
PMID(sorted ascending)
[helminth fauna of syrian lambs].a study of the helminth fauna of lambs in syria was made on 40 gastrointestinal tubes and 500 lungs from animals slaughtered in the abattoir of hama. the parasites isolated were 21 nematode species, 4 cestode species and 2 bladderworm species (cysticercus tenuicollis and echinococcus species). nematodirus oiratianus, moniezia benedeni and neostrongylus linearis were found for the first time in lambs in syria. a detailed description is given of morphologic characteristics of nematodirus oiratianu ...1977595794
helminth parasites of bighorn sheep in oregon.the lungs and gastrointestinal tracts from 18 hunter-killed bighorn rams (ovis canadensis californiana) were examined in total or in part for helminth parasites during a two-year study of three separate herds in eastern oregon. prevalence was 100% with the lungworm protostrongylus stilesi. the gastrointestinal fauna from 11 rams comprised cooperia oncophora, marshallagia marshalli, nematodirus oiratianus, oesophagostomum spp., ostertagia occidentalis, o. ostertagi, skrjabinema ovis, trichostrong ...1977864844
identification of nematodirus species (nematoda: molineidae) from wild ruminants in italy using ribosomal dna markers.the sequence of the second internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal dna was determined for four species of nematodirus (nematodirus rupicaprae, nematodirus oiratianus, nematodirus davtiani alpinus and nematodirus europaeus) from roe deer or alpine chamois. the second internal transcribed spacer of the four species varied in length from 228 to 236 bp, and the g + c contents ranged from 41 to 44%. while no intraspecific sequence variation was detected among multiple samples representing three of t ...199910616927
[sheep trichostrongylidosis in van province].this study was performed in the van municipality slaughterhouse from january to december 2001. abomasums and small intestines from a total of 104 sheep were transported to the parasitology laboratory of the veterinary faculty of yüzüncü yil university for parasitological examination. the abomasums and small intestines of the animals were opened with appropriate technique in the laboratory, and male nematodes were collected from the contents of the abomasums and small intestines using a sampling ...200919851969
characterization of the complete mitochondrial genomes of nematodirus oiratianus and nematodirus spathiger of small ruminants.nematodirus spp. are among the most common nematodes of ruminants worldwide. n. oiratianus and n. spathiger are distributed worldwide as highly prevalent gastrointestinal nematodes, which cause emerging health problems and economic losses. accurate identification of nematodirus species is essential to develop effective control strategies for nematodirus infection in ruminants. mitochondrial dna (mtdna) could provide powerful genetic markers for identifying these closely related species and resol ...201425015379
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