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bartonella jaculi sp. nov., bartonella callosciuri sp. nov., bartonella pachyuromydis sp. nov. and bartonella acomydis sp. nov., isolated from wild rodentia.four novel strains of members of the genus bartonella, oy2-1(t), br11-1(t), fn15-2(t) and ks2-1(t), were isolated from the blood of wild-captured greater egyptian jerboa (jaculus orientalis), plantain squirrel (callosciurus notatus), fat-tailed gerbil (pachyuromys duprasi) and golden spiny mouse (acomys russatus). all the animals were imported to japan as pets from egypt, thailand and the netherlands. the phenotypic characterization (growth conditions, incubation periods, biochemical properties ...201322941296
detection of bartonella spp. in wild carnivores, hyraxes, hedgehog and rodents from israel.bartonella infection was explored in wild animals from israel. golden jackals (canis aureus), red foxes (vulpes vulpes), rock hyraxes (procavia capensis), southern white-breasted hedgehogs (erinaceus concolor), social voles (microtus socialis), tristram's jirds (meriones tristrami), cairo spiny mice (acomys cahirinus), house mice (mus musculus) and indian crested porcupines (hystrix indica) were sampled and screened by molecular and isolation methods. bartonella-dna was detected in 46 animals: 9 ...201627210612
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