Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
reproductive character displacement and speciation in periodical cicadas, with description of new species, 13-year magicicada neotredecem. | acoustic mate-attracting signals of related sympatric, synchronic species are always distinguishable, but those of related allopatric species sometimes are not, thus suggesting that such signals may evolve to "reinforce" premating species isolation when similar species become sympatric. this hypothesis predicts divergences restricted to regions of sympatry in partially overlapping species, but such "reproductive character displacement" has rarely been confirmed. we report such a case in the acou ... | 2000 | 11005298 |
allochronic speciation, secondary contact, and reproductive character displacement in periodical cicadas (hemiptera: magicicada spp.): genetic, morphological, and behavioural evidence. | periodical cicadas have proven useful in testing a variety of ecological and evolutionary hypotheses because of their unusual life history, extraordinary abundance, and wide geographical range. periodical cicadas provide the best examples of synchronous periodicity and predator satiation in the animal kingdom, and are excellent illustrations of habitat partitioning (by the three morphologically distinct species groups), incipient species (the year classes or broods), and cryptic species (a newly ... | 2001 | 11298977 |
reconstructing asymmetrical reproductive character displacement in a periodical cicada contact zone. | selection against costly reproductive interactions can lead to reproductive character displacement (rcd). we use information from patterns of displacement and inferences about predisplacement character states to investigate causes of rcd in periodical cicadas. the 13-year periodical cicada magicicada neotredecim exhibits rcd and strong reproductive isolation in sympatry with a closely related 13-year species, magicicada tredecim. displacement is asymmetrical, because no corresponding pattern of ... | 2006 | 16674582 |
independent divergence of 13- and 17-y life cycles among three periodical cicada lineages. | the evolution of 13- and 17-y periodical cicadas (magicicada) is enigmatic because at any given location, up to three distinct species groups (decim, cassini, decula) with synchronized life cycles are involved. each species group is divided into one 13- and one 17-y species with the exception of the decim group, which contains two 13-y species-13-y species are magicicada tredecim, magicicada neotredecim, magicicada tredecassini, and magicicada tredecula; and 17-y species are magicicada septendec ... | 2013 | 23509294 |