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enterococcus villorum sp. nov., an enteroadherent bacterium associated with diarrhoea in piglets.the taxonomic positions of five enteroadherent bacterial pig isolates, showing phenotypic characteristics most similar to those of enterococcus durans and enterococcus hirae, were investigated in a polyphasic study that included 16s rdna sequence analysis, dna-dna hybridizations, dna base-ratio determinations, whole-cell protein fingerprinting, d11344-primed pcr typing and an extensive examination of phenotypic properties. the results demonstrated that the organisms represent a new species in th ...200111321084
enterococcus porcinus sp. nov. and enterococcus ratti sp. nov., associated with enteric disorders in animals.recent insights have been brought to the taxonomy of the genus enterococcus by studies applying whole-cell protein analysis and dna-dna reassociation experiments, in addition to conventional physiological tests. using these techniques, a group of 10 strains resembling the physiological group iii of enterococcal species was characterized. five strains were recovered from pigs and five from rats with enteric disorders. on the basis of the results of conventional physiological tests, the most likel ...200111594604
description of enterococcus canis sp. nov. from dogs and reclassification of enterococcus porcinus teixeira et al. 2001 as a junior synonym of enterococcus villorum vancanneyt et al 2001.strains from anal swabs and chronic otitis externa in dogs were shown to be phylogenetically related to the enterococcus faecium species group. they shared a number of phenotypic characteristics with these species, but they could be easily differentiated by biochemical reactions. in addition, the canine strains were unusual in their nearly complete failure to grow on sodium azide-containing enterococci-selective media and in their voges-proskauer reactions (usually negative). by using 16s rrna s ...200312892128
fluorescent in situ hybridization with specific dna probes offers adequate detection of enterococcus faecalis and enterococcus faecium in clinical samples.enterococcus faecalis and enterococcus faecium are among the leading causes of hospital-acquired infections. reliable and quick identification of e. faecalis and e. faecium is important for accurate treatment and understanding their role in the pathogenesis of infections. fluorescent in situ hybridization (fish) of whole bacterial cells with oligonucleotides targeted at the 16s rrna molecule leads to a reduced time to identification. in clinical practice, fish therefore can be used in situations ...200516157547
effect of in-feed administration and withdrawal of tylosin phosphate on antibiotic resistance in enterococci isolated from feedlot steers.tylosin phosphate is a macrolide commonly administered to cattle in north america for the control of liver abscesses. this study investigated the effect of in-feed administration of tylosin phosphate to cattle at subtherapeutic levels and its subsequent withdrawal on macrolide resistance using enterococci as an indicator bacterium. fecal samples were collected from steers that received no antibiotics and steers administered tylosin phosphate (11 ppm) in-feed for 197 days and withdrawn 28 days be ...201526074889
enterococcus xinjiangensis sp. nov., isolated from yogurt of xinjiang, china.a gram-strain-positive bacterial strain 48(t) was isolated from traditional yogurt in xinjiang province, china. the bacterium was characterized by a polyphasic approach, including 16s rrna gene sequence analysis, polymerase α subunit (rpoa) gene sequence analysis, determination of dna g+c content, dna-dna hybridization with the type strain of enterococcus ratti and analysis of phenotypic features. strain 48(t) accounted for 96.1, 95.8, 95.8, and 95.7 % with enterococcus faecium cgmcc 1.2136(t), ...201627260143
pitfalls in the identification of enterococcus species and the detection of vana and vanb genes.the aims were to assess the performance of vitek 2 in identifying enterococcal species and the implementation of genexpert(®) vana/vanb pcr for the detection of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (vre). gram-positive cocci from clinical and environmental specimens (n = 431) suspicious of being enterococci by conventional methods were evaluated by vitek 2. this system identified 296 enterococcus faecium, 87 enterococcus faecalis, 10 enterococcus villorum, 9 enterococcus gallinarum, 9 enterococcus d ...201627367648
comparative genomics of enterococcus spp. isolated from bovine feces.enterococcus is ubiquitous in nature and is a commensal of both the bovine and human gastrointestinal (gi) tract. it is also associated with clinical infections in humans. subtherapeutic administration of antibiotics to cattle selects for antibiotic resistant enterococci in the bovine gi tract. antibiotic resistance genes (args) may be present in enterococci following antibiotic use in cattle. if located on mobile genetic elements (mges) their dissemination between enterococcus species and to pa ...201728270110
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