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morphological and molecular characterization of tetraphyllidean merocercoids (platyhelminthes: cestoda) of striped dolphins (stenella coeruleoalba) from the western mediterranean. | two types of tetraphyllidean merocercoids, phyllobothrium delphini and monorygma grimaldii, are well known from most cetaceans world-wide. the role of cetaceans in the life-cycle of these merocercoids is unclear because their specific identity is as yet unknown. the problem is compounded by poor descriptions of both merocercoids. we used light and scanning electron microscopy, and histological techniques to provide a thorough description of merocercoids collected from 11 striped dolphins, stenel ... | 2005 | 15830821 |
intestinal helminth fauna of the shortfin mako isurus oxyrinchus (elasmobranchii: lamnidae) in the northeast atlantic ocean. | large oceanic sharks represent a suitable model to investigate the influence of a host's oceanic conditions on the structure of its helminth communities. in this study, we describe the intestinal helminth fauna, and investigate determinants of infracommunity structure, in 39 specimens of shortfin mako isurus oxyrinchus collected in the ne atlantic. six cestode species were found in the spiral valve of makos: 3 are typical from lamnid sharks, namely, gravid specimens of clistobothrium montaukensi ... | 2017 | 28177292 |