
PMID(sorted ascending)
[ethmoid tumors in moose and roe deer].ethmoid tumors are expansively-infiltratively growing tumors of carcinomatous or sarcomatous nature, deriving from the mucous membrane of the ethmoid bone. in sweden, such tumors were found in 35 elks (alces a. alces) and 4 roe deer (capreolus capreolus) during the years 1947-1982, that means a frequency of about 1 and 0.1 per cent, respectively of the investigation material. however, in the free living elk and roe deer population, the frequency might be much lower. the tumors were malign, exten ...19852993995
samsonia erythrinae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from bark necrotic lesions of erythrina sp., and discrimination of plant-pathogenic enterobacteriaceae by phenotypic features.bacterial strains isolated from diseased erythrina (erythrina sp.) trees in martinique (french west indies) were studied using phenotypic tests, 16s rdna sequence analysis and dna-dna hybridization. numerical analysis of phenotypic characteristics showed that these strains formed an homogeneous phenon among plant-pathogenic enterobacteriaceae, and gave useful and updated information for the identification of these bacteria. results of dna-dna hybridization indicated that strains from erythrina b ...200111491325
two new species of the family syringophilidae (acari: cheyletoidea) from passeriform birds collected in the altai.two new species of the syringophilid mites (acari: syringophilidae) are described from quills of passeriform birds. syringophilopsis faini sp. n. is described from sylvia curruca (l.) (sylviidae) and syringophiloidus carpodaci sp. n. is described from carpodacus erythrinus (pall.) (fringillidae). characters are detailed that differentiate syringophilopsis faini from three species of a new "turdus" group, and syringophiloidus carpodaci from s. minor.200111817455
[acoustic image of common rosefinch carpodacus erythrinus (pall.)].acoustic analysis of the species-specific call of common rosefinch carpodacus erythrinus was carried out. we compared calls of 12 individuals from the same habitat. the individual-specific elements were revealed in the calls. at the same time, species-specific elements were also recognized in all individuals. these elements compose the acoustic image of common rosefinch call including four syllables with intervals.201615559133
[acoustic image of common rosefinch carpodacus erythrinus (pall.)].acoustic analysis of the species-specific call of common rosefinch carpodacus erythrinus was carried out. we compared calls of 12 individuals from the same habitat. the individual-specific elements were revealed in the calls. at the same time, species-specific elements were also recognized in all individuals. these elements compose the acoustic image of common rosefinch call including four syllables with intervals.201616004281
evolutionary history, population genetics, and gene flow in the common rosefinch (carpodacus erythrinus).we analyzed sequences of two mitochondrial dna gene regions (control region and nd2) from 186 specimens obtained from 17 eurasian localities covering most of the distribution of the common rosefinch to assess phylogeographic structure. populations possessed a high level of nucleotide diversity relative to many other palearctic species, suggesting that rosefinch populations are relatively old and possess high effective sizes. mismatch distributions suggested that many localities experienced past ...200516099383
extremely high mhc class i variation in a population of a long-distance migrant, the scarlet rosefinch (carpodacus erythrinus).although the number of studies focusing on the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) in non-model vertebrates is increasing, results are often contradictory, and the structure of mhc is still poorly understood in wild species. here, we describe the structure and diversity of exon 3 of mhc class i in a passerine bird, the scarlet rosefinch (carpodacus erythrinus). using capillary electrophoresis single-strand conformation polymorphism, we identified 82 different mhc class i variants in one rosef ...200919452149
extra-pair fertilizations contribute to selection on secondary male ornamentation in a socially monogamous passerine.despite considerable research effort, it remains unclear whether extra-pair fertilizations (epf) drive the evolution of male secondary ornamentation in socially monogamous systems. in this study, we test the hypothesis that epf contribute to the evolution or maintenance of male feather ornamentation in a sexually dichromatic passerine, the scarlet rosefinch, carpodacus erythrinus. we show that the colouration of ornamental breast feathers is a good predictor of basic sources of variation in male ...200919678863
the importance of ixodes arboricola in transmission of rickettsia spp., anaplasma phagocytophilum, and borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in the czech republic, central europe.abstract wild birds are known to be a reservoir of infectious disease agents and disseminatory hosts of ticks. the purpose of this work was to obtain information about the occurrence of rickettsial, anaplasmal, and borrelial infections in some ticks that parasitize wild birds in the czech republic. a total of 549 subadult ticks of three species ixodes arboricola (75.0%), ixodes ricinus (23.1%), and haemaphysalis concinna (1.8%) were collected from 20 species of birds (passeriformes). rickettsiae ...201121612531
recent allopatric divergence and niche evolution in a widespread palearctic bird, the common rosefinch (carpodacus erythrinus).a previously published phylogeographic analysis of mtdna sequences from the widespread palearctic common rosefinch (carpodacus erythrinus) suggested the existence of three recently diverged groups, corresponding to the caucasus, central-western eurasia, and northeastern eurasia. we re-evaluated the mtdna data using coalescence methods and added sequence data from a sex-linked gene. the mtdna gene tree and samova supported the distinctiveness of the caucasian group but not the other two groups. h ...201323022139
haemosporidian parasites of a european passerine wintering in south asia: diversity, mixed infections and effect on host condition.we studied haemosporidian parasites in the scarlet rosefinch carpodacus erythrinus in a small isolated semicolony during an eight-year period using molecular methods of parasite detection. the scarlet rosefinch is an interesting model of parasite host species. it winters in south asia which represents a rare exception among european passerines. males express yellow to red carotenoid-based plumage ornament which is a good predictor of male reproductive success. in 240 blood samples originating fr ...201323385972
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