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poxvirus infection of the white-tailed tropicbird (phaethon lepturus) in bermuda. | lesions caused by an avian poxvirus were identified on the face and nares of fledgling white-tailed tropicbirds (phaethon lepturus catesbyi) in the natural environment on bermuda. between 1958 and 1978, 6 of 81 fledglings found off the nest and unable to fly at departure time had lesions suggestive of poxvirus infection. more detailed nest-site surveys from 1974 to 1978 indicated an overall prevalence of less than 0.5%, involving the fledgling population only. | 1980 | 6257936 |
trace elements in three marine birds breeding on reunion island (western indian ocean): part 1-factors influencing their bioaccumulation. | this work aimed to use seabirds as bioindicators of trace element levels in the tropical waters and food webs of the western indian ocean. the accumulation patterns of selected toxic (cd and hg) and essential (cu, fe, mn, se, and zn) elements were determined in liver, kidney, and pectoral muscle of 162 marine birds belonging to 3 species collected in reunion island between 2002 and 2004. these pelagic seabirds belong to the following species: barau's petrel (pterodroma baraui), audubon's shearwa ... | 2007 | 17165110 |
trace elements in three marine birds breeding on reunion island (western indian ocean): part 2-factors influencing their detoxification. | seabird tissues collected between 2002 and 2004 from barau's petrel (pterodroma baraui), audubon's shearwater (puffinus lherminieri bailloni), and white-tailed trop icbird (phaethon lepturus) colonies on reunion island were analyzed for metallothioneins (mts) and trace element content. the subcellular distribution between soluble and insoluble fractions of cd, cu, fe, mn, se, and zn was determined in liver and kidney. in both, the soluble fraction of the cell concentrated most of the cd and se, ... | 2007 | 17354039 |
mercury in seabird feathers: insight on dietary habits and evidence for exposure levels in the western indian ocean. | breast feathers were used to estimate mercury levels in six marine birds nesting in the tropical western indian ocean, i.e. sooty tern (sterna fuscata), brown noddy (anous stolidus), lesser noddy (anous tenuirostris), audubon shearwater (puffinus lherminieri bailloni), barau's petrel (pterodroma baraui) and the white-tailed tropicbird (phaethon lepturus). juveniles consistently showed lower plumage mercury than adults. the lowest mean level was noted in juvenile sooty terns from the glorioso arc ... | 2007 | 17659323 |
permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 october 2010-30 november 2010. | this article documents the addition of 277 microsatellite marker loci to the molecular ecology resources database. loci were developed for the following species: ascochyta rabiei, cambarellus chapalanus, chionodraco hamatus, coptis omeiensis, cynoscion nebulosus, daphnia magna, gerbillus nigeriae, isurus oxyrinchus, lates calcarifer, metacarcinus magister, oplegnathus fasciatus, pachycondyla verenae, phaethon lepturus, pimelodus grosskopfii, rotylenchulus reniformis, scomberomorus niphonius, sep ... | 2011 | 21429157 |
breeding of white-tailed tropicbirds (phaethon lepturus) in the western south atlantic. | basic information on natural history is crucial for assessing the viability of populations, but is often lacking for many species of conservation concern. one such species is the white-tailed tropicbird, phaethon lepturus (mathews, 1915). here, we address this shortfall by providing detailed information on reproductive biology, distribution and threats on the fernando de noronha archipelago, brazil - the largest colony of p. lepturus in the south atlantic. we assessed reproduction from august 20 ... | 2016 | 27097095 |
the complete mitochondrial genome of the white-tailed tropicbird, phaethon lepturus. | the white-tailed tropicbird, phaethon lepturus (pelecaniformes, phaethontidae) is a tropicbird, smallest of three closely related seabirds of the tropical oceans and smallest member of the order pelecaniformes. here, we first determined the complete mitochondrial genome of while-tailed tropicbird. the mitogenome (17,773 bp) was composed of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 trna genes, 2 rrna genes, and 1 putative control region. most protein-coding genes started with a traditional atg codon except for ... | 2016 | 27207227 |
keeping it regular: development of thermoregulation in four tropical seabird species. | the thermoregulatory capacity of a species can determine which climatic niche it occupies. its development in avian chicks is influenced by numerous factors. furthermore, it is suggested that altricial chicks develop their thermoregulatory capacity post-hatching, while precocial chicks develop aspects of this in the egg. we investigated the development of thermoregulation of four co-occurring seabird species in the seychelles; namely white, ground-nesting white-tailed tropicbirds (phaethon leptu ... | 2017 | 28166941 |
genetically diverse herpesviruses in south american atlantic coast seabirds. | different herpesviruses have been associated with respiratory and enteric disease and mortality among seabirds and waterfowl. in 2011, a respiratory disease outbreak affected 58.3% (98/168) of the magellanic penguins undergoing rehabilitation due to an oil spill off the southern brazilian coast. etiology was attributed to a novel herpesvirus identified by histopathology, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and molecular studies with partial dna sequencing. since migration, rehabilitation a ... | 2017 | 28575104 |
foraging behavior and at-sea distribution of white-tailed tropicbirds in tropical ocean. | we used miniaturized gps loggers and site observations to access foraging patterns and nest behaviour of the white-tailed tropicbird phaethon lepturus (wttb), an endangered species at its south atlantic breeding colony. dual foraging pattern was observed with alternation between long and short foraging trips. birds responsible for nest attendance engaged in short foraging trips with mean distance from colony of 25 ± 17 km, total distance covered of 79 ± 65 km and mean duration of 4.02 ± 5.28 hou ... | 2018 | 29160365 |
foraging habitat choice of white-tailed tropicbirds revealed by fine-scale gps tracking and remote sensing. | the introduction of animal tracking technology has rapidly advanced our understanding of seabird foraging ecology. tracking data is particularly powerful when combined with oceanographic information derived from satellite remote sensing, allowing insights into the functional mechanisms of marine ecosystems. while this framework has been used extensively over the last two decades, there are still vast ocean regions and many seabird species for which information is scarce, particularly in tropical ... | 2019 | 30671305 |
molecular cloning and functional characterization of duck tyk2. | tyrosine kinase 2 (tyk2), a member of janus kinase family, has been identified as a crucial protein in signal transduction initiated by interferons or interleukins in mammals. however, the function of avian tyk2 in innate immune response remains largely unknown. in this study, the full-length duck tyk2 (dutyk2) cdna was cloned for the first time, which encoded a putative protein of 1187 amino acid residues and showed the high sequence similarity with bald eagle, crested ibis, and white-tailed tr ... | 2020 | 31437526 |