
PMID(sorted ascending)
acute clonorchiasis: report of 2 cases. 1979110555
clonorchiasis and hepatic neoplasms.thirty-eight subjects from hong kong with chronic infestation by clonorchis sinensis were studied. ten of the patients died of hepatocellular carcinoma, seven of cholangiocarcinoma, and one each of carcinoma of the common bile duct and lymphoma. the major difference between the patients having cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma was cirrhosis. only one patient with cholangiocarcinoma had cirrhosis; whereas all but one patient with hepatocellular carcinoma had cirrhosis. the etiopatho ...1976181875
a minute hepatocellular carcinoma found in a liver with clonorchis sinensis infection: report of two cases.two cases of minute hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) found in a liver infested with clonorchis sinensis are described. one had mild infestation with hepatic changes suggestive of posthepatitic cirrhosis, and the other heavy infestation exhibiting secondary biliary cirrhosis with dilated intrahepatic bile ducts and periductal fibrosis. none had evidence of hepatitis b infection. the tumor nodule was solitary, measuring 5 x 7 mm and 10 x 11 mm, respectively, and the cells were differentiated to be c ...1977199347
test and teach number fourteen. diagnosis: clonorchis sinensis infestation of liver associated with cholangiocarcinoma. 1978210438
[incidence of clonorchiasis in carnivorous animals in upper priamur'e].in upper priamurje domestic and wild mammals were examined for the infection with clonorchis sinensis. it was found that in the south--eastern regions of the amur district 45.8% of cats were infected with clonorchis sinensis was recorded only from two animals.1977331200
the longevity of clonorchis sinensis.the persistence of clonorchis sinensis infestation of the bile duct for a period of at least 26 years without neoplasia supervening is reported in a chinese immigrant to australia.1978355989
pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis in clonorchis sinensis and paragonimus ohirai. 1978372107
studies on the in vitro effects of bithionol and menichlopholan on flukes of clonorchis sinensis, metagonimus takahashii and paragonimus miyazakii. 1979387627
surface ultrastructure of the tegument of clonorchis sinensis newly excysted juveniles and adult worms.the tegumental structures of newly excysted juveniles and adult worms of clonorchis sinensis were studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. after excystation the juvenile's tegumental surface is characterized by knoblike protuberances and is armed almost entirely with numerous rows of small spines encircling the body. these spines are double- or triple-pointed on the anterior portion of the body and become single-pointed posteriorly. four types of presumed sensory structures w ...1979390108
the ultrastructural characterization of the tegument of clonorchis sinensis (cobbold, 1875) cercaria.the tegumental ultrastructure of the cercaria of the liver fluke, clonorchis sinensis (cobbold, 1875), was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. the body surface is almost encircled by many rows of regularly arranged spines. the tegumental syncytium of the body contains many rod-shaped dense granules and central electron-lucent bodies, neither of which are present in the tail tegument. there are four rows of hooked teeth and modified spines on the oral cone. these teeth are d ...1979394497
prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among inhabitants of tan-nan village, nantou county, taiwan.the pork infected with cysticerci was sent to our laboratory in june 1971. microscopic examination revealed the infection of cysticercus cellulosae. subsequently, the source of the pork was traced, and the survey of intestinal parasitism was carried out among inhabitants at tan-nan village, hsin-i district, nantou county, taiwan, in august 1973. results obtained only indicated the presence rather than endemic of taeniasis solium in this village. the parasites and infection rates found in the pre ...1979397878
biliary clonorchiasis.parasitic infection of the biliary tree may be seen more frequently because of changing patterns in travel, and may come to the attention of the surgeon when obstruction or secondary bacterial infection occurs. in this case, intraoperative cholangiography indicated common duct abnormalities, and choledochotomy led to the diagnosis of clonorchis sinensis. a recommendation is made to follow up patients with bilary parasite infections to determine the long-term sequelae.1979454162
[a parasitologic survey conducted in touraine (france) in a group of south east asia refugees (author's transl)].forty refugees (23 from 5 lao families and 17 from 3 cambodian families) previously and routinely treated against intestinal parasites, underwent stools and serum controls: 77 p. 100 had still intestinal parasites but 61 p. 100 had a normal blood cells count without hypereosinophilia. the parasites so detected were: clonorchis sinensis, heterophyes heterophyes, trichuris trichiura, necator americanus, strongyloides stercoralis, giardia intestinals and entamoeba coli.1979530050
[letter: distomatosis with clonorchis sinensis diagnosed by hepatic puncture biopsy]. 1976768915
acalculous clonorchiasis obstructing the common 3ile duct: a case report and review of the literature.clonorchis sinensis has a minor incidence in western countries and most commonly manifests as cholangiohepatitis with secondary bacterial infection. this parasite rarely obstructs the common bile duct without associated biliary stricture, stones or tumor. this paper documents the fourth reported case of acalculous c, sinensis biliary tract obstruction and reviews the world literature.1976769620
letter: bithionol therapy in clonorchis sinensis infestation in canada. 1976782675
urticaria due to clonorchis sinensis. 1977889346
surveillance of some infectious diseases among aircrew personnel in southeast asia.a 2-year analysis of specimens among aircrew personnel in southeast asia is reported. stool specimens were examined for intestinal parasites and enteric bacteria, blood smears for blood parasites, and sera tested for transaminases (sgot) and antibodies to entamoeba histolytica, toxoplasma gondii, chikungunya and japanese encephalitis viruses, rickettsia tsutsugamushi, leptospira sp. and pseudomonas pseudomallei. one to four specimens each were obtained from 537 adult males and 20 females. there ...19751100040
clonorchis sinensis and pancreatitis. twenty-five after endemic exposure.clonorchis sinensis is an aften-cited but rarely reported cause of acute pancreatitis. we report a patient with clonorchis infestation detected 24 years after leaving the endemic area, in whom the parasite is a likely cause of pancreatitis. recognizing the popularity of the cantonese style of chinese cooking and noting relaxation of travel restrictions to the endemic areas, we feel clonorchis should be sought in the obscure case of pancreatitis, especially in orientals and travelers who have liv ...19751108642
[human infestation with liver flukes].casuistic reports supplement parasitological and epidemiological references to the affection of man with fasciola hepatica, clonorchis sinensis and opisthorchis felineus. due to the increase of the tourist traffic must be reckoned with a more frequent appearance of these parasitoses little known in middle europe.19751224747
[evaluation of two kinds of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay method for clonorchiasis].in this present study, adult worm antigen of clonorchis sinensis and the indirect and double sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) were used to detect the serum antibody of clonorchiasis patients from the endemic area of miao-li county. the results of indirect elisa revealed a good correlation between the egg stool count and igg strength of patients sera. focusing on the different immunoglobulin classes in serum, the patient group has significantly higher level than that of control ...19921342001
egg production of clonorchis sinensis in different strains of inbred order to compare the intraspecific variation in host-parasite relationship of clonorchis sinensis, six strains of inbred mice, icr, ddy, gpc, balb/c, nude and ds, were infected orally with 20 metacercariae of c. sinensis. the biologic incubation period of c. sinensis was the shortest in ddy mice, 21.2 days in average, followed by gpc 21.4, balb/c and ds 23.2, icr and nude 23.4 days, respectively. the fertile period of the fluke was also the longest in the ddy strain, 164 days on average, foll ...19921420029
[a comparative trial of levo-praziquantel and praziquantel in the treatment of human clonorchis sinensis infection].seventy patients with clonorchis sinensis infection were divided randomly into two groups and treated with levo-praziquantel and praziquantel in the same dosage of 12.5 mg/kg twice a day for two consecutive days (total dosage of 75 mg/kg). follow-up stool examination three and six months after treatment showed that the egg negative conversion rates with levo-praziquantel group were 92.86% and 92.59%, while those of praziquantel group were 58.62% and 53.57% respectively. the results showed that l ...19921425004
[clonorchiasis in the people's republic of vietnam. 2. the clinico-parasitological examination of a focus and a trial of prazinquantel treatment].examinations of 1599 residents of a polyinvasion focus at a seaside province ha nam nin, vietnam, have revealed clonorchiasis in approximately 13.9% of the examinees; in subjects aged over 30 this value was 29.3%. factors conducive to a lower incidence of clonorchiasis were detected, among them a moderate intensity of the invasion: the mean arithmetic was 1419 +/- 306 eggs/g, the mean geometric 673 egg/g, as shown by the kato-kats' technique. analysis of five therapeutic schemes used in clonorch ...19921435590
antibodies of different immunoglobulin isotypes in serum and bile of patients with clonorchiasis.specimens of serum and bile from patients were assayed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to reveal antibodies specific to antigens from adult clonorchis sinensis. antibodies of the igg isotype showed the greatest elevation during infection (student's t-test, p < 0.001), whereas serum iga and ige and secretory iga in bile were moderately elevated (p < 0.05). major differences in the distribution of antibodies among the igg subclasses were observed between patients who were and those who wer ...19921449274
solitary necrotic nodule of the liver: parasitic origin?to report further cases of solitary necrotic nodule of the liver and to study its nature.19921452792
studies on the use of cobalt-60 gamma irradiation to control infectivity of clonorchis sinensis metacercariae.the purpose of the present study was to observe the survival and development of clonorchis sinensis metacercariae in their final hosts after cobalt-60 gamma irradiation of isolated metacercariae or the parasite in fish. guinea pigs or albino rats were orally infected with irradiated metacercariae by gavage. bioassay, fecal examination for ova, and necropsy of infected animals, were the methods used for the estimation of minimum effective dose of gamma irradiation to control infectivity of the me ...19921523482
[opisthorchis felineus--the cat liver fluke. differential diagnosis of right-side upper abdominal pain].for several weeks a 58-year-old woman had suffered from intermittent right upper abdominal and flank pain, loss of appetite, weight loss (2 kg in 8 weeks), as well as constipation. she had a mild eosinophilia of 0.48/nl, while the blood picture and differential count were normal. there was no evidence of cholestasis, liver disease or an inflammatory process. upper abdominal ultrasound examination demonstrated a gall-bladder polyp with cholelithiasis and sludge. although the intrahepatic biliary ...19921544352
comparative morphology of eggs of the haplorchiinae (trematoda: heterophyidae) and some other medically important heterophyid and opisthorchiid flukes.the egg morphology of the following medically important small flukes from southeast asia and far east were studied: opisthorchis viverrini, clonorchis sinensis (opisthorchiidae), haplorchis taichui, h. pumilio, h. yokogawai, stellantchasmus falcatus and metagonimus sp. (heterophydiae). this study revealed a great intraspecific variability and interspecific similarity in size and shape of eggs. the eggs shape does not seem to be suitable for species identification. on the other hand, biometrical ...19921644359
clonorchis-associated cholangiocarcinoma: a report of two cases with unusual manifestations.two cases of clonorchis-associated cholangiocarcinoma are described along with their cholangiographic features to illustrate the spectrum of pathology ascribed to the injurious effects of the flukes on the bile duct epithelium. this includes adenomatous hyperplasia, extensive fibrosis, and carcinoma. the first case was also complicated by hepatic abscesses, left hepatic lobar atrophy, gastrobiliary and biliarocutaneous fistulae. the second case features an unusually dilated pancreatic duct conta ...19911650321
[histochemical changes in clonorchis sinensis after pyquiton treatment].some histochemical changes in adult c. sinensis collected from rats infected artificially and treated with pyquiton were observed. 1 h after administration the glycogen content showed a slight decrease which became prominent 24h later and almost disappeared at 48h post-medication. there was an increase in protein content in the parenchymal tissues of worms 1h after treatment, especially in the reproductive organ 24h after treatment. rna content was decreased 1h post administration and continued ...19901694737
characterization of monoclonal antibodies to young-adult worms of angiostrongylus cantonensis.three igg1 and one igg2a monoclonal antibodies were obtained by fusion of ns-1 cells with spleen cells of balb/c mice immunized with young-adult worm antigen of a. cantonensis. these 4 monoclonal antibodies were specific to a. cantonensis without cross-reactivity to any antigens of toxocara canis, ascaris suum, clonorchis sinensis, dirofilaria immitis, paragonimus westermani, gnathostoma spinigerum, strongyloides stercoralis and anisakis spp. detected by elisa. the affinity constants of monoclon ...19901701759
production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against the excretory-secretory antigen of the liver fluke (opisthorchis viverrini).monoclonal antibodies (moab) were produced against a major soluble metabolic product (excretory-secretory, es) of opisthorchis viverrini. the latter was obtained in a form of spent culture medium in which the adult flukes had been maintained in vitro. the moab produced were exclusively associated with either igg or igm isotypes. when screened against a panel of parasite antigens by indirect elisa, these moab exhibited three patterns of reactivity. approximately 50% of the moab were highly specif ...19911717391
diagnosis of clonorchiasis by elisa-inhibition test using a clonorchis sinensis specific monoclonal antibody.the elisa-inhibition test using clonorchis sinensis specific monoclonal antibody (cshyb 0605-23) for diagnosis of clonorchiasis was carried out. it demonstrated sensitivity and high specificity in comparison with the conventional elisa.19911726612
analysis of clonorchis sinensis antigens and diagnosis of clonorchiasis using monoclonal antibodies.clonorchis sinensis is a common parasite of man in korea. researches on the specific antigens of c. sinensis would be valuable not only because those elucidate the molecular characteristics of this fluke but also because it is applicable to immunodiagnosis. although many monoclonal antibodies have been used in the field of parasite immunology, few articles on monoclonal antibodies against c. sinensis have been published so far. the aim of this study was to analyze c. sinensis antigens recognized ...19911786255
[infection status of pseudorasbora parva collected from the sunam stream with metacercariae of metorchis orientalis].this study revealed the infection status of p. parva with the metacercariae of m. orientalis in the sunam stream of the nakdong river, a well-known focus of clonorchis sinensis. a total of 60 p. parva were divided into 4 groups by the size (80-90, 70-79, 60-69 and 50-59 mm) and were digested by pepsin-hcl solution in a 36 degrees c incubator. the metacercariae of m. orientalis were collected and counted under a stereomicroscope. a total of 3,885 metacercariae were found, and average number/fish ...19911786256
[the effectiveness of an immunoenzyme test with homologous and heterologous antigens in clonorchiasis].an enzyme immunoassay with homologous and heterologous antigens has been elaborated for the diagnosis of clonorchiasis. 251 blood serum samples from patients with clonorchiasis have been studied, as well as 230 samples from patients with geohelminthiases obtained from north vietnam provinces and 299 samples from moscow donors. the test sensitivity and specificity were 78.72% and 94.52%, respectively. the dependence of test sensitivity on the intensity of infection has been noted. the calculation ...19911795677
epidemiological studies of digenetic trematodes in yongyang county, kyungpook province.the present study was undertaken to determine the endemicity of trematode infections in yongyang county, kyungpook province, korea. one hundred and seventy-seven out of 955 residents examined were found to be infected with one or more kinds of helminths. the prevalence rate was 18.5%. among them, 70 were found to be infected with clonorchis sinensis, 74 with metagonimus sp. and 24 with both flukes. the eggs of fasciolidae were demonstrated from two specimens. the prevalence rate of clonorchiasis ...19911804297
attempts to transfer immunity against clonorchis sinensis in nude and ds mice.the effects of peritoneal exudate cells (pec) and sera of athymic nude and ds mice infected with clonorchis sinensis metacercariae or sensitized by injection of metabolic products into footpad on transfer of immunity against the fluke to the syngeneic mice were studied. there was no significant difference in eggs per gram pattern between the sensitized and control groups, and between nude and ds mice. however, the worm burdens were slightly greater in nude mice than in ds mice. also, a few plaqu ...19911804301
[the functional characteristics of the ultrastructure of the outer membranes of opisthorchid eggs. 2. the mechanisms of egg retention on substrates].the studies of the functional features of the ultrastructure of the outer membranes of opisthorchis felineus and clonorchis sinensis eggs have been continued. the variants of egg behavior on different substrates (artificial, natural, organic and inorganic) have been experimentally studied. it has been established that o. felineus and c. sinensis eggs retain on a number of substrates due to covering with microflora (e.g. fungus mycelium clinging to the rubbed surface of the egg outer membranes); ...19911818245
nervous system of clonorchis sinensis as revealed by acetylcholinesterase activity.the gross neuroanatomy of clonorchis sinensis has been revealed by the localization of acetylcholinesterase, well known to be associated with the nervous system. the central nervous system is composed of two cerebral ganglia situated postero-dorsally to the pharynx and connected by a transverse commissure. these ganglia give off four pairs of nerves anteriorly and three pairs posteriorly. the anterior nerves contribute to the pharynx and to the formation of the circum-oral ring located in the or ...19911818393
current status of food-borne parasitic zoonoses in taiwan.more than 50 species of zoonotic parasites (nematodes-18 spp., trematodes-19 spp., cestodes-10 spp., protozoa-2 spp., and arthropods-2 spp.) have been reported in taiwan. among them, angiostrongylus cantonensis, clonorchis sinensis and taenia saginata are the most important and most common food-borne parasites. angiostrongyliasis is highly endemic in southern and eastern taiwan. about 80% of patients are children below 15 years of age, mostly infected after eating achatina fulica during may and ...19911822939
experimental and clinical trial of albendazole in the treatment of clonorchiasis sinensis.rats and dogs experimentally infected with clonorchias sinensis metacercariae were treated orally with albendazole. necropsy done seven days after treatment revealed that the worm reduction rates were 83.6% and 96.8% respectively. clinically, 131 patients were treated with 3 different dosage regimens in 3 study groups. in patients receiving 5 mg/kg b.i.d. for 7 consecutive days, the stool egg negative conversion rates 1-month and 6-month post treatment were 90% and 92.6%, while in patients recei ...19911879192
immunohistochemical study on the antigenicity of each organ structure of clonorchis immunohistochemical study was performed to demonstrate comparative antigenicity of each body structure of the liver fluke, clonorchis sinensis, such as the digestive tract, reproductive organs, excretory system, tegument and suckers. indirect immunoperoxidase technique was applied, using formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded sections of c. sinensis as the antigen. pooled cat sera obtained 10 weeks after an experimental infection with c. sinensis and peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-cat igg were ...19911911624
[scanning electron microscopic observations on clonorchis sinensis cercariae].the surface structure of clonorchis sinensis cercariae was observed under scanning electron microscope. the cercaria was of the parapleuro-lophocercous type. the measurements of the cercariae were as follows: body 137-240 x 62-90 microns, tail 320-470 x 21-34 microns, oral sucker 27-46 x 23-33 microns. the ventral sucker was incompletely developed and much smaller than the oral one. the whole body surface was covered with backward pointing spines. four horizontal rows of oral spines were found a ...19911959177
cysteine proteinase activity in various developmental stages of clonorchis sinensis: a comparative analysis.1. cysteine proteinase activity in acidic extracts of various developmental stages of clonorchis sinensis (metacercariae, 1-, 2-, and 3-month old worms) was examined. all the activities were maximum at acidic ph and showed inhibitor susceptibilities similar to the vertebrate cysteine proteinases. 2. specific activity of cysteine proteinase(s) was highest in metacercariae with either cbz-phe-arg-afc or azocoll as the substrate. the immature and mature worms had similar (but less than metacercaria ...19911959323
[immunological screening of clonorchiasis].crude antigens of clonorchis sinensis adult worms were purified by sephadex g-200 column chromatography. a purified antigen was then applied to detect clonorchiasis patients and parasite-free subjects by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and an intradermal test (idt). the results of the elisa showed that specific antibody levels of igg, igm, iga, ige and total ige in 371 infected patients were significantly higher than those of 181 parasite-free subjects (student's t-test, p less than ...19901973711
[the morphofunctional characteristics of the ultrastructure of the outer membrane of opisthorchid eggs. 1. the hatching of miracidia].some functional peculiarities of miracidia hatching from o. felineus eggs have been studied, using scanning electron microscope. the results were compared to the earlier data obtained by the method elaborated for the determination of opisthorchis eggs viability by stimulation of miracidia release in the artificial media. it is concluded that in the course of miracidia hatching the two release-stimulating factors (mechanical and chemical) are mutually complementing each other. first, the egg memb ...19912067487
multi-dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for serodiagnosis of trematodiasis.a nitrocellulose membrane strip dotted with crude antigens of trematodes, such as paragonimus miyazakii, p. westermani, fasciola sp., clonorchis sinensis and schistosoma japonicum was applied for serodiagnosis of trematodiasis. with peroxidase conjugated anti-human igg and 4-chloro-1-naphthol as a substrate, antibodies in trematodiasis patient sera were clearly detected on the strip as bluish purple spots. densities of the spots correlated well with values obtained by standard micro-elisa. cross ...19902075490
clonorchis sinensis: purification and characterization of a cysteine proteinase from adult worms.1. adult clonorchis sinensis, the chinese liver fluke, is known to migrate to the bile ducts of its mammalian host and cause significant pathology. 2. an acidic, thiol-dependent proteinase with a native mol. wt of approximately 18,500 was purified to homogeneity using ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. by sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the mol. wt of the enzyme was estimated to be 15,000. 3. the enzyme was similar to cathepsin b-like cysteine proteinases base ...19902085964
primary epidermoid carcinoma of the gallbladder.a case of primary epidermoid carcinoma of the gallbladder is presented. it is a very rare pathologic process. the likely etiologic association of infestation by clonorchis sinensis with the biliary ducts carcinoma is emphasized. we must remark that in our country exist reports of this parasite in the north-east zone, the same place from where the patient came. the clinical picture, as well as in all incipient carcinomas, reassembled a picture of acute cholecystitis; it's pathologic behaviour, be ...19902095101
[intestinal myiasis in macao].six cases of intestinal myiasis were diagnosed in macao from january 1987 to august 1989, during a survey of intestinal parasites in inhabitants and on stool routine examination in hospitalized patients. the species of flies identified were stomoxys calcitrans in 4 cases and megalesia (megalesia) insulana in 2 cases, m. insulana being a new record in mainland of china. during the survey of intestinal parasites 1889 human fecal samples were collected from chinese inhabitants. 45 samples were coll ...19902096003
[elisa of rat sera infected with paragonimus iloktsuenensis].enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) of paragonimiasis iloktsuenensis rat sera was performed using crude antigens of paragonimus iloktsuenensis (pia), p. westermani (pwa) and clonorchis sinensis (csa). three crude antigens (pia, pwa, csa) were prepared to saline homogenated supernatants of whole adult worms. infected rat sera were obtained biweekly from the albino rats fed 50-80 metacercariae of p. iloktsuenensis through gastric catheter. experimental groups were divided into 4 groups: gi ( ...19902099174
[a survey on the epidemiological factors of clonorchiasis in the pohang industrial belt along the hyungsan river, kyongsangbuk-do].the employees at the pohang industrial area, where clonorchis sinensis has been known to be endemic along the hyungsan river, were examined parasitologically for clonorchiasis and a part of the infected cases were surveyed with a questionnaire to outline the recent infection status of c. sinensis and epidemiological parameters in the area. total of 3,180 cases were tested by intradermal inoculation of c. sinensis antigen (green cross co., korea), and 834 (26.2%) were found positive. out of the p ...19902099175
[ultrastructural changes in the body wall and gut of clonorchis sinensis in rats after albendazole treatment].the effect of albendazole on the body wall and gut of clornorchis sinensis was studied with transmission and scanning electron microscopes after albendazole administration to rats infected with chonorchis sinensis at a single dose of 150 mg/kg. the results showed that swelling and adhesion of the projections of the tegument and gut microvilli occurred 1h after medication. necrosis and disruption of the projections and the gut microvilli were seen at the 24th h. by the 72nd h, detachment of the p ...19902099262
[an epidemiological survey of clonorchiasis sinensis of 17 counties/cities of hubei province research institute for parasitic diseases].an epidemiological survey was made on clonorchiasis sinensis for the first time in 17 counties/cities of hubei province in 1988. the pathogen of clonorchiasis sinensis was found in 14 of the 17 counties/cities. individual examination of some population was carried out and in 7 counties/cities, all the people were found to be infected. the infection rate was more than 10% in some of the places surveyed. most of the cases were youngsters. the chief mode of infection was the habit of eating underco ...19902099274
radiologic findings of clonorchiasis.clonorchiasis is a trematodiasis caused by chronic infestation of liver flukes, clonorchis sinensis. the adult flukes reside in the medium-sized and small intrahepatic bile ducts and, occasionally, in the extrahepatic bile ducts, gallbladder, and pancreatic duct. the result is mechanical obstruction, inflammatory reaction, adenomatous hyperplasia, and periductal fibrosis. signs and symptoms are usually mild and nonspecific, but heavy infestation results in obstructive jaundice. the disease has a ...19902120925
clonorchiasis in korea.since the first report on the incidence of egg positiveness of clonorchis sinensis by matsumoto in 1915, clonorchiasis has been recognized as one of the most important endemic diseases in korea. most of the works on clonorchiasis after then had been studied by japanese workers until 1945. after the korean war in 1950-1953, health problems of koreans were extremely aggravated. this gave us attentions for the prevention of contagious diseases as well as parasitic infections in public health point ...19902133424
clonorchiasis of the pancreas.three patients with pancreatic clonorchiasis were examined with endoscopic retrograde pancreatography. on each of the three cases there was diffuse irregular dilatation of tributaries of the pancreatic duct in the pancreatic tail. the main pancreatic duct and tributaries draining into the body and head portion were not dilated. a sonogram from one patient showed diffuse enlargement of the pancreas, especially the tail. all three patients showed typical cholangiographic findings of hepatic clonor ...19902182270
[changes in bile composition in rabbits infected with clonorchis sinensis].this article presents the changes in the concentration of bilirubin, cholesterol, phospholipid, bile acid and the activity of bacterial beta-glucuronidase in hepatic bile of rabbits infected with metacercariae of clonorchis sinensis. we found that the activity of bacterial beta-glucuronidase was significantly higher in the infected group (52.6 +/- 31.6 u/dl) than that in control rabbits (12.5 +/- 20.5 u/dl) (p less than 0.001), and no marked changes in the concentration of bilirubin, cholesterol ...19902194693
enhancement of dimethylnitrosamine-induced glutathione s-transferase p-positive hepatic foci by clonorchis sinensis infestation in f344 rats.the modifying potential of clonorchis sinensis (cs) infestation on dimethylnitrosamine (dmn)-induced hepatocarcinogenesis was studied in male f344 rats. the metacercariae of cs were infected, 60 to each animal, by a single intragastric intubation at various times, before, during or after an 8-week period of dmn (25 ppm in drinking water) treatment. controls were treated with dmn alone or infected with cs without carcinogen. animals killed at the end of the 40-week experimental period showed a si ...19902199025
immunological analysis of opisthorchis and clonorchis antigens.immunoreactive components of opisthorchis viverrini and clonorchis sinensis were analysed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), radioimmunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. somatic extracts from these two liver flukes as well as from other related parasites, together with the metabolic products, were tested for their reactivities with sera from patients with opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis. a significant cross-reactivity in the elisa was noted between opisthorchis and clonorchis. immun ...19902201720
effective pretreatment by cysteine proteinase inhibitor for improved analysis of protein components of trematodes on sds-page.since fasciola sp. contained proteolytic enzyme(s), it was confirmed that degradation took place in protein components in extracts of the liver flukes, which resulted in lack of clarity of sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). degradation was shown to occur mostly during a heating process of the extract samples. the proteolytic activity in the extracts was completely blocked and electrophoretic patterns were improved only by the use of cysteine proteinase inhibit ...19902230026
[the differentiation of opisthorchis eggs by the ultrastructure of their outer membranes].using a tesla-bs-300 scanning electron microscope, the ultrastructure of the outer membranes of oocysts of 8 opisthorchis species (opisthorchis felineus, o. viverrini, o. geminus, clonorchis sinesis, amphimerus anatis, metorchis albidus, pseudamphistomum truncatum, erchoviorchis lintoni) belonging to 4 subfamilies, as well as that of o. felineus oocysts of various geographical isolates (from the ukraine, the volga region, west siberia, kazakhstan) have been investigated. the nature of the ultras ...19902266905
[a study on the body fluid antigen of clonorchis sinensis using immunogold labeling method].in order to observe the antigenic localization in the tissues of the adult clonorchis sinensis, immunogold labeling method was applied using serum immunoglobulins (igg) of either worm-infected rabbits (group i) or antigen-immunized rabbits (group ii) (by the body fluid obtained from the adult worms). the electron micrographs of the sectioned worm tissue antigens, embedded in lowicryl hm 20 medium and stained with protein a-gold complex (particle size: 12 nm), were compared between the group i an ...19902271496
[intestinal parasite infections among inhabitants in two islands of tongyeong-gun, kyeongsangnam-do].this study was performed to evaluate the status of intestinal parasitic infections among the inhabitants in two islands (chu-do and doomi-do) of tongyeong-gun, kyeongsangnam-do (province), from august to september, 1989. a total of 189 stool specimens was collected from the inhabitants of 3 villages and examined by kato's cellophane thick smear and formalin-ether sedimentation techniques. stoll's dilution egg counting technique was done for the quantitative examination of helminth eggs. the over ...19902271502
[distomatosis: diagnosis and treatment].distomatosis caused by fasciola hepatica is fairly common in france. it is due to the ingestion of contaminated watercress or wild dandelions. fever is frequent. jaundice and liver pain are inconstant. the disease is often revealed by an isolated eosinophilia. ultrasonography and/or computerized tomography are useful to evaluate the hepatic lesions. the diagnosis is confirmed by the finding of eggs in the stools or by serological tests. numerous other flukes may infect people living overseas and ...19902305189
the effects of gamma irradiation on the survival and development of clonorchis sinensis metacercariae.the effects of gamma irradiation on the survival and development of c. sinensis metacercariae were studied to evaluate the feasibility of irradiation as a control measure for clonorchiasis. pseudorasbora parva were collected at an endemic river of clonorchiasis and were used for irradiation of the fluke in three schemes. the first (scheme 1) was irradiation of the isolated metacercariae from the fish followed by infection to experimental rats. the second (scheme 2) was irradiation of the fish, a ...19892486929
demonstration of species-specific and cross reactive components of paragonimus westermani crude worm antigen by eitb.enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot (eitb) using crude worm antigen of adult paragonimus westermani was performed for human patients sera to identify the species-specific components. crude antigen was obtained by homogenizing and centrifuging 24-week old adult worms at 10,000 rpm for 60 minutes in phosphate buffered saline (pbs, ph 7.2) containing phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride (pmsf). gradient sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) was performed and blotted e ...19892487266
[histochemical studies on some enzymes in clonorchis sinensis].the localization of some enzyme in adult worms of clonorchis sinensis was studied by histochemical method in this paper. acid phosphatase was detected mainly in digestive duct, subtegument and the walls of testis, uterus and ovary; acetylcholinesterase was found in oral sucker, ventral sucker, pharynx; and atpase was found to exist in oral sucker, ventral sucker, pharynx and muscle layer in the subtegument. the eggs of c. sinensis possessed the above three enzymes.19892527640
ct findings of clonorchiasis.clonorchiasis is a snail-transmitted trematodiasis caused by chinese liver fluke, clonorchis sinensis. forty-two patients with the disease were examined with ct. seventeen patients had clonorchiasis alone, and 25 patients had clonorchiasis with hepatobiliary malignancies (20 cholangiocarcinomas, four hepatocellular carcinomas, one carcinoma of the ampulla of vater). in three of the 17 patients with clonorchiasis alone, the ct scans were normal. in 14 patients (82%), ct showed diffuse, minimal, o ...19892536206
intraductal variant of peripheral cholangiocarcinoma of the liver with clonorchis sinensis infection.peripheral cholangiocarcinoma arises from the small bile ducts and presents with an infiltrative growth, but intraductal growth in the peripheral large duct tributaries is an extremely unusual manifestation, especially in cases with clonorchis sinensis infection. a case of surgically resected intraductal variant of peripheral cholangiocarcinoma of the liver in a 46-year-old korean man who had eaten raw fresh-water fish is described. the tumors were entirely confined within the dilated peripheral ...19892538218
hilar cholangiocarcinoma associated with clonorchiasis.pathologic and epidemiologic evidence support the relationship between the liver fluke clonorchis sinensis and the development of bile duct cancer. we report here a case of cholangiocarcinoma in a laotian immigrant originally diagnosed with clonorchiasis. this case demonstrates the importance of early recognition and treatment of this disease to prevent subsequent morbidity and mortality. diagnosis and treatment of clonorchiasis as well as the possible modes of cancer induction are discussed.19892545426
evaluation of the mutagenicity and the tumor-promoting activity of parasite extracts: schistosoma japonicum and clonorchis relation to the observed association of carcinogenesis with parasitic infections, the mutagenicity of extracts of schistosoma japonicum and clonorchis sinensis was examined. in the bacterial mutagenicity tests using the ames salmonella typhimurium strains ta98, ta100, ta97 and ta102, and escherichia coli wp2 and wp2 uvra pkm101 schistosoma soluble egg antigen and a homogenate of adult schistosoma worms showed no positive responses either in the presence or in the absence of s9 mix. likewise, ...19892552310
cytologic diagnosis of liver fluke infestation in a patient with subsequently documented a 32-year-old laotian immigrant who presented with a two-day history of vomiting, abdominal pain and jaundice, ultrasound examination revealed a posthepatic obstruction. characteristic parasitic ova were present in bile fluid submitted for cytologic evaluation. subsequent biopsy of the patient's bile duct lesion revealed a coexistent cholangiocarcinoma. the life cycles of clonorchis sinensis and ospisthorchis viverrini are reviewed along with the clinical and pathologic complications of infes ...19892555988
a preliminary study of clinical staging in clonorchiasis.antibody responses to infection with metacercaria of clonorchis sinensis were studied in triplet cats. elevated igm antibody first appeared seven days after infection, followed by elevation of iga and igg. the peak titers of igm and iga antibodies were found at 3 weeks and 11 weeks, respectively. igg antibody was elevated at 3 weeks and reached a peak, then a plateau at 13 weeks. duration of antibody detection after infection was 1 week to 5 weeks for igm, and 2 weeks to 28 weeks for iga. igm an ...19892605978
[infection by clonorchis sinensis in asian immigrants in brazil. treatment with praziquantel].fifteen adult patients with assymptomatic infection due to clonorchis sinensis, diagnosed by coprological examination, were studied. they all came from asia (twelve from taiwan, two from south korea and one from hong kong) and were examined at the adolfo lutz institute and the department of infectious diseases, school of medicine, university of são paulo, in são paulo, brazil. six patients were women and nine men. all studied patients were admitted to hospital and treated with praziquantel (60 m ...19892640514
the ultrasound survey of gallstone diseases of patients infected with clonorchis sinensis in southern taiwan.ultrasonography was used to evaluate the relationship between the gallstone diseases and infection with clonorchis sinensis. one thousand and ninety-one hakkanese in southern taiwan were examined in the past 2 years. among the 947 cases infected with clonorchiasis, 89 cases were found to have gallstone diseases, which included gallbladder stones (85 cases), common bile duct stones (three cases) and one case of intrahepatic duct stone, indicating a prevalence of 8.97, 0.32 and 0.11% respectively. ...19892651686
hepatic clonorchiasis--a study by endoscopic retrograde endoscopic retrograde cholangiographic study of 31 consecutive cases of hepatic clonorchiasis was performed. filamentous wavy and/or elliptical appearance of the worm is a pathognomonic finding on ercp examination. significant dilation of the second and third generation bile ducts, and dilation and blunting of the terminal branches of the biliary tree are also common findings.19892668102
detection and characterization of ige-producing cells in patients with clonorchiasis.the ability of peripheral b cells of patients with clonorchis sinensis infections to secrete ige spontaneously was investigated in vitro. the de novo synthesis of ige was observed in unstimulated b-cell cultures of patients. there was a significant relationship between the serum ige level and the amount of ige spontaneously secreted by b cells. pretreatment of patients' b cells with 10 micrograms/ml of rabbit anti-human ige resulted in the clear suppression of spontaneous ige synthesis without a ...19892668200
common duct stone with associated clonorchis sinensis infection. 19892674792
parasitic causes of obstructive jaundice.short case reports are presented of two patients seen in the u.k. with 'parasitic' obstructive jaundice. in one case the parasite involved was clonorchis, and in the other it was echinococcus. both these parasites are uncommon in this country.19892690760
[the outer membranes of the eggs of opisthorchis felineus and clonorchis sinensis].the outer coats of opisthorchis felineus and clonorchis sinensis eggs have been examined by scanning electron microscopy. the outer coat turned to be extremely sculptured, presenting as interlaced crests of various height. the authors suggested the possibility of using this indicator in the taxonomy of opisthorchiidae and studying their distribution in biocenoses as well as their ability of accumulating on the leaves of aquatic plants, thus facilitating the contact with their intermediate hosts ...19892693924
counterimmunoelectrophoresis test on human clonorchis sinensis infection.a counterimmunoelectrophoresis test was used to detect antibodies against the adult worm antigen of clonorchis sinensis in sera from 70 clonorchiasis patients, 20 uninfected healthy persons and 7 patients infected with other helminths. a constant voltage of 10 v/cm and a running time of 30 minutes was chosen in carrying out detection. antibody titers of 1, 1:2 and 1:4 were obtained from 35, 21 and 14 clonorchiasis patients, respectively. significant correlation was observed between worm burden i ...19892699087
recurrent cholangitis secondary to oriental cholangiohepatitis.a korean woman with a known mass in the left lobe of the liver and a normal gallbladder by ultrasound suffered recurrent cholangitis, which ultimately proved to be oriental cholangiohepatitis. this disease, endemic to east asia, has become widespread in the united states as immigration from that area has increased. the symptoms are identical to recurrent cholangitis associated with gallstones, but the natural history and definitive treatment are entirely different. the diagnosis should be suspec ...19892760437
preparation of monoclonal antibody against angiostrongylus cantonensis antigen.monoclonal antibodies (mab) against a cantonensis were produced through fusion of immunised spleen cells from balb/c mice with ns-1 myeloma cells at a ratio of 10:1. the successful fusion rate on the 3rd day of fusion was 90.1%. ten mab were characterised, six of which were igg1 and the remaining four were igg2a, igg2b, igm and iga respectively. among 6 igg1 mab, four were a. cantonensis-specific, of which three reacted to adult worm antigen only and one reacted to both adult worm and juvenile w ...19892772697
peripheral cholangiocarcinoma and clonorchiasis: ct findings.sixteen patients with peripheral cholangiocarcinoma of the liver were examined with computed tomography (ct). none of the 16 patients presented with jaundice or had documented cirrhosis. on scans obtained both before and after the injection of contrast material, the tumors were depicted as low-attenuation masses in all cases, with wide variations in homogeneity. the tumor margin was irregular in 12 cases, and there was minimal contrast enhancement of the tumor in 14 cases. in 11 (69%) patients, ...19882843940
[effect of praziquantel on ultrastructures of gut epithelia of clonorchis sinensis]. 19852945376
cholangiocarcinoma associated with liver fluke infection: a preventable source of morbidity in asian the far east infection with the liver flukes clonorchis sinensis and opisthorchis viverrini is the most frequently documented cause of cholangiocarcinoma. liver fluke infection in the united states remains a health problem for more than 500,000 southeast asian refugees who have immigrated to this country since 1975. recent surveys have revealed that up to 26% of asian immigrants have an active liver fluke infection. however, the common clinical manifestations of this condition, as well as the ...19863002170
ige antibody production and cutaneous anaphylactic reactions in rats infected with clonorchis sinensis.rats were infected orally with 50 or 100 metacercariae of clonorchis sinensis. anti-clonorchis ige antibody, determined by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis, in the serum of infected rats appeared 30-40 days after infection and persisted for at least 120 days. total amount of ige fixed on the mast cells, detected by reverse passive cutaneous anaphylaxis with anti-rat ige, was significantly more in the infected rats than in uninfected rats. worm burden at 290 days post-infection did not correlate to ...19883041858
immunodiagnosis of clonorchiasis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.the present study applied the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) technique in the immunodiagnosis of clonorchiasis. antigen used in this study was extracted from adult worms of clonorchis sinensis obtained from cats. 132 patients with clonorchiasis, 100 healthy persons and 14 patients with other parasitic infections were studied. mean o.d. ratio with standard deviation of clonorchiasis was 1.41 +/- 0.21 with 0.95 +/- 0.13 of healthy persons. results revealed 90.2% to 95.5% of sen ...19883043696
[scanning electron microscopic observation on the effects of pyquiton and albendazole on the tegument of clonorchis sinensis]. 19883052907
[light and electron microscopic studies on the effects of l-, d- and dl-praziquantel on clonorchis sinesis]. 19883064551
[human clonorchiasis in new endemic areas of taiwan, an epidemiological survey]. 19883068371
comparative histochemical studies of glycosidase activity in some helminths.comparative histochemical studies of glycosidase activity were carried out in clonorchis sinensis, eurytrema pancreaticum, fasciola hepatica, dipylidium caninum, hymenolepis nana, ascaris suum, toxocara canis, ancylostoma caninum, trichuris vulpis and dirofilaria immitis. the enzymes examined were: n-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase (ec, beta-glucuronidase (ec and beta-galactosidase (ec there were variations in enzyme distribution and intensity among the species and als ...19863084622
detection of circulating antigen in sera from clonorchiasis sinensis patients by elisa double sandwich method. 19883136988
schistosoma mansoni cationic egg antigens (cef6): immunoserology with oxamniquine-treated patients and involvement of cef6 in the circumoval precipitin reaction.the serologic activity of a cationic fraction (denoted cef6) of schistosoma mansoni soluble egg antigen was compared in an elisa with that of the unpurified soluble egg antigen for the ability to detect human infections and for the prediction of chemotherapeutic success in patients followed up to 5 years post-treatment with oxamniquine. the cationic fraction correctly identified 100% of 20 patients as infected with s. mansoni; moreover, 50% (10 of 20) seroconverted to negative by 2 years post-tr ...19883152779
a study of the structure and pathogenesis of ascaris and clonorchis stones. 19883290512
[a modified k-elisa for the detection of antigenic activity and antibody activity of the adult clonorchis worm]. 19873297552
a scanning electron microscopic study on the parasite eggs in an ancient corpse from a tomb of chu dynasty, the warring state, in jiangling county, hubei province. 19873298670
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 1170