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[developmental stages of taenia krabbei moniez, 1879 (cysticercus tarandi) in deer (capreolus capreolus l.) in czechoslovakia].the breast and shoulder-blade muscles of a roe (caprelous capreolus l.), shot in a hunting district in western bohemia, were found to contain cysticerci with morphological characters and size corresponding to those of cysticercus tarandi, which is a developmental stage of the tapeworm taenia krabbei moniez, 1879. the surface as well as deeper layers of muscle contained one to two cysticerci per 100 cm2 of area. the authors describe the larvocysts and histological changes in the site where the mi ...197896571
helminths recovered from black bears in the peace river region of northwestern alberta.a total of 91 free-ranging black bears (ursus americanus) from the peace river region of northwestern alberta was examined for helminths. four species, baylisascaris transfuga, taenia krabbei, taenia hydatigena and dirofilaria ursi, were found. none of the bears was heavily infected. results are compared with other similar north american surveys.1979459048
helminths of the black bear, ursus americanus, in new brunswick.between may 1989 and october 1991, 544 black bears ursus americanus were collected in new brunswick and examined for trichinella spiralis larvae. in addition, 110 of these bears were examined for filarial nematodes, and the entire intestinal tracts of 12 bears were examined for intestinal helminths. four species of helminths were identified from these bears, including trichinella spiralis, dirofilaria ursi, baylisascaris transfuga, and taenia krabbei. this represents the first documentation of t ...19948195953
intestinal parasites of the arctic fox in relation to the abundance and distribution of intermediate hosts.the intestinal parasite community of arctic foxes (vulpes lagopus) on the svalbard archipelago in the high arctic was investigated in relation to the abundance and distribution of intermediate hosts. five species of cestodes (echinococcus multilocularis, taenia crassiceps, taenia polyacantha, taenia krabbei and diphyllobothrium sp.), ascaridoid nematodes and one unidentified acanthocephalan species were found. the cestodes e. multilocularis, t. crassiceps and t. polyacantha all showed a decreasi ...201019723357
mitochondrial dna data reveal cryptic species within taenia krabbei.cysticerci of taenia sp. from two elks (alces alces) in finland were characterized using morphological criteria and sequences of two mitochondrial dna regions. the host species, size, structure and location of the cysticerci indicated that they might belong to taenia krabbei, a circumpolar species occurring in a sylvatic life cycle in wild canids and cervids. based on the number, length and shape of the rostellar hooks, the specimens could not be unambiguously defined as belonging to t. krabbei, ...201020304093
molecular identification of taenia spp. in wolves (canis lupus), brown bears (ursus arctos) and cervids from north europe and alaska.taenia tapeworms of finnish and swedish wolves (canis lupus) and finnish brown bears (ursus arctos), and muscle cysticerci of svalbard reindeer (rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus), alaskan grant's caribou (rangifer tarandus granti) and alaskan moose (alces americanus) were identified on the basis of the nucleotide sequence of a 396bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene. two species were found from wolves: taenia hydatigena and taenia krabbei. the cysticerci of reindeer, ...201121571090
helminths of the black bear in quebec.twenty-one complete carcasses of black bears, ursus americanus , together with 34 intestinal tracts, 86 diaphragms and 168 faecal droppings collected between june, 1971 and november, 1972 in the province of quebec were examinel for helminths. species found and their prevalence were as follows: dirofilaria ursi in 57%; uncinaria yukonensis in 6%; baylisascaris transfuga in 21%; larvae of trichinella spiralis in less than 1%; diphyllobothrium ursi in 36%; and taenia krabbei and taenia hydatigena i ...197724228968
the occurrence of taeniids of wolves in liguria (northern italy).canids are definitive hosts of taenia and echinococcus species, which infect a variety of mammals as intermediate or accidental hosts including humans. parasite transmission is based on domestic, semi-domestic and wildlife cycles; however, little is known of the epidemiological significance of wild large definitive hosts such as the wolf. in this study, 179 scats of wolves (canis lupus italicus) collected throughout the italian region of liguria were analyzed for the detection of taeniid infecti ...201526042204
application of polymerase chain reaction on cerebrospinal fluid for diagnosis of cerebral coenurosis in small ruminants.sheep and goats serve as intermediate hosts for the canine tapeworm taenia multiceps. the cysts produced by the intermediate stage of parasite are usually found in the cerebral hemispheres of small ruminants, and the resulting disease is commonly known as coenurosis. coenurosis is clinically manifested in the form of various nervous symptoms, depending on the exact location of the cyst. the variety of neurological symptoms contributes to the complexity of clinical diagnosis and reinforces the ne ...201526122997
molecular identification of cryptic cysticercosis: taenia ovis krabbei in wild intermediate and domestic definitive hosts.the complex life cycle of taeniids represents an ideal model of a multi-host system. the complexity of these parasites can therefore cover the epidemiological issues of the interface between wild and domestic animals, especially once spatial overlap between wild and domestic definitive and intermediate hosts occurs. here we use the occurrence of taenia ovis krabbei in two model areas as an example of this epidemiological complexity. in two contiguous areas in the italian northern apennines, two ...201728349853
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