Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
[finding of the subarctic leeches, acanthobdella peledina and cystobranchus mammillatus, in the lake baikal basin and the reasons for their absence in lake baikal itself]. | acanthobdella peledina was first found in the basin of lake baikal on the fluvial form of the balkal grayling thymallus arcticus baicalensis and coregonus lavaretus pidschian from the upper angara. cystobranchus mammillatus, a parasite of burbot, is widely distributed in the tributaries of baikal. the absence of these subarctic leeches from baikal itself is explained by their rheophily. | 2007 | 492778 |
non-repetitive dna sequence divergence in phylogenetically diploid and tetraploid teleostean species of the family cyprinidae and the order isospondyli. | non-repetitive dna of anciently tetraploid teleostean species was analysed for the presence of duplicated sequences. closely related diploid species were investigated in comparison. from the reassociation kinetics of total nuclear dna, rate constants and fraction sizes of classes of repetitive and non-repetitive sequences were determined. dna fractions enriched in the slowest renaturing sequence class were determined. dna fractions enriched in the slowest renaturing sequence class were prepared ... | 1979 | 533669 |
studies on lectins. xli. isolation and characterization of a blood group b specific lectin from the role of the powan (coregonus lavaretus maraena). | a b-specific lectin from the roe of the powan (coregonus lavaretus maraena), a fish of the salmonidae family, was isolated by affinity chromatography on o-alpha-d-galactosyl polyacrylamide gel. from 630 g of the lyophilized roe, 346 mg of pure lectin was obtained in a single isolation step. the lectin is electrophoretically homogeneous, its sedimentation coefficient s20,w is 2.9s and molecular weight 25 000. the molecular weight of the subunits estimated by electrophoresis in the presence of dod ... | 1978 | 564208 |
[the causes of the formation of an intensive focus of triaenophoriasis in the upper tuloma river reservoir]. | observations on the triaenophorus crassus invasion in coregonus lavaretus and esox lucius were carried out in the period of 1984 to 1989 in the upper tuloma river [correction of verkhnetulomsk] water reservoir and pechozero water body (the pecha river) which form a common basin. significant differences were noted in the infection rate of fishes with this parasite in the above water bodies. in pechozero, where there are preserved natural conditions and therefore an ecological equilibrium in the h ... | 1991 | 1839932 |
proceedings: effects of catching techniques, captivity and reproductive cycle on plasma cortisol concentration in the powan (coregonus lavaretus), a freshwater teleost from loch lomond. | 1974 | 4443684 | |
[piscicultural losses due to weight decrease in yearly coregonids in lake fisheries infected with diplostomum metacercaria]. | 1181 yearlings of pelyad (coregonus peled) and its hybrids with siberian (coregonus lavaretus pidschian) powan were dissected. a calculation of loss in mass per 100 kg of catch at different levels of fish infection with metacercariae of diplostoms was made. losses increased in direct proportion to the average number of metacercariae per 1 g of mass of fishes. with 1.5 metacercariae per 1 g of mass of fish population losses amounted to 1/2 of potentially possible production. | 2007 | 6739123 |
the effect of ph changes of water on the hepatic metabolism of xenobiotics in fish. | in order to determine the effect of ph changes of water on the metabolism of xenobiotics, fish were exposed for 8 hours to the acidic water (ph3). two fish species were used, lavaret, (coregonus lavaretus), and splake (salvelinus fontinalis x salvelinus namaycush). the metabolism of xenobiotics was monitored by analyzing aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, epoxide hydrase and ethoxycoumarin o-deethylase activities as well as the activity of udpglucuronosyltransferase using both p-nitrophenol and 4-met ... | 1982 | 7124409 |
physiological toxicity of low-chlorine bleached pulp and paper mill effluent on whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l. s.l.): a laboratory exposure simulating lake pollution. | in order to validate previous field observations by the authors on whitefish, coregonus lavaretus l. s.l., a 30-day laboratory experiment with concentrations (0, 1.3, 2.3, 3.5, and 7 vol%) of bleached kraft pulp and paper mill effluent (bkme) simulating those occurring in a polluted lake was conducted. chlorine dioxide had almost entirely replaced chlorine gas in the bleaching of pulp. as a consequence, the concentrations of adsorbable organic halogens and chlorinated phenolics (cps) in bkme wer ... | 1995 | 7498061 |
adrenocortical and adrenomedullary homologs in eight species of adult and developing teleosts: morphology, histology, and immunohistochemistry. | morphology, histology, and immunohistochemistry of the adrenocortical and adrenomedullary homologs (adrenal glands) of the following developing and adult teleosts were examined: salmoniformes-oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout), salmo trutta fario (brown trout), coregonus lavaretus (white fish); cyprinodontiformes-gambusia affinis (mosquito fish). perciformes-dicentrarchus labrax (sea bass), sparus aurata (sea bream), diplodus sargus (white bream), oblada melanura (saddled bream). the anatomical ... | 1997 | 9405124 |
biomarker responses in whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l. s.l.) experimentally exposed in a large lake receiving effluents from pulp and paper industry. | physiological and biochemical biomarker responses were studied in juvenile whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l. s.l.) exposed experimentally to effluent from the forest industry. the large study area (609 km2), southern lake saimaa, in southeast finland, receives 330,000 m3 d-1 of biologically and 55,000 m3 d-1 of chemically treated effluents, discharged from two integrated elementary chlorine free (ecf) bleached kraft pulp and paper mills, from one ecf pulp mill, and from one mill producing unblea ... | 1998 | 9419275 |
identification of fish species by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode-array detection. | a method for the separation of sarcoplasmic fish proteins by rp-hplc is described. the procedure revealed significant differences useful for reliable identification of fish species. sixteen of the most common finnish freshwater fish species were differentiated by species-specific hplc chromatograms obtained using photodiode-array detection (pad) at 200-350 nm. the analytical column was a hi-pore rp-304 reversed-phase column. the separation was performed by a linear gradient of acetonitrile and w ... | 1998 | 9498665 |
ion regulation in whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l.) yolk-sac fry exposed to low ph and aluminum at low and moderate ionic strength. | anadromous whitefish [coregonus lavaretus (l.)] were exposed during the yolk-sac phase to combinations of ph values of 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, and 4.0 and nominal al concentrations of 0, 100, 200, and 400 micrograms liter-1 for 4 days. the test waters were: (1) lake water diluted 1:1 with ion exchanged water (dlw) and (2) artificial water (aw). the major differences were: [ca2+] 0.069 mmol liter-1 in dlw versus 0.034 mmol liter-1 in aw, [na+] 1.5 and [cl-] 1.8 times higher in dlw, with no dissolved ... | 2013 | 9626552 |
development of fish mercury concentrations in finnish reservoirs from 1979 to 1994. | mercury (hg) concentrations in burbot (lota lota), perch (perca fluviatilis), northern pike (esox lucius), roach (rutilus rutilus), whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) and peled (c. peled) were monitored in 18 reservoirs situated in western and northern finland over a period of 16 years (1979-1994). the reservoirs were impounded from 1964 to 1980. the surface areas ranged between 1 and 417 km2. data from downstream sites and reference lakes were compared to reservoir mercury data. generally, fish hg ... | 1998 | 9652133 |
expression of the vitellogenin gene in the liver of juvenile whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l. s.l.) exposed to effluents from pulp and paper mills. | juvenile whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l. s.l.) were exposed by caging in the field to diluted effluents from three operating pulp, paper, and paperboard mills in southern lake saimaa, finland. the expression of the vitellogenin gene, used as a biomarker of estrogenic contamination of effluents, was measured using a northern blotting method. increased mrna levels, the most specific and reliable evidence for estrogen receptor-mediated actions in vivo, were found in fish caged in the vicinity of ... | 1999 | 10375415 |
bioaccumulation and subchronic physiological effects of waterborne iron overload on whitefish exposed in humic and nonhumic water. | one-year-old whitefish, coregonus lavaretus, were exposed to three types of iron-rich water, two dilutions for each, in a subchronic (30-day) experiment. in natural iron-rich humic water, both the bioaccumulation and physiological effects of iron exposure were negligible. in humic-free water with high amount of additional inorganic iron (nominally 8 mg fe/l), fe accumulated in gills, liver, and gut. this accumulation was accompanied by decreased glycogen phosphorylase activities and microsomal e ... | 1999 | 10398770 |
the influence of food competition and host specificity on the transmission of triaenophorus crassus (cestoda) and cystidicola farionis (nematoda) to coregonus lavaretus and coregonus albula (pisces:coregonidae) in finland. | as a superior competitor for planktonic food, vendace (coregonus albula), when abundant, is expected to displace whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) from feeding on plankton and to force it to rely more on benthic food. the predicted result would be a reduced abundance of the copepod-transmitted cestode triaenophorus crassus in whitefish, but an increase in the abundance of the nematode cystidicola farionis transmitted via benthic amphipods. we studied the occurrence of both parasites in whitefish d ... | 1999 | 10616921 |
tandemly repeated sequences in mtdna control region of whitefish, coregonus lavaretus. | length variation of the mitochondrial dna control region was observed with pcr amplification of a sample of 138 whitefish (coregonus lavaretus). nucleotide sequences of representative pcr products showed that the variation was due to the presence of an approximately 100-bp motif tandemly repeated two, three, or five times in the region between the conserved sequence block-3 (csb-3) and the gene for phenylalanine trna. this is the first report on the tandem array composed of long repeat units in ... | 2000 | 10902725 |
effect of triaenophorus crassus (cestoda) infection on behavior and susceptibility to predation of the first intermediate host cyclops strenuus (copepoda). | some parasites have been shown to manipulate host behavior so that parasite transmission to the next host is enhanced. infection with triaenophorus crassus forel (cestoda) caused alterations in the activity and microhabitat selection of the first intermediate host cyclops strenuus fischer (copepoda) in the laboratory. infected copepods made more starts to swim but spent less time swimming than uninfected copepods. these changes were independent of the intensity of infection. in a water column il ... | 2000 | 10958437 |
rrna genes map to chromosomes 10, 11 and 12 in european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) and to chromosomes 1, 5, 9 and 10 in vendace (coregonus albula). | 2000 | 10997787 | |
eox and organochlorine compounds in fish and ringed seal samples from lake ladoga, russia. | information about the pollution of lake ladoga, the largest lake in europe, has been controversial. various effluents and drainage waters affect the quality of the lake water. wastewaters have caused eutrophication of parts of lake ladoga, but concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in the lake's food webs are poorly understood. in this study, concentrations of some organochlorine compounds, chlorophenols (cps), and extractable organic halogen (eox) were determined in smelt (osmerus eper ... | 2000 | 11057612 |
[the morphological variability of the maritae of phyllodistomum umblae and phyllodistomum folium (trematoda: gorgoderidae) from fish in the lake baikal basin]. | the host variability of adults of phyllodistomum umblae and p. folium in fishes of the baikal region has been studied. the absence of considerable geographical variability of p. umblae in coregonus lavaretus (lake baikal, lake storsjön in sweden) has been shown. the complexes of most stable (the size of acetabulum and eggs, location of acetabulum, ovary and vitelline bodies) and variable (the distance from oral sucker to intestinal bifurcation, distance from intestinal back edge to body end, wid ... | 2000 | 11060890 |
effects of acute handling stress on whitefish coregonus lavaretus after prolonged exposure to biologically treated and untreated bleached kraft mill effluent. | exposure of fish to water of impaired quality has been shown to disrupt the function of the hypothalamo-pituitary-interrenal (hpi) axis and alter the interpretation of data from field studies due to the varying effects of handling and delayed sampling on exposed and reference animals. in the present study, juvenile whitefish, coregonus lavaretus, were exposed for 6 weeks to diluted (4-8%) untreated and biologically treated bleached kraft mill effluent (bkme) and their response to acute handling ... | 2001 | 11385590 |
[adaptive changes in fatty acid compositions of whitefish coregonus lavaretus l. tissue lipids induced by anthropogenic factors]. | adaptive processes in the body of whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l.) caused by anthropogenic effects on aquatic systems were studied. it was demonstrated that the content of fatty acid acyls correlated with the water pollution level. the role of a decrease in the content of arachidonic acid in fish reproduction under adverse conditions is discussed. it is underlined that the quantitative alterations in the gonad and liver fatty acid patterns are unidirectional. a compensatory character of the ch ... | 2013 | 11443909 |
presence of planktothrix sp. and cyanobacterial toxins in lake ammersee, germany and their impact on whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l.). | due to the increasing oligotrophy of lake ammersee, southern germany, metalimnic planktothrix have become one of the dominant planktonic species causing regular blooms. whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) is the dominant local fish species with great importance for the fishing industry. recently, whole age groups of this fish species have disappeared and since 1991, average body-weight has decreased. the causes for this remain unclear. planktothrix species produce the cyclic peptide toxin desmethyl ... | 2001 | 11769245 |
attenuated carbohydrate and gill na+, k+ -atpase stress responses in whitefish caged near bleached kraft mill discharges. | exposure to biologically treated bleached kraft mill effluent (bkme) is demonstrated to greatly modify the acute physiological stress response in fish and, accordingly, to lead to inconsistencies in data interpretation due to dissimilar effects of handling procedures on reference and exposed fish. to consider this phenomenon, juvenile whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) were caged for 30 days in four reference sites and in three areas influenced by different bkme discharges. after exposure, fish wer ... | 2002 | 11800544 |
ribosomal genes in coregonid fishes (coregonus lavaretus, c. albula and c. peled) (salmonidae): single and multiple nucleolus organizer regions. | major rdna loci, i.e. nucleolus-organizing regions (nors), were assigned using chromomycin-a3 (cma3) staining followed by sequential silver (ag) staining and in situ hybridization (ish) with a rdna probe to the chromosomes of the european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus), the peled (coregonus peled) and the vendace (coregonus albula), three closely related coregonine salmonid fishes. one pair of nor-bearing chromosomes was found in the peled karyotype. multichromosomal, but stable, locations of r ... | 2001 | 11903562 |
histopathological responses of newly hatched larvae of whitefish (coregonus lavaretus s.l.) to uv-b induced toxicity of retene. | positively phototactic fish larvae may be exposed to increased ultraviolet-b (uv-b) radiation alone or, potentially and in addition, to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) such as retene (7-isopropyl-1-methylphenanthrene) at the egg or larval stages. suspended and sedimental particulate material near pulp and paper mills may act as sources of retene in chemically contaminated lake areas. in laboratory conditions whitefish larvae were pre-exposed to retene (10, 32 and 100 microg/l), with rele ... | 2003 | 12657490 |
fish status survey of nordic lakes: effects of acidification, eutrophication and stocking activity on present fish species composition. | the status of fish populations in 3821 lakes in norway, sweden and finland was assessed in 1995-1997. the survey lakes were chosen by stratified random sampling from all (126 482) fennoscandian lakes > or = 0.04 km2. the water chemistry of the lakes was analyzed and information on fish status was obtained by a postal inquiry. fish population losses were most frequent in the most highly acidified region of southern norway and least common in eastern fennoscandia. according to the inquiry results, ... | 2003 | 12733793 |
fertilization and embryonic development of whitefish (coregonus lavaretus lavaretus) in acidic low-ionic-strength water with aluminum. | the fertilization rate and extent of the cortical reaction of anadromous whitefish decreased with increasing acidity (0.034 mmol ca(2+)l(-1)); at ph 4.5 the fertilization rate was 46% of that at ph 6.5. aluminum (250 microg l(-1)) decreased the percentage fertilization independently of ph and reduced the cortical reaction magnitude at all ph levels. in eggs at ph 5.0, especially at ph 4.5, and in solutions with al, the growth of embryos was impaired by a perivitelline space that was too narrow. ... | 2003 | 12798766 |
the effect of dietary phosphorus deficiency on the immune responses of european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l.). | low phosphorous (p) feeds in aquaculture are recommended to reduce eutrophication of water systems. however, the feed should be adequate for normal growth and intact immune defence. influence of low dietary p supply on non-specific and specific immune defence of european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) was studied in two trials. for trial 1, a semi-purified, low-p diet was formulated and supplied with 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, or 10.0 g p kg(-1)to obtain a p gradient of 4.4-14.9 g kg(-1)diet. diets were ... | 2003 | 12834619 |
seasonal occurrence of the tapeworm proteocephalus longicollis and its transmission from copepod intermediate host to fish. | seasonal occurrence in terms of prevalence, intensity of infection, abundance and density of the tapeworm proteocephalus longicollis (zeder, 1800) and its transmission between its intermediate host (cyclops abyssorum prealpinus) and definitive host (common whitefish, coregonus lavaretus) in lake annecy, an oligotrophic lake in the western part of the alps, france, were studied in the period of 1998-2000. a copepod cyclops abyssorum prealpinus (kiefer, 1939), the dominant species among planktonic ... | 2003 | 12910414 |
[on the increased resistance of muscle proteins in cross-bred hybrids of coregonus lavaretus and c. albula]. | 2015 | 14244501 | |
[chromosome picture of coregonus peled and coregonus lavaretus baunti]. | 2015 | 14277065 | |
the complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the chinook salmon, oncorhynchus tshawytscha. | the complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of chinook salmon, oncorhynchus tshawytscha, has been determined. the circular genome consisting of 16,644 base pairs encodes thirteen proteins, the 12s and 16s ribosomal rnas, and 22 transfer rnas. these genes are ordered in the same way as most other vertebrates. the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the ribosomal rnas and the thirteen protein-coding genes were compared with those of other salmonids such as oncorhynchus mykiss, salmo salar ... | 2003 | 14513717 |
prevalence of listeria monocytogenes in, and microbiological and sensory quality of, rainbow trout, whitefish, and vendace roes from finnish retail markets. | the prevalence of listeria monocytogenes in retail roe, as well as the microbiological and sensory qualities of the roe, were studied for three fish species under three different storage conditions. a total of 147 finnish rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), whitefish (coregonus lavaretus), vendace (coregonus albula), and burbot (lota lota) roe samples were bought fresh, frozen, or frozen-thawed from finnish retail markets. the overall prevalence of l. monocytogenes was 5%; however, the prevalen ... | 2003 | 14572220 |
localization of 5s rrna loci in three coregonid species (salmonidae). | in the present study the chromosome distribution of the 5s rdna loci and its relation to the major rdna genes were investigated in three coregonid species (salmonidae): coregonus lavaretus, coregonus peled and coregonus albula, a family which has experienced large karyotype rearrangements along its evolution starting from a tetraploid ancestor. 5s prins/cma3 sequential staining together with previous data enabled us to locate 5s rrna genes and nucleolar organizer regions (nors) in the three spec ... | 2003 | 14620957 |
[new data on intermediate hosts of parasites of coregonus lavaretus ladogae]. | 1952 | 14936891 | |
[biochemical properties of the the lipoproteins lipid composition in fishes of the different ecology: trout salmo irideus l. and whitefish coregonus lavaretus l]. | we studied lipid composition of low- and high-density lipoproteins from serum of female rainbow trout salmo irideus l. and whitefish coregonus lavaretus l. phospholipids are main lipids in all fractions and phosphatidylcholine is the major phospholipid. species specificity of lipid fractions are due to ecological conditions typical for the studied fish species, a nearly domesticated rainbow trout and whitefish, a component of natural ichthyofauna. serum of the studied fish species contains lipop ... | 2016 | 15131975 |
investigation of wild caught whitefish, coregonus lavaretus (l.), for infection with viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (vhsv) and experimental challenge of whitefish with vhsv. | abstract one hundred and forty-eight wild whitefish, coregonus lavaretus (l.), were caught by electrofishing and sampled for virological examination in december 1999 and 2000, during migration from the brackish water feeding grounds to the freshwater spawning grounds, where the whitefish may come into contact with farmed rainbow trout. all samples were examined on cell cultures. no viruses were isolated. three viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (vhsv) isolates of different origin were tested i ... | 2004 | 15228609 |
helminth assemblages of whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) in interconnected lakes: similarity as a function of species specific parasites and geographical separation. | this article examined the composition of parasite assemblages of whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) in 8 interconnected lakes in northeastern finland and evaluated the role of coregonid specific parasites and the geographical distance between populations in determining the similarity of the assemblages. parasite assemblages were compared using the jaccard qualitative similarity index and a quantitative similarity index and by incorporating the allogenic-autogenic species concept and the effects of ... | 2004 | 15270087 |
echinorhynchus salmonis müller, 1784 (acanthocephala: echinorhynchidae) from the bothnian bay, baltic sea: morphological variability and radial asymmetry of proboscis hooks. | echinorhynchus salmonis is a common parasite of salmoniform and other fishes, occurring in fresh and brackish waters throughout the holarctic. presented here is the first analysis of the morphometric and meristic variation in a palaearctic population of e. salmonis, collected from whitefish coregonus lavaretus l. and smelt osmerus eperlaus (l.) from the bothnian bay, northern baltic sea. morphological data were compared with published descriptions of congeneric taxa. nearctic populations of salm ... | 2004 | 15449830 |
toward adaptive management: the impacts of different management strategies on fish stocks and fisheries in a large regulated lake. | we applied the adaptive management approach to analyze the demand and feasibility of adaptive management of fish stocks in a large regulated lake, oulujärvi, in northern finland. the process consisted of four phases: (1) analysis of the current state of the fisheries system (fishers, related markets and industry, fisheries researches and authorities, related organizations, etc.); (2) analysis of the objectives of different stakeholders; (3) the composition of alternative management strategies an ... | 2004 | 15517682 |
effects of waterborne iron overload and simulated winter conditions on acute physiological stress response of whitefish, coregonus lavaretus. | two-year-old whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) were exposed for 30 days to episodic iron overload in iron-rich humic water (5%) supplemented with inorganic iron (5 mg fel(-1)). two parallel laboratory exposures were performed, one under conditions simulating winter and the other under conditions simulating spring. after exposure, some of the fish were subjected to acute handling stress in the form of a short air challenge to reveal possible modification of the primary and secondary stress response ... | 2005 | 15546631 |
[parasite fauna in salmonidean fishes from the paanaiarvi-olanga lake-river system]. | the data on parasite fauna in the brown trout salmo trutta, white fish coregonus lavaretus, and grayling thymall thymallus from the paanajarvi-olanga lake-river system (white sea basin) are presented. as like-river systems in this area remain in natural conditions, without any anthropogenic pressure, the parasite fauna in salmonoideans from these water bodies had not been changed and has an archetypical state. the parasite fauna core is established in fishes aged 3+. parasite species forming the ... | 2005 | 15810556 |
morphological divergence and origin of sympatric populations of european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l.) in lake femund, norway. | combining morphological and genetic analysis, we compared patterns of diversification within and between morphs among sympatric european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l.) populations in lake femund, norway. seven external populations, from potential colonization routes into lake femund were included. we found that deep-, shallow-, river- and bay spawning populations are distinct morphs in lake femund. within morphs, populations range from being similar genetically (fst=0-0.005) among deep-spawn ... | 2005 | 15842498 |
histopathology, ultrastructure and immunohistochemistry of coregonus lavaretus hearts naturally infected with ichthyocotylurus erraticus (trematoda). | histopathological, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical investigations were conducted on 26 specimens of powan coregonus lavaretus (l.) from loch lomond (scotland). the hearts of all 26 powan (15 females and 11 males) investigated harboured metacercariae of the digenean trematode ichthyocotylurus erraticus (rudolphi, 1809). the vast majority of metacercariae were located either singly or as an aggregation of white cysts on the surface of the bulbus arteriosus. the intensity of infection range ... | 2005 | 16261940 |
evolutionary history of the european whitefish coregonus lavaretus (l.) species complex as inferred from mtdna phylogeography and gill-raker numbers. | we compared mitochondrial dna and gill-raker number variation in populations of the european whitefish coregonus lavaretus (l.) species complex to illuminate their evolutionary history, and discuss mechanisms behind diversification. using single-strand conformation polymorphism (sscp) and sequencing 528 bp of combined parts of the cytochrome oxidase b (cyt b) and nadh dehydrogenase subunit 3 (nd3) mithochondrial dna (mtdna) regions, we documented phylogeographic relationships among populations a ... | 2005 | 16313599 |
real-time pcr analysis of p53 mrna levels in tissues of whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) exposed to benzo[a]pyrene. | we developed a real-time pcr assay for measuring relative quantities (rq) of p53 tumor suppressor mrna in the whitefish (coregonus lavaretus, salmonidae, teleostei). real-time pcr primers for the p53 gene were designed from a region that was found to be conserved among salmonid p53 genes. to test for the usefulness of the assay we performed a treatment study, using benzo[a]pyrene (b[a]p) a putative p53-inducer. two groups of hatchery raised whitefish, with an average body mass of 15 g and total ... | 2006 | 16780182 |
oral toxicity of the microcystin-containing cyanobacterium planktothrix rubescens in european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus). | the microcystin-producing cyanobacterium planktothrix is one of the most widespread genera amongst toxin producing cyanobacteria in european lakes. in particular, the metalimnic blooms of planktothrix rubescens have been associated with growing problems in the professional freshwater fishery as a decrease in yearly yields in the important coregonids fishery often coincides with the appearance of p. rubescens. p. rubescens is a cyanobacterial species known to produce toxic compounds, e.g. microcy ... | 2006 | 16806524 |
the parasite fauna of brown trout salmo trutta, white fish coregonus lavaretus, and grayling thymallus thymallus from water bodies of north karelia (russia). | the data on parasite fauna of brown trout salmo trutta, whitefish coregonus lavaretus, and grayling thymallus thymallus from lake-river system paanajarvi-olanga (white sea basin) are presented. as lake-river systems on this area remain in natural conditions, without any anthropogenic pressure, the parasite fauna of salmonidae in these water bodies had not been changed and has an archetypal status. | 2004 | 16865973 |
parasite fauna of selected fish species of lake miedwie. | a total of 136 fishes, representing 9 species (perch, perca fluviatilis l.; pike, esox lucius l.; european eel, anguilla anguilla (l.); common bream, abramis brama (l.); roach, rutilus rutilus (l.); tench tinca tinca (l.); european whitefish, coregonus lavaretus (l.); vendace, coregonus albula (l.); and zander, sander lucioperca (l.)), from lake miedwie were studied within 1997-1999. the necropsies yielded 41 parasite species (taxa). the most diversified were parasite faunas of pike (19 parasite ... | 2002 | 16888943 |
cytogenetic analysis of three italian populations of coregonus lavaretus (pisces, salmoniformes) with chromosomal localization of major and minor ribosomal genes, and telomeric repeats. | the european whitefish, coregonus lavaretus, widely distributed in freshwater of northern europe and introduced into the major lakes of northern italy, has been restocked in central italian lakes. in accordance with current managing practices, a reduced number of spawners contribute to reproduction within each lake and a certain degree of isolation is to be expected between populations from different lakes, resulting in the rapid fixing of chromosomal changes. a detailed survey of three populati ... | 2005 | 16970606 |
parallel evolution of ecomorphological traits in the european whitefish coregonus lavaretus (l.) species complex during postglacial times. | the extensive phenotypic polymorphism in the european whitefish has triggered evolutionary research in order to disentangle mechanisms underlying diversification. to illuminate the ecological distinctiveness in polymorphic whitefish, and evaluate taxonomic designations, we studied nine norwegian lakes in three watercourses, which each harboured pairs of divergent whitefish morphs. we compared the morphology and life history of these morphs, documented the extent of genetic differentiation betwee ... | 2006 | 17054498 |
influence of climate variability on whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) year-class strength in a deep, warm monomictic lake. | the year-class strength (ycs) of blaufelchen (coregonus lavaretus) in deep upper lake constance was analysed for a 52-year period, from 1947 to 1998. despite strong anthropogenic influences on the species' population dynamics due to cultural eutrophication and oligotrophication, intense fishing, and large-scale stocking, the influence of climate variability associated with the north atlantic oscillation (nao) is apparent in the data set. this influence is significant although large-scale stockin ... | 2007 | 17109176 |
physiological stress and pathology in european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) induced by subchronic exposure to environmentally relevant densities of planktothrix rubescens. | planktothrix rubescens belongs to the most ubiquitous cyanobacterial species in mesotrophic and oligotrophic lakes in the pre-alpine regions. in most of these lakes, coregonids are among the dominant species of the ichthyofauna with great importance for the professional fishery. a possible link between the occurrence of toxic planktothrix blooms and the recurrent slumps in coregonid yields has been suggested. indeed, acute toxic effects of microcystins and other cyanobacterial toxins have been s ... | 2007 | 17320197 |
blue sac disease in larval whitefish, coregonus lavaretus (l.): pathological changes in mrna levels of cyp1a, eralpha, and p53. | 2007 | 17352792 | |
selected pathological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural changes associated with an infection by diphyllobothrium dendriticum (nitzsch, 1824) (cestoda) plerocercoids in coregonus lavaretus (l.) (coregonidae). | the pathological changes induced by an infection of diphyllobothrium dendriticum (nitzsch, 1824) plerocercoids in powan, coregonus lavaretus (l.), from loch lomond, scotland, were assessed using immunohistochemical and ultrastructural techniques. in a sample of 26 powan, the occurrence of encysted plerocercoids of d. dendriticum on the outer surface of the stomach was 38.5% (n = 10) with the number of cysts ranging from 4 to 15 and measuring 4.2 +/- 1.0 mm x 3.4 +/- 0.9 mm (mean +/- sd). histolo ... | 2007 | 17640250 |
lack of circadian regulation of in vitro melatonin release from the pineal organ of salmonid teleosts. | in many teleost species, the photoreceptive pineal organ harbors the circadian clock that regulates melatonin release in the pineal organ itself. however, the pineal organ of three salmonids (rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss, masu salmon oncorhynchus masou, and sockeye salmon oncorhynchus nerka) did not exhibit circadian rhythms in melatonin release when maintained under constant darkness (dd) in vitro, suggesting that the pineal organs of all salmonids lack the circadian regulation of melatoni ... | 2007 | 17681505 |
genetic relationships of body composition and feed utilization traits in european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l.) and implications for selective breeding in fishmeal- and soybean meal-based diet environments. | body composition traits have potential use in fish breeding programs as indicator traits for selective improvement of feed efficiency. moreover, feed companies are increasingly replacing traditional fish meal (fm) based ingredients in feeds for carnivorous farmed fish with plant protein ingredients. therefore, genetic relationships of composition and feed utilization traits need to be quantified for both current fm-based and future plant-based aquaculture feeds. individual whole-body lipid% and ... | 2007 | 17709787 |
[comparative study of bile-acid composition in the bile of the european vendace coregonus albula l. and whitefish coregonus lavaretus l. under conditions of technogenic water pollution]. | changes of the bile acid composition were studied in bile of the vendace coregonus albula l. and the whitefish coregonus lavaretus l. under effect of sewers of an ore mining and processing plant, the main pollutin agents of the sewers being heavy metals. the revealed variability of the bile acid composition indicates different species-related sensitivity to the studied pollutants as well as a lower resistance of males as compared with females to this type of pollution. mechanisms of effects of i ... | 2007 | 18038637 |
reproductive isolation, evolutionary distinctiveness and setting conservation priorities: the case of european lake whitefish and the endangered north sea houting (coregonus spp.). | adaptive radiation within fishes of the coregonus lavaretus complex has created numerous morphs, posing significant challenges for taxonomy and conservation priorities. the highly endangered north sea houting (c. oxyrhynchus; abbreviated nsh) has been considered a separate species from european lake whitefish (c. lavaretus; abbreviated elw) due to morphological divergence and adaptation to oceanic salinities. however, its evolutionary and taxonomic status is controversial. we analysed microsatel ... | 2008 | 18471278 |
genetic differentiation among european whitefish ecotypes based on microsatellite data. | the amount of genetic differentiation at dna microsatellite loci in european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) was assessed among ecotypes, populations and run-timing types. the magnitude of genetic changes potentially caused by hatchery broodstock rearing were also compared with those observed in corresponding natural populations. a total of 35 populations were studied, including 33 coregonus lavaretus populations and two samples of coregonus peled. five of the six whitefish ecotypes in finland w ... | 2008 | 18503709 |
eye fluke infection and lens size reduction in fish: a quantitative analysis. | parasites have a variety of harmful effects on their hosts, some of which may be overlapping or complementary and thus easily overlooked but which are still important for the overall severity of infection. we investigated the effect of diplostomum sp. eye fluke infection on the size of the eye lens in a range of wild and farmed fish species and those exposed to controlled parasite infection. we found that asymmetry in intensity of infection between the right and left lens of an individual fish a ... | 2008 | 18714680 |
genetic potential for the regulation of variability in body lipid and protein content of european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus). | animals may have target levels for lipid and protein stores which they try to maintain by feedback mechanisms. thus, variation in initial body composition may be related to subsequent feed utilisation, for animals to maintain body composition in homeostasis. we assessed whether such relationships are genetically determined within a farmed population of european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) grown either on fishmeal or soyabean-meal diets. soyabean meal is an increasingly-used ingredient in aqu ... | 2009 | 18826727 |
candidate genes and adaptive radiation: insights from transcriptional adaptation to the limnetic niche among coregonine fishes (coregonus spp., salmonidae). | in the past 40 years, there has been increasing acceptance that variation in levels of gene expression represents a major source of evolutionary novelty. gene expression divergence is therefore likely to be involved in the emergence of incipient species, namely, in a context of adaptive radiation. in the lake whitefish species complex (coregonus clupeaformis), previous microarray experiments have led to the identification of candidate genes potentially implicated in the parallel evolution of the ... | 2009 | 18927090 |
the effects of three diets on some growth performance of whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) fry. | in a 3 months experiment, the effects of three different kinds of food rations including culture rotifers, commercial food and the equal amount mixture of these two foods were studied on some growth specifications and survival of the whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) fry. the initial average weight and length of the fry were 0.009 g and 4 mm, respectively. the period of experiment was among april to july 2003. the assessed characteristics variance analysis showed that the different food treatments ... | 2007 | 19090106 |
human-induced changes in the reproductive traits of lake constance common whitefish (coregonus lavaretus). | size-selective fishery harvest leads to phenotypic changes in fish reproductive traits. when these changes represent an evolutionary response of a stock, they may have severe consequences for future stock dynamics and yields. in freshwater ecosystems, reproductive traits may also be affected by other human impacts such as changes in system productivity. the present study uses regression analysis to evaluate the impacts of changes in lake trophy and of an intensive size-selective harvest over sev ... | 2009 | 19127609 |
microcystin-lr induced apoptosis and mrna expression of p53 and cdkn1a in liver of whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l.). | there is growing evidence that adverse effects of microcystin-lr (mc-lr) are closely related to oxidative stress processes, free radicals and dna damage, and involve major gene transcript changes. this study, utilizing gene expression analysis and plasma chemistries was the first to measure the effects of mc-lr in whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l.), a feasible organism for pollution monitoring in aquatic systems. fish were injected with different concentrations of mc-lr (0, 10 and 100 microg/kg ... | 2009 | 19374916 |
[genome similarity of baikal omul and sig]. | two members of the baikal sig family, a lake sig (coregonus lavaretus baicalensis dybovsky) and omul (c. autumnalis migratorius georgi), are close relatives that diverged from the same ancestor 10-20 thousand years ago. in this work, we studied genomic polymorphism of these two fish species. the method of subtraction hybridization (sh) did not reveal the presence of extended sequences in the sig genome and their absence in the omul genome. all the fragments found by sh corresponded to polymorpho ... | 2010 | 19377527 |
long-term estrogen exposure of whitefish coregonus lavaretus induces intersex but not lake thun-typical gonad malformations. | a high prevalence of gonad morphological variations has been observed in whitefish coregonus lavaretus from lake thun (switzerland). to clarify the role of endocrine disruption as a possible cause of the gonad alterations, whitefish were reared in a long-term laboratory experiment under exposure to 17 beta-estradiol (e2). fish were fed from first-feeding until 3 yr of age at a daily rate of 0 (control), 0.5 or 50 microg e2 kg(-1) fish. e2 exposure resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent ... | 2009 | 19419006 |
internal exposure of whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) to estrogens. | gonad malformations have been found in fish all over the world. particularly in lake thun (switzerland) a high prevalence of gonad deformations in whitefish has been observed. very often, a link between exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds and altered gonad morphology exists. hence, we analyzed the estrogenic burden in bile and muscle from whitefish (coregonids) from lake thun and linked it to observed gonad malformations. estrogenicity in bile, measured with the yeast estrogen screen (yes ... | 2009 | 19477536 |
intestinal inflammatory response of powan coregonus lavaretus (pisces) to the presence of acanthocephalan infections. | immunopathological and ultrastructural studies were carried out on the gut of 30 specimens of powan coregonus lavaretus (l.) from lake piediluco, italy. the digestive tracts of 10 (33.3%) of the powan were found to harbour an acanthocephalan dentitruncus truttae (sinzar 1955). the numerous trunk spines of d. truttae reduced the number of mucosal folds near the parasite site of infection. the acanthocephalan induced hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the intestinal mucous cells and many worms were su ... | 2009 | 19490730 |
pax-3 and pax-7 label muscle progenitor cells during myotomal myogenesis in coregonus lavaretus (teleostei: coregonidae). | in coregonus lavaretus, prior the mesoderm segmentation, in cells adjacent to the notochord called adaxial cells myod and slow myosin heavy chain (myhc-slow) proteins were observed. after somite formation, adaxial cells migrate towards the lateral part of the myotome and form a layer of red muscles. deeper cells differentiate into white muscle fibres. in situ hybridization using pax-3 molecular probe revealed, that after somitogenesis, pax-3 is expressed in a layer of cells superficial to the my ... | 2009 | 19793091 |
intergenomic epistasis causes asynchronous hatch times in whitefish hybrids, but only when parental ecotypes differ. | support for the theory of ecological speciation requires evidence for ecological divergence between species which directly or indirectly causes reproductive isolation. this study investigates effects of ecological vs. genetic disparity of parental species on the presence of endogenous selection (deformation and mortality rates) and potential sources of exogenous selection (growth rates and hatch timing) on hybrids. hybrid embryonic development is analysed in a common-garden full-sib cross of thr ... | 2009 | 19824932 |
phenotype-environment correlations in a putative whitefish adaptive radiation. | 1. the adaptive radiation of fishes into benthic (littoral) and pelagic (lentic) morphs in post-glacial lakes has become an important model system for speciation. although these systems are well studied, there is little evidence of the existence of morphs that have diverged to utilize resources in the remaining principal lake habitat, the profundal zone. 2. here, we tested phenotype-environment correlations of three whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) morphs that have radiated into littoral, pelagic ... | 2010 | 20487087 |
both male and female sexual ornaments reflect offspring performance in a fish. | secondary sexual characters are often expressed in both sexes (mutual ornamentation), but are less often studied simultaneously. we studied the adaptive signaling function of male and female ornamentation in a mutually ornamented fish, the whitefish coregonus lavaretus. in an experimental design in which nongenetic environmental effects were minimized, we found that highly ornamented females, males, and their parental combinations had offspring with better swimming performance and predator-avoid ... | 2010 | 20629728 |
elevated water temperature impairs fertilization and embryonic development of whitefish coregonus lavaretus. | the adverse effects of high temperatures on the early life stages of anadromous whitefish coregonus lavaretus were experimentally examined by assessing fertilization success, the percentage of developmental abnormalities, cumulative mortality and the rate of embryogenesis across a range of temperatures. temperatures >or= 7 degrees c increased the proportion of unfertilized and abnormally dividing eggs, deformed embryos and consequent mortality. the higher the temperature, the more severe were th ... | 2010 | 20666893 |
rapid parallel adaptive radiations from a single hybridogenic ancestral population. | the alpine lake whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) species complex is a classic example of a recent radiation, associated with colonization of the alpine lakes following the glacial retreat (less than 15 kyr bp). they have formed a unique array of endemic lake flocks, each with one to six described sympatric species differing in morphology, diet and reproductive ecology. here, we present a genomic investigation of the relationships between and within the lake flocks. comparing the signal between ov ... | 2011 | 20685705 |
origins of carbon sustaining the growth of whitefish coregonus lavaretus early larval stages in lake annecy: insights from fatty-acid biomarkers. | the hypothesis that diatom carbon (c) produced during the spring peak supported spring zooplankton production and, ultimately, the growth of coregonus lavaretus early larval stages from march to may 2006 in lake annecy, france, was tested using gut content analyses and fatty acid biomarkers. gut content results showed that c. lavaretus larvae from stages 1 to 4 preferentially fed on copepods with daphnia sp. only a minor proportion of larval diet. the levels of diatom-marker fatty acids (c16:1n- ... | 2009 | 20735521 |
how normal is abnormal? discrimination between deformations and natural variation in gonad morphology of european whitefish coregonus lavaretus. | the gonad morphology of whitefish coregonus lavaretus collected in lake thun, switzerland, and two neighbouring lakes was assessed in order to differentiate between 'normal' and 'abnormal' character states of gonad morphology, which had been previously described in c. lavaretus from lake thun (constrictions, asymmetries, aplasia, compartmentations, fusions and hermaphroditism). in total, 4668 fish were collected and analysed using two complementary sampling schemes: (1) monthly samples of catche ... | 2009 | 20735656 |
[microevolutionary aspects of morphological variability and specificity of cestodes by the example of proteocephalus longicollis (zeder, 1800) (proteocephalidae), a parasite of coregonids]. | morphological variability of the cestode proteocephalus longicollis from the smelt osmerus eperlanus l., which was spontaneously introduced into the syamozero lake, has been studied. it was established that p. longicollis became an abundant element of the smelt parasite fauna during last 20 years, thereby showing the absence of host specificity. it was revealed that morphological polymorphism of p. longicollis from smelt combines features of ecological forms characteristic for aboriginal host sp ... | 2010 | 20795485 |
eye fluke-induced cataracts in natural fish populations: is there potential for host manipulation? | manipulation of host phenotype (e.g. behaviour, appearance) is suggested to be a common strategy to enhance transmission in trophically transmitted parasites. however, in many systems, evidence of manipulation comes exclusively from laboratory studies and its occurrence in natural host populations is poorly understood. here, we examined the potential for host manipulation by diplostomum eye flukes indirectly by quantifying the physiological effects of parasites on fish. earlier laboratory studie ... | 2011 | 20800013 |
quality and production trait genetics of farmed european whitefish, coregonus lavaretus. | we present here phenotypic and genetic parameters for the major quality and production traits of farmed european whitefish. a total of 70 families were produced by mating each of 45 sires to an average of 1.6 dams and each of the 52 dams to an average of 1.3 sires. a total of 2,100 individuals were recorded for survival, and 507 individuals for growth and quality-related traits. the 4 major results were as follows: first, all traits exhibited nonzero heritabilities except for fillet gaping and f ... | 2011 | 21097679 |
has habitat heterogeneity promoted phenotypic and ecological sub-structuring among a coregonus lavaretus population in a large scottish lake? | differences in stable-isotope values, morphology and ecology in whitefish coregonus lavaretus were investigated between the three basins of loch lomond. the results are discussed with reference to a genetic investigation to elucidate any substructuring or spawning site fidelity. foraging fidelity between basins of loch lomond was indicated by δ¹³c and δ¹⁵n values of c. lavaretus muscle tissue. there was, however, no evidence of the existence of sympatric morphs in the c. lavaretus population. a ... | 2010 | 21155790 |
food selection of coregonus lavaretus in a brackish water ecosystem. | this study examined how variability in the abundance and biomass structure of benthic invertebrates affected the feeding choice of the whitefish coregonus lavaretus on a hard bottom habitat of the brackish baltic sea. in general, crustaceans such as idotea balthica and gammarus spp. were preferred over molluscs. although being the most numerous taxon in the invertebrate samples, mytilus trossulus was the lowest ranking in c. lavaretus food preference. the availability of benthic invertebrate pre ... | 2011 | 21284633 |
heavy metal contents in whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) along a pollution gradient in a subarctic watercourse. | metallurgic industry is a source of serious environmental pollution related to the emission of heavy metals. freshwater systems are focal points for pollution, acting as sinks for contaminants that may end up in fish and humans. the pasvik watercourse in the border area between finland, norway and russia is located in the vicinity of the pechenganickel metallurgic enterprises, and the lower part of the watershed drains the nikel smelters directly through lake kuetsjarvi. heavy metal (ni, cu, cd, ... | 2011 | 21287264 |
[comparative sensitivity of liver monoamine oxidases of frog and whitefish to some tricyclic compounds]. | there is performed a comparative analysis of action of four acridine derivatives and of one xanthene derivative (pyronine g) on activity of liver monoamine oxidase (mao) of two species of poikilothermal freshwater animals: a representative of amphibians--the common frog rana temnporaria and a representative of the order salmonidae--the european whitefish coregonus lavaretus. the studied synthetic hexamerous tricyclic compounds show the irreversible character of inhibition of intermediate potency ... | 2013 | 21469337 |
eighteen new tetranucleotide microsatellite dna markers for coregonus lavaretus cloned from an alpine lake population. | we developed 18 polymorphic microsatellite markers for coregonus lavaretus from genomic libraries enriched for (gaca)(n) and (gata)(n) repeat sequences. emphasis was placed on developing highly polymorphic, perfect repeats. these loci were screened in 69 individuals from two alpine populations in austria. allelic variation was high with nine to 37 alleles per locus and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.37 to 0.95. the high level of polymorphism revealed by these loci will be relevant for ... | 2008 | 21585970 |
species introduction promotes hybridization and introgression in coregonus: is there sign of selection against hybrids? | species introductions are considered one of the major drivers of biodiversity loss via ecological interactions and genetic admixture with local fauna. we examined two well-recognized fish species, native whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) and introduced vendace (coregonus albula), as well as their morphological hybrids in a single lake to test for selection against hybrids and backcrosses in the wild. a representative random subsample of 693 individuals (27.8%) was taken from the total catch of cor ... | 2011 | 21831252 |
[catalytic characteristics of monoamine oxidase of whitefish coregonus lavaretus ludoga]. | study of substrate-inhibitory specificity of liver mitochondrial monoamine oxidase (mao) of sexually mature individuals of the whitefish coregonus lavaretus ludoga p. from the ladoga lake has revealed distinguished peculiarities of catalytical properties of this enzyme. the studied mao, on one hand, like the classical enzyme of homoiothermal animals, is able to deaminate tyramine, serotonin, benzylamine, tryptamine, and beta-phenylalanine, but, on the other hand, to deaminate histamine, the clas ... | 2011 | 21938908 |
are phenotypic traits useful for differentiating among a priori coregonus taxa? | a key for three putative species apparently found in three geographic areas, i.e. coregonus clupeoides (in scotland), coregonus stigmaticus (in england), and coregonus pennantii (in wales) given in a recent review was tested quantitatively using 544 individuals from nine populations. the classification success of the key was very low (27%). it was concluded that there is currently no robust evidence for the recognition of the three putative species. furthermore, the use of phenotypic characters ... | 2012 | 22268437 |
a proteomics approach reveals divergent molecular responses to salinity in populations of european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus). | osmoregulation is a vital physiological function for fish, as it helps maintain a stable intracellular concentration of ions in environments of variable salinities. we focused on a primarily freshwater species, the european whitefish (coregonus lavaretus), to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying salinity tolerance and examine whether these mechanisms differ between genetically similar populations that spawn in freshwater vs. brackishwater environments. a common garden experiment invol ... | 2012 | 22486940 |
mitogenome sequencing reveals shallow evolutionary histories and recent divergence time between morphologically and ecologically distinct european whitefish (coregonus spp.). | the advent of second-generation sequencing has made it possible to quickly and economically generate whole mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequences. to date, mitogenome studies of nonmodel organisms have demonstrated increased power for resolving interspecies relationships. we explored an alternate use of such data to recover relationships and population history of closely related lineages with a shallow evolutionary history. using a gs-flx platform, we sequenced 106 mitogenomes from the core ... | 2012 | 22509795 |
short-term uptake of microcystin-lr by coregonus lavaretus: gst activity and genotoxicity. | in the present study, juvenile whitefish weighing 2 g were exposed by force-feeding to two ecologically relevant doses (0.05 and 0.5 μg per fish) of microcystin-lr (mc-lr). then over 96 h the mc uptake in fish liver and muscle was measured, as the activity of the detoxification enzyme glutathione s-transferase (gst) in the liver, and the genotoxicity impact on red blood cells. results show that (1) the mc-lr equivalent concentrations increased for both doses and in both organs of whitefish with ... | 2012 | 22539116 |
dietary ontogeny and niche shift to piscivory in lacustrine brown trout salmo trutta revealed by stomach content and stable isotope analyses. | the feeding ecology and ontogeny of a large size range of brown trout salmo trutta in lake fyresvatnet, southern norway, were examined by stomach content and stable isotope analyses. according to the stomach contents, the s. trutta changed their diet at c. 30 cm total length (l(t) ). the smaller size classes fed on benthic invertebrates and surface insects, whereas larger s. trutta (>30 cm) fed mainly on whitefish coregonus lavaretus. a similar, but more gradual shift to piscivory in the size ra ... | 2012 | 22650427 |
microsatellite genotyping of cryopreserved spermatozoa for the improvement of whitefish semen cryobanking. | the cryobanking of semen is recognized as an emerging tool for the conservation of fish biodiversity. microsatellite analysis of the dna of cryopreserved sperm would facilitate the assessment of genetic variability of cryobanked semen specimens. the aim of this study was to compare microsatellite profiles of dna extracted from adipose fins and cryopreserved semen collected from eleven male whitefish (coregonus lavaretus l.). the following microsatellite loci were employed: cocl-lav-8, cocl-lav-1 ... | 2012 | 22750203 |
expression profiling in vivo demonstrates rapid changes in liver microrna levels of whitefish (coregonus lavaretus) following microcystin-lr exposure. | at present, little is known about the role of mirnas in liver response of fish to the cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin-lr (mc-lr) treatment, despite the fact that the exposure is thought to underlie multiple acute and chronic effects. to address this question, we used the real-time pcr method to examine the differential expression of 6 mirnas putatively playing roles in signal transduction (let-7c, mir-9b), apoptosis and cell cycle (mir-16a, mir-21a, mir-34a) and fatty acid metabolism (mir ... | 2012 | 22819808 |
ecological proteomics: finding molecular markers that matter. | it is becoming increasingly clear that local adaptation can occur even in the face of high gene flow and limited overall genomic differentiation among populations (reviewed by nosil et al. 2009). thus, one important task for molecular ecologists is to sift through genomic data to identify the genes that matter for local adaptation (hoffmann & willi 2008; stapley et al. 2010). recent advances in high-throughput molecular technologies have facilitated this search, and a variety of approaches can b ... | 2012 | 22953332 |
[specific features of the numbers and structure of the population of proteocephalus longicollis (zeder 1800) (cestoda: proteocephalidea)--a mass parasite of whitefish coregonus lavaretus l. under conditions of technogenic pollution of the water body]. | the numbers, age structure, and morphological variation of the cestode proteocephalus longicollis from whitefish of a natural water body (kamennoe lake) and those of kostomuksha lake polluted with wastes of the mining industry (northern karelia) have been studied. in the polluted water body, a high infestation of whitefish and domination of larval stages in the structure of the parasite population have been established. it is shown that under conditions of pollution, only one of the variations o ... | 2016 | 22988762 |
cytogenetic biomarkers for the assessment of the influence of pollution on natural fish populations. | cytogenetic analysis methods were used to study the developing embryos of the following four coregonidae species: coregonus peled (gmelin), coregonus lavaretus (gmelin), coregonus nasus (pallas) and coregonus muksun (pallas). spawners of these species were selected from rivers and lakes of the tyumen region (russia) with different levels of pollution. the variability of the chromosomal aberration rate was analyzed during a monitoring period of more than 20 years. the level of chromosomal mutabil ... | 2012 | 22995782 |