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microsomal preparation from an animal tissue catalyzes release of carbon monoxide from a fatty aldehyde to generate an alkane.alkanes are widely distributed in nature and impaired alkane synthesis was implicated in certain neurological disorders. however, the mechanism of synthesis of alkanes in animals is unknown. our search to find a convenient animal tissue to study alkane biosynthesis resulted in the finding that the uropygial gland (a modified sebaceous gland) of the eared grebe (podiceps nigricollis) produces large amounts of alkanes. these alkanes, which constitute 35-41% of the total lipid produced, are mainly ...19883343228
salmonella enteritidis isolated from an eared grebe (podiceps nigricollis). 19836341629
dramatic fluctuations in liver mass and metal content of eared grebes (podiceps nigricollis) during autumnal migration. 19979256384
palaearctic species of the genus confluaria ablasov (cestoda, hymenolepididae): redescriptions of c. podicipina (szymanski, 1905) and c. furcifera (krabbe, 1869), description of c. pseudofurcifera n. sp., a key and final comments.redescriptions are provided of confluaria podicipina (szymanski, 1905) (specimens from podiceps nigricollis and tachybaptus ruficollis from bulgaria) and c. furcifera (krabbe, 1869) (syntypes from p. grisegena from denmark and specimens from p. grisegena, p. nigricollis and t. ruficollis from bulgaria). c. pseudofurcifera n. sp. is described from p. cristatus from switzerland and bulgaria. the previous records of c. furcifera from p. cristatus in switzerland (joyeux & baer, 1950), poland (jareck ...200010743855
accumulation profiles of persistent organochlorines in waterbirds from an estuary in korea.persistent organochlorine pollutants (pops), such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (pcdds), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (pcdfs), polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), and organochlorine (oc) pesticides such as ddts (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), hchs (hexachlorocyclohexane isomers), chls (chlordane compounds) and hcb (hexachlorobenzene), were measured in subcutaneous fat of resident and migratory birds collected from the nakdong river estuary (nre) in korea. black-tailed gull, a resident b ...200111503073
taxonomic revision of tatria kowalewski, 1904 (cestoda: amabiliidae): redescriptions of t. biremis kowalewski, 1904 and t. minor kowalewski, 1904, and the description of t. gulyaevi n. sp. from palaearctic grebes.two species of tatria kowalewski, 1904 are redescribed from grebes in bulgaria: t. biremis kowalewski, 1904 (specimens from podiceps nigricollis) and t. minor kowalewski, 1904 (specimens from p. cristatus and p. nigricollis). t. mircia gulyaev, 1990 is synonymised with t. minor. the previous records of t. biremis, t. minor and t. mircia are critically analysed in view of the present results. t. gulyaevi n. sp. is described from p. nigricollis from bulgaria and the czech republic and from an unid ...200312652070
taxonomic revision of joyeuxilepis spassky, 1947 (cestoda: amabiliidae): redescriptions of j. acanthorhyncha (wedl, 1855) and j. fuhrmanni (solomon, 1932), a key and a new generic diagnosis.two species of joyeuxilepis spassky, 1947 with 14 rostellar hooks are redescribed: j. acanthorhyncha (wedl, 1855) on the basis of specimens from tachybaptus ruficollis in bulgaria and j. fuhrmanni (solomon, 1932) on the basis of the holotype from 'coot' (= ? podicipedidae) in kenya. the critical analysis of the previous records of j. acanthorhyncha reveals that the host-range of this species includes t. ruficollis, podiceps nigricollis and p. grisegena. the reliable diagnostic characters of joye ...200314707508
heavy metals and selenium in grebe eggs from agassiz national wildlife refuge in northern minnesota.metal levels in eggs can often be used as an indicator of exposure and of potential effects. in previous work at agassiz national wildlife refuge, northwestern minnesota, the levels of several heavy metals were shown to be significantly higher in the eggs of eared grebes (podiceps nigricollis) compared to those in the eggs of franklin's gulls (larus pipixcan), black-crowned night-herons (nycticorax nycticorax) and double-crested cormorants (phalacrocorax auritus, except for mercury). in the pres ...200516418918
an outbreak of erysipelas in eared grebes (podiceps nigricollis).an outbreak of erysipelas killed an estimated 5,000 aquatic birds on great salt lake (utah) in late november, 1975. although several thousand ducks and gulls were using the lake, at least 99 percent of the victims were eared grebes. a hypothetical explanation for the selective mortality is offered.197616502704
cyanobacteria toxins in the salton sea.the salton sea (ss) is the largest inland body of water in california: surface area 980 km2, volume 7.3 million acre-feet, 58 km long, 14-22 km wide, maximum depth 15 m. located in the southeastern sonoran desert of california, it is 85 m below sea level at its lowest point. it was formed between 1905 and 1907 from heavy river flows of the colorado river. since its formation, it has attracted both people and wildlife, including flocks of migratory birds that have made the salton sea a critical s ...200616623944
selenium and metal concentrations in waterbird eggs and chicks at agassiz national wildlife refuge, minnesota.exceptionally high cadmium (cd) and chromium (cr) concentrations were reported in eggs, feathers, or livers of selected waterbird species nesting at agassiz national wildlife refuge (agassiz) in 1994. ten- to 15-day-old franklin's gull (larus pipixcan), black-crowned night-heron (nycticorax nycticorax), and eared grebe (podiceps nigricollis) chicks were collected in 1998, 1999, and 2001 at agassiz and analyzed for selenium (se) and metals including cd and cr. freshly laid eggs were collected in ...200717464443
heavy metals and selenium in grebe feathers from agassiz national wildlife refuge in northern minnesota.metal levels in feathers can often be used as an indicator of exposure and of potential effects in birds. in previous work at agassiz national wildlife refuge, northwestern minnesota, pied-billed grebe (podilymbus podiceps) eggs had significantly higher levels of manganese and mercury and significantly lower levels of selenium than eared (podiceps nigricollis) or red-necked grebes (podiceps grisegena), but in 1999, pied-billed grebes had significantly higher levels of mercury, but lower levels o ...200717657451
concentrations of selenium and mercury in eared grebes (podiceps nigricollis) from utah's great salt lake, usa.we examined selenium and mercury concentrations in eared grebes (podiceps nigricollis) that spent the fall of 2006 on the great salt lake (ut, u.s.a.), where their diet consisted mainly of brine shrimp (artemia franciscana). selenium concentrations in livers varied based on when the grebes were collected (lower in september [mean +/- standard error, 9.4 +/- 0.7 microg/g dry wt] than in november [14.5 +/- 1.4 microg/g]), on where the birds were collected on the great salt lake (antelope island, 8 ...200919173549
liver and breast feather mercury in piscivorous birds of the caspian sea: monitoring changes.mercury in the liver and breast feathers of the common cormorant, and in three species of grebes from the southern coast of the caspian sea, were determined. the common cormorant had significantly more mercury in its tissues (liver: 8.5 ± 1.5; feather 8 ± 1 mg/kg dry weight) than grebes (great crested grebe: 3 ± 0.5, 8 ± 1.5; black-necked grebe: 3 ± 0.5, 5.5 ± 1; little grebe 2.5 ± 0.5, 4 ± 0.5). unlike common cormorants, grebes had less mercury in the liver than in breast feathers. mercury in t ...201121442207
the early bird gets the shrimp: confronting assumptions of isotopic equilibrium and homogeneity in a wild bird population.1. because stable isotope distributions in organic material vary systematically across energy gradients that exist in ecosystems, community and population structures, and in individual physiological systems, isotope values in animal tissues have helped address a broad range of questions in animal ecology. it follows that every tissue sample provides an isotopic profile that can be used to study dietary or movement histories of individual animals. interpretations of these profiles depend on the a ...201222631029
high prevalence of cestodes in artemia spp. throughout the annual cycle: relationship with abundance of avian final hosts.brine shrimp, artemia spp., act as intermediate hosts for a range of cestode species that use waterbirds as their final hosts. these parasites can have marked influences on shrimp behavior and fecundity, generating the potential for cascading effects in hypersaline food webs. we present the first comprehensive study of the temporal dynamics of cestode parasites in natural populations of brine shrimp throughout the annual cycle. over a 12-month period, clonal artemia parthenogenetica were sampled ...201323463137
west nile virus transmission in winter: the 2013 great salt lake bald eagle and eared grebes mortality event.west nile virus (wnv) infection has been reported in over 300 species of birds and mammals. raptors such as eagles, hawks and falcons are remarkably susceptible, but reports of wnv infection in bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) are rare and reports of wnv infection in grebes (podicipediformes) even rarer. we report an unusually large wild bird mortality event involving between 15,000-20,000 eared grebes (podiceps nigricollis) and over 40 bald eagles around the great salt lake, utah, in nove ...201424761310
host specificity and seasonality of helminth component communities in central european grebes (podicipediformes) and loons (gaviiformes).structure and pattern of helminth component communities parasitizing grebes and loons are poorly understood. here we analyze the prevalence, intensity and diversity of helminths in 505 czech grebes (podiceps cristatus, podiceps nigricollis, tachybaptus ruficollis) and loons (gavia arctica, gavia stellata) collected between 1962 and 2014. the species richness of helminth component communities ranged from 31±8 (p. cristatus) to 50±4 (g. stellata) species, with helminth load similar in all five hos ...201526008120
potential for waterborne and invertebrate transmission of west nile virus in the great salt lake, november and december of 2013, a large mortality event involving 15,000 to 20,000 eared grebes (podiceps nigricollis) occurred at the great salt lake (gsl), ut. the onset of the outbreak in grebes was followed by a mortality event in >86 bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus). during the die-off, west nile virus (wnv) was detected by reverse transcription-pcr (rt-pcr) or viral culture in the carcasses of grebes and eagles submitted to the national wildlife health center. however, no activity ...201728500043
exposure of black-necked grebes (podiceps nigricollis) to metal pollution during the moulting period in the odiel marshes, southwest spain.european populations of black-necked grebes (podiceps nigricollis) congregate every year to moult at the salt ponds of the odiel marshes (sw spain). however, the odiel marshes are part of one of the most metal-polluted coastal estuaries in the world, which may pose risks to wildlife. we assessed the exposure of grebes to metal pollution during the critical moulting period in the odiel marshes and its potential to cause adverse health effects. levels of metals in red blood pellet (as a biomarker ...201930391900
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