
PMID(sorted ascending)
effects of inhibitors on early protein, rna, and lipid synthesis in germinating vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spores of glomus caledonium.the incorporation of isotopically labelled precursors, [1-14c]leucine, [2-14c]uracil and [1-14c]acetate, by germinating spores of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus glomus caledonium was investigated after prior incubation with several metabolic inhibitors. inhibition of isotope incorporation was greatest with ethidium bromide and cycloheximide and least with chloramphenicol and actinomycin d. the incorporation of [1-14c]leucine into protein was reduced by 92% within 60 min of incubatio ...19836883219
cellular events involved in survival of individual arbuscular mycorrhizal symbionts growing in the absence of the hosta survival strategy operating in the absence of the host was shown in obligately biotrophic arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) symbionts. when no host-derived signals from the surrounding environment were perceived by germinating spores, fungal hyphae underwent a programmed growth arrest and resource reallocation, allowing long-term maintenance of viability and host infection capability. the early stages of mycelial growth of am fungi were studied by a combination of time-lapse and video-enhanced light ...19989726899
anastomosis formation and nuclear and protoplasmic exchange in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.we observed anastomosis between hyphae originating from the same spore and from different spores of the same isolate of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi glomus mosseae, glomus caledonium, and glomus intraradices. the percentage of contacts leading to anastomosis ranged from 35 to 69% in hyphae from the same germling and from 34 to 90% in hyphae from different germlings. the number of anastomoses ranged from 0.6 to 1.3 per cm (length) of hyphae in mycelia originating from the same spore. no anast ...199910584019
isolation and identification of a phosphate deficiency-induced c-glycosylflavonoid that stimulates arbuscular mycorrhiza formation in melon roots.melon (cucumis melo) roots were inoculated with or without the arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungus glomus caledonium under low phosphate conditions. high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of the secondary metabolites in butanol extracts from roots revealed that the level of one compound in noninoculated roots showed a significant increase from 30 days postinoculation. no accumulation was observed in mycorrhizal roots and high-phosphate-supplemented roots, indicating that the accumulation ...200212026171
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus-promoted accumulation of two new triterpenoids in cucumber roots.cucumber (cucumis sativus l.) roots were analyzed by hplc and tlc for their levels of secondary metabolites upon inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, glomus caledonium. three compounds in etoac extracts from the mycorrhizal roots showed significant increases six weeks after inoculation. these compounds were isolated by column chromatography and determined to be two novel triterpenes, 2beta-hydroxybryonolic acid (2beta,3beta-dihydroxy-d:c-friedoolean-8-en-29-oic acid) and 3beta-bry ...200212036048
the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus glomus geosporum in european saline, sodic and gypsum soils.plants of saline and sodic soils of the hungarian steppe and of gypsum rock in the german harz mountains, thus soils of high ionic strength and electric conductivity, were examined for their colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf). roots of several plants of the saline and sodic soils such as artemisia maritima, aster tripolium or plantago maritima are strongly colonized and show typical amf structures (arbuscules, vesicles) whereas others like the members of the chenopodiaceae, salic ...200212189475
interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizae and heavy metals under sand culture experiment.a sand culture experiment was established to determine interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizae and heavy metals. mycorrhizal infection rates, spore densities, maize root and shoot weights, and heavy metal contents in maize were as indexes of responses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (acaulospora laevis, glomus caledonium and glomus manihotis) to heavy metals (cu and cd). the mycorrhizal infection rates of g. caledonium were the highest among these three mycorrhizal fungi, but the sporulating ...200312688501
[effect of inoculation with am fungi on dbp-pollution of plant].in greenhouse, taking dbp as the object and taking pigna sinensis inoculated respectively with am fungi aculospora lavis and glomus caledonium as the host plants, a pot experiment was carried out to study the effect of inoculated am fungi on the dynamics of plant dbp-pollution. the experiment lasted 60d. the results indicated that inoculation with am fungi could restrain plant from absorbing dbp. although am fungi were affected by dbp, they played important roles in decreasing the dbp uptake by ...200312920909
phylogeny of the glomerales and diversisporales (fungi: glomeromycota) from actin and elongation factor 1-alpha sequences.the arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungi have been elevated to the phylum glomeromycota based on a ribosomal gene phylogeny. in order to test this phylogeny, we amplified and sequenced small subunit ribosomal rna (ssurrna), actin and elongation factor 1 (ef1)-alpha gene fragments from single spores of acaulospora laevis, glomus caledonium, gigaspora margarita, and scutellospora dipurpurescens. sequence variation within and among spores of an isolate was low except for ssurrna in s. dipurpurescens, ...200314659552
development and amplification of multiple co-dominant genetic markers from single spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by nested multiplex pcr.multiple co-dominant genetic markers from single spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungi glomus mosseae, glomus caledonium, and glomus geosporum were amplified by nested multiplex pcr using a combination of primers for simultaneous amplification of five loci in one pcr. subsequently, each marker was amplified separately in nested pcr using specific primers. polymorphic loci within the three putative single copy genes gmfox2, gmtor2, and gmgin1 were characterized by sequencing and single ...200515588998
effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on uranium and arsenic accumulation by chinese brake fern (pteris vittata l.) from a uranium mining-impacted soil.a glasshouse experiment was conducted to investigate u and as accumulation by chinese brake fern, pteris vittata l., in association with different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) from a u and as contaminated soil. the soil used contains 111 mg u kg(-1) and 106 mg as kg(-1). p. vittata l. was inoculated with each of three amf, glomus mosseae, glomus caledonium and glomus intraradices. two harvests were made during plant growth (two and three months after transplanting). mycorrhizal colonizatio ...200616084565
[influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and cu uptake of elsholtzia splendens].a pot culture experiment was carried out to study the influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungi on the growth and cu uptake of e. splendens. five levels of cu (0, 50, 100, 200, 400mg x kg(-1)) and two am fungal inocula, glomus caledonium 90036 (36) and acaulospora mellea zz (zz), and one nonmycorrhizal inoculum (ck), were applied to the soil under sterilized conditions. the plants were harvested after 60 days of growth. although decreasing with the increase of cu levels, root infection rate ...200516366494
effects of arbuscular-mycorrhizal glomus species on drought tolerance: physiological and nutritional plant responses.the tolerance of lettuce plants (lactuca sativa l. cv. romana) to drought stress differed with the arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungal isolate with which the plants were associated. seven fungal species belonging to the genus glomus were studied for their ability to enhance the drought tolerance of lettuce plants. these fungi had different traits that affected the drought resistance of host plants. the ranking of arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungal effects on drought tolerance, based on the relative decreas ...199516534929
effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (glomus caledonium) on the accumulation and metabolism of atrazine in maize (zea mays l.) and atrazine dissipation in soil.effects of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungus (glomus caledonium) on accumulation and metabolism of atrazine in maize grown in soil contaminated with different concentrations of atrazine were investigated in a series of pot experiments. roots of mycorrhizal plants accumulated more atrazine than non-mycorrhizal roots. in contrast, atrazine accumulation in shoot decreased in mycorrhizal compared with non-mycorrhizal plants. no atrazine derivatives were detected in the soil, either with or witho ...200716935399
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can induce the production of phytochemicals in sweet basil irrespective of phosphorus nutrition.the potential of three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) to enhance the production of antioxidants (rosmarinic and caffeic acids, ra and ca) was investigated in sweet basil (ocimum basilicum). after adjusting phosphorus (p) nutrition so that p concentrations and yield were matched in am and non-mycorrhizal (nm) plants we demonstrated that glomus caledonium increased ra and ca production in the shoots. glomus mosseae also increased shoot ca concentration in basil under similar conditions. althou ...200717273856
diversity and infectivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural soils of the sichuan province of mainland china.knowledge about the presence and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) in a specific area is an essential first step for utilizing these fungi in any application. the community composition of amf in intensively managed agricultural soil in the sichuan province of southwest china currently is unknown. in one set of samples, amf were trapped in pot cultures from 40 fields growing legumes in the panxi region, southeast sichuan. in a second set of samples, the mpn method with four-fold dil ...200818224350
effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation on heavy metal accumulation of maize grown in a naturally contaminated soil.a pot culture experiment was carried out to study heavy metal (hm) phytoaccumulation from soil contaminated with cu, zn, pb, and cd by maize (zea mays l.) inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungi (amf). two am fungal inocula--mi containing only one am fungal strain (glomus caledonium 90036) and mii consisting of gigaspora margarita zj37, gigaspora decipens zj38, scutellospora gilmori zj39, acaulospora spp., and glomus spp.--were applied to the soil under unsterilized conditions. the con ...200718246710
genetic structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal populations in fallow and cultivated soils.the impact of fallowing on the genetic structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf) was studied by hierarchical sampling of spores from four plots in a fallow and a cultivated field. a nested multiplex pcr approach was used to assign the spores to genotypes. variable introns of the two protein-coding genes gmfox2 and gmtor2 were used as co-dominant genetic markers together with the large subunit (lsu) rdna. the gene diversity and genetic structure of glomus mosseae, glomus geosporum and glomu ...200818565143
underground resource allocation between individual networks of mycorrhizal fungi.fusions between individual mycelia of arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungi have been observed in two-dimensional systems but never in soil systems. here, phosphorus ((32)p) labelling was used to demonstrate nutrient transfer between individual mycelia and to investigate the possible role of anastomosis. trifolium subterraneum colonized by glomus mosseae were grown in root-retaining mesh bags, which were placed 20 cm apart. the mycelium of one plant, the donor, had access to (32)p-labelled soil plac ...200818801003
[combined remediation effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-legumes-rhizobium symbiosis on pcbs contaminated soils].the combined remediation effects of dual inoculation with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (am) and rhizabium (rhizobium meliloti) with a host plant (alfalfa) on pcbs contaminated soils was studied using pot experiments. the results showed that alfalfa had a clear role in pcbs removal in soils compared with treatments without alfalfa and inoculated microorganisms, pcbs concentration in lightly and heavily polluted soils decreased 15.8% and 23.5%, respectively. after planting alfalfa with single ...200819143396
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus enhances p acquisition of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) in a sandy loam soil with long-term inorganic fertilization regime.the p efficiency, crop yield, and response of wheat to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (amf) glomus caledonium were tested in an experimental field with long-term (19 years) fertilizer management. the experiment included five fertilizer treatments: organic amendment (oa), half organic amendment plus half mineral fertilizer (1/2 om), mineral fertilizer npk, mineral fertilizer nk, and the control (without fertilization). amf inoculation responsiveness (mir) of wheat plants at acquiring p were estima ...201020683717
dynamics of phoxim residues in green onion and soil as influenced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.organophosphorus pesticides in crops and soil pose a serious threat to public health and environment. arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungi may make a contribution to organophosphate degradation in soil and consequently decrease chemical residues in crops. a pot culture experiment was conducted to investigate the influences of glomus caledonium 90036 and acaulospora mellea zz on the dynamics of phoxim residues in green onion (allium fistulosum l.) and soil at different harvest dates after phoxim app ...201020870354
influence of arbuscular mycorrhiza and rhizobium on phytoremediation by alfalfa of an agricultural soil contaminated with weathered pcbs: a field study.a field experiment was conducted to study the effects of inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus glomus caledonium and/or rhizobium meliloti on phytoremediation of an agricultural soil contaminated with weathered pcbs by alfalfa grown for 180 days. planting alfalfa (p), alfalfa inoculated with g. caledonium (p + am), alfalfa inoculated with r. meliloti (p + r), and alfalfa co-inoculated with r. meliloti and g. caledonium (p+am+r) decreased significantly initial soil pcb concentrations ...201021166292
Displaying items 1 - 23 of 23