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autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus: comparative infectivity of the occluded, alkali-liberated, and nonoccluded forms. 1977336795
restriction endonuclease analysis to distinguish two closely related nuclear polyhedrosis viruses: autographa californica mnpv and trichoplusia ni mnpv.restriction endonuclease fragment patterns of the deoxyribonucleic acid genomes of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (multiply embedded type) and trichoplusia ni nuclear polyhedrosis virus (multiply embedded type) demonstrate that the two viruses are distinct but closely related variants.1978354530
immunoperoxidase detection of baculovirus antigens in insect cells.the sequence of events in the infection of tn-368-10 and tn-368-13 cells by autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) was investigated by using the indirect immunoperoxidase technique. antisera raised against enveloped nucleocapsids detected homologous antigens at 6 to 8 h post infection which was about 2 h before the appearance of both intracellular and extracellular infectious virus. similar tests using polyhedrin antiserum showed that polyhedrin is first synthesized at 12 h p ...1978357682
isolation of genotypic variants of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.a nuclear polyhedrosis virus (mnpv) isolated from a lepidopteran (noctuidae) insect, autographa californica, was cloned by successive plaque purification using virions containing only one nucleocapsid per envelope as inoculum. the ability to clone the virus by this method was demonstrated by the isolation of nondefective, genotypic variants of the virus with similar but not identical restriction endonuclease fragment patterns. five distinct variants were identified by genotypic analysis with hin ...1978359831
autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus structural proteins compared from in vivo and in vitro sources.polyhedrin obtained from autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) was apparently not modified in terms of primary structure after passage through alternate host systems, both in vivo and in vitro, as investigated by two-dimensional, high-voltage electrophoresis of tryptic digests of this protein as well as amino acid analysis. n-terminal analyses were conducted using an improved technique which showed proline to be the n-terminal amino acid. in addition, passage of enveloped nu ...1979372131
interference with polyhedral inclusion body (pib) production in trichoplusia ni cells infected with a high passage strain of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (npv). brief report.trichoplusia ni cells infected with a low passage (lp) strain of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (npv) produce large numbers of polyhedral inclusion bodies (pibs). interference with pib production occurs when t. ni cells are first inoculated with a high passage (hp) strain and then challenged with the lp strain. pib production is reduced 100 fold to the level seen with hp virus infection only.1979389204
nuclear polyhedrosis virus detection: relative capabilities of clones developed from trichoplusia ni ovarian cell line tn-368 to serve as indicator cells in a plaque assay.cloned cell lines from the established trichoplusia ni line tn-368 appear to differ from one another in their relative capabilities to serve as plaque assay indicator cell lines for autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. although there seems to be little correlation between their relative generation times and their efficiency in supporting plaque formation as indicator cell lines, there does seem to be a relationship within a given line between its capability to serve as an indicator ...19751104895
in vitro transactivation of baculovirus early genes by nuclear extracts from autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus-infected spodoptera frugiperda cells.nuclear extracts, prepared from autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus-infected spodoptera frugiperda cells during a time course of infection, were analyzed for activation of early gene transcription and for late gene transcription. the templates used in the in vitro transcription assays contained promoters for baculovirus genes that have been classified as immediate early, delayed early, and late. the promoters were derived from the baculovirus 39k, p26, gp64, and dna polymerase gene ...19921316463
physical and functional interaction of human cytomegalovirus dna polymerase and its accessory protein (icp36) expressed in insect cells.expression of the human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) (ad169) dna polymerase gene under the control of the polyhedrin promoter of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus in spodoptera frugiperda (sf9) cells has provided a source of highly active cmv dna polymerase. in extracts from cmv-infected cells, the cmv dna polymerase is found strongly associated with an additional polypeptide, icp36. this protein has been identified as the cmv homolog of the herpes simplex virus type 1 ul42 gene produc ...19921318399
expression of feline leukaemia virus gp85 and gag proteins and assembly into virus-like particles using the baculovirus expression vector order to test components of feline leukaemia virus (felv) as subunit vaccines, we have constructed recombinant baculoviruses that express the felv envelope glycoprotein gp85 [autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv)-gp85] and the structural protein, gag (acnpvgag). the gag protein is expressed and shed into the medium of infected cells as particles which have a buoyant density on sucrose gradients and appearance by electron microscopy similar to those of authentic felv virion ...19921321215
sequence, genomic organization of the ecori-a fragment of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, and identification of a viral-encoded protein resembling the outer capsid protein vp8 of rotavirus.we present the sequence and genomic organization of the ecori-a fragment of the autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus, which represents 11% of the acmnpv genome. fifteen putative open reading frames and their respective amino acid sequences are described. one open reading frame is similar to the vp8 protein of rotavirus.19921333113
stimulation of thymidine kinase activity in baculovirus infected cells is not due to a virus-coded enzyme.a polyhedrin-positive recombinant autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) carrying a herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene under the control of the synxiv promoter, a fusion of synthetic and linker-modified polyhedrin promoters, has been constructed. when this recombinant baculovirus was used to infect a variant of spodoptera frugiperda cells deficient in thymidine kinase (tk-), a high level of tk activity was detected. these results, in conjunction with the demonstration ...19921333755
replication inhibition by nucleoside analogues of a recombinant autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus harboring the herpes thymidine kinase gene driven by the ie-1(0) promoter: a new way to select recombinant baculoviruses.the expression of the thymidine-thymidylate kinase (hsv1-tk), (atp: thymidine 5'-phosphotransferase; ec of herpes simplex virus type 1 endows the host cell with a conditional lethal phenotype which depends on the presence of nucleoside analogues metabolized by this enzyme into toxic inhibitors of dna replication. to generate a recombinant baculovirus that could be selected against by nucleoside analogs, the hsv1-tk coding sequence was placed under the control of the autographa californ ...19921335569
expression of recombinant acetylcholinesterase in a baculovirus system: kinetic properties of glutamate 199 mutants.the glycophospholipid-linked, amphiphilic form of acetylcholinesterase (ache) from torpedo californica and the hydrophilic form from mouse were overexpressed in sf9 insect cells using the baculovirus expression system. recombinant baculovirus, constructed by inserting ache cdna's into the genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus adjacent to the strong polyhedron promoter, yielded recombinant enzyme varying between 0.5 and 3.8 mg/l. the recombinant enzyme was glycosylated altho ...19921356436
the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome includes a papain-like sequence.the published dna sequence that includes the gene for the envelope glycoprotein gp67 of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus also contains a segment that shows 32% amino acid identity to papain, a cysteine endopeptidase from the papaya plant (carica papaya). the viral papain-like sequence is apparently affected by a frame-shift mutation, but otherwise appears capable of encoding a functional enzyme. catalytically essential amino acids appear to be conserved, as do di ...19921363350
continuous production of baculovirus in a cascade of insect-cell reactors.insect cells (spodoptera frugiperda) were cultured in a continuous stirred-tank reactor. the effluent was led to a cascade of another two reactors, each containing half the volume of the cell-growth reactor, where the cells were infected with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. for about 10 days production of 10(7) polyhedra (virus particles embedded in a protein capsule) per cm3 was achieved. this short production time compared to previous experiments involving an analogous syste ...19901366563
multistage production of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus in insect cell cultures.the aim of our study was to establish an efficient system for the in vitro production of the insect pathogenic autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus in a spodoptera frugiperda cell line. we optimized cultivation conditions for cell proliferation as well as for virus replication in a 1.5 litre stirred tank bioreactor. cell and virus propagation were found to be optimal at a constant oxygen tension of 40%. in order to provide sufficient nutrients during virus synthesis filtration and p ...19901366992
dna distribution and respiratory activity of spodoptera frugiperda populations infected with wild-type and recombinant autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.spodoptera frugiperda cells were infected with a wild-type autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus and with a recombinant autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. the recombinant virus was derived from the wild-type virus and produced beta-galactosidase instead of polyhedrin. the changes in cell size, cell growth, viability, dna distribution, and respiratory activity were followed through the time course of the infection. the dna content as measured by flow cytometry of infec ...19901367465
production of recombinant proteins by baculovirus-infected gypsy moth experimental study was undertaken to evaluate alternative insect cell lines to sf9 [from spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm)] for the production of recombinant proteins. insect cell lines from two different organisms were considered: iplb-ldeita (ldeita) from lymantria dispar (gypsy moth) and iplb-hvt1 (hvt1) from heliothis virescens (tobacco budworm). both ldeita and hvt1 produced higher total activity levels of recombinant beta-galactosidase in monolayer culture than sf9 after infection w ...19911367995
a sensitive model system for in vivo monitoring of baculovirus gene expression in single infected insect cells.we have developed a fast and sensitive system for the in vivo analysis of gene expression in baculovirus infected lepidopteran insect cells. a recombinant baculovirus containing a luciferase gene from the click beetle, pyrophorus plagiophthalamus, under transcriptional regulation of the polyhedrin gene promoter of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) was used to infect a spodoptera frugiperda cell line. recombinant luciferase could be monitored by luminometry in real-time wi ...19921368236
baculovirus expression of alkaline phosphatase as a reporter gene for evaluation of production, glycosylation and secretion.we have devised a simple and efficient baculovirus expression vector system to evaluate insect tissue culture cells for their capacity to express, glycosylate and secrete foreign proteins. a truncated placental alkaline phosphatase (seap) gene was inserted into the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) genome under the transcriptional control of the polyhedrin gene promoter. production levels, glycosylation, and secretion of the recombinant protein were examined in trichoplu ...19921368794
screening of insect cell lines for the production of recombinant proteins and infectious virus in the baculovirus expression system.eight cell lines derived from the insects spodoptera frugiperda, trichoplusia ni, mamestra brassicae, and estigmene acrea were evaluated for recombinant beta-galactosidase and infectious virus production following infection with the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv). production was assessed on a specific (per cell and per microgram of uninfected cellular protein) and on a volumetric (per milliliter) basis. cell density was found to be an important fa ...19921369220
the baculovirus-integrated retrotransposon ted encodes gag and pol proteins that assemble into viruslike particles with reverse transcriptase.ted is a lepidopteran retrotransposon found inserted within the dna genome of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus mutant, fp-d. to examine the proteins and functions encoded by this representative of the gypsy family of retrotransposons, the gag- and pol-like open reading frames (orfs 1 and 2) were expressed in homologous lepidopteran cells by using recombinant baculovirus vectors. expression of orf 1 resulted in synthesis of an abundant ted-specific protein (pr55gag) that asse ...19921371168
expression of foreign epitopes on recombinant occlusion bodies of baculoviruses.recombinant polyhedrin proteins of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus were constructed to serve as immunologic carriers of foreign epitopes. several recombinants containing an influenza haemagglutinin epitope were obtained. three of the five recombinants formed occlusion bodies (obs) and two did not. all of the recombinant polyhedrin proteins reacted with a monoclonal antibody (mab) specific for an influenza epitope in western blots. presentation of the foreign epi ...19921373262
expression of the major core antigen vp7 of african horsesickness virus by a recombinant baculovirus and its use as a group-specific diagnostic reagent.the major core protein, vp7, of african horsesickness virus serotype 4 (ahsv-4), the aetiological agent of a recent outbreak of the disease in southern europe, was expressed in insect cells infected with a recombinant baculovirus containing a cloned copy of the relevant ahsv gene (s7). analyses of its biochemical and antigenic properties confirmed the authenticity of the protein expressed. the high-level expression of vp7 under the control of the strong polyhedrin promoter of autographa californ ...19921378881
presentation of hepatitis b virus pres2 epitope on bluetongue virus core-like particles.a chimeric protein containing most of the hepatitis b virus pres2 region (amino acid residues 1-48) upstream to, and colinear with the amino-terminus of bluetongue virus vp7 protein (pres2-vp7) was expressed by a recombinant autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv). the chimeric protein formed btv core-like particles (clps) in spodoptera frugiperda cells only when the cells were coinfected with this recombinant virus and a recombinant baculovirus that expresses unmodified vp7 an ...19921381538
improved efficiency in determining the titer of the autographa californica baculovirus nonoccluded economical and time-efficient method for titering the autographa californica multiple-embedded nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) by the endpoint method is described. the method uses an electronic pipetting device to perform dilutions in the same 60-well microplate as is used for the assay, thus eliminating the need for test tubes or vials for making dilutions. additionally, since small volumes are used for the dilutions, a substantial savings in medium is achieved. the effect of using three ...19921389161
characterization of a baculovirus gene encoding a small conotoxinlike polypeptide.we identified a gene of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) that encodes a small cysteine-rich polypeptide which has size and sequence similarity to omega-conotoxins, a class of calcium ion (ca2+) channel inhibitors, found in the venom of cone snails. transcriptional analysis indicated that the 159-bp open reading frame, which we named ctl, and a downstream 984-bp open reading frame are transcribed as a single 1.3-kb bicistronic late rna. the mature ctl gene product was id ...19921404603
purification of pancreatic cholesterol esterase expressed in recombinant baculovirus-infected sf9 cells.a cdna clone encoding the entire coding sequence of rat pancreatic cholesterol esterase (bile salt-stimulated lipase) was subcloned into the baculovirus transfer vector pvl1392 and used to co-transfect spodoptera frugiperda (sf9) insect cells with wild-type autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) dna. two recombinant proteins (m(r) 74 kda and 64 kda) reactive with anti-cholesterol esterase igg were produced and secreted by the infected sf9 cells in large quantities in a time-de ...19921422214
recombinant laminin b1 chains exhibit intact short-arm domains but do not form oligomeric molecules.the human laminin b1 chain has been produced in the baculovirus expression system in sufficient amounts for biochemical and functional studies. a full-length cdna, which was constructed of four partially overlapping clones and verified by in vitro transcription and translation to be functional, was cloned into the transfer vector pvl1392 behind the polyhedrin promoter. the recombinant construct was incorporated by in vivo homologous recombination into the genome of the wild-type baculovirus, aut ...19921425664
expression of cauliflower mosaic virus orf ii in a baculovirus system.the cauliflower mosaic virus orf ii encoding the aphid transmission factor (atf) was mutagenized to introduce a bamhi restriction site upstream from the initiation codon and then cloned into an eukaryotic viral expression vector (autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus). all recombinant viruses tested in spodoptera frugiperda (sf21) cells expressed a protein of about 18 kd which comigrated in page with atf from infected plants. western blotting using an oligopeptide antiserum to atf co ...19921428752
enhancement of polyhedrin nuclear localization during baculovirus infection.polyhedrin is the major component of the nuclear viral occlusions produced during replication of the baculovirus autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv). since viral occlusions are responsible for the horizontal transmission of acmnpv in nature, the biosynthesis, localization, and assembly of polyhedrin are important events in the viral replication cycle. we recently defined the sequence requirements for nuclear localization and assembly of polyhedrin. in this stud ...19921433499
baculovirus phosphoprotein pp31 is associated with virogenic stroma.the psti k fragment of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) encodes a protein with a molecular weight of 31,000. to define the role of this protein (pp31) in virus infection further, it was overexpressed in bacteria and used to produce polyclonal antiserum. radioimmunoprecipitation analysis indicated that pp31 was synthesized during both the early and late phases of virus infection, consistent with previous analyses indicating that the gene was regulated by tandem early and ...19921433508
promoter influence on baculovirus-mediated gene expression in permissive and nonpermissive insect cell lines.the activities of viral and insect promoters were examined in a range of insect cell lines permissive and nonpermissive for the replication of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. recombinant baculoviruses were constructed to place the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene under the control of promoters strongly active in the early, late, or very late stages of virus replication. in fully permissive cells, expression from a very late promoter was 2- to 3- ...19921433522
functional dissection of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus immediate-early 1 transcriptional regulatory protein.autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus-infected insect cells express a viral immediate-early transcriptional regulatory protein, ie1, that has been shown by transient-expression assays to stimulate the expression of certain baculovirus delayed-early (de) promoters and to inhibit the expression of other immediate-early (ie) genes. it is believed that certain de promoters are activated, in part, by direct interactions between ie1 and enhancer elements located in regions adja ...19921433524
studies on processing, particle formation, and immunogenicity of the hiv-1 gag gene product: a possible component of a hiv vaccine.antigens in a particulate conformation were shown to be highly immunogenic in mammals. for this reason, the particle forming capacity of derivatives of the hiv-1 group specific core antigen p55 gag was assayed and compared dependent on various expression systems: recombinant bacteria, vaccinia- and baculoviruses were established encoding the entire core protein p55 either in its authentic sequence or lacking the myristylation consensus signal. moreover, p55 gag was expressed in combination with ...19921456888
characterization of the nucleotide sequence of the lymantria dispar nuclear polyhedrosis virus dna polymerase gene region.the dna polymerase gene of the lymantria dispar multinucleocapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (ldmnpv) was cloned and sequenced. the predicted dna polymerase protein (1113 amino acids, 115.9k) was found to have an amino acid identity of 48% with the corresponding gene of the autographa californica mnpv (acmnpv). it contains five domains associated with substrate binding, primase interaction, and pyrophosphate hydrolysis and three domains associated with 3'-->5' exonuclease activity common to othe ...19921469355
equilibrium and kinetic analysis of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus attachment to different insect cell lines.the kinetic and equilibrium attachment of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) to seven insect cell lines was evaluated. kinetic experiments revealed differences of up to 10-fold in the infection rates among cell lines. equilibrium binding also varied between cell lines and was saturable. the tn 5b1-4 and tn f cell lines had the highest virus binding affinities and infection rates and exhibited diffusion-limited attachment. the rate of infection appears to be limited by the ...19921469356
transient expression assay in a baculovirus system using firefly luciferase gene as a reporter.transient gene expression assays were developed to assess the function of the regulatory sequences of baculoviruses bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (bmnpv) and autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) in insect cells of bombyx mori and spodoptera frugiperda, respectively. dna sequences encoding luciferase (luc) of the firefly photinus pyralis was successfully employed in the expression assay as a reporter gene. recombinant plasmids were constructed containing the luc gene ...19921475909
sequence and in vitro translational analysis of a 1629-nucleotide orf in autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus strain e2.the complete nucleotide (nt) sequence of an open reading frame (orf) (map unit 5.1 to 3.8) from autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus strain e2 (acmnpv-e2) has been determined. this 1629-nt orf has a coding potential for a 61-kda pro-rich protein. however, in vitro translation of the 1629-nt orf and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (sds-page) revealed a 78-kda protein product. the discrepancy between the m(r) predicted by the nt sequence and that obtained fro ...19921487149
site-specific mutagenesis of the 35-kilodalton protein gene encoded by autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus: cell line-specific effects on virus replication.the gene encoding the 35-kda protein (35k gene) located within the ecori-s genome fragment of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) is transcribed early in infection. to examine its function(s) with respect to virus multiplication, we introduced specific mutations of this early gene into the acmnpv genome. in spodoptera frugiperda (sf21) culture, deletion of the 35k gene reduced yields of extracellular, budded virus from 200- to 15,000-fold, depending on input multiplicity. ...19921501287
replication of autographa californica baculovirus (acmnpv) in a coleopteran cell line.a coleopteran cell line (age) derived from the cotton boll weevil anthonomus grandis supported replication of autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv). the titer of extracellular virus (ecv) and the number of occlusion bodies (ob) produced in age cells were approximately equal to those produced by a trichoplusia ni cell line (tn-cl1), and the ob produced by both cell lines were equally infectious for t. ni larvae. the identity of the age cell line was established by ch ...19921522049
the autographa californica baculovirus genome: evidence for multiple replication origins.the autographa californica multinucleocapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv), which is used for the overexpression of eukaryotic genes and is being engineered for possible use as a viral insecticide, has a circular, supercoiled genome of approximately 128 kilobases. despite its widespread use, little is known about the mechanism by which acmnpv replicates. evidence is presented in this report that acmnpv origins of dna replication are repeated sequences each containing several closely relate ...19921529337
nucleotide sequence and transcriptional analysis of the p80 gene of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus: a homologue of the orgyia pseudotsugata nuclear polyhedrosis virus capsid-associated gene.the 67.2- to 68.5-m.u. region of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus was sequenced. a large open reading frame (orf) was identified in the clockwise direction on the circular genome map which could potentially encode an 80-kda polypeptide. analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence of this orf indicated that it was a homologue of the p87 capsid-associated gene of orgyia pseudotsugata mnpv with an overall amino acid similarity of 34.3%. a late transcript of 2.1 kb was mapped to t ...19921529529
in vivo transcriptional analysis of three baculovirus genes: evidence of homology between viral and host transcripts.transcripts for the gp64 and polyhedrin genes as well as a 1629 open reading frame (1629 orf) of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus were examined in the midgut tissues and hemocytes of uninfected and infected host trichoplusia ni larvae and sf21 cells. polyhedrin-specific transcripts of 1.2, 3.4, and 4.9 kb were expressed in both infected larval tissues and infected sf21 cells. the highest level of expression for polyhedrin-specific transcripts was observed in hemocytes, where ...19921529534
hepatitis delta antigen expressed by recombinant baculoviruses: comparison of biochemical properties and post-translational modifications between the large and small forms.hepatitis delta virus (hdv) encodes only one protein, the hepatitis delta antigen (hdag). two forms of hdag, a large (27 kda) and a small (24 kda) one, participate in the various steps of hdv replication. to further understand the properties of hdag, we have constructed recombinant baculoviruses and expressed both forms of the hdag in insect cells. the gene encoding hdag was placed under the control of the polyhedrin promoter of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) by homolo ...19921529540
expression of the nucleocapsid protein of dugbe virus and antigenic cross-reactions with other nairoviruses.the small (s) rna segment of dugbe (dug) virus (nairovirus, bunyaviridae) encodes a single protein, the nucleocapsid (n) protein, of m(r) 49.4 kda. cdna derived from the complete coding region for the n protein was cloned into autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) under control of the polyhedrin promoter and used to infect spodoptera frugiperda insect cells. western blotting analysis using monoclonal antibodies demonstrated the production of dug n protein in the infected cell ...19921529645
nucleotide sequence of a transactivating bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus immediate early gene.the open reading frame (orf) of 1572 bp contained in the 3.8 kb clai fragment of bmnpv encodes a viral regulatory protein which transactivates the delayed early acmnpv 39k gene. transactivation is induced in uninfected cells following transfection with a plasmid containing only the clai fragment. hitherto immediate early gene promoter activity of the included 631 bp leader sequence is evident since no other viral elements are needed for the transcription of the regulatory gene.19921536885
biophysical and biochemical properties of baculovirus-expressed camv p1 protein.cauliflower mosaic virus (camv) gene i encodes a protein (p1) that has been implicated in the control of virus movement in infected plants. to assist in the characterization of the mechanism of action of p1, gene i has been expressed efficiently in spodoptera frugiperda (sf) cells using recombinant baculovirus. control of the expression of camv gene i by the polyhedrin late promoter in the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) resulted in very high levels of p1 ac ...19921549910
expression of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus p10 gene: effect of polyhedrin gene expression.two major late proteins, polyhedrin and p10, are synthesized in large quantities in baculovirus infected insect cells. this and the fact that both proteins are dispensable for virus replication, form the basis for the use of these viruses as vector for foreign gene expression. to address the question whether the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus p10 promotor-driven expression is influenced by the concurrent expression of the polyhedrin gene, several recombinants were constructed ...19921550489
viral and host cellular transcription in autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus-infected gypsy moth cell lines.infection of two gypsy moth cell lines (iplb-ld652y and iplb-ldfb) by the autographa californica multiple-enveloped nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) is characterized by extremely attenuated viral protein synthesis followed by a total arrest of all viral and cellular protein production. in this study, acmnpv- and host cell-specific transcription were examined. overall levels of viral rnas in infected gypsy moth cells were, at most measured times, comparable to rna levels from an infected cell ...19921560533
expression and extracellular release of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gag precursors by recombinant baculovirus-infected cells.the level of synthesis and extracellular release of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gag by insect cells was analyzed, using eight different recombinants of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus harboring various constructs of the gag gene, cloned under the polyhedrin promoter. the results obtained suggested that gag expression was mainly regulated at the transcriptional level and was not significantly influenced by posttranslational events, e.g., gag self-assembly, nuclear transp ...19921560545
a structural polypeptide of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus contains o-linked n-acetylglucosamine.a structural glycopeptide, gp41, derived from the occluded virus of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus was characterized. the peptide specifically bound wheat germ agglutinin but was not recognized by a panel of seven other lectins. reactivity with wheat germ agglutinin was eliminated by treatment of gp41 with beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase, indicating that n-acetylglucosamine (glcnac) was present as terminal residues. gp41 was efficiently galactosylated by galactosy ...19921583718
differential factor binding at the promoter of early baculovirus gene pe38 during viral infection: gata motif is recognized by an insect protein.regulatory elements interacting with dna-binding proteins have been investigated in the promoter sequence of the early pe38 gene in the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv). a gata motif located 50 nucleotides upstream of the pe38 transcriptional start site is recognized differentially in the course of infection. as demonstrated by footprint and gel mobility shift assays, the gata sequences ttatct are protected by nuclear extracts from uninfected spodoptera frugiperda cells ...19921583720
regulation of delayed-early gene transcription by dual tata boxes.the 39k autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) gene is highly expressed throughout the virus life cycle and is controlled by tandem promoters that exhibit features of early and late baculovirus promoters. late transcripts initiate at a conserved taag motif, while early transcripts are heterogeneous and initiate near a conserved cagt motif. to define the nucleotide sequences that regulate early transcription of the 39k gene, a series of mutations was generated by substitution ...19921583729
purification and characterization of human salivary-gland prokallikrein from recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cells.a full-length cdna encoding human salivary-gland preprokallikrein was inserted into the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus downstream of the polyhedrin promoter. the gene was expressed in transfected spodoptera frugiperda cells and the recombinant product secreted into the culture medium. by alternating anion-exchange chromatography and gel-filtration steps, twice repeated, prokallikrein was purified to homogeneity, which was confirmed by amino acid analysis and n-term ...19921587272
the anticarsia gemmatalis nuclear polyhedrosis virus polyhedrin gene region: sequence analysis, gene product and structural comparisons.the genomic region of the anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleocapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (agmnpv) strain 2d encoding the polyhedrin gene was cloned and mapped, and a 2085 bp sphi-psti fragment containing the gene was sequenced. the polyhedrin polypeptide of the parental isolate agmnpv was manually sequenced, and the amino acid sequence obtained agreed with that deduced from the dna coding region sequence. agmnpv and orgyia pseudotsugata mnpv (opmnpv) are similar in terms of promoter stru ...19921588315
localization of juvenile hormone esterase during development in normal and in recombinant baculovirus-infected larvae of the moth trichoplusia ni.the pathogenesis and cellular localization of juvenile hormone esterase (jhe) was examined in larvae of the moth trichoplusia ni, infected with a recombinant baculovirus (autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus: acnpv) engineered to produce high levels of jhe (jhe virus). the course of jhe localization in the recombinant virus infected larvae was compared with that of both wild type acnpv infected, and uninfected larvae, using immunogold electron microscopy. in the jhe virus infected i ...19921589874
secretion of a functional soluble form of neutral endopeptidase-24.11 from a baculovirus-infected insect cell line.neutral endopeptidase (nep; ec is an integral membrane protein found at the plasma membrane of many cell types. a secreted form of nep (sec-nep) was recently obtained by transfection of cos-1 cells with a recombinant expression vector consisting of the cdna encoding the signal peptide of pro-opiomelanocortin fused in-frame to the cdna sequence of the complete ectodomain of rabbit nep [lemay, waksman, roques, crine & boileau (1989) j. biol. chem. 264, 15620-15623]. in order to produce ...19921599410
generation and analysis of defective genomes of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.we have generated defective genomes of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) by serial, undiluted passage in iplb-sf-21 cell culture in an attempt to identify potential cis-acting sequences important for acnpv dna replication. viral dna isolated from some of the 81 serial passages was analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, restriction endonuclease analysis, and southern blot hybridization. acnpv-defective genomes appeared to be generated through a series of successivel ...19921602548
analysis of polyhedra morphology mutants of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus: molecular and ultrastructural features.two new mutants of autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus affected in the morphogenesis of their polyhedra, designated m276 and m934, were investigated. marker transfer experiments demonstrated that the observed phenotype was due exclusively to alterations in the polyhedrin gene. m276 contained a 229 base insertion near the carboxyl terminus coding region which resulted in synthesis of a truncated protein; m934 had a point mutation substituting phenylalanine for leucine at am ...19921607865
nucleotide sequence of the polyhedron envelope protein gene region of the lymantria dispar nuclear polyhedrosis virus.a 6.4 kb region from the lymantria dispar multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (ldmnpv) genome was sequenced and found to contain open reading frames (orfs) homologous to the polyhedron envelope (pe) protein coding sequence, and the c-terminal half of orf 1, which is a gene located upstream of the pe protein gene in other baculoviruses. the proteins predicted from the ldmnpv genes encoding the pe protein, and orf 1 demonstrated 27 and 34% amino acid sequence identity, respectively, with the co ...19921607868
insecticidal properties of genetically engineered baculoviruses expressing an insect juvenile hormone esterase gene.exploring the possibility of enhancing the properties of baculoviruses as biological control agents of insect pests, we tested the effect of expressing an insect gene (jhe) encoding juvenile hormone esterase. juvenile hormone esterase inactivates juvenile hormone, which regulates the outcome of an insect molt. a cdna encoding the juvenile hormone esterase of heliothis virescens was inserted into the genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus such that the gene was expressed unde ...19921622228
foreign gene expression by a baculovirus vector with an expanded host range.a nuclear polyhedrosis virus (npv) (baculoviridae)-based gene expression system was improved by dna recombination. the bmn cell line established from bombyx mori and the sf21 cell line established from spodoptera frugiperda are non-permissive for autographa californica multicapsid npv (acmnpv) and b. mori npv (bmnpv) replication, respectively. after cotransfection of acmnpv dna and bamhi-digested bmnpv dna into sf21 cells, progeny viruses were isolated by plaque purification on bmn cell monolaye ...19921629707
nucleotide sequence and transcriptional analysis of a gene encoding gp41, a structural glycoprotein of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.we have identified and sequenced a region of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) genome encoding the major polyhedron-derived virus structural glycoprotein gp41. the open reading frame is located entirely within the acmnpv sstii-m fragment. the protein sequence does not have hydrophobic regions characteristic of integral membrane proteins and contains a putative o-linked glcnac glycosylation site. gp41 is expressed as a late gene, with transcripts starting within two c ...19921629955
secretion of biologically active leech hirudin from baculovirus-infected insect cells.the thrombin inhibitor, hirudin, from the leech hirudo medicinalis, is the most powerful natural anticoagulant known. it has been characterized as a polypeptide of 65 amino acids which exhibits its anticoagulant properties by binding tightly and specifically to alpha-thrombin. the potency and specificity of hirudin have generated interest on its possible use in the treatment or prophylaxis of various thrombotic diseases. we have used the baculovirus expression system to efficiently produce activ ...19911647362
high level expression of dna polymerases from herpesviruses.the dna polymerase genes of human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) and varicella-zoster virus (vzv) were inserted separately into the polyhedrin gene of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) by cotransfection of spodoptera frugiperda (sf9) cells with baculovirus transfer vectors carrying the genes and acnpv infectious dna. infection of sf9 cells with the recombinant viruses resulted in expression from the polyhedrin promoter of proteins of the expected mrs. these proteins possessed dna ...19911649906
functional expression of the human growth factor activatable na+/h+ antiporter (nhe-1) in baculovirus-infected cells.we constructed a recombinant baculovirus, based on autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, containing the human na+/h+ antiporter cdna under control of the polyhedrin promoter. when infected with this recombinant baculovirus, the sf9 cell line, derived from spodoptera frugiperda, expresses a fully functional na+/h+ antiporter as measured by the generation of an amiloride-sensitive na+ influx in response to an acid load. the na+/h(+)-exchange activity, not detectable in sf9 cells, emer ...19911654101
processing and antigenicity of entire and anchor-free spike glycoprotein s of coronavirus tgev expressed by recombinant baculovirus.the s gene of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) was inserted into the genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) using the transfer plasmid pvl941. infection of sf9 insect cells with the recombinant virus resulted in the synthesis of a 175k polypeptide which was able to trimerize and was transported to the cell surface as is the authentic tgev s protein. despite the lack of complete carbohydrate processing, the recombinant s protein exhibited antigenic propertie ...19911660201
a functional hepatitis b virus x protein produced in insect cells.we have constructed a recombinant baculovirus from autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, called acx, that expresses the gene encoding the hepatitis b virus x protein in infected spodoptera frugiperda (sf21ae) insect cells. a 16.5-kda monomer and a 33-kda dimer of the x protein were detected in extracts from acx-infected cells on immunoblots using a polyclonal anti-x antibody. the biological activity of the insect cell-produced x protein was assayed by fusing acx-infected sf21ae cell ...19911660211
temporal analysis and spatial mapping of lymantria dispar nuclear polyhedrosis virus transcripts and in vitro translation polypeptides.genomic expression of the lymantria dispar multinucleocapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (ldmnpv) was studied. viral specific transcripts expressed in cell culture at various times from 2 through 72 h postinfection were identified and their genomic origins mapped through northern analysis. sixty-five distinct transcripts were identified in this analysis. most viral transcripts were expressed late in infection, and originated from throughout the viral genome. viral polypeptides expressed in infect ...19911685048
transcription of the baculovirus polyhedrin gene reduces the levels of an antisense transcript initiated downstream.a late 3.2-kilobase (kb) rna initiated approximately 2 kb downstream of the 3' end of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus polyhedrin-coding sequence and traversed the polyhedrin gene in an antisense direction. this rna was sense rna for the two open reading frames flanking the polyhedrin gene. a mutant virus, vxpoly, which differs from wild-type virus only at the essential rna initiation site in the polyhedrin promoter, exhibited higher levels of the 3.2-kb rna than did wild-ty ...19901692351
gene organization and transcription of ted, a lepidopteran retrotransposon integrated within the baculovirus genome.a single copy of the retrotransposon ted, from the moth trichoplusia ni (a lepidopteran noctuid), was identified within the dna genome of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. determination of the complete nucleotide sequence (7,510 base pairs) of the integrated copy indicated that ted belongs to the family of retrotransposons that includes drosophila melanogaster elements 17.6 and gypsy and thus represents the first nondipteran member of this invertebrate group to b ...19901692964
categorizing some early and late transcripts directed by the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus.using an s1 mapping assay on rna from spodoptera frugiperda cells infected by the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus in the presence and absence of cycloheximide and aphidicolin, we can distinguish three classes of transcripts. first, there are those whose synthesis is blocked by the dna synthesis inhibitor aphidicolin and which are therefore late transcripts. these include the late transcript of the 39k gene and a late leftward transcript across the xhoi site in the hindiii-f reg ...19901698929
characterization of virus-like particles produced by a recombinant baculovirus containing the gag gene of the bovine immunodeficiency-like virus.the entire gag gene of the bovine immunodeficiency-like virus (biv) was inserted behind the strong polyhedron promoter of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv). the resultant recombinant baculovirus (acnpv-bivgag) was used to infect insect cells in order to overexpress and characterize biv gag gene products. the infection resulted in the high-level expression of a protein similar in size to the predicted biv gag precursor (pr53gag). biv pr53gag was detected in acnpv-bivgag-in ...19901699349
changes in macromolecular synthesis of gypsy moth cell line iplb-ld652y induced by autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus infection.the aberrant replication of the autographa californica multiple-enveloped nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) in the lymantria dispar cell line iplb-ld652y was used as a model system for the investigation of factors regulating baculovirus host specificity. a previous study of this system indicates that viral gene expression in infected cells is extremely attenuated and subsequently all cellular and viral protein synthesis is inhibited. in the present study, infection of iplb-ld652y cells with ac ...19911709681
enzyme activities in four different forms of human immunodeficiency virus 1 pol gene products.five cassettes of the pol gene of human immunodeficiency virus 1 were constructed and inserted under the control of the polyhedrin gene promoter of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus by homologous recombination. the first cassette polf contains the full-length pol open reading frame; the second cassette pol100 starts with the first aug codon of the pol gene and deletes 103 amino acids from the amino terminus of the pol gene product; the third cassette pol97 deletes the entire prot ...19911711203
expression of post-translational processing of preprocecropin a using a baculovirus vector.a cdna fragment encoding preprocecropin a was inserted into the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus downstream of the polyhedrin promoter. the gene was expressed in recombinant-infected last instar larvae of trichoplusia ni and in diapausing pupae of hyalophora cecropia. the identity of the recombinant product was established by electrophoresis with detection of antibacterial activity and mass spectrometry. the prepropeptide had been correctly processed including remova ...19911712729
synthesis and toxicity of full-length and truncated bacterial cryivd mosquitocidal proteins expressed in lepidopteran cells using a baculovirus vector.full-length (72k) and truncated (61k) cryivd mosquitocidal proteins of bacillus thuringiensis (bt) were expressed in spodoptera frugiperda cells and larvae of trichoplusia ni using a baculovirus vector to investigate the role of cryivd peptides in toxicity as well as to evaluate further the baculovirus/lepidopteran system for expressing bt proteins. the cryivd genes were inserted into the autographa californica multinucleocapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) under control of the polyhedrin ...19921730944
transcription analysis of the ecori d region of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus identifies an early 4-kilobase rna encoding the essential p143 gene.we have investigated the transcriptional activity of the 60.1- to 68.3-map-unit region of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv). twelve transcripts mapping to this region were expressed at various times during infection. an early 4.0-kb transcript, potentially coding for a 143-kda peptide essential for viral dna replication, was maximally abundant at 6 h postinfection (p.i.). transcripts of 0.5, 1.1, 1.4, 2.1, and 3.1 kb were most abundant at 12 h p.i., while ...19921731106
the glycoprotein of thogoto virus (a tick-borne orthomyxo-like virus) is related to the baculovirus glycoprotein gp64.thogoto (tho) virus is a tick-transmitted virus which shares morphological and biochemical characteristics with members of the orthomyxoviridae. the genome of thogoto virus comprises six segments of single-stranded, negative sense rna. the complete nucleotide sequence of the fourth largest rna segment of tho virus has been determined from cdna analyses. this rna segment is 1574 nt long and has a coding capacity for a glycoprotein of 512 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 57,550 da. ...19921733105
tandemly repeated sequence at the 3' end of the ie-2 gene of the baculovirus orgyia pseudotsugata multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus is an enhancer enhancer element was identified in the virus orgyia pseudotsugata multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (opmnpv) that is located adjacent to the 3' end of the ie-2 gene and 5' to an open reading frame that codes for a predicted protein that has 37% homology to the acmnpv pe-38 gene. the opmnpv enhancer (ope) consists of a 66-bp element that is tandemly repeated partially or completely 12 times. the ope sequences were shown to increase gene expression from the autographa californica mnpv dela ...19921736547
expression of the mouse c-abl type iv proto-oncogene product in the insect cell baculovirus system.the cellular gene c-abl is the normal homologue of the transforming gene (v-abl) within the genome of the abelson leukaemia virus. the cdna sequence coding for the cellular form of the murine abl gene (c-abl type iv) has been inserted into the baculovirus transfer vector, pac36c, so that the c-abl gene is under the control of the polyhedrin promoter of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv). spodoptera frugiperda cells infected with the recombinant transfer vector in the prese ...19921737071
baculovirus recombinant expressing a secreted form of a transmembrane carcinoma-associated antigen.ga733-2 is a monoclonal antibody-defined, 40-kda glycoprotein antigen that is associated with carcinomas of various origins. hydrophobicity analysis of the protein sequence predicted by complementary dna (cdna) has suggested that the ga733-2 antigen is a type i membrane protein. in this study, the polymerase chain reaction was used in a strategy to omit cdna sequences for the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, thereby converting the extracellular domain into a secretory protein. full-length ...19921737342
expression and characterization of recombinant mouse beta 2-microglobulin type a in insect cells infected with recombinant baculoviruses.the murine beta 2-microglobulina cdna was cloned into pac373 and pvl941 transfer vectors and introduced via homologous recombination into the genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus downstream of the polyhedrin promoter. both types of recombinant baculoviruses were isolated and used to infect spodoptera frugiperda (sf9) lepidopteran cells. beta 2m was synthesized at a substantially higher rate in cells infected with the pvl941-derived virus than when the pac373-based virus wa ...19911754712
effect of an autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virion component(s) on dna synthesis and growth in several insect cell lines.thirteen different insect cell lines representing three different orders were infected with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) whose genome had been inactivated in situ by photochemical means or by short wave uv irradiation. changes in rates of cellular dna synthesis, as measured by [3h]thymidine incorporation, and cell growth were subsequently measured at various times post infection. seven cell lines exhibited a significant decline in [3h]thymidine incorporation (compar ...19911759911
a baculovirus dual expression vector derived from the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus polyhedrin and p10 promoters: co-expression of two influenza virus genes in insect cells.a baculovirus transfer vector, pacuw3, was developed to facilitate the insertion of two influenza virus genes, those encoding the haemagglutinin (ha) and neuraminidase (na) membrane glycoproteins, into the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome in a single cotransfection experiment. the na gene was inserted in place of the polyhedrin coding sequences under the control of the polyhedrin promoter, whereas the ha gene was placed under the control of a copy of the p10 promoter at a ...19911765769
structural comparison of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus-induced rna polymerase and the three nuclear rna polymerases from the host, spodoptera frugiperda.a partial subunit structure has been determined for the novel rna polymerase that is induced in fall armyworm (spodoptera frugiperda) cells upon infection with the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv). the putative structure includes nine polypeptides; the complexity of this structure is in accord with the high sedimentation coefficient (15s) estimated for this enzyme. a comparison of the putative structure of the virus-induced polymerase with those of the three host nuclear ...19911767583
expression of the s1 sub-unit of pertussis toxin using a recombinant baculovirus.the full-length genome of the s1 sub-unit containing the native signal sequence was inserted downstream of the polyhedrin promoter of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. a large amount of 28 kd protein, which was larger than the authentic s1 sub-unit (26 kd), was detected in insect cells infected with the recombinant virus by coomassie blue staining after resolving by sds-page. although the level of expression of the recombinant s1 sub-unit was high, immunoblotting and n-terminal ...19911778337
the nonstructural protein (nss) encoded by the ambisense s rna segment of tomato spotted wilt virus is associated with fibrous structures in infected plant cells.the open reading frame located in the viral strand of the ambisense s rna of tomato spotted wilt virus (tswv), was cloned into transfer vector pac33dz1 and inserted downstream of the polyhedrin promoter in the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome. recombinant baculoviruses were obtained that showed a high-level expression of a 52.4-kda protein corresponding to the inserted tswv gene. the viral protein thus produced was purified and injected into rabbits to raise antibodies. w ...19911826573
secretion of single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator from insect cells.a cdna encoding human urokinase-type plasminogen activator was inserted downstream from the polyhedrin promoter of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. a protein of similar mr to urokinase (uk) was synthesized and approx. 90% was secreted from recombinant virus-infected spodoptera frugiperda cells. zymography and western blotting analysis of the insect-derived protein demonstrated that it was comprised solely of the high-mr form of uk. no low-mr uk was detected. ami ...19911834526
high-level expression of the epstein-barr virus alkaline deoxyribonuclease using a recombinant baculovirus: application to the diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.the epstein-barr virus (ebv) alkaline deoxyribonuclease (dnase) was inserted into the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv). infection of the insect cell line spodoptera frugiperda (sf9) with the recombinant virus led to the expression of an enzymatically active alkaline dnase. the recombinant ebv alkaline dnase was highly soluble, and the recombinant baculovirus produced approximately 10-20 mg of ebv dnase per 1 x 10(9) cells. the recombinant enzyme activity was ...19911847261
detection and analysis of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus mutants with defective interfering properties.defective interfering particles (dips) were generated upon continuous production of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) in bioreactors. this configuration mimicked the serial undiluted passaging of virus, which is known to result in plaque-morphology mutants. restriction enzyme analysis of dip-containing preparations of extracellular virus showed the presence of many dna fragments in less than equimolar amounts. these fragments were colinear on the physical map of acnpv and ...19911853572
a baculovirus homolog of a cu/zn superoxide dismutase gene.a gene with greater than 50% amino acid sequence identity to eukaryotic cu/zn superoxide dismutase genes (sod) was found at 19 map units in the genome of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv). this gene was transcribed into 1.4- and 1.5-kb rnas late in virus infection. the two late rnas have coterminal 3' ends but initiate from two different start points, both of which map to the central adenine of the sequence motif attaag. the late gene product was found to ...19911871962
dengue-1 virus envelope glycoprotein gene expressed in recombinant baculovirus elicits virus-neutralizing antibody in mice and protects them from virus order to test the feasibility of baculovirus (autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, acnpv) expression vectors for making immunogens against dengue-1 (den-1) virus, a portion of the envelope (e) glycoprotein gene of den-1 virus was cloned and expressed. the recombinant baculovirus contains 107 nucleotides from the 3' terminus of the den-1 matrix (m) gene, which encodes a hydrophobic signal peptide and extends through the first 1, 245 nucleotides of e, terminating 243 nucleotides b ...19911877710
synthesis of the virus-specified tubules of epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus using a baculovirus expression system.the formation of virus-specific tubules is one of the most characteristic features in the orbivirus infection cycle, yet little is known about their role in virus replication. the tubuli are composed of a major nonstructural protein, ns1. we have investigated the expression of the ns1-encoding gene of epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus serotype 2 (alberta-strain) by producing a recombinant autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv). prior to cloning in the baculovirus transfer v ...19911891959
novel regulatory properties of the ie1 and ie0 transactivators encoded by the baculovirus autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus.the baculovirus autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus expresses two immediate-early genes from the hindiii-g region (map units 90.4 to 96.8) of the genome. during the early phase of infection, nonspliced 1.9-kb and spliced 2.1-kb transcripts are expressed which encode the ie1 and ie0 (spliced ie1) gene products, respectively. these two gene products differ only in that ie0 contains an additional 54 amino acids at the amino terminus. rna analysis of these two genes during ...19911895384
expression of human alzheimer amyloid precursor protein in insect cells.the amyloid beta-peptide is a major constituent of amyloid deposited in the brains of patients with alzheimer's disease and is derived from a larger precursor protein/s (app-695, 751, 770). a human cdna encoding full-length app-751 was inserted into the genome of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus under transcriptional regulation of the viral polyhedrin gene promoter. the recombinant virus was used to infect insect cells, which resulted in the abundant expression of app-751. analy ...19911899577
synthesis of biologically active adenovirus preterminal protein in insect cells using a baculovirus vector.a dna fragment encoding the polyhedrin promoter of autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv strain) was constructed using overlapping oligodeoxyribonucleotides (oligos), which included the 5'-untranslated leader sequence of the polyhedrin-encoding gene. this dna fragment was cloned into an intermediate transfer vector (pkx105) providing a unique bamhi site for the insertion of foreign genes. the escherichia coli lacz gene was first cloned at the bamhi site of pkx105 and ...19911905255
alpha-mannosidase-catalyzed trimming of high-mannose glycans in noninfected and baculovirus-infected spodoptera frugiperda cells (iplb-sf-21ae). a possible contributing regulatory mechanism for assembly of complex-type oligosaccharides in infected cells.incubation of a spodoptera frugiperda (iplb-sf-21ae) cell extract with the oligosaccharide man9glcnac2, the aglucosyl derivative of the glycan that is normally transferred from the dolichol carrier to the relevant asn residue in the nascent protein, results in its trimming to man6glcnac2, an intermediate that is relatively stable to further alpha-d-mannosidase action in these cells. on the other hand, incubation of a similar extract from cells that had been infected for various times with a wild ...19911911772
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 1224