagnosis may result in outbreaks, considerable morbidity, and significantly increased economic burden. the standard diagnostic technique consists of mites' identification by microscopic examination of scales obtained by skin scraping. this is a time-consuming and risk-associated procedure that is also not suitabl ...201627311065
ectoparasites of stray dogs in mazandaran, gilan and qazvin provinces, north and center of iran.the aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of ectoparasite infestations in stray dogs in mazandaran, gilan and qazvin provinces in fall and winter in 2013(december to march).201627308294
the emergence of sarcoptic mange in australian wildlife: an unresolved debate.due to its suspected increase in host range and subsequent global diversification, sarcoptes scabiei has important implications at a global scale for wildlife conservation and animal and human health. the introduction of this pathogen into new locations and hosts has been shown to produce high morbidity and mortality, a situation observed recently in australian and north american wildlife.of the seven native animal species in australia known to be infested by s. scabiei, the bare-nosed wombat (v ...201627255333
genomic resources and draft assemblies of the human and porcine varieties of scabies mites, sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis and var. suis.the scabies mite, sarcoptes scabiei, is a parasitic arachnid and cause of the infectious skin disease scabies in humans and mange in other animal species. scabies infections are a major health problem, particularly in remote indigenous communities in australia, where secondary group a streptococcal and staphylococcus aureus infections of scabies sores are thought to drive the high rate of rheumatic heart disease and chronic kidney disease.201627250856
in vitro and in vivo effect of citrus limon essential oil against sarcoptic mange in rabbits.the effect of lemon oil (citrus limon) on sarcoptes scabiei var. cuniculi was evaluated in vitro and in vivo. the mite samples were collected from naturally infected rabbits. the lemon oil was prepared in six concentrations by dilution with distilled water (2.5, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 %). in vitro application was done in five replicates for each concentration in petri dishes in the laboratory. the treated mites were observed at 1, 12, and 24 h post application (pa) for lemon oil effect. in addit ...201627098160
correction: sarcoptes scabiei: the mange mite with mighty effects on the common wombat (vombatus ursinus). 201627078256
are humans the initial source of canine mange?scabies, or mange as it is called in animals, is an ectoparasitic contagious infestation caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. sarcoptic mange is an important veterinary disease leading to significant morbidity and mortality in wild and domestic animals. a widely accepted hypothesis, though never substantiated by factual data, suggests that humans were the initial source of the animal contamination. in this study we performed phylogenetic analyses of populations of s. scabiei from humans and fro ...201627015813
de novo rna-seq and functional annotation of sarcoptes scabiei canis.the transcriptomic data of sarcoptes is still lacking in the public database due to the difficulty in extracting high-quality rna from tiny mites with thick chitin. in this study, total rna was extracted from live sarcoptes mites for quality assessment, rna-seq, functional annotation, and coding region (cd) prediction and verification. the results showed that the sample jmq-lngm was qualified for cdna library construction. firstly, agilent 2100 detection showed that the rna baseline was smooth a ...201626997341
[severe crusted scabies: a "historic" case involving the death of a 52-year-old patient].crusted scabies, also known as norwegian scabies, is a rare and extremely debilitating form of sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis infestation that generally occurs in immunosuppressed patients. herein, we report a "historic" and fatal case.201626969477
[crusted scabies: a review].crusted scabies is a rare and severe form of infestation by sarcoptes scabies var. hominis. it is characterized by profuse hyperkeratosis containing over 4000 mites per gram of skin, with treatment being long and difficult. the condition is both direct and indirectly contagious. it has a central role in epidemic cycles of scabies, the incidence of which is on the rise in economically stable countries. recent discoveries concerning the biology of mites, the pathophysiology of hyperkeratosis and t ...201626948093
sarcoptes scabiei: the mange mite with mighty effects on the common wombat (vombatus ursinus).parasitism has both direct and indirect effects on hosts. indirect effects (such as behavioural changes) may be common, although are often poorly described. this study examined sarcoptic mange (caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei) in the common wombat (vombatus ursinus), a species that shows severe symptoms of infection and often causes mortality. wombats showed alterations to above ground behaviours associated with mange. infected wombats were shown to be active outside of the burrow for longe ...201626943790
efficacy and safety of a novel oral isoxazoline, sarolaner (simparica™), for the treatment of sarcoptic mange in dogs.the efficacy of the novel isoxazoline, sarolaner (simparica™) was investigated in dogs with clinical signs consistent with sarcoptic mange and harbouring natural infestations of sarcoptes scabiei. one placebo-controlled laboratory study and one multi-centred field study with a commercial comparator containing imidacloprid/moxidectin (advocate(®) spot-on) were conducted. oral or topical treatments were administered on days 0 and 30. up to 10 skin scrapings were taken for the assessment of s. scab ...201626928658
parasites and fungi as risk factors for human and animal health.recent literature data suggests that parasitic and fungal diseases, which pose a threat to both human and animal health, remain a clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic problem. attention is increasingly paid to the role played by natural microbiota in maintaining homeostasis in humans. a particular emphasis is placed on the possibility of manipulating the human microbiota (permanent, transient, pathogenic) and macrobiota (e.g., trichuris suis) to support the treatment of selected diseases such as ...201526878617
mitochondrial genome sequence of the scabies mite provides insight into the genetic diversity of individual scabies infections.the scabies mite, sarcoptes scabiei, is an obligate parasite of the skin that infects humans and other animal species, causing scabies, a contagious disease characterized by extreme itching. scabies infections are a major health problem, particularly in remote indigenous communities in australia, where co-infection of epidermal scabies lesions by group a streptococci or staphylococcus aureus is thought to be responsible for the high rate of rheumatic heart disease and chronic kidney disease. we ...201626872064
treatment of scabies: comparison of lindane 1% vs permethrin 5.scabies, whose etiologic agent is sarcoptes scabiei, is a neglected parasitic disease that is a major public health problem in many resourcepoor regions. its current therapies include benzyl benzoate, lindane, permethrin, sulfur, crotamiton, monosulfiram, and oral ivermectin. the aim of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety of lindane 1% lotion vs permethrin 5% in the treatment of scabies. a total of 120 patients with scabies attending a dermatology outpatient department were include ...201626861425
case report of individual with cutaneous immunodeficiency and novel 1p36 duplication.crusted or norwegian scabies is an infectious skin dermatopathology usually associated with an underlying immunodeficiency condition. it is caused when the mite sarcoptes scabiei infects the skin, and the immune system is unable to control its spread, leading to a massive hyperinfestation with a simultaneous inflammatory and hyperkeratotic reaction. this is the first report of a novel 1p36 duplication associated with a recurrent infection of crusted scabies.201626834495
characterization of sarcoptes scabiei cofilin gene and assessment of recombinant cofilin protein as an antigen in indirect-elisa for diagnosis.scabies impairs the health of humans and animals and causes heavy economic losses. traditional diagnostic methods for scabies are inefficient and ineffective, and so far there is no commercial immunodiagnostic or molecular based test for scabies.201626801761
a proteomic analysis of sarcoptes scabiei (acari: sarcoptidae).the pruritic skin disease scabies is caused by the burrowing of the itch mite sarcoptes scabiei (de geer). it is difficult to diagnose this disease because its symptoms often resemble those of other skin diseases. no reliable blood or molecular diagnostic test is available. the aim of this project was to begin to characterize the scabies proteome to identify scabies mite proteins, including those that may be useful in the development of a diagnostic test or vaccine. various scabies mite extracts ...201626792847
sarcoptic mange infestation in pigs: an overview.sarcoptic mange infestation in pigs is caused by sarcoptes scabiei var. suis. it is the most common mange infestation of pigs. the parasite is distributed worldwide. pig owners are generally concerned about the internal parasitic infections and ignored the external parasitic infestations. but the external parasitic infestation with s. scabiei var. suis has economic significance as it causes morbidity, mortality, decreased fertility and feed conversion ratio in pigs. keeping in view of importance ...201526688620
erratum: universal conventional and real-time pcr diagnosis tools for sarcoptes scabiei. 201526642880
epidemiological and therapeutic studies of camel mange in fafan zone, eastern ethiopia.camel mange is an economically important parasitic disease affecting productivity in camel rearing areas of the world if appropriate treatment is not instituted.201526627056
ectoparasites infestation of free-ranging hedgehog (etelerix algirus) in north western libya.the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ectoparasites in hedgehogs (etelerix algirus) in north western region of libya. seventy hedgehogs were sampled, and 39 (55.7%) were infested with external parasites. a total of 44 ticks, 491 fleas were collected from the infested hedgehogs and four species of ectoparasites were identified, one mite (sarcoptes scabiei), one tick (rhipicephalus appendiculatus) and two fleas (xenopsylla cheopis and ctenocephalides canis). for ectoparasites, 10/3 ...201426623333
a case of crusted scabies combined with bullous scabies.scabies is a contagious skin disease that causes extremely itching. it is a parasitic disease caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei and characterized by polymorphous lesions. vesicular and bullous lesions in cases of scabies are rather rare. bullous scabies has a pemphigoid presentation. crusted scabies, also known as norwegian scabies, is a rare and severe form of the disease. the large number of mites present in and on the skin cause scabies to be highly contagious. the present study reports a ...201526622520
mechanism for transport of ivermectin to the stratum corneum in rats.ivermectin (ivm) is used as an oral medication for scabies, a skin infection caused by a mite, sarcoptes scabiei, which parasitizes in the stratum corneum. after oral administration ivm is absorbed from the intestine, and finally distributed to the stratum corneum to eliminate the mites. however its transport mechanism remains unclear. a pharmacokinetic study was performed using hairless wistar yagi (hwy) rats, which have no or atrophied sebaceous glands, and wistar rats as a reference. after or ...201526613804
universal conventional and real-time pcr diagnosis tools for sarcoptes scabiei.the mite sarcoptes scabiei has a known host-range of over 100 mammal species including humans. one of the prime objectives of the sarcoptes-world molecular network (wmn) is to design and develop universal sarcoptes pcr-based diagnosis methods.201526568063
wild red foxes (vulpes vulpes) as sentinels of parasitic diseases in the province of soria, northern spain.four hundred red foxes (vulpes vulpes) were examined for ecto- (arthropods) and endoparasites (leishmania spp., trichinella spp., and intestinal parasites). different species of flea (total prevalence, 40.50%), tick (16.25%), mite (7.25%), and fly (1.50%) were identified. the most prevalent flea was pulex irritans (found on 29% of the foxes); the most prevalent tick, mite, and fly were ixodes canisuga (on 5%), sarcoptes scabiei (on 5.25%), and hippobosca equina (on 1%), respectively. the endopar ...201526565688
draft genome of the scabies mite.the disease scabies, caused by the ectoparasitic mite, sarcoptes scabiei, causes significant morbidity in humans and other mammals worldwide. however, there is limited data available regarding the molecular basis of host specificity and host-parasite interactions. therefore, we sought to produce a draft genome for s. scabiei and use this to identify molecular markers that will be useful for phylogenetic population studies and to identify candidate protein-coding genes that are critical to the un ...201526555130
sex-biased severity of sarcoptic mange at the same biological cost in a sexually dimorphic sexually dimorphic species, male susceptibility to parasite infection and mortality is frequently higher than in females. the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) is a sexually dimorphic mountain ungulate endemic to the iberian peninsula commonly affected by sarcoptic mange, a chronic catabolic skin disease caused by sarcoptes scabiei. since 1992, sarcoptic mange affects the iberian ibex population of the sierra nevada natural space (snns). this study aims at exploring whether mange severity, in te ...201526555065
sarcoptic mange breaks up bottom-up regulation of body condition in a large herbivore population.both parasitic load and resource availability can impact individual fitness, yet little is known about the interplay between these parameters in shaping body condition, a key determinant of fitness in wild mammals inhabiting seasonal environments.201526546209
scabies incognito presenting as a subcorneal pustular dermatosis-like eruption.scabies is a common parasitosis of the skin caused by sarcoptes scabiei hominis. this infestation occurs in all geographic areas and across all age groups, races, and social classes. poor economic conditions and lack of proper hygiene are risk factors for the disease. subcorneal pustular dermatosis is characterized by numerous relapsing pustular eruptions on normal or mildly erythematous skin. the pustular eruption typically involves the flexural sites of the trunk and proximal extremities with ...201526470936
a case report of crusted scabies in an adult patient with down syndrome.crusted (norwegian) scabies is a severe manifestation of the contagious skin infection caused by sarcoptes scabiei. crusted scabies has been well described in patients with known immunocompromised states. treatment may be complicated by delayed diagnosis and/or inadequate treatment. this infection may not rank highly on one's differential diagnosis in the absence of an immunocompromised state, highlighting the uniqueness of the case being presented. several papers describe immunocompromised chil ...201526437167
the efficacy of oral ivermectin vs. sulfur 10% ointment for the treatment of scabies.human scabies is caused by an infection of the skin by the human itch mite (sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis). there are different medications for the treatment of scabies. this study aimed at comparing the efficacy and safety of oral ivermectin vs. sulfur 10% ointment for the treatment of scabies. in total, 420 patients with scabies were enrolled, and randomized into two groups: the first group received a single dose of oral ivermectin 200 μg/kg body weight, and the second group received sulfur 1 ...201526342502
risk factors for prevalence of pig parasitoses in mbeya region, tanzania.a cross-sectional study was carried out to determine risk factors for prevalence of common endo- and ectoparasites of pigs kept by smallholder farmers in mbozi and mbeya (rural) districts of mbeya region, in tanzania. a total of 482 pigs from 220 households of 16 villages, eight in each district were randomly selected and examined. prevalence of taenia solium cysticercosis was 11.5%, gastrointestinal nematodes 63.7% and ectoparasites 21.2% based on ag-elisa, mcmaster technique and full body sear ...201526324243
sarcoptes scabiei mites in humans are distributed into three genetically distinct clades.scabies is an ectoparasitic infestation caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei. currently, s. scabiei is taxonomically divided into different varieties on the basis of host origin. genetics-based research on scabies has been conducted, but the data on genetic diversity of populations of this mite in humans in europe are lacking. we evaluated the genetic diversity of populations of s. scabiei. a large series of mites obtained from humans in france and the data of mites from various hosts and geogra ...201526278670
evaluation of an elisa using recombinant ssλ20δb3 antigen for the serological diagnosis of sarcoptes scabiei infestation in domestic and wild elisa, based on the sarcoptes scabiei ssλ20δb3 inmunodominant antigen, was evaluated for the detection of antibodies to s. scabiei in experimentally infested (n=10), farm (n=109), and wild (n=78) rabbit sera. the s. scabiei antigen ssλ20δb3, a major structural protein present over the entire mite's body, was produced as a recombinant protein in escherichia coli and purified for its use in the elisa. the resulting elisa showed, in experimentally infested domestic rabbits, detectable specific a ...201526276579
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