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croceibacter atlanticus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel marine bacterium in the family flavobacteriaceae.a bright, saffron-colored marine bacterium htcc2559t was isolated from the bermuda atlantic time series station in the western sargasso sea, atlantic ocean by high throughput culturing methods and characterized by polyphasic approaches. phenotypic data and phylogenetic analyses showed that the strain is a member of the family flavobacteriaceae. the strain was gram-negative, non-motile, chemoheterotrophic, strictly aerobic, nacl-requiring, rod-shaped cells that contain carotenoid pigments but not ...200312747413
engineering bspqi nicking enzymes and application of n.bspqi in dna labeling and production of single-strand dna.bspqi is a thermostable type iis restriction endonuclease (rease) with the recognition sequence 5'gctcttc n1/n4 3'. here we report the cloning and expression of the bspqir gene for the bspqi restriction enzyme in escherichia coli. alanine scanning of the bspqi charged residues identified a number of dna nicking variants. after sampling combinations of different amino acid substitutions, an nt.bspqi triple mutant (e172a/e248a/e255k) was constructed with predominantly top-strand dna nicking activi ...201019747545
complete genome sequence of croceibacter atlanticus we announce the complete genome sequence of croceibacter atlanticus htcc2559(t), which was isolated by high-throughput dilution-to-extinction culturing from the bermuda atlantic time series station in the western sargasso sea. strain htcc2559(t) contained genes for carotenoid biosynthesis, flavonoid biosynthesis, and several macromolecule-degrading enzymes. the genome confirmed physiological observations of cultivated croceibacter atlanticus strain htcc2559(t), which identified it as an obl ...201020639333
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