
PMID(sorted ascending)
[parasitic helminths of the cecum and colon of equidae in italy].intestinal helminths from coecum and colon were studied in 93 equidae including 40 horses, 36 donkeys and 17 mules. a total of 38 species, 36 nematodes and 2 cestodes, were identified as follows: 1) triodontophorus serratus, 2) triodontophorus brevicauda, 3) strongylus equinus, 4) strongylus edentatus, 5) strongylus vulgaris, 6) cyathostomum tetracanthum, 7) cyathostomum coronatum, 8) cyathostomum labiatum, 9) cyathostomum labratum, 10) cyathostomum alveatum, 11) cyathostomum pateratum, 12) cyat ...19921339978
[parasitic helminths of the cecum and colon of equidae in italy].intestinal helminths from coecum and colon were studied in 93 equidae including 40 horses, 36 donkeys and 17 mules. a total of 38 species, 36 nematodes and 2 cestodes, were identified as follows: 1) triodontophorus serratus, 2) triodontophorus brevicauda, 3) strongylus equinus, 4) strongylus edentatus, 5) strongylus vulgaris, 6) cyathostomum tetracanthum, 7) cyathostomum coronatum, 8) cyathostomum labiatum, 9) cyathostomum labratum, 10) cyathostomum alveatum, 11) cyathostomum pateratum, 12) cyat ...19921339978
efficacy of pyrantel embonate and praziquantel against the equine tapeworm anoplocephaloides mamillana. 19958525584
data on the prevalence of tapeworm infestations in horses in the netherlands.the prevalence of tapeworm infestations was investigated in 70 horses slaughtered in the period february 1994-july 1994. most horses were half-breed, young (1.5-3 years), and in good condition. they were bought for slaughter by dealers on local markets, and their treatment history was therefore unknown. tapeworm infestations were seen in 16 horses (23%). fifteen (21%) had an infection with anoplocephala perfoliata. one horse had a single specimen of paranoplocephala mamillana. the average number ...19968903145
data on the prevalence of tapeworm infestations in horses in the netherlands.the prevalence of tapeworm infestations was investigated in 70 horses slaughtered in the period february 1994-july 1994. most horses were half-breed, young (1.5-3 years), and in good condition. they were bought for slaughter by dealers on local markets, and their treatment history was therefore unknown. tapeworm infestations were seen in 16 horses (23%). fifteen (21%) had an infection with anoplocephala perfoliata. one horse had a single specimen of paranoplocephala mamillana. the average number ...19968903145
study on the gastrointestinal parasite fauna of ponies in northern germany.quantitative faecal and post-mortem examinations of 16 ponies, 1 to 2 1/2 years of age, originating from 3 farms in northern germany were performed in february 1995 to determine the prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal parasites in these animals. a total of 33 species of metazoan parasites was recovered: three tapeworm species (anoplocephala perfoliata, a. magna, paranoplocephala mamillana), strongylus vulgaris, s. edentatus, small strongyles (including four triodontophorus spp., cratero ...19969060170
study on the gastrointestinal parasite fauna of ponies in northern germany.quantitative faecal and post-mortem examinations of 16 ponies, 1 to 2 1/2 years of age, originating from 3 farms in northern germany were performed in february 1995 to determine the prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal parasites in these animals. a total of 33 species of metazoan parasites was recovered: three tapeworm species (anoplocephala perfoliata, a. magna, paranoplocephala mamillana), strongylus vulgaris, s. edentatus, small strongyles (including four triodontophorus spp., cratero ...19969060170
parasites of stomach and small intestine of 70 horses slaughtered in the netherlands.the prevalence of metazoan parasites in the stomach and small intestine was investigated in 70 horses slaughtered in the period february 1994-july 1994. most horses were young (1.5-3 years) and in good condition. trichostrongylus axei was the most prevalent parasite species in the stomach (51.4%), followed by gasterophilus intestinalis (41.4%) and habronema spp. (4.3%). in the small intestine, parascaris equorum (28.6%) and paranoplocephala mamillana (1.4%) were found. the mean worm burden of t. ...19989477534
parasites of stomach and small intestine of 70 horses slaughtered in the netherlands.the prevalence of metazoan parasites in the stomach and small intestine was investigated in 70 horses slaughtered in the period february 1994-july 1994. most horses were young (1.5-3 years) and in good condition. trichostrongylus axei was the most prevalent parasite species in the stomach (51.4%), followed by gasterophilus intestinalis (41.4%) and habronema spp. (4.3%). in the small intestine, parascaris equorum (28.6%) and paranoplocephala mamillana (1.4%) were found. the mean worm burden of t. ...19989477534
gastrointestinal helminths of ponies in louisiana: a comparison of species currently prevalent with those present 20 years ago.a survey in louisiana of gastrointestinal helminths recovered at necropsy from 117 ponies with minimal exposure to anthelmintics between 1989 and 2000 is compared with a survey conducted 20 yr earlier in the same region. an objective of this study was to determine whether species diversity has been affected by the advent and use of the macrocyclic lactone (ml) parasiticides and by the increased anthelmintic pressure on the helminth species infecting the general equine population. twenty-six cyat ...200212537106
gastrointestinal helminths of ponies in louisiana: a comparison of species currently prevalent with those present 20 years ago.a survey in louisiana of gastrointestinal helminths recovered at necropsy from 117 ponies with minimal exposure to anthelmintics between 1989 and 2000 is compared with a survey conducted 20 yr earlier in the same region. an objective of this study was to determine whether species diversity has been affected by the advent and use of the macrocyclic lactone (ml) parasiticides and by the increased anthelmintic pressure on the helminth species infecting the general equine population. twenty-six cyat ...200212537106
amplification of ribosomal dna of anoplocephalidae: anoplocephala perfoliata diagnosis by pcr as a possible alternative to coprological methods.the diagnosis of tapeworm infections in horses relies on copro-diagnostic methods, which are time-consuming and of limited sensitivity for determination of the exact prevalence. the development of serological tests has slightly improved the detection of tapeworm infections, but more sensitive methods are still required. a polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based approach may constitute a valuable tool to improve tapeworm diagnosis. nuclear ribosomal dna (rdna) is a useful target for species and/or ...200415381301
clinical trials of efficacy of praziquantel horse paste 9% against tapeworms and its safety in horses.the aim of this study with horses and a few ponies naturally infected with tapeworms was to confirm in clinical trials the efficacy and safety of a praziquantel horse paste 9%. the field trials were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in canada, france, germany and new zealand. a secondary aim of the study in canada was to determine if a 24h post-treatment fecal sample provides the best estimate of the prevalence of tapeworms in horses when using a fecal examination technique. fecal samples were taken fr ...200717101225
clinical trials of efficacy of praziquantel horse paste 9% against tapeworms and its safety in horses.the aim of this study with horses and a few ponies naturally infected with tapeworms was to confirm in clinical trials the efficacy and safety of a praziquantel horse paste 9%. the field trials were conducted in 1997 and 1998 in canada, france, germany and new zealand. a secondary aim of the study in canada was to determine if a 24h post-treatment fecal sample provides the best estimate of the prevalence of tapeworms in horses when using a fecal examination technique. fecal samples were taken fr ...200717101225
gastrointestinal parasites of working donkeys of ethiopia.the general prevalence and population composition of gastrointestinal and pulmonary helminths of working donkeys were studied. for the purpose 2935 working donkeys were coprologically examined for nematode and cestode, and 215 donkeys for trematode infections. seven donkeys that died due to various health problems or were euthanased on a welfare ground were necropsied and the parasites were recovered and identified to the species level. the study was conducted during the periods 1996-1999.coprol ...201019548106
gastrointestinal parasites of working donkeys of ethiopia.the general prevalence and population composition of gastrointestinal and pulmonary helminths of working donkeys were studied. for the purpose 2935 working donkeys were coprologically examined for nematode and cestode, and 215 donkeys for trematode infections. seven donkeys that died due to various health problems or were euthanased on a welfare ground were necropsied and the parasites were recovered and identified to the species level. the study was conducted during the periods 1996-1999.coprol ...201019548106
prevalence, intensity and seasonality of gastrointestinal parasites in abattoir horses in germany.prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal parasites were studied through a longitudinal survey in 400 horses over a 17-month period in an abattoir in germany. three hundred and ten horses (77.5 %) were demonstrated harbouring endoparasites either by direct recovery of parasites from the digestive tract and/or in terms of faecal egg counts (strongyles). the following parasites were found (percentage prevalence, range of counts): gasterophilus intestinalis larvae (2.25 %, 1-154), gasterophilus ...201323052780
prevalence, intensity and seasonality of gastrointestinal parasites in abattoir horses in germany.prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal parasites were studied through a longitudinal survey in 400 horses over a 17-month period in an abattoir in germany. three hundred and ten horses (77.5 %) were demonstrated harbouring endoparasites either by direct recovery of parasites from the digestive tract and/or in terms of faecal egg counts (strongyles). the following parasites were found (percentage prevalence, range of counts): gasterophilus intestinalis larvae (2.25 %, 1-154), gasterophilus ...201323052780
new multiplex pcr method for the simultaneous diagnosis of the three known species of equine tapeworm.although several techniques exist for the detection of equine tapeworms in serum and feces, the differential diagnosis of tapeworm infection is usually based on postmortem findings and the morphological identification of eggs in feces. in this study, a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based method for the simultaneuos detection of anoplocephala magna, anoplocephala perfoliata and anoplocephaloides mamillana has been developed and validated. the method simultaneously amplifies hypervaria ...201525498328
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